o ' -- . - .. 1 . - - - - - , - - ' - - . - "' . ' : I WAno life I Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies.' A marvel of pu rit v, strength and wholesorneness. More econ omical lh:irt the Orr!in;llY kllUlS. and C.UiriOt DO snirt in competition with tlw multitude ot low, test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Hold only in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO.. lCMi Wall St.. N. Y. oct M d&wly tennn 4thp Th.e Baily Preview. WEDNESDAY, "OCTOBER 12, 1887. STATE NEWS. Raleigh News and Observer: Early vesterday morning the cotton gin of Mr. Willis Whitaker, located on Crabtree creek, about four miles north of the city, was burned with twenty bales of cotton, rue loss approximates $2,000, with no insu rance. Orierin of the lire is not known. Jiobatoaian : Wesly McKay, (with the usual number of aliases) who was arrested for burning the stables of the Presbyterian manse at Jlaiu view, a horse and'buggy belonging to Rev. Jos. Evans, and a line-horse and a buggy belonging to Mr. D. N. Oliver, was tried last Wednesday, convicted and sentenced to the pen itentiary for 30 years. It was a most asrerravated case, and the Wonder is that he was not immediately lynch ed. Goldsboro Argus: It is reported that there were fully three thousand people in attendance at the annual Baptist Association at Nahunta meeting house, near this city, on Sunday. The approach to the church for half a mile on every road Avas lined with vehicles, and all out thro" the woods likewise. The cham pion opossum hunter has been dis covered to be a native of this imme diate vicinity, fie lives within a few miles of (-roldsboro and his name is J. H. Sullivant. He "treed" 14 of the varmints in one night last week and yanked in 11 of them, - eighing in the aggregate when dressed 40 pounds. Charlotte Chronicle: Rev. R. A. Webb, tlu new pastor of the Pres byterian church at Davidson Col lege, has arrived at that place, and is now in charge of the church there. Mr. Webb was formerly pastor of Bethel church, in York county, S.C. He is quite a young man but has made a considerable reputation as a preacher. From a private letter received in this city yesterday, we learn that the line milling property of Plaster & Eipe, located at Enoch ville, in Rowan county, was entirely destroyed by fire last Thursday night, involving a loss upon the pro prietors of S7,000 upon w hich there was no insurance. Plaster & Lipe's mill was one of the finest country mills in this section of the State, the main building being a large two story frame structure, fitted thro" out with new and improved machin ery. On Thursday evening, just as the mill was preparing to shut don work, lire was accidentally commu nicated to a pile of shavings and light wood in The engine room and so rapid was the spread of the flames that before the machinery was stop ped, one whole side of the building was in flames. All the machinery, a quantity of Hour and 200 bushels of grain were consumed. In addition to the mill building, a furniture shop and. planing mill were destroy ed. The residence of Rev. W. A. Lutz, hard by, was in great danger for a time, but was finally saved by the united efforts of the towns peo ple. The loss falls heavily upon the mill owners, one of whom, at least, had his all invested in the mill prop erty. Newbern Journal: Mr. M. N. Fisher's dwelling house near Have lock in Craven county was destroy ed bv fire last Friday night. L.oss aboiit $1,500; insured for $1,000. All the furniture was lost except what was on the lower floor. The first rice of the new crop Avas brought to market