MISCELLANEOUS. r HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC VETEEINASY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK an Treat ment of Animals and .Chart Sent Free. ctres Fevers. Congestions, Inflammation A. A rtnlnaf Mnin iritis. Milk FcTer. K.B. Strains Lameness, Uheauiatism. U. c. Distemper, naHi uiscnargt. I). D. IJots or Cirnbs, Worm. K. E. CoriB, Heaves Pneumonia. F. F. Colic or Cirlpes, Bellyache. J. . Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. 11. II. Urinary and Kidney- Diseases. I. I. Emotive IHwase. aianse. J. K.. Diseases of Digestion. Mm Kin rau. with Swoffloa. Witch Hazel Oil and Med lea tor. Manual. S7.00 .CO Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doeesX Sold by Drag-gists s or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., ,109 Fulton SL, B. HUHPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC f SPECIFIC Ho. GO In thM 3D mn. The only raccessfftl rsmedj for Ilervous Debility, Vital Weakness, viaL or 6 visls and large vial powder, for $ 5. i BY Drcgoikts. or sent post paid on receipt ol -Haaparvya' KedkUe Co., 10S t altsa SW, K. t. and Prostration, from over-work or other causes 91 per Sold Dries. Uaaparvys' feb 26 cod Jfc wiy nrm Working Classes WWBW prepared ti furnish all classes with employ ment at home, the whole of the t'me or for tbclr eparc moment) Business new. light and profitable, Persons of clth r texeasliy cam sorrn 50 ten Is to $5,00 jer evening and a pro- fortionai sum uy aevonng an tlieir time t the tuiners. Boys and girls earn near:y as men That aT who see this rn y send thrir address and ttstthc business we make this offer To such as are cot we'l satUlled we will tend one dollar to pay tor the trouble cf writing. Full particulars and outlit free Address Geobge oTInsox Co . Portlaud, Maine, dec 1 Cmd lyw 100 A WEEK. LADIES Olt GENTLEMEN DESIRING pleasant profitable employment write at once. We want yon to handle an article ot domestic use that recommends Itself to every one at Eight. STAPLE AS FLUUR Sell like hot cakes. Profits 300 per cent. Fami lies wishing to practice economy should for their own benefit write for particulars. Used every day the year roun-i In every houschoM Price within reach of all Circulars free Agents receive SAMPLE FREE. Address DOMESTIC M'FV CO.. 25eodd&wCm Marton, Ohio. MSSS. K?S, St mm MONEY! 2 'ft iP"d VhI-.hc7 Hah- Jl h t a P. H. W0 CI, LEY, m. d rtobemadc. Cut ih's out and return to us. and w will send you free, some thins? of great value and Importance to you, that will stait you In busines5 which will bring you In more money right away than anything else In this world. n ono can do their work and live at honne. Ellh er sex; all ages. Something in w, that iust coins money for all workers. We will stari you; capital not needed. This Is one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambltous and emerprlsluj? will not tfclay. Grand out tit free. AiMrcft. TSOK & CO., Augusta., MMnc dec 1 6md It !RE81G.EK Manly Yijror, Weakness orLosof Memory per anently to tons! hy the nse of an entirely nef inu-dy. Tho Verba. Santa from Soain. Scan h Trochees never fail. Our illustrated, 3x'p5ige hook d testimonial (sent Pe;iiot!. Every man shonlt 3d it. Vt tilt A V. V TKOCIIKI2 CO., 59 Park IMaio, York, feb 21 dco I Jtw ly Josh. T. Jamks,? Editor & PropV . Wilmington, N. C. " FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, '87. An Offensive Breath is inoVt distressing, not only to the person afflicted if he has any pride, but to those with whom he comes in contact. It is a delicate matter to 8UPEKIOK CO0KT8. ij "" ' . ... .'. --ssBsaasBta , .' j ' ' Fall Terras 1887: FIRST DISTRICT JUDGE GRAVES. friends but lovers. Sad breath an3 j Camden-Sepr 12 Jeet. n innimfo . Tif Sao-s Pasqoolank Sept 19. 