i n l MISCELLANEOUS HUMPHREYS' fiOttEOPATHIC VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat ment of Animals anil Chart Bent Free. cukes Fryers, Congestions, Inflammation. A. A. Spinal Mening-itis, Milk Fever. B. B. Strains Lamenew, Rheumatism. C. C Distemper, Nasal Discharges. II. IK Dots or Crnbs, Worms. K. K. Coughs, Heaves, Pneumonia. V. F. Colic or Oripes, Bellyache. ii. Miscarriage, Hemorrhages. II. H. Urinary and Ridney Diseases. 1. l. -KrupiiTe uiease m.uiiKc. J. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, with Specifies. Manual. Witch Hazel Oil and Medicator, 87.00 Price, Single Bottle (over E0 doses X - .60 . s. - Sold by Druggists? or Sent Prepaid on Receipt of Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 Fulton St., H. Y. HOMEOPATHIC SPECIFIC Ho. In ttaa 30 Tears. The only pnccessful remedy fci Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-vtrrk or other causes, f I per vial, or 5 viala and large rial powder, for $5. Sold by Druggists, or sent postpaid on receipt of Price. HuMpkrfji' Bedleine to., 109 Fnitoa St., S. I. feb 26 cod & wiy nrm P A T V "V T i F- A. LEIIMANN, A. 1 Ei a La Washington. I), c. Oct314w Send for circular. OOC A WEEK -anti upwards positively se tj&tM cured by men agents selling Dr. .Scott's Genuine Electric Belt, susfknsoky and oth er appliances. Sample free. These are only original and genuine. No humbug. Dr. Scott, 844 Broadway, N. Y. oct 31 LADIES ARE OFFERED plain needlework "at their own homes (town or country) by a wholesale house. Profitable, genuine. Good pay can te made. Everything furnished. Par ticulars free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. -135 8th St.. New York City. oct 31 If OrK IOF A. ? I ment given to ener getic men and women everywhere. 8s.o ?a iceek and all exjieitsen jxtid. samples worth and full particulars free. Address P. O. VICK- ERY. Zbon'f 7niss (his chance. oct 31 Write to-Oriy. CQLEMAH NATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE- Newark. X. J. Open alt the year. National patronage.! Best course of Business Training. Least expensive in time und money. Pleasantest location. Indorsed by thousands of frrad- uates and uunureus oi ine leau- lng business men of the state aud nation. Write for catalogue and be convinced. oct314w U. COLEMAN, Manager. tare yon Conph, Bronchitis, Asthma, Indigestion t Us BARKER'S CINCER TONIC without delay. 1 Its cured many of t he worst oases ana is the best reined; r aU affections of the throat and lungs, and disease rirfn.fr from impure blood and exhaustion. The fetbj bd siok, etrufrfrlinx against disease, and slowly driftinj f tlie grare, will in many cases recover their health bj be timely use of Farker'a Ginger Tonic, but delay is dan fcrous. Take it in time. It is invaluable for all pain ad disorders of stomach and bowels. 60c. at irufrriati MARVELOUS nn IM no DISCOVERY. Wholly unlike artiiieial systems. Any book learned in one reading. Recommended by Mark Twain, Richard Proctor, the Scientist, Hons. W. W. Astor, Ju dah P. Benjamin, Dr. Minor, &c. Class of 100 Columbia Law students; two classes of at) each at Yale; 400 at University of Penu., Phlla.; 400 at Wellesley Coliege; 3T0 at Oberlin Allege and three large classes af Chatauqua I'uiver slty, &c. Prospectus post free from PROF. LOISETTE, oct 31 237 Fifth Ave., New York Mason & HamSin O" The cabinet organ was fgaii So Introduced in its present form by Mason & Hamlin In I8rtl. other ma kers followed in the manufacture of these in struments, but the Mason & Hamlin Organs have always maintained their supremacy as the best in the world. Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the unequaled excellence of their organs, the fact that at all of the great World's Exhibi tions, since that of Paris, 18ST, in competit ion with the best makers of all countries, they have invariably taken the highest honors. Il lustrated catalouge free. Pinil Mason & Hamlin's Piano .,Js1J Stringer was introduced by them In 1882, and has been pronounced by experts the "greatest improvement in pianos in half a century." A circular, containing testimonials from three hundred purchasers, musicians and tu ners, sent, together with descriptive cata logue, to any applicant. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay ments; also rented MASON & HAMLIN ORGAN & PIA&0 CO. BOSTON, NEW YORK, CHICAGO. OCt 31 JblEBltt COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT ! FOK Imp roved and Economic Oookery, N. is. Genuine only with fc simile of Baron Liebi's sig nature iu blue across ; lie la-, bel. " To toe had of all Storekeepers, Grocers and Druggists. oct 31 msmssasssise& lim. sead for PO BUYERS' J , . . i i i . t.AlJ.Lr,.. communing coioreu piaies, t i CV . i i u ...i..1uMt'.N A. Uog and Breeding Ferrets. Hailed - r m . . . . . B . J Furaisbizis Goods of eH kkdi; Ufoi olorel pinte S" cucraviiiffa erf noariy ail kiuua'oi To La; descrip tions of the bmrin! hnw ta cn.noniza? 1 plans for poultry house3t information bom incobatora, n4 w hero to buy I&gs from best taocU nt 1.50 per nittiuc Sont for 16 Cents. If bo, mm need the BOOH OF C.4QE ail tiaa Urds, cb, etc. juaiioa tot lu Uenta. The Tkree Books, 4i Cl. M ASSOCIATED FANCIERS; ' f 37 Sorth UsLth Street, rfcilatielphia, Fa. I "V v FT aw ml -V- B1U1I.120 fnV. 150 Illus-) f tj. I rations. Bo&oufaT colored plate I . I ls; Treatment tia breeding; of all kinds Oaifei! birds, lixr pleaeore and vrofiu Dmenu t .f 'and ihtarcora How to build andetock f 9 an Avjarr. ah aooire jrarrow. moea oi v Josh. T. James, Editor & PropY. WlLMI2fGTOK, N. C- A., II T. I - p. ' ' TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1887. Entered at the Postofficeat Wilmington, NX. as second-class matter. . One afternoon last week, says London Truth, a Mr. Seymour and some members of his family joined a Great Northern fast train'at Hitch- in, and in the further corner of the compartment which they entered was a luan apparently asleep: but hardly was the train in motion, when thev discovered that lie was dead. Of course, they at once tried to communicate with the jnmrd for fthe purpose of stopping the train, but the cord which connected the carriage with the van broke and thev were obliged to travel for nearly an hour with the corpse. This was a ghastly experience, but suppose the man had been a murder ous lunatic, what would have been the position of the passengers when the communication cord snapped? Surelv care should be taken that the apparatus is kept in good work insr order. Governor Rusk, of Wisconsin, has become aroused by the newspaper exposure of the vile dens of infamy that are so numerous in the pine forests of that State, and is deter mined to have them wiped out of existence. He has detailed a special agent to go through the distrietsaid to be infected wish these plague spots and make a report to him. If this report warrants it he says, he will call out the militia and cleanse the State. 