! i 1 U X. X Absolutely Pure. Tata powder never varies.- A marvel of pu rltr.strrnri Vid wholesomenes. More coon cm iel thn the ordinary kinds, and cannot be ton in competition with the multitude of low lent, snort weight alum or phosphate r?;tf StfJentr imcaZs. KOYAL llAKl.NO IOW DhK COL, 100 Wall St.. N. Y. oct 28 d-twij tcnrm 4thrxl 3rdpw Tlio IDaily Boviow. WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 29. 88. IX CON'GItKSS YKSTKItlA V. SENATE. WASHINGTON, Feb 2S. Anions the bills Introduced and referred to Committees was one by Sherman, authorhins the issue of circulating notes to National Banks to the par value of bonds deositel therefor. On motion of Mr. Eustis the Sen ate bill for the purchase of n Mte and the erection ofn building for apostofilce, United States Courts nod other government ue, in New Orleans, (not to exceedtin et 1. 200,000) was taken from th calendar tindpassd. The senate then resumed consid eration of the bill granting pensions to ex-sojdlen and mi i lor who are incapacitated from the performance of manual labor, and providing for pensions to dependent relatives ofj deceased soldiers and sailors. Thej nnestlrm beinir on the adoption of i Mr. Call'v amendment, making the bill apply also to those win fterved in the war ith Mexico or for thirty days in any of the Indian war?, the amendment -wid agreed to. After a long debate, of a decided political ea-nt. the bill went oer ami the Senate adjourned. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. In the morning hour the lion.-- re sumed in Joinmitte of the Whole consideration of the bill for the or ganization of the Territory of Ok la homa. Mr. llarne-s of Ueorgia. gave no tice that he would at the proper time offer a Mibtitnte for the ap pointment of a commission to nego tiate with Indian Territory with a view to owning up that portion of the Territory lying wot of the DSth meridian of longitude to white settler. The morning hour expired ami the Committee rose without action. The House then went into Commit tee of the Whole, on public build ings measures. The $4).0tX) appro priation for Omaha (reduced from jJ-'W.OOO) was passed. Mr. Bland opposed the next bill, (a $.YI,000 appropriation for Bar Har bor. Maine), which brought Mr. Mil ler to hi feet in defence of the bill. The appropriation wiu reduced to $25,000 aod the bill was agreed to. night. It was an almost incessant down-pour most of the time. Fayette ville Journal:. Mr. II. C. Smith, assi&tant postmaster of this citv. left this morning to enter the iostal service on the Atlantic Coast bine between Washington and' Wil mington. Capt J. C. Huske, Jr., and Mr. Louis Hale left this morn ing for New York, where they will take the hteamer for England. Mr. Hale is in delicate health, and goes home to his parents in Manchester. England, under the efficient care of Capt. Huske. Mr. W. M. Deck er, Rail a it v Postal Clerk on the At lantic Coast Line between Washing ton City and Wilmington N. C, haw resigned his position on the mail service, and will in a few days em bark the Job Printing business in this city. Raleigh Xetcs and Observer: Up to date there have been 440 Farmers' Alliances organized in the .State. There are.at present in - the city 172 houses connected with the water works system Petitions are being circulated iu the city request ing a vote on the question of local option in June next. Overl,100 sig natures'have already been obtained, about 1,400 being necessary to the calling of an election. In con sequence of illness of Judge Shipp Wake Superior Court did not con vene yesterday. The Clerk of the Court received a letter from Judge Shipp vesterday morning informing him tlu.it he was detained at his home in