" . 1 " I 1 -1 1 ' ' - - Tfll PAPER . -. PLEASE NOTICE. We will te glad to receive communications r from our friends on any and all subjects ct general interest, bat ; v JAMES. Editor and Prop. 71 roSTAGE PAID: ,aoalh COO. Three :rro: The name of the writer must always be fur- oished to tne Editor. ' ... n-i th rriccnt-. Comnuinications must bo written only on ..i-nrt-nJ by rmers. tree one side of tne paper. ' , Personalities must bo avoided. . . '; And it Js especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does . t always cndors the news of correspondents nless so" state VOI, XII WILMINGTON, N. WEDNESDA Y JANUARY 18 1888 NO 15 - i , -n..-t. report an? anl , . . t , i r p i ;r regularly. In the editorial columns. : I - I r 7 We think that the gentlemen who won appointed to treat with the authorities of thn (.'ape Fear & Yad cp rear & y. v. it. it. the same,as the terms submitted to A petition was circulated to-day The Board of Aldermen met in the Board and approved fjast year, and was being signed by nearly all j called session vesterdav afternoon lie called attention toJthe third to whom it was presented, askinir! . - NEW ADVEBTI8EM12NTS. kin Vallev U. U. n-Iative to the ex- to receive the report of the Cape clause thatjthe subscription shall the Board of Aldermen to call an Minion of that road t this city i etir & Yadkin Valley Railroad Com- be made in cash or in five per cent election to "vote on the subject of I - ;.T-Oi; V.j j Uave done well. VV do not e how l miiotiers. When, the hour ap- bonds. The commission ! had hesi- subscribing $100,000 to the capital i -.f. l Zl 'Oi ls-JT4 , .i it,, pointed for the.meeting five o clock .tated about putting in a provision stock of the Wilmington, Onslow & r - a : v,. w w - - - .Extfaorclinary 1 A T . M Personal. Strickland, advance anil liberal. It.mi-.wi i.nnh Tlirn kIioiiIiI be no ,iad arrived, only Aldermen Kic- for payment in bonds, I, believing -East Carolina Railroad 1 complaint on the part of our people I aml' labiate, Dudley, King and that it would be best for tjie city to j and there probablv will be none. ' 1 7"' , U'e T 1 V ' place its ionas ana pay tne casn, m,. uf.v:eilt- His Honor called the Board to and thought that four or four and a Mr. W. H Iiu: iriiiuw uicinv.m... . - .... , , . . . , - ..f , Al .IK... . T 11 The eft v could afford J oruer.'"lu ier siaimg me purijuse nan per cent, bonds for tne amount ." Jim, xrcxiiuau cuy maKing ar appearance of gaye us the pleas- Tn Hi Honor the. Mayor and Board 1 that parties holding oroDdrtv which are of a call at about noon to-day. of. Udcrmtnof tko City of 11 ilrnxng-' the railroad company would desire j Ae company will appear here fori to purchase for terminal facilities ' one mgllt only on Wednesaay, the MUST BE SOLD ! to "ive lft000 to have thi road ! of tlltMneetin requested the clerk required could be negotiated in one Company, is in the c completed lUe and e.peciallv so! to read the report of the commis; , b,ock and the money. paiclout re- rangements for the with the construction to begin at on, which was as follows: quired.-"" It-bad been ascertained . that troupe. He ga . . ... I IT- IT 1 .,! ltrn--l ' Wof t.Qvtiuo i nl.llnx miAndnftr lullinll t VLTC Of a Call &tj SbOl 11113 i ruin l. iiiririi tn i i mil it l l- lvV I stock and the expenditure here of ( ... y&iy&-.!yfefiL not only the amount subscribed but l,Vl't'i) !,I1;l,,v thousaiid more which will bt ' ri-iv'l 'paid out in the coiitriietion of the 1 IIH1- t7?.1 Jnul ami which will be Mire to find l l it wavhere. : I'm . fiULtH -. 1 h-n H!?E i&iijr 1 1 tr-t " l '" " . i ... . . - -. Fir4 r ; 1 MAT 101 I.KT ,M';i.iT4that Mi Rose Kliza (VtiIanl i alout to marry a 4 cl-Tviuati. nl!. raisins art obtaintti i in-tlie end of the vine in the ml hn the crape U half ripn. pivvrnt the fonuation of seed th full dfvelopment of the . hut it ripens all the !um and . . . A. . . . k iirucious u or. phr farming i a new inhitry at Auburndale, Fla. Two have devoted a tract of 1,000 U that urM... It is said th i:s-t fatiilMu epicure ca ti lt thi IIh of the Florida go from Ihe famous Maryland ter- Th executive session of the Sen- ... . ... i.;..i. r- r ..... I jl x.l.V I. .'A I. inillltll n u.i KJmi jliruietl lasted three hours. The f urn iorir v for cmif! nt i;it inn w.