'J'he keepers of the dives are becoming alarmed, and several have lied to Canada. Women, who have escaped from those dens of immorality, say that the reports recently published in the news papers are not at all exaggerated, and that the real condition of affairs is of so immoral and disgusting a nature that exaggeration is impassi ble. - m- Typhoid feVer is epidemic in Cin cinnati and a- correspondent says: .4iThe strange spectacle of children carrying bottles of boiled drinking water to school with them is an every-day sight. The fever prevails, not only in the tenement districts, but in the wealthier quarters as well. An account says: 'For the past month there has been little or no rain in the Ohio Valley, and the Ohio River, from, whence the city supply is drawn, has a depth in the channel of only three feet ten inches, making it possible in places to wade across to the Kentucky shore. The water is as clear as crystal, but is so slow in its movement for want of volume as to retain in solution the sewage that pours into it from the many small towns above here. Wal nut Hill, an adjacent suburb, with a population of 3o,000, sends its en tire sewage into the eddy immedi ately alongside' the city pumping works, from whence it is pumped up into the Eden Park reservoirs, and from thence distributed thro1 the city mains, carrying with it the seeds of disease. Under advice and instructions from the health officers the citizens are boiling the water and milk before use.1 11 Gatling, the inventor of the well known gun which bears his name has invented another instrument of destruction which he calls the ''police gun," which is now on exhi bition in New York city. The new I piece is thus described: It is a brass gun, weighing'seventy-eight pounds, and is mounted on a tripod, the whole arrangement weighing only 149 pounds. It is capable of firing 1,000 shots a minute. The general w orking principle of the gun is the same as the old piece. The improve ment is in the method of feeding. In the police gun a magazine, hold ing sixty-two cartridges and looking like the hopper of a corn sheller, is set up on end at a right angle on the top of the brass barrel. The turn ing of the handle by the cannoneer drops the cartrides-into six revolv ing barrels within the cannon. As the barrels revolve a lock with a spiral -spring -catches each cartridge and a small needle in the loek strikes the percussion cap, explod ing it. The next instant the extrac tor catches the empty shell, and following a spiral grove it is dis lodged . from the gun. m When one magazine is empty another stands ready to take its place. "By a long lever the cannoneer can with "his left han d change the range of the gun, shoot up or down or sideways, while with the right hand he turns the crank that puts the stream - of cartridges in motion. The gunwill kill a man a mile' off, though 1,000 yards 'is ,thel"best"rajige 3The in ventor claunsj that no - mob . could stand before olae of tHese guns more . than a ; minute; -v;K: fiA . r -; What am I to Do? - The symptoms of Billiousness are nnhannilv but too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas.' he has an excellent appetite not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. The'digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipa - tion may be a symptom or the two nmv alternate. There are often for liquids but none ior soiiasoi a rasquoian aepi iu, i morning. His tongue will hardly Perqai mans Se0t 26. i hpar inspection at any time i if it is Cbnwsn-Oct 3. 1 week. Hemorrhoids or even loss of blood, t Pamlico Nv 21. week. -There may be giddiness and often ! Beaufort -Nov 28, 2 weeks, headache and acidity or flatulence j second district judge a very" and tenderness in the pit of the j Warren Sept 19 2 weeks stomach. To correct all this if not Northampton Oct 3. 2 weeks, effect a cure try Green's August Flow-1 Edgecombe-Oct 17. 2 week3. er, it costs but a trifleand thousands j Bertie Oct 31. 