. y - 1 ' ! - - - -- " - " - - -t'. v- .r-: - ; ..... ,. .. .- i la U it re- j J " k - .v.v.t N ". -: r 0 1 1 C ; njidrrhoe umm.er ; . Complaints Cured fyd teaspoonfui of in a little Milcor Sugrar and Water All Oru GGisTS Sell ir. n 1 TV V T V F. A.: LEU MANN, Y I ft 11 JL p Washington, D. C. art 3 4 . Tscna ior circular. CCUMAH KAT 10 At BUSINESS COLLEGE. 'Newark. N.'.J. Open all the year.. Nat ionaLpatrpnage. .Best course of Business ""Training. Leas' expensive In ' time and money. 1 Pieasanfcest location. Indorsed bv thousands ot crad- iuates and hundreds of the lead ing business men of -the State and nation. ,ect3iw : ,H. COLEMAN, Manager. Ml liiS " ' Ask poke LIEBIG OOMPANY'S EXTR ACT OF MEAT ! ma insist upon no other being substluted for It. N. 15 Genuine only with fac ilraile ot Baron Lie blfir's gg: nature tn blua across 1ib la bel. - v.; Sold by Storekeepers, Grocer and Druggists everywhere. oct 3 4w TheAcme ; MANUFAOTlfBING 00., MANUFACTURERS OF v;r Fertilizers; Pine Wool' and Pine Wool Matting. Or WILMINGTON, N.C. 'J'HE REPUTATION - OF OUR FERT1LI ZCRS, the ACME and GEM, is nor estab hed, aa.l the reanlta of three yeara ubc I tbc hands oi the best far t ere of this and otl er Sttes fuiiy attest their valuo as aJjlb Kradc nuaore. ' ' l. .' 1 The MATTING, made from the leaves of Clr mtlTe plre, has alreadj rained a popu for comfor. and '.durability equal to 'tor wool carpet, and the demand for it is tacreatlng. It has virtues not found In T other fabric. 7 Ike riBUE or WOOL 1 extena rely used Ior DPbolateilng purposes, axd as ft flillnjt for "wttreBaes l almost equal to hair, being light, and proof against ia&ects . Certlacates from reliable parties using our 001 can be seen at pur office, or will br gUed upon application. ; 1 oiy 29 tf I Valuable Lands for Sale QHK TRACT OF L &ND. LYING ONJC le from Lincomton, N. C. conslatlng of S3 J.M acrvs cleared; is best for cotton. givt good crop8 Jor .ji uralns. Um a "risen runnlnjt thruoeb it ai.d a oneeprln ; w acre or bottom Una on the bran n atd g6 a wcxhI, ofc d hlckorr, well Una Wfll r- w-.w vw. uuk (tuna vwu acres I9 yei low phi and oak. ; - w irncu &aa terms apply o CK.ONL.Y MORRIS,--ttta M Aucfrs & Ue&l sute Brokers X YSerte IS V 3 -hie: SI p -;sf5i-!J 5 S 5 a Oh 21 t?Iln Another mle ff,,m ' v K' v l-0 aercs. 25 wta, tlDe sVrtJucof d Melons water, about u v . 4 of bo'tonTUrd near lton me trv-cn ; LOVETnE LIVING. The sanctity that is about the dead, To make us love them more than r v late, when here Is not, Harwell to find the living ' dear, . 0 With sanctity like this, ere thev have fled? - The tender thoughts we nurture for a loss Of mother,, friend or child Oh! it were wise To spend this glory on the earnest ' eves. Vr-- The longing" heart, that feels life's . ' present cross. - Give aLso Merc v to the livinfr here. Whose, keen-strung souls will . quiver at your touch; The utmost reverence is not too much . For eyes that ween although the r lips nlay sneer. . .