MISCELLANEOUS o t Iv--'.i for I!n . Wi!!!$ 'Tv - '-a a'----'," tr? "'-;" H'- 1 Lrver-'?iF, "S-'Fif r-tCI5wr-- l-iV-' :a-'.JwJ vKt. i- 'o' rvvn. v M ",:- vibi ""- ' ,..'., !-- " ,. '"is. it t r ' OH ; Jl& Safest 7 8 nomrxsviLi-K, Ky., Fob. i Gentlemen Seven years 8K' s-ie f -.' .i t il on mr iioe from u H;ii.er m- 1 erar.-l:. i -ri i a f'iw simple remedies, lu.i t.ne sote w siot ic.2. I grw wore vc-ry year lor .(-''ii yoai. Jiiiiiy thought l intl ai'i'.fi ci r. Ovi'r a jwr j no I ooniiiieucvu taKi'i S s S.. and two dozen b'itl'.en en lire' y care" " Wiien X began Jvii S,Yii,o 1 w In v'-rv loor bpalth, aul coim. U. n !j ,'i-,it hJmmiS. Af ter I had n.:i?h i ih-v urw; , f s. S. s. I was strf nz nt:d buoyrr.t, ai d j n i ;i flood appecite. I regard il ns ; iri v:,: to medicine for l.uiies In v: k,rtii (-,t.' iica.ih. Ir is n household iiit.kii.e -r a inc. Yoar rDcetfu.ly. Sins. It. VV. Wili:j. RrAnTASBrno, S. C. April 2, :s7. -!i : iini'ii For tweiiiy j ihis 1 l.avf !im! .1- it-tuiny left eheelc. It h::d riadnsl.y i t 'ii growing worse. The many physk-uuis w.!iia I hmi consulted were unable to do im- v g1 xid. L'iKt fall a j ear rgo I began u-ifK "s. s. s. Atlirst It bflanud t))e.soje, ; n't it became more virulent than evr r ; inurli so, indeed, tfrvt v.y family iusibteo ih.i: I should leave T the. lued'.eme. . Iper v:til in usiusr the S. S. N. At tl e end ( two ,-i i iisa thc-Fore was rnt;r'Jy l'ealed. Tl. lnk !.); tluU tiie evil whs out of my constltiuio'i. I L-ft 1T the medieiiio; but in Novendr, tf ii months after, a very 'slight bieaklvgout ui! ured. I at once bev?an again on i. &. S , ;;'(! now that is also disappearing. .1 Iievc eivrv faith in S. S. S. It lias done me more f,,4 than all tho doetors and other mcdi ci!.ts 1 ever took. Yoars t ruly, A. K. SIIAXD3. Wixston, N.C, April 12, 1S87. Gentlemen Two or three years ago a can-r-. r came on my face. It soon grew to le .juit large. It wore on me, and my genera I iioaltii was very poor. Last September I 'iean a course of S. S. S., which I have eon imued to the present time with the happiest result. The cancer has entirely disappeared, tre being no evidence or symptom of a i sneerous character left. My general health S Koofl now, and my appetite Detter than it has been in yearn. I am 82 years old, and t day I am working in the field planting era. Yours truly, x Johas Xjxkbacb. Gentlemen. I had a sore on my upper lip for eight years. Seven different doctors at ler.ijited in vain to heal It. One gave me a Mnall vial for five dollars, which was a " cer luiacure." It is needless to say that it did me no good. About two years ago I became quite uneasy, as people thought I had a can cer, and I took a course of eighteen bott les of S. S. S. The result has been a complete rum. The ulcer or cancer healed beautiful ly, leaving scarcely a perceptible scar. From that day I have been in excellent health, the specific having purified my blood thorough ly Increased my appetite and perfected my t'.Kstion. In a word. I feel like a new woi7ian, and, best of all, the eight year ulcer i gone entirely. Yours sincerely, Mrs. W. P. Cansox Trenton, Todd Co., Ky.f Feb. 25, 1887. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed fn-e. Taa Swot Specific Co., Drawer S, Atlanta, Oa. not 26 law ly . . . ... cli sat, If en. send lor DOG BUYERS' J (1U1DE, containing Colored plates, I IOO ecsnravinfirs of different breeds. A prices tiiey ara worth, and where to buy them. Directions for Trainiiijr Doga cud Breeding Fcrrcts- Mailed for Id Venta. Also Cittd of Dog Furnlshiss Gootls of all kinds. Then send for lrftctlcal POUl TRY BOOK. 10O pages; bean- Itifnl colored. pJate; engraTtaps jUcs of the breeds; How to capomze; plans tor potutry nonses: lnioimatioa 1 l!xii:iiiMiniitini und .htm lit linv ia.