ISi-'. MISCELLANEOUS Stoves. Stoves. Stoves. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the City Post ofllce as follows: CLOSK Northern through malls, fast. . ... . .10.00 P. M. Northern through and way malls. . . a 00 A. M. N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied therefrom vv 10. (X) P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Raleigh 8.00 A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Southern malls ................. 9.00P.M. Cheraw & Darlington "K R and points . supplied therefrom : 9.00 P. M. western mtmla C. itallw). . . 'b.00 A. M. ! which we are selling at astonishingly low pri- Favetteville. C. P. & Y. V. R. It. and H A R D W A R E . JE HAVE IN STORE A LARGE ASSORT- made by the best factories, W ment of Stoves, 6.00 A.M. -ces. Absolutely Pure. Tills powder never varies. A marvel of pu rity, st length and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In competition with the multitude of low test, short weight alum or phosphate powders. Sold only in cams. KOYAL BAKING POWDER CO., 100 Wall St., N. Y. oct 2tf d&wly tcnrm 4thp Doints supplied therefrom. lialelgh & liamlet it. R. and points supplied therefrom . 7.00 P. M Charlotte and Maxton.7.00 P. M. and 6.00 A. M. smith vllle 2.00 P. i". Wrlghtsville u.yuA-jM. TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi ces 6.00 A.M. Little River, S. C., and intermediate oilices.. 3.00 P. M. Cape Fear Klver mall 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern through and way mails. . .10.00 P. M. Southern through and way malls. . . 6.00 A. M. and 9.00 A. M. Southern. West of Florence 9.30 A. M. Carolina Central K. K. . .9.30 A. M. & 9.00 P. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.00 to 10. (X) A. M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Stamp Office open from 6.30 A. M. to 7 P. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. Mails collected from street boxes in business nnrtlon of cltv at 5 A. M 11 A. M. and 5 P.M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A. M. All in need of a good reliable cooking or ' Heating Stove, will do well to examine our stock and hear our prices before buying. JACOBI'S HDW. DEPOT, oct 6 13 South Front ?fc Brushes, Varnishes. Paints. Blinds. Sash. 1 Doors. Tlie Daily Review. COMMERCIAL NEWS. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1887. STATE NEWS, r Wadesboro Messenger:: The Rev. Chas. C. Quin Avas admitted to the holy order of Priesthood last Wed nesday, in St. Luke's church Lin colnton. The Riht Rev. T. B. Ly- WILMINGTON MARKET. Oct. 27 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at32i cents. Sales of receipts at Quotations. KOSlJN Jbirm at so cents lor strained and 85 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.20 CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1 for hard, $1.75 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Finn. The following are the official quotations: Ordi nary. 6 9-16: erood ordinary. 8: low Diocese, officiated, the iiev. nr. Mar- i middling, 13-lb middling y a-io; gooa I j i i . i !! i Tk-r i . 3 shall, of Kaieifrii, presented me can- initialing vf no saies reporteu didate, and the RevJ Jos. B. Chesh-1 Receipts to-day: Spirits, 334; rosin, ire, Jr., of Charlbtte, preached the , 893; tar, 97; crude,"19; cotton, 1,828. sermon. Pittsboro Homk Rev. Mr. Bald win has jriven ud the charge of his nhiimhps in this Section anl will re move to Winston ina few weeks. Robbie (iilmore, 'aged 8 years and S . months, walked one mile to the Held, and picked out 100 poemlsof cotton, two hours before sundown. We verv much rejrret that Dr. J. M. Manning has determined to change his residence. It is probable that he ; will settle in the town of Durham, j Raleigh Writ's and Observer: Mr. ! Howard Haywood has a very curi-; ous and interesting relic. It is aj bronze medal, about two inches in i diametar, which was taken rrom the' Provisions and Cotton. Chicago, Oct. 27, 2:30 p. m. Wheat market opened at 71 and closed at 71f for November. .Corn opened at 45 to45f and closed at 45i to 45-f for May. Pork opened at 12.37$ and closed at 12.30to 12.32for Janu ary. New York, Oct. 27, 2:30 p. in. Cotton opened at 9.81 bid and closed at 9. 