... t.-'' ' - .". ' " : -V-V " . . - , . . . ...... - - . . 'v - : "" - " - . 4 - THIS PAPER' wlsiied every evenlnsr, Sundays excepted ' BJ josa. THAMES, Editor and Prop. Sl'StBC RI PTIOXS, POSTA E PTH: vpar W.oa Six months $2.oa Three montus..oa One month, 35 cents. Tbe paper will be delivered 'py carriers, free fhani. many part of e city, at the above or 10 cents per weetc rafs. .-.--rtisine rates low and liberal. -abscrlbers will please report any and j failures to receive their paper regularly, j CONSTTPATIOIT .-I i Is called the "Father of Diseases,'!). cause there is no medium through hich disease so often attacks the system la bv the absorption of -poisonous gases In fh retention of decayed and effete matter Tn the stomach aodooweis. It is caused hv ft Torpid Lrrer.t enough bile being Picreted from the blood to produce Nature's own cathartic, and Is generally accompanied ith such result a v. Loss of Appetite, - j Sick Headache, I " Bad Breath, etc. The treatment of Constipation does not insist merely in unloading the bowels. Theniedicine must nOtonly act as a purga tive but be a tonic aswell, and not produce after its use greater costiveness. To secure & regular nauit oi ooay witaouv enauging the diet or disorganizing the system . "My attAition, after suffering -with Constipa tion for two orthree years, was called to Simmons liver Keeulator ana. havimr tried abnost every nun? else, conciwded tor try it. I first took a wmegiassfui and afterwards reduced the dose to a teasDOonful. as per directions, after each meal. I found that it had dene me so much good thajl.; continued it until I took two bottles- bmcethcnl j . have not experienced any difficulty. 1 keep it in j ay house and would not be without it, but have i no use for. it. it having jCU?e4 ne' Geo. W. ; Sms, Ass't Clerk Superior Court Bibb Co., Ga. Take only the Genuine y Whick has on the Wrapper the red 25 Trad 1 mark and Signature of- - BUZELXIN&CO nov a tc lstp ditwly. ch sat England has 5,000,000 children in the public schools, " against only 2.000,000 in 1870. ' ; ( - , -t A Kentucky woman, who has seven sons, all born on Sunday, has peti tioned Governor Buckner for a pen sion. She says in her letter. that she "never herd of 7 boys all Bean Born on Sunday,1 and she thinks that such - an i unexampled feat of maternity' should be properly re warded. New England is deeply interested in the rumors about the solvency of some of the Western, farm mortgage companies. The loari companies of Boston alone hold 81,000 Western farm mortgages r on , Which $76,000, OOQis outstanding. And the - insur ance companies of Hartford hold mortgages on Western farms to the amount of $70,000,000. - , The great mass of -the Pennsyl vania Democrats are delighted with the tone" of the President's message ami they demand that Randall and his misguided followers shall i fall into line. Should the apostle of protection prove ugly and obstinate an organized effort will f be'liiade to have him defeated at the next elec tion. Randall is realizing his situa tion and it is' generally thought that he will pull puietly in the traces, khowing full well that any kicking against the President's , policy means political death for him. The fire loss of the year, December estimated, has been $130,000,000, an eighth more than last year. Thee flres cost us half as much . as our Federal Goverumeiittwiceas much as it does to govern our five biggest cities, more than equal the cost of all our schools and colleges, and the loss is in amount probably not far from one-third to one-fourth of our unual expenditure on new build ings. In our whole system there it? nothing so foolish, so wasteful or so moralizing as this national bou tre, on w'hose cost the most ' expen sive of the standing jinnies of Eu rope could be comfortably support ed. " .'. The Provincetown Advocate says: "It seems to be only a question of tout, and that not so remarkably fer distant, when the Vhoile of CJape f'od below Wellfleet wih drift into sea and lose itself. I?s than 1(0 years have passed since a light house was placed here by the Gov ernment. ' ..The original purchase in duded a pVot oi' land ten aeres in teut. At the present time thi in ure embfaees barely six acre .