MISCELLANE0DS per&Morbus ramps olie i&rrhoe ummer Jll Cured dra teaspoonful of perrMaviWmMer in a little Afilcnr Sugar and Water All Druggists Sell It. Over 9,000,000 wornVdaring the past six years. This marvelous success Is due 1st To the superiority of Coraline over all other materials, as a stiff ener for Corsets. Sad. To the superior quality, shape and workmanship of our Corsets, combined with their low prices. Avoid cheap imitations made of various Ends of cord. None aro genuine unless "DR. WARNER'S CORALINE ' ft is printed on inside of steel cover. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHANTS. WARNER BROTHERS, 359 Broadway, New York City. act 1 dxw xnos and Whiskey Hab its cured at iiotnv with out pain. Book of par ticulars sMit FltEH. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D Mlunla, (mi. Oilior .-.v., Whitehall Street Homes in North Carolina o- Only 20 Hours Hide fro il New York ! romplnts Yseritery OPIUM M MilesSoutn of lialeisb Ob the Raleigh and Augusta Air-Line R K 1500 ACUE3 or lAND 1N TUJC on Jef pinerefcion. For sale on easy terms li rV ult purchasers. Four acres for $25 er tracts 5 per acre. In monthlv pay ?tool$io. This land adjoins the "South "ne8". a recently established health re W sanitarium), and la siieclally adapted il!1 ensure, as well as all the cereals. "umber of New England people have bought iathetownof "southern Plnea." and it 5 desire of the owners of this land to ln mail farmers, mechanics and others Jw the New England and Middle States, as Ur?( 8Crhere. to locate here. No State in jwon offers greater Inducements to ect K "an North Carolina Nowhere can a toniw? J?,lnK country or as fine a climate be 1 his is the opinion of Northern men kZ .Ve BiulC(1 ln North Carolina. This Is a lKftj?Fcr and la limited r "her particulars write at once to Con,,, . . J"HN T. PATRICK, mnuvr of Immbrratlon. Raleigh, N. C ian 91 or B. A RICHARDSON, -J1 Chronicle Office. Ausrusta.Ga 887. 1887. The Daily Whig; cheapest dally paper in the South. ; fSe red,E1K.LY haa lwcn enlarge I ad he weekil11107 5 ear. The cheap f0net. ylS8Uena Wtekly tdltion both l betL.K t0T tx' 0 1 he o are cheaper Ul! ui inJP eml wetklv as you get one taJ tea 1 L?.a wcky fo- 50 cents less than 'onth frpL lwo weeka ani Weekly one W order ,J ono cent 'or a postal card r on or the other on trial . , t A4'jreaa . .THE -WECI3 : ' . Ricinnond, Va Til Daily Roview. Echoes. As one who walks upon a windy infill, Through " unknown streets, to uufdes not his footsteps by the by the clangor that the wild bells pour; Yet oft he pauses, when in the wind's rnnr Some louder echo calls him left or - ritrht: And much he joys when, full of angeis nrignt, He sees the great -.rose-window flame before. So if the wanderer in life's wav at tend To catch the heaveulv carillon, above Its earthly echoes Nature, Art and Love: Then in his ears, as earth's sweet voices end, The bells sound clearer, and be fore his eyes Bright wirufoAS open in the darkening skies. The Spectator. "Diseased nature oftentimes breaks forth in strange eruptions," and the result of it all is pain. Now Salvation Oil will send this very pain to the right about at the trifl ing cost 01 only 20 cents. -i . All Afternoon Call. "Do you write stories, Mrs. Ilob son, love stories?"' inquired Bobby, as he rested his elbows on the lady's knee and gazed peafully into ller face. "Bo I write love stories?" repeat ed Mrs. Hobson in surprise. "Why, no, Bobby, what put that idea into your busy little brain?" and she turned to Bobby's mother with an amused smile. "Pa did," was the dear little felloWs explanation. "I heard him tell ma that you could beat any woman in town romancing." lpcciall y to Women. "Sweet is revenge especially to women," said the gifted, but