r .M ii i wmm I " I nr ffKLMAY-FEVER nv,v York. fjHTEREST "EIEfc . WeaSocM orLocf 3Imxry prr it rv? '' ... ....Culu sm.ii !JLvrr tii. our uMtti.af rs i ' Prk FUtf, ."ew rU. rt - MORE EYE-GLASSES. WKAIC ITCHELLS EYE SALVE , ruk!a.( rffrctfr Krnl fa: IK. WKAK AN1 INM.amm RYES. L rr Urepe.Uran-iUUoi.. Mye Tui-r, tl Cure k firV ufb l'Wr. vr? S.rr. To Knriit Pile. OT wbtTVet . -. - .... . .a j i l r 18SS. Harper We. kly. H.IXSTKATKI). f." jls tbr V-iitj: lUmtrArcU newspaper In J rt.-a. Tht liirnes of Us Pillton.il com-, )t On CUrTTnl POUUCS nii"r4ruru iur it uir wt jnd conrtJciice of !1 Impartial read-' 1 and 16 narlety and exiTllenoo of Its Die- 1 contmts. wntch Include serial and nftort oy tae bet and most popalar wntera. , X forth perusal of people of the widest j f e ot fatfes and pursuits, .supplements j rmiaenfly prvvtdtvJ, and no expense Is I Hto bricz the n!hest order ot artistic Vy to bear upon the illustration ot ttu 1 rrj paasM of borne and foreign bLstory. m Matures Harpers Weekly 1 admir- iapcrdfo be a wflcxMiie ruet in rery kaod. HARPKR'S .PERIODICA!. PKR TKAR: irtKS nLLKLV W (II XFER-S MAGAZINE 4 00 KPER-S BAZAR 4 00 H TEH'S YOfXO TEOPLE 00 riTX JVrr to all suhmribtT In the I'm it fit t, Canada, or Mrxkxk e Volumes of the WeeklT bedn with the N omber for Janoary of each year. When 'tee H mentioned, subscriptions will begin a tie Number carrent l time of rerelni of hr. louad Volumes of IIamers Weeklr. for r jrars back, la neat cloth hlndlnjr. will be It tj aiiu postage paM. or by express, fm? nPXafDroldedthe trets-ht dnpt nnf v. m ote dollar per voiume. for tr m ner vol a ca.es for each rolume. suitable for Will bent br mall rvwr-mt.1 nn Kt?toficoeach. ' ' ' ' aittjkncrs should be made by Post-Offlce vy order or Drm, to avoid chance of loss hljtvfarr nut to nnt this aarrrttn,nt YT. Jvrr9 orarr or uarper c Brothers. AWns UAKI'K UltOTUEHS. B88. 1RRR. Presidential Year. t fted on' roliue suhscrlbe frttr ow York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. and Cheapest rainily Journal In the rnlted states. lurtLU Epitome every week of VcU date's political movements. ror?ia Department is L neaqualled. ajJ tcost accurate Cable Specials by tHe Commercial Cables. TSTaphlc Reports of all Current ETentA.' t.ftUrPracUcal Farmlnir. The rsoc -rl'T- .woman's Work. Notable i :rt Hor&r ,n.ona ot literature awl Art, I lone laianuauaa oa all Subjects. r. y.vxts coRDoy bexxett, bvt Tort ncrald. r- 1 New York city losses Burr & Janie? A REOHx tuur school rou nttie boys, oa TUESDAY, Oct, 4. heretofore, mu Snto UeadlD- Wrltln? llZlft CSTE1 Psptli from s to pt u wtkuurs see PmclpalC T J I 1 ew- i m . ' Tlio 3D oily Havi.ar, TIRKU ONES. So tird; iirh wenry inothins love inspired, IlutVom with love'8 demands. Until the treitd)lin linnd . Falter nbovt their tniki, and tay While white llu prnjv 8o hpent undone; On gtinrri alxive each little one As though each dyiu day Civrriel no tird mothers far away . I From their fonil world, ami ko Thev. fain would fro Bent to'love's lea.t !eheht A child e!aped to the breast. . -Ho weary: stooping low AlMve Hwect. Vleepinr faces when the jrlow Of twilight fudes, but not io tired as thev - Who have no care all day For loved ones, young or old; no cheeks to touch With ki-ses, us they sleep or such JVar riches as love brings Dearer than diadem of kings. The weariest hand I empty, having no command Of loving"lip, no rare of age or youth; No lips to call for it in truth. From purple .dawn till night no wealth to hold Dearer tbaii fretted gold. lifitrgr fling