THIS PAPKK ilflx oae month. Scents. cUl W dfUterrd W carritrMrce r.urt0ftnecity,attheaU)'re ...ireIoeir . jT - r - V VOL XII. WILMINGTON, N. C THURSDAY FEBRUjAHY 23 1888 . Dr. siciap . A. J. "Wolff, a prominent phy- The work of raising the sunken ' "rn Meeji n of Hartford, Conn., is of the j steam tug W. IK Craighill was coin- There is a good att opinion that Mr. Hlaine is a plusi- i pleted this morning, and after she cal wreck. He said to a reporter ! recently: "When I .saw Mr. Blaine in 1SH4 I could not dootherwiscthau admire him, he wa'h so robust in fig ure and enthusiastic in sieech. It recuR4" 'O" u ?J?2 ; When ( mw liim in Paris I was star- per-ome verv much emaciated. His eyes were 1 .....I tklllVini ill A AA tr TIP rt(flW jg YllllOfll lL,;iiIHW.illeiito.lerw,AiiiUiIkiii flj H-J CUJ . , ; wib nnite vellow and slcklv." uum; i - uhftS roR WH0,f "jTlie 'IxmIv is mon- MiiseeptibW tu fllTy nv wltl flnd, BENEFIT bcneilt frMii HchhIV Satvatmrilta ftul,,,,-uom iiowthaiiataiiyitliereasoii. There- It rnllar enaiC' "2 ; When I aw liim in 1'aris I was fit TobwSlSSSrMi:tll. -HUlnhis..! hair are p XVDifto'lTSSS ; feet ly whiteand hislorui luu beco J " in the outset, or If . ..n will rrovc a potent cum r with business - K"- "KuVchiidnu 111 mostln. j ncr tAktns. Cur Colic. IH- sleep tweli. - rpens ",'u.. the .tomaca 'sad netlta the breath. , S?2TW COcn.-w-.nd lhat would. LOCAL JSTHTTCTS. Af iuht injure rcfrwhlns fBH ulksQaf the be the dirsba aaunu.- -Index Tt Nkw Advekti?bmbnts. UEt.vjtBEKiiEK -alc mines F C JIILLKR Dhunonfl Dyes Loci.h' 11 MEABE-lJenfs Furnishing Douse Heport of the Condition of the First Natlona UanW. Ueit shoes for boys at French & Suns. t School li(Mks mid S-luol Station ery you can buy cheapest at- Heins berirerV. Finest shoes for ladies wear in the tr.r.of Gniilnniit Look for the red j city at French & Sons. t The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up ISO bales. It rained too hard to-day forja very active business on the wharf. There was a sharp decline in the price of cotton in New York to-day. eUirk on front o i rap, S,oathetll9. Take no other. . . : 1 There are twenty-one uuuiii irk in Geonria. The total losses by the recent coal t I .... .-l-ti t n lu octl. Miners MnKe in i emifj - ated at G20,000. The loss of the inm has been l,400,0CO. The Dtxnn Signboard says 4It oe apiear that the people of this Wtion are heartily in favor of the domination ot Maj. Stednian. If iniuated be will make an able and 'orous canvas and the success of je Democratic party will beassnr' Steamship Benefactor, from New York, arrived at her wharf in this chv this forenoon. ( i The Medical Society of New York tat last year hunted down eighty- r? illegal uedical practitioners. ho were hnaibuggiug ignorant onIe out of their money. Ten of he windier were sent to prison. aJ from the other seventy-five aw amounting to $6,000 were col- Hrted. , X deeply interesting discovery has feen made in a garden atSalisburj raanil. In the course of excava :on$ for a cellar alarge mosaic pave ment of elaborate and beautiful ex- cation, depicting a battle between Xlesander and Darius, was found. ?arins fine portraits of many fig- res, it is said to be an expanded plica of the famous mosaic found t Pompeii hi 1831, and now at the fluseo Nozlonale at Naples, which the most important example of went historical art extant. Reports from California sav that fMe Luckv HaM Jihave not been trieil yet, they e very promising lot. Gany H? U represented as a perfect pic ;rof Yolante, and Corrientes is foK-n of as a ragy colt with plenty dtne EnL'lish lieht weight I - " CK) Charles Morton, who mm lhi country eight months ago J reed to ride for John II y land Prtou can ride at 00 pounds. He N ell around Sal V Lake recently, tlJ promts to improve. aebody wfioigns lumseir ,4A etnocrar writes tp the JVetc and f-rrtr itrougly urging. Maj. Sted for Governor. He tavs; l 5Wnian is the nwh to lead I Htat canvass in the East in 1884 tot been excelled since the davs ZtS? aml ltayner. H oratory, .,2f,c and persuasive, and at MwT7ratlve' won the hearts of . wple, and his anruments. in- L i hd UneotiallfKl in itnirpp 1 1: -""u tne i uiirn .... Have you registered? If not, you had better attend to the important duty without delay. Ger barque Agnes Schepler, clear ed to-day- for London with 3,532 barrels rosin,, valued at fS.SOS.lH), shipped by Mr. J. W. Holies. Prof. Bellezsa's dancing academy is growing in favor and popularity with every session and he now has 87 pupils, 45 of whom are ladies and 42 are gentlemen. This is not the most cheerful sort of weather for successful railroad talk, but that subject monopolizes a large share of conversation re gardless of the elemental obstacles. 50 dozen all wool flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for men and boys, from 75 cents and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street, J. Elsbach, Prop. . t The Southern Churchman of to day officially announces that the Rev. T. M. Ambler, formerly rector of St. Paul's Church, in this city, hau ac cepted a call to the Episcopal Church at Ashland, Va., a flourish iug town about 20 miles froju Rich mond. It was remarked by a gentleman this morninir who has lived more than 50 years in the (Jape Fear sec tion,.that there has been more rainy days this Winter than during any other Winter within his remem orance. it lias certainly oeen a rainy Winter. Indication. For North Carolina, rain with light to fresh winds generally east erly; slightly warmer in eastern por tion and stationary temperature in the western portion. Iter. IU d. PearHon. A letter has been received by a clergyman in this city from Rev. R. G. Pearson, who is now engaged in evangelistic work at Newbern, stat ing that his first service here will be on Sunday night, March 18th. He speaks very favorably of the pro gress of the work at jS'ewbern . and states that the preparations had been so faithfully made that he found a revival in progress when he arrived. There were ten conversions ous on un equalled in WU the lftst linrriup f r Tta - m v h r,JJ.. auJ "early lU.y reconsecrati WkI frpeoP,e than that whicbithe " urst nK"t of his preaching 1 Furnished bv an oft-reneat-' there! He will conduct i t f was raised she was towed to the Marine railway, where she will be overhauled and repaired. The Rain. The rain began falling at 7:20 this morning, and tip to 3 o'clock this afternoon the rainfall amounted to 12.100 inches. It Is less than we had though t,"althougrr at no time dnring the ilay has there been a very heavy downpour. The storm has been gen eral along the South Atlantic Coast. The March number of this truly meritorious monthly is at hand. It is well named, for it is always wide awake in matters of interest to the juvenile fraternity. Its corps of writers is selected from among the best in the country and the enjoy ment of the various article as well as of the truly artistic illustrations with which each number is replete is not by any means confined to those of tender years. It s edited by Charles Stuart Pratt and Ella Farmer Pratt, and is published by the D. Lothrop Company, Boston; at $2.40 a year. S ! C The Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals met last night at the City Hall. The President being absent. VTice President A. S. Heide took the cha'r. The Secretary reported that twenty-three members had enrolled their names. On motion, the by-laws and con stitution of the Society were read by the Secretary for the information of new members. On motion, it was ordered that the books be left open until March 6th, to give persons who wished to join the Society an opportunity to do so. On motion, -Messrs. P. Heinsber ger and J. R. Marshall were added to the committee appointed to so licit persons to unite with the Soci ety. The Secretary was instructed to call a meeting of the Governing Board next Monday night, for the purposes of selecting appropriate badges for members of the Society. A Good Offer, The following inducements are of fered by the Seaboard Air Line sys tern, of which Maj. J. C. Winder is manager, to all hon-residents of North Ctirolina who settle ' in the State on or adjacent to any of the roads of its system: "All male heads oi families will be transported over roads at - a rate of one cent per mile for one year from the date of actual settlement, and the immediate members of their families (not including servants) will be furnished tickets at two cents Dermile during said Deriod. Also a reduction of one-half from the. reg ular rates of the road upon which the settler is located will be allowed lv tlionootit nf tliuipnonPAst. mtfrn of freight of whatsoever kind re ceived by them during the urst year of their residence, provided it be tor their own use and not for sale or transfer to others " The Richmond and Danville gives special rates, or inducements, but we do not remember their terms. We will thank Mr. Winburn tue courteous passenger agent for infor- maiion onine sunjeci, ior puouca- tion. attendance ait the various meetintrs no being held in the different churches . of the city, and there seems to I be an earnest- disposition among our people to have the series of meetings;, 4hich are to be conducted by Rev. Pearson as prosperousas good parationcan make them. R. jG. pre- MAKUIEU. PLSASC NOTICE. ; - . VP Will Yf flli t A rAf Irn rr.t-. ,--e-r.f---. from our friends ca any ar. 1 t.:i r : ; cts general Interest, but , . . x ne name or tno writer must altrr ; be f ur olsned to tne Editor. " Communications must be written cr.lj "t one side of tni paper, rersonalltles must be avc. :ea. ' -And It la especially anl p'rticuUirty under stood that tfc Editor does t, alwaj or.dors the views of correspondent unless so state la tae editorial columns. , N ETW: AO VEUfjLBEJIlilJTB. WHITFIELD BARBEK "By the brides fath er. at.ni3 ovn residence, near Late comfort. , Hyde county, on Tuesday evening:. February 14th 1888. Dr.-WILLIAM' ?OBB WHITFIELD, late of Seven Springs, Lenoir county, and Miss ah a ik Watson UAKBEK, youagest daugn ter of Rev. S. S. Barber. - . - Many were the kind wishes arid hesirty con- n i emulations neaped upon tiu. tnteestlnK and . I nappy yeung1 couple at tlie bymeneal altar. uoiig may it oe ere any dart cloud ot sorrow shall cast its bllgat in? shadow upon their sun ny pathway through life, i . Don't Reati L ,11 1 The. following bargains are 1 to be sold this w;eek," commencing .February 20, 1888. -". City Coart. ."-The following was the "docket for the Mayor's consideration this morn John Watson, charged with being drunk and down, -waft nnel ?ip for j of North Carollna,at the close of business, Feb. N KW A O VIS it rtH K FIN Itepurt of the Conditi n QF THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF WILMINGTON; at Wilmington,! In the State Reduced from tSOc. "to lUc. nr vard. -- to the court the defendant said that he was set rib'on and vbeatenbvithree ..... 1 i.,ii,t ,L i:nn nn,i Loans and discounts mriij " uuui ucuiii I Overdrafts. ... , , RESOURCES: that if the officers had not arrived 1 U. s. Bonds to secure circulation. . . Other stocks, bonds and mortgages as opportunely as,they did. he would j Due from approved reserve agents 1. 1 u Kx.nafk I Due from other National Banks: L. inuwu'J """ cja ..vty Due from State Banks and Bankers His features indicated the truili of i Real estate, furniture and fixtures CTirrent exj)enses auu taxes paiu Premiums paid... Bills of other Banks. .......... ; his words. .! Joseph Sneeden and Hiram 3o6re, were fiued $5 each for disorderly conduct. Si orown, colored, was proven guilty of disorderly conduc which he was required to pay of $lp or work 20 clays in the gang. i Ella Gregory, colored, drunk for a fine chain and Fractional paper currency, nickels, ana cents Speoie.. ....,.. .......... Legal tender notes. Redemption fund with U. S. Treas urer. 5 per cent ot circulation . . , Due from IT. S. Treasurer, other man 5 per cent, redemption fund 4... 