yesterday by F. Wayne of this county. There were twenty bushels only in the lot, and being of a superior "quality brought eighty cents per bushel, a little above the market price On Sunday morn ing the ttcamer Geo. H. Stout, Ca.pt. Pierce, of the Clyde line, arrived from Baltimore at 7:30 o'clock and entered her dock at the company's warehouse The boiler was blown out. washed'out and re-filled so as ble tcf draw her but of the " dock as her-position greatly, endangered a large amount of property. -The steamer Trent -was tired up and as sisted in pulling her out and when she cleared the dock the southwest wind caused her to swing around and lay immediately off the O. JO. peir. The firemen continued their streams from the O. D. wharves and from the bow of the burning boat, the fire being mainly aft, until past midnight when it was brought un der control. So far as can be ascer tained her hull is not seriously damaged; the aft part of the freight bouse is iretty well cleaned out, and the damage to the machinery has hot been ascertained. Her cargo of about forty tons of general merchan dise was mostly forward and was saved in a damaged condition. A Sound Leal Opinion. E. Bai n bruise Mun1ay. Esq , County Ativ.. C:uv county. Tex., eays: "Have used EVciric Bitten with m-t happy results My brother also was vent'low Uita Malarial Fever aod Jaundice.' but was cured by timely use of this rnedi cino. Atu satisfied Electric Billers saved hi1 life." Mr. 1" I. Wilcox3on. ot Horse Cave. Ky., r.nds a Ike testimony, saying : He positively believes be would have died, had it not been tor Electric Bit tera ' The great remedy will ward off. as well as cure all Malarial Diseases, and lor all Kidney. Liver and Somach Disr orders stands tinea ualed Price 50c. and $1. at W. H. Green & Co 'a - ' Don't fSxperiruMi . You cannot afford to waste time in experimenting when your lungs are in danger. Consumption always feerns, at Grst..only a cold. Do not permit any dealer to i moose upon vou with some cheap imitation of Dr King' New Dis covery tor Consumption, Coughs and Cild. but be sure you get the genuine. Becnnse he can make more profit he may tell you he has something just as good, or just the same. Don't be de chived, but insist upou eettios Pr King's New Discovery, which i guar an teed 10 tnve reliei in all Throat Lunr and Chest affection. Trial bot tles free at W. H.Green &0.s. Large battles SI THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Post office as follows: ' CLOSE. Northern through mails, fast 10.00 P. M. Northern through and way mails.. . 8.00 A. M. N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied tlieref rom 10.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Nalelgh 8.00 A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Southern mails 9.00 P. M. Cheraw & Darlington R K and points supplied therefrom 9.00 P. M. DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. C. Railway) 6.00 A. M. Fayettevule, C. P. & Y. V. R. R. and points supplied therefrom.." 6.00 A. M. Raleigh & Hamlet R; R. and points supplied therefrom ; 7.00 P. M. Charlotte and Maxton.7.00P&I. and 6.00 A. M. Smithville 2.00 P.M. Wrightsville : 8.30 A. M. TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi ces 6.00 A. M. Little River, S. C, and intermediate offices. 2.00 P. M. Cape Fear River mail 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way malls... 10.00 P. M. Southern through and way mails. . . 6.00 A. M. and 9.00 A. M. Southern, West of Florence 9.30 A.M. Carolina Central R. R.. .9.30 A. M. & 9.00 P. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M., and on Sundays Jrom 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Stamp Office open from 6.30 A. M. to 7 P. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. Mails collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M.. 11 A. M. and 5 P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A. M. WILMINGTON MARKET. C Oct. 122:80 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE frirm at 31 cents. Sales of receipts at quotations. ROSIN Firm at 80. cents for Knbxville Furniture Cof 4 ARE HERE YET, WITH THE Finest and cheapest Furniture and other household goods to be found in the city. . , w e are receiving new goods daily from the ouse; Ktrained and - 85 cents for (rood i?"ine i aaoy carnages. strained. TAR Firm at $1.20. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1 for hard, $1.65 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Steady. The following are the official quotations: dOrdi nary, 6; good ordinary, 7 11-16; low middling,. 8: middling 8; good middling 91-16. No sales reported. Receipts to-day: Spirits 126; rosin, 511: tar, 195; crude. 54;c6tton, 1,095. Provisions ami Cotton. Chicago, Oct. 12 2:30 p.. in. Wheat market opened at 71 and closed at 71 for November. Corn opened at 45. and closed at 44 to 4-1 J for May. Pork opened at 12.27 and closed at 12.7 for Janu ary. New York, Oct. 12, 2:30 p. m. Cotton opened at 9.34 bid and closed at. 9. 36 for October. Opened at 9.25 and closed at - 9.28 for November. Opened at 9.26 and closed at 9.29 for December. Opened at 9. 33 and closed at 9.36 for January. MARINE NEWS. sell cheap. small Iron Safe which we will E. H. SNEED, Manager L ok fr th e H orse JF YOU WANT .TO FIND THE CHEAPEST place In the city totmy Harness and Saddlery Goods, Trunks and Satchels; if you want your jsepainng aone as it snouid be bring it to FENNELL K DANIEL, .The Horse Milliners, No. 10, So. Front St. oct 10 Bailftor fji Hardware. LARGK-AND "WELL SELECTED STOCK, Special inducements to contractors. . W. E. SPRINGER & CO., oct 10 19, 22, 23 3tarket St. Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. ARRIVED. ; Steamship Benefactor, Cli'ichester, New York, H (i Smallbones. Br. Steamsihp Allie, Rodgaard, Philadelphia, C. P. Mebane. ; Steam yacht Louise, Snell, South- port, Master. CLEARED. 0 Steam yacht Louise, Snell, South- port, Master. WEEKLY STATEMENT.. 17455; 5,675; STOCKS ON HAND OCT. 8TH, 1887 Cotton ashore, 1 9, 750 ; afloat, 6, 71 1 ; total, 26,461. Spirits ashore, 1,970; afloat, total, 3,425. Rosin ashore, 97,698; afloat, total, 103,373. Tar ashore, 4,505. Crude 748. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDED OCT. 8TK Cotton. 11,405; spirits, 1,260; rosing 4,984; tar, 883; crude, 344. EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED OCT. 8TH DOMESTIC. Cotton, 2,361; spirits, 663; rosin, 786; tar, 86a; crude, 10. FOREIGN. Cotton, 8,500; rosin, 3,515. to be readv for work early Monday morning. On Sunday night to watchmen were on duty, one on deck, the other in the engine room. About 9 o'clock the watchman in the pneritip rnmn went forward to the pilot house to learn the hour of the night and while there smelled smoke. He returned immediately ana iouna the lower hold in f-ront of the boiler in a blaze. He immediately put, the nose to worK wmie ino watenman on deck gave the alarm. The steam er lay between the wharves- the O. D. and Clvde lines, both of which; - , ! " 11 A.X jiauconsiaerauie -cuuun uu mt?iu. After an effort of some twenty or thirty minutes with several streams of what failed to stop the progress of the llames it was deemed ad visa- 1887. Harper's Weekly, ILLUSTRATED. HAiteER's