fc. The l,onl Mayor of London was only a porter in a warehouse, but persevered in the face of all opposi tion and roe rapidly. It i only Ii(rsitency and merit that hasiiiatle )r. Uull's Vongh Syrup the greatest family remedy for coughs and colds no offered to the suffering public. The Color of the Ixvea. M. de Candolle. a French investi gator. ha com to the conclusion from his researches that women have a larger proportion of brown eyes than men. le also t'uuls that when both pareilts have eyes of the like color, tilt chances are SS to 12 (that their children who arrive, at the ageof ten years f when the color of j the eye is tixedj. - ill have eyes of ! flic o 1 1 1 1 colur W1iii tJim iinrentM have eyes of different colors, the chances aire .VSto-Hiti favor of brown ns against blue or gray eyes in the children. He is also of opinion that the health of the brunette type, is. as a rule, superior to that of the blonde type (ixxclC. ... . . Advice to Mother. Mrs. Winsixjw'sSoothino Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relieves the lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the .little cher ub awakes as "bright as button." It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels and is the best known reme dy for diarrho'a, whether arising from teething -or other causes. Twenty Ave cents a bottle. july H u eon a:vly A Keelp for Innietle Trnnqnllllty. Sometimes my wife and I say on Sunday, "Now let us agree that we will not say a single cross word to any one this whole week. Let us be studiouslv polite to each other ami to the children. Let us be very mindful of the feelings of every person with whom we may come into contact. Let us not fret nor complain, nor. do anything that good, decent, well-behaved Chris tians should not do." And if, when the next Sunday shall come we have, through the grace of God. kept this resolve, it goes without saying that we have been happy and the world has perhaps been made a little bet ter for our being in it. Toronto Oto?c. . Blowing l Hell ;ate has been a laborious and costly work but the end justifies the efforts. Ol- struction in any important channel means disaster. Obstructions in the organs of the human IkhIv bring in evitable disease. They" must be cleared away, or physica! wreck will follow. Keep the liver in order,and the pure blood eourses through the body, conveying health, strength and life; let it Income disordered and the channels are clogged with impurities, which result in disease and death. Xoother ntediciueequals Dr. Pierce's (folden Medical Dis covery" 'for acting upon the liver and purifying the blood. .... .. Winter-dairying pays better now than ever before, because the pub lic demands freshly-made butter the year around. - - ... 1 have hud nasal catarrh for ten years so bad that there was irrcat "sores in my nose, and one place whs eaten through. I jot KIv's Cream Halm. Two bottles j,l fhe work. My nose ami head is well. I feel h another imin.-- S. -McMilleu, Sibley. Jackson Co., Mo. Fly's Cream Halm is the most ef fective, convenient and agreeable catarrh remedy I ever used, and I have tried them all.