THIS PAPKR Mtdied every evening, Sundays excepts ' josfl. T.JAMES, Editor and Prop. nAom inv t 4 TTV 0,1 six months' em Tliree rear, tl-oa one month, K cents. oer wlUbedeUvered by carriers, free jt&e Tin Part of tbe dty' at the &t)0Te orl0 cents per ireefc '4rtl3ins rate, low and UberaL ytub6criher will Please report any and I bUU thpir naDer reirularlT. nrI tO IVt' i ' - L PURELY VEGETABLE. pvER, Sidneys, J and Bowels. AN EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR (lrtet Bowel Cmilaint, . - ConJltlnr BlUoiwneM, Sidney AlTeetlonn, . Jaundice, tfeuUl DcieBlon, v Colic. to Honseliold Should te Ilthont It, mibv Uiivkfit ready lor immediate us, nil ve manv nu hour of sufferrnjr Rttit s dollar in time aud doetora' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE : SIMMONS 1IVER REGULATOR Sm that you get the genuine with red ,'Z" ' M frat of Wrtpper. Prepared only by J H. 2 El LIN 4. CO.,SoUPrprietor rhiidlphia, Pa. MUCE, 9UOO, I tntdeod Awtclp - - - OUK WASIJINGTON LETTE1I. Sp. corr. Dally .Revlew.j Washington, D. Cm Oct. 26, '87. iWhat shadows we are and what Asuiows we pursue!"- Twenty years 450, and, - indeed, throughout Grant's two terms, El ihn B. Wash born, who was buried to-day, was, next to Grant himself, the mightiest sum in all this country rouncL- He was supposed to wield the power of the Executive. He had trotted the prospective President around thro" the Northwest andf had exhibited him to admiring crowds like a show horse at a fair, and had gathered no little personal glory thereby. , He had established himself as Grant's mouthpiece, Inasmuch as : he ' had talked while Grant contented him alfirith bowing.- On assuming his vat iu the House his arrogance was redoubled, and his colleagues, who had been restive under -its milder form, bore it "with becoming -pa tience. Donnelly - alone, Donnelly of the Bacon-Shakespeare cypher, took up the fight and the mud flew, ti ail will recollect:; Each proved himself a champion mud-thrower and a thorough master of bulings- gats. It was generally conceded that, like the wranglers Dr. Frank lin tells about, they knew each other Tery well, but the majority ot uon RTess remained with the friend of Grant, and Donnelly went to the aiL He went into the Cabinet as Sec- letary of State, and in a few weeks rureu wiin me oaors onne xepari ment still about him to take the J&ission to France. No one sectnled surpised that he should thus liLve the "pick" and choice 6f t he wst positions in the gift of theM Ex ecutive. The great men of t he party, nsually so jealous of each other,-all flood meekly aside, while Wash- jura helped himself, and1 coiitented wemseives with what he left. fcyery one thought that his pro- "oa or lierman interests Uuring Ule COlmmmo in Ttvic anH ia if - v iti jl if 1 Of -ev v oravely and well, would give him wch strength with that important ekment in the United States, ' as" to -eiimi a formidable candiaate 1 n Psidency, and I have heard fwleged that he " cherished ; swell gopes himself. But he dropped from first class mission, immediately wKof sight, and not one man in. ten 2?u?and' outside "of .the tcity m jwch he lived, knew whether he as living or dead. . ihere was another man of the type, and with very much the tr "utory, in the House about T.ikn Vjslihrn li Jf bull headed," dogmatical and Sneering. He was sent as minis Sh i?nland where he taught the "nusnersto lav rokr. And inveHt JJJJinf? stocks, much to their The mine busted" leaving , ?orsin a "parlous" condi tWw . casing a bad odor upon V junister that the spicy gales of the blest could-not blow Relives with his fainUy in a fash ocality in this city,-but I people are aware of street?5 e appeared ' upon the w one day, some months ago, that tti PePle had to be told Udn7i5 was Robt- Schenck, who then ?a Seneral's conimiseion in hawVfyv)11 been a leading tS lVe House of Representa 8t Minister to the Court of d uch i8 fame. : ; . : in h7 11 uau risen iruiu Tdav ibe8tateof .an. Le p,it8 forth the tender Jbl(ssoms; and whed he . eotnSf888 a HpenJngthere AVnime a frost . ' - ,,v mi hi J vol xr. Me.!!UUdi?Xmlyno?Tomknow- argues thyself unknown." Was uot the "god like Daniel," accredited with "writing the dictionary," and his namesake, who did "write the rimarkraTn mortem Xnalel - and yet, ho wmany of the 15,000 read- era of