TUI- PAPER , ' niforandrrop. j.Oifc"- ... n.M.TAft PAH: x I " ft .tth a Three si-rr , bHr payr regularly. r Dai IJ ) i n; I 1 W VOL XII W TLM I NGTON, N. C. WEDNESDA Y FEBRUARY 29 1888 NO 50 ,-,,SrCic for LlierDiseas. 3 r .-. tti i V.UtfT or !! ttc ! .,.!. mum rut aauM- and wau-r it. so enormous :is almost to ex ceed belief. 31 r. Habbae calcula- will be ileci ted that if a miilion of men were to indications Ih? enaed dealing cards at the rate ; scriptions will be voted by hand- J of one deal each minute, dav and ; some majorities. To do this, how. niht, for a hundred millioiiH of j ever, it is necessary for the friends years, thev would not then have ex-1 of the measures to rally to theirstip hauted all the wible variations ! port. of the rani", but only one-hundred i thousandth part ot them! i The result of the railroad election ! V Tlieiuiirmwi Meeting. I committee it. was made mv dutv to iMed to-morrow and the i The railroad meeting at the Opera ;call special attention of thorSair now are that both sub- House last night was well (attended . and a great deal; of interest was j tv of immediate steps to provide for manifested in the subjects under I the election of delegates to the Na- discussion by those who were ores-! tional Convention from the d liferent . uiMruHn. tiii-biinii seem . liupracu- 71 .l;rr4 n: '-.: .m' I . - . flatulency n CI rli with ...!" - . i .n(mrmory. v " -hi t. ht t-n Jon.- ent. Mr. J. H. Currie lOI'CU ? 4... .... 1 1 . ... meetiug toorderaiid on hjs motion some of the districts for this pur Mr V. A. French Was caljled to the ' pose, it is suggested that the end Chair and Messrs. I), (i. Wjrth, '-Jno. I ,,,av be -effected by authorizing del n T vlrr ' vj m r,.i.i,.,, v.. h J !SteH to the State Convention from ra-,OI Muimiiig, AVm. H. j slcJl districts to meet in Itideigh on SprunC I : V: Kerchner, ty t. Bar- i or a bout the 30th of Mav iii district ker antl V. U. Hice were electel j conventions and elect delegates to Vif ProxiMotits fU 1. v represent the districts at St. Loms The peculiar purifying and build Ing up jowerof ood8 Sarsaparilla make it the very lest medicine to take at tliis season. LOCAL 1ST E WS. v OSS IIVER REGULATOR RLLl w " ViYER, Sidneys, AND bUWtU t- 1 rnmiUiuli "r'I7 .1.., m it. ... . I l . u EE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE ON!Y GENUint I Ze7m Co., Philsde!phia. Pa., . t it l . . . . t At. ninUTiiin i Vaii.lrl'tlt I'liiverMty. ah-.Tr-nii . an a-'-i.t timl iloiirttim (.linn t . n'aru'- d- 1 of i rin . - - - ritv lMKX TO Nrw Al vkrtisem knts. !Ikin.-ek:kk -V;!Miline- Ft Mll.LEK IHahjoml Hit's Fob Su.k XV II I. A stfn-k 4 A srRisiKK kal aiil Woixi nrKR t llorsB Model MlusJn-N I.mis II Meikej-"; nt's KiiniiNiiin-; Ikus IJfsl hos for boys at Irench & Sons. The of th Winter montiiN IniVf- us to-day. It siiowm! lor a half hour on Mon day lat in Ualt-igli. The receipts of cotton at this port to dav foot up !- hales. Tin revenue cutter came up Southporf this afternoon. f rom - - - t". on Ill nil the Kati-a I . . . I I V;.-f lur-e I a rimn-ii ih-iu-i. . t t Hit'er ar ell-r in the jnin-li. and ny iiinuler them rian iuinlir:nts are tlock t-tilii- c-uiiitry iu lare iiiim- I . u Y. . . . I I.. I . . . - p.. ,ariv .." are aireiiu nrir. ; .1 th-y are roiuing in steadily in t.'t ,r nuiul-rs. fn-JiT rnrfc in the French army rarvfully traine at Belfort L.-'- .! are -i ar h wn ..t--nu. and taught tt Hy at them . i.'lit. TV outliiok lor the li-heries treaty rm to U had. The Cana u ifwjiajiers are almot, solidly -r-l to the ratification of the tv by the Dominion Parltaiuent, irh j. ),)n tt, meet. I r-.Iuti.t, WiisiutrtHliiccd in the Vnia Hoiim' of Delegates "to in : ", the eiediency of lixing tTary tniaHncAtion as a prcreipti- f-.r rvns umler 2-"t years of age :n a uiarriage license." The i.miif rs nf lim- Will...... l... -strutting stallion with a re' i l. have refused an offer of f - for him. He is now held at ""ami it i. kxu thatasvmlicate H:t,. ftk rais-i will huv him l i "!Iow is the seating capa fj f the eight largest churches of l 5?t. Peter Itrt,,. vifwvi Milau Cathetlrnl. arnmi- Mr Uvlue 'A. Oj-- i. ... . -.v". ni. -WMlia. yUII- i?.t:iH,U, v-otr,. I)A111. r;. ...... V a"eural, i:i.OK): St. ' enice, T.ijuo. . ,. e,TntDtUlocrat m Albany and 10reity are delighted at the k J- foramitte.' r m,on- T,r consider 'Ut t?f0r PrKleut Cleveland, r.t - nting can now pre 3 onanhuous nomination. ScIumiI l!ooks and ScliooL Station cry you can buy cheapest at Ileitis berger's. There ill be a coon hunt at Wright ville to-night. Ihe start lobe made from Mr. II. M. ltovilen place. The work of placing in position the fountain intended forthe corner of Castle and Fifth streets was com pleted yesterday. The joint services of the Kpiscopal congregations of this city will be held in St. .John's Church to night at X o'clock. Seats free. Where can vou buv the best and finest boots anil shoes for the mon ey in the city? Why. at ieo. R. French & Sons. They keep the largest-stock. A party of three young gentlemen "chosen. Kverv dav w nt ,wW to Masonboro this morn sr.l.liers in ieV.,,:.,", i il' f,,r htU, Ji ,,imI lagged AO birds and 1 soturrel. Due of the party lined 20 times and got IS birds There was a good frost this morn ing ami it is feared that damage has been done to strawberry plants and to young peas. It is deemed to have been hardlv severe enough to hurt the fruit. it is generally fair and pleasant after a frost ami to-day has proven no exception to the rule. The wind got around to the Southwest by noon and the afternoon has been delightful. Mrlnfyrenml Heath. This seudid troupe of real artists; will appear at the Opera House in this city on Saturday night and also in a matinee on Saturday afternoon The Asheville .(.'ifizen says of them: This company afforded a large audience some line fun Friday night. The usual features of negro min strelry, singing and dancing, were presented, but unusually well pre sented. Messrs. Heath Mc.Intyre, Buckley. Mewart, Sinclair. Morris, ami Belknap were exceptionally good. The acrobatic feats were fairly good, but the Little Ah Sid, a diminutive sure enough negro, was very good. Altogether it was a very pleasing minstrel performance, and merits the applause it has received. '!. Itowland al Home. Hon. Alfred Rowland, Heprebenta ti t'e in Congress from this district, is nt his home in Luinberton, called there, we regret to learn, by severe sickness in his family. The llobr soaiaii ays: This distingueshed gentleman, who for the past three mouths has been faithfully looking after the in terests of his constituents in Con gress, was summoned last week to the beside of his only son, who is extremely ill. In his own person, and in his family. Col. Rowland has experienced an amount of sickness that few men in the Providence of d'od are called to endure. His tw6 oldest children, the elder a most beautiful girl, ami thelatterabright bov, both suiter from rheumatism, wliile to the latter is added diabetes in a most agravated form. But like the true man that he is, he stands it nobly, and has a kind word for all his friends and acquaintances. Such men are the salt of the earth. Journal recently We are requested to say that those who would like to enroll themselves as members of the Society for the Prevention of Crueltv To Animals will find the list of signatures at Heinsbergcr's. There ar in this city about live hundred consumers of the water fur uished bv the Clarendon Water Worjis and of this uhmher about four-fifths are householdersjand mer chants, while the other fifth are manufacturers. 0 all wool flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for men and boys, from 73 cents and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street. J. Klsbach, Prop. t The boring for the artesian rvell nt Hilton, by the Clarendon Water Works Company may hardly he con sidered as fairly under -ay as yet. The bore is as yet only about :J0 feet deep and is now in tie midst of the limestone formation, which is the strata which underlies our sandhills. mornmr l v... . , t,,c etuior or a - "'irs in Illinois, asking .f ",rp,0 of Presidential -i. Iar fi answers "rn . i i..r.. i. i il. rviTW,evervI) "r.u.r me .uunot uus -ror rti.t. . xr..-.. n i . -.i . -r'-.vr i prefeilCH fori J '""S1" ns i-iinrgeii Willi UlS u v levflaij,! with ti.A t onlerly conduct. She was fined -v '" alitor ther ,. I or W) ilavs. P . for ln Htm. Kolr T' Alrahatii Watson. Kphraim Hurst .K though Sellal,ir Sherman RIl1 William Gilyard, all colored. -oi-.M,fM.vern.. A iiiim c,mrUw' w the tuitnige on voung "-' onld like to see Mr. Swi" Ihmtwright. on Momlav last. hlent. but qilVS- were each sent on for trial at the 'iwui of iioiuinati,,.. ,jIllt next term of the Criminal Court. " lie tak Remember if you do not vote to morrow vour failure to do so will count against subscription. More Light.' The most essential thing to a buy er of clothing is ple'nty of lightrso so that he may ee what he is buy- iug. The immense stores of S. H. Fishblate are the best lighted, by day or night, of anv in the city. He keeps that class of goods that stand insnection with nlentv of light. No - - Cheap John, shoddy, or moth-eaten goods in his establishment to palm off on the public. As regards Mr. Fishblate's prices and the quality of his goods, he guarantees to give vou perfect satisfaction or cheerful lv refund von vour money. That is the kind of a house to trade with and we advise all of our readers in want of Custom or Ready Made Tailor Made Clothing or Furnishing Goods to patronize him and you will never regret it. tf The railroad issues will be decided at the noils tomorrow. Let every K voter cast his ballot. Hip, Hip, Hurrah! The Kritish ship Etta, cleared by Messrs Alex. Sprunt & Son for Liver pool, with 4,020 bales cotton, weigh ingl..S!U,51i lbs and valued at $19i. 200, crossed the bar at Southport to-day, drawing 18 feet 10 inches, ithout accident and is now safely anchored outside the bar. The captain telegraphs that he wdl pro ceed to sea to-morrow, March 1st. This cargo is beyond doubt the largest and most valuable ever taken out of Wilmington by a sail ing vessel, and weare informed that the Etta draft of water is the Jeepest ever taken over the bar. This is just splendid. It is but two inches short of 19 feet of water.. We can well remember, and that since the war, when 12i feet, on a full Hood tide, was the best water we had. The gain has been 6 feet and perhaps in twelve months we may be able to chronicle 20 feet of water on the bar. What we want now to back op this increased depth of water on the bar is more railroad facilities, and these are evidently on the way here, j KfM'k Cryrl Spectacle huI Ky ejli9se Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should becau- Kerchner, J. R 1 urrcntine, js. II. ' r Mfit-rnrfc tviii .irrf . " " " " ..J t U l( It'. K V to lladical rule with all its. attend ant evils. Let true men and urood Manning and Pembroke Jone chosen as a Committee on resolu tions. The respresentativ s of the press who were present were re queted to act as Secretari ?s. 