-C. B. Cook, Helming. Lauderdale Co., Ten n. . .... Paris green for the codling moth and the jarring process for the cur culio are the reliable methods of ex termination. Srlr Fetrr and Diphtheria. are spread bv contagion, bv the transfer of living matter. "These liarticles come from the skin, the membranous lining of the mouth, nope and throat, and from the in testines and urinary organs. Disin fect promptly and thorough' with larnys I'ropiiyiactlc Fluid. the great genu uestrover. Prof. If. T. Lupton. of the derbilt University, Tenn.. s a dishi(ectant and dete Van says: Darbys Pronhvlactic Fluid is super ior to any preparation with which I am uctpiainted." Te keen well in tha cellar nnnlew must not be too warm. .A temera- tur two or three rierrrees nhovn freezing suit them best. Urn Trcmbl to 8wmllw ' 1 J Dr. PiercVH 'Pellets,, (the .original j 'little liver puis ') .ana do paia or. griping. uureBicJtoroiiuowiiCBu- trhf Hour stomach, and cleanse the s-ytem ana bowels. ; sa centg a.viai. ' Use care to see that mice are not encouraged to . gnaw the bark of trees by being fostered by the mulch putabout their trunks. Consumption Barely Cared. To tiik Editor Please inform vour readers that I have a positive m a. a a. i - reined v for the above named disease. 15y its timely use thousands of hope less caes Have been permanently cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of uiv remedy frkk to any of vour readers who have eonsump - tiohif they will send ine their c.x- press and iKst orace atnlress. Ues pectfully. T. A. SLOCUM,.M.C, 181 Pearl St., New York. John J. Hednclc, January 6th, 1888. We want to talk to our friends about Towels. Tow els, are an interesting subject toall nice Housekeepers. We have a weakness that way, and consequently find our- selves overstocked. We do not design to exaggerate, but confidently believe that we have more Towels than any two stores in the city, and have always sold them cheap er. We intend to sell them cheaper yet. Listen, our 37 cents Damask Towels with fancy border, have been re duced to 25c. We sold a Scotch Huck towel very large size at $3 per dozen, tliey are worth $4, these we let you have at $2,75. We give you a Huck towel that would be cheap at 20c for 15c. A pure linen Huck towel, a little smaller size, at 10c. Cotton towels as low as 5c, and ele gant towels up to i.5(each, which will be sold at a feduc- 1 tion. To those who are well posted, the superiority and cheapness of our lineri stock i are as familiar as "household words." the prices named above are for casi, but prompt paying customers will xet them all the same) if vou lesire to derive the benefit of the above ofter, call early. So much for towels. Next week we will give you some infor ma tion in relation to other, goods. Respectfully, ' - J. J. H. ! Sash Saoh. Oooro. Dooro. JJEST GOODS. LOWEST PB1CES. RIMS, SPOKES, WHEELS. COOKING AND HEATING STOVES. Being Factory Agents we can save you money. JnCobrs Hdw Dpot dec29tf 13 So. Front Street Dotndas & Yarborbugb. pASIUONABLE HAIR D!LESKRS BABBKES, US Market St.. Wilalscton. N C Shop fully equipped with all the latest hn proremenu Courteoua and polite barbers alwaj a ready itrre euatomera. m 49" J. v Yarooroagb, formerly wtlh John Warner, wool i h r'i toaerv hl old pat- A. A. Brown fi l)o , GENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS FOR FIRE, LIFE, MARINE AND ACCIDENT. Over 135.000 paid out for deatu losses for year 1887, la Wilmington, N.U .... f . Offlce corner North Water and Mulberry sts., upstairs. tfecS-ttS WHOLESALE PRICES. The following: quoattoaa represent whole- sole prices seneraUy. In matinff up small or - MrmrtPMitar m h rhmii. i I BAJUOINO - , i j. s5nSruV.V:V.V. .:I!! bacon North Carolina. . iiams.... ' i ji i Rhoulders c.. S & 8 niaes, t ro " iu ( ii WESTERN SMOKED Hams, iU... ; "sides, v n ... w Shoulders, f? Ib 7s t- DRY SALTED . hides, ?Bi.:..; 8sa . si shoulders, v n. 6 6 BAUKE1A Spirits Turpentine. ' - - Second Hand, each 1 40 1 50 New. New York, each...... 0 00 1 75 New, city, each 1 65 1 70 BEESWAX, lt 30 22 ! BRICKS. Wilmington. V 51 6 00 8 o BIIJe -. 