4 MISCELLANEOUS J-JgjlS iwiiH"i' -ii'iitiir VT" " """" jroacis-'- i-.n, a:i relievos -con. !::; tivf C.: fV;n. lii - Coin inn ,v. I'"" Citrh rrp,t U kM ! Inf. . L " i l - ..-.-1 . - u if lief .t Li'U'f! llca'l in a ( ittf, ICetl ftr.': fni'V'.'-;''. i ''! the fr .4. C. JA'tfrr C- .. Sola r. Prop's, Baltimore, lid.. V. S. A. i 2Z2 T aiice's Ilns Th rrent'fobicco An oct 1 d ; - ' invention; has revolutionized tne world during the liisf. half century". Not least I 1tnonT I wonders ui imuuinc pi i ess is a i - ...... j - r;;iUKl and system oi worK mat can be per- - Kv ' . wnicil all over tne country !?.., f ,,.. workers from their u?. ,nv one ran do their -work: either. sex. I inr'i ' oV old; no special ability required. Cap ' i"r,Mt needed: you are started free. Cut this A and return to us and we will send you free,j rjdress True & Co., Av.gusta, Maine bov -l md lyw lino, send lor DOti Ell VliRS' Xv.'0iK?rn.viuesof diHerent 1 tw. price fi tbejr ere worth, nd wtjrre 1 : br.y Dora. Dirr'cti.Vis fcrTratxiitit I;iffaad2!rc2intFerrrts. Miiio. faflut rnts. -Abol'sts of Dig lurnlscius Gcocj of 3 rvn smd for Practical 1' 0 nearly au iunoi u towu; ucbct. tm of the breeds; how to capomne; ptrJ fur pom cry consc: moizoauan tbouiincaoatora. and s hero to buy frcm best Ktocii nt &1.&0 per (Oiii&JC. Bent tar Id ,Ceut. If to, yon need the BOOK OF C. R It BIUU.SW TaO paes. loO IUa. tratious. BeantucT colored iiutr. Treatment and breeding of all kinds Coe birdd, for pleasore ana profit. ' IHeaBet; and their cure. How to Dulid and stock an Aviary. Au about Parrots. Prices oi all kinds birds, eage, et. MuiVd ft i 1 5 CenCa The Toree Books, lO C'ta. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, 237 South Elghtli Straet, Philadelphia, Pt Stoves. Stoves;-Stoves t... H A R D W A R E . yr e nAVE in store a lakge assort ment of stoves made by the best factories, which we are selling: at astonishingly low, pri ces. All in need of a good reliable Cooking or Heating Stove, will J do well to examine our aock and hear our prices before buying. . jTACOBI'S 11DW. DEPOT, oct B ' ' '') ; - 13 South Front Ht- 11KKCHANT8. BAWKKH8 AMD M AMCFACTUK XRS 8HODLD BBAD BRADSTEET'S A'WXi.t Journal o t '. TliPB, UNANCB AW P BUC ECONOMT .ft o f , " " Sixteen papei ertry Saturday Qtttntmt$ Twenty Paget. Sometimes Twent four Page. H V R DOLLARS A T BAR. The foremost purpose ot BRADSTREET'S b to be of practical service to buslneas men Its special trade and industrial reports and its nnopsea of recent legal decisions are exceed toglr valuable as commercial transactions. Ik the wii er BenBe.are coming to be more Etui more conducted: on a statistical bastr, the in formation contained la BRADSTKlfili-T'S Is of llmimporunceto alt. ' THE GENERAL BUSINESS SITUATION THROUGH OCT THE UNITED STATES AND CANADA IS REPORTED BY TELEGBAPH TO BBAD STREET'S UP TO THE HOUB OF PUBLICATION - SINGLE COPIES TEN CENTS. THE BRADSTREET COMPANY 278, 281. 2SS Broadway, Snd tor Sample Copy feb 3 New York city Brushes, Varnishes, Paints. w- -o Blinds. Sash. Doors GLASS AND SASH FOR FLOWER PITS. Large and well selected stock of PAINTERS' MATERIALS. Sew lot of Brushes at reduced prices. -Remember that we are headquarters for Pod reliable goods and low prices. UCOII'8 HDW DKPOT oct, 6 12 South Front St The Acme MANUFAOTURING 00., MANUFACTURERS OF. fertilizers, Pine Wool and Pine Wool Matting. WILMINGTON, N-C. fHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, ACME and GEM, is now established, and Jhe results of three years' use In the , hands of uest rarmers of this ana otner suites iuuj at'est t heir value as a high grade manure, . The MATTING, made from the leaves of our pine, nas aireaay gamwi a jjuyuiimtj 'or comfort and durability equal to any wool farPer, and the demand for it is dally increas- in? It has virtues not found in any other J,he plBRE or WOOL ts extensively used for WhoLstering purposes, and as a nutng for -nuuresses is aliridst equal to hair, being ngnr, .wstic and proof (against insects. certificates from reliable parties using our fr13 can be seen at our office, or will be mail- . ,(r vn.i in more monev rieht awav.than t Practical 1 ather I SUNSET. A hriffu in:-,: . " ' T m"-1 oi sunset gold S Thoiiarh darkly they the sun enfold ' As with a shroud. He is gone down to death a king- -In state be lies; Royal the pall, Discovering ; Of .stormy skies. From that low cioud it is thev gleam t Over the skv, " . The glory shafts that, far-flashed, - beaiu . Piercing on high. SovmortuI, from the open grave . Qf dear Hope lost, ine rays surge up in golden wave OVr darkness tost. Still thou thv heart! The hidden light But seeks the morn. Thy hope fares on through veiling night . To rise ncw-bowi. Chambers' Journal. After diphtheria, scarlet fever, or pneumonia, Hood's Sarsaparil la will I ,J - ..j. , .t - . I y without separa- K f tsirengtn to tne svstem, ana ex r homes. Pay lib-! pel all poison from the blood. ProtJiyral Son Father, I have spent my substance, and have arisen What did vou on? "Amateur uliototrraphv.1' "Kill the fatttHl calf and send it to the nearest idiot asylum. My son will be there to-morrow." Omaha World. "Whoii some ciep and immedi cable wound1'1 takes your breath away; don't lie do . n in despon dency, but send it boy with twenty- live cents tto the nearest druggists fora bottle of Sulvatiou Oil i Why He Couldji't Swim. . Little iirl (to ,'isitor, whose busi ness is in the shaky condition) "I say, Mr. Brown, you don't know ho to swim, do youfv "Mr. Brown No, I can't swim at all." Little Girl. "I thought you couldn't swim, because I heard Pa say the other day that you had a great deal of .trouble in keeping your head above water." Sif tings. Functional derangement of the fe male system is quickly cured by the use of Dr. R. Pierce's 'Favorite" Pre scription". It removes pain and re stores health and strength. By all druggists. . -. - - A Man of Endurance. Featherly "I don't think much of your friend Robinson, Dumley." Dumley "What's the matter with him?" "I read him an original poem last night of t enty-four verses, and he walked off without saying a word.1' "He is certainly a wonderful man." "How wonderful?" "In being able to walk off. If he were not a wonderful man he would have been parried off." Harper's Bazar. " -- 1 have not used all of one bottle yet. I suffered from catarrh for twelve years, experiencing the nau seating dropping in the throat pe culiar to that disease, and nose bleed almost daily, I tried various remedies without benefit until last April, when I saw Ely's Cream Balm advertised in the Boston Budget, I procured a bottle, and since the first day's use have no more bleeding the soreness is entirely gone. D. Gr. Davidron, -with the Boston Budget, formerly with Boston Journal. A Ileal Curosity. Patron "What is there peculiar about that man? As far as I can see lie doesn't seem to be different from anybody else." : Dime Museum Attendant "That man ith the tired look?" -P.-Tes." D M. A.-"Why, he's the greatest curiosity we have." P. "Indeed?" D. -M. A. "Sure pop. He under stands all about the Interstate Com merce Law." Boston Courier. -- - Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk Best Salvk in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, - Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ed Hands. Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. H. Green & Co. -- - . Making a Name. "So vou are married?" said a trav eling man to a friend. "Oh. ves. Married over a year ago." "Given up all your ideas about fame and glorv, " and that sort of thing?" "No, sir. I always said I would make a name the orld." "Yes.11 "Weil, I've done it." "Indeed?" "Yes. I superintended the chnst- ening of Our baby last week. chant Traveler. 'What am I to Dot The symptoms of Billiousness are unhappily hut too well known. They differ in different individuals to some extent. A Bilious man is seldom a breakfast eater. Too frequently, alas, he has an excellent appetite for liquids but none for solids of a morning. His tongue will hardly bear inspection at any time; if it is not white and furred, it is rough, at all events. . The digestive system is wholly out of order and Diarrhea or Constipa tion may be a symptom or the two mav alternate. There are often Hemorrhoids or even loss of bloody There mav be giddiness and often headache and aeiditor flatulence and tenderness in the pit of the stomach. To correct all this if not effect a cure try Green's A ugust Flow er it costs taut a trifle and thousands attest its.effieaoY. returned to tnee. Brown'elJttle Joke. - "Why Brown how short vonr coat is said Jones one day to his friend Brown, who wTHW . -tu. "Vao- """ .wiiuiy repueu: "xes; Dot it will be long enough before I Cret another." Snmp mpn snonil sn much for medicine that neither heal nor help them, that new . clothes is with, them like angels' visits-few and far between. Internal fevers, weakness of the lungs, shortness of breath and lingering coughs, soon yield to the magic influence of that royal remedy, Dr. R. V. Pierce's "Golden Medical Discoverv." . - -. "Sir John." The cadets at West Point are ex pected to address one another with ceremonious politeness, and the lat est arrivals are promptly drilled in all social duties toward their fellows Sometimes this discipline is rather arduous, and again its course is broken by some slight occurrence of an enlivening nature. One day a number of cadets ac costed a new comer, ami the follow ing conversation ensued: "Well, mister, that's your name?" "John Walden." "Sir!" yelled his interlocutor, horrified at such an ans er. "John Walden," innocently re plied the culprit. "Well, sir, I want you. to put 'sir' on it." Sir John Walden was the calm re joinder. j The error was such a natural one, ami was perpetrated in so solemn a manner, that the cadets turned away with roars of Laughter, and the new man was ever afterwards known in the corps as "Sir John." - . - - -- - Consumption Surely Curl. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send .two bottles of niv reined v fkkk to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. A. SLOOUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York. The silver girdles which have grown so rapidly in favor the last season, it is predicted, are to be superseded by ropes of beads, links of passementerie and fur rolls. Can't Make Anything Like It. I have been practing medicine for twenty years, and have never been able to put up a vegetable compound that would, like 4 Simmons Liver Regulator, promptly and effectively move the liver to action and at the same time aid (instead of weakening) the digestive and assimilative power of the system. No other remedy within niv know ledge can fill its place. D. M. HiNTON, M. D., Washington, Ark. SOMETHING TO SAY -ABOUT- Family Supplies I -AND- Table & Kitchen Groceries JF YOU WILL CALL AT MY STORE, N03, 13 and 17 South Front Street, I will be pleased to show you, and to tell you of the largest and choicest assortment' of Fine, Fancy and every day Groceries in this city. I devote my time In selecting for and supplying the wants of Retail Family Tradej Every variety and style or goods known to the trade can be found in my carefully selected stocks. I am fully prepared to meet the Christmas Demands, and offer my goods at prices that must insure their sale. All purchases delivered promptly. 4 no. L. Boatwrighi. nov21 15 & 17 So.Front st A. A. Brown & Co , yENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE. MARINE AND ACCIDENT. Over $35,000 paid out for death losses for year 1887, in Wilmington, N. C. Office corner North Water and Mulberry sts.. up stairs. dec8-tf Valuable Lands for Sale. o NE TRACT OF LxHD, LYING OBa Killnfmm l.lnAAtntnn. N. C. COBSlBtlnr OX S3 acres. 53 acres .cleared: is best or cotton, but givs good crops for all grains. Hss a branch running through H a d a Doe spring; few acres ot bottom land on the brant h aod ?o rs In wood. ok ad hickory, wel ilm bered. - . . , Another tract lying 21 miles )rom Unt)lir tm 3i mite from i (' K, lCOaftre. 25 rared, fine spring of dfrllckras water, about Mx crea of bottom lacd near it on ire t'ra' ch; la v0 i for tob oco. bat icrows ether crop ' ell; 75 acres in yellow pin- and oak. f For price and term apply o OKONL.) MORRIS. mb is tt twt'T . eal Kstate Brker , iAIC. UNDEVELOPED PARTI f ths Body cnlarced and strengthened. Jhxll Prtl-' ra Kot sealed free. URIB MKD. CO.. Bprraio. N. 1 OFFERERS '""KERVOUSnESS Wt of over-Work. tndlacreUoii. etc address abon may 6 dw coaly Largest, assortment of , pocket knive9 in the city -at JacobiV Hdw. Depot. ; -" -7V f WHOLESALE PRICES. ( The following quotations represent whole sale prices generally.' In mating up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. ' BAGGING Gunny. Standard.......... BACON North Carolina. nams.. ;.. Shoulders lb sjdes, $n WESTERN SMOKED Hams. 9 lb. Sides. VD Shoulders, V lb DRY SALTED Sides, .... Shoulders, v to BARRELS spirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each New. New York, each ...... :New. city, each BEESWAX, -01b....; BRICKS, Wilmington, M Northern BUTTER, Ih North Carolina Northern.... CANDLES, lb . Sperm Adamantine CHEESE, lb Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State........ 7 8 8 . 8 14 15- 8 8 10 11 13K KM 10 10 j 8M I )s . 6,' 1 40 0 00 1 65 31) 6 00 0 00 L5 3 50 75 70 9 23 (4 8 00 14 00 3 30 25 10 12 14 10 28 24 30 80 20 18 9 11 13 9 27 23 20 00 00 1 25 6 00 18 : COFFEE, lb Java.... .... Laguyra.... - mo. .. CORN MEAL, 3? bush. In sacks. Virginia Meal ... COTTON TIES, bundle DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-i, yard Yarns, bunch EGGS, ?doz.,. (S, r loll a Mackerel. No. l, bbl 00 00 Mftcterel, Ho. l, half bbl. 7 50 Mackerel, No. 2. bbl 9 00 (12 50 (oi 8 00 (411 00 6 00 (4 9 00 (A 7 00 4 00 (! 