Weekly maintain Its position as the leading Illustrated newspaper In Amer ica; r.nd its -hold up n public esteem and con flfience was never stronger than at the pres ent nine . resides ine pictures Harper's Weekly always contain instalments of one, occasionally of two, of the beet ovelsof the oay, fluey Illustrated, with short stories, poems, sketches, and papers on important current topics by the most popular writers. i he care that has been successfully exercised in i"e nasi 10 mace warpers weekly a safe as wen as a welcome visitor to everv bouse hold will not be relaxed in the future. Harper's Periodicals, Per Year: UARPKK'8 WEEKLY....;.. ......ft4 HARPER'S MAGAZINE 4 0 iiARPKR'S BAZAR 4 0 fiAKPEK'S YOUNG PEOPIiE. 2 0 M ARPBB'H FBANKLTii SquIrk Xjbbast. one x ear (52 Numbers.... J......... 10 00 fosiago Tee toau subscribetB in thB United iaies or uacaaa. The Volumes of the Wtikly begin with the urst Number for January or eacn year. When no time is mentioned, subscription will begin wiin tne js umber current at time of receipt of Bound Volumes of Harper Wteklv. . t or three years back, in neat cloth btftdlng, will be sen i bj inalJ, postage pald.or by expregg, free of eiense (provided the freight do oot exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 Uiotb Cases for each volume, suitable fox binding, will be sent by mail, postpaid, onre celp; of fi ou each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertlse- jacnt without the express order of Habpxb A 'sijtheks Aauresa HARPER A BROTHERS. n- New York L.lst of Vessels in tlie Port of Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 12, 1887. No vessel under 60 tons reported in this list. STEAMSHIPS. Br Allie, 1,134 tons, Rodgaard, C P Mebane Br Conventry. 1.140 )ons. Bacon. Heide & Co Br nalbeatis, 896 tons, Gregory, Sprunt & Son Br Buchvllle, 1,128 tons, Watson, Heide & Co Br Rosevllle, 1086 tons. Dove, Heide & Co Br. Fensher, 991 tons. Anderson, A!ex SprUnt & Son Br Parklands, 1134 tons, Smith, C PMebane ur cenacre, nau tons, ugg, cp Aiebane BARQUES. Nor Monica, 637 tons, Johanunsen, Heide & Co Ger Sirene, 501 tons, , E Pescb.au & Westermann Nor Frithjofv 441 tons, Johnsen, Paterson, Downing & Co Ger Adolph, 533 tons, Westendorf, Heide & Co Nor Wladmlr, 503 tons, Knudsen, Heide & Co Br Geo Davis 643 tons, King, Alex Sprunt & Son Ger Albatross, 310 tons, Dale, E Peschaufc Westermann SCHOONERS. Albert H Cross, 340 tons, Henderson, Geo Harrlss & Co Benj F Lee, 375 tons, Steelman, Geo Harrlss & Co H S Lanfalr, 298 tons, Woodlawn, Geo narriss & Co Pranconia, 216 tons, Ealkner, E G Barker & Co David W Hunt, 300 tons, Merret, 1 EG Barker & Co Cotton Insurance (MARINE OR FIRE.) ANY FORM OF POLICY ISSUED IN EITH er of the following companies at lowest NORTHEItN ASSURANCE-CfO., (Pays, all losses wlUiout dlscount.1 A2mGLO-NEVtADA ASSURANCE CORPORA'N, (Pays all losses without discount.) CONTINENTAL INSURANCE CO.) (Only Co. operating under the N. Y. Safety t una Law.) SUN FIRE OFFICE. (Oldest Company in the world. In successful operation 177 years, stock sells for over $3,000 a share.) FIRE INSURANCE ASSOCIATION. (Assets 11,428,000,00.) Marine, Life and Accident Insurance Compa nies also represented, M. S. WILLARD, Agent, fict 10 gu North Water St isuac T. Alderman, Office in Sprunt's Bulldln?. ' 1 Q0MMI8SI0N MERCHANT, Consignments of Country Produce solicited, i Cotton, Timber apa Naval Stores handled to best advantage '. r . :- '. , s , J auj 3 tf 1 Southport Saloon, J WILL OPEN TO-DAY AT SOUTHPORT A first Class BEER, WINE AND CIGAR SALOON Fresh Beer always on hand. The finest Wines and