-rnrs PAPSR . evcr)- evening, Sundays excepted, T. JAMES. Editor and Prop. Zvcffrnos p08TJkOB PAID: ar J4.00. ax months $2.00. Three i oa one month, 35 cents. will be delivered by carriers, free P ,n any part of the city, at the above rlrtCfUtSlHTWCCk. rtUn-rates low and UTL i' -ritvrs will please report any and SUJTio r ive their paper regularly. "CONSTiriiTlUlM W W from the blood to -produce -xffis own cathartic, and Is generally JgKLSd with such results a ros3 of Appetite, . Sick Headache, Bad Breath, etc, run treatment of Constipation does not ct merely In unloading the bowels. J2. mMicine must not only a ct as a purga Tb! hnt be a tonic as well, and notproduce fcI . t nse ereater costlveness. To secure ar habit of body without changing factor disorganizing the system . Biawab-1 My attention, after suffering with Constipa te for two or three years, was called to Simmons Liter Regulator, and, having tried almost every tting else, concluded to try it. I first took a y.IasJul and afterwards reduced the dose to a leaspoonful, as per directions, after each meal. I found that it had done me so much good that I continued it until I took two bottles. Since then I Jue not experienced any difficulty . I keep it in sy house and would not be without it, but have bo use for it.it having cured me." Geo; W. Sims, Ass't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga, . 7 Take only the Genuine,- filch has on the "Wrapper the red 25 Trade?. S3ik una Signature of J. H. ZEIUNS CO, B07SdojI wtclp LOCAL NEWS. IDE! T3 NEW ADVEBTiSE2(ITS. Titca' Photo. Gallery Cwt Furniture Dealer Wasted An Intelligent Man fcEJtSEERGER'8 School Books - Opera House Red Riding Hood's Rescue JI H Bass Harness, Saddles. Collars, Ac Dick Hkares Gentlemen- Furnishing Hoiue This warm weather is dangerous to health and We again , warn pa rents to watch carefully for the little ones. The receipts of potton at this port to-Iayfoot up 1,878 bales against 1.378 bales for corresponding date last year. " r '. TheZeb Vance Stove, like its aame rake, is welcome in all North Carolina homes. It Is to be found at Jacori's fldw. Depot. " t Thanks to our w friend, Wade Harriss, of the Charlotte Chronicle, for his pleasant and complimentary references to the RKVIKW and its Editor. - It has been intensely sultry and disagreeable to-day, and at 3 o'clock the thermometer registered 86 de grees, just ten degrees above Sum wer heat. The Wilmington Hook and Lad der Company will soon be in pos session of their new uniform shirts Mr. Elsbach, the contractor, will have them ready on Saturday. We would advise all our readers in need of shirtB, to stopsjit the Wilming ton Shirt Factory and get tbj best wnite shirts in tbe land at 75 cents. J. Elsbaoii, Prop., 27 Market street. Mr. M. H. Bass has removed his ' 'addlery and harness shop to No. 109 North Second street, opposite Capt. Southerland's stables, where he is prepared to do good work at ' snort notice They are getting oysters "now out of the Wrightsville waters that are good for roasting as those from Myrtle Grove. We tried them yes wday at Capt. Manning's place and wund them simply elegant. " Tkos. C. Craft lias recently urned. from the Northern and teru markets and is now prepar- l liow an exceedingly hand. Jje and attractive stock of ' furni-V?- He has also added a , carpet apartment and invites housekeep ; w call and examine his beautiful rtnient. . Littlft Worries and Ills the little things of life, the wor Tw.e he vowVfeet around our 6- - So the little pains of an hour itotUlnUte break down the con BaAvr?n" Look afer the Uttle ills. or in f.'8 Pills cure dyspepsia, T. - tkennn n' neadac1 Pain i in tightness of v-t aizziness sour stomach, lu the mouth. hilinn t Irritation of the heart, in WIOUof the lungs. Pain in oti n f the Moneys, and hun theoff '!r lnful symptoms are toPu!nUKofdyW8ia. One or ' 8 every night is "sufficient, t mi nn VfOL XI WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER The LaMt. : The steamer Passport made her last trip for the season to Carolina Beach to-day, and will no be laid up for .awhile.'