giefoMorbus ramps o he. iarrhoe ummer " Complaints .ysentery. Jll Cured dy a ieaspoonful of ienJ)aviS?dm filler u a WUe fiW( -or Sugar and Water Au-Drugs,sts:5ellit. - ""Ys CatarrH CREA51 II A I, VI STCn BIAf. ALLAY JlfLAMM 1 IO JULS theSoK- BsTORES TH HS8E3 of taste SMELL, Hea KINO 1QCICK f'E.L I F CV a a m i Positive ubf f-tY "rUVtR k part'cle Is applied rntoefcch uontrll and 1 urettble Price 5 1 eenpv-ftt . rt'girtsia; Vy sill roistered, ft ee tVClreiu'ara f lee.-Kl.Y BK, frugjrista, )weo. Y iplMyeod dAw;-"1 ; - . .. . THE STAR, 1 Ifltrepaaer snpp rtli g.the Principles of democratic. AdmhiUtratlon. . Pubilsned to me ji Uy of New York, f 4 WILLIAM DOES U &I B1E Ed. J rop'r BittT. Wekklv akd Sdwday r BDITIOH THE WEEELY STAR. llf-pageNeiftpaper Issued every WednearJay i Clean, Pure, Bright, and Intcrr stln? , ,;.jraiMiy,iJpe.::rry: - it contains . the latest tew, - down to tb lour of going to press: Agricultural, , M&rkcv, iMbion, Household. Polltiral, Financial and Commercial, Poetical, Humor-. us and ttdUo hepar menu, all under the direction o tnistd jourtMl tU 6t the highest ability. . 1U dxteen paces will be found crod'd -with food things from beluul&fr to end -rhrii.a Kortes by distinguished' American ; and f or Ufj writers or tictlon v . ...;.-.' THE DAiLY STAR. .ThbDil tak contains all the new? r tte day in ao attractive fb ra - Its special cur wxmdence by cable from Lonaon. Pari , Soiln, Vienna and Dublin, la a commendable fcttore- ; At Washington, Albany, and other newt ntrea hc aulett correspondents, specially Warned by Thk Star, furnish the latest ne or telegraph. . . . . .' ... its literary features are unsnrpasscrt. ' "be financial and Market Reviews are un fitly lull an-1 complete. : special terms anl extraordinary ; lnduc aents to agents and canvassers 'enl for Circulars 5 : . ; ..' . " Terma of the Week ly Star to Subscriber 'rteof Postage In the United States and da, outsl J the limits of N. Y. City. Jtt Year , U CmbspfTen..............:.....;... ... 1 Clubs ot Fifteen (and one extra to or- fcanlzerof Llub)......... ........... If- - Jernl?of the ully str ubsc lbcrs Tery Day, for one Year (Includlrg Sunday) '.t 7 gTi without Siujday , one jar.-.. h r Vffl Lay, six months...-....., "3 - "7, without Sunday, alx months.... . Star, 26 & i8 North William t., -Jm ; New Yr CHAJfT8, UAHKKBS AK& M ANUFACTL'B BBS 8HOULD BEAD BRADaTEET'S A Weeklt Journal of , 'INANCK . AND ' I' UtIC . ECOKOMI Sixteen paqtt cvt , Saturday VfttXmtt Twenty Pages. Sometimes Twenty four Pages. " DOLLARS A firs T EAR. h toL ?ln"8t Purpo of 15R-'vlSTRBET,. lUir? ,practlcal service to business men iTBnVi trade nd industrial reports anil it w!r?r? 01 'recent legal itoclslons are exceel Ui thP ible A commercial transacUoos. feon T 1cr BCDse,are omlng to be more an! n conducved on a aUUstlcal basis, theln--uon contlne 1 1 BltADS J UKhT'S la of OPT At-BUSINBSS SITUATION TlUtOUGH pS V STATF8 AND CANADA IS rORTsD BT TELEGRAPH TO BRAD- . BIREKT'S UP TO TI1&UOUB OF PUBUGATlOti V SIN'ole CUPlKd TEN CBNTS. THE BRADSTREET COMPANY 279. 281, 283 Broadway. . S sr 8oiple Copv New York crxr Brushes, Varnishes, Paints. o .... -O- Blinds. Sash Doors, GLass axd sash for fower pits. well selected stock of , lot of &.TRS' MATERIALS. WmwVr BtI?snes reduced prices. -reaawlici1 we 8X6 headquarters for suable goods and low prtcee. UUW UKPOT .18 South Front 1st I A 11EMONSTKANCE r ' (Capt. IL E. Orr, in Norfolk Virginian I "y'wiiat care I for woman's sighs," A stole coldly said; - Tears well become a maiden's eyes - Whose heart long time has bled. "What care I for blight of youth, For cheeks of raslest bloom? - Fond devotion and matchless truth. Are set In frames of gloom." Are these the boasts of lordly men? Is thlsthe royal road to fame? : Ah. no! a power beyond