j ' ' 7 , " . - ' - ' . ' - - - . - - - ' ... , " - ' -' ' , - - - . . . ; . . - - - - - ' " . r 7. . - -. ... ---;-- . - -- -----v- .- . .-.w-, 7,-7..7..., I. .....7 J., . '1 ' . ' ' . .1 3 f 1 - I" .'7 3 'i i,- I?WilEIS Absolutely Pure. rltv strength and whoU-somcness.' More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot he sold In competition wun iu iuuuu uuc ui w. test, short welfjhr alum or phosphate powdei-s. Satti anlit in cava. KOYAL JiAKLNG I'UWDEIC CO.. 100 Wall St.. N. Y. oct 2ti d&wly tcurm 4thp Th.0 X)aily Review. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 28, 1887. STATE NEWS, Charlotte Democrat'. Mr. W. L. Cochrane of Crab Orchard town ship, this count v, brought us a stalk of cotton, last week, measuring 8 feet 9 inches in length from the roots. It bore bolls 6 feet 7 inches above the roots, ami some of the bolls measured 54 inches in circum ference, Monroe Enquirer: The flood mark was reached in the cotton market here last Saturday. The sales of cotton from wagons on the streets amounted to 393 bales the largest number ever reached in one day. The sales on Friday amounted to 339 bales. This cotton came from all of the , surrounding counties, but the major portion of it was of Union county production. Charlotte Hornet: About 11:30 last night an alarm of fire was sounded from the big bell, and was promptly responded to by the department. The location of the fire was at the corner of Graham and Sixth streets, in a two-story frame house on what is known as "Factorjy Row." The house was occupied as a dwelling bv Mr. JasiKr Alexander, an em ployee in the cotton factory of the Messrs. Oates, and nearly every thing he possessed was devoured "by the flames. Greensboro Workman: We an nounce with much gratification a generous donation of $100 bv Mr. William P. Clyde, of New York, to the "Guilford Battle-Goiind Com pany."1 Mr. Clyde was until recent ly one of the largest holders of stock in the Richmond and Danville Rail road syndicate, and always cherish ed a warm feeling of friendship for our people, and lias given this gen erous evidence of bis continued in terest in the honor and welfare of the State. Wilson Advance: The new town of Dunn, on the Short Cut, will soon have a new hotel with forty rooms. That town's growth has been won derful. Mr. Ed. Lamm sustain ed the loss of life gin house last Fri day night. It was burned and he lost all his cotton seed and about twenty goats that were under the building. A ' gentleman from Johnston county reports that the ravages of hog cholera in that coun ty are fearful. Some farmers have lost their whole herds of swine. The meat supply of many has been en tirely cut off. Greenville Reflector: . A meeting in the church "near Gardner's X Roads, in Swift Creek township, was brought to a close amidst much ex citement on last Saturday night. About the time the congregation was . dismissed Mr. Frank Moore said " something to Mr.' .John'Coward, ac cusing him of being instrumental in keeping his (Moore's) wife away from home,and immediately shot at Cow ard with a pistol. The ball missed Coward and went through the min ister's hat which lay upon the pul pit. Moore fired two shots, but for tunately neither of them struck any one, lie Avas taken before a magis trate and bound over to court. Asheville Citizen: Mr. Edward Hardin, the young fireman on the passenger engine who was so severe ly injured in the collision near Mar shall last week, is now doing very well. His left leg was amputated just