Tins rArrs . ; -, .; ctcry ttct CXCe?td. 5SCSXPn0. rOSTAOE PAID: ' ..r sii months JiOOL Three lf yrir. , . , irtll be filtered by carrier, tree ,-AypiricClhecny.atth above L or ySirtl'r" pla. report any xnJ . to receive their paper regularly. TORPID LIVEft , i,y U maxka pcallarida t . f wearioeaa and paint to the 1 A .Vtath. bad Ut In the mouth. .'atim. Willi ocoaaJooal aUca "X-ift la lh fruoi of Uie beacx : a. . .... 1 X aud bo wall - Mt of .pint. and rtnU; " Vhory.'wtthUHode.ryiadio.ttton f Cleave cvrrylhliu for to-fnonow. u V iVpxa twlth. WlieuthM jfvMru-Udtt rpytvtlu BIU0UolTi?3, hli If nrf WtM. hju4 toer1oa Th' WW and .ut the dtxntlve 0WI1 DdlUon that thycau daibclr Cl irue. Aftr laklnff thl; medlrine no cue will My. -1 am LUUu. : . lwbjM ' pn ef Coo of lir. -J Ut a h.t cl SToj from 15 t o ta it c IutkI wUjrfi Ikfc n im rUf wuho-t any interruption U o.r.f GEJTVJJTE ivZ2Z stuapla rtdoofrratof Wrapper j.U.'SuimJlCa rWIadalpbU.ra bot tc lstpUirlj Chaat It is estimated that in the pat ten . . j Team .lonu trvjiu w c-a- a aMI f2.000.000 for corumerciai lerxiuirm, hil the raiue of the crops ha been only $13,000,000. 1 Hovernor Sajr, of Alabama, i in receipt of a letter from Dr. 1. . RIdtlelee, a prominent citizen 01 Dakota, in -which he state that the terrible iona of life to both man and beast in consequence of the recent billiard has determined many Da kota fanaen to eek Soothern home. In one section forty fann er hare indicated their purpoee to Z6 South. The Ohio Legislature UsAttempt ins the herculean task of flxinff up a law wbeieby personal property e.a no longer evade taxation. . It CnJithat this pcles of ' property has been gradually slipping away from the tax-gatherers, and the bills already introduced aiming to pro- ride for its recovery are something thing fearful and "wonderful to be hold. It is all very easy to legislate that a man shall turn his worldly affairs inside out for the lister; it is quite another ''thing to actually make him do it. The Duke of Newcastle, one of the wealthiest men of England, is the last arrival of the British nobil ity in America. The Duke 'iV the youngest wearer of the dncul coro net in England, being only twenty three yea ni old. He is a quiet little nan, and fehuuu every kind of pub lintv. Ills diminutive atature is ivirtly due to an accident Iint'-.hup-prnd when he was about two years oM. This also wan ,thf etinse, in later years, of his legleing ruuputa teU. He wears a cork lejr, .but his Wonuity Is pot apparent i f The Young lion's Democratic Hub of Brooklyn lias adopted reso lutions regarding .tber .President's Wrttge, one of which follows: "Tliat the policy suggested by the President will unite the whole Dem o ratlcparty and attract to its sup port many iersons heretofore act hig against it on dead issues, to- xetherwith the business and pro stTive interests of the people, and Uythe foundation for a platform that will insure a Democratic suc iu the approaching Presidential lection." This is undoubtedly the generalljtaken of the political ctof the President's course by th Progressive men of his party. JJ Gould Is credited with being fiterted in . another gigantic scheme. It S thus outlined by the Washington Itcvublican: Information has been 'veceived 5tTia gwtl to a gigantic Anglo l?00 commercial scheme in Q1fh.A(ful A t till - , rrrti tniiiriM n Trti linn.l rcK cJff the 'LitUe Wixard of Wall : l KJ.m Rotih.8chTl th H6' . . . III . . W . . and 0herg ftre gaid fo he Surveyor having been given to that nffjned. It has been ascertained effect. This has been a necessity "rani 1 lromoter9 propose to erect, for a long time, as the rains have ablUmrnU hUHe8' 10rk curin iusm1 the rater to stand and accu tter factories Slxhg,ngZl ululate at Fifth street by which the l Sf ,veral great lines of raflroAiL' value of property has been Impair- -1 Wndjr?f hIJaa, ed I- : ; ; ; . 