'"-''7-V' " , - v-y '-.:- y, ; ; V - : : : -v':0:eK.' ;1 -: IO - ' yy ' r 7 7;7r7:7 7, :7 " i . r ; . t . " . - . ..-7y . - ' - , " 4 - " . - .!-.-'-, . : - i 1 , - ' - : ., - . . . ' , v " - -. . - .; - .. -. w-- v--.-rt - . ... : . S I ...... rz r - 1 - r. : : -, .. - 7- ' MISCELLANEOUS DB. EUlimREYS' BOOS Cloth & Cold Binding 144 Pg, wUh SCeel KgriBg, HAILED TREE. AMiw. P. O. 1 . V. CUBES i,;yjPKICE. - vtTT f i Rli i uu VAC fs?'.if fjoncestionrlnflamraationB... .Z3 iVorma. Worm Fever. Worm Colic... r","V'n. or Teelhinz of Infants. .25 .25 .25 hfarrhearof Children .or Adnto. n,ar".,v. OriDine. Bilipns Colic... .25H Phofera Morbtw. Vomiting- .25 .25 ?5 .25 ha Cold, Bronchitis..:.. ?,rhe. Sick Hedache, Vert.-go. EOPATM1 Bisons 8tonrach Folnful f erMMw- l-'jwiiites. too 1 rolnse Penods .2i .2-" boarh, IjifficultBratliin..:: 13 Ill it'hpnm. Krysipela. Eraptioas... nl ...niaiti LtneuiDnuc i aiut C"";, nd Aine . Chilly MJaria.... .5'? ..M Piips. Blind or Blew! me.. ,7 '.mrrh. Intmenza. !old in the Heal ..") ' . - ! Whoonin V'"; Violent C'ooe'a-;. . ;Vnerl lebilUy,rhysicai We..uefcj Kiaisry -" V n on- I rhl J V - i,; - .- -i' WonkiifHii. Wetiinir 1 ' KsTp of thP Henrt. Palm.-. A 1 VLMnVMBMM SPEC 8 FI GS v,v itrusfists, or sent postpaid n receipt J-Zl Ml'iiKi. Vb'StDltlAK tO. IO0 t'oUan he S, If B eend for (K HUVKK.S ;rIUIit containmj? coloted plasos. : 1 OO encraviirirs of diCerant reed. ' rricea they araworfcli. and. vlier t; : bny tbem. Directions for Traiinfs ' I Dors tnd tsseooms I Vrrrtt. i-kUeo for 15 Cents. AlsoC'nts J I'uruishiss Goods of all kicds. ; Tbsn send for Fmrtiml POCf i- TKV HOO i. .llXt pases; oean tifal rolared. plat t ci.jruvnfrn af nearly all kmuTof fowls; descn oons of the breedfl; hew to crpcrire; oLms for ponitry honsos: inloimaUoji il.out inenbatcra, and Iicro I f bwy fuM from bct ttork r.t S-:1.50 per hiltiuc Bent for Id (jeut. 15 If bo, yon wed the BOOK. OF V -Ai ls!lil!S. liU fnaw. 1-j.O i"5.-..-tratioii'. Ee&ntilul coIovim! r'ut . Treatmont ana brtattragct :! kicil - r birds, for pleasure Mid r. '.' ls. and their ura llmr to lui..l ; t. i an Aviary. All tboct Parrots. Piis-i . all kinds birds, cages, etc. 2Viai.Pd 7 15 Onto. - The Tli.ee BokK. -M.r ASSOCIATED FANCIERS 2S South Kighth Street, FhlLidtipnia, ? RICHLY Rewarded, are those who read this and then act; they will And honorable employ- Bent that will not take them from their homes ad families. The profits are large and sure mrpvprv industrlrus terson. many have made lid am'now making- several hundred dollars i month. It is easy for any one to make f and upward per day, who is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed; i? start you. Everything new. No special ibilitv required; j'ou, reader, can do t as well as anyone. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stlnson i Co., Portland, Maine. nov23d6mwly MEW YORK OBSERVER. 'ESTABLISHED IN 1823. . - - . The Oldesr arid Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Special Cor respondents at. Home and Abroad; Stories, Renews, Condensed News, Departments for Faf mers, Mer chants, Bankers, Prof essional Men, Students, Boys and Girls. This year the Observer will pub lish more than IflFTY PRIZE STQ RlES, ami the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose writers, au thors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns ef the. Observer, and it will give ti ft -two unexcelled papers in the coining year. . Price, $3.00 a year. Clergymen, $2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1888 1. The N E W YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub b riber, for ONE DOLLAR. Any subscriber sending his own subscrip tioti for a year in advance and a new subscrt with sum, can have a copy of the '-Ire n sus Letters," or "The Life of Jerry McAuley.' i We will send the OBSERVER for the re oiiarterot this year, and to January 1, 1889, to any new subscriber sendlrrc us his name and address and $3.00 in advance. To such subscri krs we. will also give either the volume of irvmeus Ltttcrs" or "The Life of Jerry Mc Auk'y Aj,vnt.s wanted everywhere. Liberal terms, commissions. Sample copy free. 