TE KJCURADLE CURED! ibtvstille Kt., Fct"24i 1837. . -S0PSnyeare ago a sore devel-flUeen-l f roro a finger nail cratch. . niff rmedies.but the sore SdfeW.. H Tgrew worse 18 not yieW- J-SV thought I every year naa acaa- o8r years. TXmmnced taJdn fsffer a y7n bottles entirely cured Bd TcanwUh Swift's Speclflc I If Vben Ibealth, and could hardly very trerni had finished the course wutv i"er6trong and buoyant, and S. S- yLnte I regard it as most V good PK"r ladies in weak. deli 2S5h 1? i household mediclna $balth- Yours respectfully, oie- Mrs. R. W. WiLfsoie. , cp. RTA5BCB0, S. C April 12, 1S87. . Sr For" twenty years I have had flfft cheek ft had gradually. ; o At first 11 innauieu owe, 3 s: more virulent than ever ; so ilffi? that my family insisted Scfc ? iav off the medicine, Iper- ,.ui leave off the medicine, iper S I sboul thl s s. S. At the end of two M,h.Mre was entirely healetUThink S fheevil was out of my consUtutlon. tfWfhe medicine; but in November, lli aflen a very slight breaktogout 5?.KSe was entirely healed. Think- e iw.'-'r .., aticp hra-an attain on o. o. o.. .-Wl I til -" :' r . w - ttdoo.V fn s s. s. It has done me more . . a on SStook, than oil the ttfX'ion Rnu vtucr lumi- Yours truly, A. R. 5HA5D3. Wi.nstos, N. C. April 12, 1887.' t,mrn-Tvvo or three years ago a can mfon my face. It soon grew to be It wore on me, and my general fh very poor. Last September I .wirseof S. S. S.. which I have con-' t the present time with the happiest " The cancer has entirely disappeared, lime no evidence or symptom of a character left. My general health fflw.and my appetite'eetter than it lJi in years. I am 82 years old, and "Slf? am working in the field planting yours truly. Johas Limkbach. .umen-I had a tore on my upper lip ."ffhtrears. Seven different doctors at- to vain to heal It. One gave me a ""Ji vil for Ave dollars, which was a "cer iJir'.. rt i needless to say that it did "rlnffood About two years ago I became uneasy, as people thought 1 had a can- nd I tooK a course oi wguveeu uuuies Ko tiip rpsiilt has been a complete 2rt The ulcer or cancer healed beaufiful taavW ecarccly a perceptible scar. From I A dlvThave been in excellent health, the cachivn purWed my biochorough ffiSreased my appetite and perfected my liSion in a word. I feel like a new f?min and, best of all, the eight year ulcer SUtirelr. ourne Trenton, Todd Co., Ky., Feb. ig, 1887. Treatise oa Blood and Skin Diseases mailed Prawer 3. Atlanta, Ga. 0it:t sni l.V ATA PS Ft B lEEAM balm jjiASSBS Tiller 2IAD. ALLAY afLAMMATION 3LSthe8oRtH itioKts Tne HsK of TASTE II HX, HEARING qcick rel'kf Positive Cube U.SA. HAY-FEVER a pift'ele la applied Into each nostril and U wftaDle. Price 51 cents at rrs crista; by all. registered, 6C certa. CircuIaTS free. ELY iiv, Umggi8ts, Owego, Ni ip! 9 !y eod daw :- The Acme lANUFAOTIf RING CO., MANUFACTURERS OP fertilizers, Pine Wool and Pine Wool Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C. WE REFUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, ACME and GEM, is now established, and results oi tnree years' use in ine nancra oi best farmers of this and other States fully Jttst thfir value as a high grade manure. Tie M atting, made from the leaves of our aire pine, has already gained a popularity JffMifort and durability equal to any wooj m. and l he demand idt it is daily lncreas- It has virtues not found ln any other Tie fibre or wool is extensively used for : . 