- The waste is' steady, gradual and 'ertain, it never builds p and the is moving slowly but surely in ,al. At points where there is little 0r no sod to hold the lighter sod be Qeath,the wind gets a fiVm hold and nis its aid to the elTorts of the sea "hti rain. On a point , jast north of 4 4f marine stations - at Highland Mthe face of. the bin Cf has mov Finland ooft fwnnWnhntiivo t .during the past years. At the present rate of waste, thirty years the lighthouse will stand on a dangerous foundation." X V)" WBW k TIT- rr f1WT F1 W ' VQ f V mj INDKX TO NEW ADVERTISKMBNTS. I Shhiek Lo'al Ad A HnKiBK-ioeai Ad The Young Gleaners - T Cent a ft Puijhir ure r Kuighis of Honr Meeting C Q Brows ;c4d Ring Lost J J IlEiKicK DeccmbPr, 1887 . Dick & Meares-Piece Goods .fOHN L Boatwright Xmas 1887 Taylor s Bazar Time is Money )l L FENNELiThe Horse Milliner Heinsberoek -Christmas Presents K II SNEBDr-Knoxvillc Furniture Co J It Williams, Agent To Our Patrdos V Yates Don't Wait UntU Christmas ; ..,W,E Sprincer & Co-Batlders? Hardware For.otlier locals nee fourth page Best shoes for hoys at French & Sons. f School shoes for children, best in the cityat Geo. R. French & Sons. t Steainhoatmeii report about ten feet of water on the shoals in the . (Jape Fear. ! The weather indications are all wrOUjJ Haill, as aiJV Olio can know - who reads thn rerort for to-dav. ' . Indication. For North Carol ina. armer, fair weather, with light to fresh Wester ly winds, shifting to Southerly. Knights of Honor. Carolina Lodge No. 434. Regular meeting this(Mondav) evening at 7 o'clock. Full attendance is desired. Election of officers will take place. Raiding: Gamblers.. Information was lodged at police headquarters last Saturday that gambling was carried on extensively at Bill Howe's place in the North eastern limits of the city. At about half past 1 o'clock yesterday morn ing Chief of Police Hall, with a strong-force of officers, raided the premises and captured Howe, the proprietor, and 12 others. It is thought that the. projected raid had become known to the gamblers, . as the premises were very quiet when the police arrived. Hound Trip Tickets. Since the subject of issuing round trip tickets on the railroads to par ties wishing to come to the city to trade has been agitated, we learn that there is a standing order on the Charolina Central Railroad to issue round trip tickets in such cases and that all station agents on the line of that road are authorized and instructed to issue such tickets for the purposes named. We had not been a are of this before or we should long since have published this fact. At St. James. ' Rev. Robert Strange yesterday formally assumed charge of his new duties as Rector of St.. Tames' Parish. His first sermon to the congregation was preached in the forenoon. The church was well-filled with devout worshippers. Mr. Strange preached a strong, practical sermon and in it spoke candidly and directly to his congregation as to the duties of a people to their pastor as well as those of a paster to his people. We trust that Sir. Strange" min istrations here in the city of his birth may be one full of years and rich in good works. Kail road Changes. Yesterday's New and Observer says that there . will be several changes in the office of Mr. F. W. Clark, the general freight and pas senger agent of the R, & G. R. R. system, to take effect January 1st, 1888. MFred. Bryau will take the place of Mr. H. G. Bowles, chief clerk. A gentleman from New York will take the place of Mr. R. P. Richardson, the stenographer. Mr. D. S. Cowan will become rate clerk and Mr. Newsom, at present em ployed in the office of the Commis sioner of Agriculture, will take a position with Mr. Clark. . loolt Here, Mister! r A man's first duty is to himself and that is to keep warm and comforta ble. Good clothing is cheaper than doctors1 bills and nasty medicine. Heat is life, cold is death. Protect the body with warm woolen under clothing ana stout overcoming aim you will be ready for any blizzard, kittle or big, that may stray in thi direction. You- can .get the best clothing and furnishing goods of A. Shrier, and for the least money. Every article warranted as. repre. ket street. t ,: , . . : r 1 : WILMINGTON, N- aAlDNDAY, DECEMBER The Opera Hmk. Patti Uosit, the unapproachable and inimitable Patti, will apoear at j j the Opera-House to-night, jut as i young, just as sprightly and just a brim-full of fun as ever. She will I - ' - 7 , - crowded houite. She has Hiiat con- eluded a successful engagement