2 weeksr attest its eflicaev. NOVEMBER NONSENSE. I Mrs. Blossom What's that? Oh, horror! The hotel afire? Mr. Bios som Yes; come on; we've no time to lose. "But here I am in my night dress!" "Good enough! I'm glad vnu'vp fot nut of vour ball dress in- to something decent.' J?ree Press. Mr. Curmey See my new winter! wrap! Isn't it lovely? A boy brought it'up; but he didn't bring the bill. Mr. Curmey Of course not. A boy couldn't carry the bill. They will send it up to-morrow on a dray. Puck. The callous philosopher who has never experienced the joy a man feels when he tries to kiss a girl in the dark and gets stabbed m the eye with her nose has no business to express an opinion about kissing! Are our mouths merelv noles tor pies? We think not. truth. Teacher Now, Absalom, your father is a grpcer. Suppose that he had ten pounds of sugar, which he sells to me at twelve cents a pound, how much would he. have? Absalom He'd have a dollar and twenty cents and four pounds of sugar left. -lAncoln Journal. t That's How It Was. Miss Tsensor -I'm afraid vou are no - end of n naughty bov, Sain. Mv brother told me the other day that" you lost 5 at cards at one sitting at your club, and that vour father as aw fully angry about it. Mr. Golightly Awfully! H; lost 10 the vsame night at his club. Fuu. - Look out for counterfeits! See that vou get the. genuine Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup! Do not let the dealer sell you some "just as good'1 but in sist upon getting the genuine with the Bull's Head trade mark on the wrapper. Geo.W. Earhart, Captain of Police. Baltimore, Md., says: "I have used Salvation Oil and found it a most excellent remedy. It has my hearty recommendation. 7 Don't hawk, hawk, blow, spit and disgust everybody with your offen sive breath, but use Dr. Sage's Ua tarrh Remedy and end it. Mr. Gladstone has lately express ed himself in favor of some.plan by which members of Parliament will receive salaries for their services. The Breath of a chronic catarrh atient is often so offensive that he cannot go into society and he be comes an object of disgust. After a uue ulceration sets in, the sponprv bones .are attacked, and frequently, entirely destroyed. A constant source of discomfort is the dripping of the purulent secretions into the throat, sometimes producing in veterate bronchitis, which in its turn has been the excitiner cause of pulmonary disease. The brilliant results which have attended its use for years properly designate Ely7s Cream Balm as by far the best, if not the only cure for hay fever, rose cold find catarrh. ThS Greatest Oar --.. rK ro,-n . Win relieve more quickly than any other known rera- i.v: iiJieunmUsm, Nearalsna, Surellintri, StidE Kecfe, Bruises, Barns, Scalds Cut?, Lnmba fro, Henrisr, Sores. Frest-lMtes, BjicVac-hc, VHiinsy.Soro Throat, Sfiatka, Wotinds Headache, "cta. a Cottle. Sold by all idmsgista. Caution. The cren- f7&PHS mi Salmtina Oil hears our "-wjc . , registered Trade-Mark, and onr fac-rfmi sianaftire. A. C Mever & Co., gole Proprietors, Baltimore, Jld., U. B. A. - . ; Dr. Bull' Con eh yrait will care, your Cough at once. Price only 25 Cts. a bottle, oct Id Douglas & Ifarborough. JpASHlONABLE HAIR OBESSEES AND B ABBESS. It3 Market St.. Wilmington, N. C. 8hop fully equipped with all the latest Im provements. Courteous and polite barbers always ready ferve customers. . W. Yar borough, formerly with John Werner, would be jrlad to serve his old pat ron. feb mm be made. Cut this nnt and return to us, and we wiueena you free, some thins of a real va.ln .nd Importance to von. tht . : . 