their ken . . Shall blanche their cheeks Avith shame. - Tney spurn and trample in the dust. Bright Jewels when they're won. And recreant prove to saintly trust When life is but begun. Shame, shame on the recreant one Who, reckless of his sin. - Veils with clouds love's radiant sun, . Andjshuts the stars of glory in. "Thou troubled hie I-am not in the vein," he said when invited to make a Fourtli of Jnlv oration. But he bought a bottle of Salvation Oil. 1 and the- National Holiday heard j iroiii ine Mgie. - . - A Tool In His Conrtior'H IIhikIh. As oon as lreakfat is finished. ! says Oliver Harper, in an article ' describing the Turkish rulers hab- its, the Sultan , disposes, himself toj attend to the business of the day. He reads no papers and knows uoth ing of what is going on, except that his courtiers tell him what suits them best, and so tlistort it that he is a simple tool in their hands. When any event of imiortance takes place in any country they turn matters about so adroitly as to make him order-that this or that shall be doue, when it has already been done with out his intervention, Tmt he is then iuade to believe that he is responsi ble for-the whole of the changes in the xolitical world. The Sultan, believing his power absolute, does not hesitate to order anything done that his courtiers tell him to do, and he ismadeto feel that he-is so. near divine that he could hardly sin no matter what he dfdv. He is as capricious as a child and is the most complete puppet in the hands of his courtiers that could exist. The chief eunuch and cham berlain, virtually hold the power and the .peace of Europe is in their hands. - - ltucklen's Arnica Salve. i Thk Bkst Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers; Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money 'refunded. Price J25 cents per box For sale by W. H. Green & Co. '. : --- l" Intelligent Dogs. - A dog belonging to John Wither spooti, Jof Detroit, was taken Avith the family to New Mexico, nearly 2,000 miles away, but some weeks later turned up at his old home, having traveled, it is supposed, the distance on foot. The bark of a dog was heard at the door of the King's College Hos pital, London, and on being answer ed two terriers stood, one on each side of a wounded collie. When the porter stooped to wait upon their friend the two terriers ran off. A cut in the collie's leg was dressed and bandaged, when the dog went away after a bark of. thanks. " A shepherd dog belonging to M. Marothers attacked a porcupine in the Big Bend near Emigrant Springs, Cal.,- and at once rolled over the ground and. clawed at its mouth, evidently in great agony. Its mouth was full of quills, and it became necessary to kill the dog. The por cupine, rolled up like a dog, lay still upon the ground, and was des patched also. Two valuable dogs were chasiiiga rabbit near a drain and were sud denly lost, says the London Field. After ten days a ferret, with a string tied to him, was put into the hole the rabbit was seen to enter. In a short time the ferret stopped, meas urement was made, and after a little digging the dogs were found hrmly blocked. They were greatly emaci ated, but recovered. A Norwich. Conn., bull dog was charged with biting the neighbors'' animals and destroying property, but as he was muzzled his owner laughed at the charges. Being care fully watched the dog was seen, when read v "for business, to slip the muzzle off h is nose, cast it around near his ear, go in and maim his victims, and quick as a Hash slip the muzzle back with. his paw, ami- act as innocent of wrong as a lamb. The muzzle straps are now drawn one hole tighter. AT. Y. Sun. The fashionable "yellow" of the year is deep orange, but it is not to be lavishly used as7 it was a couple of