PLEASE NOTICE. , -We win be gla;i to rccclvo communications from oir friend on any ar.l all subjects generallnteres, but The name of the writer must always be fur- olshed to the Editor. Communications must be written only n one side of the paper. r 3 cnirrio.N. . K01 mi moaoa tiM. THree month. 33 cents. 5 setts, u-w. - . w dAtiTpml by carriers, free . 'alf wu w "j isv ran of the city, at the above THIS FAPSB Dai Li 11 F El" Personalities musj be avoided. And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor docs t always endors the views of correspondents nless so state la the editorial columns. sew advertisements; !Lrtitr win P report any and or s.o" , oaner rezularly. VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N. C. SATURDAY FEBRUARY 4 1888 NO 29 , ' ' TLPATION 1 JM.ner. attack Ue ytcm , IT""" bss of Appetite, 51CK xicauuuut?, Bad Breath, etc Tt ?JSV in T nnloodins I bo bowels. Tt rS toolcM wtlUand not produco I "??: rrAter cmtivenesw. Tosecure !5r ubttof body tisla i-TStorcLwrsanlxloc the .ra-, rood .hat I f hatnr cwrel - W. Lii Ck SupcT-.o Court, Bbb U., oa. Take only the Genuine, a lu c the Wrar?' J Z3 Trad IS tarec n fJUN A CO iotsiclsipdJtwly cb m LOCAIi 3STE-CTS. i7dii to New adtmtishiixta Ttto BiiAK-f'peclal UusitiUits -Valentines Tt Acme MAaufarturin? Co Dtct t Mtr-nece Goods j 11 Votxias-Business Change drRKt Hors Komeo and Juliet F c MitiM-Ilumphrej's specific c W Yate-YwU Subscriptions rnicge of SalUiig Days NY Wll S S Une X s WrtXAtD-A Burnt Child Dreads the Fire 1 The receipts of cotton at this port to-tla? foot up 143 bales. I Serv'cet in St. John's Church to- .uorrow at 750 and 11 a. in. Tnm was one fntennent, a child, ii I'IJevne Cemetery this week. School Hooks and School Station ry ybu can buy cheapest at Reins ereriw There were two interments in 'ine Forest Cemetery this week; iieadait and one child. There was one interment in Oak- iuaieeiueierv mis weeK. an auuu i.i e a,. t- l.-t. rouht here from abroad. The first quarterly meeting for irace M. K. Church for the present Conference year will be held to morrow, l There were four marriage licenses !ued by the Register of Deeds this week, one for a white couple and three for colored couples. The Pastor's Conference will be eld at the annex" pi the Firt Presbyterian Church, at 10 o'eloek jm the forenoon on Monday, the 6th You will find at HeiiisbcrKer an i"Wait assortment, just received, of .ne wire masks for ladies and jjen- lemen and some other articles need- d for iuaquenule balls. tf There were frequent and heavy lowers of rain this mornin-'. but there was a break in the clouds. !a'Hli to the trratiacatlon of tho I0?e btiHineis ealleil tlipm mil on the Greets. There were fourteen interments in (trove Cemetery daring the homh of January, 1SS3. Of these liWren. All were coloretl except rDe w"te male adult St. Mark's Church to-morrow "S't the first of a series of sermons ppon the subject of everlasting tnation will be delitered by the ory, lle J. C. Coerr. Title of rmoa: -The Dark Valley." Text, Somebody has out a bell on a buz- raH Wld then e.thPFtiirnltlm hinl Th 1 u one was seen on pjy last that had a bell at packed to his neck. He flew over pue of the rice fields on that day F was seen and the bell was heard I 7 nmt a ""mber of people. Lf?0le aU flannel shirts, in 1 hIes and colors, for men and l,?;! tr?m 3 cents and upwards ' j m. V " b 1 factory, C Markt ftreet, J. Elsbach, t CONS rrtW"":;; :vniib. it u canned Liver, do, enough bile heiaz I f fff? iP fnta tho blood to produce ; l,or ,m Urf4 "iiiartlc.snd U geueraUj .lav s' -5fr saffctinr with . 'II ...,tUrr fr. Simmon lKUr tried ti the. ttmhmitd to try it. I t too a Day's length 10 lioiu and 32 minutes. Sunset to-morrow afternoon at half past 5 o'clock. . There wa an advaneeof five cents rrel for tar in our market to- Fair and mild" ays TunierV Al manac for to-day and fair and mild it Iihh ber-n. The cutter Ch?fax. which lias been here for a cotiph day waiting to have the oflicers and crew paid. off, ht earned down th e river this after ihmhi. TIta Ualn. Tht rainfall lat night was nearly general throughout the entire coun try. The re'iHirts that have been re eeived at- the hignal her show that there was hardly a place .East of the Kocky Mountains where it did not rain, but there a larger quantity fejl here than at any other point. The rainfall here for the 34 ljours ended at 3 oVloek this afternoon was 1.14. Rest shoes for boys at French & Sons. t A XnvaAfttt Lizard. Schr. Mary A. Power, Keen, which arrived here to day, brought, as a euriosty, a guana, or Navassa lizard called also iguana which created quite an excitement in Custom House alley this afternoon. The reptile was given to Capt. E. G. Parmelee. It is shaped like an ordinary lizard, but is atout a foot in length. It.' is eaten by the natives of those islands where it is found and is said to make quite palatable food. Hood's Sarsaparilla is a purely vegetable preparation, being free from injurious ingredients. It is pe culiar in its curative power. The Peanton Clioir. On accouut. of the festival of the r Feast of Months," which will be given by the ladies of Grace M. E. Church at the City HalJ on the nights of the 7th, 8th and 9th inst., there will be no meeting of the Pear son Choir until the night of Tuesday the 14th inst, at which time they will meet at the lecture room of the First Presbyterian Church, and where it is hoped that there may be a fnlf attendance. The rehearsals thus far have been entirely satis factory so far us .the music is con cerned, but the attendance has not been near as large as desired. We hope that all singers, who feel an interest in the success of the choir, will be sure to attend at the next meeting, even if they have to forego some other pleasure, or less impor tant duty. School shoes for children, best in the city, at Geo. R; French & Son.t The Ofiera House. Next Monday night Shakespeare's remarkable drama of Homm and Juliet will be given at the Opera House here by Mrs. James Brown Potter ami a verv .tronir eomnanv. ! There is something of interrst as well as romance connected with tht principals in the company un Mrs Potter, who will appear as Juliet, is a lady who has moved in the very upper circles of fahionab!e society ami has adopted the .stage out o pure love of tin airr. She Mas tin subject of some newhpaper comment about two years ago because she re cited to a select audience in Wash ington. I. C, the popular poem o ''Ostler Joe," a piece which speaks of woman's temptation, her fall and her forgiveness by the injured husband. Her principal sup- Iort is Mr. Kyrle Bel lew, an English actor, who has won distinc tion in the profession and who will play liomco to the Juliet of Mrs Potter. He has also won distinction from the fact that a young lady in New York has fallen so desperately in love with him that, finding she could not win him for a husband, has determined to kill him, and has made one or two unsuccessful at tempts to that purpose. She is a lady of refinement, with a fortune at her command, and it is the en deavor of her relatives to have her confined in an asylum in order to prevent her from doing harm or creating any further scandal. See the "Artful,' the best rat trap known, at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot, t Indications. x For North Carolina, threatening weather, and rain. I&ellg loos Notice. rjiutr iiiiurs, hib uuuu iico-i ,r-Jll 1a1Stroi Vila fara wll sminn at the Advent Church, on Sixth street i ... i. m-..ti t,aif. oeiween ynurcu aim tvoiic, a. . routes suppUed therefrom .j. 8.00 A. M. past 7 o'clock to-morrow evening, figh & Fayettev e. 6.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. i , ii , , o Southern way mails... 6.30 P. M. and at Brooklyn Chapel at 3 o clock southern through mails. 9.15 P- M, n ,.,vir nftornnr.n 1 DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY- o morrow arternoon. ; western mails (C. c Railway). ... . . 