1 VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N.C.. THURSDAY. FEBRUARY 2 1888 NO 27 uch u flour, acon, cheese, butter J and fruits of overv description, as well as lie hto-k. are to be carried a to be carried to Chicago, and thence by theBaIti. more iiivj Ohio Ibiilroiid to New York. A 1 iridi will lx built coiiiiee.ting j .. , lt ; nw-M :f construc thf nmiiilniid with Stuteti illdi tribute a cent towards its construe where Inr dotkn will Ix? construct h! by -the syndicate ut capitalists. Finuii Now "York fh product of-th IJnitetl States will-lw Ciirrie! by jiteHiiiHrs tiHcia)lv biiilt for the roui luiiy and landetf ut Uarrow.in-Piir-f which th Duke of Devon hirt' is the principal proprietor, be frleit btfing, prM'iU;nt of the Furness lUflway. At llnrmw the company proiKitM buildintr a!oniiIe the ducks lattoirs f.r aughterfng the cattle immediately after lauding, alo taiineriej ''. for preparih ; the, hide and, fai'torien for making tiiHr rarina out of the tallow. ' Itrgo warehouses are also to be erMrted at lWrow. and thence the fod pitxlucts will be distributetl throughout Great Britain by means 6f retail stores which will be opened in alt the leading town in order to supply consumers direct without in curring any middlemen's charges. The cnpital to invented in the enterprise will,- it is siid. uuMunt to ninny millions of doIlarH. Already agents have been fent to this coun try mature now making the neces sary arrangements to commence operations in tliu spriu The blotnl is the source of health Keep it pure by taking Hood's Sars a pari 11a, which iH.peeuliar in its cu rative power. IXDKX TO NBW ADTBKTI9SXSNTS. DsisssxaoKa -Masks The American Magazine . Dicx" SHARKS- Piece Goods Oraaa Ilorsx Romeo and Juliet . P C Xiixxa Humphrey's Specific C W Yarss Yearly Subscrtpuons For other locals see fourth page Best shoes far bovs at Frendh Sons. ... fV- We gain this month 02 minutes of daylight. ' Dr. E. Porter, or Rocky ''Point, was In the city yesterday and paid us a pleasant little visit. Nor barques LaPlata, Andrea&en, and Olivia, Thorsen, hence, arrived at Hull, Eng., Jan. 30th. The Superior Court, having con cluded its labors, adjourned last evening for the term. mere was a snarp wmte irost in the city early this morning, and the weather was cold and bracing. This month began on Wednesday and will end on Wednesday, there being five Wednesdays in the month. You will find at Heineberger's an elegant assortment, just received, of fine wire masks for ladies and gen tlemen and some other articles need ed for masquerade balls. tf 50 dozen all wool ilannei shirts, in all tJiades and colors, for men und boyn, from ." cents anil upwards. at the. Wilmington Hhirt -Factory, No 27 Market street, J. Elsbach, Prop. t The Board of Directors of the Wil niinsrtou Savings and Trut Com-. panv met vesterdav mid elected Col. a John W. Atkinson, President, and Mr. II. Wallers, Vice President. The other officers will be elected at a jut n re, meeting. Mr. J. T. Collins.' of Burgaw, who is in the city to-day, tells us that the truckers in his . neighborhood are putting in their best licks now. He saw yesterday Messrs. Wcstbrook & Bros.' large strawberry patch' near Burgaw, and it is in full bloom. The field is being strawed over to day to prevent injury by severe cold. .... Indication. ForiNorth Carolina, slightly warm er and fair weather, and light to fresh winds, shifting to Easterly. Sidewalk and Imln. The work of transplanting 500 shade trees on Fifth street has been .finished, and the street force,, under the supervision of Capt. Sholar, is now at work on Mulberry street, making some necessary repairs to the drains and sidewalks on that street, in the vicinity of Front street. A Good Store. Orange street, between Third and Fifth, is to be graded and ditched, the necessary orders to the City and health las been Jeopardized. A Generou Man. v Mr. J. L. Autrey. of Cumberland , . , .1 couni' uaa oni a Pv "Iv w TZZZZZ t7 J. S ' ' fat Shepherd. 