naugh ty, Lord Byron. Surely he was in bad humor when he wrote such words. But there are complaints that . only women suffer, that are carrying numbers of them down to early graves. There is hope for those who suffer, no matter how sorely, or severely, in. Dr. It. V. Pierce's "Favorite Prescription." Safe in its action it is a blessing, es pecially to women and to men, too, for when women suffer, the house hold is askew. ' Moderation in Diet. "The Roman soldiers," says the Scientific American, "ho built such wonderful roads and carried a weight of armor and luggage that would crush the average farm hand, lived on coarse brown bread and sour dine. They were tem perate in diet and regular and con stant in exercise. The Spanish peasant works everyday and dances half the night, yet eats only his black bread, onion and watermelon. The Smyrna porter eats only fruit and some olives, yet he walks off with his load of 100 pounds. The coolie, fed on rice, is more active and can endure more than the ne gro fed on fat meat. The heavy work of the world is not done by men who eat the greatest quantity. Moderation in that seems to be the pre-requisite of endurance." I have bpen for several years a sul ierer from Hay Fever and severe head colds and have tried other remedies in hope of getting relief but have found none that can compare with Ely's Cream Balm. I would not be without it for any consideration. It is simply wondertul in its effect upon the nasal organs. S. II . BURTT. Wilmington, N C I can cheerfully recommend Ely's Cream Balm to tho suffering public lor Hay Fever and stoppage ol the air pas sage? I have tried n and tind it ..gives immediate relief. J. E RECTO K, -209 Rock St., Little Rock Ark. , . - A Sultan's l'alacei The sultan of Johore has a won derful palace near Singapore. Its wealth and beauty rival the "Ara bian Knights'" tales in splendor; and he is always willing to show his mar vels to the" many strangers touching at his shores. He entertains his guests at meals with food served in golden vessels, which service cost $700,000. The regalia he wears is valued at $500,000, a sord Queen Victoria presented cost the neat sum of $50,000, and he delights to dazzle the eyes of his enchanted spechitors with these wondrous visions of wealth. The A rgonaut. BiicKleii's Arnica Salve. The Bejst Salve in the worli for Cuts, Bruises, Sores. Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter. Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed 10 give perfect satisfaction, or moey refunded Price 25 cents per box. For aale by VV II . Grpen & Co How Women Vote. First Kansas woman "Were yon at the polls yesterday, Mamie?"' Second Kansas Woman "Oh, yes, I was out at the dear little polls. Isn't it just too nice to vote?1 "How did you vote?" Really, dear, I don't remember."' "Wp11."'vou remember that thev had typ kinds of tickets white aniU "Oh, I remember now. It wat a lovely little fed ticket that 1 put in the polls.' , "Wliv, 1 am surprised. That was the Republican ticket.' ."Well, I didn't ask. I saw that the color of the ticket was a delicate red, and it exactly matched my dress.'---Omaha World. ; School Books and School Station ery you caii buy'cheapest at "Heins berger's. . Vt MISCELLANEOUS. THE REVIEW: . a ?s j j J :m office, O 0 O MARKET STREET. NO. US. (TJ1 TJR-. AND WE ARB PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF IE WILL Sflf 8E IllWEfl WHEN YOU WANT : PROGRAMMES, CIJtCULAKS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING. TAGS, LAND DEEDS. MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS" DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS. STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS. CHAT TEL MORTGAGES. AC. CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. &tdru8B REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C The Acme MANUFACTURING 00., MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pire Wool and Pine Wool Matting. -o- WILMINGTON, N.C. fjMIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERT1L1 ZK-tS, the ACME and GEM, la now eatab llshed. ami the results of three yean' use 1 the handa of the best far rers of this and oth er Stitcs fully attest their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of our na ive pire, has already trained a popu larity tor-comfor and durability equal to any wool carict. and the dt mnd for It Is dallv Increa log. It has virtues not found In any oher labrlc. The FiBRE or WOOL lb extens vely used for upholstering pnrpoaes, and as a tilling for mattrt Bsea 1 almobt equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against Insects Certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our oflice, or will be mailed upon application. july 29 tf Pall Goods. FRESH NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT FIRST OF THE SEASON. -O- Fresh Cocoanuts. NEW OATMEAL, This year's manufacture, from new OATS; and a sup rior assortment of Fancy OAKES '& CRACKERS NAMELY : ALMOND MAOJAROON9, . .''" WINE JUMBLES, OSCAR WILDE JUMBLES, BASP3ERRY TART, Ac.. Ac, and a full varleiy of other fine goods In my line. - Jno. L. Boat w right. sept 13 "15 17 So. Front Street Change of Base. Y FRIENDS AND THE PUBLIC ARE M respectfully notified that I nav6 removed my snops to Chetnm street, between Front and Water. All order for work In m v line, tin ning, repairing. Ac. will be done promptly and faithfully. Chestnut, between Fro at and Wat-i ian 31 tf Douglas & Yurborough. j1A3HIQSABLE HAIR DRESSERS AND BARBERS, 1 3 Market st . Wilmington. N C Shop fully equliped with all the latest 1m proveoient Courteous and polite barbers alwaja ready t erve cuatomef f. . - ' . J.. W Yariorougn, formerly with John W'xner. would be glad to serve bia old pat rol a. f ; . - .. . WHOLES ALK l'RtlJK f he following qnoirtlona re proses wholesale prleea generally. In making nv mall ordera higher prices have to be charged BAGGINt . ' Gunny.... 8 O 3?dard.... ... S0 9 BACON North Caronna Hama r ft 12 O 15 Shoulders, r lb 8 Sides, lb 10 & 11 WESTERN SMOKED Hama, r tt 13U 15 fides, r tb 7li -Shoulders, V ft.... - 5 0 W DRY SALTED ' Sides, r tt.. - 0 O 6 Snoulders, if fty 5143 5 BARRELS Solrlts Turpentine. Second Hand, each 0 a 150 New New York, eacb 0 00 A 1 8C New Clty.each...... r 0 1 Sfi beeswax, r m. a 24 BRICKS, Wilmington ff M S 00 O 9 00 Northern....... 0 00 0U 00 BUTTER, rft North Carolina....-...-......" 00 a 15 Northern........ a StiU CANDLES, r lb- 8pcrTn....................... is ett 25 Tailow. ................. . . llO 12 Adamantine........ ...... 8 0 9 CHEESE, y By Northern Factoiy 14 Dairy, Cream 15 te l State 8 0 30 COFFEE, rib 23 0 & Laguyra 0 & 16 Bio...... ... 23 0 21 CORN MEAL, r tas., in sacks O 624 VlrglnU Meal CO 0 COTTON TIES, r bundle. 100 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, f yd 5fi 6 Yarns, r bunch. ....... ...... Of a au EGGS, r dozen ....... 10 O 12fc flSD- fdackcnsl. No. 1, r bbJ. SO 00 J12 o Mackerel, No. 1, V half bbl.-ll 00 O20 (l Mackerel, No. 2, V bbl f 00 ai u Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. 8 00 A 9 10 Mackerel, No. 3, ? bbl 11 (0 Ol2 C . Mullets, f bbl 0 00 O 4 50 Mullets, Pork bbla 1100 ni2 0 S. C. Roe nerrlng, r keg.... 3 00 n 4 0 Dry Coil, r ib... 6 0 7 FLOUR, r bb orthcrn Super S 25 O 3 56 Extra 4 c0 O 4 25 Family 4 50 O 4 75 City Mills Super 4 oo a 4 ij " Family W 0 5 ' LUE T 8s..-. TA O 10 GRAIN, r bushel Corn, from store, bags, white. 0 60 Corn, cargo. In bulk, whits.. 