-. In the meantime her commander, Capt. J. W. Harper, will take cnarge of the steam tug lejrander Jones, recently purchased in I3alf iinore for service on the Cape Feap. The latter, since her arrival here, -has been completely over hauled, refitted, repainted and furn ished with t o masts. She is the largest tug on the river and will un doubtedly, do good and valuable service for her owner. . . UI ICiditi Ilouil. The fairy operetta of "Red Riding Hood's Rescue" is to be presented at the Opera House to-morrow eve ning. It ill be under the direction of Miss E. A. Pond, of Boston, as sisted by some of the ladies in this city and there ill . be a chorus of seventy-live children, assisted by some of the best of our home talent. The general admission has been placed at a reasonable price and re served seats may be had at Heins berger's. There will be a matinee n Saturday afternoon. The pro ceeds are for the benelit of the La dies' Benevolent Societv. Slight Firo At a few minutes after noon to day tire was discovered in the ceil ing, between the first and second floors of Mr. H. P. West's, residence on Chestnut bet een 3rd and 4th sts. The alarni-was immediately sent out from box-14, corner Third and Prin cess streets, and the firemen were on hand with th-eir usual alacrity and promptitude, the Howard Relief hose reel being first on the ground, and, the flames were speedily extin guished. The damage, which was mainly by water, was about $150, which is fully covered by insurance. The fire was caused by a defective flue. For the Penitentiary. The following prisoners, convicted at the recent term of New Hanover Criminal Court, were taken this morning to the State penitentiary by special deputy sheriff I). How ard : Robert McElrov, accessorv to a felony, five years. Josephine McElrov, larceny, five years. Robert Stephenson, larceny, four years. Wesley Lubeck, larceny, two years. David Mallette, larceny,two years. Frank Sadgwar, alias Frank Sid bury, larceny, two years. Samuel Gregg, perjury, two years. Public Mootine:. - In accordance with previous an nouncement, there"vas a meeting of the business men and citizens gen erally at the Produce Exchange at noon to-day, to consider the neces" sity of making this city the Eastern terminus of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railroad. The meeting was called to order by Capt. J. H. Currie, who stated the object of the meet ing to be one of the most important to the-people of Wilmington that could possibly be held the exten sion of the Cape Fear & Yadkfli Valley Railroad to this city, and closed by" naming Dr. A. J. DeRosset as Chairman, and requesting the re porters of the Review, Messenger and Star to act as Secretaries. Dr. DeRosset, upon taking the Chair, made some appropriate pat riotic and forcible remarks, showing the imperative necessity of voting an appropriation to the enterprise. It was interesting to see the vener able Chairman, who was here at the birth of North Carolina railroad enterprises, vigorously working for this new source of wealth and in fluence to our city. On motion of Capt. J. H. Currie, a committee of five was appointed to draft appropriate resolutions re garding the enterprise, to be sub mitted to a meeting of the citizens to be called by the committee at the City Hall at 8 o'clock next Monday night.-; Messrs. B. G. Worth, J. W. Atkinson, Win. A. Frehch, F. Rhein stein and Pembroke Jones were ap pointed oh that committee. Adjourned. The wagon of the Carolina Chem ical Company, bearing the general n front and a band of music, was on bur streets to-day. The music was very good considering that "there J were but four pieces in the band. . Civ Court. The docket for the Mayor's con sideration this morning was small and uninteresting and was disposed of in the following order: A man, whose name we suppress by request, charged w ith an aggra vated assault and battery upon his family, was required to pay a fine of $50 or be confined 30-days in the city prison. ; -,; Joe Davis, colored, for firing pistol within the city limits, was re quired to pay a fine of $10 for the offence.; Judgment was suspended against the same defendant, on the charge of carrying a . concealed weapon. Sam Smith, colored, was charged with doing the business-, of a steve dore v ithout a license, but the in vestigation of histase was continued ior tne cuv until to-morro w niorn- intr. Literary. A singularly attractive frontis piece graces the October Magazine of American History. It is a portrait of Daniel Webster,' never before published.. Ex-President Andrews discusses "The admission into the Union of Kentucky, Tennessee and Ohio." Another able article is by Rev. Philip Schaff, D. D., on the "Relationship of Church and State in America;" James Schouler wites a chapter on "Historical Grouping;" Professor Edward E. Salisbury con tributes two letters of Horatio Greenough; Judge