111 that county,, aud a llms not allowed anv One to COn- tion. The onlv thimf that he has permit ted, to .be contributed .is; a pulpit Bible, which was the offering of a worthy lady, in the neighbor hood. :. MrAutrey's noble-hearted generosity is highly appreciated and will be lornr and .gratefully remem bered by those who jyfC'Worship in the churcluwhich he ii& caused to be erected. '. : -'-M .', ; Our Putttb Anlnial. " - There will be a meeting at hal1 past 8 o'clock . to-nfght &t the City Hall for the fbrination "of a' Society for the prevention of criicltylto an! ma Is. It Is an organization that has long been much needed here and we hope that there iuay be a full attendance of those" .who have mercy for our dumh animals, and that a society may be formed which shall take active and effective steps to prevent the brutality which is oft en inflicted upon our beasts of bur den. 9 Doable Weddlnjf. The double wedding at Whiteville last night, of which we made men tion on Tuesday last, was a brilliant affair. The bridal couples were Mr. William M. Powell and Miss Mattie Z. Schulken, 'and Mr... Millard F. Cook and Miss Li Hie II. Schulken. The brides are the daughtersof Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schnlken, of Vine land. The marriace ceremony was performed In : the Presbyterian Chnrch at Whiteville, Revs.. A.'Mc- Fadven and G. W. MoMiilan, of Whiteville. and Rev. F. W. E. Pes- chau, of this city, taking part ip fre exercises. There J were- nuraefona and costly present, and there was alargegatherinfrbf the many friends of the parties who came to offer their congratulations and bid them Shod speed on tli r-Jjoupy v- -J i fe City OotifCA Sam Larkius and Thomas Black wood, both eoloted, were, brought before the Mayor, this, morning on thev charge of larceny, -it being alleged that they were 'the parties who stole the chickens last Monday night. The investigation of their cases was .postponed until to-raor row. morning. William JLord, David Emanuel ana i reu Xjora, an colored, were charged .with disorderly conduct. Hearing continued until to-morrow. Dorcas Frank, colored, disorderly conduct, $20 or 30daj's in the chain gang. Judgment nisi and a fine of $5 each was ordered to be entered against Phillis Avery, Alice Cowan and Jennie Howe, the parties to be held until the fine is paid. One party On the double charge of fast driving aud allowing his horse to run at large on the public streets, was lined $10 for each offense. We suppress the name by request. Four Arabs, three men and a woman, "11 of them very dirty, which was painfully apparent with the female, were ordered to be es cort ed out of the city. Personal. Col. F. W. Ke'rchner has tfope North for a few days. Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw, gave us the pleasure of a visit ,tbis fore noon. " Col. Jno. W. Atkinson has -gone. to Richmond on a short visit to rela tives there. We were pleased to receive a visit yesterday evening from , Mn John H. Clark, of Clarkton. Mr. W. F. Burch, who for several months has had charare of the job printing establishment of Mr. W. L. DeRosset, Jr., at Tarboro', has returned to the city. Judge Shepherd, having finished up the business of the Supenpr Court docket for the term, left this morning for his home at Washing ton, carrying with him the unquali fied respect and esteem of all with whom he came in contact during hi a brief sojourn in our cityvi - a . - it- . a telegram was received here late ast nfcht from Mr. JxruTs jj Curtis, the uewlyelected oronfstnd choir , conductor of St. James'-Church. hat the train upon which be was, to come had failed to jnakB cpnpec tlon, and that in consequence,' he. could not - "reach here; - until next (Monday .night " The Armory Fund. . ; The building-lot donated to tha: "iWihnmtrtrtTi T.iVht . w. nerchner is not. as. some might 'suppose, intended as a site for the proposed new armory, but ' it was' given as a donation to the ; Armory Fund. ; It is located in the ; Southern section of the city and is J to be disposed Of for the benefit of the fund. .The papers passed yes-1 terday and the deed was placed in j the hands of the Register." Neither IMr.