PLEASE NOTICE. K; ' T We will be glad to reoclvo'commiuilcaUons from our friend3 on any and all subjects general interest, but The name of the writer must always .be fur olshed to the Editor. ; ; - j ; Communications must be 'written only n one side ot the paper. P Personalities must be avoided. And It is especially and p rtloularly under stood that the Editor does t always endors r If 3 OrO-TAGEPAlD: ooatM &oa Three taoath.-Seeat. by canters. 1 flfl I of .-.-"h above - VOI, XII WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY FEBRUARY 27. 1888 NO 48 the views of cbrrespondents in the editorial columns. unless so state p in MI EW I'-o-r-" . .. ..... . rtfPTflMS! mouth; toneue rcwi. 'M' ami wlr: 1 ft iwifT Willi .ylini."'! "vet: dr.r i-wiOXS LWER REGDIATCR - trtord.Mnr ec.e- or IS. tiver, Sidneys, and Bowels. , rtoKrl ft.mpUlnl. U"- ..UfhP, , vy T Million. f - RE BEST FAMILY MEDIDIHE I 'r!!-r--. I ' Adull.. ! fc the A. ONLY GENUINE Zcfo 1 Co., Philadelphia. Pa., n-stW3--iJ caMt ' The highest priced freak now trav- j eling in the count rv is Mile. Chris-1 tine, the two headed mulatto girl. She is paid about $7.V) a week and ha a white maid inconstant attend ance upon her, She is twen I Double Service. The President. i nere was a crowd or several nun-. a has',!;. -..-..V,i' dred persons at the Union depot on these columns the establish inWnt of Saturday afternoon to welcome the the vest i bin p1 trin hAfwW Xw tend- j President and Mrs. Cleveland. -They York and Jacksonville, by the At-ty-six , both appeared on the car and the ' lant!c Coast Lin authoritiJ' years old, and has saved enough j crowd formed in line and! shoock proved an jminense success. So from her salary'to buy a line farm hands with his aujrust presidency. ! r.f i h tr ana a mansion in Soutli Carolina. H-nry iorzv ha come out flat iu favor of Cleveland. TV S.Mifonl Kxprev ha inaile a thichW. K. ilailtone i? made Is -ry 'Marc." Ir. Htte:ter i a multl inillion rt anl yet h carries insurances f f).()onUis life. The dcx-tor i.U'Utly believe In layius uptreas- r- un earth. --- - --mmm.. J.uue IVboK of W'iliam-hritle, .1 V.. 'VbaJIene anyone in the v-.rMtoa Itvpin match of 142 . k nr: mat i. ro xv who can sleep .e longest iu A week." - Th Utetiuu.ical protliy to come ut.iiee little Vincent Kinmet knK of Taylorsville, Ind. He is 2 art!l ftinl nnM in a clear, jeet ice &ay son that he has ever arU. 0. II. R.(hacker, fonnerlv editor th Denver Tribune, is credittnl th turiu been the discoverer of 5 -ve. He paid the now famous ""'t f i fora letter on "The doff-ai'tin- plan." ny features of amu-etiuiit are '1 at the Craven Co. Fair. lffh 14th and 15th. A tour parade of one of the best fire I-irtruents in the State, glass hall .eUy ,SV0U yhootin-. and va- thr things AlUrt of Saxuny hu writ ' wmtry for volumes on rK-anwarsbyIivi,,-authors. utyian authoritv on Ku itary matted having utuilil himir i,. ti. fI'ruiau war. x pi,1, U1 lu M-tthtl that Sheridan wiW born in the Nate and tl.Mr is.-n.s- .-oMneiVesidencv. The uy ins Mr. ami Mrs. W. K. Vamlerbilt have sent announcements to their friends in this country of the mar riage of Miss Mimi" Smith to Count de Foutenilliat. The invitation is on two very large sheets of paper and in the French language. It is said that Mr. Vamlerbilt has' settled a handsome sum on hissister-in law . . - - -.. - ... There are liftv-veii retail Wquor houses in Atlanta, (a, eight retail lner saloons, one. wholesale beer house and four wholesale liquor houses. The income from the fifty seven retail liquor houses alone, if no more were licensed, would amount t 57.000 for this year, while the beer saloons are licensed for $ 100 a year. The sale of liquor is confined to verv restricted limits and the aloons are prettv wel hunched together. Two great enemies Hood's Sars anarilla and impure blood. The lat ter is utterly defeated by tne pecu liar medicine. Fragrant boqaets were presented by j dations on this train t hat it has been Mr. Walter Parsley's little daughter ; necessary to add increased facilities and Capt. Southerland's two young-1 &nd with this end iu ;view , th feer. est boys, Ieon and