0 Corn, cargo, in bags, white.. O Corn, cargo, mixed. In bags.. 0 Oats, from store 45 0 474 v'j Jow Peas 60 0 65 HIDES, r lb Green... - 6 0 5 Dry ...... 10 0 12 HAY, r 100 lbs Eastern 1 10 0 1 15 Western CO 0 i to North River 85 0 - 90 HOOP IRON, r ft ... 2J40 23 LARD.r Nortbern 7 0 7V North Carolina 3 0 10 LIME, r barrel 1 40 0 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, r M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. ...18 00 02t 00 Rough Edge Plank.... 15 00 01f 00 West India Cargoes.accordlng to quality IS 00 01- 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.. 18 00 0T 00 SoautUng and BoardV corn's -.12 X) 015 00 MOLASSES, r gallon New Crop Cuba, In hnaa.. 24 0 26 " " " bi bbls..-..., 2 0 30 Porto Rico, n hnds.. ........ O 26 " ln.bbls 26 0 28 Sugar House, In khds-. . 0 " " - - It bbls 0 18 Syrup, In bbls.. 22 0 35 NAILS, r Keg, Cut.lOd basis'.- 2 25 OILS, r gallon - . ' ; Kerosene.... io 0 11 Lard. it 0 l 45 Linseed. 9C.O1C0 Rosln 15 0 18 Tar 00 0 20 Deck and Spar-.-.-,....-..... 00 0 22 POULTRY ,'- -.v.- . Chickens, live, grown... , 2 0 33 " Spring. .. 15 0 25 Turkeys 75 0 1 CO PEANUTS r bushel 22 lbs.. 60 0 80 POTATOES, r bnshel Sweet.... .'0 & 70 Irish, r bbl 2 50 0 2 75 FORK, r barrel City Mess K 00 011 00 Prime.. 13 50 014 00 Rump 00 013 50 RICE Carolina, f lb 4V40 Rough, r busheO Upland).... SO 0 1 10 Do. do (Lowland).- 1 00 O 1(0 BAGS, r lb Country 0 IV City-... 10 lfc ROPE, r tt I1 -2 SALT, r sack. Alum... 70 0 75 Liverpool 0 65 Lisbon 00 0 00 American..................... 00 0 '6 SUGAR, r fb Standard 740 7 Standard A........ 6V4 White Ex C tf? b Ex C, Golden 0 ik C Yellow 0 5 SOAP, r lb Northern 5 0 61a SHINGLES, 7 ta.r M 5 10 0 7 (f I , Common 2 00 0 2 5 Cypress Saps.... 4 50 050 Oyprces Hearts o 00 O 7 STAVES, r M W. O. Barrel-. 8 00 014 (X R. O. Hogshead 00 00 01C TALLOW, r 8 0 6 TIMBER, r M feet Shipping. lri 00 014 01 Fine Mill 11 25 013 0( Mill Prime 7 50 0 8 ( Mill Fair.... 6 000 6 SI Common Mill 5 00 0);CK Inferior to Ordinary 0 00 0 4 0) WHISKEY, r gal Northern. .1 00 0 00 North Carolina. 1 00 0 2 v WOOL, r fb Washed ls o 20 Unwashed 15 0 V Burrv. :.; . IC 0 After Forty years' experience in the preparat4on of more than One Hundred Thonsand applications for patents in the United felates and Foreign conn, tries,-the publishers of tha Scientific American contiuue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy rights, etc. for the United States, ana to obtain patents in vanaaa. ungwuu, r -uce, Germanr, and all other countries . Their experi ence is uneqaaled and their facilities are unur- Drawings and specifications prepared and tiled in the Patent Oflice on hort notice.. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination Qf models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through Monnjtpo.ar noticed in the AMERICAN, which has the largest circnlat ion and the most intlueutiar newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of anch a notice every patentee understands. . .. ... , . . ' This large and splendidly Illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is admitted to be tho best paper devoted to science mechanics, inventions engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names i of all patented and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. ; Sold by all nowsdealera. J. i If you have an invention to patent write to Munn 4 Co., publishers of Scientific American, 361 Broadway, New York. .... Handbook about ponta maued tree. : " . , -w7 l T . i ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. ;RdweU! . & Co:, Newspaper Advertising Bureau, ; IO Spriace St., New Yoi-k.' Send lOcts.'Tor lOO-page Pampbla- MISCEI.LANEOUS. Carolina Central R. tf, : Company Change of Schedule. WE-STBOUND TUAIS. No. 1 No. S i dallv x id lly exj u day j 'undav 1 Mar 16, 18S7 Iave Wilmington Leave Maxton Leave Hamlet.... Leave Wade boro leave harlotte.. Leave I in cobj ton. leave he!by..... Ar hulherfor-'ton 7 5 ami' rt O nm 11 am!.... ....J '2 If. i.ml f 4 3 pm) 55 am : 17 pm! 7 4a pm J 10 iml Sarrlvc EASTBOUND TUAINS. Ho daily ex j Sun ay bo 4 da ly cx Sunday. May 16, 1S87. Lv. Uutht rfordton 7 15 mdi eave Mielby. .US h Leave Lin coin ton. 10 0' am Leave Charlotte.. li2 pm Leave Wiiilealioru. ?:; pu Leve Hamlfti..,. 