Cigars in the place. Call and see me. sept 15 lm J. A. LEWIS, Southport, N. C. H A ROW A RE, E HAVE IN STORE A LARGE ASSORT ment of Stoves, made by the best factories, which we are selling at astonishingly low pri- ces. All in need of a good reliable Cooking or Heating Stove, will do well to examine our stock and hear our prices before buying. JACOBPS IIDW.. DEPOT, oct 6 13 South Front St Brushes; Varnishes, Paints. Blinds. Sash. Doors. -o- GLASS AND SASH FOR FOWEK PITS. Large and well selected stock of PAINTERS' MATERIALS. New lot of Brushes at reduced prices. Remember that we are headquarters good reliable goods and low prices. JACOB' HOW. OK POT for oct 6 12 South Front St ;the esview: -4 4 ft- i IP 4". :job oppifig. tte 116 Market Street! -Wiim'iii, 3 Aa8t& ii l?v -SSI a 2 r-.: 11 f Bated June 19, isst'&v - WE OPEN ON , f?::; '' '; - Monday: Oc br 3rd ; A Large Assortment of Rich Fall Novelties Leave Wiiminm jLv.UWaccav,--.. i Arrive Sumter.;;;-! 5S tJ2't ! urn van t I and Combl nation DRESS GOODS -r- . i Wi.' 1 IV -o. Leave Column !TTr--!f Arrive Smnter ' " ' i i ri Pto ; i iTTi I IaveFloren-.1 r Leave Marion.;;"! J V-,8 im- wuiyj isms me ia-si resigns ana colorings in rii.tr v n"1"-. 7 (r "' ! b ' . ; Arrive W llndn-ft u: R !!; :; . : -U i - Pnssengtrs.. tor , isi PLAIN, STRIPED AND WOVEN BROCADES, 'fetoto ftySa! SILKS, CASHMERES, SERGES, PIN CHECKED, FRENCH PLAIDS, 54-inch FLANNELS and TRICOTS, ' SATINS and VELVETEENS, ; HENRIETTAS, DltAP DE ALMA, - ' OKAP COUPE, DUAP DE SHEBA, t Among so many can only name a few prices: CASHMERES as low. as5c per yard.,' 30-lnch Ladies7 cloth, worth 40c for 25c pr yard. 36-inch English Cashmeres, only 25c per yard. Good Black Silk, 60 and 75c per yard. A Superior Black Silk, worth fl.40 for fi. BLACK GOODS . . - c , The best assortment of all the new weaves .imported this season. r: -.-J- se n i r. liivtvl Trains 57 and .V; .i0"ls,fra Florence with l rflin S v J. It. KENLY. Siinf 5l8Iffi T. M. EMKHsV ivApoW June i - -'wri! Paenr WilmingtoD &Veldonl Iated Aug: j, 1887. no. Ieave Weldon. Ar. Rocky Moi Arrive TartooroT; Ar. Rocky Mounf" 1 5 Pl - - .- . - I U I II It No. dai Hilt TRIMMINGS. Every variety to suit above. -o- MARKET STREET. NO. 1121, CU1 TIKc COAt hi J S i A A YJ A Y i. Jt t jLC'J AAfD WE ARE PREPARED 2Y DO -ALL MANNER Of - Mob 3 s nnttni mm WHEN YOU WAMT- PROG RAMMES, CIRCULARS, HARDS, LET TER-HEADS, BILI-nEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING. TAGS, LAND DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS" DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, "STATE WARRANTS JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT- i TEL MORTGAGES, &C, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUP. ORDERS. Eider Down, Furs, Astrakarty Silk Plush Sacques, Jackets, Wraps, New Mar kets and Jerseys. LeaveTarW;;; AfiSE - Arrive WiiionTfa a pm " " yiavc uoiasTJoro..! 4 loDtnl Leave Warsaw... Leave Macnolia.. Ar. Wilmington.. 5 46 pm 6 oopm 7 40 pm 'TRAINS GOINaNORTa i 8.38pm i; 9 55pm Ma No. 14. No. tS. iaUy. J daily, 8 fift nmi j a ) 10 32 am 10 a am U so am 8 30am7T 10 50 am!...." Il59am:... 2 57 am;i3 38 pm .. ...... 113 pm1...., Leave n ilmingtonjll 59 pm Ijuhvb juasoiia;., Arrive WTarsaw.. Arrive Goldsboro 1 16 am 1 " 2 18 am Leave Fayette Yill&j Arrive Selma..j... k, Arnve3viison...... iats vviisun...; Ar. RocRy Mount Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro. r. ..4 50pm:Z; ..10 80am.. FULLLINE OF DOMESTICS, from 5C up. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS, MEN'S AND" BOYS' AVEAR, CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &C, &C. Address 1887. - - ' Harper's Magazine. ILLUSTRATED. HABPS&'a Maoazink durinsr 18S7 will con tain a novel of lntenae political, Boclal. and 1 romantic interest, entitled "NarKa" a story of Russian life by Kathaleen O'Meara; a new novel, entitled "April Hopes," by W I How ells; "SouiHern Sketches' by Cnailes Dudley Warner and Rebecca Hardin Da via. Illustra ted by William Hamilton Gibson; Great American Industries" continued; "Social studies." by r. R. T Elv: fnrther articles cm I the Railway Problem by competent ' writers: new series oi lnusirauons by is a. Abbey and Alfred Parsons; articles by ifl P Roe; and oth er attractions. ' . ' - ; Harper's Periodicals. Per Year: hakputb MAQAznrx HaBPEB'S WltKKi.T.7. " Harpek-b Bazar Harper's YorjnQ Pkoplk.... HARPEBS FXA2TKXXH OQDAKX XajUSABT rear (5a Numbers)....,........ iq co Pottagt Frts to aatubxcrihi 7. rr-t Stafew Cauda. .: T.:" rhovolumea of tn& Mayaztne bcgui with the NMabers for June and December of each year. When no time teapecWed,' subscriptions will oesdn with the Number eomnt nt tima A m. cefpiot order - ' Bound Volumea ct ffarpcr't UagaXne. tot three years back. In neat cloth bludlnjr, will be sent by mall. rostralI. em m.-ir7Zi as 00 per volume, cloth Case, for binding. 50 cent each by mall, postpaid. Remittances should be Money Order or Draft, to avod cuance of losa. Nmspaptr$ arm not to cop this avrrtiewtfr.t HAP PER BROTHERS. nor S8 Hew York. REVIEW JOB OFFICE, tVILMINGTON. U. C 4 M 4 0C 4 00 500 A. A. Brown & Co,, QENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS AND PRODUCE DEALERS. 03?- cotton and Naval Stores solicited. No extra charges for Insurance or sampling', sept 9 tf , . 5ew oiS & Wiiniiu2:tOD Steamship Co MERINO UNDERWEAR For Ladies, Misses, Men and Boys, the most complete assortment in all sizes and qualities. SKIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINGS, "-j AND ALL OVER LACES. Spanish, Escurial, Vals, Torchon, Egyp tian, Irish and Everlasting. Arrive Weldon. . , .j 425 amiJiOprnj." Daily except Sunday. , Train on Scotland Neck Branch RniAio Halifax for Scotland Neck at aoo p... i turning leaves (Scotland NeckatSiaOAXk except Kunuay. i . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. Tia Altera : & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, .()( P. I Sunday 5-00 P. M.. arrive Willlamston. XI i 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P..M. Returnlns leaws u liamston. N. C, dally except Sundaj. M., Sunday fl.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro; II 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Gci boro, N. CVdally except Sunday, 7.00 k 1 arrive Smithfleld, N. C, 8.30 A. M. limt leaves Smithfleld, N. c, 9.00 A 1L, irr.; Goldsboro, N. C.,-10.30 A- K I Train on Nashville Branca leaves U: Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. M.. arrtrai Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring' Hope iBM Returning leaves Spring Hope lHiO A " Naslivllle 1L15 A. M., Rocky MountlLSA M., daily except Sunday. ( Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warewt; Clinton,' dally, except Sunday, at :st, Returning leaves Clinton at 7.00 A M. ' Southbound Train on Wilson t FaretttvC: Branch is No. 5L Northbound is Sa 50. "Di , except Sunday. . - Train No. 27 South will stop only at Vflso', Goldsboro and Magnolia. M J Train No. 78 makes close conftctiott ai w.