000 u 00 BUTTER, V th North Carolina Northern t. CANDLES, y tb . Sperm Adamantine.... 15 &, 35 a 18 30 i 10 14 28 24 CIIKESE. S lb Northern Factory .. 11 Dairy, Cream 13 State 9 COFFEE, lb Java 27 Laguyra. 23 Kio 'M 23 CORN MEAL, bush. In sacks. . 00 & 67 Virginia Meal.......' ... 00 4 IH COoW TIES, bundle. ..... 1 25 1 30 DUMEMICS sheetlnsr, 4-4, yard...... ii Y'nrns, bunch . no BUGS. doz. i..- 18 80 & i 20 h isn-H x -' i Mackerel. No. 1, ? bbi:.. . W$0 12 50 Mackerel, No. l, v halt bbl. 7 50 8 00 Mackerel, No. 2, Vbbl...;.. 9 00 1I 00 MackeiYl, No. 2, half bbl;.. 4 75 6 00 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl. ..I.. 7 80 9 00 Mullets. V) bbl 6 00 .7 00 N. C. Roe Herrtn?. y kegi.. 3 00 4 00 Dry Cod. W lb. ITLOUK, V bbl Western, low grade Extra...... P'amlly:.. City Mill Supers. Family.. GLUE. tt 3 50 4 00 4 00 4 50 4 50 (A 5 00 4 00 4 10 4 50 5 00 8 10 GRAIN, y busheL Corn, Im store, bags, vhlte Corn, cargo, in bulk, white. Corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. .. . oats, from store ; . . oat, Rust Proof I.. cow Peas ;.. OIDES, V n Green :.. Dry. HAY, 100 lbs Eastern Western , North River HOOP IRON, J lb LARD, lb Northern . North Carolina LIME, barrel. LUMBER. Cltr Sawed. WMft. 00 00 66 00 42 00 (qi 80 5 10 65 62 67 65 45 52? JO 5 12 1 05 1 10 85 95 90 1 00 2?i 3 8 10 1 40 000 Ship Stuff, resawed ...18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West.Indla Cararles. accord- 20 00 16 00 - irig to quality.. ...13 00V18 00 Dressed Flooring, Beasoned.18 00 (23 00 Scant ling and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, iji gallon New Crop. In hhds. 25 26 " in bbls 28 30 Porto Rico, in hhds ... 28 . L.. 30 " in bbls j... 30 35 Sugar House, in hhds... i... 00 15 . lnbols....j.. 18 18 - Syrup, In bbls..... J... 22 35 NAILS, J Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 2 50 oils. gauou. Kerosene... 1... 9 (A 14 16 (4 145 90 (4 1 00 L5 (4 16 00 (4 20 00 (4 22 . 20 25 10 C4 20 95 C4 1 00 60 (c 90 35 GO 3 25 O 2 75 -Lard... Linseed ...i Rosin. . j Tar I Deck and Spar J POULTRY J Chickens, lire, grown... J " Spring Turkeys.. ......... 1 PEANUTS, bushel, 23 ft. . i POTATOES, v Dusnei Sweet f . i . i Irish, W bbl. ..i PORK ,f barrel i City Mess : . . .IT 50 18 00 Prime......:. ...1...1500 lfl 00 Rump t... , 00 15 00 RICE Carolina, V R t... ' Rough, y bush, (XTpland)... 60 80 " (Lowland). 80 1 00 RAGS, y lb Country I . . . 00 1)4 City 1 IX ROPE, 1 & , . . 14X 22 SALT, y sack. Alum ?. . . 70 75 Liverpool. 65 70 Lisbon 00 00 American........ 00 ; 70 SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.. 6 6 Standard A X White Ex C 0 6 Extra C, Golden 5J 5? C Yellow 0 a 5 SOAP, ft Northern 5J 5 SHINGLES, 7 In. 8 M , ... 5 00 7 00 Common. i 00 2 50 Cypress Saps... 4 50 5 00 Cypress' Hearts 0 00 e 7 50 STAVES, M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 14 00 r. o. Hogshead o oo oio 00 TA LLOW; y ft . 5 ( 6 TIMBER, y M feet-Shlpplng. .13 00 14 00 Fine 31111 !. . .11 25 (S,13 00 Mill Prime 7 50 8 50 Mill Fair 5 00 0 00 Common Mill U . .5 00 0 m Inferior to Ordinary. . . A.. . . 2 50 4 00 WHISKEY', y gal Northern... 1 00 2 00 North Carolina -H 00 2 50 WOO L, y ft Washed .......... 28 , r 30 Unwashep. 15 25 Burry.. t 10 (. 