Wc vvtn bog! aid to rcv'Tc t T't.i!':".: ...!.?,., from our friends ou any ar.I aliy.i; :s t general intcitst. but -The i, hcof the writer mast alwas i-e fi:r o'lshed to tht Editor. " Communications must. bt wrtttrn only n onesideof tiieparxT, : ' , Personalities must be "avoided. . And It Is especially and p"rtlcaiarly under, stood that the Editor does t always endors the view s of correspondents nless so st at e in the editorial columns. ' I. Ml 1 in 1 n IT 1 5T .fcv itHTAGE J Alt' 5 J ;v'!lJ : ix Uih- -;. :iLJL Mr. by carriers, rne ;;Iar:.'ftri,.r,,,,clt,aw, V - So 1 Bt,,rr"- VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N.C" TUESDAY JANtJ ART-31 1888 and NO 25 .--r - ,.,,m-!r. l".. TORPID LIVER I marked pmllri!le TJ . .. . . in In Ih h. Ia.l l lo n ' 0-,h Willi fCv.t.v. "tS a'ii-'nt-. and yellown. . 't it tmch and bovcls and srrat rnoUn- BILIOUSNESS, ...i uli Iid in M-noiw I nrt ; , iii.tt'.risrrli . L I! r.-lnP- .. 1.1 IT l' ' .V. .,-. : . rt-2 ill.!- Tf-. 1 .1 -1: 'jVr Int.. Mi tl.l."d .'i ir. "I ' ;,,,; ... (..Mr' ;JL. f l.vH ' , . . ,, ti i -.r tiat.it c-l ... .... ? . !. irn- t l u- - J . . r. ..... i I .v v I .-c -r K'-;' T -j iii.-.. .M.!.;f--..- (i.r. r 7n .r; J.Z?'" red p frrr.l a Wrapper J.U.t.l Co.. FhiU.IHi.hIa, Pa. UVf.ixltli- fllxviiir in an 'X ... . l y . ft ! i tin ! u Ill - in-t.. nml w pnllili it for Ut it may 1- worth: I r Martin, a irinm iit trntl- ...an ..f raMwfU .tnty. is hen ami vri;irtiuf.ir.of H.me vt-ry n riark;ilI inunife.tiitious at ln KuiiHrof Miiular on-ur r iii f- n wen heart, a fortnight Martin tavtliaiai-oi iwo mouui. vi hi little grandtlaushtcriiiforiii him that Hoiif were ramus in ie hnw. From that tune tins fihriM'mron ha roiitmued. I he foti- hnve lii Mt n to fall in t In Inn: hv Vimuu iwrjiuis and tlv are tru.u feii fw'iniJ-i vri!it dtixrn to me hihI one qturtr jkhiihIs. Thy fV.lap.mntly frrtm the rUiiij and lo ml indent tbf Iloorasthey would .lifdneil from that height. In wtnnt they appear ro project t.V,!e.v from the ai1e of the r"ru. The f.rt olervation of this traiic ."tirht was at the old Martin hot.. The family moved about a lEurter of a mile to a new house of MartinV ami the stone fell there. Then they moved into another hou..e and the fall ronttnned. Sometimes they fall out.-ide and appear to'come fnmi a rlcar ky. Other curious thin. hapiHn. ''in washbowls drop off a l-'iich on which they are usually krj.t and tly up a hih as the top "f t!iedorI then over across the routa and fall on the bed. ' Martin viwche for this atement ami kuvj. Nrore. of his neighbors will do like iri-e. - . - -- . - Wi tit id in last Satunlay's New Wk .N'i the followiinj rejMrt of a i! of old roins. which took place in iLat rity n the day previous;: The riauon Smith collection of roii... rotuprifing luany rar silver lo'.Lirs and half dolIar.was jU1 at .iiittiou ji-trnlav afternoon bv M-i. mn-N & Co.. at their ales r!ti. No. ;; HrcKuhvay. Si hun Irvtl rik! Kftv-cight lot's coniprisinir wizard ofio'ofn) coins, weredispoel K and the Drices realized were nro- UMiisinl verv fair bv all the experts VTT'.11- Numismatists from lMiila- am! other cltie s were repre- ""lifeU at tho s:U . The hiclutt price mid forany one ta Hih mI wtu $83, which was given hi local dealer for a splendid ex pleof the fcilveror lt&$. A dollar f lMId for f72 ; a dollar or fll'l: m. tinor M)irinwn of the ntrc foliar of lt. ami a line tlol- of KM, 13.50. A Massachusetts Ataong the other rar coins sold at od figures were the following: breath cent of 1T03. $:1C0; dime of l.ftV White's Halifax farthing. KIO; FrenchCnnadian hilver metlal, w-ui XV.. 1T.4, $12.23; copper pai ru pit. for Salt Ixke City agle, fz;0-t,,t rare Washington cent of ;J1. nr: half cent, 1TU0, $1.30; an JV'atitl liuer wreath cent, 170:1, f rare rent, 1804, $4.40; 'iiiistruck or KS). eent of 18.6, with j j.'