"T vooaoUal req " 1 niiie money. Ai1 vr 3L II. 1 .....t- an1 lliKr; pal iiih'2 Company's Extract j nwt and CbeapeHt Meat J J, k for SOUp. MJWW I IS"' I .nnuai sale e,iMjv i Company's Extract.! invI'uN tonic. "I for wnicii naimsii 1",! ratn;L---e "itriKl i. ii Wirii ' j?, . v iin:l; in M-iuiiue anri i drinks. n C nf i .b ii C.mpanys txir ci w .... . i ...w.. ... v:u. (,t jjto Agents for :-' ,,e.,,t t; i.p-i n-uu.-.lx.n.ii..n-,'. $500 PER MONTH. .. . :;f,r..!.i'-'-'",!K Tl,, """" ', tHii.'iH, t-.irltw iTf-i ....I, ,.,r .Hid In till- 1 1. ill- i,-Mf.li. IT.' tli' , .-" :,.:' -Ui't -! .. :.t. . - WII'AM i. - "VMM. O. n.af Ct-t .iriMtl our-' !. KirHljY p l Mil-.mi n.m .: lii iiU . i ui.i li 'Mvrti.!.- .i.ii.Jo.x- VrNC; I.. I .til- tfii' .. -.i i,m,.lnil iti-H ir f..r- .l.V lltl III Ill.lkl' ...,,,.,.1,1 in it willing iiii!n. , nli-i r witling io "t.'v. , f,,,4.i.-n,: "r-H;' ''T ii r-l rT:.-i.rv..hr. i.iu do i a-.ll . ia .. rirrt.iu .n oii fur full par- t ,r-. ui.-h u. !iuiiiP--. nr"V"r."" s iv.ni in l. M U.' novtjni Homes in North Carolina j of n'j r I Onh 20 Hours Kido froiu ! I I New Yorkl -o ,. . . v riV lllIOSNOUtn Ol Kale!?!) I tt ow tU rUa Add Auitvia Air Liar K k 1.500 ACUtS OT iJk.NU IN THE ont 4f ?ic rtctoe. For Mle oo ear term c i:t purciiaera. four crc for t-1. rttt irvrw 15 pr cre. In mouth n pa tfauf:o. ThisUnl adjoins the "Soutl- -n rr,-, a rrctMly nubilAtcl bealtu rt 'rt oi Alurtum), and Is itccUllj sJij.uo ri.4 Lniicrc, M well as all toe ceres e;3tT0t New EacUnd people bav bouwM u !a ti un of "souUiera Pine," and it :s :rc of ine owners of this land to li. : ftraers, mcchanlrs ant otht-tp xatieNew KBJtlndand Middle Suie, tt i i Ueutf Here, to locate here. Nouteln 1 f-er neater in luremenu to eci tas orta CaroUna. Nowtere can i-cr ursine cnuotrr or line a rllmatp i pi ItUUthe opinion of Ncrthrrn tnci P SAtewud In .North Carolina, Thlsl m 144 oCct. and Is limited t rnrttet particulars write m once u John t. PaTbIC-k. vixasviof Imtntcratlon. Uc!gh, N. t or C A RICH A Ulwos. ' ,f moltU!Bi. ;iifnM 4t 18SS. "" Harper's Wo kly, n.I.lSTUATF.D. "lVl"EtT h ; welltaMlshed !rrV Kk " 'H'""'"! new.-paprr in h-uf&:-t!?u,M an'' uo Mjvnse is lL" Msbest onk rof art 1st ic I . . J!4" W t Illustration ot the 1 4:;V,'lr and ton-lcn hlstor 'J miZ Tl Harpers Weekly is admlr- ,I'D,"a odoi.w giK-t in every ,,AirERs PKKIODICALH. PKlt YKAU: ,WEtKLY 4 00 'At.AZINK 4 00 A4AI 4 00 -"ElO lot Xti PEOPLE m of the WeeUj wUn ne J rr J anmry of each rear wiim I1 Nl''PUona will begin Wx c'u-rent it time of receipt ot i. . i-'" Or 1 1 a rrv r'a vr,-.i i.- M V tH ,n r'e- cloth poMas paid, or mnains. win te by exinvss. fire r . v.uiur', lor Fittl per VOL I:-. uJLf4! v",ui. suitable for ;'ll.r.nr hv . Pt-pald. on 'ach. f . nw manor of los IAK1 EUX MKOTIIEH-. . - . New ork A. Brown & Co , ,NANCE Xmkxt KOK n. N',nu u'ater andMulrrr sts,, v - - Virr-. '-''SrVn.i lr. "r 4 1 i :zi l" vi us emionai txm- n F"lmv uxs canMM for it the K ,iislfrf,,'ri,r tl M "Partlat read I ?,!,,.Ml1 "rt-Mi-mr of its ltte- Vr!!