MISCELLANEOUS ft Bronchitis, Whooping C!ij?h; Incipient Vjisi:?t:;- T Ix-imQ m acl!iiif-t Majors t.f the ciT'-'iM!. I";-.-; CI ;-;. (;. ti'in. Tiif fioii' i; lir. y.'f.i' ,W C;h Strri't it fiUl tu-jy in; irhil, irrtit';ierx. stm N?r.; our rt-tri.'-n '. 'i : J.-j.u:-lc s i. ivi; . A Hit if I left 1 1 in a irvi-', o. Icrtl- i-trip ?tufte-Is'!,t I, ana the faopimiJesitnntcrvKnf Jt.hn W. Hull & A. V. Urijrr .t- Co.. Sole I Prop'tf, Uultiniore, JIcL, L. S. A. Chew Lange'g Fines The rreat 'f ohacco An tldote! Price iO Cts.-Sold by all Druiririst. OCt 1 d PATENTS nOT 28 4w F. A. LEHMANN, Washington. D. C. Send for eircuiar. mmV SAMPLE TREATMENT f- . UataiT il We mail enough to eon- r iBc vlnce. B. S. Laudekbach & Co., 773 Broad st., Newark, N. J. i nov 28 d&w 4w T.ADY ALD GENTLEMEN AOfiNTS WANT- JL ed In everjr city and town. A great oppor- tunlty. Agreeable work. MAN PEBLISHING CO., New York. Address THE WO- l'dri Nassau street, nov 28 d&w 4w 1 fft FEK PROFIT and SAMPLES FREE to IwvCENTmen canvassers for 1)k. Scott's Genuine Electric Belts, Brushes, &e. Ladv agents wanted for Electric corsets. uick sales. Write at once for terms. Dr. scotr, 844 Broadway, N. Y. nov 3h d&w 4w LADIES ARE OFFERED plain needlework at their own homes (town or country) by a wholesale house. Profitable, genuine. Good ? lay can be made. Everything furnished. Par lculars free. Address Artistic Needlework Co. 135 8th St.. New York City. oct 3 1 CURE tor th -DEAF eck's Patent Improved cushioned Ear Drums PERFECTLY RESTORE THE HEARING, whether deafness is caused by colds, fevers or Injuries to the natural drums. Always In po sition, but Invisible to others and comfortable to wear. Music, conversation, even whispf rs heard distinctly. We refer to those using them. Write to F. HISCOX, 840 Broadway, cor. 14th St-, New York, for illustrated book of proofsjree. nov 28 d&w 4w LLEBIG COMPANY'S EXTRACT OF MEAT ! ONLY SORT GUARANTEED GENUINE b) BAROHIKBIG nighly recommended as a nightcap Instead of alcoholic drinks. , Genuine only with the fac-simile op Ba ron Liebig's signature in blue across label. Sold by Storekeepers, Grocers and Orugglsts. I nov 28 d&w 4w Si 60 r.v k. i-r t 9 S 5: U5s.g o tan "lis 1 o TJlason & Hamlin 0 fY The cabinet organ was IS a fl 5 introduced In its present form by Mason 8t Hamlin In 1861. Other ma kers followed In the manufacture of these in struments, but the Mason & Hamlin Organs have always maintained their supremacy as the best In the world. Mason & Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the unequaled excellence of their organs, the fact that at all of the great World's Exhibi tions, since that of Paris, 1867, in competition with the best makers of all countries, they have Invariably taken the highest honors. Il lU3trated!catalogue free. 10 tm C Mason & Hamlin's Piano w ' Ktrlnirpr wn.ei Intrnrlnnprt by them in 1882, and has been pronounced by experts the "greatest Improvement in pianos m nan a century." A circular, containing testimonials from three hundred purchasers, musicians and tu ners, sent together with descriptive cata logue, to any applicant. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay ments; also rented UASQN &. HAMLIN ORGAN & PIANO CO. BOSTON, NEW YORK, CIIICAGO. nov 28 d&w 4w ' TfSTTi Sea Wonders exist in thousands IJ Pi Pi r of forms, but are surpassed by the marvels of invention. Those who are In need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hallett & Co., Portland. Maine, and receive free, run information how either sex. of all ages, can earn from $5 to f25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made over $50 In a single day at this work. All sue ceed, nov 22 6md lyw ELY'S CREAM BALM CatarrH Cleanses the Nasal Passages, Allays Pain and Inflam mation, Heals the 1 Sores, Restores the Senses of Taste and Smell. m III CUKE. HAY-FEVER A particle Is applied into each nostril and is agreeable. Price 50 cents at druggists; by mall, registered, go cents, kly bkotueks, 235 Greenwich St., New York. apl91yeodd&w ihteqest 70 im Manly Visor.' Weakness or Lo9 of Memory per toanenUy restored by the use of an entirely lies jmedv. Xlie ITerba Santa from Snain. Span h Trochees never fail. Our illustrated, 32 ige boot td testimonials, (sent eeafedV Every man&noaX -ad iU VON GRABS TliOCIIEK CO., pA4 59 Parle JPlmce, Kew York. "rei eb 31 d eod atw is -.2 315-2''! Josh. T. James,. Editor. & Prop'r. Wilmington, N. C. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21, '87. Entered at the Postoffice at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. There is an exhibition of sewing machines at the Royal Aquarium, London, where English, American and German sewing machines are being shown. It is the first exhibi tion of the kind, but will be repeat ed, it is said, in Boston, Mass, and subsequently in Paris. There are sixty-nine patents shown, and they include many novelties. A speci men of the first sewing machine ever made, reproduced from the original specifications of Thomas Saint, of London, an inventor of the last centurv, is there, and with r v t are exhibited modern machines sewing at the rate of 2,000 stiches a ninute. The lowest priced one is $1.37, and the highest r00. AVhen last summer an iron steam er, about one hundred feet long, or he tramp species, steamed up the Seine, and was tied to one of the quays it brought throngs of people to the bridges to looks upon a ship that had actually been to sea. Such an event mav not be a novelty to Parisians inthefuture. A company has been formed for the purpose of making Paris a seaport. In a re cent report of the commission ap pointed to look into the matter, it is advised to make a canal more than thirty-five feet deepen the cen tre of lie river Seine, and wide enough toallow two vessels to nass each other at any point. At present all freight for Paris cominir un the Seine has to be reshipped from ves sels into barges at Rouen. With a canal, this expense would be obvi ated. Rouen would lose all its trade as a seaport, and Paris doubtless become as lively along its water front as the busiest town of the coast. This canal project is the in vention of Mr. Bouquet de la Crrve. -- - Lieut. Gushing says that the Ztmi Indians invest everything used in their daily life with a spirit of its own. A jar has its life aud death and the twanging sound it gives forth upon breaking, especially when in the oven, is the cry of tle departing soul. The lieutenant, in order to learn the wavs of the Zuni, sat down among the women who were turning pottery and imitated their work. He began to whistle when they threw up their hands in dismay and cried to hi 111 to cease Any noise would excite the jar's spirit and cause it to break when pi the oven. They always paint a band around the rim of a vessel, outside if it is a water jar, and in side if its intended for cooking. But this band is never complete as this would not allow the spirit to escape when the jar dies. All the jars found in "ancient Los Muertos are banded sometimes in three or four colors, but the ring is never un broken. A letter from the City of Mexico to the Troy Times describes a fare well performance by Senorita Her nandez, the most famous female bull-fighter in the world. The strongest and fiercest animals had been provided. To make the novelty greater she fought on stilts, armed only with a short sword. As the bull, mad with rage, would make his furious charge, she stood per fectly still until he had approached within three feet, when, suddenly springing asideas the animal rushed by, with one hand she would .slap him in the face with the scarlet cloak which had first aroused his anger, and with the other hand dexterously thrust into his neck a banderilla, whose sharp barb, as it pierced his flesh, caused him to roar with rage and pain. Thus charge after charge was made by the mad dened brute, only to be alwavs , mi mf evaded by the active girl. She played him, plagued him and tor- turea mm, as a cat would a mouse, until at last, bleeding, sore and com pletely exhausted with fatigue and pain, the animal would wound fight no more. Three wild bulls were worn out in this way by the fair Castillian; and then, as the climax, a magnificent bull was sent into the arena. Still on stilts, she calmly awaited his furious charge, and dis patched him with one thrust of her sword. The exciteniffnt and ap plause were tremendous. Consumption Surely Cured. To the Editor Please inform your readers that I have a positive remedy for the above naimed disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy free to any of your readers who have consump tion if they will send ine their ex press and post office address. Res pectfully. T. AT SLOCTJM, M.C., 181 Pearl st., New York.