- - Independent. We have heard manv of our friends say that Salvation Oil cured them , of rheumatism. Those who have not tried it, should do so. Our druggists sell it for twenty-five cents a bottle. .. ." , ." , . '- . - r, - ' '. Yts Stoi-Je of Ye Dogjjie. Once in ye very olden tyme a Mer chant t say d too an Eddytor, "I'doan thynko advertizing payes." "Let me show yov,11 said ye Eddy tor, "I pvtt 1 lyne in my Papyr and not charge yov a pennie." A11 right," replied ye Merchantt, "and we will see.'1. , So ye Eddytor pvtte ye lyne in his papyr: WANTED A DOGGE. Jonx Joxes, 259 Oldest. Now yt happened that 400 Peple. eache brovght a Dogge on ye next dave thereafter, so that Mister Jones (whych was ye Merchantt's nayme) was overruling with Dogge's. 'SynCe there .are so manye Dogges,'-- sayd he, "I , thynkee 1 myt'lit make soye bysiness and will give you a pennie .for eache Dogge.1' Ye people . tooke ye ptnnie each for his Dogge becavse there wers so manye Dogges, and Mister Jones skynned ye 400 Dogges and made bobtes aritl gloves from ye 400 hypes and thvs mayd A Byg Fortvne, and thereafter added to vt by ad vertizing in ye Eddytors papyr. American Grocer. -. I suffered from a very severe cold in my head for months and used everything recommended but could get no relief. Was advised to use Ely's Cream Balm. It has worked like magic in its cure. 1 am fx-ee from my cold after using the Balm one week and I believe it is the best remedy known. Feeling grateful for what it has done for me I send this testimonial. Samuel J. Harriss, Wholesale Grocer, 119 Front St., New York. Two bottles of Ely's Cream Balm cured the wife of a well known U. S. A. General and also two army of ficers in Arizona of catarrh. "A Wise Young Wife. "There," said the young wife, turning from the mirror to her hus band and giving him a sweet smile, "what do vou thing of these bangs, Charles? Do they become me?" Charles, who was at that time engrossed in the task of reckoning up the total cost of bonnets, bangs, dresses, and so forth, answered with a clouded brow: "I should think yon would be ashamed to ask such a question, Mary Your vanity is becoming absolutely insufferable." "Charles," she said, in a tremu lous voice, "if I am vain it is for you. 'You 'would not love me if I was a slattern and a dowdy. It is for your sake that I try to make my self as attractive as possible." Having said this she bursts info tears. - Then Charles arose and gathered her into his arms and kissed her fondly and said: "Your bangs are lovely, dear, and you are lovely; and if till wives were as neat and desirous of attracting the admiration of their husbands as you are, there would be a great deal more conjugal happiness in the world than there is at present. There, my love. Now forgive me for my rudeness." liucklen's Arnica Salve. ; The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Posit iyely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. H. Green & Co. A Mg Fish on a Small Hook. The exploit of the Florida fisher man who landed a tarpon, more familiarly known as the silver fish, with rod and reel, has been excelled by a young lad of Handsborough named Germain, avIio, with a com mon fishing pole, a five-cent line, and an ordinary trout hook, landed a 300-pound tarpon at that place on the 4th. Germain was fishing for mackerel on the canning factory wharf, when his bait went under wit h a jerk; " It seemed so like a macker el bite that he essayed to land his game in mackerel style. The re sistance offered and the immediate appearance of the silver coated monster, wlio broke the water and threw himself into the air only to dive back to the deep, showed that