William A. Wood tells the story of the "New Mexico Insurrection of 1846," with a sketch ann rmrTraiT, or xene.rai rsreriini? Price; Charles D. Baker has a paper on the First Dutch Church in Brook lyn; Professor Oliver P. Hubbard criticises "An Extraordinary Indian Town," and Colonel Chas. C. Jones, Jr., LL. D., continues his original documents. The editor contributes an account of "The Origin of New York." Price $5 per year. New York City: 743 Broadway. Capital and Population. Several capitalists of New York and other Northern cities, who ieel an interest in the prosperity of this State, have established a "North Carolina Land and Emigration Bu reau," with headquarters at 22 Dey street. Mr. F. E. McAllister is Pres ident of the Bureau while Capt. N. W. Schenck, formerly a well-known citizen of Wilmington, is its Man ager. The bureau is represented here by Maj. W. L. Young. Efforts are being made by the bureau to bring capital and population to this city and locality and the bureau is in correspondence with Maj. Young with that object in view, although without definite result thus far.- utner capitalists oi tne ix ortn are also making frequent inquiries look ing to the same object, and there are abundant indications that both cap ital and population will be centred in Wilmington and in many places in the semi-tropical belt in the very near future. We say, let them come. There is room and verge enough, and there are abundant opportuni ties for the profitable investment of capital and there are almost num berless enterprises that would prove remunerative to labor. On a solid Uasls. A friend of ours once gave his little boy a dollar as a birthday present and the little, fellow, being full of trading propensities, forthwith invested the amount in candy and cigars and chewing gum and set up shop on the corner in -a big dry goods box. He did a flourish ing business and in a few days -entirely sold out. He then .carried his stock of pennies to -his dad, full of enthusiasm as to the success of his venture. When the books were balanced there was just 50 cents, cash on hand. The old gentleman rubbed his bald pate, held up the youth to the inquisitorial rack and finally ascertained that the business which the young one had declared to be on a solid financial basis was conducted in this wise: The youth paid out 50 cents for the box and 50 cents for having it painted and par titioned off into shelves and then he went down to a candy store and bought a dollar's worth of goods and had them'charged to liis father. These goods, cost $1, were sold for 50 j cents and the smart young fellow j was 50 cents ahead by the transaction and was in no w ise dashed by the predi6tion made, by the: old man that he would wind up in the. Poor House or the Penitentiary. ; I Death of Mr. N. A. Stedman. The sad intelligence was received here to-day of the death of the ven erable Mr. N; A. Stedman, of Fayr ettevilje. The deceased gentleman was one of the oldest and most high ly esteemed citizens of the . Cape Fear country. He had lived a long, useful and honorable life and ; sinks to his rest ripe in years and good fruity and in the esteem and regard of all who knew him. He -was the father of Hon. Charles M. Stedman, of this city. Lieutenant Governor of the' State, and of Mr. Frank H. Sted man, and was the father-in-law of Mr. Wui. H. Bernard. His death must have been sudden but no par ticulars relative to it- have been re ceived here as yet. Por Atlanta, We learn that an effort is being made for an excursion party from this city to attend the great Expo sition at Atlanta, Ga., which will commence October 10th and con-" tinue until October 22nd. Railway rates will be reduced for the occa" sion and the attractions of the Ex position have seldom, if ever, been equalled in the South. President Cleveland and his wife will be there. Besides these distinguished guests, Governors Lee, of Virginia; Rich ardson, of South Carolina; Bob Tay lor, of Tennessee; Sear, of Alabama; Terry, of Florida, and Gordon of Georgia, will be present, each with a military staff of 40 mounted men. The other attractions are almost in: numerable and arrangements have been made for the accommodation of all visitors.