1 Ar n . -All-C-n'v- i!rf-NSfs is almost enual to hair, beinsr llsrht. r'Jflic and proof against insects. Oentfip:lTfu frftm rollohlo nrtios llncf Olir ITOOOs ean ho appn nt. nnr nffloe nr will be mail- pi upon application. norietf Richly Rewarded are those who read this and then act: they nHIl bnnnmhlo Piinnlnv. IT 111 UiJU UUUU1UU1V :Mthat will nnt tfllv-ethem from tiheirhomes f-MfarYlilioa T'Vio nrtfli-o oiw laT-cr an1 sure Revery industrtrus person, many have made tJuSTP nmv ml-lnrp cotrAral hnndreri dollars :aata. it is easy tor any one to make $5 apwara per dav, who is-willing to work. sex. young or old; capital not needed; ' start you. Everytnlng new. No -special J"UT renniivH vim ririr ran no taswell - "1 V , . tw . . - 'irs. which we mail tree. Address Stinson 111 pArtlnn ir.i na iltfmurl v - 'CHANTS, HANKERS ADD MANUFACTUR I 6K8 BttUULU KfiAU , a Weekly Journal of fUl)S. MNANCB AND Pl'BLIC JSOONOMT k Sixteen pages cttry Saturday r inn Tst..... r cA.wm Tumii . Amr Page. : A : DOLLARS A YEA R, W, ,practl1 service to business men , wm trade and IndiiRtrlal renorts and it hi!ot. recent leeal decisions are esxeeed- KtL... ble As commercial tranaactions. U, rAT sense, are coming to be mere antt i'oo contained in BRAD i 1 UEKTS la of 8fe,npeto - OCT EEAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH PORTED BY TELEGRAPH TO BRAD REET's UP TO THE HOUR OF PUBLICATION.- y . i. SlttLE COpTrs TEN CRNTS. .. fHE BRADSTREET COMPANY 281. 2SS Broadway, -teb x s&fflPle Copy New York Crrr '""nes, Varnishes, Paints. r'fds. Sash T)nnrs, tLA AND SASH FOR FOWTSR PITS, UpfTU selected stock of -5 lotIB.8' MATERIALS- mboV tvT. " ai reauced prices. . abiJ ert headquarters . for 55 ' 'J55f fall a-yarllin J IIDW. DEPOT IS South Front st -A WOMAN'S OIFTS.. TurnVsrhK011-"' 1 and will; ungiS? prayers' a sacml wealth! ronS?i5 'in"n "iad ,ad dutiful bequest, ?1Ve tblr "ftWts and prayers to fiXf i,u,d ylf!d ln ser1ce freely marie. S -5 and r thy needs ro Oil; ' ' ?avy cross or thorny rod. r v-' ,Jl",r. u.ir.tne a3 sweet, liiat lofrom its own we iHii should be be re- La.-, I would slve thee. If if rie;isi thee so. plP'ure wishin- ir increased, t'Kt ?imaV s Vje,autv- l0?rt j.nd lips a?low; i.ur this, tiear. last-so toon i.-s c harms inur : IUUC It is, Inderal, or all luv the eaHU ' . -- tin, ij Mug Df lr "YuiiK 87 is hern. .Siuitli at his hr-akf;st reniHrkd tiibln New AiMr s.'.inoriiinir. "Wh lere, papaY W Hy, ivlHy. lie s every - here around I KiipDt&" ''Then -I suppose his tnamnia flon't miiul iiih bein out in t!ie snow as I suppose she keeps a bottle of T)r. Hull s ( Umgh -Hyrup." - t'ourtin h Widow. .iuith. "1 say, Duiuley, you have had some experinuce in love affairs, .....II m.. . .1- rn, -iiiu j warn vour ituvie!'. l nere is a prHty little widow in Ilariem whom devotiliy love. In paying my ad dresses how "often ou;;ht 1 to call upon her?" Dtunlev: "Hlie is a widow, von say ; , tnith: "Yes."' , "Duuiley: -"even nights n the week, iny!)oy, ith a Vlnesd5iv ami HtunUiy matinee yew York Kpn;lt.. i Bavklen'A Arnica Salve. The Bkst SAiiVK in the world for t rits, Jn:iv'K Nrcs, . I leer.--. Sail ll!iMim, Finer Soiei-, Tetter, t'hap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all ?Skin Eruptions, and Positively eures Pijes. r no pay required. It is uaraut eeil to irive perfeet satis faction, or. mokiwy refunded. Priee eei.ts fer bu.. i 'or sale by W. 11. tinmen & i. He Felt Iteussitred. nave von seen nana s new ioy 5 l.arlo.' she asked, as ' tiiev sat in the parlor. "Yes," he replied uneasily, , "1 have had tiie pleasure of meeting the dog.- ''Isn't he splendid? lie is so affec tionate. . 'I noticed that he was very dem onstrative," returned he. as he moved uneasily in his chair. "e is very playful too. I never saw a more playful animal in mv life. "I am glad to hear you sav that.'1 'Why?'1 "Because I was a little bit afraid when he bit that, piece out of me the other evening lie wasin eiirnest. But if he was only in play of course it's all right. 