the Rkview I mention them because I know they are above the average in intelligence can tell, off j hand, where the two Websters were lnrid . me? uicuj i vamtcM vanUatam All is vanity ! There is a prospect of a full house at the, hearing of the anarchist case j by the U. S. Supreme Court to-iuor- row.. The court room, the old Sen ate Chamber, you know, is small, and will doubtless be packed as it used to be when its walls echoed the eloquence of. Clay, Calhoun and Webster. Much interest is manifested in po litical circles here to-night in the election in Baltimore to-day. All the Baltiihoreans temporarily resid ing here have gone home Jto vote. The Democrats seem confident, but the division in their ranks makes the result somewhat uncertain. But you'll know all about it before you get this. RcadingOf that suggestion to use the monument fund to build an asy lum for Confederate orphans, as a memorial to Grant, recalls a conver sation that I had with a New York gentleman a few days ago, while strolling through Central Park. He told me he hadn't yet subscribed a dollar to the fund and didn't think he would, unless the project took some more useful shape than the stereotyped monument. We were then among the statues there, and had just passed Sir Walter Scott and his vis-a-vis, (on the opposite of the road) Bobby - Burns, and he meant that sort of a thing, of course. There are a great many of his way of think ing, but whether they would care to honor the illustrious dead by repair ing the damages of the war in this glorious way, remains to be shown. Jacobus. The New York.Herald joins hands with the Star of that city in uphold ing '.the regular Democratic ticket. They are fighting the Times and the Tribune, regular Republicans, and the World, a late convert to their views. The Herald thinks that the coalitionists will feel greatly dis" heartened at the result of a similar movement in Baltimore. Politics in New York City are muchly mixed and yet they are not j-very difficult of comprehension. The Democrats are united, and have a strong ticket in the field and the Republicans there are trying on the oldjdodge which played the wild with them in North Carolina. They have nominated a weak-kneed Dem ocrat for the head of their ticket. But the old line war horses are ready for the fray and they will whip out the coalitionists there as they did in North Carolina. The New York World favors the bolters- B. F. Butler's argument before the U. S. Supreme Court yesterday,, in behalf of the Chicago dynamiters, as it is outlined in the telegraphic re ports, was as mild as milk and as sickening as a spoonful of whiskey in a tumbler of water. This surprised us somewhat, we must confess, as we have long been aware of the fact that the Beast is as chock-full of in telligence as he is devoid of princi pie and decency. As our friend Col. M - used to say, in speaking of a local polician, "he is the smartest d -d rascal in the lot." LOCAL STENTS. Index to New Advertisements. C W Yatks School Books Ueinsberger -Blank Books T .YXORr8 Bazar Here It is A Shrier 30 Per Cent Saved W II Yorr Fish and Oysters II Q Smillbones, Supt Notice Dick & Mbares 25 Per Cent Off Change of Schedule N Y & Wil S S Co Day's length 10 hours and 45 min ute. Best $3 shoe for gents in the city at French & Sons. t Sunset to-morrow afternoon at 16 minutes past 5 o'clock. There were no interments in Belle vue. Cemetery this week. The recent rains have washed the streets and sidewalks badly in some parts of the city. There" were two interments in Oakdale Cemetery this week; one adult and one child. I - The Register of Deeds issuea but x.e. a" j- Z t-lara, and Marie liudspetli, as Airf. Anano LnAtLvrSe license this week- it ?f f ron IUt Opened. . one marriage license is wK -cegsarythedaily cause of flnnn A Pir Pnpnmitpr - , ' was for a white couple. ; - i--ture ok age to the tight. Toucan gret a ,A Tm feounjer.. . .JhPJjmllYlf a . . ,u the best at Heinsbergers. . ,t . Tiie Zeb Vance Stove, like" its oTsKff U&7ot; Services mSt John Church to-, - f naiIiesake. ls welcome in ali North ' ?dstort5o.m North rront I "girot, and then he falls. . morrow ai isu anu Jr . ' - tth greater men than thiTr nf m.:;iy the: Rector'Rer. lriuar ; ; ebeene WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY. OCTOBER a U"' School, come, Sixth and 1 streets- 18 now equipped with n elegant piano, purchased in Uew : York by Prof. ya Laer. J' We have been told several times -day, merely as a matter of news, bat lt was damp, rainy, muddy, sloPIy and disagreeable weather. . n : - i Ane Pohce wre out in their hew uniforms this morning. The officers . r . , . . . . wtntrcaps ana nave-aouDie-oreasreu coats, while the privates wear" hel-1 - - mts ana tiicrtt uuais ttrt? nijuiric- breasted. 