1557,312 4 :L4i 70 50,000 00 50.013 05 :J.477 33 11.404 51 3.(i07 37 80,613 47 1,448 50 4.000 00 11,183 00 . ' .Wortli 4UcL U5c. per yardi- -o- The- Electric" Combination 178 40 31.500 00 15,450 00 2,350 "00 550 00 disorderly. This is an oldofferwler and capital stock paid in Total. LIABILITIES: .$ 855,294 76 .$250.000 00 12.487 26 r 1G CENTS PER YARD, 1 - '' ' . -i ) i )' Double Widtti Mpmio Cloth, . 1 a;i-2 dents PefVarjl ANOTHER BIGXOT ()t - i -i . i surplus iuuu.. m 4nrt . , INatlonal Banknotes outstanding... 44.990 oo o.UUO Yards Plain White G06d.. sue pay a uue ui f-w ur ue wyuucu Dlvldenda unpaid .... 2,361 50 . r 30 days in a close cell of the! city individual deposits subject to check 234,850 38 2,000 Yards Checked Nainsook. wu J , Ti. Demand certificates of deposit...... 255,104 66 .,-' ... , prison on a short allowance of food. Due to other National Banks........ 7.008 84 j QUO Yards Strioed Lawns. 1 ! Due to state Banks and Bankers.. . Notes and bills re -discounted. . ; . 72133 35,451 59 ltailroad Itally tn the Fifth Wardj A meeting in favor of the railroad subscriptions was held at the corner of Seventh and Castle streets, in the Fifth Ward, last night. A large number of the voters of the Ward were present. Valentine Howe was elected president of the meeting. and John Mosely secretary. Alder man Rice was called on for a speech but excused on account of being un well. Speeches, favoring subscrip tion to both railroads were made by Jno. W. Neal, Benjamin Williams, Henry Brewingtou, John C. Smith, 1. F. Al ridge, John Hollo way, John Whiteman, Dan Howard. Valentine Howe and others. All the speakers were loudly applauded. At the conclusion of the speaking a resolution was adopted that all y Tears has attended theneak- Very "igbt excePt Saturday the voters in the Ward should go to f f our TinKi;. i ! nieht. and all h! tin v gupci'pou !ll!i n 1 , ,:;.r. 4rd 1 4 iiave Olieil ...... . . . ' , mo jjuup ami uic tur duusvi ijhu" e n?itba,tue.wouW break in the IIlcr"'ff, either at 10 or 11 ' to both railroads. The meeting then ailjourned, ;, was announced that a meeting Id be held to-night in the First Ward, corner of Sixth and Camn- A OU n...t :tTT" . . . without a. lanrr infrvnl rf rcf ho. i.ll .--.n4-o ' ' i - r - -.-.w. . . " --- veil rl crip, . Ask those who have tried and they lini o clock, the !astors may decide. ! ; obearStedman Vieak." clive "e W,U not conUuct services in the' it Urmar!!or Gvernor and our -afternoon, as the strain ould he. won r will iirill t urr iuinciDie. . too severe to conduct two services A Good Work. In the Raleierh State Chrdnicle of Total. .,.$ 855,294 76 the 17th inst., is a carefully pte par- state of north Carolina, Vll uu n.c u0i,Vi,y u. it COUNTY OF NEW HANOVKK, SS. frn hv Rov T. H Priteharrl T. TV. I . - . a i .. . I, H. M. BO WDEN, Cashier of the above which is the first of a series of jarti- . i ' cleson the same subject by that named bank, do solemnly swear that the above gentleman. . 'rtie k motive Which statement is true to the best of my knowledge prompts Dr. Pritchard to prepare I and belief. . H. M. bowden, Cashier. these articles is best told fin the I Open Worked Namsqok, Worth 35c. !for I5c. .' Per ,Yard. Bargains in Embroideries and Laces, i Which s as Subscribed and sworn to before me this 21st day of February, 1888. 'A. J. HOWELL, - - . - Notary Public. Correct Attest : - feb 23 . JAMES SPRDNT. D.G.WORTH. GEO. CHADBOURN Directors. terse, laconic language with his article commences, which follows: i - , VI live fn-Wiimington, I like I Wil mington, I believe, there Is a future of great prosperity for Wilmington, and as I am persuaded that the peo ple of North Carolina are too( little acquainted with the history , and commercial importance of the city, I propose to give i your readers a I ixr anted a man of temperate sninpwhat ftlahorate 'anfionnt if the I f f moral habits, seeking employment paSt and present of ?"0ar city bjr the