10 & 4 00 4 50 5 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... Mackerel, No. 3, bbl Mullets. bbl... N. C. Itoe Herring. keg... Dry Cod, lb FLOUR. bbl Western, low grade.... " Extra.............. Family.... City Mills' Super. Family GLUE. lb.... OKA IN, $ bUsheL O-orn, fm stoi-e, bags, white Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store Oats, from st ore oats. Rust Proof cow Peas HIDES, lb reen Dry HAY, & 100 lbs Eastern ' Western 4 .a 7 80 6 00 :t 00 3 50 4 00 50 00 50 8 00 00 m oo 4 (it, 5 f CA (Si 10 00 10 5 B2 b7 , B5 4.5 00 (3 80 i IN) 10 05 85 90 12 10 95 00 31,' 1 a. North River ". HOOP IRON, ?lb LARD, t lb Northern North Carollua ; LIME, barrel 1 2?fc ex 10 8 h 40 . 0 00 LUMBER, City Sawed, M ft. Ship . Stuff, resawed 18100 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantlingand Board, com'n.14 00 0,20 00 1 00 (A18 00 (522 00 (15 00 MOLASSES, gallon New Crop. In hlids. . . . : 25 (3, 26 - " in bbls 28 (S, 30 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 & :0 " in bbls 30 ( :J5 sugar House, in hhds 00 a 15 " in bols 1 18 . Syrup, in bbls 22 (A 35 NAILS., Keg, Cut. lOd basin.. .2 4t ( 2 50 OILS, y gallon. Kerosene. (& 14 Lard 16 1 45 Linseed 90 C4 1 00 Hosln 15 4 ig Tar 00 & 20 Deck and Spar 00 & 22 POULTRY Chickens, live, grown. 20 . 25 " Spring... 10 20 Turkeys ft5 100 PEANUTS, bushel, 22 lb 00 (A 90 POTATOES, bushel Sweet 3h 00 Irish, bbl 2 25 $ 2 75 PORK. barrel City Mess 17 50 18 00 Prime 15 00 $18 00 Rump.. 00 (15 00 RICE Carolina, lb.... 4 a Rough, bush,' (Upland)... 60 " " (Lowland). 80 RAGS, lb Country.. 00 City 1 ROPE, ft 14tf SALT, sack. Alum... 70 Liverpool 65 c Lisbon 00 American 00 SUGAR, P lb Standard grain. . 6i Standard A 6( White Ex C. 0 Extra C, Golden 5 C Yellow : 0 5 80 1 00 IX IX 22X 75 70 00 70 6Ji 6X 6 5X 5 5X 7 00 SOAP, 79 ft Northern 5 SHINGLES, 7 in. g M 5 00 Common 3 00 cypress Saps 4 50 Cypress Heart s... 0 00 STAVES, M VV. O. Barrel... 8 00 R.O. Hogshead 0 00 TALLOW, ft 5 TIMBER, 79 M feet Shipping.. 12 00 Fine Mill.. 11 25 Mill Prime.. 7 50 Mill Fair 5 00 common Mill 15 00 2 50 5 00 (A 7 50 14 00 ($10 00 o, ( (rfU oo 0,13 00 0, 8 50 C 0 00 ( 0 00 4 00 (k 2 00 ( 2 50 0, : 0 25 0 15 Inferior to Ordinary WHISKEY, 13 gal-Northern.. North Carolina WOOL. lb Washed...' 3 50 1 00 II 00 2H Unwasbep. 15 Burry 10 ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any propo&jft line of advertising in American Papers by addressing Geo; P. Rowell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. fop lOO-psge PiiihW After Forty year" cxperie-nce ia the preparation of more than On. Hnndrtd Thousand application, for paten U in Lh. United Slate sad Forwjrn coon triea. tbe publish era of th. Scientific American continue to act as solicitors for patents, careats, rade-iaarka. eopr-w.:-m nr t h United btatea. aod to obtain patents in Canada. England. Ivanee, GermsBy. and all other countries Their experi ence is nnequsled and their facilities are unjur- Drairinas end spseiflcations prepared snd filed in the Patent Ofhca on fchort notice., Tenu Tery rMSoaablsw Mo chars for examination of modeU or drawinss. Adic by mil ire - PatCTtainedthTOornn"pr:nt'?ed In th SCIETlIi,IC AMERICA, which ha the lanes circnUtion and is th mosS Innaeotia! newspa- of iU kind published inth world. Tbe adTsstajwi of such a notice every patentee rhiTurfand jplend idl i illastrated pewspaper is published WEEKLY as IHi year, andis adnitsed to b th. U-i paper dntd to science, mechanics, inventions, n;taorinr works, and ether departments of industrial progress, pub lisaad in any country. It contains th name of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try It four months for ne doUar. Sold by all newsdealers. . .Ij,. .,. If yoa barsv an mveatiow t psteas writ to Mean Co, pab'.i-her of Scieotiho Aiaenran. KI Broadway. Kw kork. Uasdbook aboat patents 1 mi BA1TiIEOAI&. fie. TIMB TABLE NOr 3. Palmetto Railroad Co. n nrt n ?Ti fyS AND AFTER MONDAY, OCT. 3, 18S7, Trains win run as follows, dally except Sun day: Gorxa North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. C 2.2T P. M. Kollock Stanon 2.45 P. M Osborne. (Flag Station). 