years, or, indeed, even one year ago. ; w w. r Beautiful Women are made pallid and unattractive by functional irregularities which Dr. Pierce's ''Favorite Prescription" will infallibly cure. Thousands of testi monials. By druggists. The Duke of Argyle's latest hobby on his Scotch estates is the Amen can starling. Inverary is said to literally swarm with species of this plucky, hardy warbler. . . - - - Advice to Mothers. - Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It fss verv nleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wma, regulates tne bowels, and is the best known remedy-for- diarrhoea, whether arising from - teething or other causes. Twenty five cents a bottle. . july 6 deod&wly - ' . " . ' ' - The Review Job Office is the place to get good work at moderate prices. i It Not singmiar j 7 WHOLESALE PRICES. that consumptives . should be ' the -' . ,7 ; least apprehensive of their own con- feliowinsr quojatlons represent whole dition, while all their friends are Prt( generally, in makingr up small or. urging and beseeching them to be . dere Wgner Prtcea have to be charged. , more careful about exposure and bagging " : overuotng. it may wen oe consia- ered one of the most alarming svmp-' toms of the disease, where the pa-' tient is reckless and will -not believe that he is in danger. Header, if you are in this condition, do not neglect the only means of recovery. Avoid exposure and fatigue, be regular in Dr. - PierceV "Golden Medical Dis covery. v It has saved thousands who were steadily failing. ' An . entemrisinir French ofHcer Lieutenant Caron, lias taken a gun-1 m . . boat up the Nigar to Timbuctoo. Hitherto it has been a much as a Christian' life was worth to visit the I'lclt- Darby prophylactic Fluid. Use it in everv sick-room. Will keep the atmosphere pure and! wholesome; removing all bat I odors from any source. Will destroy all Disease Germs, infection froinf all Fevers, and all Cantugious Diseases. The eminent physician. J. Marion Sims, M. D., New York, says: "I am convinced that Prof. Darbys Prophylactic Fluid is a most val uable disinfectant." :TEE REVIEW: "HP JOB OFFICE, MAKKET STKKM'. NO. naw.'flll 1VIK- if A J i J 5( Al IJ 3 I it in AND WK ARE. PKHPARBD TO DO ALL MANNER OF Mob M WILL il l IllilMi -WHEN YOU WANT PUOG K AMMES. CIRCULARS, CARDS, LET TER-HEADS, BILLHEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES. NOTE-HEADS. , L PAMPHLET PRINTING. TAGS, LAND DEEDS,' MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER- IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS. STATE WARRANTS. JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C. CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS.- Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C A Word With You -o- Gordon & Diworlh's PreseiveSji'ruits & Jellies JUSTLY RANK' IN THIS COUNTRY WITH THE CELEBRATED PREPARATIONS OF Crussy & ' -BifittltweJ'l, "Purveyors to Her Majesty," In England. They have put ou the market this season the most elegant and inviting goods ever offered lor sale In this city, and I am pleased to offer my friends a iffost tempting line to select from, packed In handsome Jars and Glasses; the contents In too great variety to enumerate, and most attractive. Their superiority over any other goods In this line Is plainly appa rent, and an examination Is kindly solicited. They will easily commend themselves to the eye and taste of all who appreciate THE BEST and prices will be found reasonable for the style and character of the goods. .Ino. L. Botttwriglit. nov3 15 & 17 So. Front st WE HAVEV;REM0VK1 OUtc:iENTlbB 3TO0K OF Liquors and Tobacco -TO- No. 18 Market St., WHERE WK SHOULD BE PLKA8ED TO HAVE OUR FBJEND3 AND CUSTOMERS CALL OS US, . . , SOL. BEAR & CO. aug 1$ XX . fJew York, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE prices In JftTTH WTT? VTP Vt Hi KrVl SllOIl ? 