Charlotte with an attack of erysipelas and would, uot be able to open Court. Charlotte Citron nle: A telegram from Shelby yesterday informs us that a beautiful young girl, six teen years of age, "was arrested at that " place yesterday, upon the charge of having eloped with a ne gro man named Tom Flack, of Mont gomery county, Alabama. The girl's name is Lizzie McCoy, and she savsthat she is from Atlanta. The m .a negro in question escapeti. ami it is supposed is making his way to Char lotte. Officers are after him. Mr. Jack Rheinhardt, of Lincoln county, has struck a veritable bon anza. At least, he has found a gold mine, in a cotton held on his farm, for which he has been offered $20, OO!) in cash, which offer he refused to accept. The ore uncovered is of the riehet quality, and the vein is ajarre and well delined one. Par ties win have seen it and win are competent to judge, say that it is one of the richest mines ever devel oped in this section. Ami re w Connelly, the man who was shot by J.C Alderholt ar HiuNoii last Satur day, was about 20 years old. lie was drunk and in a house with a questionable character, and acted so badly that all parties were afraid to go near. Mr. Aderholt at the earnest solicitation of others was in duced to go into the house when Connelly, uttering an oath, and with a large dirk knife, "made for him. but before he reach ed his man. a :2-caIibre bullet stop ped him. Mr. Alderholt gave him selfjip. and claims the shooting was in self-defense. Alderholt owns a saw and shingle mill at Hudson and is a peaceable citizen. Connelly is the last of four brothers who have died with their Ioots on. About three vears agothe.triou.-ed to come COMMERCIAL. NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. Feb. 202:30 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Firm at37 cents. No sales reported. , ROSIN Firm at SO cents for strained and 85 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.15. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.10 for hard, $2.10 for yellow flip and vinrin. COTTON Steady. The following are the official ouotations: Ordinary, 71-10; good ordinary, 8; low mid dling. 9 7-10: middling 9 15-10; good middlimr 10a-lC-No sales reported. Receiptstp-thiy : Spirits, 57; rosin, iHK; iar,7oi0oiron.i:i. - .' I'roTUlon and Cottou. Chicago, February 20, 1.00 p. in. Wheat market opened at 79 J and closed at 80 asked for Mav. Corn opened at 50 and closecf at 51 for May. Pork opened at 14.05 and closed at 14.071 for May. . NkwYoiik. Feb. 29. 2:30 n. m. Cot ton opened at 10.40alid closed at 10.45 for March. Opened at 10.53 and closed at 10.53 for April. Opened at lU.ui and closed at 10.C1 for May. MAKTNK NEWS. MISCELLANEOUS Coal and Wood. VLL STOCK LOW PRICES. ; i J. A. SPRINGER. feb 23 BO F CLIPPER PLO WS -o- rTAMEs. Collars, Curry combs, Back Band. TRACE CHAINS, BITS; IIOESE Hope and 1 a complete line of Agricultural Implements at BOTTOM PRICES. . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. Jacobi's Hdw. Store, 12 south Front Street. dec29tf :! CARRIAGE REPOSITORY -ANI)- ARRIVED. Steamer DMurchison, Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southport. Master. CLEARED. Steamer D. Murchison, Smith, Fay etteville. Williams & Murchison. Steam yacht Louise, Galloway, Southnort. Master. lr ship Etta, Arthurs, Liverpool, Alex Sprunt & Son. EXPORTS. FOIlKIttX. Liverpool Hr ship bales cotton. Etta 4,020 WEEKLY STATEMENT. STOCKS ON HAND FEB. 25TII, 1888. Cotton ashore, 0.S97; afloat, 4,259; total, 11,150. Spirits ashore, 1,3GS; afloat, 015; to tal, '1,9:. Rosin -ashore, G2.255; afloat, 3,482; total, 05,737. Tar ashore, 4.0X0; afloat, 2,955: to tal. 7.035. Crude ashore. 