'on. A. M. Waddell was thert.pre sented by Mr. Currie and the dis tinguished gentlemen mai'!e a clear. plain and practical exposition of th( reasons wh' the voters Wilming ton. should go to the polls tomorrow ami vote sol id I v in; favor of the sub scription of both road?. We would be triad to reoort his reimarks at length tint the want of space for dds this. I ' At the conclusioiLof ColJWaddell's speech, Col. Roger Moore spoke briefly and to the poin: iii; favor of the subscriptions proposed. The following resolution, intro duced by Col. Kerchner, was adopt ed: Eexolvrd, Bv the citizens of Wil mington, in mass meeting assem bled, that it will be greatly to the commercial interests of die people of Wilmington that the subscription asked for to the C. F. & l V. K. K. and the W., O. & E. C. ILK. should be made, and we urge every voter of the citv to cast nissuurage there for. j Gen. Manning spoke in j favor of subscription and he was followed by John Holloway, Valentine Howe and Geo. W. Price, also in its favor. Mr. Jno. H. Currie was the last speaker and bespoke at some length in warm and earnest advociicy of the pending measures. The chairman vyas requested to announce that meetings n favor of subscription would be held to-night at Mt.Zion Church in the FirstWard and at the corner of Fifth and Cas tle streets in the Fifth Ward. The meeting then adjourned. The Committee to the Party Raleigh, N. C., Feb. 25th, '88. To the Democratic Parti in North Carolina: At a meeting of the Peiiiocratic State Executive Committee held in this citv. on the 23d of February, in stant, it was resolved that the Dem ocratic State Convention j be neld in the city of Raleigh on Thursday, the 30th day of May, m5, The said Convention wjll be held for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, Secretary of State, Audi tor, Treasurer, Superintendent of PublicInstruction.AttorneyGeneral, three Justices of the Supreme Court one for the vacancy now filled by appointment of the Govternor, and two to take their seats lnj case the number of Justices shall be increased by the vote of the people and of two Electors for the State at large, and for the ..election of j Delegates and alternate Delegates to the Dem ocratic National Convention to be held in the city of St. Loiiis on the 5th day of June next. Also, for the adoption of a platform of 'principles and the transaction of shell- other business as may come before it. It will be observed that! the State Convention is to be held earlier this year than usual. This wa necessary th order that the. delegates to the National Convention, to be held the week after, may bej selected. The National Convention: is called earlier than usual in ordej- that the party may be better orgahized and a more thorough campaign made in behalf of its nouiiuess and its great principles. The same advan tage attends the earlier meeting ot our State Convention and noiuation of its' candidates. The State committee respectfully urge upon the county committees throughout the State to take early action for the call of .dheir county ! conventions, )u accordance itu trie democrats attend the conventions of our party, resolved to present for the suffrages of the people men of character, integrity and recognized fiftHS fertile offices to yhich they are nominated, and only inch, and the continued supremacy of the white race, which is synonymous in North Carolina with the supremacy of the Democratic party, will be as sured for another term of years. For the committee. R, H. Battlk, Chm'n. B. C. Beckwitii, Sec'-. N K W A I V KK r I S K M ENTS . For Sale. 