-r HHiwjr. Sent for Id Cents If so, yon need the BOOK OF CAGE ( lunus. 12U (rations. Jjeaut colored plate. J Treatment ana brooding of ail kinds Oa&a 1 birds, for ploeura and jproft. iif6iies aud their cure. Hmr to loiid and etock aa Aviary. All abont Parrots. Prices oi all kinds birds,- capes, etc. . . Mailed fc.r. i 5 Cents. The Tn.ee Bocks, 40 ASSOCIATED FANCIERS, i South Eighth Street, Philadelphia, I'st . i V.rt -TfiraiftTYr-ini','-rw'ii--ftf 1- RICHLY s Kewar-ded are those who read this and then act; they Aviil find honorable emnloy- ui'-ut that, will not take them from their homes mrt families. Tho profits are large and sure for every industrirus peison, many have made 'iifl are now making several hundred dollars iiioiiih. it is easy for any one to make $5 'ii'l upward per day, who is willing to work, tiiher sex, young1 or old; capital not needed; ne start you. Everytning new. No special ;,lility required; you, reader, can do t as well anyone. Write tons at' once tor full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address stinson t o.. Portland, Maine. nov 23 dfimwly The Acme MANUFACTURING CO., MAKUFACTUKEltS OF Fenilizers, Pine Wool and Pine Wool Matting. o LMINGTON, N.C. o- em j!IR REPUTATION OF OUR FERT1LIZEKS, JeACME and GEM, is now established, and u e results of three years' use In the hands of J st farmers of this and other States fully "test, their value as a high grade manure. The MATTING, made from the leaves of our inr I' p.lne' uas aiready gained a popularity carrfmroiian(l duraDmty e(lual tetany wool b .Va?d tne demand for it Is daily increas- ibric rtues not found in any other "ttDnnwS115 or 'OOL'ris extensively used for M ir?i purposes, and as a tilling for elast ft'S ls 8101081 elal to hair, being light, ri-'ie and proof against Insects. 2w !ncaLes frm reliable parties tisino; our ttn nS,? at Uf mCe' 0r mail" Jjn application. noviatf - : v : New York, Philadelphia and Baltimore prices lQlo?-S WERNER'S Barber Shop : t'ents?LtaSliave520centsaIIair Cut and 20 bye or jluamP- His own. manufactured Hair 4 SaMer3r shade at 20 cents and upwards, onf Market Street, between Water and sept 21 ir .uA CJHniSTMAS CAKOL. "--r." " V. Far, far ami near o'er sea and land. The 'ripplmg- bells of many a chime Peal forth, , at love's ; divine com . mand. , S; , , The joy, the grace of Christmas time. ;.- - - v Poor sinners we, we bend the knee, 3 ebow the heart in hniible heed: 'ord. let us live anew to Thee. For Christ; Thy Christ, H-.born in deed!11 . Ah, let the lowliest heart rejoice And claim a.s kintrlv brotfiprliorwi A:id let the proudest lis its! choice ' : In humble paths of doing good. ! .No p;ilnce decked with costlv art, i With gold and gems, doth shine so fair j As flic low chamber of the heart ! When Christ, the Prince of Peace, is there. What though the fields are white i vvith snow And breath of Winter chills the earth.? Blithe troops of children come and o, With gentle faces bright with mirth. Their merry Christmas greetings ring Like songs of birds when Summer smiled: r Our gracious faster and our King Was born to earth a little child. Yho!