1 week. Entered at the Postofflce at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. Prince Bismarck's nominal port folios in the Prussian ministry have undergone some changes in the past quarter of a century, ana Jie now holds the post of minister of foreign affairs and commerce and industry. Frbfli 1867 to 1870 he served as Chan cellor of the North German Confed eration, which had been formed after the disruDtion of the old Ger- man Empire, and in January, 1871, he was made Chancellor of the new German Empire which had been proclaimed at Versailles on the 18th of that month. Bismarck was, rais- ed to the rank of Graf, or Count, in September. 18G5. and to that of Prince in March, 1871. Senator Riddleberger will be mas ter of the next Senate and he is now in Washington boasting of how he will cret even with some of his Re-1 publican associates for the unmerci ful snubbiner that they have been giving him the past two or three years. He has especial grievances aarainst Senators Edmunds, Hoar and Sherman. The Senate next Winter will stand thirty.nine Re publicans, including Mr. Riddleber- srer. and thirtv-seven Democrats. It" will thus be seen that if Mr. Rid dleberger votes "with the Democrats he can tie any question coming be- ore the Senate. This privilege "Mr. Riddleberger says he will use with so much frequency as to leave his Republican associates in a state of s i nervous expectancy renaming: nis actions. catarrh are mseparate- Dr. Sage s Catarrh Remedy cures the worst I cases as thousands can testify. 'SBPT.RMBISIt SQUIBS. Politics began when Joseph was sold out by his brethren. Picayune. About the first thing lost at sea was the sight of land. Carl Pretzel. There is a striking resemblance between pugilists. Mer Trav. Some of the best blood in the land runs through -the mosquito's veins. GoodalVs Sun. Why is it a crime for a banker to enter upon a cetrperitership with a blacksmith. Because it is forgery. Washington Critic. - - Curiously enough; the man who is always in a pickle doesn't preserve his temper worth a cent. Burling ton Frte Press. Returns from summer militia en campments aard the first prize to the mosquito for unerring accuracy in target practice. Inter-Ocean. ,: Alas how disappointment frowns;; When hope most bright is gleatu- ingj; - The stitches put in wedding gowns Are oft but idle seaming. Mer Trav. "Hello, Jack, where you been?" Fre u UNDEVELOPED PARTS of the body enlarged aud strengthened. Full particu lars (sealed) free. ERIE MED. CO., Buffalo, N. may 6 dAw eod ly falicod RESTORED. TItommI-i Free. A victim of vouthf u. t inipruuenceeausin mm ture Decay. Nervnus Debili. led in vain every known remedy, has discovered a viyio eon-cure, wmcD tie will send r HULK to mi viiuw-euiierers. Address A MASON, Post Office Box 3179, New York City Oct 2 eod d&W ly ELY'S catarrH CREAM BALM CLEANSES THE 0CRAU njflSte J i a Mm saw nni m i HEAD. ALLAYS! I CljprC wt!I INFLAMMATION HEALS RESTORES THE SENSES of TASTE SMELL, nEARINO. A Quick relief. I A A Positive Curb 1 thesRE8.FEVRe1 USJt. HAY-FCVER A particle is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 51 cents at imgglstB;by mall, registered, 60 certs. CIroularafree. ELY .BROS., Druggists, Owego, N Y apl 9 ly cod dAw 1887. Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Hakpeb's Youno People has been c&llec the model of what & periodical for young readers ought to be." and the justice of this commendation is amply -sustained by the large circulation it has attained both at home and in Great Britain. This success has been reached by methods that must commend themselves to the judgment of parents, no less than to the tastes of children namely, by an earnest and well sustained effort to provide the best and most attractive reaUng foryung people at a low price i he illustrations are copleus and of a conspicuously high standard of excellence. An epitome of everything that la attractive iuveane liters ture, tioston and desirable in Courier. A weekly feast of good things to the boys hi h It visits and girls in every family w Brooklyn Union. It Is wonderful in its wealth of picture in formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate, K.Y. TERMS: Postage Prepaid, f 2.00 Per Year. Vol. VIII. commences November 2, lSb6, Siitqlb Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Poet-Omee Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise cent without the express order ot Uaspxb BSOTHXSS. Address HARPER BROTHERS. OT 26 sw YMPk . Wew York, JpniLADELPniA AND 'BALTIMORE prices In JOnN WERNER'S Barber Shop": 10 cents a Shave ; 20 eents a Hair Cut and 20 cents a Shampoo. Ills own manufactured jj air uje or rery snaue at wn anu up- wards. Ko.vy Market sweet, Deiween vaier nd lYont. .. ... - eeptS) Archbishop Leroy, of New Orleans, who died in France last week, came over to America from France while a vouner man and was prepared for the Catholic priesthood at St. Mary's College, near Baltimore. He spent most of his life as a priest along the valley of the Mississippi, and by his leroic action in the erreat yellow ever epidemics greatly endeared limself to the people" of that sec tion. In 1857 he brought the Sisters of Mercy from Baltimore and estab- ished them in Vicksburg. In 1861, when, the war broke out, he placed them in the hospitals of Mississippi Springs, Jackson and Shelby Springs. In his office of chaplain of the Confederate army he proved himself a friend and father, admin istering consolation to the sick and dying. In 1877 he was ordained Bishop of Natchitoches and in 1879 he was called to New Orleans as coadjutor to the late Archbishop N. J. ercne, witn ngnt ol succession and administrator of the temporali ties of the 'diocese, which he con ducted with a business tact. By the death of Archbishop Perche, De cember 27, 1883, he succeeded to the archbishopric and was invested with the pallium by Archbishop, now Cardinal, Gibbons, January 26, 1885. "Collecting." "What success?" "Bad. I've rummaged the eity from one end to another, and I can't find a man that owes me a cent." Phi la Neios. All things are new the buds, the leaves That gild the elm tree's nodding crest, And even the nest beneath the eaves, There are no birds in last year's nest. All things are old joke, incident, That nil the papers East and West, And even the clown beneath the tent, There is no fun in last year's jest. OoodalVs Sun. . GtvoTIini Chance! That is to say. your lungs. Also all our breathing machinery very won riertul machinery it is Not only the larger ftir-pas9ogp. but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. Wru;n these are cloggf-d and choked with matter which ought not to be ihere, your lun?s cannot half do their work. And whut they do, they cannot do well. Call it cold, coueh. croup, pneumo nia, catarrh, consumption or any ot the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid ot them. Tint is to take lioschee s Gorman SyruD. which any druggist will sell you t 75 cents a bottle. Even it everything else has failed you, you may depend upon this for certain. The financial article of the New rork Times says: "It seems to be substantially aerreed mat the scar city of money at this centre, which forced the banks to severely curtail their discount s, is not a consequence of treasuarv accumulations, as it was first hastily asserted to be, but results from a long continued drain of money to the interior. This drain having lasted through that period of the year when money should be flowing this way and filling up the bank vaults, the banks were left de pleted at the time when the custo mary large demand came