THIS PAPER , W. V PLEASE NOTICE. ' . - ' t We will be glad to receive cbnimunlcat ions I - . . - . .. from ourjfrteiKls on ny and all subjects; of general Interest. ;but "-..-. ' .t., ; The n.nme oft he writer ranst alimys bo fur blahed to the Eihtor. , t ' ' - ' Communications must be written only orT one elde of the paper. ' ' ' r 7. i IVrsonaUUes must be vldetL ;: . - -And It 'li especlalb- aiMi particularly jonUer-; stood thau he Fxil tor docs not alwarji endorse the views of corresprihdents unless stated in the editorial columns. " - fP1 rHltnr and PTOD.' h.t.JA . . VIPTIO; POE PAID. ' 14 00. six months 52.00. Throe oae moncent.- . Ubedeincred by carriers, free papef r oart of the city, at the above -ijicentsperwcek. - Lr rates low and liberaL Hwrs will iase P011 any and jTW:U.hT their paper regularly. VOL XI. WILMINGTON, N. C. TUESDAY. OCTOBER 4 1887 NO 236 . - :. ' ... " " ' ; ' ' " - ' " -''- . , ' - . .. . , . 1 . '- - ' ' . - . (.,., - 1 . - . . -, . , : ' ' '.- . CONSTffiiTJLUKJ called."1 no medium through. m rf rbich5 -hVution of poisonous gases in ?ytbo?ayedandeflSte matter fcmLh and bowels. It Js caused Wdlivernot enough bile being WTo7 ftSm the blood to produce tVjfJ Cathartic, and Is generally Jfnied with such results . loss of Appetite, r f Sick Headache, Bad Breath, etc. t nf Constipation does not TJrVi v in unload l ng the - bowels wTlcinemnstnotonly ctasa purga a. u,n ic as well, and not produce luXbitof body without changing rriar -i-fiisr thesvstem ?T-J greater costiveness. To secure or disorganizing the system , Uf attention, after suffering with ConsUpa 'm lor two or three years, was called to Simmons ltr KeguUor, and, having tried almost every "JS ebS, concluded to try it. I first took a inrUssful and afterwards reduced the dose to a ronnil, as per directions, after each meal. I fc3that it had done me so much good that I Sued it until I took two bottles. Since thenl Ja not urricnccd any difficulty. -1 keep it In rhou$ and would not be without it, but have joBsefor having cured me." Gso.W. 5ms, Ass't Ocrk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga, Take only the Genuine, TWck Las on the Wrapper the red Trade- mnk ind Signature of ' - sis. Lvpki to New Advertisements. Totes Photo Gallery " " sHMankixo Taxes 1887 ' ' HIIN'SBEIMIER SchOOl BOOkS, F W ORTMAxsi The Best Yet Beox & PEARJMN---8emoval . ' W n M Koca Xew Iver Oysters r Hoi.LixnswoKTH Sale of Valuable Prop frtj ' ' " Diet Si Meares Gentlemen's Furnishing For other locals sae , i oarth page. -' 1 ; . Hie receipts of cotton at this port War foot up 1 ,497 bales. - Largest assortment of ; ' spocket knives in tlxe. city at Jacobrs-Hdw Depot. " .' ' ' t We are glad, to notice that the box sheet for .to-night's entertainment is nearly all taken. Mr. J. S. Hall has secome editor tnd proprietor, of the Fayetteville Mm. We wish mm much success iuuis journalistic venture. Tere is considerable sickness, es pecially among children, in the city atthis time, and the weather is ex tremely favorable for. the propaga Hon of disease. i . ' Mr. W. H. M. Koch is now regu larly in receipt of oysters at the Na" tinal Saloon, . corner , Market and North Water streets. He serves them op in any style desired; 'v' t A large proportion of our moving population have accomplished that fetiguing task and are now settled in their new quarters, glad that the nnoying and tiresome job is over. . We sympathize very deeply ith r friend, Mr. T. T. Seeders, iii the loss of his little daughter, Florence, abrijjht, promising child of 10 years. She had been sick for but