500 pair tieayy Canton flannel drawers, just the thing for cold . weather, from 35 cents and upwards at the Wilmington Shirt Factory No 27 Market street, J. Elsbach, Prop. Drawers made to order, t Indications. For North Carolina, fair weather preceded by rain onthecoast, slight ly warmer, followed by cooler weather,and light to fresh variable winds, becoming Northwesterly. A Thoughtful Gift. Mr. August Wessell and wife have presented- to -St. Paul's Lutheran Church a beautiful baptismal font, which will be dedicated to-morrow. The font was manufactured by Messrs. Fore & Foster, of this city, and is a fine piece of work. Travellers by Sea. Capt. A. D. Ingram, of the burned steamship Regulator; J. Robinson ciiief mate of theJiegulater; P. Kiley, W. H. Styron, S. B. Craig and War ren Davis, of this city, and M. A. Coerr, of Waterbury, Conn., were passengers on the steamship Gulf Steam which sailed for New York to day. Timber Land. Col. E. D. Hall is in receipt of let. ters from parties in New York who wish to purchase from 5,000 to 50,000 acres of timber land, that is easily accessible to a good water course A portion of the desired quantity has already been secured, but a large amount yet remains to be sup plied. Interesting: Services. Reformation services in memory of the 370th anniversary of the Re formation will be held at St. Paul's Lutheran Church to-morrow. The services, both morning and night, will be in English and will be con ducted by Rev. W. Kimball, agent of the North Carolina College of the Lutheran Church. A number of addresses appropriate to the occa sion will be made to the Sunday School at 3 p. m. An interesting feature of the services will be the presence of a very excellent life size picture of Martin Luther nail- jng the 95 theses against the walls of the churcn at Wittenberg, which was painted by Mr. C. V. Richards of this city. City Court. There was a small docket, for the Mayor's consideration this morning, which was disposed of in the follow ing order: Richard Stowe, colored, disorder ly conduct. This defendant was arraigned on the 25th inst., but asked for a continuance to enable him to secure important witnesses. The continuance was granted but before he was again locked up he managed to escape, but after bein absent a couple of days came back and voluntarily surrendered 1 him self. At the trial this morning it was shown that he resisted and abused the officer who made the original arrest. He was finejd $20 for the offense, with the alternative of being confined 30 days in the city prison. Donald Stewart, who was arrest ed some days since for causing fright and disturbance in the neighbor hood of Fifth and Nun streets, was discharged with the express under standing that he leave the city with out delay. Kock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses. ! ttuuucugmeu ins large amuce . , , f, , ,TM, in c vond measure. The support was Advice to old and young: Jn se- magnificentf inciudingas it did Cres lecting spectacles you should be can- ton Clark as Dick Dowlas. The old tious not to take more magnifying i i v, ot a J" - - '"Z - ?7SZri iT A lTrin - - -:i ,'uflj!nmHM hnm Tt is. to be found cauouy pUiK ' . The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up I.SM bales, .. . . . 