15 . After Forty years-! experience in th preparation of mora hn One Handrid 51 1 rTlioWM4 npTIcation for patents in tarn viuwa u m trivtli- publisher of tho bcientitio AiOrica jcootinue to act as solicitors for patents, rtta.tr4e-tnTks. copy- 1-irbts.c JaUineqaaltd and their f aciliUea are un.ui- Irsne aa4 peciteations prepared and filed In tbPnfrlWicreoii short notice-.. Tenns rcry renbl- Wo charge- for examination of models or drwin. MTm;."-. Tbe eSVantaiea Of ncA notice erary patentee andenrtande. ; ' : r - -; . . j Th i laree vA npUwdidlr illntftd newspspei is pttWlahed VKKKIVt jOOa year, and is idwltted to be tbe best paper devoted to sciencej roecfeeni, rnventions, engineennaj works, ana ether departments ot industrial progress, pnu lisiied in any country. It contains the names or 1I petentees indtttie of every intention patented each weefcs Try it four months for one dollar. Boldbymltnewedealers.' " : ' , ' . .J If yoo have an invention to patent write to Moon Cd publishers of Scientific American, an Broadway, New York. - . - liasdbpok abonT penta aU4 free . . ADVERTISERS Can leam the exact cost oanyx propoiija line of ady ertising;in American Papers "by; addressing. GeOe,;P.v,Roweil & Co.. Xlwrp paper Advertieing Bureau, y ,0 Spmoe St Hew Yorfc" . ! 6en4 I Oct, for iOO-pa Pmphle r?j. nit cr In tbe SCUaTJ WO AMERICAN, which taw TlUKrTABLB NO. 3 , -p l.1ArtA Rnliifd Ct JT Jllllt,4 ! tt'lJiriiuu jf I n nn H jamas' jJ!St ID N AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. ttt, 18S7, Trains will ran as follows, dally except Sun- GOIKfl SOCTH- No 1 Passenger and Freight. Ieave namiet. N. C... 8.20 A. M. Arrive at. Oheraw, S. C. 9.30 A. M. Going Nokth. ! No. 3 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cberaw. S. C . . .4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet. N. C 55 P. M. deoldtf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. Vilmintrtoti. Coin mm a & Auarasttt K. K. l)c CONPENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Bated Jan 8th, 1888. No. 23. No. 27 No. 15. P. M. P. M. i P. M. Leave Wilmington.. . 8 05 10 10 t 2 40 Leave Marlon. .1 112;i 12.41 5 31' Arrive Florence 12 15 1 25 6 20 A. M.i P. M. No. 59. , i i. M. Leave Florence. .. .. 3 40 t 6 40 Arrive Sumter 4 25 i 805 NO. 52. No. 56. . . . A. M. P. M. Leave Sumter... 4 25 t 9 40 8 27 Arrive Columbia b 15 10 45 9 55 A. M. No. 53 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R. . Leaving Lanes 8:34 A. M., Manning 9:08 A. M . Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston 8:30 A. M.. Lanes 10:28 A. M., Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter 11:46 A. M arrives Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. 56 runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M.,. Man ning 7:52 P, M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 59. TRAINS GOING NORTH. iNo. 78. NO. 57. NO. 53 P M. A. M. 6 50 8 12 P. M. 5 33 6 46 Leave Columbia. Arrive Sumter. 10 25 11 52 No. 58. Leave Sumter. . Arrive Florence 11 52 1 20 t 8 22 9 40 A. M. A. M I No. 66.- No. 14. A. M. P. M. 8 20 8 55 U 50 P. M. Leave Florence Leave Marion.. Arrive Wilmington... 4 35 t 10 30 5 22 11 U 8 351 2 10, A. M. I P. M. ! Dally. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C. via Central R. R., arriving" Manning 7:20 P. M.. Lanes 8:03 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral It, R.; arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 933 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesborc. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points North JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. lYansportation. ; T. L EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. Jan 10 -, . Wilmington & Weldon R. R AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27, F'tMall daily. No. 15, daily ex Sunday. Dated' Jan. 8, 1888. No. 23, daily. Leave Weldon . 3 05 pml 5 43 pmj 6 oo am Ar. Rocky Mount. 3 17pm ; m am Arrive Tarboro Leave Tarboro 4 50pmf .. 10 M im -. Arrive Wilson 3 53pmj7 00 pm; 7 48 am Leave Wilson 4 lopm Arrive Selma...... 5 19pm Arrive rayettevi e 7 pm Leave Golds boro..i 4 45pmi 7 40pmi 8 40 am Leave Warsaw. 5 50 pm 9 38 am 8 05 pm 8 40 pm 9 54 am 7 40 pm 9 55 pm 11 35 am Leave Magnolia. . Ar. Wilmington.. TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 66, daily ex Sunday. NO. 14, j daily. No. 78. daily. Leave Wilmington 1 13 05 am' 9 00 am; 3 45 pm Leave Magnolia. 1 21 am'ltt 35 am! 5 28 pm Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 10 ajam 5 supm 2 23 am 111 50 am j 6 53 pm Leave Fayetteville Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson i'8 30am: 110 50 ami Ill 59 am '3 02 am 12 42 pm! 7 43 pm i 1 18pmf 8 24 pm Leave Wilson Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro. . . ; ;4 50 pm; Leave Tarboro j.. 1Q 50 ami Arrive Weldon i 4 30 am; 3 40pm 9 35 pm Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re- turning leaves Scotland ;S'eck at.so A. M. dally except sunaay. Train leaves Tarboro, N. C via Albermarle & Raleigh R. R. dally except Sunday, 6.001. M., Sunday 5-00 1'. M., arrive Williamston, N. C, 8.10 P. M., 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wil- j boro, N. C, daily except suudaj', 8J0 A. it : arrive smlihiield, N. c laou A. M. Returning leaves smlthneid, N. c, 10.45 A. M-, arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 13.10 P. M. I 1 Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville. 4.0V IV. M.. arrives at Nasnviue 4.40 1. m., spring nope 5.15 1. m. i lteturnlng lea-es Spring Hope ia40 A. M.. NashviUe 1L15 A. MT, Rocky Mount 1L55A, M., dally except Sunday. I Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton.' dally, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. M. Returning leaves iiinton at 8.45 a. ai., connect ing at Warsaw with Nos. 15 and 66, southbound Train on WUson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. sa Daily except Sunday. Train No. 37 South will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 makes close connection at Wel don for aU points North dally. All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. Trains make close connection for all points n V. I .1 nl. . I ... ... . .iui in vie Aturuuiuiiu auu v afeuiugum. AU trains) run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers attached. . JOHN F. DIVINE. Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, Gem Passenger Agent. Samuel Bear,' Sr., vrrnoLESALE dealeic is : , I fi J TOBACCO, CIGARS AND SNTJFF, 1 Bhlpper.of Hides Furs, Wool.' Beeswax. &cj J,. dec 31 u Nd. 10 Market at. llamston. N. c, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.45 A, M., 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leavj'S Golds- miscell ANfidiis.' Carolina Central Eailroad Company. CHANGE bF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUNB. TRAINS, ' X ; No. 1. t No. a No. 5i' . Jan. 1, 1888. daily ex.' dally ex. Tri Weekly. Sunday. 1 Sunday. Leave Wilmington 6 40 1- pm am T 00 am 5 05 pm ,No.7. 5 0iani 7 00 am Ar. Laurinburg. (Ml 13 83 2 m 7 00 Lv. Laurinburg..'. am Leave namiet.... Arrive CharlottP. Leave Charlotts. . Leave Llncolnton Leave Shelby. am am y uurm 8 45 am 11 09 ami 13 54 pm Ar. Rutherfordton o oupm EASTBOUND TRAINS No. 2. , No, 4. dally ex.dallyex. Sunday. Sundaj'. Nos 8 6 Tri weekly. Jan. 1. 