below the knee. Mr. A. W. Lindsav has left with us a musket of the old'time. It is a genuine "Tower Musket" and bears date of 1742 a genuine antique brass mounted, and with stock extending the whole X lit? ratt across the stomach. The wound was at first believed to ue iaiai, nut well. Elliott was arrested and admitted to bail. Viiitfsr'. Owen Manning. the white man who has been missing from the convicts at tne penitentia ry, was shot this morning about o"clock while attempting to scale the stockade with a ladder. He was on the outside and was recaptured. He Fayetteville Observer: Mr. Wood, who died at Carver's Creek last week, had eighteen children six teen now living seventy-seven grand-children and sixty-five great grand-children. -We are pleased to know that arrangements are on foot to drain the SAvainp lands on the east side of the river. It is the finest land in the county, and what has already been cleared has proved to be very valuable. Rice especially might be raised here to great advan tage. Raleigh News and Observer: It was reported yesterday that a lady in tOAvn had attempted to commit sui cide and there was quite a sensation in the neighborhood of the lady's residence over the matter. During the morning, it is saidr the lady being in unusual good health, took a num ber of pills which brought on a He.thlv sickness. The family be came alarmed and summoned physi cians, who succeeded in counteract ing the effects of whatever medicine or drug had been taken. When the lady was fully recovered, she ac-k-tirkwlflcefl having tflken the nills. but refused to tell what kind of pills . -i 1, i j i rnev were or wny sne nau. u.ts.vu them. " .. , . ' ., :-:7".-:': srun is o-tb of the barrel. fiVinnt 5 feet 4 inches long. The locks are now percussion, but the marks of change from flint and steel are plainly evident. . Shelby New Era: Mr. Fletcher McMurray was yesterday afternoon stabbed just above the heart, but the wound is not believed to be dangerous. The stabbing is believ ed to have been the result of a quar rel, but McMurray has refused to give any partichlars or even to tell who inflicted the wound. -Mr. S. H. Elliott, a formeT citizen of Shelby, on Saturday stabbed Mr. ' Ira Surratt atGaffneyCity,inflicting a serious, if not a dangerous wound, Mr. Elliott, who is nearly CO years of -age, and Mr. Surratt, who is a - young man,diave been on bad terms for some time. On Saturday Mr. Elliott was in a discussion with an other man in the store of Carroll & Carpenter Tat Gaffney City. Mr. Surratt, it is said; interf erred and an altercation ensued. Surratt ordered ordered Elliott from the, store v and, it is 'alleged, struck him. VElliott drew his pocket knife and cut Sur- COMMEKCIAL NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. Oct. 282:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at 32t cents bid. No sales reported. ROSIN Firm at 80 cents for strained and 85 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.20. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steady at $1 for hard, $1.75 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Quiet and firm. The fol lowing are the official quotations: Ordinary, 69-10; good ordinary, 8; low middling,8 13-10 middling 9 3-16; gooa middling 91. Sales of 35 bales at 9 3-16 cents. Receipts io-day: Spirits, 161; rosin, 457; tar, 18; cotton, 1,137. Provisions and Cotton. Chicago, Oct. 28, 2:30 p. m.