1 ' oierdlVJorbus 11 K ramps o I i e iarrtioe ummer Complaints ' Ml Cured bra teaspooTtfui of PerrJ)ctvis?m J(ter in a little Milcor Sugar and Water? All Druggists 5ellIt. j !f. mnd lor tiLVKRM .TIi-, crmtiirunr colored pUte : j t- u mviiya of di Sercut LrefeLv -j iLiv &ra wcrLh. and whtrT e to lor. iaJ Breeding Ferrets. Wailed F i5V 1 ' 13 CwiU. Aloo C'ata of Dos fe rM l'lriiixLiutf Ciantht rrf aH. iixuU. SIS j .rt ail I: if i TV .iauIj: deima. mm of Uta tr-vxtoj hove to caprtaiio; . I rw kiaii Suufc lor-l4 - Crate. If bo. TfMi nood th ROOIL OF CAGE HI u !. JtO rm&os.- 10 iltas- rairu:ionN. BtviaUtui colors! plate. uul thoir cut ft, -11 ow to Duiid amc trfock a Aviary. All about Parruta.- Prioesul I nit kiiHls biros, oagt-a, tc. Mailed tot JjCI'uU. The 1as XiooKa, 4UtiM ASSOCIATED FANCIERS." BTSouft right h street, Philadelphia, Pa. Sett The e - -4. . , MANUFAOTIfRING 00., C MANurACTURKRs or Penilizers, Ptae Wool and Pine Wool Matthg. WILMINGTON, N.C. fTHg REPUTATION OF OUR FERT1L1 Ztas, the AHUK and QKM, la now eatab kbed. and the resnita of three yeara tie 1 tbe hands of the best farmers of this and otb States fully attest their value as a high ps'le manure. The SUITING. maceV from the leaves of Mn!iveplie. haa already rained a popu 'wlty for comfor and dniabllUy equal to wrwool carpet, and the demand for U la tmj lucre log. It has virtues not found In f other fabric. k T1B8B or WOOL, la extens vely used "PholaterlDg pnrposes. axd as a filling for AOneaea ls almost equal to hair, being light. 1 proof agamat lneec; s Certificates from reliable parties using our roodi Cin be seen at our office, or will bv Poa appUcatlon. . July 29 tf TIME TABLE NO. 3 Palmetto Ruliroatf Co. AXD AFTER MONDAY, OCT.T 3, 1887, Tmns win run as follows, dally except Sun- Going North. . ; ir- Xo- --Passenger and Freiglit: ve,raw' 8- c 25 P. M. Koiioek station 2.45 P. M. ArriTe m&S Statton) 3.15 P. M. nTe at Uamiet. n;c &3T P. M. Going Sotnu. Damiet, N. C. .....12.50 P. M. - iVP6. (Flag StaUon) L10 P. H. amve5r?-'k8taton-.---.--- 1.40 P. M. 9 M Cheraw, s. C....... 2.00 P. M. Ij WM. MONCUB E, Supt, por the Sound 0 AND AITKHTUE 24TH OP AUG US 1 w Wagonettes WlU Wave lo he Souod at S r. al. in! 5.30 Ketnrninjf leave the sound at7.S) A. and ?. u. . 4 . ROOT II K RLAN D. ; ' .' Uvary and Sale stables, " YSeitterY m ilUI fUf BOUiU QOrU-OJj milium TJ3LO aDodlXT !E&OViQ7.! THE EVE OF AXX SAINTS; - "And these all, having obtained a good re port through faith, received not the promise: God having provided some better thing for us, that they without us should not be made per fect. Heb. xl, 39-40. Refrain, D bleak November, draw not near, Z While gleam Uie late October stars of even; Ye sunset glories; ere ye disappear. Incline my heart to reveries of heaven. Before me marches with a silent ireadl . The mighty army of earth's good and true; Majestic moves the pageant of the dead; Enthroned, their Captain holds His grand review. . And O, lis now while tMllightgathers round. On wing of faith serene, my heartipborne. E'en loves to think ye blest ones note the souud Of sighs from those on earth, the blest who mourn. And, halttng for a space your noiseless tread, a M a. a. a a . ' flieuuQui you mrn ana smile on us who . weep. For smiles break through our blinding tears unsned. And songs exchanged for sighing, we shall keep. God hath some better thing," hall grlers alloy: Hall festal morrow! Hall communion sweet. With them In Paradise, the saints whose joy. Apart irom us wno waic, is incomplete! Hail Saviour blest! all hall, redeeming Lord! Who soon shall come to judge the quick and dead. Teach us to know, while gathering round Thy board, Thy saints are nearest, with their silent tread. Right dear, O Lord, in Thy perpetual stght, The death of every faithful saint ot Thine. O make us meet to dwell with them in light. Where Thine eternal glories cloudless shine. While years roll on, how swells yon length ening train; now dear the day to tenderest inem'rles given! God gie us grace, our