'Address, . . Sew York Observer, . NEW YORK. The Acme MANUFAOTURINQ 00., MANUFACTURERS OF fertilizers, Pine Wool and Pine Wool Matting. Wilmington, n.c. a fHE H E PITATION OF OTR FERTILIZERS, th,clE and GEM, is now established, and tti iw ulIsot three years' use in the hands of vtVS Vh mers or Tnls and oUier states fully "ni aiue as a mga graae manure. nat vl :XTTIX(5 made from the leaves of our has already gained a popularity "carnJ, - n. aiia uurabUlty equal to any wool in, .". ",u 1 ueraana k tor If. ! ftnflr Iniwno It "us virtues not found in any other nwSLOT18 or wool 13 extensively used for -VattHw ,m Purposes, and as a tilling; for elav o nVirt lumost equal to hair, being ligh Mlc and proof flffftinir income V I ?If!.o !!loa!es from reliable parties uslnsr our upon appucauon: " w novl tt ROM fet MA Th.e Daily E,sviow. r SOME WHERE A FATE. Somewhere a fate may check our way - We never dreaiupt of meeting! Sometime in life may come a day y Robb'd of love's tender greeting. In that dread time how can we live If thoughts like th Ah, let us. love, our nravers now give j From whniPVAr pon Kflii .... ,1 " uviuu UO. W For oft we've seen the skyo'erswept With swift clouds flying low, And so abuddcli fear has crept Across tlm heaven we know. But we can keep our faith in store I'y holding memories dearer Than ever mortal held before . ... li a .r Horniws suaii draw nearer. The most renutrkalile cures of scrofula on record have been accom plished by HoodV; J-Ntrsaparilla. Trv it. Sold by all druggists. - - - Enough Chinese to Invade the World. A remark of the -czar shows that he is not ignorant of the Chinese question merely as it relates to his own dominions but to the world at large. The Russians were in the track of the Mongol invasions under two givat chieftains, who desolated Europe, and it. took hundreds of years for tne iav race to recover the territory then taken fronthenj. He has carefully, re.nl this portion of his country's history. His re- mark as to the eilect that the greatest danger tothe western world existed in the "(Chinese empire. It only needed another Tamerlane to set iii motion auothej invasion com prising perhaps 20,000,000 of the hardier races of Northern China to overwhelm Europe, not by their military strength or sill, Imt bv mere force of numbers. If 2,000,0X) were not niottgh to do the work, then 20,000.000 'more might folic drawn from a population that is to all intents and purposes numberless. San FranviHi-j Clu'onich:. "And 1 am eighty years old to day" the 'old man said. "What do you consider the cause of your longevity?" ask a curious friend. ''Well, health and good habits up t seventy, since then )r. Bull's Cough Syrup." Floatfug GarIens of the Aztees. : During all their wandering, wherever they stopped the Aztees cultivated the ejaxth and lived upon what nature gave them. Surround ed by enemies, in the midst of a lake where there were but few fish,' necessity and industry compelled them to form floating gardens on the bosom of the waters. They wove together the root of aquatic plants interwined with twigs and branches until they formed a foun dation sufficiently strong to support a soil they drew from the bottom of the lake, and on it they sowed their needed .maize and chilo. These floating gardens were about a foot above the water and of various forms, the most effective being long and narrow,calledcintas,or ribbons. With tfieir natural taste for fiowers, they added the ornamental to the useful, and these small gardens multiplying were covered with; flowers and aromatic herbs, which were used in the orship of their gods or sent to decorate the palace of the emperor. What a picture of delightful in dependence! The peaceful Indian could anchor his flowery home where he willed, float beyond social cares or political burdens, and from prying neighbors and pall-parrot gossips he could quietly paddle away. In these se cure retreats the spenthrift could elude his creditors, the bank de faulter hide from the minions of the