307; afloat, 10; total, 3 1 1 . RECEIPTS FROM FKlf. 18TII TO 25TH, Cotton. 072: spirits, 522; rosin, 7,237: tar. 1,285; crude, 43. EXPORTS FROM FEB. llTII TKl8TH, DOMESTIC. Cotton, 197: spirits, 191; rosin. 11; tar., 131; erode, 395. FOREIGN. Rosb. 0,907. to Hickorv and paint the town, ami once, while oi this city, two of the (1 paint tlie t i their wav home from brothers killed the third and thev immediately skip- peu tor l Was. 1 uey were not long in that Mate before t lie v got to fool ing with horses with halters attach ed. The usual result waa rope hal ter adjusted so closelv to their necks that their career was ended. A llarg.iin lit Ciirurr LoU i. what most men desire.but to keen The next bill called up was that for the erection of an appraisers building in the city of .New York. The bill contains alternative pro positions for the purchase of a site and erection of appraiser' stores at a cost limited to a million and a half dollar, and for the purchase of a single site Suitable for erecting a combined custom house and pralsen stores; or, two sites con-j venlent to each other and snttable or custom house ami appraisers stores detached from each other. The cost of huch a site or suites U limited to a million and a half dol lars." The bill was agreed to unani mously. Bills wen? also agreed t" increas ing to $300,009 the limit of the cost of the building at Charleston. S. C; appropriating f:iOO,000 for an inter state building at Texarkana, and $100,000 for a building at Columbus, Ua., and appropriating $125,000 for the purchase of additional ground at Indianapolis, Ind. Bills were also-agreed to for the erection of a public bnilding at Bay Citv, Mich., at an ultimate cost of $150,000 and appropriating $400,000 for a building at Milwaukee, Wis. The committee having risen, the House ratified its action and also passed two bills coming, over from Saturday, increasing the limit of the appropriatlou for a building at Chattanooga and providing, for the purchase of a site at Buffalo. STATE NEWS. . from illliiiir a irravc in a cemeterv lot ere half yourdays are numbered. always keep a supply of Dr. Pierce (loluen Medical Discovery bvyou wneii me nrst symptoms ot con sumption appear lose no time iu putting yourself under the treat ment of this valuable medicine. It cures -a hen nothing else wilL Pos sessing, as it does, ten times the vir- i. uir wst cun over on. iujs uoi Messenger. :c tons, Falter, only the cleanest but far thffnleas- William C wickham. 3i:; ten i filliPCT rA in L a It rMi.ifirt., n.r! o- Inches the blood, strengthens the T.Ut f Vli4 in the lort of Wilmington N. C, Feb. 'i4 1888. No vessel wnier ; tons rcpiirted in this list. snip. ; Lr Ella. 1.1'I tons, .rlhur, Alex Sprunt & Son KAKQIE.S, Oor Cliarloite i Anna, 417 tons, Krugce, K IV'schan & W'estcrmann Oer Ferdinand, 41 ions. Kluslner,. llelde & Co Oer Hon? Konjr, :K" tons. Never, K I'eschan & W'estermann Nor Emeline, 57 tons. IJage, E G Barker & Co tier Lydia I'ejscliau, 4U" tons, ScUultz, K rcschau & Westermann Oer inn. Frwlcrich Carl, 444 tons. Beekman K Tesi hau 4: W'eseermann Cer I Y rust, tons. Neljahr, E C. Ikirker & Co Nor Frtda, :ftU tons IMsmussen. llelde & Co cer Atlantic, ar; tons, schlottsnam. K Fest.'han & Wcsleruianu imios. Mary E Dunn, 208 ions. Jiunrcss, EG JUiirker t Co Cora Groen. sa tons riinwrook. KG Marker & co Gcr Dr WTiite, 2S0 tn. zcuit. E IVsehau K WesLermanii oran Joan. 21J tons, r.ache. la dfstrebs. llelde: Co tier Atlas. 282 tons Dade. E ivschau A: Westermann SCHOONERS. Wm M Convert. 7W tons. Seaman,- Geo Jlairiss i Co Edirar C Uoss, 41 ions. Quluiin. Geo IIari1"3 A Co nr Fcuand, r tons McW iunle. E G Barker & Co nione. 