- Let's go! PerKOiiai Mr. H. B. Short, of , Lake Wacca maw, is in the city to-day. Mr. J. B. Moore, of Burgaw, was in the city to-day, at the Sutton House. . Mr. R. D. Jewett left this morning for the .University of Virginia, where he will attend a course of medical lectures. . .. . , Mr. E. T. Draper, Manager of Mr. Julius Samson's dry goods house, has gone North for the purchase of new goods. - ... Hon. O; P. Meares, who has for so many years past resided on South Third, has removed to North Third, corner of " Chestnut. Hon. R. R. Bridgers is expected to return to the city on Monday with his family. We understand that Col. Bridgers has leased the Han cock house, corner Sixth and Prin cefs streets, and that his family will reside there this Winter. Mr. W. W. Shepherd, of Eliza bethtown, was in the city to-day and paid us a pleasant visit this forenoon. He tells us that the frost of last Sunday morning has worked a serious injury to the late cotton, as well as some other vegetation. Mr. F. G. Magruder, candy maker at the Wilmington Candy Factory, was taken suddenly ill to-day while at work and had to be conveyed home. At last accounts he was somewhat easier but he is still' very sick. We hope to hear of an im provement to-morrow. . We regret very much to learn of the critical illness of Mr. N. A. Sted man, of Fayette ville. A dispatch was received here last night stating that it was feared he would not live through the night. His two sons in this city, Lt. Gov. Chas. M. Sted man and Mr. Frank H. Stedman, left this morning for Fayette ville. Importaut Announcement. I Siiiuer will on tbe 1st of October remove (temporarily, until bis store in Pureed building is finished) to tbe store one door next to Mclntire's, on Front street, with an entire new stock of custom made clothing, for men. youths, boys and children, of- tbe latest styles. I. Sbrier guarantees to soil this Fall and Winter hi clothing fully from 25 to 33 per cent, below others. Don't buy one dollar's worth of clothing be (ore you convince yourself of tbe fact that you will get better goods for less money at the Old Reliable, now and always. See bis school suits at prices from S'2.50. $3. $4 $5 and $6f worth from $2 to $3 more on a suit. Separ ate knee pants for boys from 4 to 14 years old at 50c, 75c and $1. t See the Othello Range at ' Jacobi's Hdw. Depot It is unequalled as a baker; it is finely finished ; bas a rever sible grate' for Ilher oal or wood CookigorIleaangitovewlil do weiltoex r, . . . - -. . ao-dne our s tock jutd hear our pikes before Can be changed in a secood by the baying . most inexperienced. Just the stove Jacobps Iipw. depot. for T7Inter gsa. , esptn;: " i2o.Frontt 29. 1887 NO 232 Bock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Advice to old and yoang: In select in? spectacles yoti shonld be canliros noi to take more magnifying power than bas bees lost to the eyo. as in the same proportion that y u pass that point of increase, will cause yon far ther injury to the eve. Ustrjr glasses of stronger power than is necessarv is thcdnily came ol premature old age to the &igh. You can get tbe best at Heinberfirjr'a. - ; t N K W AD VEBTlSEMENTh. JtrANTEIa Intelligent Earnest Man to V v represent in bis own ct ite. a 1 orge re sponsible house. A lemnnerative salary to right party. - teady growlnjr position. Kef erenccs err.baneed. tiAY's Manufcturikg House. 3 J Ueade fct., N. r . ' ; ; tept 23 law4w tb PJ1. Hr BssSi M ANUFACTURKH OF AND DEALER lh HARNESS SADDLES. COLLAR1?. WHIPS. Ac I am prepared to io a'l smds of v?ork. Special attcntl -n Id given to rcpaiilng- ine hnnd made Harness male to order. M- H BAS, No. ilU North cond , scpt v'J Iwfedllw Opp Souther!anii8 Stabli s The beading Furniture Ooaler JJ AS NOW IN- STORE AfUPERB Stock ol FURNITURE, bought lo person, which he Is offering at lowest prices. - CAKPETS. CARPETS. CARPETS. He has also added a Carpet Department and solicits a share of the trade. Call and see me at the o'd etacd. Polite at tention and prompt delivery of goods guaran teet. THOS. C OR A FT, A gt., sept 29 St 20 South Front St OPERA HOUSE. : Benefit of the Ladies' Benevolent Society. Friday KvoniDtT, Sept. 30, '87 BR A DS FAIRY OPERETTA: Red Riding Hood's Rescue. Under the direction oi Miss K. A Pond, of Boston CHORUS OF 8EVENTY-F1VE CHILDREN. Assisted by the best of home talent. General A dmisslon 50 cts ; Children 25 cts. Reserved seats in all cases 10c. extra Matinee Saturday at 3 p. m. Box Sheet opens to-uay at ueinsoerger's. sept 29 2t Home Again. TIJ-R. A. ORR, JR , HAS JUST RETURN ed from the North where he has been in- forxnlig himself in the latest styles and 1m provements of PHOTOGRAPHY, And Is now prepared to give his friends and customers the benefit of that ktowledge. Call