-t,"h'-l'irti! serial and short r i;riv aulmot popular ritrrs. f..;.; f-rnil or people of the widest !THo Jjoily y r k-sti o x i n os. Daisies in the Miumier meadow. T - .. I t.l... 1 1 . Why they jrrow ,.! why they KnowVt thou whv? Nay. not 1 ! ' . . , , , Raleigh K Hamlet It. ll. and points Dreams of happy ilnvs ami places. . supplied therefrom 2.00 P. M. Visions of fond hearts and faces . smlthvilie -on P.M. wi.v.i,ry co...Hn.i why ti.ey roam, S;;:::::::::: SSft ml Know st tlioil wiry? I TUESDAY" AND FRIDAYS. Nnv, not I! I Onslow C. II. and Intermediate offi ces 6.00 A- 3L WouldVt thou .-tay the Mowers from ! LlttleKiver, s. c, and Intermediate voanrlTti"oupVty thy roaming ! heart from ! i Wheretheheanof love-lit .lreams : Charm the eve? . Nnv, not I! 77t( Oi it Court : n rrown of alliMtor ."kin. If in i wearimcth-mthe huh take eold, ! a m m i mmiii fin iiimiii iiiiiv no "hetter remedy for roughs ami rohl - mail nr. IHtll oll'Il s 'lp A U jr(.. i:t.llKt.. Mnrv (eoiv. 'if. promise im.ol, - e t!ljllir. iii'urt'c -wimi is ir. AUirv t Jlarv -That vou will mnrrv Kiiiiiih wiikin. .. - Why. I thought you hat-j ner. Jiarv. 1 .Mary -I do. Jicor; I want To i;et ! even with lier. . j Iililliri. "I am living in a neighborhood urrounded with Diphtheria ai:d .a attai-kiMl with l"eratd Sre Throat. I ot oji" 'iiiiinlieed to ie ail I'rophv lin- ir Jluil. .liSuted alont on li.tll. a- a u'di!'. when ureal ht f li.ird ui'Miioratie ai:d iiunMHi-ram-In.tii my throat and the atlai-k ta:tM i.lT. lamsat- ilied of it ITtea-- m-a luevnit I ve and en re for Dipt heria. Y. I. Wool w i:i. I'r.utkfonl. I'a. -'idlo inx Mir I'iri! Ilxiiitiplr. Wife--(h, lear! Tiie lire will have io or h.iilt a-aiii!, Iliisli.ilid lihat -o? That.- too had. WilV- Why do you nppo.-e it m's out mi oflni? r, - Illlrlt.Uld f toe- out to rt -ollie tiling to keep it warm, ju-t as I'm icoin-tt.do. I ll be hark in an hour i iMixiinuiMiii iiri-iv i un-ii. To TIIK KlHldi: Please inform your readier.-that I have a positive remedv for the ahove named ilisease. Hv its timelv iim 1 hou.-amls of hone- le?"S ease have hern permanently rured. I shall be e;ad to send two bottle.-of m v remedv KKKK to anv vour remlers who have consump- fion ll inev win semi me ineir e lion ii inev him m-imi me uini ej.- and post oni "i-Ke- pectfullv. 1. A. M,OtT 31, M.i .. 1H1 JVarl st., New York. MK)rOni in YVHtrfie. rwi A- . t I. l lie liaoiuiyoi a wairn io oerane- n,. - nt through uiaL'iieti.-m is well un derstood by those whose timepieces have thus MilTered, Jiml by tho.-e a ho have taken the trouble to in form themselves as to t he faetsabout the matter. Hut there are yet many unbelievers, or rather, to speak more accurately, many who belittle the importance of uanlin against the magnetism of watches. It is, therefore, ell that that the results of a careful inquiry into the subject should be published under the aus pices of such an authoritative body as the Western Railway Club. At the last meeting of this club a paper upon the effects of the magnetism of watches was read and was listen ed to with close attention. The author of the paper presented many interesting; fact.