Lonnie. The vw win ho ...kioH I Ti,;a .lnno cars were a perrect bower or tlowers by running'a vi aud fmgrance. But a short stop iasdays in the week made and ttien tne trip" jNortn .was davs -estibuled- train five -eek iustead of oil three resulted. LOCAL ISTBTTS. Index to New Advkktiskments. V L Yocno Yor Kent M M K atz Cash Store K W Best Uvery stables IIsissbkrukr -Valentine) F C Millkr Diamond Dyes SajTl Beak. Sr New Arrivals Smith 4 Boatwright Insurance ALOSRMAX, FLAXSRR & CO StOVCS E II Sxeki Knoxvllle Furniture Co C B south erlakd & Co carriage Heposltory Locia II M bares -Gent's F'urnlshlug House M s Willard A Burnt Child Dreads the Fire. For other local see fourth page. Rest shoes for boys at Sons. French & t Full moon this morning at 43 minj utes past 0 o'clock. Peach trees are in bloom in va rious parts of the city. President iray, of the C. F. & Y. V. It. It., was -here to-day. School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Heins berger's. Hen fruit sells for v cents per dozen. It ought to be lower than that now. l our wandering Turks were seen on the streets today. It is getting to be a frequently unpleasant sight of late. Where can you buy the best am finest boots and shoes for the mou- ev in the citv? Why. at Geo. It. French & Soils. They keep the larg est stock. t ouen. Street has nt (iaines Turner's Almanc promises stormy weather for tomorrow and it is here to-dav. The great United Stirtes Signal office at Washington City has as vet failed to note the fact. Old Boreas put in some of his un pleasant work here" to-dav. It was a foretaste of March weather that was not at all relished, and it served to remind us that the most unpleas ant month of the vear in this lati tude is near at baud. The little lads and lasses will now make up parties to go out iu the woods near the city and gather the beautiful flowering moss (peculiar aaoUl-r.iti,; i . to Id Kif, . -ivurti mansion: , V l . acres. fli rM-! and the trailing arbutus, commonly U J.Tfon8ned to grape cul known as the wax plant. Nrrv ,ue ron and sul'i Mclutvre and Heaths will play here next Saturday night. . : i 'hot 11 ,)rlrt ,inl a : have billed the town and they as oeen establish- co"and, re- - OI VlOIIl- Everybody knows what this means. The company is in full strength, 35 members, hud is in splendid trim. The entertainment will be one of ttt,. -val "''k'hness' on thA ! the big events of the season mm.ii! . Vcn-t -"Wiageto Miss Travellers who call Wilmington Hi e UQU wir "rKa .act an.l nl.i.anoL.t I. tn . - I mi nuu vnvurvt ititki attv IUI B-rnii! 83 "r'ce and fish' have not traveled very exten-WhT'?-16, but thelr tit,e sive,y- It might be the best or I a r9t0 1 twit Sf a W7 1 S-VS tlmf ! thef rTr ,att! ' no T . "IIIS Hint K . that rthIVeSIdencv. IU lt, J us"edid. They oui Uak t . . . vt-aai ,C5,tntiol n u.. . . Ke a' active fii. - we get the railroad o the Sound and to Onslow county we may in vite comparasion but not before. Indication. For North Carol i na. colder fair weather ami light to fresh winds, generally Northwesterly. From the Past. In looking over old files of the Daily Journal we find the follow ing editorial notice under the date of May 20, 1&54: Our Binder has arrived and will have our Bindery in operation in the course of a few clays. Persons wish ing books bound will please hand them in on and after Thursday next The gentleman referred to above is Mr. P. Heinsberger, of this city, who has ever since been a resident of Wilmington with the exception of the time spent by him in the Confederate -service during the "late unpleasantness." Onuext Mav 2fith he will have been here 34 years, a longer period, by , the vay, than has yet fallen to the lot o many of our business men "native and to the manner born." iadded as heretofore. The train will therefore make its first run through from New York to Jacksonville to-day. j There vcfill be no vestibuled train South .on Sun days and Thursdays and none-North on Saturdays and Fridays but the run will be made every other the week. I S KV A lY fSUTlSEM BNT8. For Rent. yNE HANDSOME DWELLING Eight Rooms on Sixth street. ' . - Two dwellings