and eee him at sept 28 YATES PHOTO. GALLERY Soutiiport Saloon. J.WILL OPEN TO-DAY AT SOUTHPORT a first class BEER, WINE AND CIGAR SALOON. Fresh Beer always o hand. The finest Wines and Cigars in the place. Call ana see me. - J. A. XiKWIS, sept 15 lm Southport, N. C. Notice I Notice ! ! J AM OFFERING A LARGE AND AS sorted stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, wpicn k am seumg at manuiactnrer's prices. ueaiers win una it to tneir advantage . to ex amine same before purchasing elsewhere. SAM'L BEAR, Sr.. sept 19 No. 10 Market St. Knoxville Furniture Co. IlfE ARE HERE YET, WITH THE f f finest and cheapest Furniture and other house hold goods to be found in the city. We are receiving new goods dally from ths Factory. Alio, a full line of Baby Carriages. We have a small Iron Safe which we will sell cheap. sept k. u. NKJSi. Manager ' Brushes, Varnishes, Paints. O Blinds. Sash. Doors. GLASS AND HASH FOR FLOWER PITS. Large and well-selected stock of PAINTER'S MATERIALS. New lot of Brushes at reduced prices. Bemembtr that we are headquarters for good reliable goods and low prices. JACOC8 HOW. DEPOT sept 21 12 So Front 8t Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. H A R D VJ ARE. TIT E : HAVE IN Si ORE A LARGE As sortment of St :ves, made by the best facto ries, which we are selling at astonishingly PLEASE NOTICE. " . We will be glad to receive communications' from our rriend3 on, any and all subjects of general interest, but - ' The name of the writer must always be fur oished to the Editor.. .- .' - -.. Communications must be written only .on one side of the paper. ,r Personalities must be avoided. : And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. . ' NEW AUVEltTISEMENTS. Rev.: Donlol Morrclle's ENGLISIL ASb CLASSICAL SCnOOL, CORNER OF ORANGE AND FIFTH STS rjlHK TWENTY-NINTH ANNUAL SES- slon will beilh (D. V.) MONDAY,' Oct 3rd. sent 17 lm t th sat - For Rent. OURCELL HOUSE. FIFTY-XWO RCKJMS.KTT' Apply to ' C septl tf WM. K. SPRINQKR & CO- ; For Rent. 7 JWO COMFORTABLE HALL" ROOMS, in business quarters, as bleeping apartments for single gentlemen. Apply at this office, ecpt 26 nac tf DICK & MEARES, Merchant Tailoring k Gentlemen's Farnishings No. 12 N. Front Kt. 'Verbum sat sapient i.". sept S . S. P. McNair, QOMM1S3ION MEltCIIANT, Cor. Prince 38 and N. Water Streets, . ' WILMINGTON, N. C. Solicits Consignments of Cotton and Naval Stores Prompt personal attention given. to all .shipments. sept 18 lm N; R. JOHNSON, QOMMISSIuN MKKCUANT, WILMINGTON, N. C. Solicits consignments of Naval Stores, Cot ton and all kinds of Country Produce W Quick Sales, Highest Prices, Prompt Returns. - cpt 14 tfdftw Misses Burr & James "ySTILL RK-OPEN THEIR SCHOOL FOB lrls and little boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course of instruction, as heretofore, will be thorough. and systematic. Special attention given to Reading. Writing,. Music and Physical Culture Mrs. M. 8. Gushing will have charge of the Musical Dcptrtmcnt. Hours for Kindergarten pupils from 9 to 12. For further particulars see Principals, sept 10 Cotton Insurance (MARINE OR FIRE.) ANY FORM OF POLICY ISSUED IN either of the following Companies at low est rates: NORTHERN A8SURANCE CO., -(Pays all losses without discount.) ANGLO NEVADA ASSURANCE CORPO'N. (Pays all losses without discount ) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.) (Only Co, operating under the N. Y. 8afetv Fund Law.) SUN FIRE OFFICE. . . . "' (Oldest Co, in the world. In successful oper ation 177 years. Stock sells for over $3,000 a share.) FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. (Assets $1,428,600.00.) - - .Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Com panies also rcprcened. M.S. WILLARD, Agent, sept 12 . 214 North Water St. WE HAVE REMOVED OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF Liquors, and Tobacco rJo. 18 rjarket Gt.t WHERE WE SHOULD BE PLEASED TO HAVE OUR FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS CALL ON US, SOL. BEAR & CO. aug 2t tf SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. A 3 THE SCHOOLS BEGIN TO OPEN next week we would Inform our friends that we have just received the largest lot of SCHOOL BOOKS brought here, rhlch will be sold cheaper than ever before. ' Please call and buy your School Books at HEINSBERGER'S. F ALL KINDS. STEELL PENS OF every description PAPaB AND ENVELOPES to suit the most fastidious, all of which we can cell yon cheap at'. . '-' ' J - . '. HEINSBERGER'S.