- VanAuiringe, Clerk 'of the Superior Court, nor the Register of Deeds, Jos. E. r?ampsonv would ;ac ept the fees which they were eti- titled, preferiitb'donatle then! to the fund. The lot is a fine building lot rld is w'orth several hundred dollitric r yhe present intention is to raffle it ifif at the next big fair held for' the benefit of the fund. I- Tlie Last of JBarth. . x The remains of the late Mr. Pem broke J. Holme's, wh ose death i we chronicled yesterday, ! arrived here this moruing and Were conveyed to St. James' Church 'where the .obse quies were held, the t rector,-. Rev. Robert Strange, officiating. There was quite a concourse? of people in attendance, who came to iay their last sad tribute of respect to the deceased. Hook & Ladder Couipay No. 'l., of which tlie deceased was an honorary'memlier,- turned out in a body as. a. mark of esteem for their late companion. r At the conclusion Of the impressive ceremonies at the 'church,-. the remains were conveyed to Oakdale Cemetery for interment. The all bearers .were Messrs. Pem broke Jones, Owen Holmes, R. Lee Holmes, J. W. MearesjA. H. Holmes and WH. Brown; all near relatives of the deceased.'; 1 Of . .--.) : . ; i ...1. ;4 . Mra'. Jamea Brown Potter. . .' ,h' i. i Mrs. James Brown Potter, who is tq appear at tle Opera House in this city next Monday night, in Shakes-, nearer ifeslebfated play of Romeo and' Juliet," has noj-' found her the atrirat lUa,toJte stre?arientrely with roses, bat has had many and griev oo9 annoyances, asv the following complaint, recently made to a lady friend, will show: You sse, my dear, I'm in for it now," said the actress, 4and so I must go on; but if I could have only foreseen in wbata complete honse of looking glasses I should find my self caged! I knowit looks queer to see'eyery detail of my wardrobe mi nutely described,' even down. to - the number of clocks on tny ' stockings and the color, -thickness; ahd mate rial of my underthings; but how can I help It J ft is not only what I wear and .where I go that causes.tTOuble, butniyrtuost thoughtless remarks are caught up by some gossip, re peated, , twisted, tortured out . Of their original meaning and come back to me in a disguise in which i cannot recognize them". , j, - r ' - . " ..'....-..- An Important Meeting:. . ; There was a. meeting of the. Com mittee ojPublic Buildings at .the Orton House last night at which steps were taken to increase the ap propriation made byj the Goyernr ment for the erection of a puolic building in this city; It is very fevi- dent that the heeds of the city ;are for a public building large, enough to accominodate the requirements of the -Custom House, Postofflce, liui ted glares Court, United states Engineers jh-charge of the ;Rivers. ahd Harbors jot North and South Carolina; Signal Corps, Marine Hos pital Corps, United States Commis sioner, Internal Re venue., Depart ment and th' luspector of. Customs for North and South Carolina land Georgia. It . is thought and yns mea iu oe urged upon iongressv that the present j appropriation is not so large as it 'should be to erect a building wich shall fill all of our present requirements, and when it is borne in mind that our commer cial interests are constantly increas- .a 9 a 3 mg, tnereDy creating a aemanu i or larger accommodations for the busi ness of the government; the present amount seems very j small. -It.' is especially small as, compared with the appropriations "for Charleston, S. C, where it took $2,825,592 for a Custom House; at Columbia, S.I C, where $412,169 were needed for a postofflce, or at Raleigh, N. i C, where the postofflce alone cost$&4:- 000l . : . -I -' ' We want a building commensurate w.iu uur vcu.mc.. Y""" in keeping with onr position as tne i largest commercial city in the State, and we are glad that the committee wm urge