10 cents a Shave; 20 cents a nair Cut and 20 cents a Shampoo. His own manufactured Hair Dye of every shade at 20 cents and upwards. No. 29 Market Street, between Water an? Front. - - ' - eeptZl Largest assortment of pocket knives in the city at . Jacobi's Hdw. Depot . -t Mr in tw o j Gunny............ srandard.... ...".. j BA.Ji?rth CaroUna. ! - shoulders 'm ' sjdes, lb . . .V."..".X' i ZEWfOKKI- 8 14 ; 8 10 8 15 8tf 11 Hams, R 1 10 & 15 10 9 sides. nh.-. ! shoulders. Sides, v ... ............. .- snouiaers, n BAUP.EI-S Spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each......... New, New York, each New, City, each... 1 40 00 1 65, 1 1 1 m 70 i; ttr? vv aa, p p. . . BHIi'K?; Wilmington, V M.... 6i 8 a f X rift ham f mi y.t t rw jtirrrSuSn 1 North Care Northern 0 0U 14 00 Carolina... 15 3 k,," sperm JO ib- sperm 18 Aaamantine... 9 CHEESE, lb Northern Factory.... 11 Dairy, Cream i:j State . 9 COFFEE, 3? lb- -- Java... 27 Laguyra..-. : z Rio..... 20 CORN M EA L, bush, In sacks. 00 Virginia Meal...:....... 00 COTTON TIES, bundle 1 25 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, $yard..... .. 6 Yarns, let bunch . . 00 EGGS, doz.. 18 FISH Mackerel, No. l, bbl.... ..00 00 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbL 7 50 Mackerel, No. 3, t? bbl. . 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.. : 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl 7 80 Mullets, bbl..., 6 00 N. C. Roe Herring, keg... 3 00 Dry Cod, r? lb. 5 FLOUR. 1? bbl - 10 12 14 10 38 : 24 1 30. (A ' 6 80 20 12 50 (4 8 00 (rfll 00 6 00 (9 9 00 ( 4 7 00 4 00 10 West em, 'low grade 3 Extra 4 " Family. 4 City Mills super 4 Family 4 GLUE, v GRAIN. W bushel. - 50 00 50 & 4 00 4 50 5 00 00 -, 4 10 50 C4 5 00 8 10 Corn, fm store, bags, white 00 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo. In bags, white, 66 Corn, mixed, from store: ... 00 65 63 67 65 45 52 90 5 13 Oats, from store. oats. Rust Proof. ....... Cow Peas . . DIDESr?lt 42 00 80 " - ureen......... r Dry.. 10 HAY, 100 lbs Eastern 1 05 Western 85 North River. : . . 90 HOOP I RON, 1? lb 27, LARD. lb - Northern 7J North Carolina 8 LIME, V barrel 1 40 LUMBER. City Sawed, M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed. ...... ,18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality. . .......... .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 - Sea nt ling and Board, eom'n.14 a) MOLASSES, gallon New Crop, in hhds. 25 " " in bbls 28 . Porto Rico, In hhds. ........ . 28 " in bbls. 30 ' Sugar House, In hhds.. 00 " In bbls. 16 Syrup, in bbls 23 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.-. 2 40 OILS, y gallon. Kerosene......... 9 Lard.... 16 Linseed. ....... 90 1 10 95 1 00 10 0 00 20 00 16 00 18 00 (422 00 15 00" 26 30 30 35 15 18 a 50 14 45 00 16 20 '22 KOSin la Tar 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, "grown 20 Spring.............. 10 Turkeys 95 PEAN UTS, W bushel, 22 lb. . . . . . 60 35, 20 1 00 . 90. POTATOES, U bushel Sweet 35 60 Irish, V bbl 2 25 2 75 PORK. barrel City Mess. 17 50 Prime...... ......15 00 Rump ,00 RICE Carolina, lb. 4 Rough, 1? bush, (Upland). . . 60 " (Lowland). 80 RAGS, W lb Country 00 City 1 18 00 16 00 15 00 5M 80 00 1 ROPE, lb. 14 22 SALT. W sack. Alum 70 : 70 Liverpool...... L 65 Lisbon 00 00 70 67. 6 5 5 American 00 SUGAR, P lb Standard grain.. 6? . Standard A..., 6 White Ex C... : 0 , Extra C. Golden 5 C Yellow.'. 0 (Pi SOAP, v lb Northern oK SHINGLES. 7 In. W M 5 00 00 Common..... .. 200 0,2 50 Cypress Saps 4 50 (S, 5 00 Cypress Hearts 0 00 7 50 STAVES, M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 (dU 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 10 00 TALLOW, 3? lb 5 TIMBER, M feet Shipping.. 