- eoncerniiiir his topic. lie h;wl found that watches were seriously deranged by hehi brou";htinto"proimity ith dyna mos ami other forms of magnets, ami that by the u-e of shields on ordinary watch movements, or by employing special metals in the con struction of these movements, the effects of the magnetism mijxht bo guarded against. He found that many watches had become to some extent magnetized by the manipula lion of parts of the watches w hile in process of mauuiacture. although the magnet i7at ion was so slight as to be praetirailx harmless: he also found that a ery larije percentage of all the watches were magnet izeil tt a greater or Ir.-.- decree. The idea that the metal of a locomotive is liable to afferi watt-he- bv self- contained mae;iiitism as hardly borne out bvhis invest nrat ions. 1 lie rods, keys, reverse h'.versand boilers of locomotives were tested for mag netism, and very little was found, not enough to affect the rate of a watch. The keys and levers were found to be more heavily charged, which fact is ascribed to the position occupied by those members. There was not enough of the magnetism in these members, however, to ser iously affect the watch movement. -Ha it traa He view. Ad vlco to Mother. Mrs. Wixslow sjSootiiixh Syrup should always be used when children are cutting teeth. It relievesthe lit tle sufferer at once: it produces nat ural, quiet sleep by relieving the child from pain, and' the little cher ub awakes as 'bright as button.' It is very pleasunt to taste, it soothes the child, soften- the gums, allays all iaiu. relieves wind, regulates the bowels, and is the best known reme dy, for diarrhoea, whether arising from teething or other causes. Twenty live cents a bottle. july G deod&wly .win & km tj 'ituti. VSllt'lN A ilLn. llAlti OKfc --l!.K- ANli HKKKUs I J M4ile-.n. Wiltnli.,;;. .N V. oop tuny cul .ns na s,ii tbe t-U-st lai . t-r .t iitDi, Carieouanl filie hariwrs mlwajs reads -rve euelome t. i rooriuti. farmer ly witaJon VTtrner, would lm KUd to Merve his ukl pa " , til 1 THE MAILS. The mail close and arrive at the City I"ost office as -follows: CLOSE. Northern through malls, fast 8 .00 P. M. Northern through and way malls. . .11.00 A. 3L N. c. and A. N. C. Railroads and route surinlied tVrcfmm 8.00 A. M. l..lUl"-h 1- ayettee, 6.00 r. si. ana n.iw . - JS? way mails ju r. hrough malls 9.15 P- DAIL V EXCEPT SUNDAY. ; Western malls (C. C. Hallway) 5.4a A. M. i Cape Fear YVR n and points sup- i plied therefrom 5.45 P. M. Caiv Fear IMvtr mall 1.00 P.M. k open fo! dkliveky. Northeni and way malls..,; 8.30 P. M. -. . i. i. . ii . . , i i vr 'ri JjuaHs.. . . . ...... V.:." :. !" A. m! southernway maiis A. M. canllna central K. Ii ti.30 A. M. Malls oillixted froiu strt.t't lK).es In business portion of tity at 5 A. M.. 11 A. .M. and 4.45 P. M. ami from other poiuts of theelty at i r. .m. o;enerul delivery oj P?rV1,,l!l?55.Ig.aJ en from fi.30A. M. to 7.00 s from m.oo to laJ A. M. open on Sunday from l.:0 Money order and Register Department ojwn rrom 8 A. M. to 5 P. M.. continuous. stamp ortii-e open from 8( A. M. to 5 P. M. stHiups on snle at reneml ilellvery (i:V) A.M. to 10 A. M. and 1 t 7 1. M. J t'urM l'inirli. CVld. Hoftrsi-np. Cump, .AKthma, I liiviii-h !;. V. biH'l'ii: Cixiirli. lrn ipi. nt i''i-.!iiinf. 1 .rf li. ainl )flifVf 'nxui2'tivo rf-rns m auvatHvi or tiuu. TJii' Cenuiui lr. Hull's f.n'oh ."fi'cp !, i only in ti-hiltt VfU'titfrn. ?nl iK-ars our jiTistTi- Truilc-.Msii-krt to -wit. A i :ih'n II.ukI in . i V.t , JiW Mn';i ""nii.;i-f.. . nriil th" fii.'