ft erdMdrtas t I o I i e ,N 'j i i 1 1 complaints Tlad , Dailjr. Review, Put To Sleep. Back anil forth in the rocker, Lost in reverie deep, Tlie mother rocked while trying . vTo sing the baby to -sleep. The baby began a-crowing; . - V ? 'For silent he cotikllTt keep, ; And after awhile the babv Had crowe'd his mother to sleep. -1 : ILK. MunkittHcJ:. Afcovo all othor f arthly ills. I hatF the bi ojfJ fashioned pill's; By 8fry degra ihey downward wend; And iit'ten pause, or upward tend; With' ucb discomfort anj they franht. Tr-eir j? f fleets arannt lo nausht. Now Dr. P.prcVpreD:ires a nil! That ju-t exactly 6.1 ifatt.bLl A - relist, rather, ib.it is ali A Pleasant runalive, and small: .lut trv: them as tou feel their rued, Yt aM find that I speak truth, it deed. Jtm . a IT PR i.HTnV I, prand Water SctLlr. j JtLflRUCGISTS '. a . ".. hm end tor -el cn-vrlVi U Km i v?V f H V it" naiit5v anu a new ton:'.'., by fMc no was icaT tw't-tv! veara.'v r4?atCii.J-f nit Jw-wi'-rf- wtthouybfiMlii Cured . . ilia . i.irwi' rlt n hi:n TTTtli-iar.Kft ami Best KquipTteil INli' l.o-i.- Ji Kvr iHisHMENT in the TuiiCit Stla - - ' pj...lM-KY &tliQ J tei siis t"r! trees. -Nr.Vb. Mils !: CnijA. Ji'moh:ti.. AFthtna, Indigestion I Us : bxirS CIKCEI? TOKJC without delay. 1 m n.jui iu9 oii cases sum is me oesx remedj u turnout of (he tiiroat and lung3, and diaeaf sfrmiire tiood and exhaustion. The feeb trcpr-.-.3sagu;cat disease, and slowly driftiui lt?raTe.ir,Jmiiiany cases recover their health lu LaeiT nff Parker's GingrTonic, but delay is dnn IJ. ia.B l. ta umr, it u liiajur010 ior ail pain -sorters of sMaci and bowels. 60c at iniR:giatt j AfARVELOUi A New York gossiper h.avs: The obtuse-- Englishman at a dinner party i.v . Larry- Jeronxe's natural pryvV With the utmost gravitv- lie pumps him fuJlr of the niosst astonish ing circuinsiauces oi ins career as warrfof,? editor, hunter, fisherman, ytlehtsmam statesman, guide, phil osopher and friend. "I came of a large family'1 is his customary pre face.,,. '"There were ten of us" boys, and each of us had a sister."' '!Ah, indeed!" the obtuse English man remarks, "twenty of you." "No," says Uncle Larry, scorn fully "eleven' VXSiicJsten'a" Arnica J4lve. Tiik Hits-r Salve in the worl for Cuts, liruise3, Sorea. Ulcwrs. Salt Lt.'umiii, Fever Sores, Tetter, Crapped Ha.adn. Chilblains, Corns, and ail Skiu EnTpt!ns. and Puaitivelv cures Piles, or ri pay required. It is guaranteed ti perfcr satisfaction, ir mo.jciy refunded Price 25 ennfs er bcs. For "s .u- by W. II. Gn-en & Co : ' - t His fjast li-qufst. 4 Andis thisthv endV"' said the tfeeply enamored travelling man to the beautiful young lady who kept th e-books; for one of his regular cus tomers in the little inland town. . "It W. Mr.. McThomspii,'' she re sIjlied. "I can never be anything to you but a. friend.'' .t "Theii? siiid the -dmmmer, with tremulous voice and a face of ashy paleness, "it only remains for me to say. fare well. I shall be hej-e again.'1 he continued, consulting iiis mem orandum book with rapidly recover ing self-possession, "in thirtv davs. of -samples in mili- JSave me vour Good afternoon." with a full line nev anu uress goous. orders,' please. Chicago Tribune DISCOVERY. Tio'Jy tn'.'ikc arUfl'Ial aytem. f ; 1st loot lcarnca In qv tewllng. S'tomiEeLdfd bv Mark Twain-.