211 tons, icavncs. k a Barker : co Kdwaru nenton, 3T. ions Wnrrintrton. fcG Barker s co E G Barker Co lis, Stee.lnian. Geo ifarrtss A: Co M C Mosely. lwi ton. Torrer. E G Barker & Co Knuiy y jNorruaiu. oi: tons, ivnncwcll. George Ilarriss & Co Cherubim, m tons. Nelson, "Geo Harris & Co Addto Henry. 72 tons. Wreeks. plaster E O Barker A CO Aoxue joraau. x8 tons Harrlman. EOBaTtpr A- Co j k iKXTtrea. 213 tons, juetcaii. E G Barker . Co Kojer Aioorc,ais tons, Gilkey, -- a a uaxter c co REPAIR SHOP. pARTIES IN WANT OF ANY KIND OF Vehicle or want any Repairing: done to their old call on vehicles, will Una It to their interest to CL B. SOUTIIERLAND & CO. Corner Second and Princess Streets. end your horses to be shod. W'e have a nrst-class Shoer. . feb 24 tf Store for Rent. . . - , I rjlHAT VERY DESIRABLE STORE on North Front Street, opposite First fS!l National Bank and Just North ot Caut. UgMiUa Mclntlre s Dry Goods Store, recently occupied by me. A nrst-class store, large, roomy, cen- t rally located and well suited for any kind o business Possession given immediately. " Apply to I. SIIRIER, Ifi North Front Street, feb 3 tf Purcell Building. A BUOI CHILD DhEADS TRE FIRE." JTJ UNDREDS OF JIEN IN WILMINGTON think they have their lives Insured. Some of them will die while under this impression and their families will discover too late that it was an illusion. This has happened In Wilmington during the past month by the failure of the rirat as sessment company that: commenced business uere, umers wm lumm suuj, ueime it is too late, make sure provisions for jrbur family In a life insurance company that has stood the test during generations. ' The -Mutual Lire insurance company or ew York, Is the oldest, targes and txM company in the world. Its policies are ineontestible, are paid Immediately on the receipt of proof of death, and are liberal in their conditions. Assets now over 118.000,000,00. f M. S. WILLARD, Agent, feb 27 214 North Water St. MISCELLANEOUS. ATTENTION, LADIES ! Bonnets and Hats at 10c, 15c, 20c, a-d 25c, - Worth Double. 1 will leave for the Northern mar kets this week where I will purchase a beautiful and varied assortment of goodsui my line in the LATEST STYLE?. -Miss Goodwin is now in New York employed by a large French Import ing Millinery House, where she will be en gaged" during the next four weeks, copying imported pattern bonnets and hats, and will return with me to fill my Spring and Sum mer orders. j - , Room Mu t Be Made For my Spring goods," so I offer at less than cost my stock of Hats, Bonnets, Feathers Fancy Goods, N tions, Embroideries, etc., etc. UIBCELLANROUb- Ahothe? jincitieeineiif raw -Agency for Demo rest's PiU terus. D, morest's Sewing Machine Only $19.50. No UWADO,"'FBE.Cfl DV HOUSE. Express charge on goods ; sent to be dyed.'1 , . Respectfully, Gevarte rigge, OENEIlAL MEECHANDTSE bROKER, Corner Water and Mulberry street s.:(WesseH"s building) up stairs. j "yOI'LD NOTIFY HIS F1'JEND$ AND the public generally, that lie has opcnectXlienera i niikrage oiti?e at the abve al ires-s and re I Total Cash Assets.. Liabilities.. MRS E B. WIGGINS, ojjrietress of Ladies' Emporium 115 MARKET STREET! feb 22 , The Saliosiiu Life -AND- Maturity Association.- OF WASHINGTON, . D. (,'. Inducements will be offered in ev department. J ust received a riew w r. .... .. ' uatsm every shape. A new lot of Babies' Swite, L.v , , Corded Caps, in new shapes. Just received a lot of uf.i- v ; veiling, 42 inches w ide in -differ-ent grades, at astonishingly low prices. Also, Ribbons. Laces, Gloves, Cois.n A Jotof extra long Silk Afittsfa : Black, and Orwim, . And lots of other qualit hiost be given away 'vill so as to ma room for our large stock pected from the North. s"on px- Call early to secure some of th(N, bargains, at , ; " 4 Taylor's Bazar 1118 Market Street, WILMINGTON X 0 feb 25 ewYori &-l711minstua j . : - ... - - v Steamship jo. . ' a, i - m " wv FROM PIER 39. EAST RIVER, NEW TOM Xjocated between Chambers and Kooscvoii sis, At 3 o'clock-, P.M..;. BENEFACTOR. . . , EOUATOR;... ........ GULP STREA3I...... .. ..Saturday, MaMi : Wednesday, nan-li ; .... Saturday, Maixft it) FROM WILMINGTON- EQUATOR GULF STREAM. BENEFACTOR.. -O- six-.'truiiy solicits prompt uispaten w his i-iirc. jan 11 Int tlu-ir orders Will 'privc all business entrustesl to PaUronize Home Talent ! POMONA HILL NURSERIES. system, cures blotches, pimples, eruptions and other humors. By uruggists. CJhlldrrn'n Kncf Iant fnui 5 In 14 Jearn old tar iO CnU. Worth t. I. rhner, at No. 10 North Front street, will sell on Thursday only, 3Iurc.lt 1st, knee pants for children from 5 to 14 years old, for 09 cents, worth $1. Also, children's suits for 2.50 worth $4. We have a full line of the Hough and Tumble suit for boys which are now acknowledged to be the best suit on the market. The basis of these suits is guaranteed i strictly wool, free from shoddy or cotton and will not fade. The seams being double sewed will not rip; the pockets are made from the best duck Two and three years old, good Vari- canvass, will not tear and the but -o- Cheap Nursery Stock For Winter and Spring Sales 1887-3 I have a large stock of APPLE TREES, Newbern fournal: Barbara Staf ford, living on Isaac Forbes" planta tion, was the happy inotherof three 1 !.!! 1 t f i ime cuuurt'ii yrsieruuy umriiiiig. Dr. N. H. Street was in attendance, and we learn from the doctor that tons fastened on by the new patent process and will not come off. These suits only can be had of I. Shrier. the old reliable clothier, No. 16 North Front street, Purcell House, the golden Ann. eties, that I will Close Out Cheap. ALSO, ntof Plum, Cherry, Grape, &c If you want anything in the Nur it ni ii iruiii 1 1 1 f t irv-1 yji tutu i 1- --v tnemotneranu the children. two;yu,1i"uwt mm uiuigesuon, out un-iciirnliir;fL- fnr Wintai. fl,i fa It I a 1 . UMCViilOAt ,l-B JCCIiWlV J I'l'I.K -UII (irUM-hUIMFUSt'U lO DC fat 1- can,! n. Tn..Mn.1 IV .7 7. cal lung .Ikoiiw is really one of liver "n V boys ant! one girl, are getting on ; tl diseased liver can be restor-1 kaIah nf rnK- finely. The mother of Ilarbara hail ! d to healthy action, it will so clog eight children at three births, trip-? the lungs with corrupting matter as lets twice and twins. i to bring on their speedy decay, and Lumberton XoUwiaH: It .vthenindeeil we have consumption, our sad and painful dutv to 'an-! T''iclr1A the lungs in its nounre the sudden death of Ibn-. I. S1,,'?"",-.. T?U!,n C?n Ulre May, aged sixty-sir years. It oc-: V"1 to nip this tlan- currrtl at his roidence TnescMv V?.lXllL ,a ?Icre 4 and o'clock. .V. ' V MV"11 "vcrj . jy DO YOU -WANT j PUINTINO or BLANK BOOKS OF ANY DESCRIPTION;? We guarantee that wc can. turn out as fine work as-any one in this section. We carry a complete lino of paper of all kinds. Don't thror away valuable time dilly dallying vrith half a dozen offices. You can save any pennies. Good work is Worth the price, every time and can be had for less mouey thau botch work. j JACKSON itjliELL. ONWARD IS THE WORD I VI. MMHE I'ltOtillESSIVE FARMER j ENTERS Its THIRD VOLUME at the tollowint 1 snbscri oer, l .year 5 suh6eriiers, l year. ........ 10 subscribers. 1 year L. 10.00 One ropy. 1 year, free to the one club of ten. tngm paes, 40 columns, weekly. Send cash (charges prepaid) to Paid to members.. ..fSToiSt. ;:. None. .lfW.070,02 -O- IIORATIO BROWNING,' I'l-esicienr. GEORGE D. ELDRIDGE, ;. Secretary. Manager and Actuary. Wednesday.! a Saturday, Mint 1 Friday JlurtH I Through Dills Lading and Lowest Tw Rates guaranteed to and from points in Xoni and South Carolina. ''. , For Freight or Passage apply to ; II G. SM ALLISON KS, SupertnWn. ' - Wilmlnpon,.V.C : TIIEO. E: EGER, Traffic Manager. VM. P. CLYDE CO., Genl AfPlits, rel)2." - 35 Broadway, XPtrYifffc KT33W ! E HAVE OPENED THIS DAY A HAS"' rates: j..