1 can take fun as ell as anybody.'" Merchant Traveler. It Was not a Firefly. A ladv of this city, whose little feet are always daintily shod, is also the unfortunate possessor of an obstinate and burning corn upon the smallest toe of lier left foot. Chiropodists had dug tunnels thro' that corn, yanked at it with nip pers, smeared it with stinging oint ments, and in despair, suggested amputation. The corn held the fort and successively resisted the assaults of the best razor the lady's husband possessed used, of course, without his. knowledge. Finally, a kind friend suggested that if phosphorus was rubbed on the afflicted toe the corn would succumb. The lady de termined to try the remedy, and did so just before retiring the other night, and forgot to tell her liege lord what she had done. The hour of midnight had struck when the husband suddenly awoke and was somewhat startled to see the flash of a firefly at the foot of the bed. Sleep was again asserting its mastery, when one more the sheen of that firefly caused the hus band to open wide his eyes. He could not recollect ever having seen a firefly in California, but he could not disbelieve his senses. Again and again that firefly flashed its baleful tleam, effectually banishing all thought of sleep from the now thoroughly aroused and wrathy husband. He determined to end his own misery and firefly's existence simultaneously. He reached out in the dark, groped with his hands about the carpet until he felt his on heavy shoe, lie seized the weapon, slowly and cautiously raised himself in bed. and, lifting high the sturdv brogan, brought it! down with a vigorous whack on the innocent firely. A. wild shriek, an avalanche of bek-elbthes, and the husband lay sprawliug in the middle of the floor, while his wife rolled around the bed clasping her toot and moaning in anguish. It was not a firefly. It was the phosphorus-anointed toe San Francisco Alia. Oltiniou of a Lead I nt; Kditor. Almost all.the diseases that afflict us from infancy to old age have their origin in a disordered liver. A really good liver medicine is the most important in the whole range of pharmacy. We believe Simmons Liver Regulator to be the best among them all. We pin our faith upon the Regulator, and if we could persuade every reader who is in ill health to buy it, we ould willingly vouch for the benefit each Avould re ceive. Ed. Cincinnati Gazkttk. C- He who waits to do a great deal anv- of ffood at once will never do thing. - " (ponaumption Snrely Cured. -To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedv for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send t wo bottler of my remedy frkk- to any lers who have consumn- tiort if they will send me their ex press and iKst omee aaaress. res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., ew.Xork. , - v.;-. . " of health is to be found in Dr. R. V. r , - Pierced "Favorite Prescription M to ' Tlu rollowin quotations represent, trhole to the merits of which, as a reined v prloe g11". In making np small or for female weakness and kindred at- lers w?her Prtc have to be charged. fections, thousands testify. A society girl says that autumn leaves may be. very" Jeautif ul, but they are not 'nearly so -nice as 10 o'clock leaves. l7t?iiiigion Critic. 