upon them for the fall movement of the crops. In this emergency the bank mana gers were driven in self-defence to refuse discounts and to call loans. Hence the high rates at which com mercial paper has been negotiated and the difficulty with which it has Deen negotiated at an; ana tne se vere discrimination exercised about the collaterals for call loans in Wal street. The appeal to the treasury or help followed naturally enough, for the treasury department was the Quarterly Meeting's. Fourth round ot Quarterly Meetings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church. South: Clinton circuit, at Goshen. Oct-1. 2 uuplin circuit, at Jvenansvule, Uo.t 8. 9. Onslow circuit, at Tabernacle. Oct 15. 16. Magnolia circuit, at Magnoiia, Oct 22. 23. Bladen circuit, at Windsor, Oct 29 30. Carver's Creek, at Shiloh. Nov 2. 3. Waccamaw circuit, Salem, Nov 5. 0. Uokesbury circuit. Nov 12 13. Brunswick circuit. Nov 19 20. Whitoville circuit. Nov 26, 27. T. w: Guthrie, P. E. I have been for several years a suf- terer from Hay Fever and severe head colds and have tried other remedies in hope of getting relief but have found none that can compare with Ely's Cream Balm. I would not be without it for any consideration. It is simply wonderful in its effect upon the nasal organs. S. H. BURT T. Wilmington, N. C. I can cheerfully recommend Ely's Cream Balm to the suffering public for nay uever and stoppage of the air pas sages. . l have tried it and find it ggives immediate relief. J. E. RECTOR. 209 Rock St.. Little Rock. Ark. Exactness in little duties is a won derful source of cheerfulness. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be ' used when children are cutting teeth. It .relieves the little sntiererat once: it proauces natural, quiet sleep by relieving the child irom pain, and the little ' cherub awakrs as bright as a button." It is very pleas ant to taste. It soothes the child, soft- tens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind regulates the bowels.vand is the best known" reroe.lv for diarrhoea. whether arising trom leething rr other only fiscal institution which had any causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. consiaeraoie amount or spare mon ey. It was said last week that; whatever help the treasury could give could only be temporary in its effects;" but this temporary relief may be the one thing needful to avert a severe crisis. It appears to I nave aone so. At least, in so far as VTT11 -X A I -. At . vtui bireet is concerneu, mere is a much easier feeling about money, J A. 1 . . ttiiu acuie uppreiiensions oi a panic have passed away.1. AGABO. To all who are suffering from the er rors and indiscretions ot youth, ner vous weakness, early decay, loss of I manhood, &C. -I will send a recipe that will cure yon, free of charge. This i great remedy was discovered by a mis sionary in South America. Send a self- addressed envelope to the Rev. Joseph T. Inman, Elation D, 2;ev York City. jly 6deod & wly 1887. $4.50 A. YEAR FOR The Daily Whig. The cheapest daily papei in the South. THE WEEKLY lias been enlar-t hi price reduced to 7J cents a year. The cheap est weekly paper published . The Sunday issue and Weekly edition both for one year, for SLC0. The two am rhr and better than a semi-week lv as you get one dally Issue and a weeklv for SO cents w than any semi weekly paper. - - - - - xMury seat zree two weeks and weekly one month free. .- Spend one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial Address " " ' ' . - -. Perquimans ept 26, 1 week. Chowan Oct 3. 1 week. Gates Oct 10. 1 week. Hertford Oct 17. 1 week. VashIrrgton-2-Oct24. 1 week. Tyrrell Oct 31, 1 week. . Dare Nov 7. 1 week; ' Hyde Nov 14, I week. Pamlico Nov 21. week. Beaufort Nov 28, 2 weeks. SECOND DISTRICT JUDGE AVERY. Warren Sept 19. 