- Wheat market opened at 72f and closed at 72t for November. Corn opened at 45s to 45 and closed at 45 to 45 for May. Pork opened at 12.80 and closed at 12.50 for January. Nkw York, Oct. 28, 2:30 p. m. Cotton opened at 9.88 and closed at 9.87 for October. Opened at 9.62 and closed at 9.59 for November. Opened at 9.58 and closed at 9.56 for December. " Opened at 9.60 and closed at 9.60 for January. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND OCT. 22ND, 1887. Cottonashore, 17,997; afloat, 11,162; total, 29,159. Spirits ashore, 2,188; afloat, 186; frtn1 9.274: ' Rosin ashore, 90,934; afloat, 3,082; total, 94,016. - . Tar ashore, 4.560; afloat, 150; total, 4,710. Crude 494. RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDED OCT. 22. Cotton. 10,754; spirits,l,515;-rosin, 6,429; tar, 571 ; cruae, i&. EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED OCT. 22. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 2,835; spirits, 559; rosin,3,809 ; tar, i, via; cruue, zo. FOREIGN. , Cotton, 4,650; spirits, 300; rosin, 8,- MARINE NEWS. . ARRIVED. Steam yacht Louise, Snell, South port, Master. Nor brig Taritta. Knudsen, Per nambuco, Heide & Co. Nor barque Fruiiu, Petersen, Bar badoes, Paterson, Downing & Co. Schr Gen A H Ames, Johnson, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co,, witn railroad iron to OCR R. Schr Kdith R Seward, Travis, Philadelphia, Geo Harriss & Co, with railroad iron to C C R R. CLEARED. Steam yacht Louise, Snell, South port, Master. Br barque George Davis, Falkner, Havre, Alex Sprunt & Son. Schr M C Moseley, Torrey, Gon aives, Hayti, E Kidder's Son. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Havre Br barque George Dayis 2,300 bales cotton. Gonaives Schr M C Mosely-J99,-718 feet lumber, 25, 000 shingles, 3 bbls naval stores. List of Vessels in the Port of Wilmington, N. C, Oct. 27, 1887.. , No vessel under 60 tons reported In tMs list. STEAMSHIPS. . 7 Br Daylesford, 901 tons, Sinclair, C P Mebance Br Allle, 1,134 tons, Iiodgaard, c P Mebane Br Conventry, 1.140 ons. Bacon, Heide & Co Br Buclivlile, 1,128 tons, Watson, Heide & Co Br Kosevllle, 1086 tons. Dove, Heide & Co Br Parklands, 1134 tons, Smith, C P Mebane BASQUES. Ger Pillaw, 47G tons, Gerlach, E Peschau & Westermana (ier Marie Knyper, 363 tons, Seemann, E. Pescliau & Westennan Ger Theodore, Voss, 317 tons, Sumann, E Pescliau & Westermann Br Pons yElu, 357 tons, Palnoham. Paterson, Downing Co Nor Nor, 342 tons, Hansen, c P Mebane Nor veronica, 651 tons, Pettersen Heide Co (Jer Wilhelm Max, 421 tons, Fretwurst, , Heide & Co Ger M D Kucker, 397 tons, Rehberg, Paterson, Downing & Co Nor Monica, 637 tons, J ohanunsen, Heide & Co Ger Sirene, 501 tons, , E Peschau & Westermann Nor Fritlijof, 441 tons, Johnsen, Paterson. Downing & Co Ger Adolph, 523 tons, Westendorf, Heide & Co Br Geo Davis 643 tons, King, Alex Sprunt & Son Ger Albatross, 310 tons .Dale, E Pescliau & Westermann Nor Train, 390 tons, Peterson. Paterson, Downing ae Co BRIGS. Nor Taritta. 282 tons. Knudsen, Heide & Co SCHOONERS. Gen A H Ames, 453 tons, Johnsen. Geo Harriss & Co Edith R Seward, 232 tons, Travis, - GcoHarrlss & Co Mary A Power, 472 tons, Keene. " . , EG Barker & Co Annie Alnsley, 288 tons, McAndrews, ' Geo Harriss & Co Georgie Clark, 347 tons, Bariett, Geo Harriss & Co James Ponder. 28 tons. Lynch, Geo Harriss & Co Lamoine, 246 tons, Parker, E G Barker Co M c Moseley, 189 tons, Torres, - - 7E G Barker & Co R S Graham, 325 tons. Avis, Geo Harriss & Co Fanny Tracy, 233 tons. Tilton, Geo Harriss i Co Roger Moore, 318 tons, Gllkey.E g Barker & Co Iennie Hall, 391 tons. Hall, Geo Harriss & Co Benj F Lee, 375 tons, steelman, . r . Geo Harriss & Co H S LanTair, 293 tons; Woodlawn, - .