500 Not Culled For. G ' It seeiiLs strange that it is neeessa rv to persuade men you can core their diseases by offering a premium to the man who fails to receive bene fit. And yet Dr. Sage undoubtedly cured thousands of cases of obstinate catarrh with his ''Catarrh Remedy," who would never have applied to him. if it had not been for his offer of the above sum'-for an incurable case. Who is the next bidder for cure or cash ? Misfortune, when we look upon than if' with our eves is smaller when our imagination sinks the evil down into the recesses of the soul. . -, . Ely' Bros: I have used two bot tles of your Cream Balm for catarrh since I)ecemler. A sore in my nos trilthe cause of much " suffering has entirely healed; have used no other medicine. This spring I feel better, can walk and -work with more ease than I have in anv spring since Mary E. Ware, Hopeful, Va. Ely's 'ream Balm received; my head is now. liquifying; Cream Balm is simply dynamite for catarrhs in the head, lis application is magical. Thomas .Lander, Augusta,, (ia. - A bribe is a sum of money offered to a person whieh is considered too small to be satisfactory: v hen it rises to the plane of satisfaction it be comes a retainer. Lou'eff Citizen. f Advice to Mother. M us. Winsi.o w's r h TH ixgSy in ; p should always be used when children are cutting teeth, ft relievesthe lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button."" It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhuea, " ' whether arising irom teetnmg or otlier causes. Twenty five cents a bottle, july (J deod&wly MISC ELL ANEO US. and Whisker FT rib its cured a. omi? with oat paiu. Book of par ueu'ars sent FREE. B. M. WOOLLEY, M. D. Arlanla. Hat. OiUcy 6o(i Wiiltehall Street. JIanly Vigor, Weakness ac I.of of Stemory rer 'Kiiently restored th& rpo of an entirely i..'v medy. Tiie Yei la Santa, from Spain. Span h Trochees never fail. Our iiliistrauI,sJpige bool d testimonials, (snt e;e!. Kvcrv manshouli id it. VOW tiRAKF 'i liOCIIKK I O., 9 Park l'liir, . oi k. tv.b 2 d ho ly Fre 1888. Harper's VV kly. ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has a well-established place as the leading Illustrated newspaper in America. The fairness ot its odUorial com ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense is spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. In all its features Harper's Weekly Js admir ably adapted to be a welcome guest in every household. HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PER TEAR: HARPER'S WEEKLY.. HARPER'S MAGAZINE..., HARPER'S BAZAR.. HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE... Pixstagc Ft1? to all siibwribers in the State?. Carut, or Mesh-o. ...f4 00 ... 4 00 ... 4 00 . . 2 00 flniffrt The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt or order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three vears back; in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, oc by express, free of expense (provided the-freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for 7 00 per vol. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. ynrsiia pern tire not to cojfj thin advert isettieitl without the express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 15 . New York YOU; can live at home, and make more money at work it us, than at any thing e Be In the world Capital not needed: vou are started free. Bo:h sexes; all axes Any one can do work. Ivtrfte earnings sure from the first tart, costly outfit and terms free. Better wot delay. Costs ycu nothing to send us yoar . ddretis and find out; if yon are wise you wll to so at once. U. Hallett A to. PortlaDd alne. dc. 1 finnd Working Clasps WSJPSSJ prepare I to furnish all classes with employ ment t home the whole of the tfroe or for tbclr Bpare moment Business new, lia ht and prolitab e Persons of elth r texeasl?y earn form 50 cents to $5.00 per evening and a pro It rtional sum by devoting all their time t the l ul-ne 8 Bivsadglris earn nearly as men. That ad who ice thiA a y send their address and t stthe buslne a we rnakn this offer To ench as ars rot we 1 satisfied wc wiU jend on dodar to pay tor the trouble. t writinsr. Full pari ienla sand outfit frei Address Geokgb -tissox o . Poitlaud, Maine, dec 1 6md lyw " i The Zeb Vance StoveT Hke its ; namesake, is welcome in all JNortn j Carolina homes. It is to he found ' at Jacobrs Hdw. Depot ; . 