a tarpon was hooked. The lad held on to the pole like grim death and yel led. Messrs, v. Willie Hayward, a keen sportsman, Thad Lyons, an ex pert fisherman, and Jack Craig, an other expert, being on hand reliev ed the lad at intervals, and the fish was skilifullyjplayed until, exhaust ed, it lay iuiiting on its side by the pier - posts. (Three thrusts of the Harpoon glanced ofiV.rhe fourth transfixed him. Its juiiipii, mean time had hfeen immense. It threw itself fronl the water and turnefU with thatpeculiar wriggle whichj it is said, throws the hook from the jaws, but everv effort it made to get ; biraigui tension on tne line was met by the man at the end of the pole, and, almost lifeless, the grand game lay by the ; posts of - the pier. To get the - monster on the. pier was the next question. As he lay supinely on his side Jack Craig skin ned down one of the posts and in serted a big hook in his gills. This movement of Craig's resulted in a retaliatory movement on the part of the fish, who gave what old whalers have described as the death flurry, and Craig was struck on the head by the end of the fish's tail, wich for a moment stunned him. Upon his recovery .the parties pulled the grand catch . upon the pier. Its weight was in the neighborhood of 300 pounds. New- Ortcaus Times Dcomcrat. , Use the great specific for "cold in head" and catarrh Dr. Sage's Ca tarrli Remedy.- - When a man agrees to swap off his fame for a piece of court plaster he is considerably struck on himself. s V . In Brief Ami To Th- I'omr. Dyspepsia is --rirHtdtul. Di8ordrcl liver i- '.misery It.dee'Stion ij a lce i troitfi tiHtura. s The !iUfnn i'estive apparatus ;is nntyof thtt jtt c -mpl catinl nnd ' won derful thuitrs i-t exis'ruerf'. It is easily put out of order. Greasy food," tough lod,"sl'pyy food. ts(I.C'''kery. igemnl worry, late hours irif ular h:iit3 hi:1 manv ther Ihint:; whiebiUirht rrnt 10 he?, hrtve UJnde Ainnriern pepl ntia'io 1 t dyspeptics But (ireei's Ausnst Fiovv-r has dne i; wonderful vvoik in rformim: this snd huisfn s nnd making the p" ph; so healthy ihat they lh'ir.iiMais and he happy. Auierrrtan can cijov Rt'njember N' htppins without health. IJut Gretns August" Flower hritms health and 'happiness to thiMhs-pt-ptic. Ask mr druggist lorabot'lc Sivent.v-livti cents. MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPHREYS' DE.EUMPHSEY5'B002 Cloth & Cold Binding 141 fags, with Steel Engi-Ming, SAILtD FKtE. Aildrms. P. O. 1S10, W. T. LIST OF PBIXCIPAL NOS. CtJEES PRICE. 1 1 Fevers, Congestion, Inflammations... .25 Yormg, Worm lever. Worm Colic... 5, 3 ICrying Colic, or Teething of Infants. .25 4 Diarrhea, of Children or Adults...... .25 fi Dysentery, Griping, Bilious Colic. . .25 t Cholera Morbus, Vomiting i25 7 Co UK It 8, Cold, Bronchitis .25 W Xeuralgia, Toothache. Faceacde 25 ! Headaches, Sick Headache. Vertiffo. .25 HOMEOPATH iC lOfi Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach.. i I !HiinprP3cd or Painful Period- .25 .25 .25 ox ... .25 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 .50 12 13 14 15 16 miei GUI). Croun, Couch, Difacult Breathinpr.... Salt Itheuni, J .rysipelas, irruptions.. Rheumatism, ltiieumatic Pains Fever and Ague, Chills, Malaria Piles, Blind or Bleeding Catarrh, Influenza, Cold in the Head Whoopin Coiiffh, Violent Coughs.. Cefiernl !ebility, Physical WTeakuess 17 10 20 24 27 Kirtnoy IJisease IVervou Debility I Virmrv V kitpstt. Wetthlir Bed. 2Wj 30 l.OO .r 32 Diseases of the Heart, Palpitation..! .DO SPECIF ICS bold by Drusrsrists. or sen at postpaid on receipt of .lSE CO. 1U9 inlioaSU K.l'. prico. Uiar-HKLYS'SJfcDlU feb 26 eod & wly nrm Cotton Insurance (3IARINE OK FIRE.) ANY FORM OF POLICY ISSUED IN EITH er of the following companies at lowest ' NORTHERN ASSURANCE CO., (Pays all losses without discount.) ANGLO-NEVADA ASSURANCE COHPOKA'N, (Pays all losses without discount.) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.) (Only Co., operating under the N. Y. Safety Fund Law.) SUN FIRE OFFICE. (Oldest Company in the world. In successful operation 177 years. Stock sells lor over $3,000 a share.) FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. . (Assets n.428,000,00.) Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Compa nies also represented. 31. S. WILLARD, Agent, sept 13 214 North. Water St Fall Goods. FUE-1I NEW HULLED BUCKWHEAT vj FIRST OF THE HBASON- Fresh Cocoanuts. NEW OATMEAL, This year's manufacture, from new OATS; and a superior assortment of Fancy - OAKES & CRACKERS NAMELY : ALMOND 31AGCAUOONS, ' i WINE J. MULES, OSCAR WILDE JUMBLES, BASP3ERRY TaRT.-, Ac, C, and a f nil variety of other One goods In my line. . Jno. L. Boatw right 8cptl3 15 17 So. Front Street Lime. Lime.; LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS. LIME '" .f GROCERIES. LIME ' ' " " DRY GOODS. LIME. " . " HARDWARE. LIME " " V LUMBER. LIME . ! CASIL"- A t 5 Eocty Point. The wholesale prleea generalir. : In makln rro amau orders higher prices !ve ta be rhTgtb $0 Standard...... BACON North OiroUni" 9 15 15 i 64 , 5 - a a a 51 ie, t tb .......... -10 WK3TSRK SMOKED , ; tuima, v tb 3tdes, a.... Snouldra. V : . D:y SALTEl-- cildea, V ... iihotilders, & a... BARBELS Spirits TarpentUs Siecond Kar.d.eivch.;-........ ew Ne York., eaca ..... Cltyeaca BttlCKS. Wllmfacton M c 0 00 23 8 on u 00 00 19 l 8C n i 9 & 24 S3 9 (X Nirthern-.-i.... ... . North Carolina............. Scrthsrn. ....... ........ . GANOLISJ?. ft 3psrm.......i........M ... Fsaiow ...4... 15 12 9 14 16 . JO J 25 " IS 2 6-.'.4 62 1)0 IS - & , llfe8 8 & Northern Factory............ Wja Dairy. Cream 15 & ame ...... 8 CKJFTKX. Jb vi 23 & & .4?n?ra sar,.....i... C ! MfcAL, toa.,lxi saci - V!rKln!a-Mcftl.... O )TT03S T1E3. handle.. D?MESTIC3- - 3heetlng, 4-4, T yd... ..V- i'ros, V'auch ...... ...... iiii'ii, V.iloxoa. ....... flb.K '- . . . - ' .. fO 23 CO o & 6 1W 10 n ; M-Jtcfcerol. No. l If bbi. ...... 20 CO ; 6I2 0- -lackcrcL Nc I, f' half bbl .11 w &iQ Haokcroi, So; '-. r bbl.... :.:t CC SiS t( Mackerel, No. 2, V half bbl.. 8 00 & 9 10 Aackercl, No; 3. bbl... . J I to . 6 Ot! ..il 00 Ot2 CC; 3 4 C i1 0 to 0 -a 7 ullet&. V bbi...... Juliets, Pork bblfi.. ...... c; Hoc Herring. V ke. Dry Cod. V ft...... rwutu r W:-- -' -i Northern Suffer i Etcra 40 Faralty 4 5U CUy Mllte Super .... 4 eo Fansiiy.. ......... 4 5t ' n 3 tt t 04 a 4 fit as. 75 10 H , 10 a t LL'E ........... 1 0 GRAIN, f buhei " Corn, frorc score, hftjp?,wlut. Corn, cargo, in bulk, white Corn, cargo, la bags, white.. Corn, cargo, mixed. In bags.. Oats, rroni atora.. ...... ...... a 60 a a a 45 a 471 m sft 5 & 10 & 12H i 10 0 1 is to a . io 85 if. 90 7 & 74 3 A 10 svn Peas... m D as, viii rocnl.. ....... .5 HAY. r 100 fta Eaatern.. ...... 