77" .. . Te, waf a deUn,e m the. price of cotton in New York to-day. The latesTreport fromlhe freshet give 55 feet of water oh the Shoals i the OapeFear. , ' Steamboatmen report a heavy freshet in the Cape Fear, with the water still risinw WiV5Sl'Ui rising, "Pts turpentine ; made another advance in nrf toav andl mmt- . . - i ed -firm at 33 cents per gallon. Steamer 4. F. Hurt, which arrived here from Fayette ville to-day, brought 224 bales of cotton as a part of her cargo. The oyster season is now in full swing and Mr. W. H. Yopp, on South Front street, is prepared to fill all orders for fish and oysters intrusted to him. Orders by, mail will receive prompt attention. Attention is invited to the change of schedule of the New York steam ers. The schedule is now a close one,, the interval being five days between the boats. The Gulf Stream said the Benefactor will do the work. v A Good Joke. We hear of a rich joke which was perpetrated in this city upon one of our scholarly clergymen, which is too good to be lost. A gentleman who had met with a severe accident wished to write to his brother, but was prevented on account of his wounds. The clergyman in ques tion, hearing of the man's unfortu nate dilemma, volunteered to write the letter for him. The kind offer was gratefully accepted, the writer, who is an excellent penman, taking some extra pains to have the mis" si ve appear neat arid well written When completed it was read to the wounded man who was well pleased with the contents, but when asked if there was anything he would have added, replied: "Yes; say, 'please excuse bad writing and spelling! " Personal. Hon. C. M. Stedman leaves to night for New York, on a business trip. Rev. ,Dr. Yates gave us the pleas ure of -a call this morning, having fully recovered from his recent ill ness. He is hard at work in his min isterial duties and is doing earnest work for the completion of the new house of warship. States ville Landmark: Mr. E. A. Keith, of Wilmington, has been visiting here this week. He is an old friend of Dr. S. B. Evans, . who, by the way, he finds in much better health than he was a year ago. Mr. Greorge Harriss, business man ager for the Jessica Thomas Comedy Company, is in the city making pre parations for the appearance of his troupe in a round of comedies com mencing next Tuesday and continu ing five nights. Mr. Harriss gave us the pleasure of a call to-day and we found him a pleasant and agreeable gentleman, who has the satisfaction of representing a good company. . Mr. WuiilRUFreneh, agent for the Acme Manufacturing Company, re turned last night from Richmond, where he had been to exhibit some of the company's manufactures -at the Fair. He says that the Fair, in itself, was almost a failure on ac count of the rain but that the cere monies in Richmond on Thursday on the occasion of -the Lee Monu ment celebration, were something long to be remembered. " Opera House. The Baltimore Sun of the 25th inst., in speaking of Mr, John . S. Clarke and his companyTwho are to appear at the Opera House here next Monday night, says: At Ford's Opera House, John Sleeper Clarke, the renowned come dian, appeared last night in, 4The Heir at Law." Mr., Clarke, who dis played his wonted exquisite humor and touching pathos as Pangkoss and Homespun, was his great self- i ,1 i : i i .i v. i ,i : v. -Baltimore favorites, Theodore Ham- Hton and Airs. iTennon. as Lora ana ; Lady Duborly, were received with nes mOlglir-y ?n ine duiiiui actress, auy VtZ xYaZt t at JacobisHdw. Depot. . 29 1887 NO 32 HBW A D V ERTI8EE1 ENTH. TJotice QUANGE OF SCHEDULE NEW YORK & WILMINGTON STEAMSHIP COMPANY. II. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent nov ss tf W. H Yopp, SHIPPER AND DEALER IN :AND 106 South Front Street. Wilmington, N, C. Lock Box 415. tv New River Oysters a specialty, oct 28 2m SO Per Cent. Sav d BY BUYING CLOTHING AT A. SHRIER'S. JN ORDER TO INTRODUCE OUR GOODS in this market ye offer our Immense line of Overcoats and Fall Suits at prices unsurpass ed and at least 30 per cent, lower than the same quality ot goods Is sold elsewhere. Remember that by dealing with us you will receive entirely new goods, a perfect lit and honest treatment. Don't forget the place. A. SHRIER'S old stand, at oct 28 1H Market St Here It Is ! -o- Taylor's Bazar's Monday Great Sale Day ! J HAVE SECURED ANOTHER LOT OF those FINE EMBROIDERED BLACK KID GLOVES at 75c a pair, worth One Dollar and Twenty-Five Cents a pair. STRAW HATS, this day only, for 25 cents, all shapes. FELT HATS in every shape,, for Ladles. Misses and Children, In all the leading shapes, at reduced prices. TRIMMING RIBBONS, 5 and 10 cents per yard. VELVETS, PLUSHES, TRIMMINGS,GIMPS. beaded and plain, worth 50 cents per yard, will be sold for 20 cents. TOBOGAN and TOM O'SHANTER CAPS at 39 cents each. Large assortments and low prices are the two greatest Inducements which are offered to all purchasers at Taylor's Bazar WILMINGTON, N. C. . N, B. Orders by mail carefully nlled, oct 28 New Yorlt & Wilniingtox) Steamship. Co. FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P.M. GULF STREAM... Thursday, Nov 3 BENEFACTOR ...Tuesday, Nov 8 GULF STREAM.. Saturday. Nov 12 FROM WILMINGTON: BENEFACTOR... .Thursday, Nov 3 ...Tuesday, Nov 8 . . .Monday, Nov 14 GULP STREAM... BENEFACTOR... Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage pply to H. G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, Wilmington, N. C. THEO-. EL EGER, Traffic Manager, New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents, nov28. 35 Broadway, New York. Builder' Hardware. A LARGE AND WELL SELECTED STOCK. special inducements to contractors. w. E. spiunger ca. ' i, - a Market st. the freshest of candies. Fruits c. and to4 .which I invite their attention.'. -. f octeca . a. s, instead. . 1 - 1 . " PLEASE NOTICE. Wt will be glad to receive communications" from our friends on any and all subjects ot general interest, but y " ' .' j'-r The name of the writer must always be fur otshed to the Editor. ' L Communications must be written ' n; one side of the paper. - ; ' . . '- Personalities must be avoided. V And lt is especially and pamculariy under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the news ot correspondents unless bo stated in the editorial columns. r ' . - NETV .VnVEUTIREBTENTH. OPERA HOUGE. - - -r . One night of reilned comedy. MONDAY, Oct. 3L Special engagement of the Eminent '; American Comedian, JOHN S: CLARKE. - What is said of him: "The charming humor and exquisite pathos of Nr. Clarke's versatile genius was wonderful." What is said of his Company: "It was per fection of acting."' - , . Grand double bilL ' . ' ' A FAIR ENCOUNTER 1 Act.. ' " THE ROUND TRIP 3ActS. . 4 -Prices, fl, 75 and 50 cents. ' ' A Reserved seats on sale at UelasbergerX Both plays will postuvely be given in thetr en-' tlrety. Performance commences promptly at 7.45 o'clocfc. Box Sheet open Saturday morn lng. - ; : ,oct2S3t Millinery and Dressmaking. jyjRS. LUMSDEN HAS JUST -RETURNED from the North, and will open this week a full -line of ; ' " ' ' ; v MiUinery Goods. Ladles are Invited to call, as I feel confident I can please, having been in the business over twenty years. .. - ' -- Ttf Dressmaking a Specialty. ,.. . . r All orders from the country promptly, at- tended to oct 2H lw . E. A. LUMSDEN. ' Dr" V. E. Mat hews, "PENTAL SURGEON. OFFERS HIS PRO fesslonal services to the cltlzen3 ot Wilming ton and vicinity, office. No. 118 Market St; , over Taylor's Bazar.- oct24-lm Just Opened. - YyiTH A COMPLETE STOCK OF FRESH Groceries. Tobacco, Cigars, arc, at No. 115 So. Front street. Hope our friends and the public will give us a call and examine our stoek. isGoods pellvered in any part of the city free of charge. MONTGOMERY Si CAMERON. OCt 26 lwd ltw Stoves JN GREAT VARIETY, COOKS AND HEAT-. ers. Can give you anything you are , likely to want. We don't make them, but we have ac cess to the best sources of supply. Call and see us. , - ALDERMAN, PLANNER & CO., -Dealers In Hardware, Tinware, Ac oct 24 d&w Wilmington, N. C. Coal and Wood. J-OW IS THE TIME TO GET COAL AND WOOD before another advance in prices due by next cold wave or for other good reasons. OCt24tf J. A'SPRINGER. 25 Per Cent Off. LL WINTER UNDERWEAIC GOOD ONLY UNTIL 1st NOV. ' DICK & ME A RES, oct 25 Tailoring and Gent's Furnishings ICE., ICE. ICE. JN VIEW OF THE FACT THAT WE INTEND enlarging our plant, and shall soon have the capacity to furnish FIFTY TOES OF ICE DAILY, we have decided to reduce the price to the figures we originally intended selling at. On and after to-day we will furnish ICE,, delivered twice a day, at following rates: 10 to 50 deUvery' 1 AO Pounds, each delivery, 40 cents per 100 W pounds. Large quantities at lower rates. .. We trust that the above prices will be satis factory to the community.' m. E. WORTH & CO. seqtltf - th sat ' BLAHK BOOKG ! Blank Books for Evertodyi JECEIVED THIS DAY A LARGE AESORT- ment of BLANK BOOKS, which we wfll sell at bottom prices. Also, - . . CHECK BOOKS, NOTE, DRAFT, ORDER and RECEIPT BOOKS, CHEApI - - ..AT . .-V;, HEINSBERGKR'S. Pi .! or-.- and Organs, SOLD ON THE POPULAR MONTHLY IN STALMENT PLAN AT H 14.1 nlSRTr.KlTW'ri -.. , - -Cca r:c, -: