37h.o Daily SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, '81 Absolutely Pure. - - tws powder never varies. A marvel or pu rlty.strength and wholesomeness. More econ omical than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition with the inultiiude of low test, short weight alum or PhPhate povvders. Soft only incaiis. "ROYAL BAKLMl POWDKK CO., 106 Wall St., N. Y. l5oct 26 d&wly tcnrm 4thp THE MAILS. The malls close and arrive at the City Prt office as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 10.00 P. M. Northern through and way malls. . . 8.00 A. M. N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and routes supplied t herefrom 10.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Balelgh 8.00 A. M. and 7.00 P. M. Southern malls 9 00 P. M. Cheraw & Darlington K R and points supplied therefrom. 9.00 P. M. f ... V - DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. -Western malls (C. C. Hallway)::.". . . 6.00 A. M. Fayettevllle, C. F& Y. v. k. r. and -points supplied therefrom 6.00 A.M. Balelgh & Hamlet R. R. and , points m-n ' supplied therefrom : 7-00 P. M Charlotte and Maxton. 7.00 P.M. and 6.00 A. M gmithvliie....... 2.00 p. m. Wrlghtsville 8.80 A. M. TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow C.H. and Intermediate offi ces ... L 6.00 A.M. Little River, S. C.f and intermediate offices..:.,....".!. 2.00 p. m. Cape Fear River mail 1-00 P. M. - OPEN FOR DELIVERY. , Northern through and way malls. . .10.00 P. M. Southern through and way mails. . . : 6.00 A. M. and 9.00 A. .M. Southern, West of Florence !.; A. M. Carolina Central R. I. . .9.:i a. M. & .oo i y. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. s General delivery open from A. M. to 7-0i P.M., and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.00 A. M. Stamp Office open from .:) A. M. 10 7 v. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 81 A. M, to r P. M., continuous. Mails collected from street boxes in business -portion of city at r A. M.. 11 A. M. and ." P.M. and from other points of t he dry at h P. M .and A. M. STATE NEWS, Hutherfordton.icmwr: On next fluridav nicrht Rev. D. A. Watkins will preach in the Methodist .church, ' . . . , Which Will be his last sermon here .K" Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses unless he is returned by the Confer- j Advice to old and young: In se ence, which meets in Fayetteville on lecting spectacles you should be cau the 30th inst. Mr. Watkins has been tious not to take more maanifuina a bard worker on this circuit, and his labors have been rewarded with sixty-five accessions to the church during the past year, which is a good showing for a young minister. Washington Gazette. Elder Henry Parker,, of Pitt, a man beloved for goodness, died in Wilson Co., on the 14th inst., while attending Conference.- His remains were interred near his home on the 16th, in pres ence of a large number of his friends and brethren. It is not a natural but a living bridge on Mr. G. A. StanchTs farm in Pitt Co. The bearers are living and have limbs on them nearly 3 inches in diameter. ; nere is a pine ou me &ime pitiuiu. tion on which the bark is about seven inches thick. Statesville landmark: The re opening of the Swananoa Tunnel,; which recently caved in, is one of the biggest jobs the railroad people have ever had on their hands. A large force is at work in it, trying to brace it so that no more dirt and rock will fall in, but the work of re moving what has already fallen in not even begun. We under stand on good authority that an en gineer of the Northern Pacific Rail-' road has been down to see the tun-. nel and recommends that it be cut out and converted into a great cut. To do this, it is estimated, will re quire the work of 400 hands two j years and cost a million dollars. Passengers are now being transfer-1 red at the tunnel, walking about three-Quarters of a mile across the mountain , but baggage and mails are still being carried by way ot Spartanburg. " - Shelby Aurora'. Cleveland and Rutherford county bond question ! is a huge elephant liard to manage. ! The State courts have issued an! injunction- forbidding the tax levy, the issue of bonds or the payment of the coupons or interest on the 1 ' bonds issued to the Mass. & South- ! ern. Construction Company. Nori these same commissioners 6f Cleve-, land and Rutherford are . again in trouble, for Judge Bond will have them to appear at the United States District Court at Charlotte to coin Del them to lew a tax. or will he try to put them in jail as he did the Vfrginia officials last month? -State or .National supremacy is now on trial! Which will win? If they do levy, the State courts will tine or imprison them, if they fail to obey the commands of Judge Bond, so f ond of centralization of the govern- ment and so kind to bond-holders, they may be fined. More - trouble and more litigation and we feel sor ry for our commissioners. " The case will probably go the United States Supreme Court. Balelgh Cfiroriicle :' The Union revival, conducted by Rev. R. GK Pearson, grows in - interest. - The church" is crowded nightly, and there have been nearly 100 conversions up to this time. -Rev. .W.,GK Clem ents. the new pastor of the Christ t ian church, preached his first ser xaca, end pleased- the peoples Hr. Clements is one-arm Confederate veteran, f and is Superintendent of the countv public schools Where, twelve months ago, there was nothing but "avast wilderness," now stands the. town of Dunn, Har nett eountw on th Fayette ville. & Wilson stiort cut. II. R., rites a friend. The town is building up quite rapidly. Some days since, a large square .as laid out, and de signated as the market square, frtinoe this lias been doue, it is said the value of property around the plaeefhas increased from 300 to 500 per cent, i he population is now 800. There are now m the place, three lawyers, three cotton buyers, one newspaper, four doctors, two drug stores, a Racket store, aphoto graih gallery, two turpentine dis tilleries, two'saw mills, and a xlau inprmill,' besides the general mer cantile establishments. The Glen- niore Academy will be moved there in a short. time. -which Will also? add to. the improvement of the place. - -,, . loii'tr Kxperim'! Yon caunot.a(F'rd to wnste time in exjHJriruentir." when yur lungs are jr; !iiger.v ConsU'U plum always s-ecroj, nt Gri. onlv c.-ld.' Do not permit an dealer to . iupoc upon vu with soae cheap iniitati'T. of Dr King's New Dis covers lor Consumption Coughs and C UU, hut be sure you get the genuine. Because he can rcak more, profit h may teM'you be has oorne'hin just as jfontl. or just the. same. Pont be de ceived. but in-isi lipot; eetMoe Df King's New Discovery, whic'i ia guar anteeri m yive reiie. in all Throat Lunif and Chest affections. Trial bot tles lr-e at W. H. Green &C.. Large b ttles SI A. Sound Legal Opin on. . Bainbndge Mund.iy. Eq , County Amy,, C ay county, Tex. sass: ''Have psed E'eetric Bitters with nv t nappy results My brother also wa very low w th Malarial Fver and Jaundice, but was cured by timely use of this- medi cine. Am satisfied Eipctric Bitters saved hi I if." Mr. I) I. WUcoxHon. ol Horse Cave Ky , ,dds a like testia)"i ,sa ice : Hh positively beli.vvs he -ou!d have died, had it not been tr Elcc rie B.t fers The great remedy will ward off. a wU as cure ail Malarial Diseases a:d lor all Kidney. L:v-rard S oniach Dis ordt-rs st;p.d.- uneauaied Price 50r. i and $1. -it W. H. Gnun & C V The cheapest place to buy your school books and school stationery is at lleinsberger's. Targest- assortment of pocket knives in the city ar Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. . : , t See the Othello Range at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It is unequalled as a baker; it is finely finished; has a re versible grate for either coal or wood. ( Jan be changed in a second by the most inexperienced. Just the stove for Winter use. t power than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. ' You can get the best at Heinsberger's.. t . . . .' The Review Job Office is the place to get good work at moderate prices. 