I B PHREYS' C'cth&Cold Biding J 1 VW-11. Co....... If. klvf1lJ WZ .2 ... .Ml .AO ..V . f !- roo- II I- ie Only Remedy I ron Contagious Blood Poison. 1 tB ........ MdUl no If r - .... juf i iw" - I lol R H-Kkt. Bn.W date of ovi-JUVtitW -When I wm !oxwrt , ' h n,u.-rticn. I con- fc-ul Xx fl'e or Hi year tm- I "'rl' J- ... Having I I Kin It MX Mr. r. .. him! Mdrrro 1 V7tr tottank joa for ih care I r- LLuLiVCIitt own. which h mU wm r4LloJ Biiha four 1J"" idVnaivW your wklne. He r . r!! J1 n iwc t botiW-. and I am ! .rfrtlV currd. 1 write Ihbi for the lrZoVSrt7o Vrrt their bclnj rr3a7oe the bewOl denied from your 'ffi! (Vyt.i rotnlwBt rTa, UliM la EiUTllle. fc-hley County, oeoirl. I Wurr rw-oQUtia the lnfUiU ucce V la rurtnt coaUffcxa Wood poton la kl etteM pcclW. wrlteii: no who kaow the aJmort lneIUble, mukaeaUy dMnrm effect of wercory web! rr rtucoTerr of a a. a. aa a ralhatBaalty. The medical profeealon. rt wtr of rprleury medicine. U nasx to Jy. and la jm c ecreUy, MM a f a a & la rae of oiooa ai- Ht tevrm a amttetne that cure .iwbH la He worn fittm must purlry the u worn r r Lofder.' idcrfewy dioder." , rreaUic Bl-d aaJ Skin Dfjeaaea mailed vraweratAuaata.ua t Ji U Ud-J vh sat lOiVA HILL NURSERIES. leap Nursery Stock Winter nml Spring Sales 1S8T-S I hare a large stock of VPPLE TREES, aal tliree years old, pootl vari eties, that I will ose Out Cheap. ALSO, m, Cherry, Grape, &o rTfu .n.Kathinff in the Nur- wwi.ii r.Al'.especiallv APPLE, tor ray Ulustratel IWHntiva .Wea,Hl social Prico List of iiy:internmISprin- AJilres, J. VAN. LISDLEY, Stf Pomona, 2f. C. The AMERICAN I H)pr Tif - 1 ad k hTJS 10 "onal topics ind i .oL Fimniti n. j voi ,J!!Je Tety ot interest-! I Si-'ae ti 1 anu.ia scon. :,TJ lpncnutive ot y .. - "J- V-J. , a or Val hp iunt , 1 PPfr u taenuoiMn. , S?f.lc person, want-' xlirrie l once lor ;-EUlCANvAQA2INKt j u Brwdwaj, KeW Yort. ! Tlio IDaily Boviow. tiik pi:ksiii:nt. Kot his to truilt the ship while tem pests blow. War' billows burst and glorious thunders beat; Not hi tho joy to we an alien foe Fly down the dreadful valley of defeat: Not his the fame of that great soul ami tried. Who conquered civil peace by arms ami love: Nor his tlT empri.-e of ne who late ly died Hand c!.iped with foes who weep his tomb above. Hut this his task all passionless, teacli in public place a purer c recti; To build a wall, alone or well be friended. Against the partisan's ignoble greed. Or will he fail or triumph? History lays A moment down her pen. A na tion waits, and pravs, . A 11'. (J Utter. - The great popularity and success JT Salvation Oil, the great pain tie i trover, has :i:th- it a target for counterfeits. Beware of imitations. Price cents a bottle. Tiie. l-ons Hint .Short uf It. One of the strangest couples even ami eleven girls. I ny lived near the headwaters of Hludoes t.-reek, in the Twenty-sixth tiitrict of this com 1 1 y. A ix ft t'ifr. . I uti rh.nn. , . - . - . (iive Ely's Cream Halm a trial. Thijutly celebratetl remedy for the cure of catarrh, hay fever, cold in the head. Are., can be obtained of any reputable druggit and may be relietl upon as a wife and pleasant reined v for the above complaints and will give immediate relief. It is not a liquid, snuff or powder, has no olTcnsive odor and can be used at any time with good results, as thousands.. tm testify, among them some of the attaches of this ofiice. Spirit of the Tiiit . May 29, 1880. I'ayincto Hear HI Own Lecture. Theodore Tilton wis about to lec ture at a well kiton hall in Maine. He arrived at the door unattended, and intpiired for the manager. He was informed tliat lie was within. but could not be disturbed as the lecture as about to