-e heart so cold it shall not stir Wiien Chi istmas emblems, far and .wide. The gifts that household loves prefer,- Are sent abroad at Christinas tide? Whose heart so cold, whose heart so old, - Bur swells with joy ami childlike mirth To see swet charity enfold Her royal mantle round the earth? Now each shall find the gift deemed best, The baby's ring ami shining ball. The soft-haired doll so quaintly drest, Skates, s eetmeats, books, yea, gifts for all. Ah, barren fir, cold juniper, Lift high your branches, -.spread them wide! Your day hath come; break forth in bloom And clustered fruit at Christmas time. . But dearer than the best of gifts That e'er by mortal hand was given, The gracious charity that lifts Our human nature nearer heaven. Love, heavenly 1 bve on earth be low! Let all things go if love abide! Forget no friend, forgive each foe, For Christ was born at Christmas tide. r Ida WJtippla Jlcnlmm, in Good llousckwijrirta. The blood is the source of 'health 'Keep it pure by taking Hood's Sars aparilla, which" is peculiar in its cu rative power. . - r Two "Ways of Saying Jt. Those who live among books, and have withal the gift of language, are apt to be bookish in their ex pressions. One of this class, Miss Eliza 'Robbing, of Boston, was visit ing her friend, the poet Bryant. She happened to be alone in his' library when a cabinetmaker brought home a chair he had altered. On Mr. Bryant's return, lie said: "Miss Bobbins, what did the man sav about my chair.'-7 '"That the equilibrium is now mij-ably adjusted," she replied, lifting her. eyes from the book not reading. "What a fine fellow!" said ad not she Mr. Brvaut, laughing. "I never herd him talk like that. Now, Miss Rob bins, what did he sav?" "Well, he said 'It joggled just right," she1 replied. Youtlia Com panion. - , - "The tree of deepest root, is found least willing to quit the ground." So friends and citizens, don"t let neuralgia and rheumatism get root ed in the svstenbut kill them ith Salvation Oil, the greatest cure on earth for pain. For sale by all druggists at twentv live cents a bot tle. HKAI.TH HINTS. Be regidar at vour habits. i If possible goto bed at the same hour ev'erv night. . Rise in the morning soon after i awake vo 4. A sponge bath of cold or tepid water should be followed by friction" witli towel or hand. 5. Eat plain food. C. Begin your morning meal with fruit. 7. Don't go to work immediately after eating. 8. Be moderate in the use of liq uids at all seasons.; 9. It is safer to filter and boil drinking water. 10. Exercise in the open air when ever The weather permits. " 11. In inalaHous districts do your walking in the middle of the day. 12. Keep the feet comfortable and v. ell protected. 13. Wear woolen clothing the year round. 14. See that your sleeping room and living rooms are well ventilated, and that "sewer gas does not enter them. 15. Brush your teeth at least twice a day, night and morning. j 1ft. Don't 'worrv. It interferes; with the healthful action of the stomach. . 17 VrM uiixr have interesting oc cupation in vigorous old age. Con-: thine to keep the brain active. Rest ' means rusk Herald of Health. Ttie surest test of a frozen orange . is it weight. If it is heavy in the : hand it has not been frozen. . - i "I wish I had been born a Hotten- J tot," he said most bitterly,- "Then Id live in a warm climate and not' be vexed out nf mv Hf. We gently led him to a corner shop Dr. Bnll's Cough Syrup. We are good Samaritans; we are. Drain pipes and all places that are sour or impure may be cleansed with lime water or carbolic acid. Tonic, Alterative and Cathantic .' Simmons Liver Regulator cures malaria, biliousness,: dyspepsia, headache, constipation and piles. It is most Veffeeti ve in starting the secretions jof the liver, causing the bile to act as a purge. When there is an excess of bile in the stomach, the Regulator, is 'ah. active uj-gt: after the removal of the bile it. will regulate the bowels and impart vig? or and health to the svstem. Salt disolvetl in alcohol will move grease spots from cloth'. ' re bick and bilious headache ctireil ! by Dr. Pierce's "Pellets." .. .;. Rub the