nrnia PAPEB - ' "Kusned erery evening; Sundays excepted, JOSH. T. JAMES, Editor and Prop. BSCl, POSTAGE PAID: !j: r ,40a Six months 12.0a- Three : ? one montl1 33 caaMm .ler irffl be delivered by camera, tree nr part of the city, at the above orioceatsper.week. rateslowandUberaL cnhscribers will please report any and Tn .-..ue their naner resrularly. - snores 10 . . - ... itiA rather of Diseases." b. Is iuT there U no medium through ftese bo often attacks tne system TTsorption of polsossous gases In ty W ion of decayed and effete matter JSsSSSS and Wels. It is caused u?TorSd Liver, notenough bile being WfJSr froni the blood to produce oirn cathartic, and U generally J5S3ed with such results a- less of Appetite, Sick Headache, - Bad Breath, eta treatment of Constipation does not merely in unloading the bowels. toDJlcine mustnotonly act as a purga- k3i be a tonic as welU'and notproduce greater costl venesa To seen so 2Sr habit of body without changing JJJet or disorganixing the system -Uf attention, after suffering with Constipa lint for two or three 7ears was called to Simmons Uta Kesulalor, and; having tried almost every tou eke, concluded to try - I fi ok Jriaeriassful and afterwards reduced the dose to a. Spoonful, ms per directions, after each meal. I hmi that it had done me so much good that I costioittd it until I took two bottles. Since then I iieipericnced any difficulty. I keep it in f bouse and would not be without it, but hare ,ots for having cured me." Geo. W. Sob, Ais't Clerk Superior Court, Bibb Co., Ga. . Take only the Gtnuitxe, irvA has on the Wrapper the red Trade- "avkiad Signature of N ' '- ' j, JX, ZILI2f A CO Itisid that George L. Schuyler jgthe only living member of the syndicate that built the yacht Amer ica, and won the cup from Great Britain in 1851. - The Chicago Tribune says that President Cleveland recently sent $100 to a Pennsylvania veteran who wrote to him, explaining the hard, ships of his case and his inability to get a pension. There were landed at Castle Gar den during the month of September 33.939 immigrants an increase of 1, 752 orer the corresponding period for last year. , The total increase for the year up to October 1 is upward It has been decided by a California Court that a real estate' deed from ksbandto wife where "love and affection" are named as the consid eratjon is not valid unless there was actually such consideration at the time of the transfer. illi ' JayHubbell claims to be seized and possessed of two pieces of in formation which may be classed as quite important, if true. He says Gen. Sheridan will be- the Republi can Presidential candidate and Cleveland will not be renominated. The statistics of -the ascents of Mont Blanc show that 61 women in all have made the ascent : English women 32, French women 15, Prus lawomen4, American woman 3, Swiss women 2, and Russian, Danish, Hungarian, Italian and Austrian, one each. ' A St. Petersburg pamphlet an nounces that the Nihilists have com pleted their reorganization, killed or otherwise disposed of all spies, and are now ready for the Winter Wffipaign. The work is said to be Proceeding with encouraging speed J Siberia, where last month forty Ct guards and twenty three pris oners ran away. man has been selling patent hurus to the Maine farmers, taking n Payment notes payable " 011 ; de d and made "not transferable," 404 Pledging himself not to demand PPuent within, a certain long penod. Then he changed the ot' Jo "note," and sold the notes, and e 'armers are called upon to pay op. The General Assembly of Virginia .Ped of 140 members 100 in "j House of Delegates and 40 in the wh! nly four of Senators 0 hol(i over are Republicans, and jenteen are Democrats, conse. the Republicans must elect y-seven members to have a., ma ry on joint ballot, and the Dem ts need elect only fifty-four J fa?X,MPreideut Py8 his railroad o une ny other i American citi- xeo. He bought regular first-class for. every " member of his rerwL ia outlined trip. The tloST that the triP wiU cost him dtobea r- fete k eaident8tockedthebuf 41 "awelf, pays all the incidental TjOWBTiifirjtioivi. """"TBBMSSssssssssssBsssssaa ' nn 7, VOL XI. expenses of. the trip, and experi enced railroad men say that the trip wiir hot cost him over $2,000. The carving of 4 the inscription on the pedestal of the national, nionu innt,to Gambetta, in the Place du carrousel, Jfaris, , opposite the Louvre, has been proceed! some days past. The words Frenchmen, raise your souls and your resolutions to the height. of the perils which weitrh on the Father land. It yet depends upon you to show to the universe the spectacle of u great people tliat wilJjioCperifch !' : The London papers say that the : i Queen intends to