in Charleston, S. C. where she 1 one of the ttioHt popular favorites of the j VWtUlK gUIIJg pilUIIC. A Modern CInelnnatna. Under this head the Washington Pont says: - ' 3 Congressman Charles W. McCIam my, who represents the Third North ; Carol ina 'district.' wa iidt a candi- j date when nominated, and when the! news of his selection was told him he was between the handles of, his plow at work in his corn-field. This fact was widely disseminated thro out his district during the campaign and doubtless won for hiiu many a vote from among the farmers. Rose Osborne. The Rose Osborne Combination closed a moderately successful en gagement here last Saturday night, playing at that time to a small house, which is no unusual thing fqr a Saturday night in Wilmington. The company is far above the average and the star is a superb actress. The plays presented have received the endorsement of all the large North ern cities, but they failed to be fully appreciated here or the houses would have been much larger. The company is in every way deserving. NEW ADVIfiKTIM.. KNT8. Th Young Gleaners OF THE FIRST PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH will give, their Annual Xmas Harvest at the City Hall, tomorrow evening, opening: at 5 o'clock, p. m. It will be repeated on Wed nesday evening with changes and additions in programme. Hope all will come to our Har vest and refresh" themselves while benefiting us. dec 19 AT ' - Funbtiirft Emptiiim, V Is displayed the handsomest line of goods in the city. o Laive Add itions to the Stock the past week embracing a 11-the MtW Of SIGHS IN AtTtSTIC FURNITURE. Elegant Plush, Leather and Rattan, Rockers, Tables in all the New Shapes aud Finish, Easels i Wall Pockets, &c. All visitors to our store the past week have prOnouced it the most attractive stock, and the easiest from which to select a holiday gift, that can be found in the citv. Boys' Wagons, Elegant Doll Car riages, Dexters, Swing Horses, and all thcendless varieties of Child ren's Chairs, Velocipedes, .Goat Carts, &c, all at the lowest possible prices. A special invitation is extended to all to call early the Coming week and see the display. We are the acknowledged leaders in the Furni ture trade. THOS C CRAFT, dec 19 30 South Front Street 1887 XMAS.' .1887. I AM PREPARED THIS WEE5 TO FUR- iiishtny customers with all the delicacies of the season. , FINEST DEHESA RAISINS, Liodon Lawr an Seeilcss Eiisias. "V. CITRON, MIXED NUTS, &c, &c, and every other article suitable for their. FRUIT CAKES and PUDDINGS. , Mince Meat in ariy Quantity ALL KINDS OF GREEN FRUITS. s . ' , - A fresh consignment of w Diiil - HlMnraB mw Aiieautiful assortment FANCY CAKES. : AU kinds PRESERVES and JELUES, CEL-j ER.Y and CRANBERRIES. ' 4 Call early and make your selections. NKW ADVBlt ( fKM BNT. Z. : : D GCe ITlb C f. 1887. Just think of it onlr one wapfc U81 lu,UKU1 ouV one week luuui UhristLuas. VV Hat wonders . a , , rmm : itil Christmas. What wonders . cau happen in the short space of one year. Nations rise and fall, I. , . ! J quite a rush in our business, and In order islands can Shoot from the nU'tnatwenW accommodate all, would kindly fathomable depths of the sea, stretch forth their strong arm of freedom, sound a blast from their trumpet and sink back into the dark waters from whence they came, and still our small world goes on with a ceaseless tread, never failing to teach other na tions the right of freedom and liberty by its own example. "Wonders will never cease,"even in this little town of ours. Every body has Jearned something since last Christmas. For in stance, take the little store on the Northeast coiner of Front and Market streets. You have learned that at Hedvick's you can buy the prettiest, neatest, most stylish goods cheaper than you can in any store in Wilming ton. Last Christmas our friends complained that the store was not ..large enough it was too crowded with goods. Well,now, since last Xmas we have learned how to keep our .store free from all rubbish and goods that are notjaecded at this time of the year; and can give you all the room needed and do everybody justice. You have got to have Xmas presents, and we have sensible presents for your wife, children and friends, and in the meantime, the wives must not have their husbands "get left," even though they pay the bills. This is an age of advancement, and people have