'Will stait yon lo business wnlcn will bring you in more money riirht away than any thins else In this world. Any one can do their work and live at home. Ella er sex; all ages. Something n w. that lust coins money tor all workers. We will start you; capital not needed. Thla la one of the genuine, important chances of a lifetime. Those who are ambitious and enterprising will not delay. Grand outfit free. Address Tbob Co., Augusta. Maine. dec 1 6md ly w A. A.. Brown & Cot , EKEmLCOMMISSIONISLERCnANTS - : ' 9 AND PRODUCE DEALERS. VST" Cotton and Naval Stores solicited. No xtra charges for Insurance or sampiin. ? septS tt -'V:'-' : 8UPBICIOK CO0BT8. Pall Terras 1887. - ! . . , first district-judge graves. ; Carrituck September 5, I week, , Camden -Sept 12, 1 week, wees, week. Gates Oct lO. I week. j Hertford pet 17. 1 week. i Washington Oct 24. 1 week, ! Tyrreil Oct 31, I week, ' Dare Nov 7. 1 week, I Hf de Nov 14. I week. Halifax Nov 14,2 weeks. Craven Nov 28, 2 weeks. THIRD DISTCICT JUDGE S1IIPP. franklin Aus? 15. 1 week. - ! Mat tm feepi 5. 2 weess. I Put Sept 19. 2 weess. j Greene Oc? 3- 2 w. eks. I Vnnce-Ot 17.2 weeks. i Wilson (Jcf M 2 weeks Nash Nov 21 2 weeks. Martin J Di'C 5,-2 weeks. FOURTH - DISTKICT JUDOE MEKUIMON. Waku July 11 2 weeks, Karnett Auji 8. 1 c. k. . . Johnsin Auf '24, 2 w f:ks. VVket Aug 29 2 wt eks. Va?n Sept 12 2 weks. Wake Aug 29. 2 wee3. Wav.ne Oct 17. I we:k " Wakef U;ti 24 3 eeks r ihoston Nov 14. 2 weeks. " Harnett Nov 28. 1 week. ' FI1TH DISTRICT JUDGE SHEPIIEUl. Oransic Aug 8. 1 ee&. (Jasweil Aujr 15 1 week. Person Aue 22. I week. Guilford Aug 29. 2 werks. Granville Sept 12. 2 wwk Alamance S pv 28. J week Chatham Oct 3. 2 wet-ks. Durnam :Oet 1. 2 weeks. Orangf Nv 7, i week. Ci?wull N"V 14. 1 wefk. Person Nov 21 1 week (iranviiie Nv 28. 2 weeks. GuilfrJ I)c 12 'J'wtvks. SIXTH DISTRICT JUDGE PHILLIPS leno.r--Aur 22. 2 weeks. Duplin Stpt. 5 1 week IVndur Sept 12. I week. New Hanoveif Sept 26, 2 weeks. Saiiipson Oct in 2 weeks. Cart erfet Oct 24. 1 week. Jones Oor 31 I week. Onflow Nov 7, i week Len.jr Nov 14 2 week3. Duplin Nov 28. J2 weeks. Sampsn Dec 12. 1 week. SEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE CONNOR. Cumberland July 25, 1 wt'k Coluuibus Aug 1 wHfk. Moore Aug 15. 1 wek. Rbeon Aug 22. 2 weeks. -Anson Spi 5.-1 wek. Brunswick Sept 12 1 week. Richmond Sept 19. 2 weeks. Robeson Oct 3 2 weeks. Biaderi Oct 17,-I week. -Moore Oct 24. 2 weeks. Juniberta"dt Nv 14. 2 weeks. Ansont Nov 28 i eek. R hui'tfid De' 5. I week EIGHTH DISTRICT JUDGE CLARK. Irniifeli Ail; 8 2 eeks. Rwan Aili 22. a weeks. 1) ividson Sf pi 5, 2 weeks.. Randolph Ciept 19. 2 weks. Montgomery Oj: 3 2. weeks. Stauly Ou 17 1 vteek Cabarrus O tT 31. 1 week. Rowan Nov 7. 2 weeks. Tredell Nv 21 2 weeks. Davidson Dec 5. 1 wek. NINTH DISTRICT -JUDG H!.?.IEU llockirighain July 25. 2 week3. S?oke Aug 8, 2 weeks Suiry Aug22 2 vteks. Alleshany Sept 5 i week. VV ilkes Sept 12 2 eok s Yadkin Sept 26, 2 weeks. -Davie Ot 10 2 weeks. Forsyth- Oe 24, 2 weeks. Rockingham Nov 7 1 week. Stokes Nov 14, 1 week Surrv Nov 21, 1 week. TENTH DISTRICT JUDGE BOYXIN. Henderson July 18, 3 weeks. Burke Aug 8. 2 weeks. Asbe Aug 22, 1 week. WataugaAug 29, 1 week. Caldwell Sept 5. 1 weeW. Mitcheil Sept 12, 2 weeks. Yancey Sept 26. 2 "weeks. McDowell Oct 10, 2 weeks. ELEVENTH DISTRICT JUDGE MACRAE. Catawba July 18, 2 weeks. Alexander Aug L 1 week. Cleveland Aug 8. 2 weeks. Mecklenburgf Aug 29, 3 weeks. Union Sept 19, 1 week. Unionf Sept 26, 1 week. Lincoln Oct 3, 1 week. Gaston Oct 10, 2 weeks Cleveland Oct 24, 1 week. Rutherford Oct 31, 2 weeks. Polk Nov 14, 1 "week. TWELFTH DISTRICT JUDGE MONT 1 GOMERY. Madison Aug 1, 2 weeks. Buncombe Aug 15, 3 weeks. Transylvania Sept 5, 1 week Haywood Sept 12, 2 weeks. Jackson Sept 26, I week. Macon Oct 3. I week. Clay Oct 10, 1 week. Cherokee Oct 17, 2 weeks. Graham Oct 31. 1 week. -Swain Nov 7, 2 weeks. Madisont Nov 21. 2 weeks. Buncombe Dec 19. 2 weeks. Criminal caosea only. tCivil caoses only. JCivil causes ooly.exeept jail cae9. 