commence. (-an 1 go. in and speak to 111111?" he humbly asketl or the highly mi portaut ticket taker. "Yes, if von have got half a dol lar." T lto l prxl u ( e I the coin and pata sed into the hall U bear his own lec ture. He enjoved the joke much. and said it was a good lecture ami well worth the price of admittance. Diphtheria. "I am living in a neighborhood surrounded with Diphtheria and was attacked with Ulcerated Sore Throat. I ot once commenced to use Darbys Prophvlaetie Fluid, diluted about one hair, as a gargle, when great lots of hard membrane and mucous came from iny throat and the attack passed ofT. I am sat isfied of its ejllcacy as a preventive and cure for Piptheria."- W. P. Woodward, Frankford, Pa. EinlmrraKiiieiit All Around. Last week a lady student at Cor nell discovered that her name was incorrectly given in the list of stud ents, ond went to have the error corrected. Areyoti engaged just no?'' was the first question she asked the reg istrar. tNo, indeed," replied the gallant official, his face at the same time be coming the very embodiment of pleasant anticipations of the ap proaching leap vear. i'Well then." I should like to change.my name," said the fair visi tor. "Oh, you would?" gasped the voung tnjfJscouiiteuaucetradiant heyond exjTfession. And the young lady undertook to explain matters more intletail, much to the discomfiture of .the assistant. The Woman's Journal.' Consumption Surely Cured. To tiik Editor Please inform your reatlers that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely use thousands of hope less cases have been permanently cured. 1 shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy Kit UK to any of your read'ers who have consump tion if they will send me their ex press and ost ofiice address, lies peetfuliy. T. A. SLOCUM, M.C., 181 Pearl st.. New York. Henry C. Ilurlelch KntrapinnH A story is told in the cornMors of the Delavan which is "on" .Henry G. urleigh of Whitehall. He was seated on a sofa not long ago talk ing with Railroad Commissioner Haker, when a well dressed young man stepped up to the telegraph desk ami began writing a lipatcii. See here, Burleigh." remarked Mr. Baker, suddenly. "I want to make a little bet with you." The Mirrouudiug politicians poked up their ears. . "What nbontrv asked the White hall wizartl curiously. "About a sure thing, of course." was the reply. "J)o you see that young man at the telegraph det-k, and the little sealskin gloves beidc him. I want to bet that he .talks i off when he has (luhdiedhis husiuos! ami forgets to take those gloves." "Nonsense," was the sage rejoind er. "He wouldn't foriret auvthimr .... " - o i so. valuable. After a few minutes chaffing the let was made, ami the surroiiudiur group drew nearer to watch the re-' seen in f hi:- city were buving toys and t'hristmas things at the stores. The jeeuliarity .was the great dif ference in size The man wa S feet 4 inches in height. and v-ighed tmly 1Q) pounds. His wife's height was 4 feet 2 inches, while her weight was exactly that of her husband. They were buying presents for eight boys r " a flit I suit. Mr. Burleigh lo Jced skeptical and Mr. Baker contented. Finally the strangei buttoned up his coat and turned to go, but he left the gloves, "Hold on!" shouted Mr. Burleigh after the retreating stranger. "You have forgotten " "Sit down, Burleigh," said Mr. Baker, calmly. ?lsit down. Those are my gloves." Then the watching multitude smiled a moist, odorous smile, and the bet was paid. AlLany Esprcx. - Do sandwiches come from the Sandwich Islands? Of course not, but consumption alwayscouies from neglected colds. And a bottle of Dr. Bull's Cough Syrup taken in time will save niuuh suffering. TIIK MAILS'. , The raaW3 close and arrive at the City Post ofiice as follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 8 .00 P. M. Northern through ana way malls... 