'EN SHAKES STOCK WILMINGTON Homestead and Loan Association. Aijly" at Id) '23 lwk THIS OFFICE. OP ERA HOUSE. (HE MGliT OMV, "sVlliilAl:, Miitli 3 Grand Carnival Matinee at 2.30 p. in. . . Mclntire & Heath's 3tocll Minstrels. 35 Git HAT AKTISTS. :$5 Under the direction of Mr. JOHN W. VOOEL. presenting the Mightiest Modern Wonder and Laughable Burlesque, Scenes in Africa, or Sh Who Must be Disobey, d. Seats on sale at Hcinsoerger's Thursday morning. Night Prices. 25, 50, 75 and $1. Mat inee Prices, 25 and 50c. Reserved treats for Matinee can also be secured. feb 29 3t Wanted SITUATION AS TEACIIEK, IN EITIIEK a Private or Public School, by afgentleinan who has had twelve years' experieuce in the Schoolroom, and who leaches the Classics. Higher Mathematics, &c. Address TEACIIEK. Wilmington, N. C, care of Daily Review, feb 15 law4w d&w w Insurance. CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, RENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. Apply to SMITH & BOAT WRIGHT, No. 124 N. Water Street feb 27 tf Telephone No. 73 Diamond Dyes JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at F. C. MILLER?S, German Drug Store, Corner S. Fourth and Nun Sts., P. S. Prescriptions filled at all times, day and night. feb 27 tf Direct Importaoh.' JUST RECEIVED BY GER. BARK CHAR LOTTE & ANNA, a large and well selected stock Of ENGLISH CROCKERYWARE. Prices guaranteed equal to any American Importer. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., Importers and Jobbers, feb 27 Hardware, Tinware and Crockery LOTUS H. MEARES, (Successor to Dick & Meares.) ENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING HOUSE. feb27fl 12 ISO. r KON J N TKKK. Stoves ' N GREAT YAltlETY, COOKS AND HEAT ers. can eive you anything you are luceiy io want. We don't make them, but we have ac cess to tho best sources ol supply. Call and see u.s. ALDERMAN, FLAXNER & CO., Dealers tn Hardware. Tinware. &e. feb27tlAw Wilmington. N. C, ' - ? PLEASE NOTICE. . We will be giaU to receive communlcatluns from our friends on any; and all subjects general Interest, but ' The name of the writer must always be fur oishcd to the Editor. . ; . " r Communications must be written only n one side of the paper. Personalities must bo avoided. , And it Is especially and p rtu-ularly under stood that the Editor does t always endors the views of correspondents unless so stare . ln tho eoluiuns. NETV AIVKltTI8EI51fciJ4T8 Don't Read This I o- The following harj-aiiKs" are to be m)U this week,' coniinencfnp: -. . ... . . j .-. , Monday,February 20, 1888. SATINE: Reduced from SSOc. to 1 Oc. pr yard. " " 25c. ' 15c. Imported Siititie, Worth 40c. 25c. per yard. The Electric Combination Dress Goods, 16 GENTS PER YARD. Double Width Momie Clolh, 12 1-2 Onts IVr Yard. ANOTHER Bid LOT OF White GOODS. 5,000 Yards Plain White Goods. 2,000 Yards Checked Xninsook. l,Ot?0 Yard.sHtriped LawiiK. o Open Worked Nainsookj AVorth 25e. for I5c. Per Yard. -o Bargains in Embroideries and Laces. 2.000 JERSEYS to helosed out. Call early before bargains are pick ed oyer. Ellatz, Cash. House. 