85 for October. Opened at 9.65 and closed at 9. G5 for November. Opened at 9.63 and closed at 9.62 for December. Opened at 9.68 asked and closed at 9.65 for January. MARINE NEWS. bodv of a dead Federal soldier at the battle of Spottsylvania. On one side is the following inscription : ; "En Memoriam l)e Los Hechos Hen-; ricos, Del Regimento De Ingemeros Simbolizados. En Las Corbatus De La Orden Militar de S. Fernando Obtenida en Jincio Contradictorio J 21 De Setiembre de 1847." On the other side there is an engraving of j the head of Queen Isabella, with the inscription: "Isabella, Reina de las Espanas.' Raleigh Visitor: The weather to day has been such as to seriously in terfere with all out door operations and therefore the special programme could not be carried out. Theciowd, which otherwise would have been verv large, was slim, although the exhibits are in all respects credit able. Our colored friends have al-1 most precisely undergone the same disadvantage Avhich attended the State Fair last week. Chatham Record: A citizen of Moore county informs us that there is a family in that county, consist ing of four brothers and four sisters, who together have 49 Christian names, as follows: George Menden hall Demsey Laurence Henry Du rant Isham Chalmers, Johnny Shu ford Sampson Goudlock Wesley Swaim Quimby Addison, James Lockey SilvanusThomas ByasNoah Lewede, Charles Riley Arleword Emsley Ruford William" Burton Ce clage, "Martha Ann Alonzo, Loveday Arabella Alaiuina Eliza, Mary Jane Sarah Emeline Camilla Haseltine, and Maggie DelaneyDelena Priscilla Alice. The same family owns a cat named Sib Sally Jane Jiglena Je rome Bruce Ous Sanders Silvanus Stntts. Now, if anvbodv can beat these names let us hear from him! Charlotte Chronicle: Mr. J. B. Erwin, the express messenger who was so badly injured in the wreck on the Air Line Road, near Greer's station, last Thursday, has been compelled to submit to the sur geon's knife, and his right foot was vesterday morning amputated. Mr. J. V. Symons. ah old and re spected citizen of Charlotte, is suff er ing from a stroke of paralysis, re ceived while he was in Montgomery county, a few days ago! He wits brought to his home in this city yes terday. One entire side is paralyzed, and while his condition is serious, hopes are entertained for his recov ery. A very sad accident oc curred four miles south of Lanrin burg last Monday afternoon. " Miss Flora Jones anil her father, Mr. rsam ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer Cape Fear, Toinlinson, Fayetteville, C SLove & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Snell, South port, Master. Ger barque Pillau, Gerlach, Port Spain, Trinidad, E Peschau & Wes- i termann. Schr Mary A Power, Keene, Phil adelphia, E G Barker & Co., with coal to T F Bagley. CLEARED. Steamer DJMurchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Steamer Cape Fear Toinlinson, Fayetteville, C S Love & Co. Steam yacht Louise, Snell, South port, Master. GLASS AND SASH FOR FOWER PITS. Large and well selected stock of PAINTERS' MATERIALS.. New lot ol Brushes at reduced prices. Remember that we are headquarters for good reliable goods and low prices. JACUHI 8 HDW. MPOTl oct 6 12 South Front St WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCT. 22ND,1887. Cotton ashore, 17,997; afloat, 11,162; total, 29,159. Spiritsashore, 2,188; afloat, 186; total, 2,374. Rosin ashore, 90,934; afloat, 3,082; total, 94,016. Tar ashore, 4,560; afloat, 150; total, 4,710. Crude 494. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDED OCT. 22. Cotton. 10,754; spirits, 1,515; rosin, 6,429; tar, 571; crude, 272. EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED OCT. 22. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 2,835; spirits, 559; rosin, 3, 809; tar, 1,013; crude, 237. FOREIGN. Cotton, 4,650; spirits, 300; rosin, 8,-671. MERCHANTS, BARKERS AMD UAXUrACTUB BXS 8HODU KBAB -? BRADSTREET'S A Weekly Jourxal of TRADE. riHANCE AND PI'BLIO ECONOMY. O Sixteen page ev., y Saturday . Ofttntimt Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. FIVE DOLLARS A Y E Jtfi. The foremost purpose of BBADSTRKET'ft Is to be of practical service to business men. Its special trade and Industrial reports ant Its svnop&es of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable as commercial transactions, to tbe wl'er sense, are coming to be more and more conducted on s statistical basis, tbe in formation contttne t it BBADil kKUT'S is of first Irauort-n e to all TUB GENBBAL BUSINESS SITUATION TIIKOOGH OCT 1HK UNIT- D STATES AND CANADA IS a PORTED BY TELEGRAPH TO BEAD STREET'S UP TO THE HOUR OF PUBLICATION 91NOLK COPUCa TEN' CENTS. THE BRADSTREET COMPANY. 279, 281, 283 Broadway, Send for Sample Copy New York Crrr feb S 1887. Harper's Young PeoDle. All ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harpek's Young People has been calm "toe mouei or wnat a periodical iir young re i ?ers ought to be." and the justice of this commendation Is ampiy snstalned by tbe burg clrcuUtlon It ha attained both at borne and In trttat Britain Tbls success baaJbeen reached by methods tbat must commend laem seives 10 me juugmeot or parents, no less than to tbe tastes of children namely, by an earnest and weU sustained effort to provide the best and most attractive reading foryung people at a low price ne illustrations are couWrat and of a consnlcuousiv blsrb standard oi excellence. ' - An enltome of everything tbat 1b attractive and desirable In iuveslle literature. BosUn Courlcz. A weekly feast of srood - tblntrs 1 to tbe bo vr ana eiris m every family whl b It visits- Brooklyn union. ; It Is wonderful In Its wealth of picture in formation, and interest. Christian Advocate 11. T. - TEUM8: Postage Prepaid. 2.00 per Yeai VoL VIII. commences November 2, iSKtt. STNGtB Numbers, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Poat-Oittct Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss Newspapers are not to copy this advertls ment wituout tbt express order of Harph UROTHBRS, Address HABPEB BEOTHElib, nOV 2f Vt Vnr'. COME SEE US! MISCELLANEOUS. Jones, had been to that town shop :ing, and while returning to their louie late in the afternoon, their lorse ran away throwing them out. Miss Jones became entangled in the wheels of the vehicle and received injuries from which she died two hours later. Builder's Hardware. A LARCE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. Special Inducements to contractors. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., OCt 34 19, 22, 23 Market St. Just Opened. I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY Ml friends and t he public generally, that I have opened a NEW CANDY STORE, a branch of TiV CAnrmrl stiwt. stftPft at NO. 211 North FTOnt street, where I will keep continually on band the freshest of candies. Fruit, &c, .and to which Ilnvlte their attention. loct6Sra A. S.l WTNSTEAD. last of Vessels in the Port of Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, 1887. No vessel under 60 tons reported In this list.) STEAMSHIPS. Br Daylesford, 901 tons, Sinclair, C P VXcit)Siiic Br Allie, 1,134 tons, Rodgaard, c P Mebane Br Conventry, 1.140 )ons, Bacon, Heide & Co Br Buchvllle, 1,128 tons, Watson, Ilelde & CO Br Koseville, 1086 tons. Dove, Helde & Co Br Parklands, 1134 tons, Smith, C P Mebane BARQUES. Ger Plllaw, 470 tons, Gerlach, , E Peschau & Westermann Ger Marie Knyper, 362 tons, Seemann, E. Peschau & Westerman Ger Theodore, Voss, 317 tons, Sumann, E Peschau & Westermann Br Pons Elu, 357 tons, Palnoham. Paterson, Downing & Co Nor Nor, 342 tons, Hansen, c P Mebane Nor veronica, 651 tons, Pettersen Heide & Co Ger Wilheim Max, 421 tons, Fretwurst, Heide & Co Ger M D Rucker, 397 tons, Rehberg, Paterson, Downing; Co Nor Monica, 637 tons, Johanunsen, Heide & Co Ger Slrene, 501 tons, , v . ... E Peschau & Westermann Nor Frlthjof, 441 tons, Johnsen, Paterson, Downing & Co Ger Adolph, 523 tons, Westendorf, Helde & Co Br Geo Davis 643 tons, King, Alex Sprunt & Son Ger Albatross, 310 tons Dale, E Peschau & Westermann SCHOONERS. Mary A Power, 472 tons, Keene. . B G Barker & Co Annie Alnsley, 288 tons, McAndrews, Geo Harriss & Co Georgle Clark, 347 tons, Barlett, T1 J Geo Harriss & Co James Ponder. 