13 00 14 00 Fine Mill , . . 11 25 13 00 Mill Prime..... 7 50 8 50 Mill Fair 5 00 0 00 Common Mill. 5 00 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary.. 2 50 O, 4 00 WHISKEY, y gal Northern... 1 00 2 00 North Carolina 1 00 2 50 WOOL," 5$ lb Washed 28 30 Unwashep.. 15 (S, 25 Burry 10 - (4 15 "After Forty yer3 roeHence m tike nrenarntion of more 1it On n Ilnndrod Thwd aoplioaiioas for patents in Oia itnitMl S(fpn and Foreiirn conn- kl-riea,-the. publishers of the Scientific Amorinn cnnUnne to act as solicitors -for patents, caveats, tjjade-artirks, copy rights. et for the United States and in ohtjiin natenta in Canada. England. France, Germany.-and ll other conn tries . Their experi ence is oneqo&led and their facilities are uiwur- P Drawings and specifications prepared and filed In the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by nau free - - , n.t.t..ktanui)imnph Mnnn noticed in the SCIKSTIFIO ABIKRlCANwhkh ha? tne iarffeseircaianon u ra newspaper of its kind published in the worlA The advantages of sach notice every patentee understands. .... ... , . . This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WKKIUiY at $3.00 a year, and admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions ensineenng works, ana other departments of industrial progress, pub lished in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by ail newsdealers. ' . If you have an invention to patent write to Mun5 A Co.. publishers, of Scientific American, 3bl Broadway. Slew York. Handbook about pmts mailed tree ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposjd line of advertising in American Papers -addressing Geo.-PI- Itowell & Co., Newrjarjer Advertising Bureau, ' lOSpruceSti New York. - " Send aOctsv for 100-pae PamplvU rtJisrr ; i i ii iii matm ii mm V7ilminstpn, Golambla 6 AumiBtn R. R. On CONDENSED SCHEDULE. 'TRAINS GOING SOUTH.. Dated Nov isth. 1S87. No- "l No. ST.iNa I v P.M. I P. M. j P. M. 8 a5 10 10: t 2 W 11 20 12 air' r : 12 H 1 201 -60 ! A. M. I P. M. J No. 53. Leave Wilmington. . Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence..... Leave Florence Arrive Sumter..... .. 2 40;. ...! t 6 40 ..I 4 25 .. 8 fi INa 52. No. 56. A. M. P. -51. 9 ifr ' 8 2T " 10 45 9 55 Leave Sumter.... Arrive Columbia. I 4 25 6 15 I A. M. No 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. leaving Lanes 84. A. M., Manning iOH A. M. Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston 8:30 A. M Lanes 1028 A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., -Sumter 11:46 A. M.. arrives Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. 56 runs through-from Charleston via Central R. R., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M., Man nlngTSP, M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No, 59. - TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 57. No. 53. P. M. A. M. P. M. . 10 25 ' 6 50 5 33 . 11 52 8 12 6 46 No. 58. 11 52 t 8 22 s 1 20 9 40: '.. , A. M. A. M. NO. 66. NO. 14. A.M. P.M. 4 25 t 10 30 8 20 5 20 11 11 8 55 8 35! 2 10 11 50 A. 31. ! P. M. : P. M. Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence Leave Florence.... Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington. Dally. tDally except Sundaj-. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C, via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:20 P. M.. Lanes 8:02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R. R.. arriving Manning 8:48 A. M.. Lanes 9:33 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. jmo. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. Ac W. R. It. for ail points is on n JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. It. KENLY. Supt; Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, nov 12 Wilmington it VVeldon R. R . - AND BKA ()HF CONDENSED SCHEDULE TRAINS GOTN'G SOUTH. 