..i.r:i. . 1 . . . .,cn imuihis sola lor .tJ cents Ier SI ck i.k . . . to "J"1 SarsaimrilLo, hich tone's rrtrl,lates the digestion 'and an npMtite. those who have tried and thev "Hell you that the Hoy Clipper 4k tVtA ln m. Jifri - "inr rnatie. coiiionivat 11 N ho I the factory agent, .... fl',tlt . " I ... ni pir;i. l.ri0; rarecent of the Ji.fedrate sjtates, fi.70: half dime. , -; another wreath crent. of il r r'i "Oak Tree" shilling, UV32, jJ. threepence, $4.r0: two pence, und au Annapolis shilling. s,v . Fifty copper cents. of the LOCAL NEWS. Ixukx TO Nr.w Advkktiskmkvts. IIkivsbr!u;ex -Masks Dick Mkakkj-Ilw Oomis C W Yatkh Yearly subnciiptlonH Jois J IlKPniCK All Vo;l I'as.-liafres . L.iHE. KMroKirnr-Contfnuftl Cash Sale Hest shoH for boys at French & Sons. t The receipts of cotton at this port trvdav foot up HO.- bales. See the "Artful, the best rat trap known, at .lacobi's Hdw Depot, t Jammrv leaves us to-.iav and the lirt month of, the nw year is gone ulreaTly. New River oysters were selling thiM morning at 0 to DO cents per gallon from carts. - The in- is unite a large number of strangers in the rity to-day, many of whom e.re from the surrounding counties. The Lurlieraii Publication ("om ikiiiv, of this it v. has secured an other press, which has been necessi tated by their increasing business. Mr. V.1I. t 'hailbourn, Jr.. litl not start out ttft-tiayou tin survey of the road to the Sound, as was intended but hopes to get out to-morrow. You will fmd at Heinsberger's an elegant assortment, just received, of fun j win masks for ladies and gen tlemen ami some other art Kles need ed for masquerade balls. tf oO dozen all wool tlannel shirts, in all shinies and colors, for men and boys, from T" cents and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, Xo 27 Market street, J. Klslmeh, Prop; , The masquerade ball of the Ger- mania Coniot Hand is to take place on Thursday night. February 2nd, instead of to-night, as we stated yes tenpiy. Somehow we got the mo tion in our noddle that yesterday was the first of February. Mrs. James liVown Potter, a new star hi the theatrical world, will make her debut to a Wilmington audience next Monday night. Her business manager, Mr. H. B. Lons dale, arrived in the city last night to make the necessary preparations for her appearance. She will be sup ported by an excellent company. School shoes for children, best in the citv. at Geo. IX. French & Sons.t ImlicMtionit. For North Carolina, slight change In temperature on the coast, cooler in the interior, fair weather ant; winds becoming light to fresh West erlv. in II I IM-IIII III III! I I ritnl .Shouting. Somebody was shooting last night in the vicinitv of Me Rao and Mul- berrv streets. We do not know who the party was that did the shooting, but we know that live shots were fired, tin. first three being followed in about ten minutes by two more There was 110 disturbance that we heard further than the firing. Ijtt Mulit' Fire. At about '.1 o'clock last night the kitchen on the premises of Mr. J. H. Mcttarity, on Kighth and 'Castle streets, was discovered to be on fire. Two alarms were sent out, the first from box 23 and the second from box 3. The firemen turned out prompt ly, but the building was considera bly damaged before they could get to work and get the ilaiues extin guished. The