-7 :"7 .. 7, Geo Harriss & Co The Review Job Offlcea the place to get good work at moderate prices? I COME SEE US ! HENEVER YOU ARE IN NEE O , OF v. iFEimn, SDLISB orillHDlHS, come and see us. We have the most complete establishment in the city, carry a large stock of different qualities of paper to select from, do your work promptly and satisfactorily, and at prices thai we can live at. GlTe u your orders. - 7 IACKSON A BELL Y VIRTUE AND IN PURSUANCE OF A Sale of Valuable Property. R power of sale contained in a certain mortgage executed on the 12th June. A. D. 1886. by D. J. Benson and wife Mary It. Benson, and regls istered in office of the Register of Deeds of New nanover County, N. C., in Book Y. Y. Y nacres 71. 72 and 73. 1 will sell at public auction for cash, at the Court House door in the city of Wilmington, n. c, on tne 4tn wovemoer, jlbby, at 12 o'clock. M. that house and lot situate on the East side of Fifth street, between Dawson and Wright streets, described as roiiows: be ginning at a point in the eastern line of Fifth street at Armentard nawklns' Southwest cor ner, and runs thence southwardly 35 feet, thence eastwardly 264 feet, thence northward ly 35 feet, thence Westwardly 264 feet to the bednnihQL beine Darts of lots Nos. 2 and 3. in block No. 35. The house is new and in good condition. o. K. uollingswoktu. octstd Mortgagee For the Sound rH AND AFTER THE 24TH OF AUGUST WAGONETTES Will leave for the Souod at 2 P. M. and 5.3d P. M. Bs turning leave the Sound at 7.30 A. M. and P. U. T. J. SOUTHEBLAND, au "4 Llv -xy jnd Sale stables, Nos. 108 110 North Second 8t MERCHANTS. BANKEBS AMJ MANUFACTDB SBS SHOULD READ BR AD STREET'S .if-.,. . a. weekly journai. of Trade, iimancs and Pi buc Ecokomt o- r 77 Sixteen page evt t p Saturday Oftentime Twenty Page: Sometimes Twenty four Pagtg; FIVB DOLLARS A YEAR. The foremost purpose of BRADSTRKKT' la to beet urao.tlcal tei vice to business men. Its special trade and Industrial reports ami lta synopses of recent legal decisions are exceed ingly valuable as commercial . transactions, lo the wler sense, are romlng to be more an? more conducted on a statistical basis, the In formation contilne ii BRADi I UEKT'8 is of first lmuortn-e to all THE GENERAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH OUT THE UNIThD STATXS AND CANADA IS REPORTED BY TELEQRAFH TO BRAD STREET'S CP TO THE HOUR OF PUBLICATION ' SINGLE crTpTBii TEN CESTS. THE BRADSTREET COMPANY, 279. 281, 283 Broadway, Send for Sample Copy feb 3 New York city : 1887. - ,:"k - - 4 . Harper's Young People. - AS LLLU3TRATELD WEEKLY. Harper's Youko People has been callci. 'the model of what a periodical for young rei lers ought to be." and the justice of this commendation is amply sustained by the large circulation It has attained both at home and in Great Britain. This success has been reacred by methods that must commend themselves to the judgment of parents, no less than to the tastes of children namely, by an earnest and well sustained effort to provide the best and most attractive reading foryung people at a low price he lllnstratlons are copleus and of a conspicuously high standard of excellence. 7 . 