JSBEST'fflg! TP?3Zg'&'3& As the foregoing very plainly in- ff'v Y' dicates, the ' object of ? the articles will be to aid in giving our j city a ATTENTION, LADIES ! healthy boom Dy presenting its past history, its present condition and its I D for the future iin rtch a Bonnets and Hats at shape as to receive the attention of I people throughout the Stat4j and MOc, 15C. 20Ci and 25c, even truui tiiusc wuu uwen uojuuu i our borders. .The 'articles fjll be Worth Double. written fn a graphic, attractive style and will, be a valuable acquisition to the literature of our citv. n I I will leave for the Northern mar- ( i . kets this week where I will purchase itock Crystal Spectacle and Eygiaases a beautiful and varied assortment 'Advice to old and ., young: j In se of goods in my line, in the lecting spectacles you should be cau- . i S.OOO JERSEYS to be closed out. -o- Call early before bargains are pick- ed over. - v. 1 lllatz, ash H ous, 116 Market St. feb 20 WILMINGTON, N. C: -o- LATEST STYLES. Miss Goodwin is now iu New York i -n i t . . i. t. .nif..c lemDiovea oy a, lartre r reucn nupuri- you further injury to the eye j Using Millinery House, where she will littAA-rif stronger nowpr thdA is n be engaged during the next four SeSarJr is the dailycause . of !ITnK tious not to take more magnifying vower tnan nas Deen lost to trie eye as in Lilt? ea-uie yrupuriiuu. yuu bonnets and hats, and . will return with me to fill my Spring and Sum mer orders. lure bid age to the sight. Yon can get j tne nest at Hemsberger s.. . Quarterly Meetings. First round of Quarterly ;Meet irigs for te Wilmington District 6i I tlie.IVlethodist E. Church Souths Waccamaw circuit, at, Shilofcu Feb-1 For my Spring goods, so I otTer at rnary, 25 and 26. r: f " Brunswick mission, - February 25 and 20. Onslow circuit, at Green Branch, March 3 and 4. h ! Kenansvi lie, at Kenans vi lie, March 10 and II. . tir - Carver Creek,' at Shiloh, f March 18 ana i;;v--? . . - I ! Elizabeth circuit,?' at Elizabeth, March 24 and 25. ! Mi Cokesbury, at Salem, April! 3 & 4. Bladen circuit, at Bethlehem, Ap'l j 10 and 11. T. W. Guthrie, P. E. Boom Must Be Made my Spring goods, so I off riess than cost my stocjc of Hats, Bonnets; feathers 1 :. Fancy Goods, Notions, Embroideries, etc. etc j -Agency for- Oemorest' Patterns. xy H find at Heinsberger s an ?nt assorts .. . . I ween tlieiu. ri jusi, received, or ior ladies and iren Thousands of women bless tne day on which Dr. Pierce's "Fdvonte Prescription" Avas made knefwn to them. In all' those derangements causing backache,- draggirig-do wn sensations, nervous and general de bility, it is a sovereign remedy. Its soothing and healing properties ren der it of the utmost .value tbj ladies suffering from "internal fevery con gestion, inflammation, orulcefratioms- By druggists. i 1 , t : , ( i School shoes for children,'ibest in the city, at Geo. & French Sons.t LOUIS H. ME ARES, r (Successor to Dick Meares, Demorest's dewing Machine Only $19.50. -J- i- If - ;.V ,;r..:-: UffAiDi'v'FEBCB Mi HOUSt No express charge on goods sent . to be dyed." ' " Respectfully, ' , T ' . '' !2 -'53 "S O W B3 g .2. - 2 ' -w: - ' U c3 E? 2 1 o t g o . .J, 2 2. j a co J o " :.. t ' . ZZ G ' " s'-m ? Q v. Q .- Society Torlr. MRS. E Bi WIGGINS, " ; I f inE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JOHN S iaris!i solicit orders for all kin.-?.? rf ine cneanest nlacH to buv vou rin vnn t rnirrr t i-a-rma Ei;;icii. urut-rs 1-ropriei res ui juuniwium,, fancy sewlajr, crocLctir -j-r.d I . " . FUJI II A HThA. A . i 1 . . CP I (W I I .VAl.f, i . 1 a a t . . . - . i m.." w."""cf.ari'cit,s umi- yj uu cuooi suiuuuerj' Flow is tne nest made, aoldonivai it i4 nqusuercen v . t 'Jacobi's, who ia the factory asrent. f masquerade balls. 12 Ka FRONT TRE. - 115 MARKET STREET. feb 2-2 . , : f i r'-Hn nr. a .roIJ'"-rv. Ladies' ana Children's aprons a i-"fn At v. orders left at the Rectory,-or" r:t ., h TLird street, will meet with i rur-;; tut. ti rovtrj 0 V