$1.23 5.00 sending a Agej Lite lnsuranee at Absolute Cost. A Guaranteed Policy r . ' An Ineontestible Policy. Jlaturity Yalue in Casn at Fixed Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. Only Four Payments per Year. ' Non Forfeitable After Three Years. P. S. RIDDELLK, M. D. Medical Director Wj-ll. GIBSON, Special Agent. IIome;offIce, 1,215 F Street, N. Y. oct 2Ct tf SOine lot Of PLAID AND STRIPED FU NELS, suitable for Children's CToaksorLSflw Wrappers: Also, 50 pieces of yard wide Sat eens elegant styles and super quality, at r, cents per yard. A full line of India Uneia from 8 cents per yard to the finest quality, i few handsome styles of Tlald Batiste amt dla Linen, fine fabric and low prie. feb 3 " " J. J. HEDBKX feb 17 L. L. POLK, Raleigh. N. C. 1888 P88. Pres'dential Year. To Keep Posted On Pontics Subscribe for th New York Weekly Herald. One Dollar a Year. fel8 tf Address, J. VAN. LINDLEY, Pomona, N. C. iitornlnrr between 1 and Ti o'clock Never In all our life have vt known as much rain to fall hi the wmc length of time a visited this ' Xle cheapest ilace to buy you" H-iiooi hooks ami school stationery) Knoxville Furniture Co. E ARE HERE YET, WITH THE Finest and cheapest Furniture and other household gocxU to to round in i he city. e an rerelvint? new jroods daily from tho Greatest and Cheapest Family Journal m the United States. 1 j An Impartial Epitome every week! of eaeh State's political movements Tho Foreign Department atest aud most accuratA nnhio un.i. i the commpmi i t.i. ' llUlest Telfsraphlc Heports of all fcurrent Erents. The AMERICAN MAGAZINE Illustrated... 25 cts., $3 a Year. 7TSCOP-TnE. AMERICAN MAGA ZINE gives preference to national topics and f!;a?dIis Future and art are of the highest standard. Famous American writers niTits pages with a wide variety of interest lng sketches of travel and adventure, serial and snort stories, descriptive accounts of our ffiJSSffiSSSte"1 otthe veiU ad4n hhon Distinctively Representatlve.of American Thought and Progress. It is acknowledged by the press and public to -ciamoSK ciuuuiof the .. REVI 0 sjob oppie 1 1 0 0 MARTTTCT KTRWICT. NO. 118K. (C COMl'l.I.iE 7A &VX1 AND WE ARE PREPARED TOD 'ALL MANNER OT EM il l rinwl Tin rkvf w f A Specimen Num'hpi wtrh and Special mducements in Cash or Variable 1 SS?S??-8 .Vl5 Kaisers, will be sent on re-1 4 4 Special Features Practical Farming. . The Advance of Science. Woman's Worfc Notable sermons. The World of Uterature ' uMArt Address, JAM ES GORDON BENNETT New York city"" dec 9 ceipt of I5c., it this paper fs mentioned. Comic Taientines, ynOLESALEAND RETAIL. Responsible and energetic persons wantw ed to solicit subscriptions. Write at once for exclusive territoiy. Address, THE AMERICAN MAGAZINE CO., feb 2 749 Broadway, New York. WHEN YUO '.T,r& lS PROGRAJIME3, CTRCULAKS, VZr, . TER-HEADS, B1LL-UEAD3,P0 : ENVELOPES. XOTEfJr PAMPHLET PBtNTnG t TAGS, LAND DEEDS. T .MORTOAGEDEEIW.SDER: IFFS- DEDS;C1Y1L tfr STATE WARRANTS, W' MENTS, JUSTICES' SZECCtV TEL MORTGAGES, CALL ON US AND OBTAIN r -"-GIVING YOUR OKqS"N Address REVIEW JOB OJf Bocfcty'.Torfi , ' " i : : : i , n c ; y&Aii, UNDEVELOPED PART4 X. f KodyenSaiged ani etrenrthenca. Fuilnarticu Parish SOUClt iirrtRF" jfBaaflCnvni'Cf'rcoLackorvizw Ladies' and 'SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. Jv orGrsforallM!(1; CWldrenaPn.r.

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