- Fictard Ncar.ihe N:!cn-!st. Hons W W. Aster, f.'lih If. fcen Mrln. Dr- Minor Ac v C13SS ef p.icinmti'. iivv .stodeota' two cla-8Ctt xf - eacnar-iie; tw at University of jrenn. iU.tadJ Oai Wellcslev ixncc. Jtc. and pii si rUuiariua UnlTrsity Proa ec- "JMt FREE lr tm rOF. LOIKT sf?t j 4 2jT Filth Ao , New Yor k lit V ST i t V 4 J i -- IIM1I Summer Safe end OR3ANHto bo closed oat B.inraias for all. Easiest terms "in pi L'Ubt 0-t 1 iS1?- piao9 !So to lO monthif. - Orns C YiTt,Jf- f "Seated until paid for. .iSMw Offer! Ho Installments ! IASH P&ICE8. t2T llnv in June. KvTV-,.ur jPiemoer.ana pay NoveiiiUPr I. kji?- iogtallnt!ntx. Money Baved by a Som li iM Write 'or circolars, and bo coninoed. IIUDDEN & BATES, SiIATlCSAL BUSINESS 'COLLEGE-' airine troiUKC. , tjst raining-. andiuon ?7 flcisantcst lTO.ation In- 'orsed by taoasiUids of CTiidu- 5io?:ue and be convinced. ' a. CoLKMAN. jaanagcr U4 year .Nan nil V(i our-c or Business hr LCist exueuae ia lmc "1 MORE EYE-GLASSES. t '-v:-r-;;.-.,-;.j:.- 1,11 1 CKELL WKAK ISYES EYE SALVE; z Sale and EffecUTe'EtonedT tor weak and. ttjpt'ampti kj tusiKnteanes3. and Re- v iug t t-Tcs v ..J "n'Kon, btyo Tumors, Wick Relief and Perron. fii other cent Cure. SoklTriJpWTantoite. Tile SnttrtY- TT nit ri r . ' Alien tn005 mortabie w?Baciur the bait the Ju.ri:iK.i.?.3 8ALVB inne 13 4w . , A New. Puzzle. Mrs.' Blanchard was entertaining some friends in the parlor one even ing, when she heard a small voice she knew so well saying: ""Please exeise me, mamma." Then she saw a liitie figure standing in the door way in. white gown, with tangled curls and bright eyes, too bright for 10 O'clock at night, thought Mrs. I3lajnchard. Midget ran across the roou to the' refuge that had never failed her mother's arms. "'Mam ma dear," pleaded the little night owl," I just learned to-day how to tell; you I love you in such a beauti ful new way. Please, may I show you.? 'I'm so 'fraid I'll 'forget by morning." Midget held up her dim pled fingers. "Now everybody do just as 1 do," she said, gleefully. "Hold your thumbs together so, now the next lingers the same way, but the next to that vou must dou ble in , tight." . She held her chubby lingers in this position, the palms together the thumbs lightly touching, also the forefingers, but the sgcond fingers folded in so that her rosy nails and the, dimples that stood for knuckles touched, then the third and fourth lingers met at the tips as the thumbs and forefingers did. "Now,'1 cried Midget in great delight, 'how far can you go from nurse?" and she parted the thumbs as far as they would go. ".Now how far from.cookf? ami the forefingers went apart. 1 ' ;Then in suppressed glee she care fully explained, "Vou'must skip the folded lingers and go to the next. Nov how far can you go from your dear sweet mamma?" she cried in great triumph. And odd it was that those queer little lingers would not separate, iind the more you tried the closer 4hey were, not Midget's tiny figners, but papa's strong ones .and Judge Mills' wrinkled ones. And as long as the second fingers are held in bondage the third ones Avill not separate. Try it. Christian Weekly. ; 'Quarterly Meetiuss. Fourth found of Quarterly Meetings for i the Wilmington District of the Methodist K. Church. South : Clinton circuit, at GosheD. Oct 1,2. - Dapltn; circuit, at Kenansville, Oct 8, 9. - ' Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle. Oct 15. '16 p . i ' Masnolia circdit,'' at Mairnolia, Oct 22 23, Biaden circuit, at Windsor, Oct 29 30 Carver's Creek, at Sbiloh. Nov 2. 