Five Kooms, each, near MarKet street. j; ,- -i All on accommodating terms. :!'' ? feb271t Apply to j W. L. YOUNG. ; I h s u r a tic eJ A CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, KENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. Annlv to . ' , SMITH & BOATWRIGHT. :. No. 124 N. Water Street i Telephone No. 73 NEW AJLVEUTISEJttiSIT8 Don't Read This ! feb27tf (day in .Sunday School Mhm Meeting. A sunday school mass meeting of all denominations will be held on Wednesday night, February 29th at the First Baptist Church, in this city, at 8 o'clock, to hear Mr. Rev nolds. President of the Internation al Sunday School Association. A number of the ministers of the city have consented to dispense with their regular church service, on that night, and thus give an opportunity for all to hear Mr. Reynolds. This gentleman will address the meeting on the subject of a State Sunday School Association, and kindred topics, and is represented as a splen did speaker, and what is . better, an earnest worker. His meeting at Charlotte was large and enthusias tic and at Greensboro over 300 per sons were present and many pledg ed themselves to attend a State Sun dav School Convention, to be called at an early date. Junior Kecliabltes. The interesting references made by our Washington City correspon dent a few days since, to the Inde pendent Order of Rechabitesandthe good work they accomplished here in ante-bellum days, has attracted much attention to their successors of the present day, and the- benefi cient effects which this truly noble Order is having on the youth of the land. The amount of good which has been effected by the lodges vjf this Order in more ways than one in our midst is truly incalculable. The latest phase of their benevo lent activity is seen in the establish mnt of an organizedTent of Junior Itcchabites. This new Tent has been in existence less than a year and yet it already numbers many active, influential members. Jt is composed of youths between the ages of 13 and 18 years and there is a m X . 1 1 -JL a benevolent ieature aitacueu to the organization, which is a stipula ted sum weekly to all members who may be disabled by sickness or acci dent. The initiation fee is only 2.J cents and the monthly dues but 10 cents. The weekly benefitin case of sickness, is $1.50. There are now three members of the Tent sick and these are receiving the weekly ben efit. The meetings are held on Monday night of each week at Tem perance Hall, on Third street, oppo site the City Hall, and are attended by a Board of Guardians, appointed by the Primary Tent, and composed of Past Chief Rulers of the Order of Rechabites, whose province it is to keep order at these meetings and to supervise the affairs of the Junior Tent. This Board is no w: composed of Capt. C. Tu Cowles antT'liessrs. G. S. Willis and F. W. Hewitt, who will cheerfully furnish all informa. tion in regard to the workings of the Order. Literary. "Bkn Burton, the Slatepickkr," by Harry Prentice. No. 0 of the "Boy's Home Library." paper, 12mo. Price, 25 cents. Published by A. L.. Burt, 1G2 Williaui St., New York. i The extraordinary popular success of the "Boy's Home Library' has been due to the most excellent qual ity of the stories which haye ap peared in the series. Such men as Horatio Alger, Jr., i' Harry Castle man, Edward S. Ellis, James Otis and others have each contributed stories in their best vein,- and there are no better written for boy. The success of this "Boy's Home Li brary" proves that parents want ood literature to put into their boys hands, and these publications at a popular price exactly fill the demand. No. 6, just issued, s "Ben Burton, the Slatepicker," a jcapital story of thePennsylvania coal mines, full of pathetic interest and stirring ad venture. It is for sale at the book Personal. i Mr. W. T. Haskett, of Soutbport, is here on a brief visit. j. Mr. L. McClanuny, Jr., of Scott's Hill, was in the city to-day, j Mr. J. T. Collins, of Burgaw, was in the city to-day and paid us a visit. Mr. Josiah French, otRocWyPoint, was in the city to-day for k short time, - i Col. W. P Canaday, Serg;eant-at- Arms