a few days. Sunday's isue of the Charlotte Okcncr was a large eight-page , Paper, filled with - advertisements and good reading matter. ' f It was the largest newspaper published in toe State ou that day. A colored boy broke into Mr. A. F. Lucas' store, aV Lloyd's Landing,on Thursday Inst, and on Saturday ' he &s caught. He took $2,50 in money from the drawer, a few" pocket vej. and some sniifT. " - - ! v 4 The angel of death yesterday af ternoon visited tlw 1irmsulinld of Mr. Jona R, Turrentine and took unto one of its most cherished uieni rs, little Eugene Hayden, liot Vute six years old, a fine, promising, spirited child. f . j trr . ,T would advise all our readers &eed of shirts to stop at the Wil- jiidiet Shirt Factory and get the white shirts in the land at 75 fert8. J. Elsbach, Prop., 27 Market trt. . . ; ' . f .See the Othello Range at Jacobfs w. Depot. It is unequalled as a ker;it is nnely finished; has a re" Csk!6 Kmte for either coal or wootl. nStcha,1elm ft second by the forw?eJperienced- Just the stove ' inter use f erv vfO?1 aild School Station- ber3 can buy cheapest at Heins- ' City Court. There was a small ami unimpor tant docket for the Mayor's consid eration this morning, which was dis posed of in the following order: A party, whose name suppress by special request, charged With fas-t driving, was required to pay a fine of 5. - ; : . .Tames F. Williams, colored, for being asleep under a piazza on Mar ket street, -was senteiicel to 10 davs' work on the public, streets. - "L; Amlit iid Fin-Alice. " i .The Board of Audit and Finance met n regular v seson - ;y esterllay. Present: IC. Jones' Esq.. cnair- ni an, and Messrs. Win. Calder, W. I. Gore, Jno. W. Hewitt rtrul F. Mauii- d'.r. - , A communication was "read from Mr. J. G. Oldenbuttcl,' Chief of the iro Department, stating that the ('ape Fear F. E. Co. was iu need of drop harness, and recommending that it should be purchased immedi ate! v.. - The Board concurred in the re commendation. The Board also concurred in the action of the Committee on Markets jf the Board of Aldermen in renting market stalls, etc., for the current year. The recommendation of the Chief of Fire Department, that 1,000 feet of linen hose be purchased, was con curred in. . ; In-jthe matterpf .repairing sash, etc., in the Opera House, on motion, the Board concurred In the recom mendation of the..:; Public Buildings Committee, to have plarA andspeci" fixations prepared, and advertise ments to be made for separate bills for material and labor. Two bonds of $1,000 each, redeem ed and cancelled, were burned in the presence of the Board. The following bills were audited and approved: Bills for current ex penses, $5,389.88; note, $12,000; inter est, $217; bonds, $2,000. The chair stated that tKere- would probably be matters of importance for consideration shortly, and upon motion, the Board adjourned subject to the call of the chairman. County Commissioners. The Board of County Commis sioners met in regular session yes terday afternoon. All the members were present. The county treasurer submitted his monthly report, showing a bal ance on hand to the credit of the general fund amounting to $2,026.46, and a balance of $8,413.67 to the credit of the educational fund. The register's report showed fees received from marriage licenses amounting to $9.98 and paid over to the treasurer. The chairman reported delinquent taxes collected amounting to $47.94, and exhibited the treasurer's receipt for the same. In the matter of taxes of Benj. M. Campbell, for 1881 and 1882, H. A. Bagg, referee, -reported