at last found out that toys are not the thing - Here's what we have to say for this week's trade: 100 doz. Hdkfs, col?dbor?d linen, at 5c 100 doz. H. S. lldkfs, all neat and stylish borders Tor 10c 50 doz. plain white H. S. at Krfc. The town talk. 40 doz. plain- white II. s.i Hdkfs, very clean linen lawn, worth 33c for 30c. How's that? All ye young gallants, listen. Don't preseut your young lady friends with any of the little things of this earth, but come down and see things that are heavenly, perfectly angelic. Our embroidered Handkerchief, so fine thai 'breath of air will blow it away. See here, there are only a few; come quick. A handsome hand-embroidered Hdkf for 50c A beautiful one at 75c An exquisite one for $1. Magnificent Hdkfs worth ft, $3. $2.50 at $a, 13.-80 and f L50. All of these, understand, are imported and hand-made; too tine for a machine: We'mu4 get rid of the goods by Xmaa at any sacrifice. We haver the largest line in the State. Those are our prices on Hand kerchiefs. Everything in our line lis equally as cheap. We mean business, and we mean to sell good this week, "arid don't you forget it." Doylies, Napkins, Towels, fancy and plain. Table Linen, Collars, cuffs, all white goods cheaper than the cheapest. A few-pieces of MantlingTable Scarfs and Tidies left. Come quick. Dress Goods, Trimmings, Gloves, Shirts, Collars, Cuff. Cravats, Ribbons, Laces. I'll not say more. Come soon in the thej have "got to gO. - nillBeBpCtfuDy? C tl ', I , V -t.L Mfirffitf f 19. 1887 NO 299. NEW ASWEKT!HKf vr- ing Loot. OST ON SUNDAY, IEC. 18, BETWEEN 1 Third and Nun streets and the First Baptist ,,harca- a plain gold rjno, lnarkwi inside "April lth. 1878". Theiin-ler will le llberally MVA VII V . Ul IUU& I J. IU ccbhowx. dec 19 tf W. U. Telegraph Office To our PatrotiH fPHE ENSUING WEEK WE ANTICIPATE ask that you bring your Packages In good time, securely packed and plainly marked J. K. WILLIAMS. Ajrent. " decj93t Southern Express Company V Piece CaodG" AN BE BOUGHT BY THE SUIT OR BE MADE TO ORDER, AT DICK & MEARES, Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishines, j aec iy i :s Front sr Knoxviile Furniture o. Yy E ARE HERE YET, WITn THE Finest and cheapest Furniture and other household goods to. be found in the city. We are receiving new goods daily from the Factory. Also a full line of Baby carriages. dec 19 E. H. SNEED. Manager 100 To be Givmt Awuy JN R. L. nUTCHIXSV MAGIC POLISH. Bring your bottles Tuesdays and Fridays to my new house, No. 13 North Second St., Prac tical Painter and dealer in Imported ana Do mestic Paints. Artist Material, Glass. Bnisb es. Oils, etc. Contracts taken. oct 30 3av 3m m th Marvin Hate Company JJANUFACTURE SAFES THAT ARE NEV ER DAM P ! The only safe havinsr t he Tongue and Groove improvement. For sale by A. A. W1LLARD. apl 3 2t am lym Wilmington. N". C. Pranos & Organs N ADDITION TO OUR LARGE STOCK OF PIANOS, we have just received a fine lot of the Wilcox & White ORGANS, which for ele gance, tone- and durability, cannot be excelled. Prices extremely low. These Organs have the endorsement of our best musicians. Pianos and Organs tnned and repaired by a competent Tuner. E. van LAEK, dee 12 2t 13 19 407 and 409 Red Cross st Sign of the Horse E HAVE THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST and most complete stock of Harness and Sad dlery goods. Trunks and Bags in the State, and guaranteed, to please both in quality and price or money cheerfully reiunded. Genuine army Saddles to arrive this week. H. L. FENNELL. -dec 17 The Horse Milliners, 10 So.Front St Taxes for 1887 JAST CALL BEFORE ADVERTISING. WE call upon all who have not paid their Taxes f or 1887JTTO DO SO AT ONCE and save the ne cessity Of ADVERTISING THEM IN A NEWS PAPER, which we will be compelled to do 1st Of January, when WE WILL PROCEED TO LEVY UPON FURNITURE, GOODS, or other property, to make the Taxes and Costs." Save yourselves this humiliation and us the un pleasant duty by settling at once. S. H. MANNING, dec 16 3t frl mon sheriff Assignee Sale. Q LOSING OUT AT COST THE ENTIRE stock of G. W. LINDER. N. W. Cor. Front and Dock streets. Consisting of GROCERIES. WINES, LIQUORS, TOBACCO - AND CIGARS. rSpet-ial inducements for Christmas trade in Cigars, .. Wines and Liquors THOS. W. STRANGE, dec 17 Assignee. Christmas Presents ! o PKOM NOW UNTIL THE HOLIDAYS WE shall make oun patrons happy