4 116 f&arket St. WILMINGTON, N. 0. feb 27 . . , . Life Insurance. o Safe, Reliable, Sure. LL THE POLICY-HOLDERS WHO II E- cently got left will do well to call on A. A. BUOWN & CO., corner of North raterawl Mulberry streets, and take n policy ln the Safety Fund System la the Hartford Life & Annuity Insurance Company. This old, relia ble company has paid our in Wihmlnffton for 1887 over j,000 in death losses. Amount of Insurance in force. . . .fS7 .OOd.ono -Death losses paid under - Safeiy Fund System 2JjOi),on Amount of Safety Fund. . ..rr-. . . . L('i00,O0O feb a Messenger copy It Valentine Thft N w StabHs FIFTH STREET. CETWEEX 3IUL iwrry and Walnut, aie noiv fully equipped. Horses and vehicles for hire and horses boaitl- ed and tended by the day. weefc or month. nr" L;irre stock yard. If. W. HEST. feb371y i Proprietor Wanted, 1,000 Young Men. JJEKE I3 1' THE CITY OF WILMIXG- i n nroriivizp.l Tpnt of .Tnnrrfr liHhAhitii I T FOR 1888. o . . ' J1HE'GRAT rXCREASE IN THE VALEN TINE trade over former years is no.doubt d!ic to the introdnctlon of our beautiful ' DECORATED SATIN NOVELTIES. EASEL VALENTINES, ELEGANT YJU2HSKQ CARD VjiLEXTXXXS, VALENTINES FOR ALL. Younu and old, Larce and raall. all can le nlanof organization wbiclu's publish f,r. ed ith this address, ivirif? full no-J and we are desirous to have all the young- j icuule happy from a Large scock at . a tm . m '' 1W . - lllTI mil ri I 111(11 rl I l(I.l I iA "1 I I I Ml. M rr I I ; - I nun ui mrcmisa in mr luutn-.u. . ro Wain in ages of lSand l?..to3oln us in order that we ; 1 m m to wuships, so that vrimarics may be " way ao all we can to drive intemperance from M U I H S D 43 TSCO F S fairly heldarid fully attended. Thus ?ourmidt arni to tr?' and save thfcominj? gen- 3 l, fairtisu f nil nnniiiniHfiiis iiiul fcratlon frpm the evils of intemperance.. All nU"-J- Ril...! Pi. livc duu& unu iviubiu oiure. r lc mniiraui cm iiwniiiJ..v"i.-9 .,r,.fl1in.rtrti,Hn nnr Orrior Mtiit nil . . V ULf Mi V IT i - w J wa Ov" " tiiiit-r uu?! !.. uuiii- iuuf Mr unnt:i n'tsary miomiarion nxiai i;. jowies. u. - reb Li sail v conceded. It is obvious! v im-' s. whil-, f. w. Hewett or f. t.-skipper. Thin portant that every eountv shall be lIeW AmValS. represeptd pi the btate Convention ro Join ns. ffc mwt- at Temperance turns not to take more Wfy9u uy x(m ox . - vu-inie tiisiti iul iiin osr. in tii i : ..- l i r, '"'" .., " , : - - . ifuu, runiuii uiif wtrirn uii'i King Alcohol. as in the Siiine projortioii that you the representation of the county by. nass tlmt point of increasie. will ca'use any person appointed by the lmir- - m .!..:..! t..n. ? I - - ..... 4- - - -. . . . ...-. I ' Pi.ii;..., t.. ii- i , yuu lururiMJun mute rje. coin's iiihii mi tiit- kuuih u jm, t ftb"7 r ailing to uile bOIKklll the .sum of ! 7,.. f ,t..,u...l.i. tvm-Pr tlum n- Iii fnilniH trt Mf.tiolnri bv nn p 111? f UJ0 eiudi thev wtm tiirniMl nvr ta ' nowirv is thf itailv ransH of nre-ma Annotated bv its .secretarv. For You wili fiml at Hein?lenreris an him committed l tH oM a9c to U&'Q'" o 4n ret puriHses or ellicient oianiaiion n vt..Allt assortment: jnt receivetl, of me oesr hi iieniMHTr s. is umnt ur uj1 n " l,T fine wirV masks for ladies and -eiO different committees bd (Hied at , - - 4 Seethe "Artful," the best rat trap once bv active end zealous men. tlenien and some other articles need known, at Jacob!' Hdw Depot, t ' At tile recent.nieetiny of theState ed for masquerade balls. tf U.S. WILLIS-. F. W. liEWETT, ouardhins. cam. .f ...i.i . . . . 1'mjis ... " ,,0,u" - theSherilTand bv lh-'l um. lT . U toJaiL AIIrtliHtlin.oftliepaiif. -Jnmber of vari. wl.,.i,n.. , . T . H llr anions- il, . ' nrrrMtM1 o-npic'ion icn I'.oxes via a and twist. ' . JiJU ALL STYLES TOUArro. iiwinn A?so:iTEI riaAiri:- Ot llUw Above to i- sold a r 7t.iriv re duced prii-ts to close con.'iifsiiimqir. - . . Hejf-ifullv. .. . . , -.. SAM L IJKAK, Sr.. feb i:j . 10 .Market si nf Ladies will lind a,niH? line of grod reliable scissors at Jacobi'sJIdw. De pot. ' '-