5.45 A. M. -,. ' . - , tn 'C&Pe Fear YVRitand points sup Finest shoes for ladies wear in the pued therefrom........: 5.45 r.M. city at French & Sons. City Conrt. , Jack Hlair, Iiailing from fcimira, New York, Harry Lancey. colored, 0!!-aoo.A.M. hailing from Boston, and Jack , Utile itiver, S. C., and "intermediate -Moore, colored, who hails from Ne cape FeirluveFmali !..". liooPJL Hanover county, three tramps, were Northern "SiJ p. M; bromrht t his 1 morning before 4h0orthern through mail, late .11.00 P. M. . . t , boutherh mails ? S. 6.30 A.M. Mayor, wlio alter lieanngtneir very ..i......;ki c.-ffa...Ait. tli pi ii to be escorted out of the city. 1 . . . , . One man, charged with disorderly conduct, was discharged. Delicate persons, and all whose svsteniH have become debilitated, should' bear in mind that Simmons Liver Regulator is not a drastic, purging medicine, does not weaken or deplete the svstem as other pur gatives do, but acts gently. It will invigorate like a glass of wine, but is no intoxicating beverage to lead to intemperance; will promote dig estion, dissipate headache, and gen erally tone up the system. , A Tale of the Sea. Capt, Patrick, of the wrecked schooner Wiiliam d- Richard, which sailed from this port for the Wes Indies, a few days after' Christmas arrived in New York on Wednesday from Liverpool, with his wife, two children and two .sailors of the wrecked vessel, We clip from the New York Star: "We were wrecked." said the captain, "on the Thursday after Christmas, when about sixty-five miles off Frying-pan lightship, Wil mington, N. U. At the time we were on our way from Wilmington to the West Indies with a load oi lumoer. The weather was very heavy and from the constant strain the Wil liam & Richard sprung a leak. She filled rapidly and after threfedays of peril, on Dec. 31 we were rescued by the steamer Timour, which carried us to Liverpool. .1.x When the schooner's deck was al most flush withlthe water Captain Patrick took his eldest daughter, a girl of 10 years, from the cabin which was half full of water, fini lashed her to the mainmast. Short lv after the mainmast was carried away and with it his daughter. One of the sailors, a colored man named Frank Davis, leaped into the sea ta the rescue. The spar turned in tne water, so that the young woman was on the upward side. Davis leaped so close to thespar that he was able to swing one arm around it. AVith his free hand he cut the lashings, and one of the men fluncr him a rope with which he was drawn back to schooner with his precious charge. The water was frightfully cold and both the young girl and her rescuer mi tiered terriblv from their cold plunge. Shortly after this excitincr episode tne iimour novo in sight and res cued all hands from the rapidly sinking vessel. At Liverpool all but three sai lors embarked forNewiork. The William find Richard was of 253 tons burden, and was owned in Roston. After she was abandoned she was twice seen floating with her decks washed by the flea. Captain PatrickHeft with his fain ily for Boston last night. tor the reiier and cure or tne m llaiumatioii and congestion called a "cold in the head" there is more potency in Llv s Cream Balm than in anything else it is possible to prescribe. This making a brilliant success as a remedy for cold in the head, catarrh and hay fever. Used in the initial stages of these com plaints Cream Balm prevents any .serious development of the symp toms, while almost numberless cases are on record of radical cures of chronic catarrh and hay fever after all other modes of treatment have proved of no avail. Rock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglasses. Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more maonifjing vowcr than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further iniurv to the eve. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne-1 cessary is xne daily cause or vrema- ettre oca age to the sight You can get tne oest at Helnsbergers. t . Ask those who have tried and they will tell you that the Boy Clipper Plow is the best made. Sold only at Jacobi's, who is the factory agent.t Douglas & lar borough. JASIIIOSABLK HAIR DRESSERS . AND B ABBESS, US Market PL. WiholPfton, N C. Shop rally q nipped with all tht Utest im- proTeaoesu Courteous and polite barber always ready t erre enstomers. J. W. Y&rboNHiKh- furmeThr with Job Werner, would bt clad to aerre him old pa ros. fab THE MAIM. i The mails close and arrive at the City Post Office an follows: CLOSE. Northern through and way mails. .11.00 A. ML r. C. and A. C S c. Railroads and ; Raleigh & Hamlet R. R. and points supplied therefrom ; . . . 3.00 P. M. Smithvuie . 2.00 P. M. . 8.30 A. M. : wnsmrsvine ennton. special.. 3.15 P. M. titesday and Fridays. . southernway mails. . J 9.30 A. M. . Carolina Central R. R. 9.30 A.M. ! Mails collected from street boxes in business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A. M. ; . :' Ceneral delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7,00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9.00 t6 10.20 A. M. Carrier's deli very open on Sunday from. 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8-A. M. to 5 P. M-, continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10 A. M. and 1 to 1 if. M. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. "A BURNT CHILD DRRADS TflK FIRE.'' H UNDREDS OF MEN IN WILMINGTON thhik they have their lives insured. Some of them win diewmie unaer tnis impression ana their families will discover ,to late that it was an illusion. This has happened in Wilmington during the past montn Dy tne iauure oi tne jirsc as sessment company that commenced business here. Others will follow soon. Before it is too late, make sure provisions for your family in a life insurance company that has stood the test during generations. The Mutual Life Insurance company of New York, is the oiacst, largest and best company in the world. Its policies are incontestible, are paid immediately on the receipt of proof of aeatn, ana are liDerai in ineir conaiuons. Assets now over $118,000,000.00. : M. 8. WILLARD, Agent, feb4 214 North; Water St New Yorfc & WIlmiilirtOD Steamship Co; FROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock, P. M. I- BENEFACTOR.. EQUATOR GULF STREAM.. ..i Wennesday, Feb 8 r. Saturday, Feb 11 ..l Wednesday, Feb 15 FROM WILMINGTON- EQUATOR ...'...Tuesday. Fef 7 GULF STREAM Friday, Feb 10 benefactor.. i Tuesday Fen u tw Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Rates guaranteed to and from points In North and South Carolina. ! . For Freight or Passage apply to I n G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, ; Wilmington, N. C THEO. E. EGER1 Traffic Manager. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Gen! Agents, feb 4 35 Broadway, New York. SPECIAL SALE -9 5 . 1 '- MONDAY, Feb- 6, -AT- i, ors Will be displayed on our counters, Itemnants, Remnants. In different lengths of fine Silk Vel- vets and Plushes, Striped, Fig ured, Embossed, Watered, Brocaded and Plain,! n every color, regardless of cost. ALSO i Silks, Satins, Astrakans and Gauzes, ' 'r - ) 1 j and Laces, Corsets and Bustles. A call-will convince you of j these bargains. No one iirged to buy,but come and see at i Taylor's Bazar 118 ulaHccT Street, WILMINGTON, N. feb 4 ;omic Taltpiitines, yilOLESALE AND RETAIL. i Special ! i i - r. o i , I t Tayl Bazar For sale at teba UEEJSBJ-JIGER'S. KNTH. Business rhung . ryilE FIRM OF VOLLERS SANDER "5 IS this day dissolved by mutual consent. All accounts due the late firm are authorized to be paid only to J. II. VOLLERS. to whom all accounts due by the firm must be presented, J. II. VOLLEHS. Nichols, S. C, Feb. 3, 1887. A OsTtd I WOULD RESPECTFULLY NOTIFY MY friends and the public generally that I will continue, in my own name, at Nichols, s. c, the Grocery and Commission business conduct ed, by the late firm of Voilers & Sanders and I solicit their patronage, promising to use my best endeavors to always give satisfaction. 