-similt'frijriiMl.iji-?' f .7m 11'. Jiull 4p A. l M' n r ... Sole 1i"h liiiltiiu-in.', Md., I". S. A. mim mil iiirTMr liew Lfinue's lu The srratTolinrcoAn id !et 1'riif lOl'la. Ul by all Dni-wists. rt 1 eit d .t W ly NEW YORK OBSERVER. KSTAIiLISHF.I) IX 1823 The Oldest and Best Family Newspaper. Six Regular Editors; Special Cor respondents at Home and Abroad; Stories, Reviews, Condensed News, Departments for Farmers, Mer chants Hankers. Professional Men, Students, Hoys and Ci iris. This year the Ohskrvkr will pub" lish more than FIFTY PRIZE STORIES, ami the ablest and most popular writers will contribute to its col umns. Poets and prose 'writers, au thors, editors, men of science and women of genius will fill the col umns ef the Obskuvkr, and it will give lifty-two unexcelled papers in the timing year. Price, sko.OO a vear. riergvmen, 2.00 a year. Great Inducements for 1888 1. The NEW YORK OBSERVER will be sent for one year to any clergyman not now a sub v.riber. for ONE DOLLAR. 2. A ny subscriber sending his own subscrip Hon for a year In advance and a new subserl ixr with $5.00, can have a copy of the '-Iren-;cus Letters."' or "The Life of Jerry .McAuley.; .1 We will send the ORSKRVER for the re mainder of this year, and to January 1, 1880, 10 any new subscriber sendinc us his name and address and :5.0o in advance.. To such subseri iirrs we will also give either the volume or hviueus Li tiers'" or "The Life of Jerry Mc- Auley." A genu wanted everywhere. Liberal terms Lanre commissions. Sample c free. Address. New York Observer, ni:w;v()rk. dee 2 A Fancy Lot of Fine Imported Goods. 1ERMAN STUFFED PRUNES, SOME tiling new and very nice. French Prunes, very large, per pound. The Celebrated Alphonse Penard Maccoroni. one pound packages. Terrlne de Foles Gras, m eanhern pot-An-hovies. Guava Jelley, all sizes. Extra Fine French Peas, something special. olives, in gallon Jars. Flase and Pearl Tap loco. German sago. Jugnot FTench Blacking. Oaliforaia Fruits. KvaxnitMl Peaches, JeUy-Cuifsi Apricots, t un- ured Peaches. Dried Apples. o i'iiji ii ijh nn i t iimi ij i iii m W ATKINS" DIGESTIVE' RELISH Yvr sile by Jno. L. Boitiwrisrht. Jan2S 15 & 17 saFront WHOLESALE PRICES. The following quojatlons represent whole sale prices generally. In making up small or ders higher prices have to be c&arged" BAGGING Ji " Gunny j .J Standard BACON North Carolina. ? Hams shoulders i SJdes, y lb. I- WESTERN SMOKED Hams, ti I Sides, y r. ! j shoulders, a lb. i DRY SALTED I Sides, lb 1 ..i Shoulders, ytbi BARRELS Spirits. Turpentine. 8 15 11 8 (5 14 (9 8 (A 10 ( in 4 8as 6 (A 9 6? Second Hand, each ; 1 40 a l 50 New, New York-, each i 0 m 1 75 New, city, each 1 r 1 70 BEESWAX, J lb.... .J M 23 BRICKS, Wilmington. M.. J 6 00 (4 8 00 Northern...... : i 0 00 (jel4 00 BUTTER, -Tb 1 . .7 North Carolina1: i 15-. S - S5 - Northern I CANDLES, lb i ri'lJ ' sperm wi-1 "lfcafcis 2 a:. Adiimantlne...i -10 CHEESE, j lb i ' t:f .-,-- Northern Factory i lj , 12 Dairy, Creaui.i l:i 4 14 State l i 9 ( 10 COFFEE, t? lb- I Java f ; 27 28 lAguyra .1. , 2:1 24 itio ;. i 20 in 22 CO UN M EA L. V busli, In sucks. 00 - lTM Virginia Meal.; J' 00 0 67f CtTTOX TIES, V bundle 4 1 25 ( 1 0 DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-4, I yard (a. H Yarns, v buncli . 