1 ! V, No. 27. F't Mall dally. No. 15. daily ex Dated Nov. 13,1887. No. 23, daily. I Sunday. Leave Weldon Ar. Rocky Mount. 2 05pmj 5 43pm; 6 00 am ...I 7l 15 am L 17 pmj. 450ipm!" :l50amj. 13 53 pin j Arrive Tarboro. . . . Leave Tarboro Arrive Wilson.... .........!.....".... 7 00 pm 7 "48 am Leave Wilson Arrive Selma.. Arrive FayettevFe 4 10 pml . 5 19 nm 7 4 5 pm Leave Goldsboro. . Leave Warsaw.... Leave Magnolia... Ar. Wilmington!. . 1 - 7 40pmi 8 3S am 1 - no n 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 8 40 pm 9 54 am 9 55 pm' 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. ; NO. C6. No. 78. 4 dally ex dally, i Sunday. No. 14, daily. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw..-. Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 ami 9 00 am 1 21 amilO 35 am !10 50 am 2 33 am ill 50 am 4 00 pm 5 :2 pm 5 50 pm 6 53 pm Leave Fayette vllle Arrive Selma.... . . Arrive Wilson . 8 30amj.. 10 50 am; . . 11 59 am:.. Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. 3 02 am:12 42 pm! 7 48 pm t 1 18 pmj 8 19 pm Arrive Tarboro.. Leave Tarboro... -r fiu .... ..... 10 50 am Arrive Weldon.... 14 30 ami 3 40pm 9 30 pm Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Nock Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. via Albermarle & Raleigh It. R. daily except Sunday, 6.00 P. M., Sunday 5-00 P. M., arrive Willlamston, N. C. 8.10 P. M., 6.40 - P. 51. Returning leaves W il llamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. 51. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C. dally except Sunday, 8.30 A. M., aiTive Smtthtieid, N. C. 10. ou A. M. Returning leaves Smithneld, N. C, 10.45 A. M., arrive Goldsboi-o, N. C 12.10 P. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. 51., arrives at Nashville 4 40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. 51. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. 51.. Nashville 11.15 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.55 A. 51., dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 0.00 P.M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. 5L Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch ii No. 51. Northbound is No. 50 'Dally exn'pt Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection, at Wel don for all points North daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. .- JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. T. 31. EMERSON. Genl Passenger Agent. nov 13 Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS LIME ' " " GROCERIES. LIME " ' " DRY GOODS. LIME HARDWARE. LIME " " " LUMBER. LIME " " " CASH. ' FRENCH BROS , sept 5 Rocky Point. PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHIOHESTEUM ENOLISH." 'ft, OitlUlNAl. AM) ONLY QlKV'NK ate ani slrty Reliable Beware of worm tr&s Imlta-.inn. Indl penstbl. t L DI&4 . etvmu- Dmirptet for CHiCHESTrR uak - and Ck ty thcr. or inrlo&c 4e. .vtanps) to us for particular in letter by re. turn msiL NAttfc PPKU CHfCHCSTfcK t HXMICaL CO , 2314 adlaon Square, Phtla , P.' At Dru(radata.TradK supplletl b? Koi LVKft Shoehakcs, jrhlladetphla. Pa. declidSwly " . M!8cellaneoiTr TIM K TABLIJ NO. 3 Pal m e t to Rai 1 road Co. -' It 1,111 ' i jyNAND AFTER -MONDAY, OCT. 3. 1887, Tralns'vf ill nin as follows, dally except sun day: . j'm :v:''K - -;' Going Nortu. ! , ; ". No. 2 Passenger anl Freight: Leav Cheraw. K. v.... ....... ...... ..25 P. M. Koiloek SiaUon ................ .2.45 P. M. ,i " Osborne, (Flag Station).,.-. ...3.15 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. CK:i. . ... ..... - .3.3T P. J4. ...' "! going South. - ""'V-- r" - ' No 1 Passenger and Frilght. "" - Leave llaniiet. N. C .v. ..12.50 P. M. V OMbome. (Flag Station?, i 1.10 P. M. Kollock Station ............... 