1887. New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal In the United States. Always Bright and Relia ble. Every Number an Epitome of the News of the World. The Foreign Department Is unequaDea. Latest aud most accurate Cable Specials by the Commercial Cables. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Current Event fsrEClAi. FKtTOUES Practical Farmte artlcles on Science, Art, Literature.the Dram" Music, Religion, Fashions and Chess. - " " Information on all eubjects. -.Address, . - JAMES GORDON BENHETT, - --r-cJ: "Szy-'- ew York Herald. "- noy S3 - Sew York City " v MISCKLiiANODS ; "lit; mr - m m a a ' Over Tea Thonjni xrial i Zsr&yrr? tisats a larrup proportion . r v a-mjji aijasut-ja j.Lu&AJKa ua ! n A. RadicalCaTeforN9rTOnsDfjbiiitr,CTr1c fhcssantl esses th?y abcolntelT reso-o v?ra a trl ? , ac ic r t ,f t b o Lrrfert end full Maaly Streeti'r.ndViroai kVa'th. I fceaciccitclea4 rrivi.; To those who RjyTer rora fho Kf ny Sjcur3 disearsa orK,ortooiro jnanipeace, v-fltbi tiasyou statins I - ie,. -Z" fc5X n, , ossTussa PESSOSia can ter? real Trial ofuVpic? &?fiNLY TRUE Will purify tha BLOOD repulah the LIVER and KIDNEY3 and liESTORE the HEALTH andVIO- OK of xOUTIi. Dyspepsia, Want oiAppetitt, indigostion.ljacit or Strength end Tired Feeling ab solutely cared: Hones, mus cles ana nerves receive new force. Enlivens the mind and snonliea Brain Power. SnflforinB from, complaints pecu liar to their sex vri find in DR. HAKTIE'B JBON IONIC a ( anAoilvciirn. nivnf: n r.lenr. fcealtllT Complexion. All attempts at counterfeiting only adds to bpopn larity. io not experiment cet ireiaw dmi Dr. HARTER'S LIVER PILLS , S Care Constipation, Liver Comolrfnt ana sick B Headache. Sample Dose and Dream Book Emailed on reaeiot of two cents in postage. THE DR. HARTER MEDiGINE CO.. ST. LOUIS, MO, Homes in Norti) Carolina. Onlv 20 Hours Ride from . - v. ' New York! 6 IHLIieHSoutA of Raleigh On the Kaleisb and Augusts Alr-Llne K B. j ) aCKKH OF I.ASD IN THEE. OCR ie.'f pine replou For ale on easv terms !E lots to stilt purchabCra. '"onr. crefc for arjfer trct? per acre. In montHi' par uienth. ot Fills laii'i adjotne the v'Soutb; eru Piiies'V a-rt'Cgntls ostabii'ned ijeiltb ro ort (oi euaitariuni), and is deially adapted for fruit Culture, well 'ts all tne careau; x e -amber .of New EnM&d people have'.bou&ht iota in the. ttisva of ."touthern Pine,"- and U is the d.Vre of the owners or"thls' land to in duce Hianil taraiera, acechanio.s and others frojD tiia Ne- Vnjc;laTd and Middle ta ts& a s'oli elsewhere, to locate hre No State Id the UijIod oC'ere renter lnJacerrieTt3 to eei tiers - thati North Carollas . Now here' can iK-ttcr tarmlng ciuntry or a ilr a clltuaU' i . f'firri 'i hit- Is the iptnloc oi crtbern-taes vtio tiny settled 'n f'rth ;aroliji&. i-Thl I - vmajid.? rffe.. .nt! if iloiltuil ..- -t or r.iriht pit tiuiare writ at 'once u ,1 n v t. . aTm it iv. oninilc'r r.f ! miiiliftviUox., '' U lcisrh N. t or B .'iJHAHDiiN. ' e . - vvc aie now p pparoil t i'uMiish p.'I c'assrs with; efe-p!oy-nu nt ii lioimv the who e of Uie tine t.rfor their p pnio in ti'cnt 1'uairess new li bt atd poiitb o i'ei.ons of cith r i exeasiy ' cam form r i ecu ..-a n .$.,'; er cfVtrninjc anu a iiro p rtiunti-. su by tu otinjr a!s their lime t- the !ui na s Ji js:i il girls earn neir yasmeii Tliat a i w)x sec tliiis y send thriv address and t st she busiae s wc mak ; tills oiler To su:h s aiv i ot we I satisfied we will tend one to lar to j ay or the trmibie f writin?. , 'Full p ! liou'.a .s aud outfit ire 3- Address GEOBGE tjxson x o . Portland, Maine. ; ; - -doc 1 6md lyw - ' -. . ,.-." ,- - f Jr.;. j E:-.-"2$ t h 45--"-v it:Uu iyk of nnr- . ' i.V5 ftflZr.VS. WOOILEi, M. . &t vit' -5 CJ - t i.nsta. Ua Oilic.'' 