our claims upon the pre.: entConress,j : ; - . , NB AtVISKTISSf BNTS. c3 c3 S ccQ For Gale. VALUABLE .; FA ISM. OBTAINING 000 acres with Kesidence, CJlnhouse, Barn. Stoct house. Tenement Houses, c, Ac. Within one mile of A P. R. R. Chnrches and schools convenient. , ' Jl good bargain on easy terms.' For particu lars call or address. - w. C. DOWNING, Jan 18 Im Mackeys Ferry, X C - OO. TOLLERS, riOMMISBION MEHCHAXT' ASP DEALER wiaes, Ltquorsobacro, clears, yo' .Wwtaa, N. a ntsste riuripaM jansrm; . I--; - - . ' . PLEASE NOTICE. : We will be lad to rccci coeouu Irom our frtends on ary and a!l su . -. .... i general interest, Dut - ; :. The name of the writrr nest always te f t olshed to the Editor.' - , . . , communications must be written-or-Iy n one side of the paper. Personalities must be avoided. ' And It la especially and particularly .under stood that the Editor does t always endors the views of correspondents nless s6 itate in the editorial columns. - . " , . " XBTV ACTV EUTI8ES1 JtSNTii. Humphrey'c JJOMEOPATIIIC SPECIFICS, SIMPLES, and Wttcnhazel Oil, for sale at F. C. MILLEIfS, German Drug store, ".. Corner S. Fourth and ISun Sts.. P. 8. -Prescriptions tilled at all times, day , and night. . reb 2 ly I'ne Nishi Only, -Monday, . Febrnaarv . MRS. POTTER, ' ' -Supported by , . ., MIL KYKLE BELLE W, By eourtesy of ilr. H. E. Abbey, of Wallaokv : - - o -.Theatrc ' - - r - t'Mit. nENity lee; : v And a Carefully Selected Company uwter management "ot Jrit. H. o. MINL1L V I.tm i-o; and Juii t Irice-Iieserved; Seats $t,T)0. Admission fl, . Sale of seats . commences .Friday;. FfbruAry Jird, at K a. m. x v - , fob 231 " , The .'..?- '.' ' B.otirollr HlfletraW,' 25 tk, ' $3 Jc:r. ITS SCOFK. THE AitEHICAN MAGA Z1N K gives preference to national . topics and scenes, and its literature and art" are of -the highest s t andard. Famous A merican. writ crs flll Its pages with a wide variety of interest ing sketches of travel and adventure, feerial and snort Btortesdescriptive account of onr ; loi'emost problems of the period,' and,ln short, r this Magazine is . , - s blstlnctively Representative of . '. " -. f. ; American Thought ahd Progtess. It ts'ftcicnowledged by tho press and public t o be the most popular and entertainlngof . tho higbcUss monthlies. ; . . .- Im rt nvtfl nt A Specimen KTmnbcr.with IIIIIJ UT tail I IUust ratod Premium List, and Special Inducements. in Cash .or Valuable Premiums to club Raisers, will be sent on re ceipt of Uc., if this paper to mentioned. t i:sionslble and energetic ncr.sns want ed to solicit subaeri prions. Write t once for exclusive territory Address, - . . ; " THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., teb-y 74 Broadway, New York. Removed-' rpoOUR NEW STORE IN PURCELL BUILD- . lng, No.14 North Front St. ' Will " be glad to welcome our customers there. : 1 i - i W.M1. SPRINGER CO., Importers and Jobbers, . , ' y . jan 30 ; Hardware,; Tinware and Crockery - Piece roddc fTAN BE BOUGHT BY ;THE SUIT OR BE MADE-TO GRDIJIIaV - V . l)ICK & MEAIIES, Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishings, jan 30 . - is N Front St All Wool Oassimere: s UITABLE FOR GENTLEMEN AND BOYS. Uaodsbme styles and cheap, at Plump Cost for Cash or prompt monthly payments. . . . ' The remainder of our stock of Dress Goods, odds and ends of Towels and nancfkerchlels are being closed out regardless of cost. Some - . !- ' .' - '" - good bargains In Red and White v - Those who study economy should buy Bleached Shirtings, Sheetings and other I)o mestlc Goods how -as they are advancing in price. We have a good stock to select from. JOHN J. HEDllICK. jan 31 tf ' '' '" ' EVERY BESCRIPTIOi; Recc ived 'To-Day ' .- 7 "piNE VIRIji FOB LA DIES A NT) CENTLL men. - Modcrtef fine, ugly, and very i;-iy. - ' i " '...'.- L3rgesc asseitment ever in be. city,' Xr,-? j 7 your time. i,b select for the- Masiuprade L Ji ; 7 Call and see them at 'i.' .v-.Holnobo' Live 0oo!i r.nd $ T r'r w b .. I r f .- t.