11.00 A. M. N. C. and A. & N. C. liallroads and routes supplied therefrom 8.00 A. M. alel?h & Kayettev e, 6,00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. southern waj' mails U0 P. M. Southern through malls 9.15 P- M, DAILY EXCKIT SUNDAY. Western malls c. C. Hallway) 5.45 A. M. Cape Kcur & Y V K I; and points sup plied thorefrom 5.45 P.M. Italelgh .t lUimlct H. It. and points supplied therefrom 2-00 P. M. Smltuvllle 2.00 P. y. wriirhtsvtiie s.30 A. M. Clinton, special ai5 P. M. Tl'KSDAY AND FIJI DAYS. Onslow C. II. and Intermediate ofil ces . 6.00 A. M. ftlttle islver. 8. C, and lntennediate ortices 2.00 P. M. Cape Fear Itlver mail 1.00 P. M. Ol'EN FOK DELIVEKY. ' Northern and way mails ... 8.30 P. M. Northern through mall, late :..ll.Ui P. M. Noat herh malls fi.Jl0 A. M. southern w ay mails..., 9.IJ0 A. M. Carolina central It. II.. !U)0A.M. Malls collected from street boxes In business porilon of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. M. and 4.45 P. M. and rroin other points of theeity at 5 P. M. and 1 A. M. (ieneral delivery open from .: A. M. to 7-00 P. M.. and on Sundays from 9.00 to 10.20 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to !0J A. M. Money order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 P. M., continuous. stamp oiliee open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P. M. a. m. i. Walking down Broadway is very pleasant when you feel well, and T K never felt better than hen his friend askiul him how ha got over that severe cough of his so speedily. "Ah, my boy," said T , "(t. JI. J), did it! ' And his friend wondered what li. M. D. meant. He knew it did not mean a Good Many Doctors, for T K hail tried a dozen in vain. "I have it," said he, just hitting the nail on the head. "vou mean Dr. Pierce's 4Golden Medical Discovery.1 or Gold Meda Deserved, as mv" friend J S always dubs it.""Sold by druggists. - t . , Kerosene was first used for light ing purposes in 1820. Advice to Mothers. Mrs. Wixslow's Soothing Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relievesthe lit tle sufferer at once; it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and the little cher ub awakes as "bright as button.7' It is very pleasant to taste. It soothes the child, softens the gums, allays all pain, relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes Twenty five cents a bottle, july G deod&wly a Urectcft Ottj tr Vzrth. for Pain." Will wctc ;t;c: t Uc-y zr.Y other known rora Ktut. 8-aiK Cuts U;iiitia- roat. cne, rke '3ri jTv lr:i i cuutlo.j.-The Ren -5-" cu: i 'i'vt?,'h ts?l bears our OC i'Jr' vt Lst txl Xr.vlc-ltark. Jiiid out .u-ctnn Fi"r.J: ,. j. Juycr cc Lu., Bole ivnrli tors. l-r.iv;ii:'iT. ITil., t". . A.- f ; . Sjrtj w'll 1 care V4ur ".o only 5 Ct. bottle. oct 1 cod d & w ly Patronize Homo TAlent! DO YOU WANT PKINTING or BLANK. BOOKS OF ANY DESCRIPTION ? We f-uarantec that we can turn out as fine m wm n mm s. 1 a T S mm my - m m m work as any one in this section, we carry ii complete line of paper of all kinds. Don't throw away valuable time dilly dallying with half a dozen ofliees. You can' save any pennies. Good work Is worth the price every time and can be had for less money than botch work. JACKSON Jc BELL. ; New Arrivals. DOXES I1ENKV CO. FIG TOBACCO, I BOXES PLUG AND TWIST, JOU j ALL STYLES TOBACCOS, O A rifin ASSORTED CIGAK3. O U, II UU Above to be sold at greatly re duced prices to close consignment. . Kespect fully, SAM'L BEAK, Sr., teb 13 10 Market Street Uevarte Prigge, tiENEILVL MERCHANDISE BKOKEK, coruer Water and Mulberry Streets,(Wessells buikllnff) up stairs. ; : y-OULD NOTIFY UIS FKIENDS AND the public o'caerally, tbat he has openedXGenera BrokerAe o?