fond hearts cry again. And speed our feet along the way to heaven! liec. J. II. Van Burnt. Over-Worked Women. For 4Svorn-out," "run-down," de bilitated school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, housekeepers, and over-forked women generally, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a "Cure-alVbut admirablv I fulfills a singleness of purpose, being i a most potent Specific for all those ! Chronic .Weaknesses and Diseases peculiar to women. It is a power i ml, general as. well as uterine, : tonic and nervine, and imparts vig 1 or and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stom ach, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Fa vorite Prescription is sold by drug ! gists under our positive guarantee. See wrapper around bottle. Price $1.00 a bottle, or six bottles for $5.00. I A large treatise on Diseases of j Women, profusely illustrated with colored plates and numerous wood- j cuts, sent for ten cents in stamps. Address, World s Dispkxsary Mkdical Association, 553 Main St., Buffalo, N. Y. Tortugas Island. Commander Ullnian. a retired of ficer of the Hungarian army, who is j now traveling in this country, is the owner of the Tortugas Island, about which the Haytian and British Gov ernments had quite a controversy some time ago. Tortugas Island is considered valuable for a naval station, as it has the best advantages for the large ships of war and several natural harbors. Great Britian, it was said, wanted the island for this purpose, and the United States were also interested in it for this reason. The British Government threatened to seize the island on account of a claim of $1,000,000, but this was set tled by the payment of $160,000. The Haytian Gouernment owned the is land, and was in need of funds, When they were pressed for the claim they speedily raised the mon ey in Paris, and the next thing we hear is that the island w as purchas ed by Commander Ulhnann. He re gards his purchase as a valuable one, as it commands an easy mode of travel to the Panama Canal. The new owner of the island is anxious for the United States to assume the dominion of the island. He has of fered the island to this Government on very easy terms. The island is very fertile, and nas on it large tracts of timber land. It will be a valuable purchase if the United States Government buys it. Dcmo rcst. lteaclied the Limit. A Detroit neddler of tinware took out some egg beaters on his last trip, and as the price was only 15 cents each, and they worked on a new Erinciple, he calculated on big sales, tis first experience will answer for all others. He drove up to a farm house in the western part of Wayne county and took a beater in to ex- hibit.- The people liKea it exceed ingly .well, but the old farmer said: ''oung man, 1 want to see your patent." "1 have none.' "Then your written -authority to make sales," "Don't need any. 7 "Then you must give me a bond, with'two sureties, in the sum of $1,- 000 that you will stand between me and anv trouble." But I can't do that." i'Then I can't buy. I've just had to. pay a royalty on a drive well, damages for using an infringement rm . rotten t crate, and have a law suit about a hayfork and another about a windmill, anuweuon t even buy a dish pan without a bond that it don't infringe on somebody's patent - bathtub." Detroit Free ' Advice to Mothers. - Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should alwavs be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep, by relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrheal, whether ' arising from ? teething or other causes. Twentv Ave Scents a bottle. .O July 6 deod&wly : A Baltimore Confectioner savs: i v utm nieuiimiism m my arm ior bix monins, ana salvation UU made an entire cure of it. after using less, than one bottle. WILLIAM SCHELLHAS, Jr., 444 Pennsylvania Ave., Baltimore, Md. All shades of yellow are used to brighten the effect of dark fabrics. Bncklen's Arnica Salve. , The Bkst Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positiyely