7" 7 An epitome of everything that is attractive and desirable tn iuveclle literature. Boston Courier. , - v A weekly least of good things' to the boys and tcttht in. every family wnl b it visits itrookiynr union. - it1 la wonderful in its wealth of picture in formation, and Interest. Christian Advocate, N. Y. -" i..? . ( rERMS: Postage Prepaid, t2.00 Per Year. Vol. VIII. commences- November 2, 18&6. sjnolr Numbers, Five Cents each. fiemlttances should be made by Post-Office Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapers are not to copy this advertise ment without the express order of Harper M Brothers. Address HARPER BROTHERS, ' noT vw York Misses Burr & Janies yiLL REOPEN THEIR SCHOOL FOB girls and little boys, 011 TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course of Instruction, as heretofore, will be thorough and systematic. ' Special attention given to Reading, Writing. Music and Physical culture. ; Mrs. M. S. Cushing will have charge of the Musical Depajtment. , . Hours for Kindergarten pupils from to li For further particulars see Principals. carvf 1AI s Job Printing. . pHK REVIEW JOB PRINTING OFFICE IS prepared to do all Idnda of Job Printing as neatly, as cheaply and as expeditiously as it can be done elsewhere. -- Send in your work ml it E-all t3 dene prciptly- oct 6 MISCELLANEOUS. " Horlick's Malted Milk - Food. oct 25 JAS, D. NUTT, the Druggist, 218 North Front St. C o a I a n d W o o d OW IS THE TIME TO GET COAL AND WOOD before another advance in prices due by next cold wave or for other good reasons. OCt24tf J. A. SPRINGER. 25 Per Cent Off. LL WINTER UNDERWEAR. GOOD ONLY UNTIL 1st NOV. DIGK &MEAKES, oct 25 Tailoring and Gent's Furnishings I Notice ! Notice 2 ! AM OFFERING A LARGE AND ASSORT ED stock of TOBACCO AND CIGARS, which I am selling at manufacturer's prices. Dealers will find i t to their advantage to examine same before purchasing elsewhere. ' SAM'L BEAR. Sr., sept 19 No. 10 Market St. Wew York, JpHILADELPHIA' AND . BALTIMORE prices in JOnN WERNER'S Barber Shop : 10 cents a Shave; 20 cents a Hair Cut and 20 cents a Shampoo. His own manufactured Hair Dye of every shade at 20 cents and upwards. No. 29 Market Street, between Water and Front. sept 21 Sliiugleb 8hiugjies! piFTY THOUSAND FOUR AND F1V1 inch Cypress Shingles. Must be sold at once Those In need w ould do well to call and get a bargain. CM a i. F. RfitOWNE. Commission Merchant. No 11 N Water St., , mch'28 wiimlnjrton. N. O- Knoxville Furniture Co. JyB ARE HERE YET, WITH THE Finest and cheapest Furniture and other household goods to be found in the city. '-- We are receiving new goods daily from the Factory. ' Also a iun me 01 aa,oy c;arriagt;a. oct 24 " E. H. SNEED, Manager Isaac T. Aiderman, ; Offl in Sprunt's Building. SOMMISSION MERCHANT, Consismments of Country Produce solicited. ? Cotton, Timber and Naval Stores handled to best advantage. aug a u The National Life -AND- Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. O Total Cash Assets $275,754.29 Liabilities....... None. Paid to members $1(58,070,92 o ' HORATIO BROWNING, President. o GEO ROE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. Life Insurance at Absolute cost. A Guaranteed Policy. - An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost' Absolutely Limited. Only" Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, M. D., Medical Director. W,' H. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W. oct28tf r 1887. 