258 tons, Lynch, Geo Harriss & Co Lamolne, 246 tons, Parker, E G Barker & Co M c Moseley, 189 tons, Torres, E G Barker & Co R S Graham, 325 tons. Avis, Geo Harriss & Co Fanny Tracy, 232 tons. Tilton, Geo Harriss & Co Roger Moore, 318 tons, Gilkey,E G Barker & Co Iennle Hall, 391 tons. Hall, Geo Harriss & Co BenJ F Lee, 375 tons, Steelman, Geo Harriss & Co H S Lanfalr, 298 tons, Woodlawn, Geo Harriss & Co - The cheapest place to , buy your school books and school stationery is at Heinsuerger's. I. - t 1 HENEVER YOU ARE OF IN NEEb mmm, mm binding come and see ur. We have the most complete establishment in the city, carry a large stock' of different qualities of paper to select from, do yonr work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices that we can live at. v Give nj your orders. IACKSON d BELL. Horiick's Malted Milk Food. Oct 35 JAS. D. NUTT, the Druggist, 218 North Front St. Coal and Wood. OW IS THE TIME TO GET COAL AND WOOD before another advance in prices due by hext cold wave or lor other good reasons. OCt34tf J. A. SPRINGER. 25 Per Cent Off. ALL WINTER UNDERWEAR. . GOOD ONLY UNTIL 1st NOV. DICK & MEAKES, oct 25 Tailoring and Gent's Furnishings Notice f Notice ! ! T AM OFFERING A LARGE AND ASSORT ED Stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, which I am selling at. manufacturer's prices. Dealers will And it to their advantage to examine same before purchasing elsewhere. oAm ii JiJSAK, sr.. "sepl9 No. miarket St. Rlew York, THILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE prices In JOHN WERNER'S Barber Shop : 10 cents a Shave; 20 cents a Hair Cut and 20 cents a Shampoo. His own manufactured Hair Dye or every snaae at cents ana upwaras. No. 29 Market Street, between Water and Front. sept 21 Shingles i Shiugies ! rMFTY THOUSAND FOUR AND FIVE r Inch Cypress Shingles. Must be sold at tfnee Those In need ouM do well to call and get a baroaln. CHA8 F. BROWNE. Commission Merchant. No 11 N Water st., men '1 Wilmington, N. C- Knoxville Furniture Co. 17E ARE HERE YET, WITH THE Finest and cheapest Furniture and other househo sroods to be found in the city. We are receiving new goods daily from the Factory. Also a full lne of Baby Carriages, oct 24 E. II. SNEED, Manager Sale of Valuable Property. JJY VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCJ! OF A power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed on the 12th June, A. D. 1886, by D. j. Benson andwlfe Mary R. Benson, and regis lstered In office of the Register of Deeds of New Hanover County, N. c, in Book Y. Y. Y., pages 71, 72 and 73, 1 will sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, N. c, on the 4th November, 1887, at 12 o'clock, M, that house and lot situate on the East side of Fifth street, . between Dawson and Wright streets, described .a follows: Be ginning at a point in the eastern Une of Finn street at Armentard Hawkins' Southwest cor ner, and runs thence southwardly 35 feet, thence eastwardly 264 feet, thence northward ly 35 feet, thence Westwardly 264 feer to the beglnnlngjjjeing parts of lots Nos. 2 and 3, in block No. 35, : The house is new and In good condition. O. R. HOLLINGSWORTHT OCt 5 td , Mnrttrn crf For the Sound QN AND A1TER THE 24TH OF AUGUST WAGQNE1TES Will leave for tbe Sound at 2 P. M. and 5.30 r. If . Returning leave the Sound at 7.J3 A. lLand P. U. T. J. SOCTHKRLAND, Livery and Sale Stables, ang 2 Nos. 108 Jk UP North Scnnd St Isaac T. Alderman, pffl in Sprunt's Bunding. QOMMISSION MERCHANT, Consignments of Country Produce solicited. Cotton, Timber and Naval Stores handled to best advantage. aug 3 tf Tbe National Life -AND- Maturity A ssociation, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. -o- Total Cash Assets. . Liabilities..... Paid to members... ..