&x az the abDe aJlre4 anl re spectfuLjr soUclts their orders W1U fclve prompt dispatch to all business entrusted to his care, jaalllm WHOLESALE PRICES. ' The following quoaUpns represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be charged. ;) BAGGING ' - -j .'- . Gunny............ ..j... ' StAndard... j... BACON North CarollnnL II ams ....... i . Shoulders y n.. 1... SJdes, ft... WESTEUN SMOKED j . Hams. n . . r.'. .....Ui. 15 10 Maes. n. Shoulders, a lb.. DRY SALTED 4 , siaes, v ft.-.- I". Shoulders, v ft - BAUUEl-S spirits Turpentine. second Hand. each... New, New York. each...... New, City, each.....: BEtSWAI, ft-- BRICKS, Wilmington, 3n, y 31 . . . . .luiiucra . BDTTEK. ft j North CaroUna... Northern CANDLES, y ft Sperm Adamantine CUE bse, y IT) Northern Factory Dairy, Cream...:. state J..... 1 10 t ; COFFEE, y ft Java , Laguyra Rio i4..... CORN MEAL, y bush, iu sacks. Vinrinla Meal j... ... COTTON TIES, y bundle... . t JOUilEUTICS 1 Sheeting, Vyard.. Yarns, y bunch j .... . EGGS, y dox.... FISH j Mackerel. No. l, y bbi. Mackerel, No. 1, y half bbl Mackerel, No. 2, y bbl.. Mackerel, No. 2, hale bbl.. Mackerel, No. 3, y bbl Mullets, y bbl 1 N. c. Roe Ilerrinsr. y ker.. irj7Cou, y ft FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade Extra...... Family... City Mills Suixfr..j " . Family,, GLUE, y ft..... GRAIN, y bushel. 4 00 4.50 5 00 4 10 5 00 10 Corn, fm store, bags white t;orn, cargo, in duikj wnite. corn, caruo, in,Dairsj white, Corn, mixed, from storey.. . Oats, from store . . i . ... '&sc?Jsf4 oats, uust . rrooi . , . , v i i: t 52 TO 12 10 95 00 3 cow l"eas HIDES, y ft Green... HAY, y 100 fts Eastern Western , North River.... hoop ikon, y ft.. LARD, ytty t .... . 10 05 8-5 90 it 4 1 ... Northern North Carolina,. LIME, y barrel...... mm 8 10 .. i 40 0 I0 20 00 ($16 00 J 18 00 (i 22 00 15 00 LUMBER. City Sawed. W M ft. Ship Stuff, resawedi 18 00 Rough Edge Plank..!..: 15 00 West India Cargles, accord- I lng to Quality 13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 scantling and Board,! com'n.14 00 molasses, y gallon NeAv Crop, In hhds. . " " In bbls... Porto'Rlco, In hhds. " In bbls. i 25 28 28 30 26 30 30 35 15 18 35 i 50 14 L 45 L 00 16 20 22 Sugar House, In hhds " lnbolsf Syrup, In bbls i NAILS, y Keg, cut, lOd basin 16 . 2 f 19 16 90 15 00 oo oils, y gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosin . Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY .j... "X t Chickens, live, grown. . " Spring J.. Turkeys L. PEANUTS, y bushel, 22ift. 10 0 00 90 95 60 t 35 25 potatoes, y nusnei 4 sweet- Irish, y bbl.... PORK, y barrel 60 2 75 uivy ."uess i Prime 17 15 (18 00 16 00 Thimn ' ! ff 15 00 1 RICE Carolina, y ft 5 i Rough, y bush, (upland)... " (LoWland). RAGS, y ft Country . . . i City ROPE, .y ft i SALT, y sack. Alum... Liverpool i Lisbon 4 American I SUGAR, P ft Standard grain.. 60 80 80 00 IX 22 TO 75 70 00 70 6 6X : 6 $X 5X fX 1 00, 65 00 00 Jo a 0 Standard A... 'V viiiteEx c i. Extra C, Golden .1. C Yellow L SOAP, y ft Northern . . J . . 5 00 a Common Cypress Saps. . ;..!::::::: f U 9 6 &u. 5 00 7 50 14 00 Jk 10 00 6 14 00 13 00 8 '50 S 0 00 0 00 4 00 a 2800 Cypress iieana 4 STAVES, y M W. O. Barrel. 0 00 8 OO 0 00 12 do 11 25 1 50 5 00 K. o. nogsneaa TALLOW, y ft..... TIMBER, y M feet Shipping Fine Mm Mill Prime Mill Fair Common Mill Inferior to Ordinary 5 00 2 50 WHISKEY, y gal Northern... 1 1 Nortn Carolina. .... WOOL, y ft Washed. 2;50 28 15 30 1. 