3.15 P. M. Arrive at namlet. N. C. 3JJ5 P. M. Going Socth. No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C... 12.50 P. M. Osborne. (Flag Station) 1.10 P. M. Kollock Station 1.40 P. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C. 2.00 P. M. oct 3 tf WM. MOXCURE, Sup t. WUmlnfiTtoii, OoluiJii a is Aafirnsta R. R, CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING. SOUTH. Dated Nov-13h. 1887. No. 23. No. 27. NO. 15. P. M. a 05 P. M. ! P. M Ieave Wilmington. Leave Marlon Arrive. Florence 10 10! t 2 40 5 ;50 0 20 11 20 12 :h! 1 20, A. M. i P. ;N0. ! P. I 12 10 I l I 2 40 ! 4 25 M. 59. M. Leave Florence. . Arrive Sumter. . . 8 ft") iNo. 52.! No. A. M. i P. 5ft M. Leave Sumter. Arrive Columbia.. .! 4 25 t 9 401 10 45 . .6 15! 1 A. M. i No. 52 mns tln-ough from Chariest ou via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes S:34 A. M.. Manning 9:( A. M SimdrtVS Xn ."d. Ipjvph I'linrloetfMi -!!l M Lanes l(h28 A. M.. Manning 11:10 A. M.. SunYter . i . t . . . . .. . .n u:w .. .ti.,.unjves t. uiumoia t:iu r. m. No. Tifi nin? trtrniurh frnm 1 Marlfatin v Central R. R.. Leavinir Lanes 7:i:i P. M.. Man ning 7:52 P.M. Train on C. & I. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 59. TRAINS GOING NORTH. f No. 78. iNo. 57- No. 5.1 ! ! P. M. A. M. P. M. 10 25 6 50 5 :X1 11 52 8 121 (i id NO. 58. ii ra t 8 22 1 20 9 40 I A. M. A. M. I No. 06, No. 14. I A. M. P. M. 4 25 t 10 30 8 20 5 20 11 11 8 55 8 ; 2 10! 11 50 A. M. P. M. P. M.- Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter... Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence Leave Florence Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington.". Dally. - t Dally except Sunday. No. 5; runs through to Charleston. S. c. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:20 I. M.. Lanes 8:02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. - No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R, R., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 9:153 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. No. 6 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & Y. R. R. for all points North JOHN F. DIVINE. General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. novl2 Wilmington dtWeldonR. R ike CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27, F t Mall dally. No. 15. dally ex Sunday. 0 00 am 7 15 am Dated Nov. 13,1887. Nn. 2u, dally, j Leave Yreldon. . . ArIlocky Mount Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro... 2 0Tpmj 5 43 pm 3 17 pm 4 50 pmi 10 50 am Arrive Wilson.... j 3 53praj 7 00 pm; 7 48 am Leave Wilson 4 10 pm; 5 19 pm 7 45 pm Arrive Selma...... Arrive FayettevTe Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia. . . Ar. Wilmington. . . 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 40pmi 8 38 am 9 38 am H 40 pm 9 54 a in 9 55 pm 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 14, No. 78. dally. daily ex i daily. uuuuaj . 3"45pm 5 ;2 pm 5 50 pm Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 am 1 21 am t 9 00 a m hi am 10'50arn 11 50 am 2 23 am o us pm Leave Fayettcville Arrive Selma.... . . Arrive Wilson. '8 30amt 10 50 am! 1159 am! 12 42 pm I 1 18 pm l Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. 