4eb4 2t J. Ii. VOLLERS. The Acme f r yr a TaTTP A ffPTf DTATP Hf LlliilN UI illX UXlliMlT UU . MANUFACTURERS OF Fertilizers, Pine Fibre anc Pine Fibre Matting. WILMINGTON, N.C fJHE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS, the ACME and GEM, is now . established, and the results of three years' use in the hands of the best farmers of this and other States fully attest their value as a high grade manure. . The MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine, is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the v demand for it Is daily increasing. It has vir tues not found In any other fabric. The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. jan4tf "yyE HAVE OPENED THIS DAY A HANO some lot of PLAID AND STRIPED FLAN NELS, suitable for Children's Cloaks or Ladles Wrappers. Also, 50 pieces of yard wide Sat. eens, elegant styles and super quality, at 12X cents per yard. A full line of India Linens, from 8 cents per yard to the finest quality. A few handsome styles of Plaid Batiste and In dia Linen, fine fabric and low price. -feb 3 J. J. HEDRICK Valentines FOR 1888. rilHE GREAT INCREASE IN THE VALEN- JS- . TINE trade over former years Js no doubt due to the Introduction of our beautiful DECORATED SATIN NOVELTIES. EASEL VALENTINES, ELEGANT FRINGED CARD VALENTINES, VALENTINES FOR ALL." Young and old, large and small, all can be made happy from a large scock at Heinsberger's Live Book and Music Store. teb3 Yearly Subscriptions R ECEIVED FOR ALL THE PRINCIPAL apers and Periodicals in the United States at publisher's prices. Hand in your subsenp- tlons at once. It will save y ou the trouoie or writing and forwarding money without any additional cost. EF" Special rates for Clubs of ten or more. Jan 30 ' C. W. YATES. Think of It. yOU CAN BE YOUR OWN PAINTER IF you buy my Pure Paint mixed to order. I have all kinds of Paints, Oils, Lamps, Glass, Var nish, Brushes. Imported and Domestic Goods, Whitewashes. Painters' and Artists' Material, Machine Oils, Mica, Axle Grease, &c. Con tracts taken. R, L. HUTCHINS, Jan 23 Store No. 12 North Second St O O. VOLLERS, COMMISSION MERCHANT AND DEALER ! in Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Tobacco, Cigars, ; Ac.. No. -8 North Water St,, Wilmington, X, C ) consignments sollcued, Highest prices paid for all klnd3 of Country Produce. : Jan27lwk j : . ; - ; The cheapest place to buy you school books and school stationery . isjat Heinsberger's. NE AOVEKTIS OPERA HOUSE. . . -. m- . ' f I n, ifrltt flnlv Mnndiv Fflirrnsm (if MRS POTTER i Supported by MIt. KYRLE BELLEW, ' By courtesy of Mr. II. E. Abbey, of Wallaces Theatre. . MR. HENRY LEE, And a Carefully Selected Company under the management of MR; II. C MINER. W ttm . t .ittrl .Tit kit- f lrU- l?f"iTvprl Spirit 1 V lr.iltt-) ah 41 3ixl, at 8 a. m. . , ' feb 2 3t Humphrey.9 H OMEOPATHIC SPECIFICS, SIMPLES, and Witchhazcl ,OIl,.forsalctat , - . F. C. MILLER'S, . (t'orman Drugstore, Corner S. Fourth and Nun sts.. I. s. PrcJKriptlons filled at all times, day and night. . fob 2 ly Life Insurance. -o . Safe, Reliable, Sur?, JJuL THE POLICY-HOV.DERS VIl6 ItE- cently got left will do well to call on A. A. BRoWN & CO., corner of North Water and Mulberry streets, and take a policy in tne Safety' Fund System In the Hartford Life & Annuity Insurance company. This old. relia ble company has paid out in Wilmington for 1887 over $35,000 in death losses. , Amount of Insurance in force. .; .$57,000,000 Death losses paid under Safety " Fund System ; . . . 2.500,000 ' Amount of Safety Fund. . : 1,000,000 feb 3 Messenger copy It - Store for Rent; - rjlHAT VERY DESIRABLE STORE 1 i on North Front Street, opposite First jTO National Bunk and just North of Capt.l'A''ll Mclntire's Dry Goods Store,' recently occupied by me. A first-class store, large, ropmy. cen t rally located and well suited for anyklndof business. Possession given Immediately.' , - Apply to T I. SHRIER, ' Ifi North Front Street. feb 3 tf Purcell Building.' Piece Goodo . QAN BE BOUGHT BY TnE SUIT OR BE MADE TO ORDER, AT DIGK & MEARES, Merchant Tailoring and Gents' Furnishings, Jan 30 - 12 N Front st HO p M B'trHI nir-J .-.iHJ .'O S . (272 i HI