cures Piles, or no pay required. It is truamnteed.to ?iv np.rfW.t sn.tis- ' faction, or money refunded. Price z- cents per oox. i or sale by W i. Green & Co. "f887T Harper's Young People. S ILLUSTRArKD WEEKLY. f Hakpkr's Youfitt ;koplk has been calk, "the mo'-'el f what h perUxlie 1 t r yonnu re iers ought t be" and tht jnU. e of this c-tpimendailon la-fttnr y biuttiinol by iht Urge circulation It h attained btb at no-. t and In Great liiltatn I bi. Bucecfta ha beer, reacrcd bj- - me ho sts that tnuul rotnme-o taemselves to .he ituhinent if parento n--less than n the ttsi k f chil'tren name'v, tv an ranicsi aad we ) fcustatoed efl rt 10 iirovld ttif-1 Hit-1 iiol id -ft at? i a live re-dii g fory -ung peopl : at a. law prh q he 1 li.tlrtt on are co'.'ifliM and of a coim i uou y high taiiiart of excellence. - ; ; n cpitoaie ot everything that is attractive aud deairable tn - iuvecUe-literature. -Boston Courier. vveetly feasi of tcoou tnlngb to me oo.v f.id drlg In every family whl b It vlaits Krooklyn Union: . It la wonderful in ItH wealtn of picture In forraaUon, and Interest Christian Advocate. N. Y. TfcliMS: PoeiagePreuald,2.00 Per Year. Vol. Vlll. commences November 2, i86. -jnolk NusiBSKS, STlve Cents each. Remittances jhoulU tc- made Dy Post-Omct Mancy Order or Draft, to a Void chance of lost ScwspacTO are cot to copv thh advents ai.jui without the express order of IIakhkp '$ t'fHjHR ddrea IIARPF UKOTllKii- n"v 2f "Save Tnr 1887. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. Hahpes'8 IUzar conihinen the choicest lit craturc aoo the dn st;nil)ulr:ttl:r8 with the l,it:at faMona and the mot useful fnndij reolng ! st-'rtes, ieins. a-i es-aye af by the lx i w it- rs, an i iti humorous sketch es are nnurpu.srMNi Its impcson sK',lalcii quctte, dfcuratlve art, hf Uf Keeping tn all its brnche, cookery, n c , make U in-dspenaa-ble in ev ry household lis beautlfaifasblon plates an i i a-tern-sheet nupplen.en"-enable la.-ilea to nvc many times the cot (of bscijw tton !y bring their wii diessm t Jeers. i-ot line is ad.mttiel to Its column tht eouM shock the most faatldlons. Harper's Periodicals. Per Yoar: hakpe'8 bazar ....$4 00 IIaki'kk'8 Magazine 4 00 fAHPKR'8 VfcEKLY 4 U Uakpkm'n Young People.. ..S 2 00 ilAUPKK'S KUAN KLIN QUARK 1 I BRAKY, ni Year '5.' Number) lo 00 tlAKPKK'8 AND V iKRIKS, ilie ear (52 Numbers; 15 00 Postapc free toa i Bubscriberln the United Ttates or Canada. The Volumes ot the Bazar begin with the drat Number for January of each year. Whtt no time is mentioned, subscriptions will be ?ia wltb the Number current at time of receipt of order. Boun ! Volumes of Harve'r Bazar, for thre years back, in neat cloth binding, will oe Bent by mall, postage paid.-or by express, free of expense (provided the t reign does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable fo binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on re celpt of $1 X) each. Remittances! ammld be mane bs Post-Ofnct Money Onler or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Sewspapra are not to copy this advertise ment without the express ordor of Harper A Hrotheh Vldress TTARPKR RRtrTHEltS, nov 26 Vorb a-. 4I :the eeview: ; 45 r i - 3 &, fj S Gj g SH. 5 ' jtH, &'t. Jfo. ie r "tf V ftf job mm, MARKET STREET, NO. 1121, (01 TIltS) ( UMJ 1J th JA -fc VJl h J L I i I JlC3 A AD WE ARB PREPARED TO DO ALL MANNER OF- Sri IIMilTIB H -WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS,; LETTER-HEADS, BILIHEADS, POSTERS, -ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS. PAMPHLET PRINTING. TAGS, LAND DEEDS. MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER- -IFFS" DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS. STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, tC. CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE I GIVING YOUR ORDERS. address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, - MlLaiHGT0M. il. C Douglas & YarborciiJih. IASHIONAItLK UAIIl JRE-SKBS - ' . - ' . a N I U