that he found upon examination that - the sheriff sold the property for delin quent taxes for the years mentioned, the county becoming the purchaser; and upon further examination, found that Anthony Campbell list ed and paid the taxes for the said years, as evidenced by receipts of the sheriff. I It was therefore ordered by the Board that the tax deeds held by the county be delivered to the said Anthony Campbell or his represen tatives, and that said deeds be de clared null and void, and be can celled by the register. Poll taxes were ordered remitted against cert in parties who were shown to be non-residents. T.liiiliciik f ri1H roil utirifumw 1 ill llf were granted to A. H. Holmes, Fred B.Rice, .Wash Moseley and J. L. Croom, A communication was received from the President of the Wilming ton. Onslow & East Carolina R. 1A. Co., and upon motion it was resolv ed to meet a committee from the company on Monday next at 2:30 p. m ! 1 X 1 in. Hie rauroaa company asK mt? ilAAw.tii tliM of thV old nlank to the depot that morning, in plea&T New-alanover County, N.'C, in" Book Y. Yk Y., releae to them of the old .plant? . , n Rni -nt, v aim0st H, 72 and I will seU at public auction road. Ivnur in the county and . ex- on the subject. The -cheapest place '.to buy your school books and school stationery tending iroiu oeventeenin street to - - - i.ii ,,r,tv t1 r. a S0011 ma and will be , - ' -xl T-1 ; missed. At various stations 1 rift v mi tli I! IT If If flril Mr. A. D. Black; of Kenansville, was on our streets to-dav. . Thanks to oar good friend, Mr. Frank W. King, of the corner store in Front street market, for a bucket oot but there was no need for their of fine Sew River oysters, received Herviwsks a stream from-the hv-to-day. Hereafter Mr. : King ill -mnCm the Kkvikw office out have them regularly on hand.- thfe flames No onefaipws how it Mr. A. Shrier . has occupietl the - caught but it is probable ihat , a store on tiie ground floor . of . this building, vacated yesterday by Mr. I. Shrier, and has removed there his stock of hats, trunks &c. to whid will w added Jn a fe days a full line of clothing. c : Ur ir Shrier has cbmpe4vthe removal of his stock. of clotning and furnishing goods to the store on Front street, next North - of Capt. Mclntire's, which ill be his' busi ness abode until he can get into his new quarters in the Purcell House building. . - The well-known and popular bar. bers and hairtlressers, Brown &. Pearson, have removed from No. 24 North Front street, the store they have so long occupied, to No. 110 Market street, South side, the store recently occupied bv Mr. A. Shrier as a hat store, which they will have fitted up handsomely and comfort ably and where they will be pleased to have their patrons call upon them. Journalistic. ' The Cape Fear Advocate, publish ed in this city, will celebrate its first anniversary on the 26th inst., by ap pearing as an eight-page industrial issue, telling of the negro's progress in North Carolina. This will be the first attempt at showing the ad vancement of that race in this State, and will ; contain biographical sketches of some of the most pr6mi nent of those people', who hav.e met with success in the struggles of thi. progressive age. Railroad Matters. The latest news regarding the Wilmington, Onslow & East ..Caro lina Railroad is thai the people of Newbern are trying to make ar rangements with the people of On slow county and have appointed a meeting of conference to try and see if the t wo systems may not be con solidated. The Commissioners of Onslow county have postponed