of the. United States Senate is in the city to-day. I Capt. David Pender, of Tarboro, is in the city on a visit to his daughter. Mrs. W. L. DeRosset, Jr. ? .. Mr. A. Shrier returned to?the city last night after an extended visit to the markets 6f Philadelphia, New York and Boston. j Mr. Jas. B. O'DriscolI, of Charles ton, who has been in the city for some days on a visit to his uncle, Col. Jno; L. Cantwell, left last night on his return home. f Hon. C. W. McClammy left this afternoon on the i local train for Goldsboroand will take the fast mail at that place early 1 to-morrow morning for Washington City, A Gross. Outrage. , j . A gross outrage was perpetrated in this c ity; to-day ,v in the broad dayf licrht, andiitr is-one that will inako every bosota-S.wftll with indignation. Mr. Hal Boattfrj ght's littfe boy,aged about 10 or 12 years, is " a jpupil at Miss Annie Hart's school, on Third Street, between Market andjPrincess and about half pastl o'clock to-day, he obtained permission to leave the school room for a few minlites and vrent out into the yard and into a place under the building.where coal is kept stored. He was there con fronted with three colored boys. nearly grown, who seized him, tied him and gagged him and then turn ed his pockets inside out! . taking away from him what valuables h possessed. They then left pim and he lay there until he was found lalf an hour afterwards. The facts were promptly reported toj Chief of Police Hall and the: force has been scouring the city this afternoon for the scoundrels. There is but little doubt, we think, that they! will find them and then we! trust that the full severity of the law majf . be vis ited upon them. Diamond jj Dyes JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at ! ' F.! C. MILLER S, German Drug Store, Corner S. Fourth and Nun Sts.. P. S. Prescriptions niled at all times, day and night. I feb 27tf Direct Importation. JUST RECEIVED BY GEU. BARK CHAR LOTTE & ANNA, a large: and well selected stock Of ENGLISH CROCKER YWA RE. Prices guaranteed equal to any! American Importer. . !i W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Importers and Jobbers, . i feb 27 Hardware, Tinware and Crockery LOUIS H. ME A RES, (Successor to Dick1 & Meares,) fi ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING, HOUSE, feb 27 tf 12 NO. FRONT STREE. XN GREAT VARIETY, QOOKS AND HEAT I I i - i i ers. Can give you anything you are likely to want. We dont make them, but we have ac cess to the best sources of supply; j Call and see us. j i ' I ALDERMAN.' FLANNER & CO.. ' Dealers la Hardware, Tinware. &c feu 27 Osw I A Km A1UU niV UV Wilmintrtou. N. C, Knoxville Fu M j llfE ARE HERE YET I! I md ca goods t we a found in the city. niture Co. ? i WITH TnE Finest and cheapest Furniture and other! household o he re receiving new goods daily from the Factory. Also a full line of Baby carriatres. feb 37 I E. n.! SNEED.1 Manager The New rN FIFTH STREET berry and Walnut, are table s BETWEEN MUL How fully equipped. I Horses and vehicles for hire and horses board ed and tended by the dayj, week or month. t Large stockyard, jj M I R. W. BEST. ' feb271y ' , H'roprietor CARRIAGE REPOSITORY -AND- REPA1E: SHOP. T3ARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND OF r i Vehicle or want any Repairing done to their old vehicles, will find It to their Interest to . I call on ! C. B. SOUTHERLAND & CO. Corner Second and Princess streets. Bend your, horses to be shod; We have a first-class Shoer. j feb 24 tf The following bargains -are to be . - ' . - ,), ' , : :".. sold this week, commencing Monday.February 20, 1888. -SATINE: Reduced from 20c. to lOc. pr yard. 25c. " lfic. -o- Imported Satirie, Worth 4()c. 25c. per yard.4 -o- The Electric Combination . " j ., Dress Goods, 1G CENTS PER YARD. : Double Width Momie Clo4hf 1 2 1-2 CehtsjPer Yard. 1 ; ANOTHER B I Cr LOT OF White GOODS: o.OOO Yards Plain AVliite Goods. 