3pn Leae Maxton.... 5 p ArrlyeWilmluxtonl DOS pni 8 45 U) ....... .i 1 lb ami 66"ainl 1 ralnB Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Maxton to and from Faycttcvliie, Greensboro and other Mints on C.F. . At Waics- boro w)th trains to and from Cberaw.r'lorenc and Charleston. At Llncolnton to ami from Hickory. Leoolr and pointa on C . . . Nar row Hauge It K. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connectl ii Uamlet with Trains to and from K clgh. -Through Sleeping cars between Wtiuingt u and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville.and citation on W NCRll and iolnta Wen Take train No 3 for Spartanburg, Orccn vlllw. Athnr Atlanta and all nnlnu South west. Also, for Ashevi!le;vla .vpavlar.lurg. o. 3 connects at llnilKcton with W A- W 11 It No 23 Local Freight Nob. a and 6 tri weekly be tween wilmingtou and laurinburg IxKal Fi eight Nos 7 anil S tri weekly be tween aurlnburg and i harlttc Leal f reight os a and 10 tri-wee ly be tween Charlotte and Kullu rfordton Noe. 5, 6, 7, 8, a and In will not take passcn gers. L. C. JONlfib, Superintendent F. W. CLAKS. 4nerl Passenger Agent may 14 1887. Harper's Young PeoDle. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harfer'8 Yoong People has been calle. "the model of what a periodical f r young reisers ought to be." and the justice of this commendation is sunny sustained by the large circulation it h ,s attained both at borne and in Great Britain ThU success ha been reached by methods that must commend themselves to the judgment of parents, no less than to the tastes of children namely, by an earnest and well sustained effort to provide the best and most attractive reading foryung people at a low price he Illustrations are copious and of a conspicuously hlgn standard of excellence. ' An epitome of everything that la attractive and desirable in iuvenlle literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of good things to the boy and Klrls in every family wnl h It visits Brooklyn Union. It Is wonderful in Its wealth of picture in formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate N. Y. TERMS: Postage Prepaid. 2.00 Per Year Vol. VIII. commences Novembers, 1886. Single Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-office, Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Iobs. Newspapers are not to copy this ad vert la ment without the express order of IIarpkb A B BOTHERS- Address UARPEB BROTHERS, nov 26 r Yorfe THE STAR, A Newspaaer suppjrticg the Principles of a Democratic Administration. Published in the City of New York. WILLIAM DOESHEIMEU, Ed. Prop'r. Dailt, Weekly and Sunday Editions THE WEEKLY STAR, A 16-page Ne wrspaper lssue I every Wednesday A Clean, Pure, Bright, and interesting Family Paper , It contains the latest news, down to the hour of going to press: Agricultural, Market. Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, llamorous and Edito rial, Departments, all under the direction of trained journalists ol the highest ability. Its sixteen pages will be found crowdrd with good things from beginning to end. Original stories by distinguished American and for eign writers of fiction THE DAILY STAR. The DalL star contains all the news of the day In an attractive f o m . 