1 Western.............. North River HOOP IK05, -T Vb... LARD, V tb Northern. North Carodna. . . LI MS, j&rrel 1 0, O 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, f Mtt. . 8h!p Stuff, roaawed .....18 oo ttoujfh Kdjo Plank.... .......15 00 . VoBtindlaCargoe8,aocorUng ;o quality... ...... ...........i3 CO i.rrfsed Flooring, 3,?K.isd;. 18 OC' oo oo Oc oo Alt ?.aiHiifcg Itbar'A. cora'n.l H) 15 0(r Kew r.roj Cuba, In hnda..... 24 & 26 " " ir. bMa...... fit a 30- Porto Rlcti. in bads......-.:. O 26 lr. bbls 26 O 28 Saar HoTiacin hbdo.......; O " lr. bbis . a IS .-ivrup, In Obis 22 e 35 NAILS, V Keg, Cut10d baulB.. 2 as a OILS, V gallon Kerosene..................... 10 O 31 Lard iw a 1 45 Linseed - 90 O 1 00 aoeln 15 0 . . 18 Tar....... - oo - 30 Deck and Spu........... 00 O 22 POULTRY Chlekena, live, growa.'-. l a - 33 " Sprinsr ..... 15 O 25 Tnrlcoys.... ................... 75 a I CO PEANUTS V bushel 22 fiw... . 60 O 80 POTATOES, V bnshel Sweet -'08 70 Irish, V bbl .MMM.. 2 50 0 2 75 PORK. V barrel city Mesa.. ........ Prime Rump. ........ ...... on oo 014 oo fV6 50- 13 K 00 UICE Carolina, r ft, Bough, V busnci) Upland).... Do. do (Lowland).. J RAGS, V ft Country City ROPE, V ft - SALT, sack, Alum - 40 so a oo a a 1 (Bb 70 O a oo a oo a 74 6 10 60 22 75 65 00 5 Liverpool Lisbon..." American. SUGAP., V ft Standard .. Standard A............... White Bx C Ex C, Nolden...... Yellow..... SOAP, ft Northern SHINiLES,71n.'M Common.... Oypress S&pa.. . ......... Jypreen Hearts.-..!.... STAVES, V M -W. O. Barrel R. O. Hogshead.. ...... & , 5 ,5 0f 61A , 5 10 0 7 OfJJ . 2 00' a 2 5t , 4 50 O 6 0C- 0 CO O 7 50 8 oo on oo oo oo ok no 5 O 6 TALI3W, r TIMBEB.-V M feet Shlpplnjr.12 00 014 Ot 013 00 0 8 60 Pine Mill 1..11 25 MIR Prime Mill Fair Common Mill 7 60 6 000 6 50 5 oo ojiroo 0 00 0 4 00 inferior to Ordinary ..... WTISKBY. IT iral Northord..! 00 0 00 Korth Carolina... 00 0 2 WOOL. V ft Washed.. ....i.. 13. 0 20 Unwashed.... .......... i 15 0 ; 20 RnrrT....... .....1 10 O 15 After Forty years' experience ,in the preparation of raoro than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in th United States and Foreign coun tries, the publishers of the Scientitio American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy rights, etc for the United States, and to obtain, patents in Canada, lingiana, t ranee. rT .nd ml nlhsr mnntnes Their eiocn- ' ence is nnequaled and their facilities are on.ur- PDrings and (specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on hort notice, leruss very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free . ; Patents obtai ned t hrongh M a nn Co. ar noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMKRlCAIV,.which has the largest circulation and is the most lniiuentia? newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notffce every patentee understands. , .... .,. . . . ' ' This large and pplndidly illKtrated newspaper is published WEEKLY ab 3.0Oa year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pnb lisned in any conntry. It contains the names of all patentees and title ot every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. . . ' ' If you have an invention to . patent write to Munn fc CoM publishers of ScientihOt American, 361 Broadway, New York. . . . ; , Handbook aDout pots mailed free. ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposed line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. -P. Rcjwell-'-Co;, .Newspaper Advertising titireau, IO Spruce Sl, New York. Send lOcts. for lCOpag Pamphlet riMR TABLE NO. Jl Palmetto" Railroad J Co. QX AND AFTEK MONDAY, OCT. 3, 1S37, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day: 1 Goixa North. ; " ? j' No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leave Cheraw, S. C..V. . ;.'.L . . P."M.' ; Kollock Station. .2.45 P. t. " Osborne. (Fla? Station).. 3.1.P. L Arrive at Hamlet, N. C ............ ,a35 1. 31. Goinh Soctil ' No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Ilaiulet. N.. C. ...... . . . ....... ,12.r0 P. M. " Osborne, (Flag station) 1.10 P. M. . " Kollock Station 1.40 P. 1. Arrive at Cheraw, s. C 2.uu p. 31. pet 3 tt VM. 3IX)NCUltE, Sup t. Stovcfc-. Stoves, btoves- ROW A RE . E HAVE IN STORE A LARGE ASSORT mentof Stoves, made by the best factories, which we are selling at astonishingly low pri ces. All In need of a good reliable Cooking or Heating Stove, will do well to examine our stock and hear our prices before buying. ' JACOBI S HDW. DEPOT, oct 6 " ' 1 south Front St Brushes, Varnishes, Paints. ' --: ' o - ' - -- , i ' ' . ' - Blinds;" Sash. Doors. GLASS AND SASH FOR FOWER PITS. Large and well selected stock of ' PAINTERS' MATERIALS. New lot of Brushes at reduced prices. Remember that we are headquarters fo good reliable goods and low prices. J A CO I -'H H I VV . I i : tOT - oct 6 1' South Front St Quarantine otict Quarantine will be ; enforced irom May 1st t-r November 1st; on all vcs&cla from ports .-outh of p Fear. . Regulalioos Koverninx vess;lH In Quarantine may be obtained at ibe oflice of the Quaran tine Physician. iue o iee will be given to pi ota of any extension of Quarantine f other poir's,which may becoxe dangerous on account of preva ienoe of cholera or other iufect'ous disease. cn entering the port. vc8els 8iib:ect to Quaranune will display a signal llagontbe V rt rtemng and come to anchor at the ttatlon opposit Deep Water Point, and not, depart thence wiliout the wrlcten permit of th Quarantine Physician. W. G. CURTI, M D-, T1IOS F. Wr no, M. !., --GEO G.THOMAaM. D. apl 15, 1st & 15 6m , Quarantine Board Uk. send for DO BUYERS' f, 1 plates. t treeds. 1, f n f Ms1jSS2W- nvy them. IJirections for Training Thois sar.d fcr Practical POUJL ! Til V llOOii.. ICO piures; beau Mtifal valorvA pVvtot ciiravlnps of newly aU kincJTof fowls; descrip tions of tne broods; norr to caponwo; plans for poultry honees; infoiraation abont incubators, and ficro to buy &gp train bcxt hto-ii nt S 1 .0 per Kittinx. Sent lor lt Cents. If oo, yon need the COOK. OF CAGE DIKD.s. 12U prscs. ldO iiins trations. Beaatdnl colored plate. Treatment and breeding of all kinds Cage birds, for pleasure and front. Diseases and their core Horn to boild and stock an Aviary. All about Parrots. Prices of all kinds birds, capes, etc Mailed for 15 Cents. The Tiuee Books, 40 Cts. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS. i 237 Sooth Eighth Street, Philadelphia, Vt. 3IS- ' - ca ps -if. Ji ? ? c r . ? JOB OPPIGE, vr iH. J". Vo1 MARKET STREET. NO. 112 3-, ttJl TAIU.S) coiuj'i.j'iJi j Ejjy hi u tin AND WE ARB PREPARED TO DO , . -ALL MANNER OF-r- m ffl 10T BE MB11II - -WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CTBCUIAltS, CARDS, LST-fER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS. .ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING.. TAGS, LAND DEEDS; . MOItTOAGE DEEDS, SHEH- IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT - TEL MORTGAGES. AC. CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFOKF GIVING YOUE ORDERS. Addrera . REVIEW JOB OFFICE, MIUSIUGTON.H C ShingleH ? Sliifjies ! FIFTY TB'C-SND FOUR ANl F1V Inch Cypress St.Irlei- Mnut n nnA at rr-. Those in neel would do well to call and get a barsmln. , , . ''-, cha F. neuKKi; Corata!?lon Merchant, No. 11 N Water st., mchSS Wilmington, N.O !! S : rISjC- xntn;nini: colored ft .Ti'r,-yX. i-Jt-v 'r!i-w 4 livw we xrrwt Vi avast n 5kw them. Directions for Tl ffiM&ti. UosaadCrecduigl?erret8. Alaitod . VVVW5L tr.f A 'or. Ciin n.f Dorr Iui-flisbintT Goods of all kinds. m - -1 II 1 HUfl1 I I I I I I I II I I I I II I BTTl I III Wqh printing THESTAR, A fewspaaer supp nrtlrff the Principles of a DemocrAtlc Administration. - Published m the city of ew York. WILLIAM DORSHKIMEU. Ed. A Prop'r. DATLT. WlCKKLT AHD SVXUAX KDITIOMS THE WEEKLY STAR. A 16-pap; N e-paper lasneii every Wcntneaday . ieau,-rsv, onjem. an i mirrraunjr V , r Family Paper. -: . , - t contains the latest rewa, ' down to the !i!ar of going to pre.: Acric ltural, Market, r asfclon. Household-. Po!lirjtt Financial and .'mmerciai, Pteticai,. ilunipr.os . and fc'Ouo rtai. t'epar m.nt, Jtll .nder the direction of .'rai-cdynrf.ff..s?cl,The fcightat alilllt. lti sixteen past-s Mill lie fQund.crobif with iol things from tegnnlrr to" end , -.rigli.ai stories by distinw ulaht-l,. Amfcrt.an ' and for tifCn writers ot lictloa -A . - THE PAILYiSTAK. t us JJ.IL bTAK contains all the new? of the dav in an attractive to m. Its special cor--eaiKndence by cablo trooi London. Paris, Kerdn, Vienna and Dublin, la a commendable ' Tv&tnrc - . At Waahinglon, Albany, and other news centres:1 be. ardett' correspondents, ai-cclally rt-tamed by The stab, fnrnleh the latest news, by telegraph. ' jv : I ta literary features are ensnrpasged. - Tn fiiM nclai and Maract Kevloaare una tnai y ul) an coppice ' . " -peclkl term ;in i extraordinary induce " aents fi arontB aud canvaasers etui for cirt'ttlarb ' Tertaa of the Wocfcly tr to Subscribers. : rec of Postaao in the United States and Can dA, oatsl i - the limits of is. Y City. t-'cr Year....... f Clubn -1 Ten; 10 Clnbsot nf teen (and one extra to or ganizer of Club). .13 , .erms of the Uaily Siar to Subscribers. . Every Day, for one ear (lncludlg . Sunday) i 7 Dally, without Sunday, one car.... ts OC Kvcry Day, six montha 3. Daily, without Sunday, six months.... ' S bC THK Star, 28 North winiara t., ian J9 Vew-Yort . 1887." Harper's Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WPiEKLY. liABfKit's Younu I'KufLK huA been calleu "the moicl of what a .'periodical f.r yoHnjr ic t'ersouirht to be," and the justice of thU coramtmlaiion is amiy tn tainMi by the large circulation it h attained, both at home and in ire-it 1'rltHin Thi- 6uc'esa h:tbcen reached by me.ho'Jfc that must commend tuem?elvea t he tudement ot pHrrnti, no h-H3 than w the tnatc-H i,f children o.tmeiy, by an ciruCot and we'l tustaiiied effrt io provide the best hpjI rn-.at attrat tiFercadit'U fryung peoph? at a. low prU-e he blusiratlon are -plmi" and of a coiihi l' uons.v hle-n standard of excellence. An epitome cf cvcrvtMuit that la attractlte and desirable In iuvcnlle literature. Boston Courier. A weekly least of koou things to the boys and ulxl8 in every family whl b it lal ta li rook lyu Union." It is wonderful In Its wealth of picture In formation, and Interest. Christian Advocator N. Y. . , TERMS: Postage Prepaid. t2.