8ociet? Woik. 'Jv Jt. UE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOIIN'S Parish solicit orders for all kinds of plain and fancy sewing, crocheting and embroidery. Ladles' and Children's aprons a specialty. Orders left at the Kectory, or 221 North Third street, wiU meet with proinpt'attention. nov2itf Don'l Wait Until Chr stmas, JjjjUT COME NOW, WHILE WE HAVE time, and select yowr Pictures and Frames and avoid the usual RUSH. An elegant stock of Gilt, Plush, Bronze, Oak and Clierry Mouleings. Also. Picture Kod, Cord. Wire. &c Arc nov21 YATES' BOOKSTORE Scotch OatS Essence." ft OSfLY '"AT JAS. D. SETT'S, the Druggist. nov2l 218 North Front St, Situation Wanted. GENTLEMAN WITH CONSIDERABLE business experience and best of references as to ability and integrity desires a situation as salesman or agent with some mercantile house In Wilmington. Satisfaction sruaranteed. Would like to begin work 1st January. 1S88. Address. . X jv.z. Care Editor Daily KeTiew. oet 31 tf Wilmington, N. C. Stoves TN GREAT VARIETY, COOKS AND HEAT- era. Can give you anything you are likely to want. We dont make them, but we have ac cess to the best sources of supply. Call and see us. s ALDERMAN. PLANNER & CO.. Dealers in Hardware, Tinware. Sec nov 21 dtw Wilmington, N. H e a d q u a r t e r s . yCTR STOCK OF ROBES AND BLANKETS, Coupe, Track and Buggy Harness, Saddles, and Saddlery Goods, Trunks and Bags, Is the most complete and cheapest in the city. .A choice lot of Leggins arrived to-day. FENNELL & DANLTELV , r , sign ol the Horse, JKo. 10, So. Front St, . hoy a .: ',.'- Cbnrch Serrices To-Morrow. Brooklyn Baptist Church, Ker. G. M. Tolson, 3astor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Sunday School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting Friday night at 8 p. m. Second Presbyterian Church.corner of Fourth and Campbell streets, Rev. J. W. Primrose, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. Sabbath School at 3 p. m. Prayer meeting and Lecture Wednesday at 7J30 o'clock, p. m. The public cordially invited. Seats free, Grace Methodist E. Church, South, at Jewish Synagouge, S. E. corner of Marker and Fourth streets. Rev. Dr. E. A. Yates, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p.m. Sunday School at 3 p. in. Prayer meeting and lecture on every Wed nesday evening, at 8 o'clock, with the excep tion of the Wednesday night after the first and third Sabbaths in each month on which eve niogs the Christian Association connected wUii the Church holdtheir regular meetings. 6"Seats free and a cordial invitation extend ed to visitors and strangers. , First Baptist Church, corner of Market and Fifth streets. Rev. T. H. Pritchard, D. D., Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 8 p. m. Sun day School at 3 30 p. m. Prayer and Praise meeting Thursday night at 8 o'clock. Fifth Street M. E. Church, between Nun and Church streets, Rev. D. H. Tuttle, Pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 7 30 p. m. - Religious services in Tileston Upper Room every Sunday at 3 P. M. Public cordially invi ted. St. Thomas' Pro-CathedraL First Mass at 7 a. m. Second Mass at 10 a. m. Vespers and Benediction at 5 o'clock, p. m. Daily aass at 6.30 a. m. Second Baptist Chtm;h. on Sixth, between Church and Castle streets, Rev. J. P. King, pastor. Services at 11 a. m. and 1 30p. m. Sunday School at 9 a, m. Prayermeetingevery Tuesday night. First Baptist Church (coL) corner of Fifth and Campbell streets, Rev. A. M. Conway, pastor. Preaching at 11 a m., at 3 p. m. and at 8 p. m. Sunday School at 1 p. m. Seats free. St. Mark's Church, corner Sixth and Mulber ry streets. Rectory opposite to the Church. Morning Prayer and Sermon at 11 o'clock. Sunday School at 4 p. m. Evening Prayer and Sermon at 8 o'clock. Holy Communion celebra ted on the first Sunday in every month, and on all Holjr and Saint's Days. Shiloh Baptist Church, corner of Eighth and Walnut streets. Preaching at 11 o'clock, a. m. Sabbath School at 1 o'clock, p. in. Preaching at 3 o'clock, p. m. Bible reading at 6 o'clock, p. m. Freachlng at 8 15 o'clock, p. m; Seats free. Elder M. v. Morris, pastor. COMMERCIAL, NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. Nov. 26 2:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Steady at 33J cents. Sales of receipts at quo tations. ROSIN Steady at 80 cents for strained and 85 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.10. CRUDE TURPENTINE Steadv at 1.05 for hard, $2.00 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Firm. The following are the official quotations: Ordinary, 7; good ordinary, 8 9-16; low mid dling, 9 7-16; middling 9; gqod mid dling 10. No sales reported. Receipts to-dav: Spirits, 187; rosin, 2,009;tar, 239; crude, 3; cotton, 1,043. Provisions and Cotton. Chicago, Nov. 26, 2:30 p. m. Wheat market opened at 82 and closed at 82J for May. Corn opened at 50J and closed at SOto 50 for May. Pork opened at 14.30 and closed at 14.10 for January. -- New York, Nov. 25, 2:30 p. m. Cotton opened at 10.53 and clos ed at 10.46 for November. Opened at 10.49 and closed at 10.42 for De cember. Opened at 10.57 and closed at 10.50 for January. Opened at 10.64 and closed at 10.56 for February. MARINE NEWS. ,.. ARRIVED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southport, Master. , CLEARED. Steamship Benefactor, Chichester, New York, H G Smallbones. Steamer D Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville, Williams & Murchison, Steamer Lisbon, Black, Clear Run, D J Black. , Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southport, Master. Nor barque Veronica, , Pettersen, Havre, France, Alex Sprunt & Son. Nor brig San Juan, Bache, Ant werp,iPaterson Downing & Co. Schr Minnie A Bonsall, Lodge, Doboy, Ga, Geo Harriss & Co. EXPORTS. FOREIGN. Havre, France Nor barque Ver onica 2,245 bales cotton. Antwerp Nor. brig San Juan 750 casks spts turpt, 1,777 bbls rosin. WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON" HAND NOV. 26TH,1887. Cotton ashore, 12,933; afloat, 7,195; total. 20.128. - Spirits ashore, 2,458; afloat, 393; roiai, ,ii. : Rosin ashofe, Bl,539; afloat, 3,984; total, 85,523. . , Tar ashore, 3,279; afloat, 450; total, 3,729, r Crude ashore, 900; afloat, 22; total, 922. - -.- : - , RECEIPTS FOR WEEK ENDBD NOV. 26 Cotton. 8.073; spirits, 1,195; rosin, 9,189; tar, 831; crude, 443- Y . EXPORTS FOR WEEK ENDED NOV. 26. DOMESTIC. Cotton, 1,212; spirits, 448; rosin. 30; tar,-803; crude, 20. FOREIGN. Cotton, 8,905; spirits, 750; rosin, 7,415. ldftt of Vessels in the Port of Wilmington N. C, Nov. 36, 1887. No vessel tinder 60 tons reported In this list. - STEAMSHIPS. Br Stranton, 1,133 tons, Hyde, Helde & Co Ur earn Martli, 1,187 tons, HurrelL CP Mebane BARQUES. Nor Flora, 312 tons, Kloster, Helde & Co Nor Santos, 410 tons. Jorgersen, c P Mebane ClaraE McGUvey, 383 tons, Griffin, - EG Barker & Co Nor Ararat, 466 tons, Exelsen, ' Heide & Co Nor Augustinus, 648 tons, Forstad, Heide & Co Br Paragon, 819 tons. Doane, Alex Spnint & Son Nor Albatross, 509 tons, Olsen, . c P Mebane Ger Albatross, 310 tons. Dale, . E Pescnau & Westermann Nor Train, 390 tons, Peterson. , . Paterson, Downing ss Co BRIGS. Nor Ijohvat, 235 tons, Oqulst, Heide & Co Ger Atlas, 283 tons, Dade, E Peschau & Westermann SCHOONERS. Uranus, 344 tons, Clark, - EG Barker & Co Thomas Clyde, 330 tons. Fyazier, r ; -. ' ' - , - Geo Harriss &. Co Charles C Leister. 366 tons, Robinson, . - Geo Harriss & Co Delhi, 232 tons. Green, E G Barker & Co Franconla, 216 tons, Palker, E G Barker & Co Emily P. Noitham, :o3 tons, PlnnlweU, , ' - George Harriss & Co Gen A H Ames, 4o3 tons, JoHnsen. . . v- Geo narrlss & Co MISCELLANEOUS. Cash S ouse. 116 Market Street. WILL OFFER THIS WEEK SOME SPECIAL BARGAINS IN DRESS GOODS. 30 tticli Casuttierett, woriJi 40c tor 25c. 30 incli Tricot, worth 50 cents for 25c. 30 lech L.ttdieft' (loi li, worth COc for 25c 40 inch lrap Coup, worth $1 f .r 70o. 40 inch Or an cln SIiebi, worth $1 for 70c. 40 Inch Uauier Ch? ck.-, worth $1 for 70c. French Wown Brocade Vel vets, wort li $2 SO for $1.50. All the latest Novelties and combinations. Trimmings to suit all of above VARIETY DRESS GOODS 5c, 13 l-2c & 15c u Wraps,New Markets,Jackets o Men's Merino Underwear. SHIRTS WORTH 75c FOR 48c. BETTER GOODS EQUALLY LOW. LADIES' AND MISSES', MERINO UNDERWEAR FROM 25 CENTS UP. j Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, Corsets, GlOTes, every variety of PANCYAND STA PLE GOODS at prices that can't be surpassed. CHEAP FOR CASH at 116 Market St. nov 14 :TEE EE71E W --'--'' t S 4 MARKET STREET, NO. U2Ji, (Tj TAIKS) COS'.Fl Ml 7iV EVJBR Y ?ZPf C3 AND WE ARB .PREPARED TO DO iAJLI MANNER OF WE Will flDT BE UHDERWOBKE WHEN YOU WANT PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS. CARDS. LET- j TER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, POSTERS, ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, . PAMPHLET V PRINTING, v . TAGS, LAUD DEEDS, MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER IFFS DEEDS. CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS," JUSTICES' JUDG MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, &C., CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REVIEW JOB OFICE, WILMINGTON. N. C IJHE ONLY INSURANCE ON THE JDARGO of the Steamship "Regulator" placed in Wil mington was through the Agency of the un dersigned. The last of these losses was paid to-day without discount. s For insurance (Fire, Marine or Life) in lib eral, prompt paying Companies, apply to M. S. WILLARD, nov 9 211 North Water St Fruits. Nuts and i Candy ! A S. WINSTEAD STILL TAKES THE lead. The freshest of FRUITS, NUTS AND f!AXDITES alwars on tin ml inct nrhot want to please the children. . Postage stamps in small quantities always on hand. Respectfully, : . .V- . , A. S. WINSTEAD, hot 15 - N Front; Et., near Post Offlce, - SJOB oppige,: it JK. jfr, jglf. jjhj. sf p Vtf Vj? vtr t.f MISCELLANEOUS. Hedrick's Announcement I Be tail trade thus far this sea son, through the influence of heat and rain, has not developed the vim and snap that we have been accustomed to in our little store on the corner; to create a fevo lu tion we have resolved tomark our entire stock at wholesale pri ces. One of our best attractions is our stock of Hosiery, which for quantity, quality and cheapness stands unrivalled. Business has not been dull in this line; we have already cleared out the first 100 dozen lot of boys' aud . girls' Black Bibbed Hose at 12Jc:, "and commenced on the second lot; we will not be able to get any more. " . -- ' - All of the finer styles of Child ren's Hose at pr ojpor tion ate ly low rates; Ladies' Hose in every style and quality; for delicate la dies a few dozen very fine Worst ed Hose. Gents' Half Hose cheaper than ever. - Our prices and large sales- of Gentlemens?, Ladies' and Child- rens' Underwear has become the talk of the town. 4 -One great feature of our stock is the Superb line of Housekeep ing Goods. In Table Damask, we offer at 50 cents a yard, a genuine hand-woven goods, wortn much more. For 85 cents a , J'-'r:' '":.