$275,754.29 . None. .$168,070,92 HORATIO BROWNING, President. GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. Llfe Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. An IncontestiblQ Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. DM Medical Director. W; H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W. OCt26tf 1887. $4 50A YEAK FOK The Daily Whig. The cheapest dally paper in the South. THE WEEKLY has been enlarsre'i ad 'he price reduced to 7 rests a year. The cheap est weekly paper puhlished. xne bonuay issue ana weekly edition both for one ear, for $l.f 0. The two are cheaper and better than semi-weekly as you get one datly issue nd a weekly for SO cents less than any semi weekly paper Dally set l free two weeks and Weeklv one month free, spend one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial Address -T Richmond. Vs. Hisses Burr & James ILL REOPEN THEIR SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course of instruction; as heretofore, will ke thorough and systematic. . Special attention givento Reading, Writing. Music and Physical culture.. T7 m,1 CushW wm have charge of the Musical Department. . , . . Hours for Kindergarten'pupils from 9X to 12. For timber particulars see Principal -septicj Douglas & Yarborough. JIASHIONABLE HAIR DRESSERS , . AND BARBERS. . 1(3 Market St.. Wilmlrgton. N. C. Shop fully equipped with all the latest im provements Oourteous and polite barbers always ready f erve customers. J. W. YarrOTOUh. ti,murhr with Jnhn Werner, would bo glad to Berve his old pat rons. fb 22 1887. New York Weekly Herald.J One Dollar a Year. Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal In Tne uuiea Mates. Always Bright and Relia ble I u-very Nnmber an Kpltome of the News of tha WmM The ForeljtD Department la nneqoalled 3 Atest and most accurate Cable Specula by the mmerclal Cables. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Cnirer.i Uvente i ., Special Fetdkks Practical Kannlca; SSIuslc, Keilglon. Fashions and Chess. '- urormatioa on aai subjects.: ' tdresa, r : ; ' h' JA1U QORDON BENNETT, - : . ; &ew X oik Herald. - : aiOT 23 sew York City MISCELLANEOUS. Cash House 116 Market Street; WE OPEN ON ' , Hloiiday, Oc bi r 3rd, A Large Assortment of Rich Fall . Novelties and Combination ? ,"''r DRESS OODS ; "" ' . . , ; iff - " ;.t ' " ; comprising the latest Designs and Colorings In SILK "EIjrJEaTS 1 rLLT Ju 1 RAINS GOTviT; Dated June 19, 1887 Leave Martou Leave Flocencel'" Arrive Sumter " Arrive Columbia " No. e ,T I Ll, AS fen, ...:n sr Florence.... r; I. -Marlon.. S?5NS- Wnwo ' w am - s 9Plumbla. .LiCUVt? Leave Lv. Nos. 23 and r i i Ktiuu nr Cane Savannah points bevonrt X.nJte-. SILKS, CASHMERES, SERGES, 5 - PIN CHECKED, FRENCH PLAIDS, r . 54-inch FLANNELS and TRICOTS; V3 SATINS and VELVETEENS .1 i . V " HENRIETTAS, DliAP DE ALMA, " ' ; DRAP COUPE, DRAP DE SHEBA, : Among so many can Only name a lew prices CASHMERES as low as 5c per yard. 4 - 30-inch Ladles' Cloth, worth 40c for ?5cpr yard. 36-lnch English Cashmeres, only 25c per yard. Good Black silk, 60 aha 75c per yard. , A Superior Black Silk, worth $L40 for L PLAIN. STRIPED AND WOVEN BROCADES, Pplnts beyond, should tZ,5j Trains 57 and 1a FC 1 Florence Mthtratnfonc J. R. KENT.v ,.e12eW8oDei Wilmington 4 Vef AND BRavi CONDENSED SCHEBrt TRAINS GOIXOSOC Dated Aug. 1, 1887. NO. 21 laauy. BLACK GOODS rue oest assortment or all the new weaves Imported this season. ;- 1 -. weiaon : r-.--i. Ar. Rocky Mount laiK P . - ' t VIU I .... v a. ai iji it 1 1. Leave Tarboro.. Arrive Wilson.. Leave Wilson... -o- TRIMMINGS.' Every variety to suit above. r ? Arrive Selmn Arrive Fayettevi e Leave Goldahnm Leave Warsaw.... iave Maemoiia. . Ar. Wilmlneton... wat::::v I 3 57pmli8pi7 14 15tmi.... ' ," .7 65 pm 4 45 pm 5 48 pm ft 00 6m mm . I I-' V. 74ypmjl55p: TRAINS GOING N0BT1 Eider Down, Furs, Astrakaii, Silk Plush Sacquesi 4; J- ckets, Wraps, Nev Mar kets and 1 Jerseys. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia... Arrive Warsaw...1 Arrive Goldsboro.i Leave Fayetteville Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson..:.: Leave Wilson... Ar. Rocky Mount. dally. dally. ; ISOaT: 10 213 10 49 am ( liMta.. 