tea-kettle with kerosene and polish with a dry flannel cloth: . ;-- ' The usual treatment of catarrh is very unsatisfactory, as' thousands of despairing patients can testify. On this point a trust worth v medical writer says; "Proper local treat ment is positivelv necessary to suc cess, but many, if not most- of the remedies in general use by" physi cians afford but temporary" benefit. A cure certainly cannot be expected from snulfs, powders, douches and washes." Ely's Cream Balm is a remedy 'vhich combines the import ant requisites of quick action; speci fic curative power ith perfectly SiJlfptv Jliul llo;ii;i!itnps tft flifck usi- t trent. Flour should be kept in a barrel, with a flour scoop to dip it and a sieve to sift it. - Don't let that cold of vours run on. You think it is ti light thingr But it may run into catarrh. Or into pneumo nia. Or consumption. Catarrh, is disgusting. Pneumo nia is dangerous. Consumption is. death itself. The breathing apparatus must be kept healthy and clear of all obstruc tions and offensive - matter. Other wise there is trouble ahead. All the diseases of these parts, head, nose, throat, bronchical tubes and lungs, can be delightfully and entirely cured by the use of Bo schee's German Syrup. If you don't know this already, thousands and thousands of people can tell you. They have been cured by it, and "know how it is themselves." Bottle only 75 cents. Askany druggist. Ceiling that have been smoked by a kerosene lamp should bo wased off with soda water. 1 ; Bncklen'g Arnica Salve. The Best Sai;K in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chop ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and Positively cures Piles, or no pay required, it give perfect satis- is guaranteed to taction, or money reiunded. Fnce For sale by W. H. 25 cents per box brreen & Co. - - i Paris is to have a great industrial exposition in 18S9. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by . relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. July f$ deod&wly HUMPIIUEYS' HOMEOPATHIC VETERINARY SPECIFICS For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs, Poultry. 500 PAGE BOOK on Treat ment of Animals and Chart Sent Free. txFFs-Fever. Contention, inuanimaiion. A. A.-Spinai Meninaitis, Milk Fever. B. B.-Strains, JLamenefjs, Khenmatism. C. C.-IMstemper, Nasal Discharges. D. P.-Bots or Grabs, Worms. K. E.-Conhs, Heaves, 1 'nenmonla. F. F.-ClMior Gripes, Bellyache. G. G. Miscrtrriaace, nejnorrhares. . H. II.-ITrinary and Kidney Diseases. I. I. Eruptive Diseases, Mange. .1. K. Diseases of Digestion. Stable Case, wlth incs. Manual. Witch Hazel Oil and Medicator. - ST. On Price, Single Bottle (over 50 doses , - - .60 Sold by Drasgistsi or Sent Prepaid on Receipt Price. Humphreys' Med. Co., 109 FuHon SU, N. Y. HUIIPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC 28 SPERip No In tse 30 yean. remedy for Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness, and Prostration, from over-work or other canaea. $1 per vial, or 6 vials and large vial powder, for $i Sold BY Druggists, or aent postpaid on receipt ol price. UaiaparW Ucime Ce., 109 tmHn au, . T. eb 26 f od A wiy nrm - Sign of tho Horse. yE HAVE THE LARGEST, CHEAPEST and most complete stock of Harness and Sad dlery goods, Trunks and Bags In the State, and guaranteed to please both in quality and price or money cheerfully reiunded. Genuine army saddles to arrive this week. r ... If. L. FENNELL, dec 17 The Horse Milliners 1Q So.Fronf- .t SHuHtion Wautod. a GENTLEMAN WITH CONSIDERABLE business experience and best of teferences as ohiiirtr flnri intwrrifv fip?lnp a I situation as ' salesmjm or agent with some mercantile house f in Wilmington. Satisfaction guaranteed. ; Would like to begin work 1st January. 