1 NsSiHciir? WbUehail StreiL.. The Acme ' MANUFAOTUEING 00., MANUFACTURERS OF Fenilizers, Pi'.e Wool and Pine Wool Matting, i . -o- WILMINGTON, N.C. TjHE REPUTATION OF OUR FBTHJ3 ZERSt the ACME a rd GEM, 13 now estab llshed, and the resnlts of three "years' use I the hands of the best farmers of this and oth er States fully attest their value as a Ji'gh gTade manure. -V, ' - The MATTING, made from the leaves of our naslve plr.e, has already gained a popu larity for comfor, and durability equal to an v wool carpet, and the demnd for It is datly Increa Ing. It has virtues not found in any other fabric. , : - The FIBRE or WOOL. U extensively useb cr upholetering purposes, axd as a filling for mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against ineccts - - ; Certificates from reliable parties using our goods can "be seen at our office, or will be mailed upon application.' july 29 if Misses Burr & James 7 ILL REOPEN TIIEIR SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. A.' The course of Instruction, as heretofore, will be thorough and systematic, '--. . Special attention given to Reading, .Writing. Music and Physical culture. t ,m , : Mrs. M. s. CUsliliig' will hare charge of tie Musical Depajtment.' - -,. . Ilonrs for Kindergarten pupils from to 12. For further particulars see Principals, sept 10 . . . . . Aod 5't Without d.. U J-" w i, tor hi i speedily trhen Ihia remay U taken.1 jmiuins tn won one tt - man tut article. Puti ; Tbo preat secre i tiv itariz r- Alanim wil Trestoi o t b'fsonr r .zr.'v.. rd urevent til cir p.i!inrn Kkmi -comiiuoTU - Ji pivt n Mill m lllllt 1 IfiWl IV ir m. x - iu in to a in cases carry. tKe little nWU twW ! I vni'A ... . j - . "s. . arm hi - cjbu liK'iitioa this iwuer.: "fmt, rk sc jt 9 tii th sa . Over 9,)0O,OOO worn during the past years.": This marvelous'siiccess Is dae- " ' 1st. To the superiority of CoraUneora all other materials, as a stiffener for Corseti 2nd.--To;' the, superior quality, ite? and workmanship of our Corsets, comblcti with their low prices. - Avoid cheap imitations made of nine kinds .of cord ; None are genuiiie unlea & DR. WARNER'S C0RALISE" Is printed 'on (iiside of steal cover, S FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING MERCHAMTS. BROTHERS, ; 359 Broadwayrr:'Wow.YoHiC. ' oct 1 d&w 2mos N0...M0BE EYE-GLASSES fiHTOHELL'S i EYE SALVE' A Certain, Safe and Effecflve EemedT f sore; :weak and inflame - Producing . teng-toS'M : - . storing the Mgaioi ., Cures Tear Drops, GranoJaOon, -ducbag' Quick- Relief and Vtxm t Also, equally eiacacious --lltA . maladies, Bach as Ulccrt, Fejer mors, Salt Rheum, Burns, J?fiv tnflammation ' exists. MITCHELL s. - ' Sold bv all Druggists at g5c Valuable Lands forSab QNE TRAOT OF l;?r W1.- rf mnc from Lcolnton. N. C.. ggW; acres. 53' acrfs cleared i J'rlLua. but gives pood cropa for u P & t branch ruling' through Jt f a few acr i of bottom Fmi PiSJyJweB ?0acrcslnwooa.oai-a3dJllcfT- v Another tract lyin? 2J g fft g ton, 34 mile from U- ',in,W cleared, fine spring of "cta0BttTti six acres of bottom land "otner is No. 1 for tobfcco, but .fSijt. - wen; 'O acres m jciwn u --t - vn- nrtM und terms PP'Z ncfi 75 acres in yeuow For price and term spPg JJ0 mchlStf. Aucrrs&eaiIEstJ v 5100 A WEEK-!, r A DIES OR GENTLEMEN L Pleasant profiUble emP nt once. We - nt jo ' to Jtf domestic nse that recoronjenos 1 c& orw at tight. LKrBereefc JJr lite hot rates. "oKmf he wishing WJSSieMfe their own benefit write rp vs&'tf -v; 25eoddw6m ,. JXTHWPrS?JN i ties. - Sample pvkasns Cy invBro,wl j by mail to any address on ret?i?5 ft? sent by mail. -MEXlu'A MFlM?iv90,l S 1 -00 No: th-M 8t ; PbiiadrhV, '. itf11 CO. w .