25 15 unwasnep Burry 1 T . . After Forty years pxperietvoo in ths preparation of more than One Hundred Thousand applications for patents in the United States and Foreign conn trio, the publishers of thai Scientific Atnericmn continue to act as solititors for patents, caveats, trade-marks, copy-1 viirhta. tv. far the United States, and to obtain patent in Canada. England. Franco, r . n .n1 all nth or countries. Thpir elDCfl- ttnee ia n'neqoaled and thei facilities ire iiaur- rDrarincs and -pecificatiois prepared and filed in the Patent Office on Bhorfa notice.. Terms very reasonable. Jfo charge for etamination of models or drawings. Advice by mail free 1 Patent obtained throngh Mann 4 Co.are noticed in the SCIENTIFIC A ME III CAUL; which has the largest circulation and W the most I nilnentiy newspaper of ite kind published in the world. The advantages of such a notice every patentee understands. . . .... i.i' t . M t.SH This large ana irpienaiaiy jim-araiea newepiiwi is published WEEKLY at $3.00 a year, and is mechanics, inventions, engineering Works; ana other departments of industrial progress, pub- ; lisued in any country. It contains the names of all patentees ana tine 01 erery iuvbuuu. each week. Try it four months for one dollar. Sold by all newsdealers. . " -M ' - t L If yon have an invention to PtBH wrtte te Mnnn ec uopuDiisners 01 Baenuu Handbook about pjjta mailed free ADVERTjISERS Can learn the! exact cost of any propoa lines of advertingia American Papers by; addressing Geo.VP. .Rowdl &! Co., - ' ' - - ' ' i - ' -i, . New paper Advertising Bureau, ;I lOLSpruce St, Kew York, Sand JO ota. for 10O-pa ParsipUle3 WmSm - 1 m m M ml I ,J I 1 El 1 mT a A I liliO AO s , S c. Wllminsrtonv Colum hf 4usrait5; R. 11. C CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Feb.f,th, 1S88. No. Z No. 27. Na P. M. 8 05 11 33 P. M. P. t Leave Wilmington. Leave Marlon. Arrive Florence.... 10 10! 12 41 V 1 5 12 15 A. M. P. NO. P. t Leave Florence.. .. .. Arrive Sumter. i 0 NO. 52. No. P. A. M. Leave Sumtet..w. Arrive Columbia... 4 25 6 15 A. M. t 9 40 10 45i No. 52 runs through from Charleston central it. r. Leartng Lanes 8:34 A. M.. Manning ftOS A. Sundays Na 54 leaves Charleston 8::J0A. 11:48 A. M., antves Columbia 1:10 P. M. iso. ns runs through from Charleston via, Central R. R., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M., Man ning 7:52 P, M. il Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 53. Il fNo. 7R, No. 57. No. 53 P. M. A. M. P. M. 10 25 6 50- 5 :5J 11 52 8 121 6 46 No. 58. , 1 52 t 8 22 1 20 9 40' A. M. A. M. I NO. m. No. 14. A. M. P. M. 4 35 t 10 ;50 8 20 5 22' 11 11 8 55 8 35 2 10 11 50 A. M. P. M. , P. M. Leave Columbia Arrive Sumter.. Leave Sumter , Arrive Florence Leave Florence . Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington..". Dally. tDaily except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, Cv via Central R. R., . arriving Manning 7:20 1. M.. Lanes 8:Q2 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via cen tral R. li., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 9:33 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. No. 06 connects at Florence with "c. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. R. R. for all points North " JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. 1 J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent feb 10- TI VI K TABIjK NO 3 i Palmetto Ktiiiroacl Co. si fyX 'AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follbws, dally except Sunday: Going South. No 1 Passenger and Freight. ieave Hamlet. N. C 8.20 A. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C 9.30 A. Going North, i No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. O : 4.25 P. Arrive at. Hamlet, N. C 5.