1388. - f Address, X, Y, Z. Care Editor Dally hevtew, J octsitf Wilmington, VN. C. WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quoationa represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. BAGGING Gunny . ......... Standard. . . . . . . .- S BACON North Carolina. Hams..... Shoulders lb. SJdes, f a.... WESTERN SMOKED HamS. f ft Sides. lb... Shoulders, J lb - DRY SALTED 7 ( 8 8X 14 15 8 8X 10 11 10 10 7 , 1 I Sides, lb I - Shoulders, ? n BARRELS Spirits Turpentine. I Second Hand, each 1 New, Now York, each 0 j New, city, each i BEESWAX.' 91b j BRICKS, Wilmington. $J M.... 6 Northern...... 0 ! BUTTER, y lb ? North Carolina Northern r. . . . , CANDLES, f lb Sperm.... 1 Adamantine ' 8J 9 . 40 1 oO 00 1 75 65 (4 1 "0 30 (A 32 00 (4 8 00 00 (H 00 15 35 25 30 18 (, 25 9 (, 10 11 & 12 13 14 9 10 27 28 2:3 ( 24 20 (A 22 00 7X 00 iu)4 25 ( 1 30 - 00 a 80 IS (i, 20 CHEESE, lb , Northern Factory.. ., Dairy,. Cream . . ............. . State......... COFFEE, lb Java Laguyra....... Rio CORN; MEAL, 1? bush, in sacks. t Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, V bundle DOMESTICS sheetlufr 4-4, yard ....... Yarns, bunch EGOS, doa FISH - Mackerel. No. 1, t? bbl - Mackerel. No. 1, ?? half bbl. Mackerel, No. 2. 4? bbl Mackerel, No. , halt bbl.. Mackerel. No. 3, "ft bbl Mullets. 1$ bbl ' Oi C. Iioe Herring. t keg... Dry Cod. lb , FLOUU. v bbl Western, low grade Extra ,. " Family !. city Mills super..' Family. GLUE, lt ., (X) 00 (ALI 50 50 t! 8 00 00 (All 00 75 6 00 80 $ 9 00 00' (ft 7 00 - m ?, 4 00 5 (a, 10 . 50 i& 4 IM) ft) (A 4 50 50 C4 5 00 00 4 10 50 al 5 00 8 10 t 9 4 7 t; . GRAIN, bushel. (Xrn, fin store, bags, white corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store . . Oats, from store oats. Rust Proof cow Peas... : HIDES, tS lb Green Dry , HAY. t? 100 Tls v .'"Ejistern 1 Western North River HOOP IRON, "0 ft LARD, lb ' Noil hern.. North Carolina. LIM E. barrel 1 LUMBER, City Sawed. V M ft. Ship Stuff, resawed 18 Rough Edge Plank .15 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality ... ... ..... l;i Dressed Flooiing, seasoned.18 Scantling and Board, com'n. 14 MOLASSES, gallon- oo m oo m , 00 ( 00 &, SO ( A 5 (A 10 65 63 67 6T, 45 o 00 12 05 ($ 1 10 85 (a , 95 no . c l oo VI 7;(a ?, 8 Wj. 10 40 0 00 00 (330 00 00. W 00 00 &18 00 00 CA22 m 00 (A 15 00 New Crop, l n hhcls. . . . "in bbls Porto Pico, in hhds. . . . '. "- in bbls...... Sugar House, in hhds... - '; in bols Syrup, in bbls 25 (A 26 28 a 30 28 a. V) JO Gi, 35 00 3t 15 16 (A 18 . 22 a :k 2 40 2 m 9 (A 14 16 k 1 45 90 1 00 15 (a 16 00 (A . 20 00 (A 22 20 ( 2 5 10 (A 20 95 (A 1 00 60 VK 35 (A 60 2 25 2 75 OILS, gallon., . Kerosene ., . Lard Linseed.... . Rosin .s Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live, grown.. :. Spring.. v..- ... Turkeys PEANUTS. 9 bushel, 2 lb.. . POTATOES, bushel Sweet Trish, bbl... ... PORK. barrel City Mess.... 17 Prime 15 Rump RICE Carolina, 39 rt; Rough, IP bush, (Upland)... (Lowland). RAGS, tt Country City......... 50 00 00 4 60 80 00 1 00 00 00 a sa 15 (A, (A (A 1 5tf 80 00 1 ROPE, lb. SALT, 3 sack. Alum Liverpool... - Lisbon jixi6ricin SUGAR, P ib-lsindard grain 22 75 70 00 70 6 6X 6 70 65 (A 00 (A 00 A 6?iA 0 0 (A standaraA...; White Ex C Extra C, Golden. C Yellow.... SOAP, 3? lt Northern SHINGLES, 7 in. M.- 5 Common ' 2 Cypress Saps. : . 4 Cypress Hearts 0 STAVES, 3 M V. O. Barrel... 8 R. O. Hogshead 0 TALLOW,? lb..., TIMBER, M feet Shipping.. 12 Fine Mill 11 Mill Prime..-.. 7 Mill Fair 5 Common Mill... ;r Inferior to Ordinary 2 WHISKEY, 3? gal Northern... 