10 Mia. llMia,1.. 2 57am,12Sp.. ......! liin.. 11 59 pm i loam 218 am! Arrive Tarooro. . ;i P4 50 pa sjco, v p- x ai wiu. . . . ) ....1U I Arrive Weldon. EOo. 4 25 ami f -o FULL LINE OF DOMESTICS, from 5c up. HOUSEKEEPING GOODS. ' - ' - . ' MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR. - ' ' CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, Ac., &C J MERINO UNDERWEAR - . For Ladles, Misses, Men and Boys, the most complete assortment in all sizes and qualities. SKIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINQS, . 4 -AND I ALL OVER LACES; Spanish, Escurial, Vals, Torchon, Eyp--' tlan, Irish and Everlasting.; -o- WHITE GOODS. f " .. . . .--tit- - Every variety, Collars, cuffs, Ruchings, Veil ing, Crepe, Point D'Esprit. Handkerchiefs, Ribbons and Fancy Goods, &&, &c "Dally except Sunday. - i - Train on Scotland Neck BranrH r Halifax for Scotland Neck at aoo 1. 1 turning leaves Scotland Nectatsuci' except sunaay. ' 4 - . Train leaves Tarboro, N. C.,t1 i & Raleigh R..R. dally except Sun t Sunday 5 -OO P. M.. arrive-WllUaiu-; 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Retnralnr Ik llamston. N. C, daily except SubHj,: M.; Sunday 9.50 A M Arrive Tartxn, 9.45 A. MM 1L30 A M. . , -t , s . Tram on Miaiana n. v, Branca ktp boro, N. C, dally except Suncto, u arrive 8mlthfleld, N. C. 8.30 A X. r leaves- Smlthfleld, N. C.; 9.00 A. Li Goldsboro, N. C, 10.30 AM. Train on Nashville Branch leara Mount for Nashville, 400 P. It, r Nashville-4-40 P. M., Sprinsr Dope i: Returninsr leaves spring nope it Nashville 1L15 A M., Rocky ,aail M., dally except Sunday. . Train on -Clinton Branck team fr Clinton, daily, except Sundar, it ti Returning leaves Clinton at TUB J. Southbound Train on Wilson f-T Branch Is No. 5L Northbound W3a except Sunday. . , ' .i.. Train No. 27 south will stop only $ Goldsboro and Magnolia. " Train No. 78 makes close connectlf don for &U points North dally. AH; Richmond, And dally, except fitodw Line.' j 4. ...-.-. -.. -; ? Truins mate close connection ft North via Richmond and Wasting : All trains run soiia neiween Washington, and have Pullman n ers attached. JOHN Y. lIi.r, J. R. KENLY, Sapt. TransportJCJ ang g " ' . ' , "'l' Carolina Central H Company. ' , C3. ., ...... r v , p CHANGE OF SCH . WESTBOUND TBACS 'al Oct. 2, 1887. Sateens worth 25c for 15c. A call will satisfy you that qualities and prices are as low as any of the lowest North ern Catalogues, and will Induce you to buy for Cash at ? ? Leave Wilmington; Leave Maxton. Leave Hamlet Leave Wadesboro, 1 Leave Charlotte... Leave Ltncolnton. Leave Shelby...?- Ar. Rutherfordtonl Nat dally ei Sunday. 7 00 ami 11 30 am 13 45 pm 213 pm: 4 48 pm 6 35 pm 7 47 pm 9 30 pm guniWM, J45P JJJIS 153 IS' . EASTBOXJNDTBAE OCt; 2, 1887. Lv. Rutherfordton Leave Shelby...... i Leave im coin ton. I Leave Charlotte... I Leave wadesboro. i Leave Hamlet.... I Leave Maxton.... Arrive Wilmington "No. t dally ex sonaay. 7 00 m 8 35 am 9 47 am 11 40 pro 2 3Upn 3 40 pm 5 30P01 9 GOpm yen . Lf 1 116 Market GtU;MM33Sk' no and other points on ia. i -251? - I torn with trains to and J &pm yi A.. A. Brown & Co., . m .Mif i mu( . Trains ZTTnA from namletwlth Trains to f rXZZmtrii steeaing Cars.pjr- and Charlotte anVri Take Train Ka lJ f Take Train No -Jvrfa pouf. i?tt WiimiBS T SSBitW Q.ENERAL C03IMISSION MERCHANTS AND PRODUCE DEALERS. NO Cotton and Naval Stores solicited. extra charges for Insurance or sampling, septotf . . , Sign of the Horse. pEMEMBER TIIAT OUR STOCK OF. LAP Robes and Blanketsls the handsomest, cheap est and most complete In the city, and that we are still headquarters for Harness and sad dlery Goods, Trunks- and Bags; Our work needs no recommendation, as It shows for its elf. . v. ; ' FENNELL & DANIEL, " The Horse Milliners, Ka 10 So. lYont St. oct" - - - . - j a ami . . vllleAtnens, a. .t rest, Aiso, iw No. 3 connects j F. W. cXAIil G&ft

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