1 ts special cor respondence by cable from London, Paris, Berlin, Vienna and Dublin, Is a commendable feature At Washington, Albany, and other news centres the ableet correspondents, specially retained by The Star, furnish the latest news by telegraph. Its literary features are unsurpassed. The financial and Market Reviews are unu eual y mil and complete. pedal terms ani extraordinary induce men ta to agents and canvassers end for Circulars Terms of the Weekly Star to Subscribers. Free of Postage In the United States and Can ada, outsi 1- the limits of N. Y City. fer Year - t Clubs ft Ten 10 Clubs of Fifteen (and one extra to or ganizer of Club) 15 ' ; Terms of the Oally Star to Subscribers Every Day, tor one rear (lnciuumg Sunday).... I Dally, without Sunday , one year.... Every Day, six months.... Daily, without Sunday, six months.... 7 b' 3 3 " - The star, 26 A 2S North William SL. Up l'J New rora 1887. New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal 1 the United Slates. Always Bright and Kelbt ble. -: - : ' Kvery Number an Epitome of the News of the World The Foreign Department Is unequalled. Lateat aud most accurate Cable Specials by the otnmercial Cables. ; - Fullest TelegTHptic Reports of all Current Events - ' fecial' Fe-.tcres Practical Farming; articles on Science, Art, Liters ture.the Drama Music, Religion, raanton ana uneaa. : Information on all subjects. , . , . 7 " .' Address. " . i 4 AUKS GORDON BENNETT. New Yoik Herald, ' . tOT 23 '' : - ew yor: City rt A I I.HOA1J v. Wllmlnrton, Columbia & Ansaista It. It. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOINt MUTK. Ho 7. I 1 laiy. i j except No. ?3, i,l J Sunday Dally. No T7, ally Dated Jnne 19, Leave Wilmington. Lv. I .Waccamaw . Ieave Marlon... .. 0 p"m 25 pm II n pm 2 4 am 10 10pm 11 ISpre 12-1 7a:o '1.4 'a ra Leave Florence. 40 pni Arrive sumier .....j 424 am 4 Slain Arrive Columbia .1 6 5 t m b-'o am! .loam TRAINS GC'INw NObTlI No t5. allrr except Sunday No. 78, Dally No. 14, Dally. Leave Columbia... Arrive Sumter.... lcave Florence. Leave Marlon.... pro 650m 11 52 pml 822air-:.. 4 s am 5.15 act 1 2 am .2 am 9 40am 8 so pm 9.04 pm 10 34 pm 11.45 pm Lv L. Waccamaw Arrive Wdmlnct'n Nos. 23 and 7rt stop at all stations excep Cane Savannah. Water ee and Slmms Passengers fur oinut on C u. R. R., C, C A A R. R. Stallone, AH en Junction, and all points tieynnd. Ahotild take No 23. Pall men Sleeiier fo Augus'a va this tralc 1 rains 57 and M make close cnrectlon at Florence with Trains on . A J. K. R. JUH.N . UtVlNE, oouera! Superintendent J, R. KKNLY, Sup't Transportation V M. KMGRSON.uenerai Passenger Agent. June i9 Wilmington & Weldon R. R AND UKANCUK8. ' CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS UOING SOUTH NO 15 Dally, 23, I No 27, Dated Aug. 1, V7. Ieave Weluon.... 2 05 utn 5 SS puj' . Ar. Rocky Mount. 3.24" ..I.... .... Arrive I ar boro... j4 50 pm Leave larboro....jl0 5 am Arrive Wilson 357 pmf 5s pni.... ..... Leve Wlson..... 4 15 pm ..7r.....7.... Arrive " elroa. . .. . . 5 24 pm Arrive Fayettevllle 7 55 pm J Iave (ioldsboro.. 4 4i pmf 7740 pm ......... leave Warsaw... 5 4Gpm;.. Kbfl am Leave MhktioII.i.. f 0) um :w pm 8.13 am Ar. vviimlneton... 7 40 prnf ..rr '0. am TRAINS G ING N 'RTH. i : No a,. No. 14, No. 78, Dallv. Dally Dally. ?icept Sunday Leave Wilmlnjrton ll.'9 pm 8 5 -am 5.(0 pm Leave Magnolia., i Kia m 10.32 am 6 35 pni Arrive Warsaw 10 4J am K 5j pm Arrive Gohisboro. 2.1 - am 11..' 0 am Leave Kayetteville .... .... 5lTam Arrive t-elma 10 5') aro Arrive Wilson..... t it 59 am l eave Wl'son.. . . . 2.57 atnTiiSrtpoi T I ...... . Ar .Rock y Mount 1 12 pm .i Arrive Tarboro. ..).... .... 450 "pml. Iave Tarboro. ... lo 5' am....'.... Arrive Weldon. . 4 25 am 2 4)pm !..'