ac tion in order to see if the two inter ests can be combined with advan tage to all concerned. They will hold a meeting in November, after action has been taken by the joint meeting of the committee of citi zen's, and will then determine what action to take in the matter. Superior Court. The following were the proceed ings before this tribunal to-day, up to the hour of closing our report: Godfrey Hart vs. Julia M. Hart. Continued for defendant. Steduian & Weill for plaintiff, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., for defendant. Gaston C. Hawkins vs. C. Bellois. Continued, J. D. Bellamy, Jr., for plaintiff, M. Bellamy and Russell & Ricaud for defendant. John I). Souther-loud. vs. Melissa Southerland. Verdict for plaintiff and divorce granted. "J. D. Bellamy. Jr., for plaintiff, no counsel for de fendant. Joseph 'Tucker et al vs. J. . D, Bellamy, Jr. .On trial, A. M. Wad dell for plaintiffs, M. Bellamy and J. D. Bellamy, Jr., for defendant, Col. Grafflin's Last Days. ' Col. Orafliin's death was very sud den, and occurred within, about to hours after he was attacked with paralysis. He had been suffer ing for some years, past with rheu matic complaints, which were ag gravated by exertions at the big fire here iu February of last year. He went to Lincolnton some weeks ago, hoping for improvement. These hopes were realized and he had im proved so much that he expected to jbeat work again to-morrdw. On ll'llllrlV 111.?.! i. IILUV III L1I13 till w boartleil at tin hotel in Lincoln with . the Colonel and Mrs. Grafllin left with h fr i1n.iio-litfr oti the return limnp. null flol GmfHin walked down i .rx,. great jy ester- tributes " , .. . , were made on the arrival of the - train hearing the reiniiins. tram oearni, tne remains. : Hirncicn luuumce la inc jh. y"3 to get good work at moderate p es. The alarm of ' fire this afternoon 1 1 wan caused by a slight conflagration on the roof of a shed i n the rear of this office. : Th1,irt...aTit fu'itioH r8Pa'k from a ehiraney in the neigh bdrhbod fell among the drv tkwirdsl Public MeHiu Reiiiember the citizen's meeting to heltfai the City Half at r olock tq-mprrow night for the tJUrpose p eciviug tlur report of tlje. com niittee relative; to a .subscription by the city to the Cape Fear & Yad kin Valley Railroad. There should be a full attendance, as the object for which the meeting is called is of the greatest importance to our .peo ple, involving, as it does, the finan cial, commercial and material wel fare of the city. Be sure and attend. ' Open House. -- Mrs. D. P. Bowers, with her; com pany, arrived here from (ioldsboro where they playedjast night at 10 o'clock this forenoon. The.eompany will appear at the Opera House here to-night in the exciting and exact ing tragedy of Queen Elizabeth, with Mrs. Bo ers in the title role. In speaking of her rendition of this part, the New York Herald which is undoubted authority said: "Mrs. Bowers .took , a . step last night winch few actresses of the modern school would dare attempt. It was from the charming womanli ness of Mary Stuart of the previous evening to the virility and harsh im periousness and the sterner traits of Queen Elizabeth. The , transition was a sudden one, but was a most successful one, showing the star ; to be the mistress of her art. Her per sonification of the kingly queen is one of the f e w artistic performances of our dav and time." ' Indications. . , . For North Carolina, fair weather, cooler " and fresh Northwesterly winds. . ' " ' " ' , ' ' - - ; ' The" Zeb T Vance-Stove; -like--it namesake, is