7 "BAGGING Gunnv Standard... BACON North Carolina. Hams Shoulders V B '. Sjdes, tb -WESTERN SMOKED 7 m M 14 15 W i u Yfe&l 15 V iu & , lnj' 1 40 (m 1 50 0 00 1 75 1 rt 0i 1 7tf -30 3 22 6 00 (A 8 (JO H)0 14 00 . 15 , 25 25 18 25 y to 11 4, U 13 fet 14 9 10 27 , 28 - 23 ( 24 20 (9 22 00 ? 67) 00 67 1 25 I 30 6 00 80 18 20 iiamfi, yth ...t. ' Kidts, "i fl. . Shoulders, i ...;...,. ; . . DRY SALTED ' . sides, t? a.r.:v..V...V: Shoouiers. ....... BARREI.S Spirits Turpentine, Second nand,each . New. New Y ork, each New, City, each BEESWAX, Vtb.... BRICKS. Wilmington. m.... Northern..,...-...-... ... BUTTER, ttv North Carolina... .. ....... Northern CANDLES, x lb' Sperm Adamantine.... CHEESE, y IV ' , Northern Factory Dairy, Cream state . COFFER, v- " Java Laguyra Rio .. . CORN MEAL. ?bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal. .... .. COTTON TIES, y bundle DOM kst ics siieeu rig. 4-4. t yard Yarns, y bunch EGus, iidoz ...;". FISH Mackerel. No. 1, y bbl. Mackerel, No. 1, y half 00 00 bbl. T M f412 5J td, 8 00 (4n oo (9 K 00 9 00 7 J (it, 4 00 to 10 ( 4 00 (A, 4 5l 3 5 00 a 4 10 v 5 00 a lo Mackerel, No. 2 bbl... ?.lackerel. No. 2, half lbl Mackerel, No. &, y bbl. . . Mullets, y bbl N. C. Roe Herring, y keg Dry cod. y v, FI.orR, y bbl Wcstcjii, low grade Extra Family; City Mills Super..- Family 9 00 4 73 7 HO 6 00 :$ 00 5 50 UJ 50 tHI 50 8 00 00 m oo 42! 00 80 5 10 05 85 GLUE, y lt GRAIN, y bushel. Corn, fin store, bags, white 05 02 07 5 45 5SJtf 110 13 Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Coin, cargo, tn bigs, white. Corn, mixed, from store )a i s, i rom store oa Is. Kust I'roof o Peas ' HIDES, y rb Green,... Dry HAY. t? 100 tljs Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, y It) LA Rl), y lb Northern North Carolina.- LIME, y barrel. , (Si. US' lii. (a C4 .(& i 1 10 l oo ( V7 8'S 7'i 8 10 . 1 40 !l8 00 .15 00 0 00 r20 oo (316 00 18 00 (i22 00 (815 00 LUMBER. City Sawed, y M ft Ship Stuff, -resawed Rough Edge Plank West India Cargles, accord ing to quality. 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n. 14 00 MOLASSES, gallon- New crop, in hhas " I in bbls Porto Rico, in hhds " ln bbls.. Sugar House, in hhds " in bbls. .- Syrup, in bbls NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin. OILS, y gallon. Kerosene " Lard Linseed Rosin Tar...... 28 28 30 00 16 2 441 9 16 90 15 26 30 :so 35 15 18 :?5 50 14 45 00 16 20 00 Deck and Spar 00 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown. " Spring .... Turkeys. PEANUTS, -.V bushel, 22 ft POTATOES, y bushel Sweet 20 10 95 60 as 25 20 1 00 90 60 2 75 18 00 16 00 15 00 Irish, y bbl 2 25 PORK, y barrel City Mess. .17 50 Prime. 15 00 Rump 00 kick carouna, y k Rough, y bush, (Upland)... (Lowland). RAGS, y R Country. 4 60 80 00 80 00 IX Yx 22 75 70 00 70 6 6 6 hYi 00 City 1 ROPE, y lb 14 SALT, y sack, Alum 70 Liverpool tx Lisbon.. 00 American 00 SUGAR. P ft Standard sraln. . 65 Standard A - 6 White Ex C . 0 Extra C, Golden h C Yellow 0 SOAP, y lb Northern , h SHINGLES, 7 In. y M 5 00 7 2 Common 2 00 Cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Hearts. 0 00 STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, y ft-..- 5 TIMBER, yU feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill ..11 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair 5 00 Common Mill. 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 WHISKEY, y gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina 1 00 WOOL, y ft Washed 28 Unwashep ." 