00 j . so EfJGS, Vdoz t. i I tw. 20 FISH Mackerel. No. 1, t? bbi ,(X 00 si 50 Mackerel, No. 1, c half bbl. 7 50 8 00 Mackerel. No. 2. V bbl i X 11 00 Mackerel, No. 2, half bbl.J 4 75 ( i tK Mackerel. No. :. y bbl i 7 84) ( o (X .Mullets, y bbl. i 6 00 i.i. 7 00 N. C. Hoe Herring. Vvkeg..i 3 Oh c 4 00 Dry Cod, f lb... FLOl'R, V bbl Western, low giade Extra. Family... City Mills Super Family GLUE. lb GRAIN', bushcL r s io : 50 . 4 oo 4 00 4 50 4 .i0 5 00 4 0t (rf, 4 10 4 50 r tK) 8 10 corn, fm store, bags. Avlilte 00 (a Corn, enrgo, in bulk. whiteJ 00 t, corn, cargo, in bags, white. H (c (5 53 tit a" 45 9J Corn, mixed, from store ; 00 Oats, iroui siom. Oats, mist Proof cow Peas : HIDES, 1? lb (Jreen Dry HAY. y loo VjS Eastern . Wesiern North River.... HOOP IRON, v lb... LARD. i n 00 ra SO ( 10 r 13 i or i io 85' 1 ?5 io k 1 00 2(3 31, - 8 - 10 Northern Norf.li Carolina.:. LIME, barrel 40 (n 0 00 LUMBER, city sawed. V M ft.1 Ship Stuff, resawed in 00 (20 00 l.'ouyh Edge Plank 15 00 frl0 00 Wesr India Cargles, accord-? ing to quality 13 00 c18 00 Di-essetl Flooring, seasoned. 18 00 23 00 Scant ling and Board, com'n.14 00 gl5 00 MOLASSES, y. gallon New crop, in hhds ! 25 & 2(5 " in bbls f 28 ( 30 Porto Rico, in hhds r 28 30 .in bbls 30 35 Sugar House, In hhds i 00 15 In bols..... .. i 16 Cf, 18 Svrup. In bbls j 22 (?. 35 NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin. . 12 40 2 50 oiis, gallon. Kerosene Lard Linseed Rosln Tar Deck and Spar... POULTRY Chickens, live, grown.. Spring.. Turkeys PEANUTS, bushel, 23 lb. POTATOES, bushel sweet Irish, 18 bbl PORK. banx'l city .Mess Prime Rump RICE Carolina, w lb i fl (A 14 : 16 1 45 1 90 (A 1 00 i 15 (A 16 00 (A 20 00 CA 22 20 CA 25 10 A 0 : JI5 (A 1 00 I 00 00 60 75 17 50 (A18 00 15 00 16 00 I 00 (A15 00 4 (A 5VT Rough, bush, (Upland)... ? 60 80 (Lowland). E 80 1 00 RAGS, 1? lb Country 00 lis. City i ROPE, lb , SALT, vl sack. Alum Liverpool . Lisbon.... , American I .-. SUGAR, P lb Standard grain standard A White Ex C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SOAP, lb Northern SniNOLES, 7 In. t M Common ; Cypress Saps : Cypress Hearts STAVES, 3? 51 W. o. Barrel. R. O. Hogshead.. ; TALLOW. W lb 1 (A t 70 f. 65 ' 00 f 00 6& 1 6K 1 0 (A ; 5 0 CA i 5JU-(A 75 lU 00 70 X 6 5X 5K 5 5 00 7 00 2 00 (A 2 50 4 50 (A 5 00 0 00 (A 7 50 8 00 14 00b 0 00 10 OOffl (9 o TIMBER, V M feet Shipping.. 12 00 14 00 Fine Mill 11 3a (13 ou Mill Prime , 7 50 8 50 Mill Fair 1 5 00 0 00 Common Mill....; 5 00 0 00 inferior to Ordinary 2 50 (a 4 00 WHISKEY, 1? gal Northern... 1 00 2100 North caronna 1 00 (A 2.50 28 30 ! 15 (A 25 ! 10 ( 15 WOOL, J lb Washed. Unwashep Burry ADVERTISERS Can learn the exact cost of any .prdposjd line of advertismgjin American Papers by addressing Geo. P. Rowell &. Co., Newspaper Advertising jBureau, IO Spruce St., New York. Send lOcts. for tOO-pai Pmphl Thousand applications for patents ui tba United SUts and lore ijrn conr. triesj turn pnbiisbera of the bcientmc African bontiane to act as solicitors for n teats, carcats. trade-aiarks, copy !IiRVi ITnitKl states, and Zlzu7. and ; 1 o h- Entries - Their exneri cTA u'B"nled and their facilities an. uaur- DratinKii