ORDERS, 13 Market St.. Wilmington. N C SLop ful'y eqah'jied with all the latest im proveiienu v-, - - - . " : r " CAttrtec4itt sukI Milte barier alwai s ready erve custoose . - ' . Mm" 4; W Yaruorongh, formerly with Job Wtrner, woul.l be ghvl to serve biaoidpat rcsa. ;- : ; -. . - fab- - Mriniihq mm WHOLESALE .PRICES. The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING. ' Gunny............. Standard. . . . V.V.V. '. '. '. ''. '. ! BACON North Carolina. . Hams . - Shoulders v ....... . ". . SJdes, y ib... WESTERN SMOKED Hams. ? lb.. ...... Sides, v n-. Shoulders, t? E DRY SALTED Sides. ib Shoulders, v lb BARREIJS Snirits Turrjentlne. (4 14 15 ' 8 f 10 11 Ki' 15 .10 C4 10.!,' 8tf 6X 9 Second nand, each......... 1 40 1 50 , New, New, York, each 0 00 1 75 New, city, each 1 65 1 70 BEESWAX. V ft 30 23 BRICKS, Wilmington, W M.... 6 00 8 00 Northern o 00 14 00 B TITER, Th - North Carolina...... L5 & 25 Northern 25 ao CANDLES, ft Sperm..... ........ 18 25 Adamantine 9 a 10' CHEESE, y ft Northern Factory. 11 12 uarry, cream 13 C4 14 ".State ....... . , 9 io COFFEE, ft : . , ; , Java..,. 27 -28 Laguyra 23 24 Rio v .; 20 22 CORN MEAL, ft bush, In sacks. .00 3 KIX Virginia Meal 00 & CT, COTTON TIES, ft bundle. ..... 1 25 I 30 DOMESTICS - . . t v j Sheetlnjr, 4-4. yard....... &H . Yarns, y bunch........ , 00 80 EtJGS, ft doz... 18 ' 20 FISH ' Mackerel No. l, ft bbl......oo 00 (12 50 Mackerel, No. 1, ft half bbL 7 0 $ 8 00 ; Mackerel, No. 2, ft bbl.... .. 9 00 (a,ll 00 ' Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 (. 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, ft bbl.- 7 80 9 00 Mullets, ft bbl.... 6 00 (4 7 00 N. C. Roe nerring, ft keg... a 00 4 00 Dry Cod, ft lb ; . . . . 5 10 ; FLOUR, ft bbl . V .. Western, low grade.. ...... 3 50 4 00 j Extra., . 4 00 4 50 Family ...... 4 50 5 00 I v City Mills Super.-. ... 4 00 ( 4 10 Family 4 50 a 5 00 GLUE, ft lb 8 10 J GRAIN, ft bltSheL : corn, fm store, bags, white 00 65 Cora, cai-go, in bulk, white. 00 - 63 coni, cai-go, in bags, white. 66 (A 67 Corn, mixed, from store 00 - 65 ; Oats, from store.... ......... 42 45 i Oats, Rust Proof 00 Cow Peas 80 90 HIDES, ft lb . , . - Green 5 5 Dry 10 12 HAY, ft 100 lbs Eastern 1 05 1 10 Western 85 95 North River..... 90 (g, 1 00 HOOP I RON, ft lb 2;,' 3.V LARD, ft ft : Northern 8 North Carolina 8 10 LIME, ft barrel................ 1 40 0 00 LUM BE R, City Sawed, ft M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 ($20 00 Rough Edge Plank..... 15 00 (gl6 00 West India cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 $18 00 Dressed Floortng, seasoned.18 00 )22 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.H a) (gl5 00 MOLASSES, ft gallon New Crop, in hhds. . 25 26 " " in bbis.... 28 ta 30 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 30 . " . in bbls 30 35 Sugar House, in hhds ....... 00 15 " in bbls..... .. 16 id, 18 Syrup, in bbls 22 35 NAILS, ft Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 2 50 OILS, ft gallon. Kerosene...... 9 14 Lard 16 1 45 Unseed no l 00 Rosin 15 16 Tar 00 Oy 20 Deck and Spar.. 00 . 23 POULTRY , . Chickens, live, grown. ; . . . . . 20 25 Spring 10 20 Turkeys : 95 1 00 PEANUTS, ft bushel, 22 ft. ..... , 60 90 POTATOES, ft bushel Sweet s ' 35 GQi Irish, ft bbl 2 25 2 75 PORK, ft barrel City Mess.... .. ..17 50 418 00 Prime , 15 00 16 00 Rump 00 15 80 RICE Carolina, ft ft 4 (ft 5& Rough, ft bush, (Upland)... 60 80 " " (Lowland). 80 1 00 RAGS, ft ft-Country....'. DO . VA City 1 1M ROPE. ft 14K 22? SALT, ft sack, Alum 70 . 75 Liverpool Lisbon American. . .. ... . SUGAR, P ft Standard grain Standard A White Ex C... ........... Extra c. Golden C Yellow.....:..... SOAP, w ft Northern ........ 65 70 00 00 00 70 6' . GJi 0 6 5 0 &X SHINGLES, 7 In. ft M. .. ... 5 00 7 00 Common aw (.3 z m Cypress Saps 4 50 5 00 Cypress Hearts 000 7 50 STAVES, ft M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 I4 00 R. o. Hogshead.... 