&5 P. decl6 tf WM. MONCURE, Supt. Wilmington dtWeldonR. R AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. " Nal 27, Ft Mall dally. No. 15, Dated Jan. 8, 188a NO. 23, dally. dauy Sunday. Leave Weldon . Ar. Rocky Mount. 2 05 pm 3 17 pm 5 43 pm 6 00 7 15 Arrive Tarboro. . . . Leave Tarboro 4 50pmj. 10 Arrive Wilson. . . . 3 53 pm J Leave Wilson..... Arrive Selma 4 10 pmi 5 19 pm 7 45 pin I Arrive Fayettevl'e Leave Goldsboro.. Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia. . . Ar. Wilmington . . . 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 4Qpm 8 40 pin 9 55 pm 8 40 9 38 9 54 11 35 TRAINS GOING NORTH. No. 66. NO. 14, dally. No. 78. dally. dally Sunday. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. .. 12 05 am 1 21 am 2 23 am 9 00 am 10 35 am 10 50 am 11 50 am 3 45 5 5 50 6 52 Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. Leave Fayettevllle 8 30 am Arrive Selma. 10 50 am Arrive Wilson U 59 am Leave Wilson "3 02 am ?12 42 pm I 1 18 pm 7 48 8 24 Ar. Rocky Mount. Arrive Tarboro...!.. ...j4 60pm; Leave Tarboro I 10 50 am! Arrive Weldon l 4 30 ami 2 40 pm) 9 35 Daily except Sunday. Tniin on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 I. 31. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A.M. dally excent Sunday. i ' Train leaves Tarboro, N. C. via Albermarle & lialelgh K. It. daily except Sunday , 6.00 P. M., 8.10P.M.. ti.40 P.M. Returning leaves Wil- liamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.45A.M.. 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. N. C. dally except Sundav'. 8.30 A. 31. aiUve Smithtield, N. C, 10.00 A. 3L Returning leaves Smlthfleld. N. c, 10.45 A. M., arrive lioldsbbro. N. C. 12.10 P. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville. 4.W I. 31., arrives at Nashville 4-40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M, iJetuminff leaves spring Hope 10.40 A. 3I Nashville 11.15 A. M., Rocky 'Mount 11.55 A, !.. daily except Sunday. , Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally, except Sunday, i at 6.00 P. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. 31., connect - inir at Warsaw wtt u ros. ir and 66, southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch w Na 51. northbound is No. 5a "Dally except sunaay. Train a 27 soutn win stop only at wuson. Goldsix)m and 31airnolia. Train no. t makes close connection at wel don lor all points North daily.! All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. -' ' -. i Trains make ciosi:coniieet ion for all ttoinls North tia Kicmnona and Washington. All trains ran solid between limlugton and Washington, and have Pullman palace Sleep ers attached. ? : ... ., ... .. JOHN F. DI INK. Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sunt. Transiortation. T. M. EMERSON. Genl Passenger Agent. Jan 8 , - j irrrrrnM.i!!rD!ntlP!reeLi if rCfiLuu111 ilLill UUuiitOuiiody or Hint suit of ercr-work. laoucreuoa, ctc eaarcu '"or nay 6 i A it eodw . mm - t t-it n r" r m n!. i i th liod T en!arze'l an l slrncthend. Full particx I pidd Ment scaled Iree. KlilK HED. CO. iiurrAXO, ?. I kuth. MISCELLANEOUS a Carolina Central Railroad , Company. a - r' W CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND TRAINS. 15. No. !. No. 3. iMa5T Jan. 1, 1S88. daily ex. dally ex. Tri M. 2 40 Sunday. Sunday. weekly. 5S? Leave Wilmington Ar. Laurlnburg. . . Lv. Laurlnburg. . Leave Hamlet..... Arrive Charlotte. . Leave Charlotte. . . Leave Lineolnton. Leave Shelby...... Ar. RutherfQrdton 6 40 pm 12: S3 am i -1 12 33 am 2 C3 am 7 00 am 7 oo am 5 tt rm No.V. 5f3)am 7 xj am 3 00 pnt 6 2G M. 59. M. 6 40 8 (15 56. M. 8 27 9 55 " 8 45 am 11 m am 12 54 pm i 3 00pm EASTBOUND TRAINS " . j Na'sT No, Nof 8 & 6 Jan. 1. 