1 North Carolina II WOOL, W a Washed Unvvashep liurry 5)4 5A 00 00 50 00 00 00 5 00 25 50 00 00 50 00 00 28 15 10 7 00 50 00 50 00 00 6 00 00 50 00 00 00 00 50 30 (A 2 A 5 7 14 (A1Q (A AU A13 8 (& 0 & 0 (A 4 (A 2 (A 2 (Aj (A (A AffeC Forty years experience in the preparation of more than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in Lire umwa iai.es sou roreign conn tries, tne publisher of the Scientific VUJPriCSTI Xin tl HUH w n:b noiKllurs fer -patents, caveats, i rade-niarks, copy- i.riaVtta.etc.. for-the United Stts. and to obtain patents in Canada. England, France. Germany, ana an otner countries xneir experi ence is uneqaaled and their facilities are unur-' Drawinprand specifications prepared and fild in the Patent Office on short notice. Terms very reasonable. No charge for examination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free Patent obtained thronfen MnnnGo.ar-noiccd inthe SCIENTIFIC AMERICAN, which has the largest circulation and is the most indue: it in' newspaper f its land published in the world. The advantages of such ft notice every pate atee understands.. , This large and aplpndidly illustrated newsp iper is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, ai d is admitted to be the lwt paper devoted to science, mechanics, inventions, engineering works, and other departments of industrial progress. ! ub lisned in any country. It contains the name of all patentees and title of every invention patei ited each week. Try it four months for one do lar. Sold by all newsdealers. . If you have an invention to patent write to Mann A Co.. publishers of Scientific American, 361 Broadway. Mew York. Handbook about pajita mailed freo ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost: of any proposjd line of advertising in American Papers ty addressing P. Howell & Co., Newspaper Advertising Bureavu, lO Spruce St New York. " Sertd lOcts. for lOO-oaae Pamshlc 1 15 life Ml RAILROADS. &G. TIM B TABLE NO. 3. Pal met to Rai 1 road Oo. 1 1 ""ssi II fcwss.- fyS AND AFTER MONDAY", OCT. 3. 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Son day: , Going North.' No. 2 Passenger and . Freight: Leav Cheraw. S. C i ri25 P. M. Kollock Station 2.45 P. M " . Osborne. (Flag Station) "-U5 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C 3.35 P. M. Going South. No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet. N. c... V2 "4) P. M. Osborne. (Flag station) .liP. M. Kollock station 1.4b P. M. Arrive at Cheraw. S. C. ..... .. 2.00 P. M. . i oct 3 tf Wli. M ON CURE. sHipt. VI 1 ni lnertoo , Coiun CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Nov 13th, 1887. No. Zi. No. 27.INO. 15. i P. M. 1 s a I 11 20 P. M. rP. 10 10 t 12 ! i 20; M. 2 40 5 36 6 20 M. 50. Leave Wilmington.. Ixave Marion A rrive Florence .-. . . .-. 12 10! i A. M. P. No. P. Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . 2 40! 4 25' I No. 52. ! A. M. No. P. .Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. 4 25"! t 40 6 15 10 45 A. M. No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. Leaving Laues 8:34 A. M.. Manning .:08 A. M Sundays Noj 54 leaves rharleston S::?0 A. M. Lanes 10:28A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., Smnler ij:46 a. aM.. amves Columbia 1:10 P. M. No.. 53 runs through from Charleston cent rat it. k. ning 7:52 P. M Train oh C. with No. 59. Leaving Limes 7:13 P. M., Man K l). R. R. connects at noi - enco TRAINS GOING NORTH. :N0. 78. 1 No. 57.iXo. .5a P. M. I a. m. i p. 10 25 i 6 50! 11 521 8 lvi Leave Columbia.... Arrive Sumter NO. 58. j Leave Sumter Arrive Florence . . . 11 52 1 20 L. M. f 8 22; a in! 7 tV , A. M. No. 6t5. No. A. M. P. Leave Florence Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington.. 