and f poclfications prprd nd Qlod in the Patent OfficTon abort notice, j J 7 "..,'a vn r'n.rrR for examination of woacis or drawiars- Advice by mail free i .. . Patent ohta inwl t hroaiMorTi iC5.ar-not ice.J KvEVantayS of wh notice r7 pcnt. i WiUdvKKIvX.Y at 3. Tr. and if adinitiea to oe k-'ri." -wV , and mecnanicji. iDTri.uvH -r-i , rl j ; . - it contains tbe oaaae cf .11 and l 1 1, of ereVinrention P ! Siert. Try it fonr months for one dol.ar. 1 hold dt an nfwii'"" .. . I If Ton bare an inrentiOB to PtB JJSri.if if "Si CVx. publisher, of Scatiho American. sl UTJaaWST. .lew iin- . .... Handbook ou parCBu mUd b- fc- . - ? 3 I I r--r. I At fir Fortr fwn in the SCIKS'ITFIC A jikkma3 ".-7 BA ILiKOAI) Wtl mlnsrton. Colum a CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Feb.6th, 1S8S. No. 23. No. 27. NO. 15 P. M. 1 Ieave Wilmington...! 8 05 P. M. P. M. 10 10 t 2 40 5 S? 11 23 12 41; 12 15j 1 25 ! 1 A. M. I Arrive Florence 6 3f. P. M. 59. M. 1 I No. P. Leave Florence.. Arrive Smnter 2 40! ..! 0 40 ..1 1 ) 4 25 i j jNO. 52.1 A. M. J 4 25! . 40 15. n 45 M. 1 : - 8 05 No. 50. P. M. 8 27 1 55 Ieave Sumter Arrive coAmbia J A. No. 52 inns throuo-li from Charleston vln i Central R. R. " " ?.r m i2br!"322XLd& leaving Lanes 8:34 A. M.. Manningl:08 A- M Sondavs No. 54 leaves Charleston 8:30 A. M... Lanes 10:28 A. M.. Manning 11:10 A. M.. sumu r 11:40 A. M.. anlA es Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. 5ij mas through from Charleston 1a Central R. R,, Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M... Man ning 7:52 P.M. Train on C. & D. R. R. connects at Florence with No. 59. TRAINS GOING NORTH. iNo. 71 NO. 57. (No. 53 P. M. t A. M. 10 25! 50 11 53! 8 12 i P. 31. 5 33 i Leave ColumbLi. I Arrive Sumter... 0 ;No. 58. ; : 1 52i t 8 22i....: 1 201 9 40; A. 31. i A. M. I iNo. 66.iNo. I'ave Sumter.. Arrive Flori'iice j A. M. 4 t 10 : P. 31. S 20 8 55 Leave Florence ... Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmlncton. 5 33! 11 Hi 8 35) 2 101 A. 31. -1 P. 3J. i 11 50 P. 31. "Daily. Dally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, s. c. . via Central If. li.. arrirtng Manning 7:20 P. M.. Lanes K:0r P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral If. li.. arriving Manning :&48 A. 31.. Lanes 0:33 A. 31., Charleston il::jo A. 3L No. connects at Florence with 0. acl D. t rain (or Cheraw and Wadesixiro. Nos. 78 and Hake close connection at Wil mington with w. AV. R.: R. for all points North JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. .1. n. iv 01,1. .upr. t ransportation. T. 31. E31 ERSON,, General PasseugerA CTCTlt T1 11 K TA B L. K NO. 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. QN AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows dally except Sun day: Going south. No 1 Passenger and Freight. Leave Hamlet, N. C 8.20 A. 31. Arrive at Cheraw, s. C .:) A. 31. ; ' Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw. S. C .4.25 P. 31. Arrive at Hamlet, N. CI 5.35 P. 3L dec 16 tf W31. 310NCURE, Sup't. Wilmington dtWeldon R. R AND BRANCHES. CONDENSED SCHEDyLE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27, F't3Iall dally. No. 15, daily ex Sunday. Dated Jan. 8, 1888. No. 23, dally. Leave Weldon j 2 05 pm 5 43 pm 6 00 am 7 15 am at. Kocxy .Mount. 