- '., a genuine German hand-loom Damask, which would be cheap at one dollar. . Scotch Hunk Towels at 25 cts, worth double that amount. Some very great bargains in Doj'lies and Napkins; the sight of this part of our stock would prove a treat to tasteful house keepers. ' Another good thing witl' us, better than elsewhere, is our stock of Woolen Cloths for men and bovs, which contains all that is desirable in domestic and for eign goods. Also, the ever faithful Salem Cassimere, than which there is nothing, better for school-boys. Handkerchiefs; we like to talk of handkerchiefs; we' like to buy them; we like 'to sell them; no body south of Mason and Dixon can touch us on Handkerchiefs; a larger supply than ever this season, both for gentlemen and ladies, from the lowest price to the most elegant hand-wrought goods, imported. Corset in every desirable style and the best 50-cent. Corset in the world. ' Dress Goods,Ginghams,Prints, Flannels, Domestics, Blankets, Notions, etc. , ' Everything marked down, Cheap, Cheap, Cheaper than the Cheapest. , : We extend to the ladies and gentlemen of Wilmington -the most cordial- invitation to visit our store; the time spent with us we promise to make both profit able and pleasant 1 J. J. Hedricfi, Corner Front and Market Sts. oct 3i - . , r ' Dr J. E. Matthews. : . . '. . "RENTAL SURGEON, OFFERS UJS PRO fessional services to the citizens of Wilming ton and vicinity. Office, No. 118 Market St., over Taylor's Bazar. oct 24-lm C o a I a n d ITJ o o d . N IS 'THE JTIMJS TO GET CJOAL AND WOOD before another advance in prices duel by-next cold wave or for, other good reasons. Oct 21 tf - - ; - J. A. SPRINGER. I I .everything tlu. . most fastidious taste, and itn llneot Substantial Groceries icnolce small Pig New Hulled Buckwheat, s wheat. , My own brand of - PAROLE D'HONEUR FLorR . . . the very Choicest in AmertM ; MPle -Syrup, New - Orleans m v , Elegant Olives in Bulk ana Glass. : Condiments and Sauces or variety. Whole and ground Spices, perte1Jy I aim to make mine th best eqmPWj for ' ' ' ' ' ' Family Specialties in tt S ate, I Gentlemen who smoke wUl J amongst my line of cigars and cheboo1 Jno. L, BoiitwrUhl Steamship (jo, PROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW Yot Located between Chambers and Roosevetts , , At 3 o'clock, p. m. GULP STREAM.... BENEFACTOR..... GULP STREAM... Saturday, korjj ........ sjaiuraay, 8aturday, i) . FROM WILMINGTON: BENEFACTORS ; ; . . .Friday Nor uuw OXJ.iJliAi(l ..HTumV lift" BENEFACTOR Fjiday, R 835 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Tk Rates guaranteed to and from polnrslnSr and South Carolina. - For Freight or Passage apply to ; f " IL G SMALLBONES, Superintendent. " , Wilmington, if THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager, "" ' "' "- New lor ' WlL P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents, nov 21 35 Broadway, New York. For Sale. JNE ECONOMIST. OIL STOVE, FORPAI LOR OR BED ROOM. In flrst-rate order n will be sold cheap. Apply at : . nov si tf ; ; v : : this omci Knoxville Furniture Co, TE ARE HERE YET, WITH THI FB and cheapest Furniture and other noiKt- goods Jo be found in the city. ; Factory. ; Also a mil lne of Baby Carrtas noy Ml JS. li. giJ., V CARRIAGE REPOSITOaT t -! AND ; REPAIR SttOP. TARTIES IN WANT OF AN I w Vehicle or want any Repairing tone tw old vehicles; wiU nnd it to their interes call on . C. B. SOUTIIKKLAM' " " corner Second and Prince ; Send your horses to be shod. We ' ' mi first-class Shoer. , BU,t, now York, pUILADELPniA AND BALTtfOKK In JOHN , WERNER'S Barber Shop . ,; 10 cents a Shave: 20 cents a Hair u g cents a Shampoo, ills own manutt Dye of every shade at 20 cents t No. 29 Market Street, betweea "r, Front. , rL And BtUl Another. ECKTVKn THIS .DAY ASOTffK8 rs. LOAD OF THAT f Splendid Mountain Be: Will be for sale on my Stalls wvow every day next week, call and see -. V . - ' ALSO . : PINE, FAT MUTTON, VEAL, Ar ' AND SAUSAGES AND PCDr ' nr Try our SAUSAGE MEAT. ot.in south? Front street Market, w. E. Worm , , sLana. Kespecuuuy, ' . hot oT.tr aniissvT to W. E. " Douglas & afboro! MASniOIlABLB HAIB PB88?5 r , jjid ICS Uarket'sL. WUotogtJJ. Shop fully equipped with a VT&Z?t aod pom. barber. W Werner, would be gd to erv t:

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