1.40 P. M. Arrive at Cheraw, s, C......... ...... 2.00 P. M. OCtStf WM. MONCVRE, Sap t. Carolina Ceb iral Ra i Iroad OoiDpatiy, 7 GHANGE OP SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. dally ex. Sunday. No. 3. dally ex. Sunday. Oct. 2, 1887. Leave Wilmington! 7 00 am 11 )am 7 45 pm iave.Maxton Leave Hamlet Ijeave Wadesboro. Iiavo Charlotte... lieavc. Llnoolnton. Iave Shelby Ar. Ruthenordton 12 45 pin; 2 33 am 3 13 pm. 4 18 pm 6 3T pm 7 47 pm 9 20 pm 6 55 am arrive. EASTBOUND TRAINS. tictXI. 1887. daily ex'daUy ex . 1- ; , . , Lv. Rutherfordton 7 00 am1' - ; - Iieave Shelby ..I 8 35 am' Leave Llncolnton.i 9 47 am - Leave Charlotte... H 40 pm l 15pm Leave Wadesboro. 2 :Vj pm Leave Hamlet ..... 3 40 pm 55 am Leave Maxton 5 20 pin ......... - Anlve Wihntngt'n 9 JX) pm 8 XS ami - Trains Nos. l and 2 make close connection at Maxton to and from Fayettevllle, Greensboro and other points on C. F. & Y.-V. r. At Wades boro with trains to anil from Cheraw,Florenco and Charleston. At Llncolnton to and from : Hickory; Lenoir and points on C. & I- Narrow Gauge R. R. - Trains No. 3 and 4 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Ralelglu ' Through Sleeqlng Cnrs between Wilmington and Charlotte and charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for Statesviiie and stations on V. N. C l. R. and points West. Take Train No. 3 for Spartanburg, Green-i vllle, Athens, Atlanta and all points South--west. Also, for Ashpvllle via Sparranburg. No. 3 conuects at Wilmington with W. k VT;' R R No. 23. ' . Local Fi-eight Nos. 5 and 6 dallj' betweea' Wilmington and Laurinburg. Local Freight. Nos. 7 .and 8 dally between Laurimmrg ana cnarioTie. ' v Local Freight Nos. 9 and 1Q dally between -Charlotte and Rutherfordton. Nos. 5, 0, 7, 8, 9 and 10 will not take passen gers. . - L. C. JONES, Superintendent. - F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Tassenger Agent. oct . , --. T The National Life AND-- " Maturity Association, OF WASHINGTON, D. V. Total Cash Assets. .1275,754.29 Liabilities............;..... None. Paid fo members HG8.070,2 o : HORATIO BROWNING, ' President. GEORGE 1. ELDRIDGE, , Secretary, Manager and Actuary. o Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. . An Incontcstible Policy. 3Iaturity Value In Cash at Fixed Age. -- ' Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four I'ayments per Year. " ' - Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLE, 3L I)., v Medical Director. -W; II. GIBSON, Special Agent. Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W. -oct 26tf . ; - I " Stoves. Stoves, Stoves. HARD WAR E . yrE IIAVE IN STORE A LARGE ASSORT ment of stoves, made by the best factories, which we arc selling at astonishingly low pri ces. AH in need of a good reliable Cooking or neating Stove, will do well to examine our stock and hear bur prices before buying. . JACOBUS UDW. DEPOT, oct 6 12 South Front fr- -V r- can live at home, and make more money at work it na, than at any thins: a w in l bo world Capital not needed ; you aro started free. Both sexes: ail aces Any one can do work. La rjee earnings sure from the first tUrt. ostly outfit and terms free. Better cot delay. Costa you nothing to send us your address and find out; if you are wise you wll io so at once. H. Halle tt Jt t o.. Portland vslne. , - .dec 1 Cmd lyw 0f.iaTERE8T-'A.T Kanry Vigor, Wcakn-s OyXsi of ytnstT V ,ianently restored: by. the use ut an c.unrt-;t w imedj. Tlie lCerlin. San t si from S h Trochee never fail. Our iltuatraJel.;,-.'- UsX tewtrmonial9jt!ent esikAKT ivVt-ry rtsnzii 1 . ad it. VON tJHA K F TBOC11 K iZ CO., 1 . ,-; -W Parle jwv Vot k. r 1 1 I W: UHDEYELOPED L- lU-0 of the body enlarged and strengthened. Full pirtlca ars (sealed) free. &I 11ED. CO., Caffalo, N. Y. nay 6 diweodly