visit India next the community. The best of order year. The Queen has. on very good ami decorum was preserved through authority, frequently expressed the , out the entire proceedings, although most earnest desire to see her great all nresont seemed wide-awake and Oriental Empire,and the journey last winter of her favorite lady-in-waiting, the dowager Marchoness of Ely, to India is believed to have been the preliminary of the royal visit. The prospect thereof will -also explain the much-talked-of fact that the Queen is learning Hiiulostani. - - The statement of the Paris Gaulois to the effect that Napoleon's body was never placed in the tomb where it is supposed to lie. causes the Lon don Standard to remark: "It is even doubtful whether the tomb at Mount Vernon holds the body of Washington. At all events, it has been again and again asserted, and proof adduced, that the head was stolen from the first grave in which the founder of the- great Republic was laid and was carried to Faris by a curiosity hunter.1' LOCAL 3STE"rerS. Index to New Advertisements. -Yates' Photo Gallery W L Young For Rent A 8 Winstead Just Opened IlEINSBERGER SchOOl BOOkS Jas A Montgomery Proposals Dick &. Meares Gentlemen's Furnishing House The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 1,968 bales. Schr. It S Graham, Avis, cleared from Philadelphia for this port Oct. 4th. Swed. barque Jcidt, Wullf, hence, arived at Riga, Rus., Sept. 30th. Ger. barque Fortuna, Unruh, sail ed from Oporto for this port Sept 27th. Ger. barque Ferdinand, Bleismer, cleared to-day for Harbourg; Ger., with 3.515 barrels rosin, valued at $3,088, shipped by Messss. Paterson, Downing & Co. Mr. A. S. Winstead, proprietor of the fruit and candy depot on North Second street, has opened a branch of his business on North Front street, just above the Carolina Cen tral offices, which he will keep well stocked with fresh candies and fruits. Hon. Simon Wolff, an eloquent public speaker from Washington, D. C, will addressthe people of this citv next Tuesdav nitrht under the auspices of our Hebrew fellow citi- w .1 . .rn zens. liis subject win oe tne tar iff " Mr. Wolff was U. S. Consul General to Egypt. See the Othello Range at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It is unequalled as a baker; it is finely finished; has a re versible grate for either coal or wood. Can be changed in a second by the most inexperienced, for Winter use. Just the stove t The Wfidesboro Messenger comes to us this week greatly enlarged and improved. It is a 28-eolumii sheet, printed beautifully on clear white paper and every line of its type is set at home. It is published by Messrs. Lowe & Bovlin. Success to it: Personal. Mr. A. F. Powell, of the firm of Powell & Co., Vineland, was in the city to-day, looking around among the merchants. Only 12 Cents for a Polo Cap, I Shriek next door to Mclntire's dry goods store, on Front St.; will sell on Friday, Oct. 7th, Polo Caps for 13 cents, worth 50 cents. Re member, for one day only, Oct 7th. Please bring the right change along. Other goods will be sold propor tionately low. I. SHRIER, the old re- liable clothier, Front St., sign of the Golden Ann. The Review Job Office U tbe place to get good work at moderate prices. d'Mii WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. OCTOBER RAILROAD ! . The People of Wilmington in ms Meet- lug Assemble! Favor a Subscription to the Cape Fear & Yai kin Valley R. R. ., A, .i City pro- tne rauroati uieeiinjr ar me Hall last night to consider the the largest and most enthusiastic, fork meeting of that character, which has been held in this' city in many years' It was not only large and enthusiastic, but it was f 0111- posed of representative men; iiiwf of staudiu character and influence 111 determined that no stone should be left unturned in the effort to bring the road to this city and thus con nect Wilmington by links of iron with the great and almost illimit able West and Northwest. The meeting was opened by a motion made by Mr. D. G.-Worth, that Hon. (). P. Meares be called to the Chair. The motion was carried unanimously, and Judge Meares, upon taking the ('hair, stated that the object of the meeting was to hear the report of a committee ap" pointed at a recent meeting which was held at the Produce Exchange, which was a very important matte. 