-is four Messrs. I'dmumN. Sherman, llaw lev, (Nullum and Hvarls were tin principal speakers in opposition. Hihiiuiids olijeetinl principally on ac.'otuit f Mr. Lamar's age, ami John .Sherman said: "Mr. Lamar's political training, his ritid adher ence to.'thedoctrine of States' rights. unfits htm to deal with the great (constitutional questions which he will be called to pass upon, and this in itself ough? to furnish sufTicient grounds for his rejection. ' Not one Democratic voice was raised in defense of Mr. Lamar, sim ply, e presume, because no defense was necessary. Only Mr. Riddle berger had a word to say for him. He stated that more or less preju dice existed against Mr. Lamar be cause he hi?d been a Confederate soldier, and he could not stultify himself by voting against him. - - Do you suffer with catarrh? You can be cured if you take Hood's Harsaparilla. the great blood purifi er. Sold bv all druggists. ton: (tKNTLKMKN: The Commission ap pointed by you to treat with the Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Railway Company relative to the extension of the saul road to this city and a subscription by the city to the capi tal stock of saul company, have had several interviews with a committee from the board of directors of the company, and after careful consider ation of'the whole matter have un animously agreed to recommend the approval of the following, which is a copy of the terms agreed upon by the sa'id railway company and your commission: It is herebv agreed by and be- were willing to receive bonds in pay. ment. He thought it fori the. best interests of the city to, make the subscription an the tenis agreed upon by the commission. 25th inst. Declining Prices. - There was a decline' from yester day's quotations of spirits turpen- ! tine and. while small sales were ef- ,oi. iioger moore, a mpnoer 01 j f ted t m cent r 1Ion the principal transactions were at 37 Mia p.niiiiniMKinTi. siiffestpH ithfl.t, tbft , OO 5 - approval of the agreement! was un animous. Alderman Pearsall said lie under stood that the city, had tile option of payment in money or bqnds. Col. DeRosset said the first pay" tween the Directors of the Cape ment would determine future pay- Fear VailKin alley muiway win- ments if the first instalment is paid r.ti' th- Crst three vears of the arth Fnlfral navy was in- U fnim jveiitv-Mx to nearly U of which eitfhtv were of r irotirlatL There was an in frum iNio to C.000 gun.smany uiof a calibre hitherto mi ll, anj frum ?.0k) to r0,000 sail- re were Ivuchctl dnrin'? the s7 in these Unitetl States no than arsons, i )( the'var- tatrt ttIui Territories, Texas the list, with fifteen I viirhimrs. Miw.vMr.pi entitled to second I. with fourteen to her credit. I iicuuM were men, eighty of ' "rruMtiou of land in California !" lw' vtit the area to which fatr i ilircrtlv imnlioil i.nf htnn or twenty miles awav. Mterthu. cuiuliu-tetl through J"" ca So no Umer than the ui. whirl, is -ahvavs near the " from three to twenty fee lhll? lk- wliole country is de- a h its spreading. - " w-w hotel u hid, John Wmi.i- f Fhiluhi,,!, hrs erected ;t of the women cm- ,r "is U.res ban ample uc 'tis for one hundred Tral reception rooms and lrM,lu ,UaI numerous apart f '1 lL.1t tri.. a r j -w..,,. im, rate tor a M and lotlging, including MSofone ilozen LOCAL USnB-ATS- Index to New Apvrktisrments. .Ml.-vsE tvARREK Notice OPKKA HOCSE Mile KlHM Dick & Mkares- Here ;oois C W Yates Yearly subscriptions Merchants' Exchange Dining Kooius The Merchants' Exehan Dlnlny Kooin Heinberuer -Books, stationery, &c uc. Best shoes for boys at Sons. French & t The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 323 bales. . Her; barque Marie A'uyx:i Macey, hence, arrived af Stettin Jan. 12th. Ladies will find a nice line of good reliable scissors at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. Dr. barbue 7 YtrnjoH, Doane. hence for Liverpool, arrived at Crookhaven Jan. 14th. pieces, is , n four delegations of ill ...... urnmn capitalists are m country on separate :inrevtioii over American .jvrith a view to making in- "It is comparatively "t a good bond now," said -dl street's bankers on Fri--;he cited the coming here . afferent comixmiesof Euro- -kstir i ..... ... uur'H on loosing .properties inviting in ill wool flannel hrt In ai-aud colors, for men and 3 cents and upwanls, .umgton Shirt Factorv. XXT1 treet J- Elsbach, for ladies wear in the u Son.