a.Oitinq. . - m- The Dutch patterns in children's costumes still are the most attrac tive and picturesvue models, and the Gretchen dress is still among the most becoming and popular of all. SoOO ICeward. The former proprietor of Dr.Sage's Catarrh Remedy, for years inade a standing, public offer in all Ameri can newspapers of 500 reward for a case of catarrh that he could not cure. The present proprietors have renewed this offer. All the drug gists sell this Remedy, together with the 'Douche." and all other appli ances advised to be used in connec tion with it. No catarrh -patient is longer able to say "I cannot be cured. loti get in case or iaii ure. The Czar of Russia receives a lar- gar salary than any ruler now living the amount being $10,000,000 a year - I have been troubled with catarrh from my earlier recollection and have tried everything imaginable for it but never derived 'any perman ent help until I used Ely's Cream Balm. It is orking wonders. A. H. Viets, Supt. Public School, Cole man Texas. Ely's Cream Balm has completely cured me of a long standing case of catarrh. I have uever yet seen its equal as a cure for colds in the head and headache resulting from such colds. It is a remedy of sterling merit. E. I.. Crosfv. Nashville, Tenn. . Miss Ada Lee, anattoruey at Port Huron, Mich., has held the office of Circuit Court Commissioner for three years. Consumption Surely Cured. To thk Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive r remetl v for the above named tiiease. Bv its timely use thousands of hope less casesx have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two liottles of my remedy free to any of vour readers Avho have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and post office address: Res pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st, New York. , , Bucklen's Arnica Salve. Thk Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positiyely cures Piles, or no pay required. 1J is guaranteed to give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by W. H. Green & Cd. There is still a fancy for the bunch ostrich .tips instead, oi the corsage bouquet, and two or more shades , . . . are seen in this feather trimming. Typhoid, Scarlet and Yellow Pever, MeaaleH. Piphtherla, Small Pox, Cholera, &e. - Darbys Prophylactic Fluid will destroy the infection of all fevers and all contagious and infectious diseases. Will keep the atmosphere of any sick-room pure and whole some, absorbing and destroying un healthy effluvia and contagion res ulting therefrom. "Will naturalize any bad smell whatever, not by dis guising it, but by destroying it." Use Darbys Prophylactic Fluid in every sick-room. Once a year even the most frugal house - ife should replenish her lin en closet, adding at least the fur nishing of one bed and a dozen towels. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhma, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twent v five cents a bottle. july G deod&wly invention; has revolutionized the world during the last halfeenturj'. Not least among the wonders of inventive progress is a method and system of work that can be per formed all over the country without separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lib eral; anv one can do their work; either sex, young or old; no special ability required. Cap ital not needed; you are started free. Cut this out and return to us and we will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that will start you iu business, which will bring you in more money light away .than anything else in the world. Grand outfit free-. Address Truk & Co., 'Augusta, Maine, nov -z 6md lyw 1888 1888. Presidential Year. -o- To Keep Posted On Politics Subscribe for the New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. o- Greatest and Cheapest Family journal in the United States. An impartial Epitome every week of each State's political movements. The Foreign Department is Uneaqualled. Latest and most accurate Cable Specials by the Commercial Cables. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Current Events. Special Features Practical Farming. The Advance of Science. Woman's Work. Notable Sermons. The World of Literature and Art. Short Stories. Information on all Subjects. Address, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, New York Herald, dec 9 New Ydrk City Stoves. Stoves. Stoves ARD WARE W E HAVE IN STORE A LARGE ASSORT- ment of Stoves, made by the best factories, which we are selling at astonishingly low pri ces. All in need of a good reliable Cooking or Heating Stove, will do well to examine our stock and hear our prices before buying. . JACOBUS. HDW. DEPOT, oote 13 South Front Brushes, Varnishes, Paints. Blinds. Sash. Doors. -o- GLASS AND SASH FOR FLOWER PITS. Large and well selected stock of PAINTERS' MATERIALS. New lot of Brushes at reduced prices. Remember that we are headquarters Zfor gpod reliable goods and low prices. lACUH1.1 OCt 6 HOW. DKPOT - 13 South Front St PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." THIS ORIGINAL AND. ONLY GfcNU NK ate and always Reliable. Beware of worth less I ml ta dons. IndlpeD8tble t' "LDIK.U a sfc vour Druggist for Chichestek' n GLI8H" and take no other, r Inclose 4c. (stamps) to us for particular in letter by re turn malL NAM. PPft CHiCHESTER chemical. ;i , 2313 Madison Square. Pblla, Pji. Vt Drueelsts. Trade sapnlled bv KOL lkrA SnoEMAKEB. t hiUdelphia. P der.iSdAw lv !EAIC, UNDEVELOPED PARTS i the Body enlarged and strengthened. Full particu rs sent sealed free. KBI& MKO. CO.. Bcrraio, N. Y FFERERSfMHERVOUSHESSyorMi ;alt of oTer-Wort, lndUcratlon etcw. address abort itiay" j ' Alew York, UHIL.DELPmA AND BALTIMORE prices in JOHN WERNER'S Barber Shop: 10 cents a Shave; a cents a Hair Cut- and 20 cents a Shampoo. IDs own manufartyred Hair Dye of every shado at .20 cent and upwards. No, 29 Market street, between Water ana Front. ' feeptsi WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quotations represent .whole sale prices generally.- Tn making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING . Gunny ......... Standard.. BACON North Carolina Hams Shoulders Sjdes, lb.. WESTERN SMOKED Hams. i fb....- Sides. lb Shoulders, y ib DRY SALTED Sides. 1? to.... Shoulders, lb BARREISpirits Turpentine. Second Hand, each New. New York, each . . New.city, each BEESWAX, t lb..... BRICKS. Wilmington. M Northern BUTTER, ti Noith Carolina Norther 8 14 15 8 8Jtf 10 11 13X 15 10 10 i 40 (t, im 0 00 (&. 1 75 1 5 & 1 70 20 , 22 6 00 8 00 0 tt) $U 00 lh 25 25 (9, 30 18 (B 25 9 ( 10 11 12 13 3 14 9 10 27- 28 23 (A 24 20 22 00 3 (XX 00 ( 67 1 25 1 30 Oh 00 H 80 IS 06 20 CANDLE, f? H Sperm Adamantine CHEESE, y It. Northern Factory Dairy; Cream State COFFEE, lb . Java Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL. 1? bush, in sacks. Virginia Meal .. COTTON TIES, J bundle DOMESTICS sheeting; 4-4, yard Yarns, 13 bunch EGGS, doz., FTS1I Mackerel. No. , bbl . . . . .00 00 Mackerel, No. 1, 3 half bbl. 7 50 Mackerel, No. 2. bbl 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl... 4 75 Mackerel. No. 3, bbl 7 80 Mullets, bbl fi 00 N. C. Roe Herring. H keg... 3 00 Dry Cod, i lb.... 5 (A 12 50 ( 8 00 (ill 00 6 00 id, 9 00 00 00 10 (it FLOUR. V bbl Western, low grade 3 50 4 00 4 50 5 (X) 4 10 5 00 10 Extra 4 Family 4 city Mill Super 4 Family 4 GLUE. lb 00 50 00 50 8 (it, GRAIN. V bushel. corn, fm store; bags, white 00 00 m oo 65 62 Corn, cargo, lu bulk, white. com, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . . . Oats, from st ore Oats. Rust Proof cow Peas HIDKS. 3? tb -ireen Dry HAY, 100 tbs Eastern Western North River HOOP iron.'-w it 67.: 42a. 45 oo so 5 10 05 85 90 90 5 12 10 95 00 3 V 1 LARD. lb Northern 7:,ii 8j North Carolina s 10 LIME, barrel 1 40 0 00 LUMBER, city Sawed, vf M it. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 20 00 Rough Edge Plank. .15 00 1 00 West India Cargles, acconl- ing to quality 13 00 (18 00 Dressed Floojlng, seasoned.18 00 (dZi 00- Scant ling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, f gallon New Crop, in hhds 25 in bbls 28 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 in bbls ;10 Sugar House, in hhds 00 in bols.. 16 Syrup, in bbls 22 NAILS, Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS, gallon. Kerosene 9 Lard 16 Linseed 90 26 30 ;jo 35 15 18 35 2 50 (St, (d 14 45 00 16 20 22 Rosin.. 