1- a Wihnington, he said in substance, had been considered the cradle of internal improvements in the State, in the past, and the speaker wished that she might continue to sustain that reputation. He paid a fitting tribute to the courage, patience and far-seeing sugacity of those who in the past initiated and carried for ward to completion the several rail road enterprises which had brought wealth, population and commercial and political influence to our city. When the present ques tion was first mooted, he, with many others, was opposed to the scheme, as the credit of the city was then about to be tested by the funding of the city bonds, but since that had been accomplished with such entire satisfaction, he was heartily in favor of the movement, and more especially so since the road was making such rapid and de termined strides Westward. Among the many benefits which our city would derive by making this the terminus of the road, would be very immediate, easy and close connec tion with Cincinnati, which would give that city a direct route to the West Indies and South American ports via Wilmington, which would be 500 miles nearer than by any other route. While this would be of vast advantage to that flourish ing city it would be ot incalculable benefit to Wilmington, as it would make ours an importoht shipping point to West India ports and also as a port of entry for merchandise consigned to the West. At the conclusion of his remarks, which were interesting, forceful and logical, the representatives of the press of the city were requested to act as secretaries of the meeting The committee, consistim of! Messrs. D. G. Worth, J. W. Atkin son, W. A. French, F. Rheinstein and Pembroke Jones, submitted the following preamble and resolutions, which were read by Col. J. W. At kinson: The undersigned, a. commit tee ap pointed bv a meeting of citizens.held at the Produce Exchange 011 the 20th 7" m a t li I 1 !1K day of September ult., charged with the duty of presenting to tins meet in the importance of securing the extension of the Cape Fear & Yad kin Valley Railroad to Wilmington, respectfully report: j it beinv: apparent that earnest ef fort is now being made to divert this road from this, its natural outlet to the sea, and place elsewhere the tidewater terminus of this line of railway, it behooves our people to bestir themselves lest the advanta ges which must follow upon secur ing to Wilmington the connection with this important State road, and the establishment here of its depots, be lost to us. We. therefore, respectfully recom-.; mend the adoption of the following: t Hamlvul, 1. That we heartily ap- nrnvft Tlitt nrnvtsinna axrreemenx heretofore entered into between the Commissioners appointed bv the Board of Aldermen and of Audit and Finance, and the President jand Boani of Directors of the said Caie Fear & ladkm V aJlev RiulroadCoin- pany, viz: niat tne city pi wu minirton should subscribe to the capital stock of Yadkin V alley one hundred and fifty thousand dol- Jars, said- subscription to be paid no. tr. position to make Wilmington one of j s faun consecutive sec- icy. n vpnuKie an me streets wionn 11 Ior .. . . . . i tion Of five miles is fuiiinlftirl' Tivr- v 1. 1 tlie teriMlni or thp rdp r ear iK 1 1 1 . . r 1 ic icrti:u i iur nmrr vurvr. will be: tiMiiii ui iu pe 1 ; vided, that the last pavment of &10o : - - ; Yadkin V alley Uailroad, was one ot (XX) shall be made only unon the en- Chief of Police. 4 j either in cash or in the bonds of the Boards of Alderiiien nnH rf 1 uriil 1 1 r sir nrsi s- e 11. aI1( Finance, this subscription to be f paia as follows: - j Te thousand dollars upon the coiupiei ion 01 ine nrst nve miles of jtir lnat the 3t?. of j Wilmington, and to pay in lik'e in- i tire completion of the road to Fay- - w a a a. - a a i 'V. ' if f -ii 1 t'oniIK.l" j in the cornomte limits of Wilmintr- j ton, and to commence work on said J 1 within lour montlis alter tlie ratUk-atioii of, the. subscription, and i mnt-w-m imHl th rM.i i fiilK- Vrmi, a a. a.aav -r mm aaavaa v V v-' - v m -w v a w -va a & pleted to Favetteville. In exchange for every payment of; $10,000, as provided above, the said railroad company shall engage- to turn over to the city an equal amount of certificates of the capital stock of the company. liesolvedy 2, That the Board, of i Aldermen and the Board of Audit and Finance be requested to re-appoint the live Commissioners' here tofore in charge of the negotiations with the President and Directors of the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail road Company,- with instructions to secure, if possible, the renewal of the proposition as above stated in brief, or some similar proposition, and this being done we urge the Board of Aldermen to submit the question of subscription to said Cape Fear and Yadkin Valley Railroad, to an elec tion of the people according to law, said election to be held as soon as practicable. All of which is respectfully sub mitted. Upon concluding the reading of the resolutions, Col. Atkinson spoke briefly of the importance of prompt and decisive action in the