Fcfttiral of Mouth,.. The (Festival of Months, to be given on the 7th, 8th and 0th of February next, by the ladies of (trace M. K. Church, promises to be a grand, unique, 'entertaining and interesting affair. .The ladies who have the affair in charge are working-earnestly for a success, and we have no doubt that thev will make of it a complete triumph. Matrimonial. There will be a double r edding to morrow night at Whiteville, the Lbrides being Miss Jamie and Miss Lula Schiilken. daughters of Mr. Martin Schulkeh. of that town. partv from this city, friends of the family, will leave for Whiteville on - morrow aiiennnm s train to at- te- t,lti interesting ceremony. We faileil to learn the names of the ycHing gentlemen who are to be uni ted with the Misses SchtiHeii in the lenids of matrimouv. Plllfttf f A f If) IC tHfti Ml 4 V X sv " " ... .nr city nt French 6: Sons. ; t Ready for th Flame. : j ' The fire apparatus which has re-j cently been put on- the steamer j Marie wan tried yesterday afternoon j at the Champion Compress and the j results were eminentlv satisfactbrv. j With a pressure of 75 pounds of i steam the rotary pumps threw a j stream over the masts of the schoo-1 ner JJzzic Wright, lying at the dock, j This was through one hundred fee of hose and an ineh-and-ivquarter nozzle. The next time there is a fire ou the river front Capt. Edgar Williams will be heard from. City Conn. N . . TJicre was a small docket for the Mayor's consideration' this morning, which was disposed of in the follow ing order: Madison Lark ins, colored, charg ed with bastardy, was' the first case, tiuilty. 'Judgment fine and bond in amount of 50 for the mainte nance of child when born. Win. Mitchell, colored, disorderly conduct. Complaint dismissed at the request of the prosecutor. The Salvation Army. The Salvationists were on the streets again Last night mid a meet ing was held at the corner of Iront and Market streets. There were several speakers and one of them, n female, announced that they pro posed to hold a meeting some where on the wharf next Monday after noon at 3 o'clock; and also, that they expected reinforcements about the l(5th of February, in the persons of Major Wells and Kusick, who are now leading detachments of the Armv in Chicago and Salt Lake Citv. Chicken Thieres. The' premises of Mr. James F Post,Jr.,on Seventh street, between Princess and Chestnut, were raided by thieves last night and twelve of his chickens were stolen. Officer Turlington saw a man on McRae street during the night acting under suspicous circumstances, gave chase and after a good long run he sue ceeded in capturing five of the chick ens, which the thief had dropped in his flight. The thief managed to escape. Mr. Post was present at the City Court this morning and identi fied the captured fowls as his prop erty and they were delivered to him. A Vide Awake. February Wide Awake has come ; bright with pictures and full of en tertainment and wisdom for young folks. One series of papers alone is enough to "make the fortune of a magazine, "The Children of the White House' a familiar sketch of the children of Johu Adams, with many curious portraits and relics. "About Rosa Bonheur" is accompa nied by copies of several of her pic tures. ith a portrait of the artist herself in her studio. "My Uncle FlorimoiKr comes to its third in" stalment. Mrs. Sherwood takes "Those Cousins of Mabel's" to Rich field Springs. Olive Risley Seward visits the Great Wall of China. Os- - a v m car lay Auatns occupies nimseii with Esop, the story-teller. And many more. The number