15 Tar 00 00 Deck and Spar. POULTRY Chickens, live, grown 20 25 Spring 10 (d, 20 Turkeys 95 1 00 PEANUTS, bushel, 22 lb 60 ' 90 POTATOES, bushel Sweet. 35 id, 60 Irish, ) bbl .' 2 25 & 2 75 PORK. barrel City Mess 17 50 18 00 Prime 15 00 16 00 Rump ...w 00 15 00 RICE Carolina, lb..: 4 Rough, 1st bush, (Upland).. 60 (Lowland). 80 RAGS, 3? lb Country; 00 City 1 ROPE, ft U& SALT, y sack. Alum 70 80 00 V4 1 22 75 70 00 70 6 6 6 5 Liverpool k Lisbon 00 American 00 SUGAR, P lb Standard grain. . fts Standard A 6$ White Ex C 0 & Extra C, Golden h C Yellow... 0 SOAP, 3? lb Northern 5($ SHINGLES. Z In. 19 M 5 00 &, 00 Common 2 00 2 50 Cypress Saps 4 50 5 00 Cypress Hearts .... 0 00 7 50 STAVES, 1? M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 (314 00 R. O. Hogshead 0 (X) ,10 00 TALLOW, lb 5 6 TIMBER, 1? M feet Shipping.. 12 00 (314 00 Fine Mill. .11 25 13 00 Mill Prime 7 50 (8 50 Mill Fair 5 00 0 00 Common Mill 15 00 0 00 Inferior to Ordinary 2 50 a, 4 00 WHISKEY, gal Northern... 1 00 a, 3 00 North Carolina 1 (X) 2 50 WOOL, 1? lb Washed 28 (A 30 I'nw.isnpn (ti. ''1 Burry 10 15 ' AftT Forty years" xtorienco in the preparat ion of more than One Hundred Thousand applfcations for patents in the United States and Foreign conn tries, the publishers of the Scientific American continue to Act as sol ici torn for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy rights, etc, for the United States, and to obtain patents in Canada, England. I '-ance, Germany, and ad other countries Their experi ence is uneqnaled and their facilities are un.tur- PDrawinrs and specifications prepared and filed in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models oi drawings. Advice by mail f res m Patent obtained through Mnnn A Co.r noticed it the SCIENTIFIC AMEIUCANwhich has tt e largest circulation and is the most influential n wspapewf its kind published in the world. T le advantages of such & notice every patentee understands. . This large and splendidly illustrated newspaper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is at imitted to be the best paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress, pub lisned in any country. It contains the names of all patentees and title of every invention patented each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. If you have an invention to patent write to Munn A Co., publishers of Scientific American. 3b'l Broadway. New York. ... Handbook about patents mailed fr ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any propoijd line of advertising in American Papers by addressing " Hewpaper Advertising Bureau, lO Sprue St.. New Yorlc Send lOctC tor lOOpag Pamphlet. OA ILROADIt, &G. TIWB TABLR NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. AND AFTER MONDAY, OCT. 3, 17, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day: Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw.'S. c 2.25 P. M. Kollock station 2 45 P. M Osborne. (Vlag Station) :U5 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C 3.35 P. M. GOIXG SOUTH. No 1 Passenger aud Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C .12.30 P. M. . " Oslwrne. (Flag Station) 1.10 P.M. " Kollock Station 1.4iP.M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C 2.00 P. M. octStf Wl. MONCUliE Sup t. Wilminctoii. Colnni M i a & Aasrusta R. R. Co CONDENSED SCHEDUI-E. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov 13th, 1887. No. NO. NO. 15. '. M. 8 05 11 20 P. M. i K- M. 2 10 5 :$6 6 20 M. 59. M. 6 40 8 (ft 56. M. 8 27 9 55 Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion Arrive Florence 10 10 12 :?. 1 20 A. M. 12 10 I P. !NO. i P. i iNo, i P. Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . 40 251 jNo. 5: i A. M. 25 : t ii 40 15 i 10 45 Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. i A. M. No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Lanes 8:34 A. M.. Manning 90 A. M Sundavs No. 54 leaves Charleston x:30 A. v.. Lanes 10:28 A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter 11:46 A. M.. arrives Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. 56 runs through from 'Charleston via Central I.. R., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M Man- nlngT-JKP. M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 59. TRATNS GOING NORTH. iNo. 78. iNo. 57. NO. 53 P. M. I A. M. P. M. I 10 25 P. M. 5 : Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter 6 50 11 52i 8 121 6 46 No. 58.1 t 8 22' 9 40! Leave Sumter Arrive Florence .. 11 52 1 20 A. M. A. M. No. 66. A. M. t 10 30 11 11 NO. 14. P. M. 8 20 8 55 Leave Florence Leave Marion Arrive Wilmington... 4 25 5 20 8 351 2 101 11 50 A. M. 1 P. M. P. M. Dally. t Daily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Chariest on, S, C , via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:20 P. M.. Lanes 8:02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R, R.. arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 9:33 A. M. Charleston 11:30 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points North JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, nov 12 Wilmington dt Weldon R.li AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27, F't Mail dally. No. 15, daily ex Sunday. U)ated Nov. 13,1887. No. 23, daily. Leave Weldon. ... A r. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. . . Leave Tarboro j 2 05" pm I 3 17 pm f4 50 pm 110 50 am 5 43 pm! 6 00 am I 7 15 am Arrive Wilson. I 353pmj 7 00 pint 7 48 am Leave Wilson..... Arrive Selma.. Arrive Fayettevi e 4 10 pm 5 19 pm 7 45 pm Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Wrfrsaw Leave Magnolia... Ar. Wilmington... 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm t vj nm o os am a as am 9 54 am 8 40 pm 9 55 pm 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. 'n tut No. 11, No. 78. dally. 9 00 am 10 35 am 10 50 am daily I aany. ouiiuay . 3 45 pm 5 32 pm 5 50 pm 52 pm Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 am 1. 21 am 2 2) am 11 50 am Leave Fayettevllle Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson 8 30 ami 10 50 ami 11 59 ami 12 42 pm 1 Ixjave Wilson. ... . .') 3 02 am Ar. Rocky Mount . j Arrive Tarboro. . '.7.777.77. Leave Tarboro ! 7 48 8 19 ! l I8pmj 14 50 pm' 10 50 am 12 40 pm Arrive Weldon 4 30 am 9 30 Daily except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 p. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. Train leaves Tarboro, N. c. via Albermarle & Raleigh li. R. dally except Sunday, 6.00 P. M., Sunday 51)0 P. M., arrive Willlamston. N.C. 8.10 P. M.. 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wil llamston. N. c, daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M.- Arrive Tarboro, N.C. 9.45 A. M., 1L30A. M. . Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 8.30 A. M.. arrive Smithheld. N. C, 10.00 A. M. Returning 1?a,v?iL.8mlillllel,' N- c- 10- A. M., arrive Goldsboro. N. C, 12.10 P. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Roeky ol?,for Nan"I,le' 4 00 v- ! arrives at wf1 ile i40 P- M- Hope 5.L5 P. M. etll?.nns,Jves ?Prt,sr IioPe ia40 A. M.. Nashville ll.lo A. 3L, Rocky Mount 1L55A, M., daily except Sunday. " Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, at ilou P. M Retundng leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. M.. connect ing at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and 66 Southbound Train on Wilson & Favetteville Branch is No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Daily except Sunday. 3 Train No. 27 south 1il stoji only at M iison. troldsboro and 31 aguolia. Train No. 78 niake clwe connlJon at Wel don lor all point., .Noun daily. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, via Buy rI?Jn1 nai- i:lae cocnection for all points North via J;iclunoud aud WaKhinjion. AUJ.lalU! ruri mm ltween WUnuutrton and ashtnton, and have Pullman i'ahw-e Sleep ers at UicUecL r j v WW K- WviNK. Gen 1 Supt. , j. m. .M,uson. Gen 1 i'Mivjenver Awnt .- nor is ' - -.. 