4 25! t 10 30 8 20 5 20j 11 11 1 8 55 8 351 2 10 11 50 M. I P. M. P. M. A. T Daily. tDaily except Sunday. No. S3 runs through to Charleston, S. c. via Central R. R., arriving Manning 7:20 P. M.. Lanes 8:03 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Chaileston la Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 9J A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. . No. 66 connects at Florence wltb C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. r. for all points North JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, nov 12 Wilmington diWeldonR. R AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27, F'tMail dally. No. 15. dally ex Sunday. Dated Nov. 13,1887 No. 23, dally. Leave Weldon. 2 05pm 317 pm 4 SOpmj 10 50 am 5 43 pml 6 00 am Ar. Rocky Mount. 7 l am Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro. Arrive Wilson . . . . 3 53 pm 7 00 pmi 7 48 am Leave Wilson 4 10 pm 5 19 pm 7 45 pm Arrive Selma Arrive Fayette vr-e Leave Goldsboro. . Leave Warsaw. t.. Leave Magnolia.., Ar. Wilmington.., 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 40prnV8 38 am : is a m 9 54 am 1130 am 8 40 pm 9 55 pm TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. daily ex No. 14, j No. 7s. daily. daily. o uuuay . 3 45 pm 5 32 pm 5 50 pm 6 52 pm lA-ave Wilmington 12 05 ami 9 00 am' 1 21 ainilo 35 ami Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. . liU OU UUll 2 yjarolll 50 am I Leave Fayetteville Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson i n ;ju amf 10 50 am; .... ....'ll 59 arnj 3 02 am 1242 pm. ! 1 18 pmi Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. 7 48 pm 8 19 pm rrive Tarboro... I"! 50pm 10 50 am 4"30ani ij2 40 pm i 9 pm Leave Tarboro i Arrive" Weldon. . . . j "Daily 'xcept Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax tor Scotland Neck at 3.00 V. M. Re turn! mr leaes Kcotlnrif1 Xt-ck-fif o rsri ai roiiv u - - - ' - , ..... . . ryxj , UdllJ except Miiiday. i rain leaves j arboro, c. ia ARjenuarle & Raleigh R. li. daily excent Sundav. iloii p M. oiniud.i aw i .u.. a anie Williamst on. N. c 8.10 P. M.. i.40 P. M Returning leaves Wil except Sunday, 7.40 A. Arrive Tarlioro. N. C, lianiston. N. c, daily M.. Sundav 9.50 A. M. 9.45 A. M 11.30 A. M. i rain on m wiand N doio, v.. aaiiy except Sunday. 8.:1 A. M. - - - -..... . . . 4 1. V ) UWtT arrive Smithfield, N. C. 10.00 A. M. Returning A. M., arrive leaves Rocky Goldsboro. N. c. 12.10 P. 3L Train on Nashville Branch Mount for Nashville. 4.00 P. M., anlvesat asniiie 4.40 P. M.. Snrin"- Ilooe 5.15 P. M Returning leaves Spring Hope m40 A. M.. Nashville 1LL5 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.55 A, M., dally except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton. dailj except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. M., connect ing at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and 66, Southbound Train on Wilson & FavettevHle Branch Is Na 5L Northbound Is No. &a Dam except Sunday. ' Train No. 27 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for aU point North dailv. All rail via Richmond, and dally, except Sunday, Ma Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points North via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace sleep ers attached. - JOHN F. DIVINE, Gh l Sunt. . J. IL KENLY. Supt. Trun.iortatlon. T. M. EMERSON. Gen l Passenar Agent, nov 12 . ' The Zeb Vance Stove, like its namesake, is' welcome in all North Carolina, hoaiei?. It is .to Jbe found atjJacobrti Hdw. Depot. f MTSCKLI-ANKOrs'- Osrolina Centrar Railroad Company,. : 'n t-i f.. CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. 