3 02 am 7 48 pm 8 19 pm Arrive Tarboro...; Leave Tarboro... . i A rri ve We ldon77T 4 30 am 4 50 pmi 10 50mn! 2 40 pm7 9 30 pm l)ail' except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at aou P. M. Ke turning leaes Scot land Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. la Albermarle & Raleigh R. It. daily except Sunday. 6.00 P. M., Sunday 5-00 P. M., arrive Wllllamston, N. C, 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll llamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 8.30 A. M., arrive SmlOafleld. N. C. 1O00 A. M. Returning leaves Smlthfield, N. C, 1045 A. M., arrive GoiasDoro. .n. c. 13.10 p. i. Train on Nashville Branch Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. leaves Rocky M.. arrives at NashvlUe 4.40 P. M.. Sprlntr Hooe 5.15 P. M Returning leaves spring Hope 10.40 A- M.. Nashville 11.15 A. M.. Rocky Mount 11.55 A, M., daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for . U1 ill IL . Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P.M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. M., connect ing at Warsaw wirh Nos. 15 and 66. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound Is No. 5a 'Daily except Sunday. Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don or all points North dally. All' rail via Rlclimond. and daily, except .sun-da v, via Bay Line. " Trains make cloe conne-tlon for all points North via Richmond and Washington All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace sleep ers attached. JOHN F. DIVINE. Gent Supt. J. R. KENLY. Sup't. Transportation. T. m. EMERSON. Genl PadBenger Agent. novl3 - The Zeb Vance Stove, like its namesake, is welcome in all North Carolina homes.' It is to be found ttt.Jacobrd Hdw. Diipot, , t The National iiie ... .. ., ,t ... .. v ... i ; . - AND . . '', Maturity Association OF WASniNQTON, n.c ; . Total Cash Assets.... . ..... ... . , $27S,754.! LlabllltJes. . . . . ....... , None. ; . . - . v - r ' t Paid to members.... ........... ......4lCS.070,e -0- - ; HORATIO BROWNING, . : . V : President. - - - , : .4 , - ' GEORGE D. ELD RIDGE, J '. Secretary, Manager and Actuary. - . o ' r ' Life Insurance at Absolute cost, A Guaranteed Policy. , . ; . An Incontestible Policy. . Maturity Value In Casn at . xed Age Annual cost Absolutely Limited. , " Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. a RIDDBLLE, M. D. "" Medical Director W H. GIBSON, Special Agent. nome office, 1,215 F street , N. W. oct 36 tf 40 1888. Harper's Weekly. ILLUSTRATED. 55 Harfkk?s Wkeklv has a weli-est altillsbed place as the. leading lllusti-aled newsiiajjer-ttt America. The fairness of lis editorial com ments on current polities has earned tor it the respect and confidence of all Impartial read ers. :md 1 he variety and excellence of Us Irto rary contents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, nt it for the perusal of people of the widest range of tastes and pursuits. Supplements are frequently provided, and no expense 4s spared to bring the highest, order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the ehangef ul phases of home and foreign history. In all its features Harper's- Weekly is admir ably adapted to lie u welcome guest In every household. - HAKPER'S PERIODKJALS. pku ykak: . HARPER'S WEEKLY 00 HARPEH S MAGAZINE 4 00 ... . ' - - ." -v'.. ' HARPER BAZAK 4 CO r HAUPBKS Y-f)UNPEt)PLE. ... . . !f 00 ISmhtw Frtv to nU stifjtn rit)er! in the. VniU-U Weir?, ComnUt. r iltrsufi. :.. The Volumes ut (he Weekly begin with the first-Number for January of each year. 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