1887 $4 50 A YKAlt FOR The Daily Whig. The cheapest dally paper in the South. THE WEEKLY has been enlarged and the Drlce reduced to 7 cents a vear. The cheap est weekly paper published. x necunuay issue- anq weexiy euuion Doin for one vear. for.ftUtO.Thetwo are cheaper And better than semi-weekly as you get one oaiiy issue ana a weetiy tor ou cents less than any semi weekly, paper Daily sent free two weeks and Weekly one month free. Spend one cent for a postal card and order one or the other on trial "Address .Richmond, V. Douglas & Itarborongh. JjVASIIIONABLK HAIR DRESSERS AND BARBERS. 1(3 Market St.. Wilmington. N C. Shop fully equipped with all the latest Im provements Courteous and polite barbers always ready ferve customers. 49" J. W. Yaruorougb, formerly with John Werner, would be jtlad to serve his old pat ron, feb 22 1887. New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal In the United States. Always Bright and Relia ble. livery Number an Epitome of the News of the World- The Foreign Department is unequalled. Latest aud most accurate .Cable Specials by the Commercial Cables: - , Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Current Eventr ;- - - - - i urECiAL Features Practical - Farming ariiclea on Science, Art, Uterature,the Drama, Music, ttenglon. Fashions and Chess. Information on all subjects. .. Address, ; ' : JAIXJ GORDON BENNETT, v York Herald, nov CD New Ycrk City UasJimQii 116 Market Street: :WE OPEN ON'Oij-VI Monday, 0ci?grl3rd A Large Assortment of Rich Fall Novelties and Combination , DRESS .OOI)S . comprising the latest Designs and colorings in silk jBTrrrd, PLAIN. STRIPED AND WOVEN BROCADES, SILKS, CASHMERES, SERGES, PIN CHECKED, FRENCH PLAIDS, 7 ' 54-inch FLANNELS and TRICOTS, v V 4 SATINS and VELVETEENS, ' 7 -, HENRIETTAS, DRAP DE ALMA 7;7f DRAP COUPE, DRAP DE SHEBA, v 1! Among so many can only name a few prices CASHMERES as low as 5c per yard. r ; '1 30-Inch Ladies' Cloth, worth 40c for 25c pr yard. 3(-Inch English cashmeres, rtoly 25c per yard. Good Black Silk, 60 and 75c per yardC t A "Superior Black Silk, worth $L40Jtor $L- ! '7 TIME fBtn Ur.ln. .11 . , v "V Trains win run as follows; WitJ day: 7 - v 7 - . No. 3-Passenger aoa-pmil. Cheraw, 8. c... "S5 Qobio south! v Iaveiiainiet ' " Osborne, (Flaw statiAA; "-lSai " Koilock station aUon--.Lfc uiiic at vucniw, s, C, " He ' : '7--.-. " tn- ' ::7 WAL. " - 7-; '' 'i .' . p 5i 71887. s. i: V :i - " - -o- i i ' i BLACK GOODS. The best assortment of all the new weaves f - ILLUSTRATED. , erature an. 1 be on Hi TllU 1 1 latent fashions -and the ,"5'' i t reading ita et.riei ' t i by the .best-wit ra. ai; l2.M. ,, es are unsurpasw-a i,8 quette, decn-ative art. h El!8, s- : brancSes, ooktry. , , h u i ble inev housVhoM' KbS,!1?5 niatca au tern-.heetMSSS1. ladlea to save man Uo.es tB2K?t tlon by beiag ihtlr own dreJm,viT line is.admltied to Its cohSS. o?Kk. the most fastidions. . . sir- i'fn f.?7 rVPerinffiVi BAZAn........ ' Harpkb8Maoizine... t AAAnarnA o - ww AaVaII 1 Habp's Yocko PtorL."4 Hakpeb's Fsankun n".":" 1 : - One Ye Habp&b's imported this season. ; f -7.. , 1 1 nxiiiiiiNijr.; .... .'. . L "'CI ((UlClfJI IU DUlt ilUUVDi 7 " Eider Down, Fu rs, Astrakari, Silk Plush Sacques, Jackets, Wraps, Nevv Mar- kets and JerseysS -o- FULL LINE OP DOMESTICS, from 5c up. 1 1 HOUSEKEEPING QOODS. r " - : MEN'S AND BOYS' WEAK, , t s CORSETS, GLOVES, HOSIERY, &C, &c7 MERINO UNDERWEAR For Ladles, Misses, Men and Boys, the most complete assortment in all sizes and qualities SKIRTS, SHAWLS, BLANKETS, f r p , EMBROIDERIES, FLOUNCINGS, ; - AND - ' : i ALL OVER LACES, Spanish, Escurial, vals, Torchoh, Egyp-; tiah, Irish and Everlasting. WHITE GOODS. Every variety, Collars, Cuffs, RuchingS, Veil lng, Crepe, Point D'Esprit, Handkerchiefs,' Ribbons