7 7 The Zeri Vance Stove, like its f namesake, is welcome iii all North .Carolina homes. It is to be 'found A. T . 1 ? WW 1 T-v i : ai.jaooui a uuw. iJepot, f O&rolina Qeitral Kai CHANpltO SCHEDULE. , WESTBOUND TKAIXS. iNOvl. I No. 3. iNO. 5 7 Dec, 15, 1887. rtflllVATl'i daily ex. Tri- Sunday, i Sunday. eeiuy . Leave Wilmington 7 00 pm 6 20 am Ar. LaurlDburg. 12 56 am 3,o. 7. .' 5 00 am 7 00 am 3 00 pui Lv. Laurinb'unr.".-.1 1 rd am' Leave Haiuiot A.rrive Charlotte rv Leave Charlotte.. . Leave Lincolnion. 4t k IX - 7 ;) am 8 45 am 11 00 nin! i .eav e nueiu.v Ar. Rutherfordtohi 12 T4 pm 3 ou pm EASTBOITND TRAINS NO. 2. i, NO,, 4, Nos 86 dour ex.dallexJ Tri- Dec. L. 18.. tsu nday.j Sunday ; pYeekly . 1 8 4fiim Lv. RutherfoiYltonl Iave Shelby... x.f Leave Lincolnfon.j Arrive Charlotte..; Leave charlotte. . . Iea ve 1 1 amlet ...,".! Arrive Laurinburgj I?a e Lanrinbtirg. ' Arrive Wilmlngt n 4ia52ian. 1 12 45 rm 3 o pm 15 pm 55 am 46 am .V 50 am. 1 20 pm" 3 00 pm , No. 6. "i 45 am ' 4 25 pm 2 56 am! 8 35 am Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars btHween -Wilmington and Chnrlotto and charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. 1 for Statesville uud stations on W. N. C. R. R. and '.points Wet. A'so. lor Spartanburg. Greenville. Athen' Atlanta anl all points southwest. Also, Tor -AshorilV via spartanbunr. .... ..... Local Frcliiht Ncs. 5 and 6 trlweklv lX' tween . Wllmtnaioii and Lanriiibttrif. Local Frelgli.- Nos. .7 and 8 daily betueen Laurinhnrg and chariot H' ' ' 4 Nos. 5. 6. 7. 8. t ake pabsenuers. L. c. jones. superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Cien l Passenger A genu f dec 15 . -i . r A. A. Bnvij & :o , GENERAL INSURANCE" AGENTS FOU FIRE, LIKE. MARINE AND ACCIDENT. -Over $35.0( paid out tor death losses for year 1SST. in Wilmington. N. C. Ofiice corner North Water nnd M ulberry sts., i up stairs. d'ecft-tf The atsoiua) Life AND V Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON. D. C. . ... o - Total Cash Assets. Liabilities.... Paid to members.. .... $275,754. 21 ,1 . . . None. t ....flB8,0T0,82 -o- HORATIO BROWNING, President. GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secretary, Manager and Actuary. - ' 1 i Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy. ; - ; - , An Ipcontestible Policy. v -; Maturity Value in Casn at ' iXed Age " : Annual Cost Absolutely .Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. . . ;l Non Forfeitable After Three Years - ' ' P. S. BIDDELLE, M.5i). ! ., i. .- i - Medical Directory w; h. GI BSON, Special Agent, , , ' .. j . , . , 4 Home Office, 1 F Street, Ni WV OCt28tf 1888. Harper's WetJklj.i ILLUSTRATED: j' ' Hakpeks Weekly has u well-established place as the leading illustrated nwspaner in America. The f3irn nf h rJ?Jtrf .in mcnts on current politics lias earned for it the respect and confidence of all Impartial read e'arl?ty n1 excellence of 'its llte- wmwiw, uini inciuae serial and short, stories by the best and most popular writers innge of tastes and pursuit. SuppiemeutH aii; freouentlv nrmiri,Vi 1: . 7 "r . pm pm pm In all Its ffnf 11.1,, U.....I.I.? .UV' ablv artnnun "" .'' V unir. housiehold? "wmc guc-M iu every HARPER'S PERIODICALS. PKIt YKAR: . ' .- - IIA RPER S WEEKLY.; .'. . fi) HARPER'S MAGAZINE.... i;...-.' W HARPER'S B7VZA It. 7. 4 u) HARPER'S YOUNG. PEOPLE U J0F VT t0a1h t"!11 in the Unitta .SVr'x, Cmmdo, or JktYv . " , -' " ' The Volumes of the Weekly bfdn with thA nrsf Number for January of each year vti7r. s mentioned, iSnSion will bc SiSr: t time of .VjSftiu! Bound volumes of Harrx-rV Weekly o threcr years back, in neat cloth WntfUur will t sent by mail, potae paid, or -by exikvZ tr of expense fpjovlded the freight dol-s iulr pT cec:d one dollar ier,volume, forT S pe? VoL wSSEi C!Sh i,?H Volume- WabJe- for . RermttancestehuMld tiaaae bv jVT7itvw Money Order or Draft, to SrSa'caiif iSt . v r. v warper & Brothers: UARPKi: A BROTHERS. - f - - , ' '-" New York ' nov ir T" n-eht assortment of i0lilcer, knives in tlie city at Jacobs Htlw t -

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