matter as' there were those, who were striving to have the road diverted to other points. He moved the,. adoption of the resolutions. Remarks were now in order and Mr. B. G. Worth started the ball in motion by stating that he was in fa vor of a subscription and that there seemed to be no doubt that the road would have an early connection with the West. ,; Mr. J. H. Currie, being called up on, said that he had -been talking Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Rail road for many year's and it was a source of gratification to know that at last the people were beginning to find that he was right and agreeing with him. He was confident that the Western connection would be made at an early day and with Wil mington with its harbor and ocean advantages as the Eastern terminus of the road, the ports of the West Indies and South America would be made convenient to Cincinnati and the Northwest. He also spoke of the vast mineral resources and of the fertile grazing country through which the road would pass and with which we. would thus be, brought in direct communication, and argued that what the Baltimore &; Ohio Railroad had been to Baltimore, the Cape Fetir& Yadkin Valley Railroad would be to this city, and that an immense amount of traffic would be brought here over that line- to be reshipped to: other points, thus proving of advantage to other lines of railroad. , He spoke of the per sistent energy of the people of Dur- I 1 T 1. V... . .1 T- : ..1. ' : 1 it,Ul JI1C,1'JUI niwiuionu jii building raiiroaos wincir suouid tend to the growth and prosperity of their respective cities, and hoied Wilmington would not be behind in such a good cause, but that her peo ple would all pull together and work together to secure the extension of the road to this city without any unnecessary delay. The question was then called for and the resolutions were .adopted unanimously. . It was then moved that the same committee be appointed to present the resolutions to the Board of Al dermen and to the Board of "Audit and Finance, which motion was car ried unanimously. The meeting then adjourned. Perfect harmony prevailed through out the entire meeting and there was an enthusiasm such as has been seldom seen in a public meeting in j this conservative citv. The result mllst be ratif vimr to the friends of ; ' or llfloni P nW : - .aroused to the importance of bring- ins the road to this citv and will ork earnestly for that purpose. We would advise all our realers in need of shirts to stop at the WiN mington Shirt Factory and get the best white shirts in the. land at 75 " V ' r1 1 1 t ' m ar cents, j. cispacn, i-ropM xt AiarKet street." " f NO 238 street Sprinkling. . . Some of the streets were pretty thoroughly sprinkled this mornin especially at the intersection of Front -and Princess. All the streets ""'"'' "W.eel of wat.r, and we should think it would be; good pol. ; The Board of Aldermen will meet to-iiight for the transaction of ne "cessary business and for the election 01 a -inei . 01 1'ouce 10 1111 tne va cancy occasioned by the death of Capt. H. C, .Brocky There are about twenty candidates thus far 1 heard ' from, liit it intolerably certain that only one will be elected. City , Court. There was a small docket for the Mayor's consideration this morning, and it was quickly disposed of in ! the following order: Euipie Durand, a ten-years old colored boy, was charged with throwing rocks in the street, by which another, colored boy was seri ously injured in the face and eye. He was found jruilty of an assault and battery with a deadly wetipon, but owing to his extreme youth he was not bound over to the Criminal Court, but was required to pay a fine of $10 or be confined 20 days in the county jail. Bichard Cooper,- colored, for fast driving, was fined .$5. Wedding Bells. At half-past 7 o'clock last night the Temple'of Israel was the scene of abrilliant weeding, at which Rev. E. A. Y'ates, D. D. , pastor of Grace M. E. Church, officiated. The parties were Miss L. Dally King, daughter of Mr.