15 Burry 10 50 5 00 7 50 14 00 (?10 00 6 14 00 ($13 00 8 50 0 00 0 00 4 00 O. 2 00 2 50 30 25 (ti 15 After Forty years" experience in tk lrpart ion of morn -than One Hundred I I Thonsand a-.iplications for patents in the unicea -ie uiu iureijtu ixmi tries. the puWisbers of the Scieutific American continue to act as aolicitor3 for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy rights, etc., forth United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, fcngiana. jbirance, Germany, and all other countries Their experi ence a nneqnaled and their facilities are unjur- lora-HnKS and epeciflefctions prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice.. Terms verr raonabie. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patents obtained through Mann A Co. ar noticed in the SCIENTIFIC AMKIUCAW, which has the largest circulation and is the most tnflnentiat newspaper of its kind published in the world. The advantages of such notice every patentee understands. This large and plndidly illastrated newspaper is published WKKKLYtt f3.00 a year, and is admitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pab lisued in any conntry. It contains the names ot .all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it f oar months for on dollar, hold by all newsdealers. ,. If yoa have an invention to patent write to Mono A Co., publishers of Scientific American. -3dt Broadway. New York Handbook about pTjto mailed tr ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any proposjd line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo. P. -Howell & - Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureaiu, - lO Sprue St., New York. . Send JOots. for 10O-pa Pnpbia m TIMC TABLR NO. a. , Pnlmetto Rilroaii Co. n nrr n-i i 1! AKIU-11 (yS AND AFTER t MONDAY. OCT. 3. 17, TmliiS will run as follows, dally except Sun day: . Cor' North. - " No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Lear. Cheraw. S. c... '.. 2JJ5 P. M. " - Kolloek station .2 45 P. M Osborne, (Flag Station ,.ai5 P. M. Arrire at- namlet N. C tLT.5 P. M. (Joino South. 9 No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet. N. C .tS.50 P. M. Osborne. (Flag station. 1. 10 P. .M. Koliock station l.4 P. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C . 2-00 P. M. oct.Ttf WM. MONCURE Sup't. Vtlmineton, (yoluiii a & ilusrustfl U. It. iu CONDENSED SCH EDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov 13th. 1887. No. 23.! No. 27.No. 15. P. M. 1 P. M. I P. M Leave Wilmington... Leave Marion Arrive Florence 8 ft"I JO 10 2 U 20, 13 :; 5 12 10 1 20 ( ' A. M. ! P. !. I No. 5!. ! IP. M. Leave Florence.. Arrive Sumter. .. 2 4o;... I i 35 i X I No. 53. ! N. r a. m. : p. 4 35! . t !i 4( m. s 27 Leave Sunder. ... Arrive Columbia. 0 15 i 10 45 0 A. M. ; No. 52 runs 'through from CharU-ston Central K. It. Iavlnjr Lanes 834 A. M., Manniug y-tw A. M Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston K:30 A. !.. Lanes 10:28 A. M., Manniug 11:10 A. M.. Sumter 11 4ti A. M.. arrives Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. 56 runs throusrh from Cliarleston via Central It. it., Leavinjf Lanes 7:13 P. M.. .Mau- ninr 7:52 P, M. Train on C. & D. U. It. eonuects at Florence with No. 59. TKAINS GOING NORTH. :No. 78. 1 No. 57- No. 53 ! !.. P. M. A. M. P. M. 10 25 6 50 5 :?3 11 52 8 12! 6 4 No. 5S. 11 52 t 8 22i........ 120 0 40! A. M. A. M. NO. (6. NO. 14. A. M. P. M. 4 25 t 10 30 8 20 5 20 U 11 8 55 8 35 i 2 10 11 50 A. M. I P. M. I P. M. Leave Columbia. "Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence Leave Florence .... Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington. Dally. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs throus-h to Charleston s t Central R. arrirtmr Mannine 7:20 p.' M.. Lanes 802 P. M.. Charleston Q-AT. P M No. 57 nins through to Charleston via Cen tral R. It., arrlvtnor Manntno1 a-ij A M T t.rP 9-33 A. M., Charleston 1130 A. M. iu. oo connects at, Florence with c. ana train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passentrer Agent, nov 12 )4 Wilmington AWeldonR. R AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. ! No. 27, No. 23. t FT, Mall dailjT. j daily. No. 15. daily ex Sunday. Dated Nov. 13.1887. Leave Weldon. , 2 05 pm, 5 43 pm; tt 00 Ar. Rocky Mount; 3 17 pin? j 7 15 Arrive Tarboro. . . . ; i 4 50 pm ' Leave Tarboro. ... i 10 50 ami Arrive Wilson.. j 3 53 pm 1 7 00 pm; 7 48 Leave Wilson Arrive Selma ,4 10 pm! 5 I9pml... 7 45pm.j Arrive Fayettevfe Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia Ar. Wilmington. . . 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 40pm 8 38 9 38 9 54 11 30 8 40 pm 9 55 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 66. No. 78. ! daily ex daily. Sunday. NO. 14, daily. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 ami 9 00 am; 345 1 21 am 10 35 am o 32 5 50 6 52 ; 10 50 am 2 23 am ill 50 am Leave Fayettevillej., Arrive Selraa 1. Arrive Wilson .. ...8 30 ami. ..!10 50am! ..Ill 59am Leave Wilson j 3 02 am 12 42 pm: 7 48 pm Ar. Rocky Mount.; : 1 18 pm ! 8 19 pm Arrive Tarboro . . . 7. 7.T1 4 50 pm T .77.' . . .'. Leave Tarboro.... j. .. jio 50am?. Arrive Weldon ....) 4 30TmT"3 40pnt( 990 pm Dally cx-ept Sunday. . Train on Scotland Neck Braueh Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at. 3. 00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dailv except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. ia Alberniarle & Raleigh It. R. daily except Sunday, 6.00 V. M., Sunday 5-00 P. M., arrive Wllliatn.st.on, N. C, 8.10 P. M., tt.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll llamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro. N.C, 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 8.30 A. M.. arrive Smlthtleld, N. C, laoii A. M. Returning leaves SmithOeld. N. c, 1045 A. 31.. arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 12.10 1. M. Train on Nashville Branch leave Rocky Mount for Nashville. 4-00 P. M., arrives at Naslnille 4.40 I. L. Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 1040 A. M.. Nashville 1L15 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.55 A, M., daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at COOP. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8. 45 A. M., connot ing at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and w. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch Is No. 51. Norttibound is No. 5a Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at WIlon, Goldsboro and Magnolia, Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for all point North daHy. AH rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. An trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Ililirnan Palace Sleep ers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE. Gen! Supt, J..R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation, T.-M. EMERSON. Gem Passenger Agent. nov 13 ... . , . . . f School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at ! Hein. bergerV .1 1 "" . " ;-'". 'f . ZJL. CaroliniaCeDtralvRailrc'il Compaiiyj : : CHANGE OP SCHEBULK. ' WESTBOUND TRAINS. CvL if 1SS7. . idaIlycx.dalLv ex.! jsunday. isunday. lave Wllmingtonl T 00 ami T 45pmii Leave M.ion ill yoami....- i l eave Hamlet 1 i 12 45 pm: 2 33 am i .- Leave WadesUro.l 2 12 vm . 1 f Leave Chrlotte. 