- 1 Rheumatism Is undoubtedly caused by lactid acid in ii hi n'nri "This aeid attacks the in.tne blooa. lnis ac m a tiao w iue fibrous tissues, and causes the pains and aches in the .back,- shomders., knees ankles hiDS. and wrists. Knees, an ies "'P8 , f , "f . i Thousands of people have found in Hood's Sarsaparilla a positive cure for rheumatism. This medicine, by f 0 3Sfl . fwrfi'mi neutralises the its purifying action, neutralizes tne aciaity 01 me uiuuu, auu aiou j unuo up ana srrengmens me nuic l DECEMBKIC DOTS. All sierns indicate an open winter. In Louisiana it is noW wi.Ie open.- Picayune. . . "Westward the 'star' of empire walks home again' on the ties. Puck. Would it be correct to call a red nosed, importuning tramp a kind of a ' damask rose? Oil City lUizzarrt. Congress has opened for business. On with the dance. Let jaw be un confined. Picayune.' The contemned frog of our swamps, better than any other creature, represents the green-hide monster. Jicrgen County -Democrat. Crown Prince Rudolph of Austria cost the British tax payers $2,250 for his "garter.'1 This is the way royalty keeps her stocking up. "Can you work?" asked a lady of a tramp. "I don't know, . ma'am. I used to. but I'm out of practice." Mer Trav. The Swedish word for a maiden is ''Flicker.' This is because when she finds home tiresome she flickers and goes out. N YCom Advertiser. A South Carolina paper tells of a farmer in that State, who has been at the plow for sixty eight years. It is time to call the old man to dinner. Alta California. A Minnesota woman caught a tramp 011 her premises and married him. The public has monkeyed too long with this tramp nuisance, and we are glad that heroic remedies are about to be used to exterminate it. F.xchanpe. Look out for counterfeits! See that you gt the genuine Dr. Bull's Cough Svrnp! Do not let the dealer sell you some "just as good," but insist upon getting thegenuine with the Bull's Head trade-mark on the wrapper. Shot woollen fabrics, with the wrap of red. the woof of blue, green brown, yellow or gray, in various shades of those colors, are the latest vovelty seen on dry goods counters. Over-Worked Women, . For "worn-out," "run-down;" de bilitated school teachers, milliners, seamstresses, housekeepers, and over-worked Women generally. Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription is the best of all restorative tonics. It is not a "Cure-all," but admirably ful fills a singleness of purpose, being a most potent pecihc lor all tnose Chronic Weaknesses and Diseases peculiarto women. It is a powerful, general as veil as uterine, tonic and nervine, and ynparts ? vigor and strength to the whole system. It promptly cures weakness of stom ach, indigestion, bloating, weak back, nervous prostration, debility and sleeplessness, in either sex. Fa vorite prescription is sold by drug gists under our positive guarantee. See wrapper around bottle. Price 1.00 a bottle, or six bottles tor $5.00. A large treatise on Diseases of Women, profusely illustrated with colored plates and numerons wood cuts, sent for ten cents in stamps. Address, World's Dispensary Med ical Association, 663 Main Street, Buffalo, N. Y. The importance of purifying the blood can not be overestimated, for without pure blood you cannot enjoy good health. At this season nearly 'every, ,one needs a good medicine to purify, vitalize, and enrich the blood, and we ask yon to-try Hood's Da rulioK- Sarsaparilia. It strengthens reCUIIctr and builds up the system, creates an appetite, and tones the digestion, while it eradicates disease. The peculiar combination, proportion, and preparation of the vegetable remedies used give to Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul- -r-. IfQAlf lar curative powers. No V llOCll other medicine has such a record of wonderful cures. If yon have made up your mind to buy Hood's Sarsaparilla do not be induced to take any other instead. It is a Peculiar Medicine, and is worthy your confidence. Hood's Sarsaparilla is sold by all druggists. Prepared by c. I. Hood & Co., Lowell, Mass. IOO Doses dec 10 lyr dfcw nrm One Dollar m w s 2dp PENNYROYAL PILLS. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH." ; THV ORIGINAL. AND ONLY GKNU NK Safe and alway Reliable. Beware of worth less Imitations. Indispensable to L.DIKts Ask roar Druggist for "Chichestkk n glish' and take no other, or inclose 4c. (stamps) to us for particular in letter by re turn malL N AUK PaPkr Chichester Cbkmical Co , 2313 Madison Square. Phlla , Pa. At Druggists. rrad supplied bv Kol UBA6HOEHAKEK, fhlladelphla. Pa itzakvu::dsv ELOPED part I tbs Body enlarctd and Btrenirthensd. Fall particn rs sent sealed free. KBLS MKO. CO.. Bumvo. N. V PFrlEERSrisalnYOUSSESSrlfol jalt of oTer-Work; lndijcretlon. etc. address abort may 6 d&w eod ly Lm af---- utin "'JyS- Superior Courts of North Carolina 1888 ' judges. 