1888. dally exidallrexJ t Ti1- via M M.i l Sunday. Sunday. Weekly. Lv. RutLerfordton'' 8 40 am t Irave Shelby.;.. . . Leave Lineolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte... Iave Hamlet, 1 10 52 am! 12 45 pmi 3 00 pm 8 00 pm 1 25 am 2 17 am 7 05 am 2 30 pm , 4 oo pm Nan 5 45 am 4 25pta Arrive Laurinburgl Leave Laurlnburg. t 2 27 ami Arrive Wlinilngt'ni 8 25 am! Trains Na 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and charlotte and charlotte and Raleigh. . Take Train No. 1 for Statesville and stations on W. N. C. R. R. and points West. Also, fcr Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, At lanta and all points southwest. ,( Also, for Asheville via Spartanburg. .. . Local - Freight Ncs. 5 and rt trl-weekly be tween Wilmington and Laurlnburg. Local Freight Nos. 7 and 8 dally between Laurlnburg and Charlotte. ; , , f, . Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, take passengers." f L. c jones, superintendent. : F. W. CLARK, Gen l Passenger Agent, Jan 5 .., .... .. f ; ;- - ; , ;.. i - W i - .'4 ft. 4P .JOB OPPIDK, vr Ate. AH. 1 MARKET STREET, NO. 1123', (U. TIRS) COAtJ-J II A A KTlky RJitPKQl AND WE ARB PREPARED TCI DO ' ALL MANNER OF fob mrmtina M. WILL IT-1 Willi M. WHEN YOU WANT , PROGRAMMES, CIRCULARS, CARDS,- LETTER-HEADS, BILL-nKADS, POSTERS," . ENVELOPES, NOT2MIKADS, PAMPHLET PRINTING, TAGS, LAND DEEDS, ' : MORTGAGE DEEDS, SIIER- i ' IFFS- DEEDS, CIVIL WARRANTS, STATE WARRANTS, JUSTICES' JUDG M. AI. MENTS, JUSTICES' EXECUTIONS, CHAT- TEL MORTGAGES, &d, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN PRICES BEFORE GIVINO YOUR ORDERS. : . Address REVIEW JOB OFFICE WILMINGTON, ft. ,C. The Acme ex am am .Kfek"-:iL MANUFACTURING 00., 53pmj 7 00pm 7 48 ami V ; V v' J MANUFACTURERS OF - , am i am ! Fertilizers, Pine Fibrei and am am Pine Fibre Matting. . - ex ; pm pen pin ! pm VVI LMINGTON, N.C. pm pm milE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILISERS. X .;---. trie ACME and GEM, is now established, and pm the results of three years' use in' the hands of the best farmers of this and other States fully attest their value as a high grade manure. . The MATTING, made from the leave of ohr native pine. Is conceded to beenual to anv wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for It Is dally Increasing. It lias jlr tues not found In anr other fabric ' '-' ' The FIBRE or WOOL is extensively iwed for upholstering purposes, and as a 4 lHllngf for Mattresses Is almost equal to hair, being Ughf, elastic and proof against Insects. -, ' , ' : Certificates from reliable parties csihgour - : '.. - :..;? ... -? - ; . - goods can be seen at oar office, or will be mail ed upon application.: ? . Jan 4 tf ti mm uiiLD mm iu mv JTJ UNDREDS OF 31 EN IN .WILMINGTON thntk they have their lives insured, ffomeof them will die while under this impression and their families will discover too. iate -that it was an illusion. . This has harmened in w ilmlrjcton. finrin the past month by the failure of the. rirtt as- sessmenteoiapatiy that commenced business nere, otneis wiu vnvrx soon. Before it Is loo late, tnafeesn re provisions for vonrtamiir in a life InhTiranee wmpuhy that has btuxl the test during general ious. ? - - ; .Ttie iluiunl Life .Insurance Company of New York, Is ihe otVvf, tntynt o7,a tfi company in - orld. Its milt-ICS are laeonlt-stlble nre lmmedlau iT on the rettirt of nrocf of and are li Ural In their condition. Assets now over ill8,noo,0uaoa , M. .S. WILLAI.'D, Afc-ent. I5hi tUi North Water St. 9 o

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