1 3 17 pm Arrive Tarboro. Leave Tarboro: ..;4 50pm .. 110 50 am Arrive Wilson... 3 53pm 7 00pm 7 48 am Leave Wilson. . . . . 4 10 pm Arrive Selma.... .. 519pm.; Arrive Fayettevl'e 7 45 pm Leave Goldsboro.. 4 45 pm 7 40 pm 8 40 am Leave Warsaw 5 50 pm 9 38 am Leave Magnolia. . . 6 05 pm 8 40 pm 9 54 am Ar. Wilmington. . . 7 40 pm 9 55 pm 11 35 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. ' NO. 66, No. 14, No. 78. dally ex daily. dally. Sunday. Leave Wilmington 12 05 ami 9 00 am 3 45 pm Leave 3Iagnolia ... 1 21 am 10 35 am' 5 28 pm Arrive Warsaw 10 50 am 5 50 pm Arrive Goldsboro. 2 23 am J 11 50 am 6 52 pm Leave Fayettevillet "8 30 ami Arrive Selma 10 50 ami Arrive Wilson.. ...I.... .. ll50 jim. Leave Wilson 1 3 02 am, 12 42piii! 7 48pm Ar. Rocky 3Iouut.j t 1 18 pm I 8 24 pm A rri ve Tarboro 4 50 pm Leave Tarboro .. ;1Q 50 am; Arrive Weldon . 4 30 am: 2 40 pmj 0 35 pm Dally except Sunday. Traiu on Scotland Neck Branch Koari leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00, P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. 31. dally except Sunday. Train leaves i arooro, is. k,.. ia .10ermar1e a: Raleigh U. R. dally except Sunday, C.00 P.-3L, suudav 5-00 P. 31.. arrive wiuiamston, jn. c, s.10 P. AL. 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll llamstn. N. C, dally except Sunday. 7.40 A. 3l.t Sunday 54.50 A. M. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, ..45 A.M., lLIJOA. 3L Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C. dally excet Sunday, 8.30 A. 31., arrive Smith titsld. N. C, laoo A. 31. Returning le?ve smltlitield, N. C 145 A. 31., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 12.10 P. 3L Train on Nashville Branch leave Rocky .Mount for Nashville, 4.00 p. 3L, arrives sit Nashville 4.40 P. 3L, spring Hope 5.15 P. 31. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. 31.. NashvUle lLlii A. M., Rockv Mount 1L55A, 31.. daily except Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch teacs Warsaw for I'linton. daily r except; Sunday, at 6.00P.M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. 3L, connect ing at Warsaw wirh Nos. 15 and t5. Southbound Train on Wtlson e FayettevRle Branch i No. 51. Northbound is No. 50. 'Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 Soutn will stop only at Wilson. Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No 7H makes close connection ax Wf - i ltichmond. and diiliy, except Sunday, via Buy Line. ' - Tram niidce done eonnection for nil points Noriii Ua iiichmond and Washington. Ml rrniiis rtii! solid ljtj.rn Wllintr,crtfn arid t Washiugtim, ainl-liave Pullman Palace sleep-1 ers attacjiwL' JOHN F. DIVINE. Cenl Supt. 4. i:. KKNLY', Sup't. 'J'raiisporUitlon. T. M. KMEKSON. Gcul Passenger Agent. ja8 : - v.- i.omic Vaii-ntineSj yyr HOLESALK ANI RETAIL. k For Bale at UE"$BEKGEBS. leh3 MISCELLANEOUS Obrolina Central Railroa d Companv. . - nTPi lit: . CHANtl E OF SC1I ED U L E. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. l. . No. :i. (NaT. a. dally ex. dally ex. j Trl- Jan. 1. 188S. sunuay. 'SUPdaj. w eekly . Leave Wl'mington Ar. Ltiurlnburg. . . 6 40 pm I 7 00 am I 5 05 pm it NaT. 12 2) am Lv. Lauhnburg. 