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, ft ft. 5 6 TIMBER, ft M feetr-Shipping..l2 00 14 00 Fine Mill..... ...1125 13 00 Mill Prime 7 50 8 50 Mill Fair 5 '-00 0 00 Common Mill 5 00 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary......... 3 50 4 00 WHISKEY, ft gal Northern... 1 00 2 00 , North Carolina.. 11 00 . 2 50 WOOL, ft ft Washed 28 30 Unwashep... ; 15 25 . Burry...- 10 '- 15 -. After Forty years ; experience- in the preparation of more than One Hundred Thonsand applications for patents in the United Slates and Foreign conn tries, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, oopy rt.ti is ot.. fnrthe Uriited States, and t obtain patents in Canada. England. 1 ranee. Germany, and all other countries - .Their ekpen ' ence is aneqaaled and their facilities are unsur- --DraMings and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice., terms very i reasonable. Ne charge for examination of models or drawings. - Advice by mail free - . - Patents obtained throngb M ann A Co.ar- noticed fnthe SCIENTIFIC ABIERICANwhichhas the largest circulation and is the most influential newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of sach notice every patentee understands. ... This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLYat S3-00a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inveations. engineering works, ana other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. , .. If you have an invention to Pbnt write to Munn ., p Withers ot Scientific American. 3bl Broadway. New York -Handbook about pgata mailed free . ; ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of anyLpwposed ; advertisingin American : Papers : by , addressing. ; GeoV ;; Howell &-Co.f -s -s ffewapaper Advertising' Bureu, " IO Sprues SCNew York. Zend 30cte.for100paj;a Imprilc- iiaiijKOADm. Co. VZilminoiie Columbia & Aasrustn R. B. Co, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. . 1 No. 57, Dated June 10, 1887 daily ex - (Sunday. Leave Wilmington Lv. L. Waccamaw. Leave Marion . Leave Florence Arrive Sumter. .... Arrive Columbia. . 8 05 pm 1010 pm 11 is pm 12 :i7 am 2 40 am 4 24 am 6 10 am 11 24 pm 6 40 pm 8 05 pm 9 45 pm j am 4 24 pm 6 10 am TRAINS GOING NORTH.. No. 78, 1 daily ex No. 14, aaliy. Sunday. 1 daily. Leave Columbia.. jlO 25 pmj 50 am Arrive Sumter. .. ll 52pm: 8 22am Leave Florence 4 35 am! 9 40 am Leave Marion 5 15 amj Lv. L. Waocamaw. 1 7 02 ami Arrive Wilnilngt'n 8 25 am! 836 pm Q (U nm 10 34 pm 11 45 pm Nos. 23 and 78 stop at all stations except Cane Savannah, Wateree and SImms'. Passengers for points on C. & a. it. it.. C. C. A. & K. R. Stations, Aiken Junction, and all points beyond, should take No. 23. Pullman Sleeper for Augusta on this train. Trains 57 and 56 make close connection t Florence with trains on c. & D. li. it. JOHN F. DIVINE, -General Superintendent. J. li. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. , June 19 . . Wilmington dt Welddn R. R AND BUANC11EH, i y IU . 2ii It 1 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27, F t Mail daily. No. 15; dailj' ex Sunday; Dated Aug. l, 1887. No. 23, daily, j Leave Weldon Ar. Rocky Mount. 2 05 pmj 3 24 pm I 5 38 pm Arrive Tarboro. . Leave Tarboro.. 4 50pmi 10 50 ami. i Arrive Wilson 3 .7 pmj 6 58 pm! Leave Wilson Arrive Selma Arrive Fayettevie 4 15 pmi 5 24 pin 7 ;o pmj ...... Leave Goldsboro. Leave Warsaw. . . Leave Magnolia. . Ar. Wilmington.. 4 45 pm & AR nm 7 40 pm I 8 00 am 8 38 pm 8 13 am 9 55 pmilO 00 am 6 00 pm 7 40 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. ! ; No. 66, No. 14, t No. 78. i daily ex aaiiy. i aany. isunaay. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 11 59 pm 8 50 ami 5 00 pm l 16 am 2' 18 am 10 32 am 6 35 pm 6 50 pm 110 49 am 11 50 am Leave Fayettevllle Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson 18 30 ami ....10 50 am1 .... -.JlSO am! "2 57 am 12 38 pm ! 1 12 pmj Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro.. 4 50 pmi 10 50 am Arrive Weldon. 