and Fancy Goods, &, &c. ? Sateens worth 25c fpr j6c. A call will satisfy you that qualities and prices are as low as any of the lowest North era Catalogues, and win induce you to buy for Cash at - " . I.I.Eiz' 116 TJarket Gt. OCt 3 .1 A. A. Brown 6 Co, ENERAL COMMISSIONMERCHANTS ! AND PRODUCE DEALERS. Cotton and Naval' Stores solicited. , No extra charges for Insurance or samplings r.,. sept 9 tf - - -: . - - - - 7 r. y , t Sign of the Morse g REMEMBER Tn AT OUR STOCK OF LAP Robes and Blanketsls the handsomest, cheap est and most eomplete in the city, and that we are still headquarters for Harness and Sad dlery Goods, Trunks and Bags. Our work needs no recommendation, as It shows for its elf. - - FENNELL & DANIEL. . The Horse Milliners, No. 10 So. Front St, oct 24 lAKPER'S FRANKUM QiUlK I TT.: ' One Year SIKunbcn) " 1 Poawtjre tree toa. eobcrileMt"r! Ttates or Canada. ertl1 u 1 -"-s --. :. . - -, , ' i ; ' '-:". - mmm-."'. ' '" v The Volumes: of tne itatar bi . nrst Number. for JaniiaryrtLchr.-'f no thne -i mentioned, subscrtulJ gia with the Nunjber curretttituV of order. Vv .. Bouni Volumes ot Barjx'nSour fat t years back, in neat cloth bindlnjrTwiln , by mall, postage paid, or by eipresaL expense (proviiled theirelgit d6eiwtii FS&PHiV volumc). 'or 7 00 peiic Clotb i Cases for each 'volome. n!m binding; will be sent by mall, postptiAK eelpt of fl 00 eacb. 7 , FrBl"w' Remittances snuiild be m&4 by todi" Money Order or Draft to SToMcioMt J t N ewepan r are not to copy thla tin:; ment without the express onJorof fiur Brothers r Address t ' 1 " '? DABPEB BBOTUXri '-noirJ i . , ..-. nv il- -. - -. ... .- ..' i . Harper's WeeklTi ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Wekkxt m&hiuls iu r as the leadjng illustrated newspaper In i ica; and ltshold up -n public etteea r fidence was nevr stronger than tt Hi ; ent. tlme Resides the picture II. Weekly always cpntaltf insUloeBtio! occasionally of two, of the bett novel a: day, finely llinstrated, with short r. poems; sketches, and papers on bep ; enrrent topics by the most popular ts The care that has been eucmwfuliynr in te raet to make Uarper Heellri as'wcll as a welcome visitor to' ewi i. hold will not be relaxed in the fatua Oiiii . Wii.., . ; ... . ' ?i Sl, tv isiHarpiBr Periodicals, :- H . Per Year: p ,' ""''J-S Tl-7' T .- - . bill' HABPBR'S WEEELT...mmmimwI HARPER'S iIAGAZINE...... ' HARPER'S BAZAR......:; Ul- j HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE......... ! Haspbs's Franklin squabs Libuxt, One Year (52 Numbers - - Postage Free to all subscribers ts Ui in states ox Canada. - ' . The Volnmes of the Wukh hegH tf- first Number for January of each year. iia Hma la Tnftn Mnror1 anhwrll)tl0B with the Number enrrent st time of tttC order, rr- r t-rr ; ?-' ; 4i.7 - - Bound volumes of aarptn fhma vmn Hitr. tn nAUt ClOtO Dliu be Bent by mall, posteRe pald,or hT c. free of expense (provided the rrr-t--not exceed one dollar per volume), vs per volume , Cloth Cases for each vorosie. jsc-i binding, will be sent by mall, postp celpt of $1 00 each. i , 'r Money Order or Draft, to wold dug Newspapers are not to copy ment without the express order or a Brothers, - Adrtrew 6wnTT!r- bow ;---v.-.f "r ft . f :J0B0PPIt'F O 0 0 0 o c c MARKET 8TREET. NO. 1UV. f, ' ........ ,k rrHtl f,f . Aili WW MM , ALLMAITNSAOP 17E 17IIL BOT 81 ........ . want . PROGKASUIES. CIBClAJ& Vgfe. 7 .- PAMPHLET L t ; IFFS- DEEDS. iCX rr ATK WARRANTS. J7i-Iv C aSfX ON US AND OrU , OIVINO -YO0E OBP AdixeaM inD fir!..