is very rich, varied and interesting. A sample copy can be obtained by sending five cents to the publishers I). Lothrop Company, Boston. The Opera lloune. Mr. Fredericke "Warde is a trage dian of undoubted merit: the play of "Damon and Pythias" is especially adapted to the display of his great histrionic powers; he was ably sup ported last night by an exceptional ly fine and strong company, and his appearance at the Opera House was greeted by a large throng of onr most refined and cultivated people. The play was presented with due regard to all its requirements and Mr. Warde always popular with our theatre-going citizens obtained a new lo!d on popular favor by the efforts of last night. The role of Damon, which was essayed by Mr. Warde, is an exacting and trying character, but he was fully equal to its faithful rendition. The com" pany was listened to with the most irofound attention and interest and he frequent burftsof applause with which their efforts were greeted was ibtindant evidence that they were fully appreciated Mr. "Warde may dways be sure of a crowded house whenever he visits Wilmington. Schoql Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Heins bergers. - : The .mules and part of the clrays and ntensilsforgradin the Seacoas Railroad will arrive 4iere tonight, and ork will becommenced to- morrow or next dav. .The Directors held lueetlng at ,3:30 oVlock afternoon (too late for us torepqrt the ' proceedings), .at which it was probably determined when tin? work wili be ieyym- - . ThU ; hloratns'M Fire. 3 r -I f . : jii iiuiu liujL ou coj iier.ui uui u uhu isrunswi nek streets, at about 3 o'clock Bleached shirdiigs, 8neeaa8. and other Do-i-ning. "Thej fire was in the tmestlcGoods now.aarthey are advancing lu this mot hou& f T ic k 50 1 ore d ; ) n Fifth street, bet ween nteftiuSwi'cfc and Bladen.. The departiuent were promptlvon hand land thel flames Were speedily extinguished,--' j J he damage was very sjight, Sh poriorCourt. The first matter for thj considera tion of the Court tljis morning was the hearing the case of E. S. Jaffray & Co. vs. Sol Bear t - als., which; was continued from yesterday. Mistrial. J. W. Thompson vs. S. Van.Am ringe. All the issues found ; for the plaintiff. M. Bellainv for plaintiff, A. i. Ricaud for defendant. James H. Carraway -vs. Kate! Car- rawav. Verdict foriplaintiff.and de creo granted for divorce. j " Some I'igs, Those, i j V i ''.!.!:., Mr. A. B.. Rooks, of F.ren civs Creek township, Bladen'county, slaughter ed four- hogs on 'Friday, the 20th inst. two of which were aged 17 months and 20 davs and weighed 300 and 2C0 pounds respectively; the oth er two. acred 12 months and ' 6 days weighed 196 and 21p pounds. Last February. Mr. Rooks killed a lot of porkers, one of which weighed 416 pounds and another, aged 12 months and 6 days, weighed 272 pbunds. Good pigs that, don't you think? ".I v i . 1; Personal. - Maj. T. D. Love, of Bladen connty, is here on a short Visit. Mr. R.' C. Johnson and Capt. A. G Ward, of Pender county, were in the city to-day. ' Mr. Frank C. Goiild, of Warsaw, N. Y., who has been visiting his for mer rector, the, Rev. Chas. T. Coerr, leaves the city this5 evening for Flor ida, where he intends to spend . the Winter. ; ;j ; !