-, don for all points North dally. All rail r j Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via i-. Trains maKe Close connection ior uu North via Richmond and Washington. J All trains run solid between wiuninswm Washington, and have Pullman Palace ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl 8n?t. J. R. KENLY. Sup"t. Transportatlox T. M. EMERSON. Gen'l Passenger Ag?n- aug 3 WHITE GOODS. Every variety, Collars, Cuffs, Ruchings, Veil ing, Crepe, Point D'Esprit, Handkerchiefs, Ribbons and Fancy Goods, Ac, &c. Carolina OeDtral Bailro Sateens worth 25c for 15c, FROM PIER 29. EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between chambers and Roosevelt sts. - At 3 o clock, P. M. GULF STREAM... REGULATOR ....Wednesday, Oct 13 Saturiday, Oct 15 FROM WILMINGTON: BENEFACTOR. .......... GULF STREAM . ."Thursday, Oct 13 Monday, Oct 17 Removal iUB. PATRONS AND OUR PATRONS AND THE PUBLIC GEN- wy oil? icouci;nuiijr nouned tnat wo iutve removea our isaroer Shop from 24 N Front street to No. 110 Market street. South side. In the store recently occupied by Mr A. Shrler as a Hat Store, where we win he nhToo V o3 iUCW UClCOllCli Oct 5 lwfc . . S3e Through Bills. Lading and Lowest Thror Rates guaranteed to and from points in North and South Carolina.' - For Freight or Passage apply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. ) THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager, - New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents. -oct 8 35 Broadway, New York. t f ... COMMISSION -MERCHANT, ' -Corner Princess and N. Water Streets, w mnington. if. c. ana Na A call will satisfy you that qualities and prices are as low as any of the lowest North ern Catalogues, and will" induce you to-buy lor Cash at ' - " I.M.Iatz' CHAISTiE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUNB TRAINS. r xo. L ! o. a. daily ex. daily ex. Sunday, sunuaj . TMVft wiimlncrton w am Tvoiiartnn .... Ill 30 am Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro Leave Charlotte. . Leave Uncolnton Leave Shelby.... . Ar. Rutherfordton . 13 45 pm; 3 i nm i 6 35pins 7 47pto 9 30 pm EASTEOUND TBAISS. Oct. 2, 1887. 116 Market St. oct 3 Misses Burr & James ; -"Yy ILL REOPEN THEIR SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. Lv. Rutherfordton Leave Shelby Leave -Llncolnion. Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Wadesboro. Leave Hamlet .. . . . Leave Jfaxton. Arrive WllmlngVn No. 2. i dally Sunday. 'o. 4-1 dal!y ex, Sunday 4 r 00 am 8 35 am 9 47 am 11 40pm 2 ; pm :$ 40 pm; 5 30pw jji pm 1 55 am 8'35am Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make "nsW Maxton to and from ia? v k. At and other points on C.. boro.with trains to and r.Xand and Charleston. At l' 'arro Hickory, Lenoir and points on t . - Gauge 1L R. , tA MnMtfW Trains No. i and 4 make -ctobC conw. Hamlet with Trains to Vn W uwiBSt -- Through Slceqing Cars between and Charlotte wid fchatM Tat. Train Xft. 1 for btAteSVlUe- on W. N. C. R. K. n" rtlnbW. (iItT U O" Y- .y Na 3 torwwT-'Miiar ? vuie. Athens, AtlanU ana if" r The course of instruction, as heretofore, will 1 west. , Also, for Asheyine n w. . . , i i Na 3 connects at wmniiu,w . be thorough and systematic. Nos. 5 and 6 daUT to souclts consignments of Cotton ami Xaval I siores. , rromiit rwrs4nTai ottpntfnn rri-con tni n ..-. - . . .' jottu h. jl -fEARSOX., ' au snapments. , - . sept j lm I R. R. NO. 23. Special attention crivf n to Reading, Writing, ? Wilmingtpnand Laorinburg- j wte jJMuslc and Physical culture, . - .s.vtinfe Mrs. M.S.Cushins wlU havev charge of the - Local Fiel-Nvf MusicaLDepajtrnQur. . - . - -CfS B ours for Klnlergarten pupils from 9 to 1 ( gers. . c joNES. superinf0 , P. W. CLARK, oen'l passeir. . I octatf For further particulars see Principals, sepuio - , 3f i 5t:

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