welcome in all North Carolina homes. It is to be found at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. ( t t IIKI. SEEDEBS Oct. 3, 1887, at 7:45 in the eve nlng, Florexce S., daughter of T. T. and Hat tie Seeders, aged 10 years, 2 months and 18 days. - - ' I take these little lambs," said He, "And lay them In my breast. Protection they shall find lame, In me be ever blest. ,r : - ''.. '-.r': - . His words the parents hear. And speak with Joys divine, O! Saviour, all we nave and are, sShall be forever thine. , Ni:V A D VERT IS KM ENT8. New lllyer Oysters. S ?E VED IN ANY STYLE DE- sired at the National Saloon. W. H. M. KOCH. oct 5 2t Corner Maiket aad Water sts. Best Lot Yet !. N OTHER LOT OF THOSE tine New iver Oysters on hand to-day. The best we nave had this season. Call and try them and be convinced, at OKTMANN-S CLUB KOOMS, Second Street, between Market and Princess oct 5 lwk Removal. OU PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GEN generally are respectfully notified that we have removed our Barber Shop from 24 N. Front street to No. U0 larket- street, south side, in the store recently Occupied by Mr. A. Shrier as a Uat Store, where we- will be pleas ed to see them hereaiter. . - - oct 5 lwk r BEOWN PEAB'SON. xe'ojl887.-;,.,-. JjH :, THE jPul'tVSE OF COLLECTING the State and County Taxes for. 1887. 1 will be In Cape Fear Township, Tuesday October 25th, at Chadwicks store. Harnett Township, Wednesday, October 2eth, at Macumber s fctore. . Masonboro Township, .Thursday, October 27th, at the Voting Place. : Federal Point Township. Friday, October 28th, at Blddeirs. Store. . y Prompt payments will save costs. i Sj h: MANNING, Sheriff oct 4 2t t s . -New Hanover County. Sale o Valuable Property.! Y VIRTUE AND IX PUhSUANCE of A iwwcrqr saie coniainca in a cenam niunjrage executed on th 19t.h Jone. -A. D. 1KS1L bv Benso and wife Mary B," Benson, and regis- UtllUU ;ity of .32S iorsn, at tne court uoaseaopr mine cuyoi tii East side of Fifth street, between Dawson - "1 Wright streets, describea as roiiows: 2 ftnlno- at a. nnt nt 1 1 the eastern line of . K'jfoet at Annentard Hawkins' .Southwest cor i.-'"er. and runs thence southwardlr 35'feer,. fuence eastwardly 254 feet, thence nortuwardl iy 35 feet, thence West wardly 2C feet no the bWmnlng, being pans of lots Nos. 2 f block No. iV The house is new and in good condition. - 001 5 td- a If. HOLLINGSWO TIL - MorrVagee. I AnVKKTIKKM t3NT UasJi House 116 Uarket StreeU - ? .'WE OPEN ON . Vl onday ,0c tbfr Srdv A Large Assortment of KIch Fall NoIties , V and Combinalion . - 4 " DRESS O 00 DS- comprising the latest Designs and Colorings in silk: velvets, PLAIN, WTUIPED AND WOVEN BKOCADKS. SILKS0ASHMEHESt SEItGES PIN CHECKED, FKKNCli PLAIDS, 54-inch FLANNELS and T1UCOTS." SATINS and VELVETEENS. ; : ' UENKIETTASDUAP DE ALMA, ' ' " DRAP COUPE, DltAP DE SHEBA, Among so many can only name a few prices: CASHMERES as low as 5c per yard. GO-inch Ladies' Cloth, worth 40c for 25c pr yard. 36-inch English Cashmeres, only 25c per yard. Good Blaek Silk, 60 and 75c per yard. A Superior Black ilk, worth $1.40 for 1. . BLACK GOODS. The best assortment of all the new weaves imported this season. - TRIMMINGS. Every variety to suit above. Eider Down, Furs, Astraka:i, Silk Plush Sacques, Jackets, Wraps, New Mar kets and Jerseys. FULL LINE OF DOMESTICS, from 5c up. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAK, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &C. &C MERINO UNDERWEAR For Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys, thejmost complete assortment In all sizes and qualities. SKIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINGS, - . ' ; " - AND ' r ALL OVER LACES Spanish, Escurial, Vals, Torchon, Egyp llan, Irish and Everlasting. WHITE GOODS. Every variety, Collars, Cuffs, Ruchings. Veil ing, Crepe, Point DEspr1tf Handkerchiefs, Ribbons and Fancy Goods, &c, &c Sateens worth 25c for 15c. A call; will satisfy you .that qualities and prices are as low as any of the lowest North ern Catalogues, and will Induce you to buy for Cash at " v i ' . . . ' ; ILL. JUL. , ,v - - - - v ' ' " - 4 ! " 1 I.O - 1-JQtTuOt . -)X NEW ADVBttTlSKMKVTH. Knoxville Furniture Co. fE ARE HEUE YET, WITH THE Finest and cheapest Furniture end other household goods to fje found in ihecitjr. We are receiving new goKti daily from the-. Factory. Also a lull lne of Baby Carrlajrc-H. We have a small : lnu Sale whlch we wiU sell cheap. - ' oct 3 , - E. H. SNEl; Manager l'oI( fir ilMvMorN TF YOU WANT TO FIN 1), THE CHEAPEST JL ' . - : -.- . place in the city to buy Harness and S-Ktdlery : uus, ruDJui ana atcuels; li-yuu want your 11 ,TVU W Bilk JVUI ie as it slioukl to ; j Milliners, N(j ltlso. Front M. . - ? c : :.' '. .' 4 . ; ' . The Horse oct :$ : Builder Jf?ifdw ire- 4 LAf:GE AND NVELL SEL W'TED STf C K., -- ; , - -i - ''.! i i v ;;. '- ' .-.'-" ' - . ' V SpcciaLlnduccments to contract or?v. ' r' ' W. E. SPRlNt iKU 1. CO.; t ID, 22, 23 Market-st. oct 3 Persons Building1. Iff ILL PLEASE KEMKMBEl'l TIJAT WE ? are putting up Lightning win , In con nection with oomug. Drive Wells. Ay., Don't give your orders-, to Light nlug .-.od' A gents when you can get iK-tter work to at. lower figures here at home, fall on us for Builders' " Hardware of every (leserlpttou. , ALDE MAN, 1LAN7NE A ro.. - Dealers in llMrriwHit. Tinware. oct 3 d&w . Wilmington, N. C " OPERA HOUSE. Special Ktijiit iu e n t -)F- America's Greatest Actressi MRS. D P IJOWEItS, Supported by Mr. Henrv Avri.ixo'suuI a thor oughly 'competent eoinp.iny. in filatvont metti's greatest work; 7 Q U E E N ELIZA B E T H. oct l :jt - ; v . , j ' ' - 7- '-;; Grand Opening : - " , '7 OF V .;-7, :: FALL MILLINERY "yyilL TAKE PLACE W EDNfJsDAV. CiOT. 5th, Thursday, Oet. 6th,' and '.Friday. .'Oct. ;th, at TAYLOR'S BAZAi;, Market Kfrectonb of tha largest stocks ever shown in Wilming ton, to which we cordially Invite the public In general. Yours respectfully," " ' - JOHN TAYLOR, 118 Market Street, Wilmington; N. Cr OCt 3 -7 i'v ':'--"; I?. ' . - ' ' SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS, JS THE SCHOOLS BEGIN TO OPEN next week we would Inform out friends that ' we have just received the largest lot of ." "'':" .... V , -." ' " '"' ft ' .. " - . .. SCHOOL BOOKS brocght bore, which will beaolJ cheaper than ever before. J : v '". Please call and buy your School Books at . HEINSBERGER'S. QT ALL KINDS.. STEELL OF every description. "... PAPfcR AND KNVKIJPES to suit ihe most fastidious, all of which we can elt you cheap at " V-'lS '-,,-7;; .-. HEINSBERGER'S sept 1.1 Cash Bnokt aiuf M title Htrf f Home Again. AfZ ORR. t , HAS JUST; IIKTCRN- ed from the North where he rss been .It- forailtg hlmrelf in the tatett rtyWaodlia I rovements of . PHOTOGRAPHY, And Is now prepare! I lojflrd liH trli:nia and easterners the benefit of that ttovte ire. . Call and tee him at ept2S . YATKS'. PHOTO.-GA l.H II V Souttiport Saloon. WJLU OPEN TODAY ATOUTHPtUT : a llm els. HPr.H, HINK. AND CKJaTC i v SALOON. Freh XHetr ai(rayso hanL The CBelWlnc and C'xars in the plare, tall f od see me. 1. A. TLEYm, ; Sov. lb port, N. C. is at Heiusberger's. - t oct a 1 sept 131m