1st District, James K. Shepherd, of Beaufort. District, Fred Phillips, of Edgecombe, 3 District, H. o. Connor, of Wilson. 4th District, Walter Clark,of Wake, 5th District, John Ai Gilmer, of Guilford. 6th District, K T Boykin, of Sampson. 7tn DistriCt,' James C. MacRae, Cumberland. 8th District, w J. Montgomery, of Cabarrus, 9th District, Jesse F. Graves, of Surry. 10th District, Alphonso C. Avery, of Burke. . District, Wm. M. Shlpp, of Mecklenburg. iziu. uusina, j. a. wernmon, 01 uuncomoe. SnTTfTTOTXJ 1st District, John H. Blount, of Perquimans. 2nd District, Geo. H. White. (coL) of Halifax. 3rd District, D. Worthington, of Martin. 4-th District : T. If -Arrrn of H'fltP 5th District, Isaac K? strayhorn. of Durham. gjg? JSfefiS'SSS.m.ad. ; 8th District, B. P. Loner, of Iredell. 9ttl District, Thos. Settle, Jr., of Kockingham. llth District, Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg. 12th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING COUBTS PISTRICT. FIRST JUDICIAL Spring .Judge Montgomery. Fall Judge Maclfae. Beaufort t Feb. i:iih. May 28th. Nov. 26th. Currituck March iith, Sept. :!. Camden March 12th, Sept. 10th. Pasquotank March 19th. June llth, Sept. I 1 17th, Dec. 10th. Perquimans March 2fth, Sept. 24th. Chowan April 2d. Oct. 1st. Gates April 9th, Oct. 8th. Hertford April l.rth. June 18th, Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d, Oct. ;U. Tyrrell April 30tli, Oct. 29th. Dare May 7th. Nov. fith. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. SECOND JUDICIAL, DISTRICT. Spring Judge Graves. Fall Judge Montgomery. - Halifax tJan. 9th, tMareh r.th, May 14th, tNov. 12th. Northampton Wan. 23d. April 2d, Oct. 1st. Bertie Feb. 6th, April 20th, Oct. 2vth. Craven Feb. 13th, May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren March 19th, Sept. 17th. Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th. THIRD JUDICIAL' DISTRICT, Spring .Judge Avery. Fall .Judge Graves. , Pitt Wan. 9th, March 19th, tJune llth, Seft 17 tn. Franklin Jan. 23d. April 16th, Nov. 12th. wnson ;'eo. etn, june4tn, oct. mn. Vance Feb. 20th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. Martin March 5th. Sept. 3d, iDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. Fall Judge Avery. Wake Wan. 9th. tFeb. 27th. March 26th, t April 23d, Wuly 9th, tAug. 27th, Sept. 24th, toct. 2d. WayneJan. -ia, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th.. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 22(1. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Merrimon. Fall .Judge Shipp. Durham Jan. 16th, March 26th, June 4th, Oct. 15th. Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th, Dec. 10th. Alamance March 5th, May 21sf, Sept. 24th. " Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th. Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL' DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fall Judge Merrimon. Pender .Jan. 19th, May 7th, sept. 10th. New Hanover t J an. 23d, t April 16th, tSept. 24tM. Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th. Nov. 12th. Duplin Feb. 13th, Sept. 3rd. Nov. 26th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct 8th, nee. iota. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 23d. Jones .March 26th, Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d, Nov. 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Fall Judge Shepherd. Columbus Jan. 16th. April 2d. July 3d, tNov. 26th. Anson Wan. 9th, tApril 30th, Sept. 3d. tNov. 26th. Cumberland .Tan. 23d, tMay 7th, July 23d, tNov. 12th. Robeson Jan. 30th, May 2lst. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. liichmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, Sept. 17th, Dec. 3rd. Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th, Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct. 22d- EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus Wan. 30th, April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th, May 21st, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Kowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 19th. Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec 3d. Randolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Oct. 1st. Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th. Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. Fall Judge Clark. . Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. th. Caldwell March 19th, Sept. 3d. , Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. 10th. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Boykin. Fall .Judge Gilmer. Catawba .Jan. 16th, July lfith. . Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th. Union 'Feb. 13th, tFeb. 20th, 'Sept. 17th, tSept. 24th. Mecklenburg tFeb. 27th. tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 22d. Rutherford April 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge MacRae. Fall Judge Boykin. Madison Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th, June 18th, Aug.isth, Dec. 3d. Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 9th, sept 10th. Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon May 7th, Oct. 1st. Clay May 14th, Oct. 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham .Tune 4th, Oct. 29th. Swain June llt h, Nov. 5th. For criminal cases. tFor. civil cases alone. iFor civil cases alone, except Jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT COURTS. 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Benjamin R. Moore. Wilmington, solicitor. Court begins Jan. 2d, March 19th, May 21st. July 16th, Sept. 17th, Nov. 19th. MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington. Judge. Geo. E. Wilson. Charlotte, Solicitor: Court begins Feb. 13th, April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 13th, Oct. 8th, Dec. 10th. " Douglas - & Yarborough. . - JIASniONABLKf IIAIK DRESSERS AND BARBERS, 1(3 Market St.; Wilmitisrton. N. C 8h6p fully equipped with all the latest lm pmTeanenu . . . - - Courteous and polite barbers alwajs ready Kerve caatomers. J. W. Yarboroagn, formerly with John Werner woaU be gl&d to serve his old pat ron, feb22 MlSaBLLASTEOUS .m-i Over Tea Ihonsond Trial 3ft X3ASill . of w horn wok a lull troe 1 Lcntsad wero restored to health br nso of A RadicCnr9fn?NervoasDr.faiJ.Orrri Weakness tndPJiT3i cal Docst in Younsor 21 ii-N L&OQsaild cases fho-r rrmn'.rtts'if rvsrtn- T--n r 1 " wt,Tt ied and broken down raen totiio fh!l 6&oyxnentof Jfoct and full Man Jy Strength and Vigorous ilaalth. To t hose who suffer from t ho many obacaro disoasos vrotfght about by lniisemi1on.Hz OKaro.C'nir-Draia tiork,ortoofrao Indnineno, vro asi tisal y&a eeiidu3 "onr i'ac;e wi fh st afnse 6 o t your trouhJo, cad secoro imALPACS-AG ypt?-xr'h 1 llnsfj ramnhlo; te-.-'.lXZn T-BGOfJS can harb mal7y dSrw ly B'oOfll H W IS S S re 2 3 -2 A O A O " 1 1 1 g -3 ? es P 2 C J 5 2.0 1o -1 2 T.O OS.O J- 2, I!! 2 " 1888. Harpers Young People. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. Harper's Young People interests all young readers by its carefully selected variety of themes and their well-considered treatment. It contains the best serial and short stories, valuable articles on scientific subjects and travel, historical and biographical sketches, papers on athletic sports and games, st irring poems, etc., contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its illustrations are nu merous and excellent. Occasional Supple-r ments of especial interest to Parents and Teachers will be a feature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty-three week ly numbers. Every line in the paper is sub jected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order that nothing harmful may enter its col umns. An epitome of everything that Is attractive and desirable in juvenile literature. Boston Courier. A weekly feast of good things to the boys" and girls in every family which it visits. tlrockUjn frtiiott. It is wonderful in its wealth of pictures, in formation and interest. Christum Admcate x. r. Terms: Postage Prepaid, $2 pryear. Vol. tx logins Xowmlier 1, 1887. Specimen Copy sent on receipt of tiro-cent stamp ' ' Single Number, Jive Cents each. Itemittances should be made by Past-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xeicspapers are not to cojn this adpersiserncnt trithont the express order of Harper &j Brothers. Address HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 15 New York " 1888. Harper's Bazar. ILLUSTRATED. nlRPER's Bazar is a home journaL It com bines choice literature and fine art illustra tions with the latest intelligence regarding the fashions, Each number has clever serial and short atores, practical and timely essays, bright poems, humorous sketches, etc. Its pattern-sheet and fashion-plate supplements will alone help ladles to save manv times the cost of the subscription, and papers on social etiquette, decorative art, house-keeping in all its branches, bookery, etc., make it useful in every household, and a true promoter of econ omy. Its editorials are marked by good sense, and not a line is admitted to its columns that could offend the most fastidious taste. HARPERS PERIODICALS. PKR YEAR: HARPER'S BAZAR $4 00 HARPER-S MAGAZINE 4 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY...! 