3. tWaccamaw circuit, Salem. Nov 5; 6. - Cokesbury circuit. Sov 12 13. , Brunswick circuit. Nov 19 20. -Whitcvilie circuit. Nov 26, 27. T. W. -Guthrie, P. E. Kemovins a Serious Obstruc tron Oently. ; Dynamite and giant powder m'ht answer admirably to remove obatractiond from Hell Gate in East River. New York, but explosive measures in medication are ever attended with disastrous consequences. For instance, the boweiBcannot be violently drenched with Eatery, nor Is there the slightest necessity for so doing On the contrary. It ia most unwise None but the purblind adaercnta of antlqua let theories in medicine advise or sanction such a caure-e -To weaken the Intestines the effest nf drastic puraU'm U to compro mteetbe health of the entire system- With .lloteUir tomheh Bluera . o the other iand, the bowola re rel xei,' net by a con vtiliionot nature approximating to an erup tion bt &it Popocatapetl, but gradually, bene llcfcilly, wlthoa Avrenchlug or drenching. The liver and stomach, as well as the bowels, aie toned and benefited by It. v . , , . MISCELLANEOUS. &1 OB' "it? tf OFPIfil, ii a a r r MARKET STREET. NO. 112. (TJ TATRS) COHri.JL Jit JA IlTERY RJitPECl AND WE ARE PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF- 0 mrinhna IE SOT 81 MfilWOSKEH -WHEN YOU WANT PltOGKAiUlES. CIRCULARS, CARDS, LET- TEK-USADS, BILJj-IIEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING, . TAGS. LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS' DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C, .'ALL ON US ATflP OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address 9. REVIEW JOB OFCE, WILMINGTON, ft. C. TEE ONLY TRUB WHOLESALE , PBICES. ;; The fOllOWlOSr - nnnminiM wholesale prieea generally. In making up ainall orders higher prices have to be enanaad BAGGING -Gunny.... ................ Standard...... BACON North Carolina Hams, V tt............... Shonlders, Sides, V ft............. WESTERN SMOKED Hams, tt ........ Sides, V a ......... Shoulders. V ft...... . ... DRY 3ALTILD Sides, V fl--............ Shonlders, V tfc.i:.". 8 O 12 8 10 a o a 5 0 0 00 oa 23 00 00 Will purify the BLOOD re palate ina Liven ana nuHCia Restore the HEALTH andVTG- or x y u xn. lyepepeia, n aut Rtronnth nnrl Tirali ITnnlinff &b- soiuteiy cure a: .uohbh, mus cles and nerves receive new force. Enlivens tne mina find Knnnlies Brain Jfower. Suffering from complaints pecn- 1 i r r to t heir sex wuiunoin uft. i I n i vkj iuoii " - u-ATT-nT'a "rRfYNT TONIC a saf e, speedy enre. Gives a clear, healthy complexion. All attempts at coumerieiiini; u"' larity. X)o not experiment kbi, uBiumii''" A Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS k B Cnre Constipation.Liver Complaint and Slcls R C Headache. Sample Dose and Dream Book M mailed on receipt of two cents in postajre. w THE DR. BARTER MEDICINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, Ml march 11 lyw .W Persons Building ILL PLKASB REMEMBER THAT WB are putting up Lightning Rois In connection with Rooting, Jrlve vvells Ac. Don't give vour order-, to Lightning nod Agents when yo i can set better work done at lower figures here at home c all on us for Buildera' Hard ware of every description. ALDKKMAN, FUNSKB & CO., Dealers in Hardware, tinware, Ac., eeut 1 dw Wilmington, N C THE STAR, - ewspaaer supp rtli'g the Principles of a 1eniocratio Administration. Pub'ished m the City of New York. WILLIAM MOR-SilfciMER, Ed. A Prop'r. aily. Weekly and Sunday Editions THE WEEKLY STAB, A 16-page Ne A-spaper issued every Wednesday A Clean, Pure, Kright, and interesting Family Paper. it contains the latest news, down to the hour of goln: to press: Agricultural, Market. Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous and Edito rial, epar ment, all under the direction of Irair.edjotirMhsts ot the highest ability. ltd bixteen pages will le found crowded with good things from beginning to end. Original stories by distinguished American and for eign writers of fiction THE DMLY STAR. The Lil. STak contains all the ncwa of the d.iy in an attractive f o m . Its special cor respondence by cable from London. Parte, Berlin, Vienna and Dublin, is a commendable feature At Washington, Albany, and other news centres Hie ablert correspondents, specially retained by Tbk star, furnish the latest newc by telegraph. Its literary feature s arc unsurpassed. The fiaancial and Market Reviews are unu aualiy tutl and coinpleto. social terms anl extraordinary Induce lacnta to agents and canvassers. s.end for Circulars Terms of the Weekly SUr to Subscribers. Free of Postage in the United States and Cat' ada, outsiJ the limits of N. Y City. Per Year J Ciubs ol Ten 10 Clubs ot Fifteen (and one extra to or ganizer of Club) -15 Terms ot the Daily Star to Subscribers. Every Day , ior one Year (Including Sunday) - -.1 7 Daily, without Sunday, one year.... 6 01 Every Day, six months 3 Dally, without Sunday, six months.... SW The stab. 26 & 28 North William St., ian 19 New York BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each........... New New York, each.... .... o New CIty,each BEESWAX. V .. BRICKS, Wilmington V M i Northern.-........ n BUTTER, Vlb . , North Carolina.....;.....,.... Northern........ CANDLES, V fc Sperm T ailow. ........ Adam an time........ , ". CHEESIt, V ft Northern Factory... .. Dairy, Cream.... ..... .... State COFFEE, y ttr- lava. Laguyra.... ............ ...... lilo CORN MEAL, Q tas., In sacks Virginia Meal............... COTTON TIES, v bundle.. domestics - -fish Sheeting, 4-4, V yd......... iarua. W bunch ...... EGGS. dozen - Mackerel, No. 1, V bbi.......20 00 Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.-ll 00 Mackerel, No. 1, f bbl i5 00 Iackerei, No. 2, V half bbl.- 8 00 Mackerel, No. S, ? bbl 11 CO Mullets, V bbl..... 0 00 Mullets, Pork bbla.. .11 00 N. C. Roe Herring, r keg.... S 00 Dry Cod. V ft 6 ffLOUR, V bbl sort hern Super 3 29 ' Extra 4 " Family 4 City Mills Super.... 4 " Family 4 GLUE V a GRAIN, V bushel . corn, from store, bags, white. Corn, cargo. In bulk, white.. MJorn, cargo. In bags, white.. joxn, cargo, mixed, m oags.. OAtSfirom store.............. -j jow Pc3. EfiDES. lb- vtreon.. .............. ......... Dry . HAY, V lOOfcB Kastern................ ....... l Western..... ...... ............ North River HOOP IRON, f ft.... LlliD.ftw Northern 7 Nortb Carolina........ ....... S LIME, barrel 1 40" LuaiBER, City sawed, y M ft. Ship Stun, reeawed. .....18 00 Rough Edge Plank .....15 00 V eet India Cargoe&.&ecorulng 0 0 hxA0 15 & 15 S 6I4 5 0 10 0 1 ac 0 1 89 0 24 0 9 00 014 00 00 0 15; 0 26Vi 18 0 25 llO 12 ;8 0 9 12a 14 15 0 : i6 8 0 10 23 0 25 CO 0 16 23 0 24 a 62 00 0 62U 0 1 00 50 00 0 10 Ct k 6 80 12U 4X12 Oi 020 CO 4218 10 a 9 to 012 CG O 4 50 012 00 O 4 00 0 7 CO 50 80 50 V6 o a 0 0 a 45 50 5 10 a 0 0 0 0 a 0 10 CO 85 0 St 0 0 50 25 75 10 0t 10 60 65 124 15 tO 90 2 7 10.; 00 so quality. ....IS CO Jreased Flooring, seasoned.. IS 00 Scaatlinr and lioard. com'n.-13 00 MOLASSES. V gallon New Crop Cuba, in hhda,.... 24 in bbla a. Porto Rico, tn rinds " " In bbls. 26 Sugar House. In ohds.......... . Ir.tbl3 Syrup, In 00I3 ........ 22 NAILS, Keg.Cut.10d basifl.. 2 25 OILS, gallon Kerosene.................. 10 Lard lb Linseed.. ........ ........... 