-. f JJr. ship Etta, which arrived in be low this morning, will come up to the city to-night. , There was a decline in the price of rosin to-day of 2 cents per larre for strained and l! cnts per barre 0 for good strained. The price of crude turpentine de clined to-day 10 cents per barrel for virgin and vellow dip and 15 cents per barrel for hard. Dr. ship Etta, which has been ex pectcd here several days, and which was reported off Cape Fear bar last night, arrived in below this morn ing. We hear of several cases of pneu monia in the citv, and our great sur prise is that so many escape that disease with such weather as we are having. The Clyde Line steamer Pioneer, Capt. Pennington, make her first appearance here this forenoon, and she will run regularly on the line for the present. A part of the music committee for the revival meetings which are to be conducted by Rev. Mr. Pearson, met yesterday afternoon, but as no quorum was present mere was action taken. . pany and the following parties duly appointed by tlie authorities or tne Citv of Wilminrtoii to treat with said company as to a subscription bv said citv to the capital stock of said railway company or a pur chase by said city of the bonds of said railwav company to it: Wm L. DeRosset. Roger Moore, B. Q. Worth. Jas. H. Chadbourn and B F. Hall- lst. That the said city ofWilming- ton will subscribe $150,000 to tne capital stock of the. Cape Fear & Yadkin Valley Uailroaa uompany, to be paid m sucn manner anu in cash all other instalments must be paid in cash. Col. DeRosset re peated that he thought four per cent. bonds could be negotiated at par among our own people. An invest" insnt in four per cent, citv Donas, cents, at jvhich figures more than 100 casks changed hands. No sales were made until it was too late to! report them in our yesterday's edi tion. Light Weights. A friend at Oxford, who read in the Star a few days ago an article THE ELEGANT STOCK "OP"1 ; MILLINERY, . : FANCY GOODS, : . I X; ' !, NOTIONS, : T " 'P ... . . . - CORSETS, , BUSTLES, ; ; m LACES, . RTTC M INGS, i " ' DRESS TRIMMINGS, AND BUTTONS. Infants' and Children's Cans. Flowers, Feathers, Ribbons; Ornaments, Hosiery, "mXf Z Handkerchiefs, '; Collars and Cuffs, - : Windsor Ties, Jewelry. This stock is well known as beihg claiming that there wfere five men in the finest ever brought tothis city, this city whose aggregate weight is . MISa GOODWIN Avill give her l,io0 pounds, tells us that there are ' in such instalments as is hereinafter Muayor me uieriv agum rea me provided. - 1 port of the commission. 2nd. In exchange for such amount Col. DeRosset. continuing his re paid in instalments as hejuafter marks said that the commissioners provided, the said railway company ' . . shall turn over to the said city an were satisfied that every dollar. of equal amount in the certificates of the $150,000 subscribed byfthe city the capital stock of the said railway would be spent here. The? railroad company five in Oxford whose aggregate artistic trimming ree of charge to weierht is 1.260 pounds and he erives finstninpi-s fni th tmvf f ,invU being free of tax, was equivalent, the names and weight as follows: . "x A , ' st,toan investment at six per Dave Smith, 260; Dr. O. Gregory,"" irT?Ufl!lHI cent ; 1 055. n J; Gooeh. 250: George Whit- and Bonnets will be almost civon i I ' - - 1 - - 7 j-i i - . . - - r - - At this point Aldermen Rice, Price, field, 250; M. Hi WDte, 245. He and Sampson came in and took their says also, that there are 21 men in seats, and at the suggestion of the Oxford who will average 200 pounds and at least 25 whose average height is. 6 feet, 3 inches. The population of the town is about 3,000. away. - . ' Call and see for yourselves and the prices will surprise you. -o- M'lle Rhea. M'lle Rhea appears at the Opera Must be realized on stock immedi- House on Friday and Saturday I i ,i i. 1. 1 I u :,. ..I- - a: ..