4 48 pmt 5 55 am arrtTe. Leave. Llm-olnton. Leave Shelby., Ar. liutherfordton 6 35 pm T 47 pm: - - , 20pm; v - EASTBOUND TRAINS No., 2. NO. 4. !daily ex'dally ex! j su nday. jsunday . ; A. . - . . H t. 1887. Lv. Rijtherfordton T OOani Ijeave Shelby......! 8 35 am - Leave Mncolnton.i ! 47 am! 1 Uave Charlotte,.. ill 40pmi I I5pm 1 T U'.Hnchnm ! '31 lim! . f f i. i i. wi v . ( vj Leave Hamlet . ...4 3 40 pm; i 55 am Ixave Maxton.....) 5 20pm- Arrive Wllmingt u, 30 pml 35 am Trains Nos. 1 and 2 make close connection at Maxton to and from FayettevUle, Greensboro . and other points on C F, & Y. V. R. At Wades. itovo with trains to and from Cheraw.Florenre and Charleston. At Lincolnton to and from Hickory, Lenoir and poiu's on C. JtL.. Narrow . tJauge It. It. - Trams o. 3 and 4 make close connection, at Hamlet wit h Trains to and from Raleigh. ..,. Through sieeqing cars between M HiulngtOB and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. - Take Train No. 1 for sratesviiie and Stations on W. N. C. R. If. and oiitts West. r- - Take Train No. .) tor Span unburn Green ville. Athens, Atlanta and all points South west. A1j. for AslieUMe via Spartanbursr. No. 3 eonneets a' Wlladnsrton withWi; W, If. If. NO. Si. Loesd Fieight Njj 5 and tt dail between w'ibuiiigtou and Lawi1nti:rjr. Lo.al Firlght Ns. ; and 8 dally Itetween. Lauritihurg and Charlotte. Loeal Freight Nos. 9 and 10 dally let ween chariot e aid liut hei fotdton. - "-i.- Ns. 5. !. 7. x. 9 and 10 will not take passen gers. " 1.. ". .HM. suMiinteud-?nt. F. W. CLAlfK. ;en'l IMsMmger Agent. 40 to 05 55 IPJIfl When t say CuRKldonot tnan mansly to top them for a tlm. and then hv tham re turn again. I mkajt A RADICAL C0R5 -: I have made the disease of .:- FITS, EPII-EPSY or : r FAIiIalNG SlCUimZ2$ A Hie long study. I warrant my remedy to OrBK the worst cases. Because ethers have Called Is no reason for not now receiyint; a cure. Bend at once for a treatise and a FjmcbBottui of my iNFAtxiBUE Rem eot. Give Exprexa and Post Office. It costs you nothing for a trial, nd i t -will cure you. Address H. G. ROOT. L O. 1 83 PCAlt ST., KEWYtU via ! u. nov Si d&w fin "RfTPTS811 Wonder exist ln thousands li H Hi K of forms, but are surpassed by the . marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Uallett & Co., Portland, Maine, and receive free, full information how either sex. of all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 In a single day at this work. All sue-' ceed, no v 23 6md lyw The National Life : AND ' ' :;..;-;"7 Maturity Association) OF WASHINGTON, 1). C. "', o " ' " Total Cash Assets. 125,764.29 Liabilities .........i.. None. -r Paid to members..., .!88.fJ?0,92 am am am HORATIO BROWNING, President. ain am am am o GKGRGE D. ELDRIDGE. secretary, Manager and Actuary. o- pm Life Insurance at Absolute Coot. A Guaranteed l'ollcy. ' An Incontestible Policy. . Maturity Value in Casa at . xed Age ' Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. only Four Pa vments per Year. ' Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S, RIDDELLE, JL 0.. Medical Director W, II. GIBSON, Special Agent . ' . , Home Office, 1,215 F 8treet. N. W. octgatf Lime. Lime 1 LIME in exchange for -PROVISIONS , LIME GROCEHIESw1 . LIME " ' DRY GOODS .. . LIME HARDWARE. LULE ..... LUMBER. - : , LIME " CASH. pm pm pm FKENUH BROS , -. -Rocky Point. sept 5 PENNYKOYAL PILIiS. "CHICH ESTEH3 ENGUSH . " - Crl K OKltrlMAL AtiD O0TLY GENUINE. sate and always BelUble. . Beware of worth- 7 ten Imlta-lona. IndbpeBMble to L-D1E3.' Ask your Orugglat for " Chichester' n glish and tako t-o other, or inclose 40. -.fciaiop to oa for particular in letter by re turn malL Namk PaFuk. Ciuchete3 LHEMiCXL Ci , S313 aiadlaoB Square, I'rv-i.. P. -at DmirKiaia. Trada enpiil!? hv ucl- " i SHrtEitxKit, rwiadeiplfi, i-a. 4ee?dw It " . ... f ( V" ,L3 f ,