90 R33ln v......... 15 Tar 00 Deck and Spar-- ............. 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown...-.. 2H " Spring .... 15 Turkeys..-.................. 75 PEANUTS y bushel 22 fts 60 ptrrATOBS, V bushel Sweet ........... fO Irish, V bbl.. ...... ..... 2 50 PORK; V barrel City Mess . ... ..... .ic o& Prime lit 50 00 02M 00 GU 00 01t 00 OK! 00 4315 00 a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 26 30 26 28 18 35 11 45 00 18 20 22 33fe 25 CO 80 70 75 Rump.....-.......... ...... RICE Carolina, V tb r Rough, V bushea) Upland).... Do. do (Lowland).- 1 RAGS, V ft Country City . ROPE, V ft - SALT, V sack. Alum........... Liverpool....... . Lisbon. ....... .......- American.. SUGAR, tf" ft Standard Standard A.. ........ ......... White Ex C Ex C, Golden O Yellow SOAP, V lb Northern. . SHINGLES, 7 la. VM Common... Cypresa Saps..... J 7 trees Hearts.... ........ STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel R. O. Hogshead.. TALLOW, & 4fe0 80 0 00 0 0 1 0 14fe0 70 0 O 00 0 00 0 Gk0 011 00 014 00 4913 50 5 5 CO 2 00 4 50 0 CO 8 00 -00 00 5 0 0 a 0 0 50 V 1 65 00 75 7 5 6IA 5' so li 25 7 50 TIMBER, V M foet Shlpplng.12 00 Tine Miu -- Mill Prime K1U Fair Common Mill....... Inferior to Ordtoarv WlUSKEY. W cal Northern.. 1 North Carolina.-... .1 WOOL, V ft Washed sJnwaBhod- iJnrrv. 7 2 5 7 014 00 01C 90 0 6 014 0t 013 00 0 8 50 6 00C9 6 CO 6 00 0 00 00 00 lb 15 10 0 4 00 00 2 VJ 20 20 15 O 0 0 0 0 1887. 1887. S4 GO A YEAK FOR The Daily Whig. The cheapest dally paper In the South. THE WEEKLY" has been enlarge ad "he price reduced to 7 cents a year. The cheap est weekly paper published. The Mindsy issue and Weekly edition both for one year, for $l.?0. The two are cheaper and better than semi-week lv as you get one dally Issue and a weekly for 50 cents less than any semi weekly paper. Dally sent free two week6 and Weekly one month free- Spend one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial L ... " 'Address : THE "W JrdJLOv - " Richmond, V. - f : - The cheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery ia at ilcins bcrgcr's. - " , t - After Forty years' experience in -. the -preparation of more K v 4Tln a TInr)) r-r Thonsand applications for patents in the United States and Forei conn-tries,-the publishers of the bcientific for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy- . . . ItVinro to obtain paienu m vauau., -..y, Germany, and all other countries Their experi ence is unequaled and their facilities are unsur. Orawincs and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free. Patents obtained thronph Mnnn ACo.are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN,. which has the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee This large and pplendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and ia admitted to ba the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, ana other departments of, industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names ot all patentees and title of every invention paten tea each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. --" - If you have an invention to patent write to Munfi & Co., publishers of Scientific American, 361 Broadway. New York. . Handbook about pnta mailed tree. . MISCELLANEOUS. ADVERTISERS Can learn tlie exact cost of any proposed, line "of advertising in American Papers by 1 adares sing Geo. P. - Rowell & - -. - , ' - - : ' Newspaper Advertising Bureau, - "lO Spruce St, New York. ' " Send lOcts. for 100-page Pampralfct- Wilmington,; Columbia d Augusta B. B. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDUT.E. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 57, . . . , Daily. except No. 23, No 27, Dated June 19,1887. Sunday. Dallj . Lally Leave Wilmington. " os pm 10 10pm Lv. L.Waccamaw .......... tt.25pm 11 18pm lieave Marlon 11 .24 pm 12-3 7am Leave Florence 6 40 pm 2 4" am 2.40am Arrive Sumter Si Spm 4.24 am 4.24am Arrive Columbia... 9 5 rm 6.0 am! 6.10am TRAINS GOING NORTH. : No 56, 'ally. No. 78, except No. 14, Dally. Sunday. Dally. Leave Columbia. . . 10.25 pm 650am Arrive Sumter.... 1152pm 8 22am Leave Florence. 4 35am 9.40 am 8.30 pm Leave Marlon..... 5.15 am ........ 9.04 pm Lv L. Waccamaw 7.02am .... 1034 pm Arrive Wllmlnst'n 8.25 am 11.45 pm Nos. 23 and 78 stop at all Stations excep Cane Savannah, Wateree and Slmms'.. C. & A. R- R. Stations, Aiken JunrUon, and an points Deyona. snooid take Mo. Z3, Pall man Sleeper for Augusta on this train. Trains 53 and 5 make close connection at Florence with Trains on . & D. B. B. JOHN V. DIVINE, General Superintendent J, R. KENLY, Sup't Transportation. T. M. EMSRSON, General Passenger Agen; junel ; 1887. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED, Harper's Weekly maintain its position as the leading Illustrated newspaper in Amer ica; and its hold upn public esteem and con fidenoe was never stronger than at the pres ent time. Besides the pictures, Harper's Weekly always contain instalments of one, occasionally of two, of the beet novels oi the day, finely Illustrated, with short stories, poems, sketches, and papers - on important current topics by the most popular writers. The care that has been successfully exercised in the past to make Harper's V eesly a tatt as well as a welcome visitor to everv bouse hold will not be relaxed In the future. Harper's Periodicals; Per Year: HARPER'S WEEKLY t ft HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 0(. HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE 2 00 Habpeb's Franklin Square Ubbart, . One Year (52 Numbers 10 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in the United States or Canada. The Volumes ofi the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time Is mentioned, subscription will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. . n. Bound Volumes of Harper Weeklg, for three years back, In rieat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight do is not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 JO per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re ceipt of $1 00 each. ' Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. : Newspapers are 'not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Habpeb St Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, nov2 New York 1887. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Magazine during 1S87 will con tain a novel of Intense political, social, and romantic interest, entitled "Narka" a story of Russian life by Kathaleen O'Meara; a new novel, entitled "April Hopes," by W D now ells; "Southern Sketches' by Chailcs Dudley Warner and Rebecca Harding Davis, illustra ted by William Hamilton Gibson; "Great American Industries" continued r "Social Studies," by im R. T. Ely; further articles on the Railway Problem -by competent writers; new series of illustrations by E A Abbey and Alfred Parsons; articles by E P Roe; and oth er attractions. Haroer's Periodicals. Per Year: Hahpkk'b magazine 4 oo Harper's Weekly...................... 