12 Slam ; tn.am 7 00 am 3 oopm Leave Hamlet. .. 2 ut am Arrive charlotte.. Leae Charlotte... Leave Llncolnton. Leave Shelby Ar. L'utheriordton 7 00 am 8 45 am 11 09 am 1 54 pm 1 lUI ..... I O IU jiiU I EASTBOUND TRAINS NO. 2. , No, 4, dailj- ex dally ex. i Sunday. I Sunday. NOS8&6 . 1T1-WeekUv. J;m. J. JS8. Lv. Iiutlierforclton' Leave Shelby I Leave Llncolnton. j 8 40 am 10 52 am 12 45 pm: Arrive- cnariouct j Lea ve Charlotte. . . i 8 00 pm , I ave Hamlet 125 am! Arrive Laurlnburgi 2 17 amj Leave Laurlnburg. 2 27 ami Arrive Wlimlngt'ni & 25 am! 7 05 am 2 30 pm 4 00 pra No.C 5 45 am 4 25 pm Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte t,nd Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Twtin No. 1 for Statesvlile and Stations on W. N. C. R. R. and points West, Also, for Spartanburg. (rreenvllV. Athens, Atlanta and ail points Southwest. Also, for AeheviUe via Spartanburg. , , Lo a,l Freight Ncs. 5 and 6 trl-wcekly be tween Wimilngton and Laurlnburg. Local Freight Nos. 7 and S dally between La urinburg and Charlotte. ' Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8. take passengers. I c Jones, superintendent, i F. W. CLARK, Gcn'l Passenger Agent. Jan 5 The Acme MANUFACTURING 00, ' 31ANUFACTUREKS OF Fer ilizers, P. ne Fibre and1 Pine Fibre Matting. 46 14. WILMINGTON, N.G. 0- fJIHE REPI TATION OF OUR FERTI LIZERS, V the AC3IE and GEM, is now established, and the ivsults of t hree j'ears' use In the hands of ' the "best farmers of this and other States rally .it test t heir value, as a high grade manure. The .MATTING, made from the leaves of our native pine. Is. conceded to be equal Ur any wool carpet for comfort'and durability and the demand for it Is dally increasing. It has vir tues not found in any other fabric. The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for 31attresses Is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. . certificates from reliable parties using our, goods can be seen at our office, or will be mall- ed upon application. v Jan4tf . Lime. Lime. LI31E In exchange for PROVISIONS. LLME ' LI3IE LIME : LI3IE " LLME " GROCERIES. " DRY' GOODS HARDWARE. " LUMBER.' CASH. FRENCH US , 1 ol sept nr. ONWARD IS THE WORD I rplIE PROGRESSIVE FR3IER .ENTERS Its TniRD VOLUME at the followlngjates: , 1 subscriber, 1 year........; L25 5 subscribers, 1 year. . ... 5.00 10 subscribers. 1 year 10.00 one copy, l year, free to the one sending1 a club of ten. Eight pages, 40colurnns. weekly, send cash (charges prepaid) to feb 17 I- I POLK, RaleiU. N. G. 1888. 1888. f Presidential -Year. To Keep Posted On Politics Subscribe for th , New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Yean 1 . . . . ' . - (Rarest and cfcesper Famllj Journal in the United States. ; An tmparttal'-' Epitome' ttefy trecK of each ' . ; State;? .pHltical mocmeuts. . The Foreign Departiw:nt. is Lreaqualled. iatesf -au l m sr, :i-5urat Cable specials by the comnwrcial Cables. ' nFnllt Telegrapiilc- RciortH of all ctmtnt ': Kvenls. .., snetlal Features Prartleal Farming. ' The Advance of science. Woman "fc Work. Notable Sermons. The World of Literature and Art. Short storie-. Information on all sublet. Address. JAM KS GORDON BENNETT, Z ' New York Herald,. zzi ' aec9 New l'ork City . i ' ""9