-':. Mr H. B. LcJnsdale, business man ager for Mrs. James Brown! Potter, is in the city for the purpose of mak ing arrangements for the appear ance of Mrs. Potter at the. Opera House here next Monday evening. . Quarterly Meetings. H . First round of Quarterly Meet ings for the Wilmington District of the Methodist E. Church, South: Grace Church, Wilmington, ' Feb- r nary 4 ana o. Magnolia circuit, at Magnolia, February 11 and 12. Clinton circuit, at Johnson's chap el, February 18 and 19. Waccamaw circuit, atohiloh. Feb ruary 25 and 26. I i t " BrunswicK mission, February 2o and 26. ' ; OnsloW circuit, at Green 'Branch, March 3 and 4. T. , i I." Kenansville,at Kenansville,Marcn 10 and 11. ; ' Carver s Creek, at Shiloh, March 18 and 19. , 1 , i Elizabeth circuit, at Elizabeth, March 24 and 25. j I Cokesbury, at Salem; April ST& 4. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem,Ap,l 10 and 11. i I ' . ; ; T. W. Gutiirik, P. E. THE MAILS. The mails close and arrive at the ; City Post office as follows: - t T . I CLOSE. i ! Northern through malls, fast. .00 P. 31. Northern throusrh and way mails.. .11.00 A. 31. N. C. and A. & N. C. Railroads and i - routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. Raleigh & Fayettevre. 6.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. Southern way malls. . . ; .: ...... t.z e.30 P. M. Southern through malls.. . .' 9.15 1'- M , DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY, i " Western malls (C. C. Railway). . ; 545 A. r. Cape Fear & Y v R Rand points sup- ! plied therefrom... .... . 5.45 P. M. Raleigh & Hamlet R. K. and points supplied therefrom 2.00 P. M . SmithvUle 2.00 P. M. Wrlghtsville i s.30 A. M. Clinton, special,. 115 P. M. TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS, t Onslow C. H. and Intermediate ofti- ces .... 6.00 A. M.. Little River, 8. C, and intermediate . offices 2.00 P.M. Cape Fear River mall.... ..100 P. 31. . OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way mails SJ30 P. M. Northern through mail, late. Jl.no P. M . southerh mails . -. . -. . .. IL30 A. 3f . southernway mails. . ...... . . . .. O30 A. 31. Carolina central R. R. ............. . a.30 A. 31. 3Iails collected from street boxes In business portion of city at 5 A. 3L; 11 A. 31. and 4.45 P. M. and ttDro other points of the city at 3 P. 31. and4AJM. - i - -i. General delivery open from 6.50 A. 31. to 7.00 P. 3L. iud on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A. 3i. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from OHO to 104?) A. 31. - " - - Monvy order and Register. Department open, from i A. 31. to 5 1. 31., continuous. ' St rQp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. 31. Str -aps on sale at general delivery 6.S0A.31. tol A, 3L aad l to 7 P. M. '; I. .; : " ". , AIVfcltTlK ; KNT8. a Vi TJT7 i n ' ; Ail VYOOI SI 1216 TBS f; citable FOU gentIkMKN anp Bors, Handsome styles and cheap, at riump Cost . . The remainder of our uock of lJress co.xis. odds and ends of Towels and liandterchiefs are betng oiod our igarUle5?sof cost, some oodhars'aiD.m lied, aiut White r Those- who study economy should buy , r f- pri eel vWehave agooit sto - -w-,'r-v J;' T - r stoelv to select trom. JOHN J. HEDRIGK. Jan 31 tf -OP- ETE BY DESCRIPTION Received To-Day. F INE WIRE FOR LADIES AND GENTLE- men. Moderate, line, ugly and tvery ugly. Largest assortment ever in the,; city. Now is ' - " '-. ' '"""" : :-" '. ; I- '-.'J- . , your time to select for the 3iasquerade Balls. 1 "-';- - '-j Call and see them at Heinsborger's !i ' - 1 - ' r - ' Live Book and Music Store. i , . ."':.. ? : -: -I". ' ' ' ' - -. J - - jan 31 : ' ,-' .'I' ';.'..:, o o. vomjKrs; OMMISSION 31ERCIIANT AND DEALER In Groceries. Wines, Liquors, Tobifeco, Cigars, c.. No. 8 North Water St., Wilmington, N. C , Consignments solicited," Highest prices pa id for all kinds of Country Produce. Jan27rtvk ayi ! CD) CD) i CD) CJ ff-fl otr-0 LlUD Ml M S ,03 I LO 1 & Hl I a a Q O B o 0 o tc f-a h .B Bi O . tnnl Grand Masquerade Bill. j ViEUMANIA COUNET I5AN1. AT ! II IVH rtifl (TTTIMK'tlll- I .w. .