by offering them Presi nts At most Reasonable Prices, such as Albums, Poems. Fine Illustrated Books. Dictionaries, Wood, Brass and Plush Picture Frames, Fiae Steel Engravings, Plush Dressing Cases, Work Boxes, Manicure Sets, smoking Sets, Metal and Plush Whisk Holders, WiPlng Desks, Bisque Figures, Music Books of all kinds. Card and Cigar Cases. Toys, Game. And many of her n toe articles. For every dollar worth you buy we give a prize ticket labour . - BEAUTIFUL DO 5 L. a cordial Invitation Is extended to all. from : H EfNSB JSRGER. . dec U ' - " PLEASE NOTICE, v - v . We wilLbegtad.torecelve" cc -nicuions-from oortftiends on any and niisul -cts of general Interest, but; Sv- The name of, the writer must always t rur- oi&hed to the Editor. Couununlcatidhsr must he ivrittesr i uuk sioe f ine paper. - ' i Personalities must be avoided, ".' And it ts especially nd -pa rUctUarly -tuider-stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views ot 4-XMTespondents unless so stated In the editorial columns. " ' . NEW ADVEKTISE.MrJNTS. '.' Bulldr Hardware LARGE AND WELL SELKlTED STOC K Special Inducements to contractors. W. E. SPRINGER k CXK, '19, 22, Market St. " dec 19 Wanted. ry0 YOUNG (1ENTLEMEN DESIRE To obtain board in a respectable family. . Best of reference glven.Ajmly at thisomee. . v : t-i'dectr v v. 1888. Calendars 1888. qpHE PATRONS OF THE UND&RSIGNED and all others (who are invit&dtd txvetraisuch and would if they consulted their interests) v are requested to call and be suppiM with a Calendar fori be ensuing year. ' A full supply of InisiiH'ss i'aleM'lai-s for the office and ornamental calendars ror home an on hand readv fordistribmion. - There i? no better time for taking out nliiV insurance policy, afire Insurance policy.' an accident insumnce policy, or anv other kind of a policy than at the beginning of the year. - . M. S. W1LLAMI). Agent 314 North WuttUt. Office Telephone Na 5. IIfisoTelephoji(1o si dec 17 OPERA . HOUSE. MONDAY NIGHT, DECEMBER lMli. Engagement of America s j -PKETTIKST, CUTEST AND .MOT VERJA - TI I.K SOCBRETTE OX THE STAG K, The Iniinirable ' It'? r PAl l'l ItOSA, , The Delight of the Children.; " 1 The Pet of t he Lcdies., r , . ; y vT (i'he AdmlrafUy'i of th(Wn, In Fi-ed Mai-sden's successful Comedies. j (By Authorization of, Lotta.) -New and Elaborate Scenery. New and Orig inal Song. Danees, Kaujo 8i?os, etc t r dec lti ;U . . ; ? , , . , f , EVERY DAY. KEEP THE BEST 'AND FATTIEST BEEF to be found -anywliere in" Front Street Market every day Lii the week. But to-morrow . S iturd ty, We will have some on liHjid that may be called, "A LITTLE BETTER THAN THE BEST.", 1VH splendid Beef arvTho xnlsiate. Just call an-J see it. , Also, "we offer some splendid NEW YORK MUTTON. Veal, Venison. M'ork. Sausages, Sausage Meat, and n few Dressed Turkej s and Roasting Pigs. :Ja " JNO. F. GARRELL, Successor to V.JE Worth & ;o.,V deciutf r Fi'ontst. MaVfietv homh side. SmasOopds . rAT ' . . i . The Ladies' Emporium, 116 Market St. New Goods. New Styles ! AT LOWEST PRICES IN THE CITY! ' -o- M RECEIVING BY EVERY JBTEAMEU A fine assortment of XMAS NOVELTIES, JAPANESE tOODS. BRASS ORNAMENTS. TOYS, DOLLS. . DRESSING AND MANICURE CASES. . WRITING DESKS, VASES. ; . and other Novelties. A FULL AND NEW, LINE OF - v L Millinery and Fancy Goods. The Finest Assortment in t lie Cltyi ' Whns, Lax-s, Feathers, Hat. r INun's GLOV Ls, nothing nicer for a Xmas Drosent Iadles'. Children's and boys' Fire Dye Ribbed' Hose. Handkerchiefs for Ladles. Children aiwl gentlemen. China silk Handkerchiefs. MISS GOODWIN win flu all AUlliuerVordere Her reputation as the best trimmer in t he tit ' . Is alleady established. decrlwk , ' - That Tobacco Has Come. , " - ' J AS. p. NUTT, th?s. Druggist " dec lr ' m North Front su m? i mm Mifm'x - QALL AT NO. 1U SfiKTll FRONT STJt ECT, wilT And the laj-est stock or ws-und also handle- nevv clot hlng, H at s. c ' I'.aJ shorn and Notioas of Ji klnits c 5 iSSfd . hawi Soap. You will see. ttie whJaJ across the sidewalk. - . " ? dec Ul tf j. il jAXl ELS'.C Q. Don't Wait Until Chfstmas BUT COME NOW: rwniLi: WE. HAVE time, ami select -(our Plcitutaji.lFramaaEd j avoid the usual RrsiL. , ,V; 1'" An elegant koI ct Gdf, Piush. Bronze, ou and Cherry Mouaiing-i 1 ' Z . ' . Also, neture Rod, Cort,W!ro, Ac, "Ac. ' dec U YATES' XJOOKSlOrjl

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