(X) Per Year. ' Vol. VIII. commences November 2, 186, Sihole NcsfBKKS, iTlve Cents each. A Ksmlttances should be made bv Po8t-Offlca Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loea. newspapers are not to copy tnle advertiae ment without the express order of IIarpf.b St Bkothbks. Address TfAUPKB BBOTULBU3, nov 2ft vet York 1887. " Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Habper's Bazar combines the choicest lit crature and the rlne etartlllustratlons with, the latest fashions and the moot useful family reading. Its stories, poems, and e stays are by the btst witera, ani Its humorous sketch es are unsurpassed Its pape'son aocialeti qucttc, decorative art, housekeeping In all its branches, cookery, eo., make it inolepensa ble in every household. Its beautiful fashion plates and pattern-sheet supplements enable ladies to save many times the cost of subacrlp. tion bV beiniT tnelr own riroaamnbora Mn line is admitted to Its colums bat could sbeck tne most iaeuuiona. Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: lUKPKkt'S BAZAB.. .......... ............$4 00 IIakpeb's Magazine 4 oo JlABPKB'H WEKKLY 4 f0 IIakpeb's Youwo People.. ............ 2 00 IIakpeb's Fkankliu .qdabk Librabv, . ' One Year (52Numbert)..: 10 00 IIakpeb's akdi Series, One Year (52 Numbers; M 15 00 Postage Free to ail subscriberaln the United Ttatcs or Canada. The Volumes Of th Anuir twxrin orlfS h. ' first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will be--gla with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Lound Volumes of Jlarpe'Ts Jin tar, tor thre years back. In neat cloth binding, will be sent b7 mail. P03ta&re tald. or bv MiirnM. frrn nt expense (provided the frelht docs not exceed one aoiiar per volume;, for 7 W) per volume. cloth Cases for eneb volume, suitable for blndinsr. will bcacnt liv mall Twuttnairi ceipt of $1 00 each. IttjrhHtances snould be made by Post-OQco Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Ncwppaprs are not to copy this advertise ment without the exiirfH nnlflrnf lit. own k BboTBESS. Address- , HARPEB A P.EOTHERS.r nov2f; , . v.tr VV)r . lArightsville, TJ.C. Ott Seaside Pleasure t Comfort -yyAGONETTES WILL LEAVE WII mington, at 8 a. m.t 2.3 p ro and C p. m.' RETUBNIKG. LEAVING W BIG HT3 VI LLE at 7 p. m. and 7 a. m. Eouni trip to Sound anl Beach and return to Witmlngton, only 65 cents. ,V l'$ ' Par tie 'of u ur or more will be carried to the Beach for 1.5 cents each. ' ? 0 - We have ctccted a Peach Honre wlh rooms where parties can l e uppMel with Bath Fulta. Towels, fresh wir and other cotvcnk;i.ce8 .' ' W. H. fTOKLhY, If I. WILSON MANIFO. luly 28tf ' . For Rent, TWt) COM FOBTABLE HALL BOOMS, in business quarters, as tJcepln apartmecta for aiiiific gentlemen. Apply at this cIce. . sept nac if

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