4 25 am 2 40pm Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. daily except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. c. via Albermarle & Raleigh 14. R. daily except Sunday, e.00 1. M., Sunday 5 00 P. M., arrive Willlamston, N. C. 8.10 P. M., ti.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wil llamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.00 A. M., arrive Smithlield, N. C, 8.30 A. M. Returning leaves Smithfleld, N. C, 9.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, m30 A. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. M., arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.55 A, M., dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 7.20 p. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 7.00 A. M. Southbound Train on Wilson A Fayettevllle Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally. AU rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. - J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. M. JSMERSON. Gem Passenger Agent. aug 2 ' - Carolina Central Railroad Company, CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 23, No. 27, dally. J dally. No. 1. No. 3. Oct. 2, 1887. dally ex. daily ex. Sunday. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 7 00 am 7 45 pm Leave Maxton 11 30am Leave Hamlet 12 45 pm 2 33 am Leave Wadesboro. 2 12pm Leave Charlotte. . . 4 48 pm tf 55 am aritfve. Leave Lincoln ton. 6 35 pm Leave Shelby 7 47 pm Ar. Rutherford! on 9 20 pm . ' " .. EASTBOUND TRAINS. 7 NO. 2. 1 No. 4. Oct. 2, 1887. dally exldally ex Sunday. Sunday. Lv. Rutherfordton 7 00 am I Leave Shelby 8 35 am1 Leave Llncolnton. 9 47 am Leave Gharlotte... 11 40 pm 115 pm Leave Wadesboro. 2 30 pm Leave Hamlet . 3 40 pm l 55 am Leave Maxton... 5 20 pm Arrive Wllmlngm 9 30 pm 8 35 am Trains Nos. 1 and 3 make close connection at Maxton to and from Fayettevllle, Greensboro and other points on t F. Y. V. R. At Wades boro with trains to and from Cheraw, Florence and Charleston. At Llncolnton to and from Hickory. Lenoir and points on C. & L. Narrow Gauge R. R. Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Uamiet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeqing cars between Wilmington and charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. TakeTraln No. 1 for Statesville and tstations oa W. N. a IL R. and points West. Take Train No. 3 for Spartanburg, Green ville, Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. Also, for AshevlUe la Spartanburg. No. 3 connects at Wilmington with W. A V IL It- No. 23. Local Freight Nos. 5 and dally between Wilmington and Laurlnburg. - Local Freight Nos. 7 and 8 daily between Laurlnburg and Charlotte. . ' - Local Freight Nos. and 10 dally between Charlotte and Rutherfordton. - . - Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8. 9 and 10 trill not take passen gers. ; -' -. i . L. c. JONES, Superintendent. P. W. CLARK, Gear Pasbenger Agent. - MtRCEI XANEOU8- ; The National Life AND Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. C. " J; o Total Cash Assets.......... .......... f275,754.2S UablUtles:. ....... . None. Paid to members .1168,070,92 ' -o .' " - ' - HORATIO BROWNING, President. " , ' - "O ;" GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, . Secretary, Manager and Actuary. Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed .Policy. f An Incontesilble Policy. Maturity Value in Cash at Fixed Age. Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. ' Only Four Payments per Year. . ; Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDKLLE, M. D., Medical Director. W, II. GIBSON, Special Agent. nome Office, 1.215 F Street, N. W. oct2itf Merchants, bankebs awu Mandfactds ibs should read , SRADJSTftEET'G A Weeklt Journal or Trade, rrNAKCE and 1" buc economt. . o- Sixteen page evtt Saturday Oftentimes Twenty Pagta. Sometimes Twenty four Page. FIFE DOLLARS A TEAR.. The toieovftt pur. . .to of liUADSTRVET'S is to i.e of pra'tlcal tc vic to buslnes men. its special trade and industrial reports and its s. hopped of recent legal :ec,sl:ns arc exceed ingly valu-ible con.inf i clal transactions, to the wl er ser ee, are fining tn be more ani tnore wndacel on t statl li.