2 weeks Northampton Oct 3. 2 weeks. Edgecombe-Oct 17. 2 weeks. ; Bertie Oct 31.2 weeks. Halifax Nov 14. 2 weeks. Craven Nov. 28, 2 weeks. THIRD DISTBI.CT JUDGE SHIPP. Franklin Aug 15. 1 week. Martin Sent 5. 2 weeks. Pitt Sept 19, 2 weeks. Greene Oct 3 2 weeks. Vance Oct 17. 2 weeks. -Wilson Oct 31. 2 weeks. x Nash Nov 21. 2 weeks. Marling Dec 5, 2 weeks. FOURTH DISTRICT JUDGE MERRIMON. Wake July 11 2 weeks. Harnett Aug 8. 1 week. Johnston Aug 24, 2 weeks. Wnkef Aug 29 2 weeks. Wayne Sept 12 2 weeks. Wake Aug 29. 2 weeics. Wavne Oct 17, 1 week Wakef-Oc-t 24 3 weeks Johnston Nov 14, 2 weeks. Harnett Nov 28, 1 week. FIFTH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPHERD. Orange Aug 8, 1 week Caswell Aug 15. 1 week. Person Aug 22, 1 week. Guilford Aug 29. 2 weeks. Granvilte Sept 12, 2 week Alamance Sept 26. 1 week. Chatham Oct 3. 2 weeks. Durnam Oct 1". 2 weeks. Orange Nov 7, 1 week. Caswell Nov 14, 1 -week. Person Nov 21 1 week Granville Nov 28. 2 weeks. Guilford Dec, 12, 2 weeks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS Lenoir Aug 22. 2 weeks. Duplin Sept. 5. 1 week Pender Sept. 12. I week. New Hanoverf Sept 26, 2 weeks. Sampson Oct 10. 2week8. Carteret Oct 24, 1 week. Jones Oct 31. 1 week. . Onsiow Nov 7. 1 week Lenoir Nov 14. 2 weeks. Duplin Nov 28, 2 weeks. Sampson Dec 12, 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 week. Columbus Aug I I week. Moore -Aug 15. 1 wek. Robeson Aug 22. 2 weeks. Anson Sept 5, 1 week. Brunswick Sept 12. I week. Richmond Sept 19, 2 weeks, Robeson Oct 3 2 weeks. Bladen Oct 17, 1 week. Moore Oct 24. 2 weeks. Cumberland! Nov 14. 2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28 I week. Richmond Dec 5. 1 week. EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE. CLARK, Iredell Aug 8 2 weeks. Rowan Auk 22. 2 weeks. Davidson Sept 5, 2 weeks. Randolph cept. 1 9. 2 weeks. Montgomery Oct 3. 2 weeks. Stanly Oct 17 1 week. Cabarrus ( 31. 1 "week. Rowan Nov 7, 2 weeks. Trodell Nov 21 2 weeks. y Davidson Dec 5, 1 week- NINTH DISTRICT -JUDGES GILMER. Rockingham July 25.2 weeks. S'okes Aug 8, 2 weeks Surry Aug 23 2 weeks. Alleghany Sept 5. 1 week. Wilkes Sept 12. 2 weeks Yadkin Sept 26, 2 weeks. Davie Oct 10. 2 weeks. Forsyth- Oct .24, 2 weeks. 1 Rockingham Nov 7. 1 week.. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week Surry Nov 21, 1 week. TENTn DISTRICT JUDGE ROYKXN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8, 2 weeks. Ashe Aug 22, 1 week. Watauga Aug 29, 1 week. Caldwell Sept 5. 1 week. Mitcheil Sept 12. 2 weeks, Yancey Sept 26. 2 weeks. McDowell Oct 10, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug 1. 1 week. Cleveland Aug 8, 2 weeks. Mecklenburgf Aug 29. 3 weeks. Union Sept 19, 1 week. Unionf Sept 26, 1 week. Lincoln Oct 3,1 week. Gaston Oct 10,2 weeks Cleveland Oct 24, 1 week. -Rutherford Oct 31, 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 week. TWELFTH DISTRICl" JUDGE 1 . GOMERY. Madison Aug 1. 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania Sept 5. 1 week Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jackson Sept 26 1 week. Macon Oct 3. I week. Clay Oct 10, I week. Cherokee Oct 17. 2 weeks. Graham Oct 31.1 week. Swaid Nov 7, 2 weeks. Madisont Nov 21, 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. MONT" Criminal causes only. tCivil causes only jCivil causes only, except jail cases. V Richmond, V7; Largest assortment, of Docket knives la th3 city at Jacobs Hd7. Depot, t YOU! can live at home, and make more money at work for us, than at any thing e so in the world. Capital not . , . w v& maw MM IW A.J . . XHStU COT PQ Oil niroa A v.w J - , work. Large earnings sure from, the first t tart. Costly outfit and terms free. -Better cot delay. Costs you no thing to send us your address and find out; if you are wise you wll do so at once. U. Haluett ft Co.. Portland Maine- . dec 1 6m d ivw Douglas & Yarbdrough. JpASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSERS ? AND BARBERS. - 1(3 Market St.. Wilmington, N. C : - Shop fuUy equipped with all the latest Im provements. .' - T Courteous and polite barbers always ready v erve customer". rar j. y. Yarborough, formerly with John Werner, would be glad to eg rye fcla old pat rcr.3. ;:.'" . " . . :;"- . tzzi MISCELLANEOUS 14 raCKKE ir. i iANEOUs. ?