-.i TIim first navineMthv the citv I tu,uPouy wulu pruuauiy ijuuvo- uw cvcuitigs u wixis. weetv yreseuLiii oil on account of the said subscription Iterminusof the road on Point Peter, Friday evening her latest success, a shall be made in cash, or in five per but would have to mftke additional play from the French entitled cent, thirty year coupon bonds, expenditures for a depot omthis side "Fairy Fingers,1' ''Pygmalion and h" iucV sum as lhaU l" mSwtfft f the river and for a steamboat for Galatea" at the matinee, and "Frou pay two thirds of the purchase transferring passengers and freight Frou" on Saturday evening. M'lle money, which the said railway com- At the conclusion of Colt DeRos- Rhea will present her own version pany shall be required to pay ior t,8 remarks Alderman Ifishblate of "Frou Frou." Sarcy. the famous such land as it shall need for termi- n li paid so soon as the same is required tor such purchase. 4th. Whenever the said railway company shall have completed five miles of road, beginning at Wilming ton, the said city shall pay over to the said railway company the sum of $10,000 on said subscription and shall continue to pay in like instal ments as each consecutive section of five miles of said road is built, until ately, hence thisextraordinary offer. Ladies' Emporium, 115 Market St. ' Country f orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed, jan 17 2t Tayl Bazar ors LEADS BUT NEVER FOLLOWS. Our bargain day, usually every Monday, but this week a spe cial clearing sale this en ; tiree week. it's sales we no The vestibuled train which left New York for Jacksonville this luorning was not large enough to accommodate, the paKsenirers who wished to make the trip and a Pull man palace car hail to be added to the train and taken as a substitute. See the 'Artful," the best rat trap known, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot, t al facilities within the corporate moved that the report of jthe com- French critic, speaking of her in mits of the said city, and shall be mission be received, and that it be this character, says t "The role of referred to' a special committee of Frou Frou is so thoroughly French three to be apdointed by thf Mayor J that only an actress possessing the He thought that when the matter j French, vivacity and Parisian man- came regularly before the jboard it ners can truthfully depict the vary- would be carried unanimously, but mg emotions the character de- it should not be acted upon hastily, mantis. M'lle Rhea, both in her art Profits no object now Alderman Price arose to! second and nativity, fills the role to perfec- j . seek. , the , motion but w interrupted by turn - Whether as the gay yonng 39 TWrtV Nine COIltS 30 AMufDian Paapeall ulirt caul Thar. I 01 r I T.ll fn Vol CkllS Wl f or T.ll f rArfnt.- I V vrv .lt?OIVHKioi!:iie". Magdalene, she rises to the For our fine Felt Hats and Bon, ir2ihftohnll ln nn id inatiirp when he said that the report pinnacle of her art in each." The Rets in every color and this season's . 1 - 7 - - m. .- ... I ennnpa IVo moan mhat l i 1 a .1., xi enninflnv snnnnrt no- M' p K ip. is K..' "X "V" "" a,y woum 00 "Vi;i,Cu .luaiuuivuaiv, xc r s.t.-...0 " ITOlltS no OhlPe.t if.'s wo ua0L- . . - . . ' i . . . I I ' II 1 XI I ' - - ""- " saw no necessity for delay unless it i uuusuai excellence, aim uie was for consideration of thej terms. Press speaks m the highest prise 1 WeHty- lVe Ct8 25 He would rather take up the report of the artists with whom Mlle Rhea ' ; ' ; 11 list received anrl will 1ia crM fn Alderman Rice objected to taking vrill display a number, of magnifi- twenty five cents. Profits no object; ")i h. The character of the first pay ment, as provided for in section third as above, shall determine the character, of all future payments, whether hi cash or bonds, as afore said. (ith. All bonds asaforesaitl tender ed by the said city shall be received at their par valut action. He did not thoroughly un- 7th. The said railway company derstand the matter "and would pre- 1 I. 1 1 i. .!!!.: XI I 1 simu imea, tiepot wu ui inu cor- fer itjJ reference to a committee. poran Hums oi me sniu city. oin.. Aiit: ici iiinaic ji iiic 'jiuci i . Engineer of the railway company of cidedly in favor of the CapevFear & the completion of any section as Yadkin Valley Railroad and did not nereiiueiore proyi ueu, smui ue want to throw any obstacle! in the evnfence upon which the said cash ,., t or bonds shall be paid. way; but like Alderman Price, he Uth. The work of construction would like to have two or three shall commence within four months days for consideration of the- report, after the ratification of thesubscrip- R thou rllt he vote! for the tion, in accordance with the Act