2,000 Yards Checked Nainsook 1 ,OlH Yards Strip . Q ed Lawns. Open Worked Nainsook, Worth 25c. for I5c. Per Yard. . - . - Bargains in Embroideries and Lace; lOOO JERSEYS to be closed out. -o blin Call earljT before bargains are pick ed over. . -o - "A BURNT CHILD HUM THE FIRE." UNDREDS OF MEN IN WILMINGTON H' think they have their , lives insured. Some of them will die while under this impression and their families will discover too j late that it was an illusion. This has happened in Wilmington during the past month by the failure of the flrst as sessment company tnat commenced ousiness here, others will follow soon, ; Before it is too late, make sure provisions for your family in a lite insurance company mat nas stood tne test during jreneranons. . n The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New York, Is t he oldest, largest and best company in the world. Its policies arc lncontestlble. are paid immediately on the receipt! of proof of aeatn, ana are noerai in tneir concuuons. Assets now over U8,uuu, n M. S. WILLARD, Agent, feb;27 214 North! Water St. Wan ted, 1,000 You ng M en. r INHERE IS IN THE CITY OF jWJLMING- ton an organized Tent of Junoir Rechabites and we are desirous to have all the young men of good moral character, betweeu the asres of 12 and lg. to iioin us in order that we may do all we can to drive intemperance from our midst and to try and save the coming gen eration from the evils of intemperance. All who are wuiing to join our order can get an necessary information from C. L. Cowles. G. S. -Willis, F. W. Hewett or F. T. Skipper. This Tent was organized on the 21st day of April, 1887, and we have got quite a number of young men to join us. we meet at Temperance HaU. on Third street: opposite tne city nan. every Monday night at 7.30 o'clock. Come one, come all, and let us make- things warm for King Alcohol. i . - , C. L: COWLES, G. S. WILLIS, F. W. HEWETT, feb 27 Guardians. OPERA HOUSE. ONE NIGHT FOR LAUOHING lH'RPOSES - ONLY. ' ' V : Jlouday, February 27th Cash H ouse, 116 Market St. WILMINGTON, N. C. feb 27 Office Boy Wanted. , ANTED A BOY ABOUT 15 YEARS OLD for office work and collecting. Address, P. O. Box S. City. feb 24 3t Life Insurance. O v - , Safe, Ueliablo, Sure, LL THE POLICY-HOLDERS WHO HE- cently got left will do well to call on A. A. " BROWN & CO., corner of North Water and Mulberry streets, and take a nolicv in th Safety Fund System In the Hartford Life & Annuity Insurance company. This old, relia ble company has paid out in Wilmington for 1887 over $35,090 In death losses. Amount of Insurance in force $57,000,000 Death losses paid under Safety i ,. Fund System 2.500,000 - 1 Amount of Safety Fund... 1,000,000 feb 3 Messenger copy It V ale n tines FOR 1888. W. II.. Bishop s" Company of Comedians and j tne uevmcmug . : mUE GREAT INCREASE ' IN TnE VALEN TINE trade over former years is no doubt due t to the introduction of our beautiful . - - ' . DECORATED SATIN -NOVELTIES. ' .' V EASEL VALENTINES, . - ' ; ELEGANT FRINGED OA ED VahjxT!E3, . , VALENTINES FOR ALL. - ; V Young and ojdlargc and smaU. all can.le' :. : male happy from a largo . ; ' . - . "" . 'PI,.. 1 4. t o c&tnljMat - o uurniwM, putce to onv you 4fiPonor,v,.! bay cool books and school stationery See the 4iArtful,M the best rat trap known, at JacobPs Hdw JDenot. , ";r:::rr:--T7 . I Rev. W. S. Creasy on i rniay OU UOZen ail wool luuiuei sums, i i . fi hour i all shades and colors, for men ana , . liAvu from 7." i.n ts and unwards. I Ask those v j - . I . .. of thn Wllminfton Shirt Factory. Will tell 1VC . vj. iu. xuiduu mil. '''HCwJL - - lj g M i m he Second Presbyterian Church on The; QUeen 0f Laugh Makers lntfte Funniest of Thurslav night at 8 o'clock and all Jr unny nays v t This play is too f enny w tUseribe," - " ' trices. jx cjcul nun vxi t. Live Bdlik;and Music Store. ,? , . .sale at iielnsberger s Bookstore, j fct)4 3t TirANlJFACTUlJ SATT? TITitlf AffUNtv-r ose who have tried nd they-: : 1 r-er dmp The o ' hv W,V''V you that the - Boy Clipperili will find a nice line of good SdOeiScm . - . " . - . t a -t TaAnVtVu TIiTu' To i For Sale bT " . No 27 Markcreet, J. Elabach, ' Plow- is .tlie best niide; i 'Soid only at pliable, seizors at J acobi's Hd w;D For sale by - - . ' - . A. A. WlLIuUlD,V apl 2am 21 jym ' . Wllmlcjon, C dot ulsUsd. Is at Helnsberger's. . 4 71 . : -