1. WESTBOUND TRAINS. I No. 1 i Na S. No. 5 Dec. 15, 1887. daily ex.! dally ex. Tri- ; Sundar-isuuday. Vcekly. . " Iave Wiiraihgton 7 00 pin1 j 6 20 am v - - - ; Ar. Iiurlnburg... 12 56 am J 5 51 pm ..... : ' , i-1 n- 7. - , v , Lv. Lannnburg...l 1 frt am . . 1 5 00 am' , ! Leave Hamlet. ;...r 2 Slam " , 7 00am - ' - Arrive Chnrlotte.. jWam , 3 apm. - - v j Leave Charlotte... 8 -45 am , - - , Leae Uncolutbu. . ; 11 iwam , S Leave Shelbv...-. - 112 54pm; . . . ' Ar. Kutherfordoii; i'3 Oupni; ..-1 , : . E.VSTDOUND TRAINS TNo. 2. , Nor"4f ck.ily ex daily ex. 1 Su nday. Sunday . N0S86 -Tri-. Weekly. Dec. 15. 1887. a Lv, Rutherfordton ' t s 40 ami - , , Lea ve Shelby...... - 10 52aml U'ae Lincolnton.i j 12 45pm:' " Arrive Charlotte.. jSWpni; - - Iave charlotte...! 8 15pm 5 50ani Leave Hamlet i 1 55 am 1 20 pm Arri ve Laurinburgi 2 4; ami - 3 of) im ) I ' j No. 6. Leave Lanrinimrg.i 2 5 amj -j' 5 45 am Arrive Wlhuiugt n 8 :15 aia, ' i 25 pm Trains' No. 1 and 2 make close connection at" Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. . Through Sleeping Cars between 'Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train-No. 1 for StatesviHe and Stations on W. N. C. R. li. and points West, Also. lor. Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, ror Asheville via Spartanburg. - - Local Freight Xcs. 5 and 6 tri-weefcly be tween Wilminyfroii and L.iurtiiburg. . ' Ucx'al F.ivighfl. Nos. 7 and s'daily IhM ween I.aurintmrg and t harlnt le. Nos. 5, 6. 7. 8. take passengers. . - li C. JON Ks, superintendent. F. W. CLARK, t;en'l Passenger Agent- ".- dec 15 M. 6 40 i 8 '05 M. 8 27 0 55 A. A. J$nwi! A , .GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FOi: It FIRE. LIFE, MARINE AND ACCIDENT. via - Ovcr $:i.0oo paid out tor death losses for year. 1867. in Wilmington, X. C. office corner Noith Water and Mulberry sts., up stali-s., dec 8-tf The National' Life AND- " Maturity Association OF WASHINGTON, D. C. o "'"-"' Total Cash Assets $275,754,29 M. - - . 33 6 46 14. M. Liabilities Paid to inemlxrs None. tl 08,070,83' -o- 1IOKATIO BROWNING, President. O "' - GEGRGE D. ELDRIDGE, Secret ary, Manager and Actuary. 0 - Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. -A Guaranteed Policy. ' An Incontestible Policy. Maturity Value In Casn at . ixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited: ' Only Four Payments per Year. Non Forfeitable After Three-Years. . P. S. RIDDELLE, 31. D. Medical Director WJ II. GIBSON, Special Agent Home Office, 1,215 F Street, N. W. oct26tf 1888. Pres'de 1888. htial Year". -o- To Keep Posted On Politics subscribe for the New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. rO -" Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal in the United states. An impartial Epitome every week of each state's political moyerneifCs. The Foreign lepartment 'ut'Uneaqualled. Latest and most accurate Cable Specials by the Commercial Cables. Fullest Telegraphic Reports of all Current '- " . ... -. . . Events. ; .. special Features-lpractical Fannin", llii Advance of Science. Wnman-aw.!, , C-i il LI!?'Tne XorId of terat wt? and Art. .uui v mui ic. uiiormauon oji all Subjects. - - Address, :james gordon bennett New York Herald. (lec9 New York City" Douglas & Yarborou?ih. pASHION A RLE HAIR DRESSERS If3 Maiket St.. Wilmirjcton. N. C Shop fully equipped with all the Istett Im prove nenu . . Cou'teoua arvi polite barbera alwa; s 'readv serve cnstornei-. - - i . 3 rtfl 4' W Yrroroutf h, formerly wltb Jobj Werner, won id tv, tcmer hio!dpi rone - . 1e -22 Mj! "TtiJi aF.irjTEegiTjdie r h Trochee never fail. Our Ul,a td i2 S .ad it. VoasoAKP vitocin:i ol Ifcrat 1'Iace, Aeir York; rrZt s j ;iv-

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