4 oo Harper's bazar 4 oo Harper's Young People.... .......... 2 00 Harper's Franklin square Libbakt, - One Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Postage Fret to aasubscriberB in the United Statetor Canada. The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time Is specified, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of re ceipt of order Bound Volumes cf Harpcr'$ Magazine, for three years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on rccelp of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding, 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper Magazine. Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for Volumes 1 to7G. Inclusive, from June, lb50, to June, 1885, one voL, svo, Cloth, f 4 00. Remittances should bo made by Posi-Ofilce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspaper are not to copy this advertisement without the express order of Harper A Bros. Addresc . HABPEB A BROTHERS, nov 26 New York Wrightsville, fLC. Seaside Pleasure & Comfort TiyAGONETTES' WILL LEAVE W1L- mington, at b a. m , 2.30 p m and 6 p. m. . RETURNING, LEAVING WRIGHTSVILLE at 7 p. m. and 7 a. m. Round trip to Sound and Beach and return to Wilmington, only 65 cents. Parties of four or more will be carried to the Beach for 15 cents each. , ! We have erected a Beach House with rooms where parties can be supplied with Bath Suits, Towels, fresh water and other conveniences w?h; STOKLEY, ? ED." WILSON MANNING. iuly26tf ' Notice ! Notice ! ! J AM OrrERlKG A LARGE AND As sorted stock of TOBACCO AND CIGAR. WDica i am sluing at nunuxacinrer'B prices Dealer will fimt it to their advantage t ex amine same before purchasing elsewhere, , - - .8AM'LJlKU,rr.. sept 19 . No. lo Market &W HAIJLKOAJDBt 2C Wilmington &We!donR. R lf AND BRANCHES,! CONDENSED SCHEDULE. ; C TRAINS GOING SOUTH. I - . No. 15 1No. 23, No. 27. Dally, Dated Aug. 1, 7.1 Dally, I'stMail except - ' . - Drily, Sunday. Leave Weloon....! 2 05 pm 5.38 pm Ar. Rocky Mount. I 3.24 " Arrive Tarboro.-j4 50 pm Leave Tarboro 1 10 5Tam Arrive Wilson.....) 3 57 pm 6 58pta Leave Wilson 4 15 pm ....,.. Arrive J-elma 5 24 pm ..... ........ ' ArriveFayettevllle 7 55 pm Leave Goldsboro.. 4 45 pm 7.40 pro ......... Leave Warsaw... 5 46pm.. .00 am Leave Magnolia.. 6 '09 pm 8 SS pn 8.1S am Ar. Wilmington... 7 40rmJ 9.5 pre iO.OO am TRAINS GOING NORTH. ' No. 66, No. 14, No. 78, Dallv. Dally. Dally, except ; Sunday Leave WUmlnrton 11.59 pm f.5i am 50 pm Leave Magnolia.. 1 16 a m lu.32 am 6.35 pm Arrive Warsaw 10.49 am 6.50 pm Arrive Goldsboro. 2.1 -i am ll.&O am Leave Fayetteville 8 so am ......... Arrive Senna 10 50 am Arrive Wilson n 59 am Leave-Wilson 2.57 am 12 38 pm Ar.Kocky Mount 1.12 pm Arrive Tarboro :4 50 pml Leave Tarboro .-. 10 50 aroj.. Arrive VVeldon.. 4.25 ami 2 40 pml. Dally except Sunday. Tram on Scot Land Nr.t Rnnch Rmi iv.a Halifax for Scotland Nnrt t inn t ar turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. aauy except Sunday. . a, n. 'eaves-raruoro, N. C., via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. Daily except Sunday, 6.K P. M.. Sundav 5.00 P. M. mtIva wi N. C. 8.1(1 P. M.. 6 40 P. M Rotni-n1r.fr la Wlinamston, N. C, Dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M.. Sunday 9.50 A. M. ' Arrlvn TnvWn xr - a, 945 A. M.. 11.30 A. M ' Train on Midland N. v.. Ttro - - mmvu ivu w j vravAV boro, N. C, Daily except Sunday, 7.00 A. M., arrive Smith np.hl N. n dim ut-Z - f -w f w ui, 1VUJ UAAJK leaves Smith flohl. V : o r a xt -- ' v " a. ixA. , antic Goldsboro, N. C. 10 30 A. M. Aram on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville 4 w P. M.. arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Soring Hope 5 15 P. M. Returning leavrs Surinir iinna if in a i Nashville 11.15 A. M.. Rocky Mount 11.55 5 A. M.. dallv excent Sundav Train on Clinton branch lova W. tX-m " -m v.j . ... inu lut Clinton, Dally, except nndav. at 7.20 P. M, Ucturaing loaves i Union at 7.