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE. 2 00 Postage Free to all subsertljers in flue United Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three years back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, oh receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. Xeirspapers we not to copv this adrrrttsemenl irithont she express order of narper & Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 15 xew York s Lime. Lime. LIME In exchange lor PROVISIONS LIME " GROCERIES. LIME . DRY GOODS; .LIME," "... " HARDWARE. LIME " " " LUMBER. LIME " ," ", CASH. '. PKKN CII BROS , sept . Roclcy Point. ' 'J ' - -I,-' -- .-VtAt- M .. . - 'i 1 i " - fei:5i?H?fiSf?rIHlslf IIS !i; fa n J Ssrflil?; If mi llM If I Wl5 iUl 1 J O : wxi5ii-i H i?S?5?3a3. fv??" -a?Ig 35 &C: ssfiZtU-z ?: mi nil ;lr jirss! ?. . p ? i ll hiz?it : - Ms- d-ki : S S 5 8 1 5 g- I $ A i t gSi ITI. "ijMerwns in iisacuon. Quirk in nffA.tj,. . m 6 V 111!1 1 t celled as a lii.nx! velousas an aj. I xerauve in i&i stimulant efta onatorpi.l ;rcL A sovereign run for presKion and wantofappctitf. Headache ami JS "-vonsiiffjl vanish as if bt mngls ait.-r f-kiiiafew.io-M. I Puniilcs mil Doils tliviniipatl speeauy wnen. tnia remeay is lasen. 1 uere s no more effectual relief for the nanswtnq loathing of food due to INTEMPERAycEj niau in is ariiuie. trui iijiui;ue oceai un ties. Sampl e packages i n ro woer fona tm oy mai 1 to any aaaress on receipt 01 w s in starais The Tesnlarl inuil form rai'txJ J sent by mail. MEXICAN MEDICIXECCJ 4UU JNortu 3t wt., Philadelphia, i'a. BIRD ; 1AKNA! The great secretof thecanarybirdbreedrt of the Hartz Mountains in Germanv. iiiti Mauna wil Irestore the song of cage bink,nifl prevent their ailments and restore thcra te ftood. condition.- If given to a bird -lwis? the season oishedY.inc feathers, it williu ffi't 1 cases carry the little musician through tb i critical period without loss of soii.c Sontbj I nail on reeeint of 15 cts. in stamns. BIRD OOD CO., 400 N. 3rd St. Pliiladclpbia, n ease mention this paper. aept 9 tn th sat Misses Burr & Janie? ILL REOPEN THEIR SCHOOL FOI w girls and little boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course of instruction, as heretofore, iB be thorough and systematic '4 Special attention given to Reading, Writlnfr music and Physical cuuure. Mrs. M. S. Cushlng wlU have charge af Musical Department. , nours for Kindergarten pupils frora i jUf w For further particulars see rnuupa. sept 10 -p- 1888. Ilarper'H JfagazIuiV ' ' ILLUSTRATED.. of slve thought and movement in fjK, ment of life. Besides other attraction. contain, during the -coming JET ci articles, superbly illustrated, on try; beautlfuUy Illustrated papPJJB2L jiwr Norway. Switzerland,' Algiers, ana f tt T li 1 ll'm ""- .In Howells; novelettes, each compi ;,4arB.auii number, by Henry James, W'" wool0 Amelia Rives; short stories W.ffrSraiedP3 and other popular writers; ana toWrr4- The Editorial Departments are George WllUam Curtis, William Pf?n and Charles Dudley Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS- - , PER ykar: HARPER'S MAGAZINE ........ HARPER'S WEEKLY ... HARPER'S BAZAR... ... .-I- HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE... .1. f Postaae Free, to all - gubfcrili' ,"' Ssates, Canada, or Mexico. The volumes of the Magazine begin ijf Numbers for June and IroHDtion When no time Is srheu subripnof begin with the Number corn ceipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harpert ' three years back, in neatcfoth WfoI 9 sent by mail, post-paid, on per volume, Cloth Cases for bindm-. each by mall post paid. Index' to Harper's Mae A1; Analytical and Classified, tor ojuw Inclusive, from June, 18. A to lune' voL, vo. Cloth, 00. - ..' rost- Remittances suuiuu oi Monev Order or Draft, to avoid ciiaw Setespapers are oteoMft VMxfiU tl express order of Harper . j QAddress ' JIARPEB M?fit nov 15 BII

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