of , . . . i Aeinbly, ami shall continue with- auopwon oi iu ion. j out interruption until its comple- Alderman Fishblate's motion was tion, with in a reasonable time. adopted, and the Mayor appointed 10th. It is understood and agreed r:.i t:.Li i... 1 .... : xviutjiiuc" xioMuiaic, Aviutvuui auu that the title to the real estate to be Dudley as the committee, to report I cent toilets fresh from the hands of it's sales we seek. Worth, the famous man milliner, I and Mme. Alexander, of Paris. NEW ADVER 1'ISBM.B NTS. Merchants' .Exchange Diniict: Booms FACE VEILING, new and desira ble shades, in dotted and plain, also in Beautifying Veiling at 23c a yard,, worth 50c. V. . Laces.; Never before was . there such bar gains shown in Laces, black, cream. rrE are open AND -PROPOSE TO RE-1 ecrue, white, Kilt and silver Cords r f ceive guests ior Doara Dy meaay, wees aml Tjfl T- wfll o v n A mnnlh at Ho fnllmiHnrr Inur tac. ttarrlair "U litWCh. 11 Will DaV VOO IO OUr- ! $1; week M.50; month $18. Meals sent to any chase your Lace now even if you' part of the city and served at any hour, the don't need it right off; the price will best the market affords. A sumptuous Free -QKonieli vr.t - - Lunch every day from 11 to 1. Philadelphia you. ilia wi oves. jan 18 ly purchased for terminal facilities within the corporate limits of said citv as aforesaitl shall be made to uch person as the said parties shall select for that purpose, and it shall be provided in the deed of convey ance that the said real estate shall be held as security for the benefit of said city, for the faithful and com- 1)lete performance of this agreement y and on the part of said railway company, and until the said agree ment is so performed. Upon the approval of this agree ment by your honorable Board and the Board of Audit and Finance,the same will be drawn up and signed by the railway company and the members of the commission. Respectfully, W. L. DkRosskt, Chairman. to the Board on Wednesday! next. On motion of Alderman Pearsall, the thanks of the Board were ex tended to the commissioners and the meeting adjourned. Notice. AM DESIROUS OF SELLING OUT MY ryand Fncy Goods We have sold over sixty-three doz- ' en Kid Gloves, because we are sell ing them for 75c. a pair,, worth $1.25. We received another "small lot of them in all sizes. Call and cret a ! Business and will make reasonable terms for I pair before they are all gone again. I I Milt i-f i I any one wishing to buy. ; I offer the whole stock or part of It. t Am now selling my goods below first cost. Respectfully, j i MISS E. KARRER, , jan 18 3t . 117 Second Slreet. City Court. There was a small calendar for the Mayors consideration this looming and it as disposed of in the follow ing order: .1 I W. H. Howe, colored, qharged with doing business without the nec essary city license. The defendant made affidavit in due form that he thought he could not obtain? justice queuce of which the case was re- Appearanee or the distinguished Actress, FEATHERS and WINGS almost given away. " - ' ' Profits no object no wsales is what ' we seek at r . . Tayl or-sBazar OPERA-HOUSE. Fri'ay aai fo'nrdtj, "Jjbd try 20 a i 21. TWO NIGHTS AND SATURDAY MATINEE Jan 17 moved to Justice Cowan forjahear- P i ace Goods CAN BE BOUGHT BY TOE SUIT OR BE MADE TO ORDER, AT r : " I)ICE &MEARES, members of the commission were r4. - - '.- ers, including MR. KD WARD BELL, y? Merchant Tailoring and Gents FurnJshlns, rwnf v. v, ...1,1 . murruw aiLcmiuu. - ..f - ; 1KKS1STTLS FRIDAY 1 VISfING, . J jan 16 . - K i i roiit bt. present and perhaps they would like ln, inv,,n9 .t:u r fairy., fingkks, ii'iie Rheas Latest i-i ..; ------ to be heard, and upon this . invita-:'4RWEvang.ftoIo whb ihar,.: Saturday tinee, X iJ Co : I Q fid VlOOd. ' tion uoi. w. ij. ueuosset, cnalrman,-: , . -. . ftghauon ai cjixatea ijiiea as- , - , . , . , ed with cruelty to animals, was con- . . Galatea. r made a few remarks, ile said that .. . r iTrnnv pypvivn .. K n aj-i linn ni riYmfi fi v n o v the term embodied in the agreement - " . J - " - I , vovroptKlo; STOCK oai akd ami were the best that could be obtain- School shoes for children, best in Eion75c and m. - . jack wd ltgAtwood ED AND WHITE ASH COAL.' FtTLL WOOD, bLck ..a 1 Ua -ift nf r U T?rnr.fi fx Aahs sears on saie at , neiasoerger'3 1 uursaay. j. A,spr.CxGEr- f r .A