(0 . M. aouthbound Train on Wilson. A Fayetteville Branch is No.51. Nnrt.hlmnniHa Vv Rt ii.ilv ,v. w. W except fcunday. , . , , Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel- don forall points North Dally. All rail via Richmond, and da!W srwrit Snnt,. . rt.. Line. " Trains make elose North via Richmond am? Washington. All train? mn Rnlld eitxninr wiimintA. , Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. , JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R KENLY. Sup't Transportation T. M. EMERSON, Genera: Passenger Ageat. aux2 Carolina Central B. H. Company. WESTBOUND TRAINS. May 16, 1SS7. Leave Wilmington Leave Maxton Leave Hamlet.... Leave Wadesboro Leave Charlotte Leave LlncolDton. Leave Shelby Ar Rutherfordton. No. 1. daily ex (Sunday. No. 3. 1 dally ex Sunday 7 23 am 3 CO pm 11 xu nm 12 50 pml 2 3 ami OIK 1 1 I itl piljl ....... .. 4 32 pm 6 55 am e 17 pm i 4u pm y 10 pm arrive. EASTBOUND TRAINS. May 16, 1S37. Lv. Rutherfordton Leave Shelby Leave Lincoln ton. Leave Charlotte Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet.... Leavp Maxton.... Arrive Wilmington No. 2 dally ex Sunday. 7 15 am a 4k ni 10 07 am 12 02 pm A n.. i om pm M ZA r.m S '20 timl 9 05 pm NO. 4. dally ex Sunday. 8 45 pm i 55 ami 66 ami - - 1 TT Change of Schedule. Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Maxton to and from Fayetteville, Greensboro ' and other points onC.F. St Y.V.tt. At Wades- boro with trains to and from Cheraw.Florence and Charleston. At Lincoln ton to and from Hickory, Lenoir and points on C. 4 L Nar row Gauge R R. , , Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wlimingtcn and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh ?&eJj.,nS?-1 StatcsyUlc,and tttotlons j x A. U1U IJUUlfcB TV eSl. i.i Ke .Yaui r,. Ior Part&nburg, Green ville. Athens Atlanta and oil o , west. Also, for Asheville via Spartanburir. R R No. 23 . Local Krnlrrht Nrxt fi on.l f- .-t , '.. O . " nuu v lUTftvAlr Ut5 tween Wilmington and Laurlnburg. Local Freight Nos 7 and 8 tri weekly be. Local Frp.lrrht Sna '1 anl In .m . 1. 1 v. . tween Charlotte and Rutherfordton- . Noe. 5, 6, 7, 8, u and lo will not take paasen -gcrs. L. C. JONES, ' 7 Superintendent. ' r.w. CLARK, General Passenger Agent ; may 14 . 1887. New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest and ChMtiMt rmii iiM..i - . . the United Statea. Al - - j - o " - jwtur - Kverr Namber an EnltnmA t h t7 . the Wdrld. . .-,r The Foreign Department la unequalled. . Latest and most accurate Cable Speciala liy the Commercial Cables. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Cnrrent Events. . . . bPECIAL rEATCRESPractlcal Farming; articles on Science, Art, Literature.the Drama , Music, Religion, Fashions and Chess. . ' uuurmioa on &u subjects. .- . Address, .'. , ,. .:. ..... ; t; ; - . JAMES GORDON BENNETT rvn- Sew. York HerW. -t. - .New Yorkbty e of Base, v , jyjY FRIENDS AND THE PUBI4C ARE respectfully notified that I have removed my snops to Chemnm street, between Front sod Water. AH orders for work in my line, tin ning, repJrIg,' Ac. will be done promptly and faithfully. . . ia si ti it