&sEnii!AL pastilles: IcalOarefor NerroasDebilitytOrcarji l aou inonauui aruu TvitrscKages tnalied to pa. of whom too k a fn 1 1 trut i Cientsnaweroreswreaioneeitn by use of v PROF, liARRI V7e&kness andPJbVst cal Doca7 in Yon cr Mid fila AMdllon. Tested lor Kicht Ypara i r mo Lhnnsaod easea f.KfT absolntelv Teetarti r-.-rcrt-rrrtlv kged and broken down men to the tnll enjrjyrro';ito? perfect and fell Manly Strength and Vurarocs 17 ttcJtli. To those trhosulTer from tho mnny ObuMim d :.-w.ih3 Srocght abonfc by Indiscretion, Ei'osnro, Ovor-Druia IVork, or too freo Indnlsence, vre ask that yoa read C9 ronr name with statement of your trotibl, cam Bora re P2JX&L PACKAGE FItKK,with Ulnst'd i'amphloM. pirryRES PERSONS can have . may-17 d&wlv : -. ."- i''iifi'' rc.i mZ,ir "."ucoceis felt 1 dzr;sJi - 8. ,COOH XT. Tenth Dtrr 1 Trial of our App&r&g Harper's Bazarw 10 : ILLUSTRATED.1 j - Hakfks's Bazab cooibines the choicest lit erature and the ltn startlllustrations with the latest fashions and the racst useful fmliy redoing Its stories, poems, and essays are by tbeb st w-it rs, and its humorous sketch es arenansurpassttd Its pape-s on social eti quette, decorative art, house eepirur In all its br-nch.es, cookery. e: , make it indispensa ble in every household I ts beautiful fashion plates and paitern-ebeet tupplement'; enable latiles to save many times tne cot tor subscrip tion by being tbfclr own dreamikei's. - Not lino is admitted to Its columa hat eonld shock the most fastldions. . - Harper's7 Periodicals. BAZAR I....... ..; ... ..... $4 00 Magazine.. ....... ........... 4 00 Weekly.. .. .................. 4 0 Yol'nq People 2 00 Feankun QUAKE t IBKARY, One Year M Nuuiberf )............ la 00 Harper's andy j-bries, One ear (52 Numbers; 15 00 " Postage Free to ail subscribers in the United Ttates or Canada. -; HABPEit'8 Harper's Mabper's Harper's Harper's The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the drat Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will be gis. with the Number current at time of receipt of order. - ' : Bound Volumes of Harpe'T Bazar, for thre years back, in neat cloth oinding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, postpld, oh re ccipt of $1 00 each - r Remittances snould be made by - Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newepaprs are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS, nov 26 - vx Vnrk For the Sound. O N AND AFTER THE 24TH OF AUGUST WAGONETTES Will leave for the Sound at 2 P. M." and 5.30 P. M. Returning leave the Sound at 7.33 A. M. and P. M. " . ' T. J . SOUTHKRLAND, . - Live ry and Sale Stables, Passion V epeedily when this remedy is rtk no wore effectual relief frr J n loathing of food due to IXTexippo? ! ' than this article. Put v. n inill ties. Sample packages i ? flfe by mai I to any address on rcwiti? in stamps. The resminrl nUU tanS J Vfiiit l.v mail. Mrvwm iVi?!!, tanaw 400 Noitii 3d st.. Phiin,i;!;;1,r:1J1'E tu M . Si MANNA! ; Tho great secret of thecanarvbiniw , of tbe Ws Mountains SJS Manna wiI 1 vpqfm a tii Ui4?l rt prevent their aihne ts and icSe,ri trood condition. T f Acll0.r? U the season-of shwldingf ea there iwKhS? ' cases carry. t ho 1 iitlonusidlSfilSte j " " i"V V1 i souk. , Philadelphia, pj Mail on receipt, o 15 ct. r'OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd !St leaso mention this paper. ; sept 9 tu tn Rat Merchants, bankebs akd MAscricTu ; 7 , EES SHOULD READ . BRAD y Tft E ET '8 A Weekly Jodrsal of Trade, ance and Public Ecoxoki au4 Nos 108 A 110 North Second St The National" Life .AND . Maturity. Association; OF WASHING TON, D. C. o- w . HOHATIO BROWNING. President. ' o -GEO. D. ELDRIDGR, Secretary. Manager and Actuary. o Life Insurance at. Absolute Cost. A Gnaranteed Policy. . . An Incontcstible Policy. V Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age! Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three' Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D.,; Medical Director. W. H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street.' N. W. mch 31 ly ' - . r. .. 11 r rl-ts?2rtA If so, send for DOG OUTRS' CJ HIDE, oontainins colored plates. PfT lOO eneravinffs of difieront breeds. prices toey are wortn. ana vvncre to bay them. Directions far Training Dogs and 15 reeding ferrets Mailed for la Cents. Also Cuts of if eg lfurnishinff Ooods of aB kinds. Then send for Practical POUL TRY BOOK. lOO poes; beau tiful colored plate i en gmvln em of nearly all kiooTtif low la; deacrii tioDS of the breeds; how to eaponize; plans for poultry houses: information about incubators, and wliero to buy HirrrM from bcit atoch at &1bO r If so, yoa need the BOOK OF CAGB BIKDM. ISO pases. 150 illus trations. Beautiful colored plate. Treataacnt ana breedisff of all kinds Gags birds, for pJe-aoro and profit., Diseases and their core. How to build and stock an Aviary, All about Farrots. Prices of for Cta. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, -237 Sooth Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Fx. all kinds birds, cases, etc, Mailed 15 Cents. The Turee Books, 40 Ci " Sixteen pages evi, y Satwdai. Oftentimtt Twenty Pagtt. Sometimtt Tvof) four Paget. FI VE DOLLARS A TEAL The foremost purpose of BRADSTR1ETI Is to bo of practical service to business net. its special trade and industrial report! tn1 la stnopeea of recent legal decisions are exceed j ingty valuable As commercial transaciloai ' In the wler sense, are omlng to be moreuu more conducted on a Btatlniic&l basis, tbeli formation' contnlne 1 it liliADii EKKT8h; Aret import n e to all THE GENERAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH OUT 1 HE UNIT. 1 ST A Tli S AND CAN ADA U BkFOltTSD BY TELEG11API1 TO BKAD' ST&EET'S UP TO THE 1IODB Ot PUBLICATION SINGLE COPIES TEN CENTS. THE BRA DST&EET COMPANY, ; " V- : .279, 281, 2S3 r.roaiway, ; Send for Sample Copy nkw You Cm feb 3 Val uable Lands for Sale, d NE Tit ACT OP LND, LYING OKI mile from 1 incolnton, N. C, consisting of , acres, 53 acres cleared; la ttst for cottot,. but giv-'s good crops for all grains. Diiij bTanch running through it ai d a fineaprttt; a few acres oi bottom Hnd on the branrn t ?() arresjln wooI, ok and hickory, well ta bereti. , , ,. Another tract lying 2 miles )rom Usn ton, ml io from V K ;vstrZ e.!cared, lhie spring of d llcious water. aDW! j six acres of bottom land near ltonthe braa, j la No. 1 for tob-cco, but grows owex well; 75 acres In yellow pine and oa. For price and terms apP'yj?,.--,,-. CUONLV M0ER!S, mch 16 tf A act rs & eal Ketate Broken Quarantine Notice. i DAK ANT1NE WILL BB ESrOECC cr :'z'v H - '' VI. .11 Wad from May 1st to wovemDcr xsw from ports South of Cape Fear. Regulations governing vessels in QfJf may be obtained at the office ot the oa tine Physician. . : Due rotice will be given to jgjotaoW extension of Quarantine to other Vh may become dangerous on mmubI P lence oi cnoiera or oiner iuievi-v- - t On entering tbe port. "-""5 tit Quarantine wUl dteplay a l. f.i thence without me wruwu Quarantine Physician. T(l M.n. THOH F. 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