1888." Lv. Rutherfordton 8 40 am Leave Shelby. ... . . Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Leave Hamlet IV u out 12 45 pm 3 no pml 8 00 pni, ' 7 05 am 2 30 pm 4 00 pm NO. 6. 5 45 am 4 35 pm 1 am 2 17 am Arrive Laurinburg Leave Laurinburg. 3 27 am; Arrive Wilmingt'n! 8 35 am! Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Halelgh. : -. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Ralelglu - Take Train No. 1 for Statesville and Stations on W. N. C. It. R. and points West. Also, .tor Spartanburg, Greenville,- Athens, At lanta and all points Southwest. Also, for Ashevllle via Spartanburg. : ' ; Local Freight Ncs. 5 and 6 trir week) be tween Wilmington and La luinburg. Local Freight Nos. 7 and 8 daily between Laurinburg and Charlotte." - Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, take passengers. r ' : L. c JONES, superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent- , . jan 5 ; - . , w I- & & & fit S . 8 f ' r :job oppi6b J M. Jfa w r t Q O. MARKET STREET. NO. 113 W." (Ul TIKS)' cum jhj j a a jc vi Jt Yf'&ir&xci AND WE ARB PREPARED TO DO j ALL MANNER Of : printing wmmmwsmm. WHEN YOUWANT- . PROGRAMMES, CrRCULARS, CARDS, LETTER-HEADS, BILL-HEADS, rOSTBRS, 1... , . ENVELOPES, NOTE-HEADS, ' . PAMPHLET PRINTING, ' 1 TAGS, LAND DEEDS, ; ' ; 4 , MORTGAGE DEEDS, SHER- . ' IFFS DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANT'S, STATE WARRANTS, juSTICE8rJUDG MENTS. JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT TEL MORTGAGES, AC. CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVING YOUR ORDERS. Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE,' WILMINGTON. H. C CARRfAGE REPOSITORY -AND- REPAIJR SHOP. pARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND OF vehicle or want any RepairlrJg done TO their old vehicles, will find It to their interest to . - call on ; ' "; C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO. . . . ... , corner Second and Princess streets. Send your horses to be shod. We have a first-class Shoer. Jan 23 tf Think of It. YtT CAN BE YOUR O WN PAINTER IF you buy my J'ure Pant mixed to order. I have all kinds of Paints. Oils, Lamps. Glass, Var nish, Brushes. Imported and Domestic Goods, Whitewashes. Painters' and Artlsfs' Material, Machine Oils, Mica, Axle Grease, Ac. Con tracts taken. . R.-L. HUTCIIINS. jan 33 store No. 12 North geond St Siffn of the Horse. W E HAVE THE LARGEST, ..CHEAPEST- and most complete stock of Uarness and Had- ; dlery goods. Trunks and Bags In tbe state, . and guaranteed to please both In quality and price or money cheerfully relunded. centime army saaaies to arrive mis weeic 11. Ij. r b.r.L.ij. jan 33 The Horse Milliner, 10 so.Freut St Merc hi fits' Exchange DiniE Koonis. WE ARE OPEN ANb PROPOSE TO RE celve guests for board by the day, week or month at the following low rates: Icr day fl; week 14.50; month $18. Meals sent to any part of the city and served at any hour, the best the market affords. A sumptuous Free Lunch every day from IltoL Philadelphia Beer on draught. , Jan 18 ly Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS. LIME " " " GROCERIES. LIME . " DRY GOODS LIME " " " HARDWARE. ' LIME " ' . 'V LUMBER. LIME " ' " ' CASH. . . i . .: .- . , . ; '"- 1 - ! . - . . .. .. N FKENCH IMtOH , ' sept , - - ; Rocky roint. The cheapest place to buy yonr school books and school . stationery is at HeinsbergeVs. - , . v - " !

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