-t : . , J'-- until, r l.'. iiliU, J - Tickets it; - . , - tximmlttec-t. O.-t." Gleschem C. V. v.- r Karnpen. it. H. t.Tescheu, .M. uathln. .1. u Knek. , , - . . . jan zt "r :: : r i v- Co ?! and VJoc: J ED AND WHITE ASH COAL. 1 1 7 .! STOCK OAK AND ASH WOOD. ULAC II JACK AND JLICniTWOOD.'.V ' " , ,T. .v. SPJ.'LNGElu riOorii NEW-STOEE IN rifliCELl'Birilj)-' income our cusfoSerat heri : WUl be srl iI ta W. E. SPRING EJl C CO. Importers and Jobixrs. . .. -jan;J0 llardwaiv. Tinware and Crockery ivlew Arrival 5( ) B.OX IIENin-; CO. FIO TOBACCO, 1 RC BOXES PLUG AND TWIST. ' i JUU - ALL STYLE TOBACCOS, Q tC( ASSORTED CIOAEa . ' Otl,l tj.t Above to be sold .at. greatly re duced prices to close consignment. , " , ' Respectfully, SAM'L BEAlt, Sr., ,, jau :0 -, 10 31arket street. IN GREAT VARIETY, COOKS AND' HEAT . - . . . , ' , - - '- ers. Can give you am thing you are Ukrly to want. AVe don't make them, but we - Have ae cess to the best sou rres ot -supply. call and w us. - Z. .. W i nvnif tv iir xvit . i)ealers In llantware, Tlmvare. &c. jan "0 d$rvr Wllnalngtou, ,N. C Piece Coods '- - - ' - ; ' ' .( Q AN B E BOUGHT, ' U Y .Til E SUIT 4)11 BE made to Order, at . . ' DICK & ME A RES, Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnlshmtrs, jan ;io 12 N Front 6f 8 -- "T" "'-I -" " II I. 1I..H Livery, Sale and Exchange - ' Stables. . t IIAVE ON HAND SEVEN FINE MULES for sale cheap for,cash. Call .and see.' for jourself i Board for- Horses by the wecK or month. Good feed and comfortable stalls. - R. W. BEST.v Fifth St., bet. Walnut and Mulbrny. - jan :w ly .... . - Sure Cure . pOR ANY DEFECT IN SPEAKING, SUCH as Stuttering, by Prof. Stubhs, Office at Com- merelal Hotel. , , . ' " ' WILMINGTON, N. C, Jan. 30, 1&8& . I take pleasure In recommending .Ur. Stubbs to any one having a defect in articulation. 3Iy son spoke with great- difficulty, but after two interviews with Dr. Stubbs is able to artic ulate every word distinctly i ; f ' - W. T. DAGGETT. 23 Jlarket Street, WUmlngtou, N. C. Jan30 2t - - Yearly Subscriptions JJECEIVED FR ALL THE "PRINCIPAL Papers and Periodicals in the United States at publisher's prices, nand tn yQur subscrip tions at once. It will save you the trouble of writing and forwarding money without any additional cost. . ; tar special rates for Clubs of ten or more. jan 1J0 . C. W. YATES. Taylor's Bazar Leads but Never Follows. -o - - Profits No Object Now, Its Sales We Seek, WE THEREFORE WILL SELL Monday, Special Sale Day, . The Great Bjistle and Corset Sales. 58 Dozen Bustles 58 Just received In every shape TAYLOR'S FOLDING,: TAYLOR'S UNIQUE . ; -. r ' THE GEM, and 1 LANGTJfiT BUSTLH. In t Att, every make and' shape, t.h:. ; in prit- at 20. 30, 40 and 50c., folly worth lo' l ; Corsets. 95 Doi; '.(Jorcetc. Jnst received. StltchKl Hip Gore Corn i.i. never before sold at such a recki'-ii prl -.. Vt. , -, will fell them 3ionday for Zc Th LAG. Corset, Nursing Cor?er.' c. Dr. Warner:s Hfalth' corset $Lia - i The iock Clasp B. v. N.Vorect Young Ladies Corsets, 341ses cor-y i.s. Cor- of every make and size, at mtuct-d pr! .-. Protif s no object how, KHMal -t K-k. JtHt received a new lot of STRAW JIATir. - uoyr parly Spring shapes and -Jli i spld at 25, 39. anfj 4ie each, worth fully -y-;K --. FINE FELT HATS at 3').. MONDAY SPECIAL SALE DAY'AT TAYLOR'S liAZAR, lis 31 AIIIU'T M'., Vfi1iniu:toii, X. C. Orders by maU carefully niled. . j.iac'i