- J. W. King, a member of Dr. Yates' Church, and Mr. C. Devane, of Pine Bloom, .Ga. The Temple was beautifully decorated for the occasion and was completely filled with relatives and friends of the young couple whe assembled to wit ness the impressive ceremony. The attendants were Mr. L. Tate Bow den, and Miss Mary Devane; Mr, James W. Monroe and 'Miss Julia A. Bowden: Mr. H. W. Collins and Miss Lizzie King. The ushers were. Messrs. W. P. Monroe, W. N. Jacobs, W. R. Morrison and James Riley. The presents were numerous and beautiful. and some of them were costly. The happy couple left on last night's train for Savannah, carrying with them the hearty good wishes of their hosts of friends. Largest assortment of pocket Knives 111 tlie city at Jacobi s Hdw. Depot. t NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Just Opened. T WOULD HES1ECTFULLY NOTIFY MY JL friends and the public generally, that I have opened a NEW CANDY STOKE, a branch or my Second street store, at No. 211 Nort h Front street, where I will keep continually on hand the freshest of Candies. Fruit, &c. and to which 1 invite their attention. Oct 0 3m A. S. WINSTEAD. Proposals FUU BUILDING BlilDdE OVEU I'lilNCE GEOiJdE CHEEK. Bids will be received at this omce until Monday, October 10, at 13 o clock, al. for building bridge over Prince George Creek in this county. Plan and speci lications on hie at the Commissioners' office. Commissioners reserve the right to reject auv or ail bids. JAS. A. MONTGOMERY. oct It Churn Com. Koads and Bridges. For Rent. jg LEG ANT DWELLINGS WITH tour to nine moms. Two Stores. One Bar Uoom. Apply to oct It W. L YOUNG. Ucv. Daniel Morre lie's mum AND CLASSICAL SCHOOL, CUKNEli Or OUANUK AND FIFTH STS rjlIIB TWfcNI'Y NINTH ANNUAL 8ES- slon will leIn (D. V.) MONDAY, Oct 3rd. seat 171m ttheat- Harriet Hubbard Ayer's VI! A NUOVA NEW LIFE. For sale by JAS. D. XUTT, the Drugiflst, 218 North Front SL oct 34 New liivr Oyttrs. jEKVED IX AXY STYLE sired at the National Saloon. DK- w. II. M. KOCH. oct5-.t Corner Market and Water sts. B st Lot Yet ! ANOTHER LOT OF THOSE One Xew River Oysters on har-'l rruHr. The best we have ' Jud-thn season. call and try them aitdJtfe convinced, at ORTMAXXS CLUB HOCLMS, Second S!S . OKTMAX.N Cl ilreet, betwien Market, aad Vrlncess Xiiwk 6 1887 Ijiiil PLEASE NOTICE. Wewtli be glad to receive communications from our friends on any and all subjects ot general Interest, but ! The name of t he writer must always " lx f ur olshed to the Editor. '.'. . Communications must be written -only on one side of the paper. . Personalities must be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the. Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless stated In the editorial columns. NEW A I)VE UT 1 8 KM K VT8. H Bass, (j?o ol die LUihi Uorte.) jyjANUFACTtlKEU OF ANP UK ALlCIt IN UUK& SPDLKS. U M..AR. WHIPS Ac I am pretr d to lo a 1 md of work! Special attend n ia jrivea to repaidrir. Fine hnd made Ifaraeca ma te to or-ier. - M II. B AS. N. 9 North e-ond -t , sept 29 lwd ltw Opp SoutherlancCa stables ening -OF FALL MILLINERY AXD- GOODS 1 ILL TAKE PLACE WEDNESDAY, OCT- 5th. Thursday, Oct.-fltli. and Friday, Per. ;th, at TAYLOlt-s HAZAK, Market street', one of the largest stocks ever shown in Wilming ton, to which we cordially invite the public la general. Yours respect fully, JOHN TAYLOR,'" 11 Market Street; Wilmington, X. C. oct. : Removal, OUU PATKONS AND THE PUBLIC GEN erally are ivsoectfuliv notitiPd thit we have removed our Barber shop from 21 NT. 1 ront street to No. 1 lit Marker, street simuh side, in the store recently occupied by' Mr. A. Shrier as a Hat store where we win i niAau ed to see them hereatter. . 0Ct51wk BROWN & PEA H SON. Sale or Valuable Property. jY VIKTUE AND IN PUHSUANCE OF A power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed on the J2th June, A. . m. by 1). Benson and wife Mary U. Benson, and regis-'" lstered In office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover Csunty. X. c. in Book Y. Y. Y.. at 13 o'clock. M, that house and lot situate on the Last side of Fifth street, between Dawson and Wright streets.'dcscribed as follows: Be ginning at. a point In the eastern line of Fifth street at Armentard Hawkins' Southwest cor ner, and run thence southwardly :ti feet thence eastwardly at feet, ihenc; northward ly feet, thence Westwardly an feet to the beginning, being parts of lots Xos. 2 and 3, In block No. ;).". The house is new and In good condition. O. If. UOLLINGSWORTH? oct 5 1( Mortgagee. SouUiport Saloon. ' J WILL OPEN TO-DAY AT SOUTHl'OHT A tirst class BEEK, WIXE AXD C1GA H SALOOX Fresh Beer a lways on h and. The fl nest Wnes and cigars In the place. Call and see me. '. J. A. LEWIS, sept 15 lm southport, N. C. SCHOOL BOOKS. SCHOOL BOOKS. S TIrE SCHOOLS AHE BEGINNING TO open this week we would Inform our friends that we have Just received the largest lot of SCHOOL BOOKS brought here, which will be sold cheaper than ever before. . Please call and buy your SCHOOL BOOKS at HEINSBE KG ER'S. -O- QF AU. KINDS. STEEL I'D'S OF Mer' descriptioii. PAPER AXD EN VELOPES to suit I he inos-f astldious. all of which we can sell you cheap at HEINSBERGER'S. oct 5 Cash Book andMuic Store. GraiidOp ijara ti, mm 1 win sen at public auction for cash, at the court House door in the city or Wilmington. X. C. on the. 4th nvpmwr i-r V i

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