....... Train on Scotland NtcX JJrancli Koad leaver Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.iiC P. M. Re turnbag leaves Scotland Neck ' at 9.30 a. M. dally eiccpt Sunday;'.v w' i Train leaves Tarboro, V C, via Albermarle 4 Raleigh R. K Daily except -unday, P. M , Sunday 5.0b P.-M. arrive Wiiliamston, ' N. C, 8.I11 P. M., 6 40 P. M. Returning leaves Wiiliamston, N. C. Dally except SunOay, 7.40 A. M., unday 9.5ti A. M , Arrive Tarboro. N. C, 9 45 A. M., 11.30 A. M Train rn Midland JS. C. Hrancb leaves Golds boro, N C, Daily except Sundav, 7.00 AM., arrive SmithOcld, N. C, 8 30 A. M. Kcturnlng leaves mlthfleld, N. c, noo a. M.. arrive Goldaboro, N. C., 10 30 A. M. Train on Nashvilie Itraneh leaves Kocky Mount for Nashville 4 ou p. -M , arrives at Nashville 4.40 P.M., Spring Hcpe 5 15 P. M . -Returning loaves Spring Jlopo r .40 A.M., Nashville 11-15 A- JJocky Mount 1155 A. M., dally except Sundtty. Train on Cllntoi; branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, Dally, except nnday, at 7 20 P M, Returning leaves Clinton at 7.((. M. Southbound Train on Wilsrn Faycttcvllle Branch Is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 50. uallT except Sunday. . ., Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson , Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 7s make close connection at Wel don for all points North Daily. All rartl via Richmond, and dally except Sunday via Ray Line. Trains make close connection for all point North via Richmond and Washington. All train? run solid between Wilmington an ; Washington, and have Pullman PiitM MiAAn ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINK, . .. .-... .V General Superintendent. J. R KKNLY. 8up"t Transportation T. M. MRSON. Genera. ?aseenffer Ace t. aug 2 1887. Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. llAKi-EU's Mauazikk during lKfc7 wilf con lain a novel of Intense olltical, social, and romantic interest, entitled "Naraa" :i storv vi nncin iiiv uy natnaicen c aieara; a neV novel, entitled "April Hoitcs," by W 1 Hoy ells; Southern Sketches," by Chailcs Dud&y namer aim ucuecca jiariung navia. Illustra ted by William Hamilton Gibson; ''Great American Industries" continued; "Social StudieH.by r. R. I Ely; further articles on the Hallway Problem by competent writers; new scries of illustrations by E A Abbey and Alfn-d Parsons; articles by t& t Roc: and oth er attractions. Haroer's Periodicals. Per Year: llAKFKK'a A1AOAZINJE.. 4 00 llABPKK'B WEBKLT 4 00 flARFKK'S ItAZAB. . 4 Ui Harper's Yovvu People. i oo UAKPEtt's Franklin sqdarx Libs art, Ono Year (52 Numbers) 10 00 Pottage Free to ausubscriters in the Units State or Canada, - ; ? s The volumes of the Magastn begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. ' When no time Is specified, sibscrlptlon will. : begin with the Number current at time of re- " eclpt ot order . . Bound Volumes cf Harper's Macatine, tor three years back. In neat elotn binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, on recelp of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cases, for binding. 60 cents caeli by mail, postpaid. . , , Index to Harptr't Magaztne, Alphabetical. Analytical, and Classified, for volumes 1 to 70. Inclusive, from J une, 150, to June. Ib85. one toL, 8vo, Cloth, it 00. .. . ( Remittances should be made by Poaiinc Money Order or Draft, to avoid ebance of kh. Ntut papers are net to cop? this advYtiti4ut without the express order of Has per A I!k'i. " Addresc - - - 'HAPPED BROTH ICRS, . bot 26 . .- - New York- : : Job Printing. ;.: rjHE RKV1KW JOB -PRINTING bFFIC Is prepared to do all kinds of Job Printing a neatly, aa cheaply ana as expeditiously a. it can be done eUewbere. Send In your wcxk and Uihall.ba, done promptly , feb

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