-ii basis, lhln-foiiiMUo-T couttino 1 1 litt A D tiEM S is Of Urt-i l'n4"rt 11 c to all rilKGENKUALBlTSlNEP 8. SITUATION THUOfOU OUT H1K UNIT li ST IT' S ASV CANADA IS RsroRTMl UV TKLKGUAl'Il TO BKAP- STRKUT'8 CP TO THE HOUR OF. " PUBLICATION" SINGLE 'COPIK- TEN CKT. THE BRADSTUEET COMPANY, 4279, 281, 2S3 Uroal way, end for Sample Copv New York CITT feb s 1887. r Harper's Magazine. ; ILLUSTRATED. HARi'KR'8 Magazine during 17 will con tain a novel of lut n-f political, social, and roru an dc inter st, entitled NarBa" a story of tiu&t.ian life by Khth tlern O'Meara; a new novel, entitled "April Hopes," by W IIow f Us; "Sou hern fJiieiches,' by baiies Owl ley Warmer and lebecca Hardine lavl. illustra ted by Wlldam Hamilton Gibson; "Great iinericau Indusirieo" continued; "Social -tudic." by r. it V Ely; further articles on tho baliway Problem by competent writers: new scries ot 11 ufttrallODs by E A Abbey and Alfred Parsons; articles by E r Roe; and otb er attractions. ' - aassMsw Hamer's PeriodicalSr Per Year: llAKFKU'H MAUAZINB........ ............ 4 00 iiarper'o Weeklt........ 4 00 Harper's Bazar 4 CO Harper's Young People. . 200 Harper's Franklin square Librabt, One Year (52 Numbers). 10 00 Pottage Free to aiitubseribert-in the Onitto States or Canada, , . , The volumca of the Magaztn begin with the Numbers for Juoe ami December of each year. When no time is specified, subscriptions Will begin with the Number current at time of re ceipt ot order , Bound Volumes cf Varpcr't Magazine, tor three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postpaid, on recelp of $3 00 per volume. Cloth Cafes, for binding, 50 cents each by mail, postpaid. Index to Harper Magazine, Alphabetical, Analytical, and Classified, for volumes 1 to 70, inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885, one vol., 8vo, Cloth, $4 00. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Honey Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Newspapert are not to copp this advertisement without the express order of Harper A JJsofc. Address - . HARPER BROTHERS, nov 26 New York. THE STAR, A Newepaacr supp'jrtleg the Principles of a Democratic Administration. Published in the City of Hew York. WILLI All DORSHKI MER, Ed. A PropT Daily. Weekly and Sunday Editions THE WEEKLY STAB, . A 16-page Nc snaper issued every W edneaday A Clean, Pure, Itrlght, and interesting Family Paper . t contains the latest news, down to the -hour of going to press: AgrlcoHural, Market. Fashion, Household, Political, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humorous sod Edito rial, I'epar menta, all under the direction of trained journalists ot the highest ability. Its sixteen paxes will be fonnd crowilru with good things from beginning to end Origiua stories by distinguished American and for elgn writers of fiction THE DAILY STAR. The Iil st ah contains all tbe news ot the day in an attractive fo m.- I ta special cor respondence by cable from London. J arts, Berlin. Vienna and Dublin, is a eotnmeacable feature. At Washington, Albany, atd other news centres "he atlet correspondents, specially retained by The Stab, furnish tbe latest news by telegtapb. its literary features are unsurpassed. The financial and Market Reviews are nnu eual j full an complete. -pecial terms ani extraordinary Induce menu to agents and canvassers " " end for Circulars ' Terms of the Weekly Str to 8ubscxlber free of Postage In the United 8ttes sod Can sda, outsl I- the limits of N. Y .Clly. Per ear $ Clubs M Ten.......... 10 Clnbsot nftec facd one extra to or ganizer o: i.'lubU. ...... ............ 15 Terras of Uu Daily Star to Subscribe ra. Every Day, ior one Year (including . Sunday) ..f 7 Dally, fwithout Snnday , one year.... ear. Every Uay, six months............ ...... 3 . DallT.wlthoutSunday, six inotitha..... 3 K THE STAR, 23 & U llOTtil i; iri M., liaia ' - YcrX

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