-1. this pat i f8 ttvrx Editor aoarro?. rOSTAGS PAID: ,? t six wonth C-Xv our nionUt, 33 cents. , will W M1 by WTl"- la ar P ,he b0Tt trots Prt" MiwlUP1 npor any -nd iT1"" . .Mr morr reffuUrly. ' tor-r-" - ' z . . TORPID LIVER Pitrrath. b t1 In Ue "a0011- "trVn the front - JJJ "dline. and yellowne- o: lJ'tTr uJitude and li & of nil from lh IJr A !!lTul ili health. VIiii I hi- iri'tij""" ----- Blvr..nr. BILIOUSNESS, ' 1.. It rntt.rv l.ivr l 1,1 t- tJutt thrvc, .'...ll.rir 1 !.. HR- J. ll.iU. C.. I'hlU.UIphU. I'M. Imrber vs tniit riht oai often mn are bald nowu Jtvs aud he pipkin it only on the roumi of fo.xl adulteration. The Rev. Dr. Charles F. Deem?, pa.tor of the Church of the Strang er. t.f New Yor city, has accepted aa invitation to deliver the oratoin at the cotumeucetuent of the Urd versity of North Carolina. He will alo dVliverthe oration of the Lex Injton Colleee. colore where he iw once profcMor. - Mr. f-yuc L Hfce, a dlsatislled tock holder of the Richmond Ter minal. aid in Xew York last wek that wore than 100,000 shares of tock an represented in a call for a general meet iu of stockholder, to I held at any arly date. The ob ject of the proposed meeting. Mr. Rice says, is to get a first-class rail road man of high reputation to tAko the presidency of the company. A recent decision of the Nevr Jer wr Supreme Court declares that in formation furnished by a comnier rial agency as to the business credit of a peion or firm is a privileged rommunication, and hence that no damage can be obtained for defama tion of character. The jrround ta ken U that there i no malice in thin ort of infonnation. which is civeu with a view to protecting the con eero seeking it. Hr. William A. Hammond read a Nper before the Society of Medical Jurisprudence and State Medicines n New York on Thnrday evening on The .Superiority of HanjjinK as Method of Execution." Mr. Hiuu mdWtieves that hanging-is the method of execution. He said: Tfcfre is a good deal of popular de "ption on the Mtbject bf death bv ugnlation. It isno more iainfii"l hn in rab when the ueck is bro a. In fact, men who have trone , run-h the experience, and have Wen retired at the laM moment, a ... : " -"yiueti the firet sensation as rath r PJeainff. My sou has experiment- tth himself on the subject, and borates thia assertion."-'.. Creat wa' from Monterey, nic. ' the fatuous Carthusian r OUe of the greatest natura u,ties on the continent. It is a W land, 1,400 feet high and 2,500 t above ea leveL The figure of rjl! Ulld U an almost perfect nt, running east and west, and "s lQInmlt are than 80,000 n of ierfectly level land, alound- u running water. Thn only I to reach the top is by a perilous Ion- t Wlde nd tliree n,iles haf' ilhU Sr mountain was the cthuslan monks bv Ie?lTr ns whooccu- lb?rL ??? Wer tauR't by the fa Tinl U now OWOed- aTrov rtlTSPO,1(leDt- a ln. who in I,;- .....s.. 1 . 1 know' Plain Pat Mullens. !tu- Twft "" " ' ' " ;-- " - .. IriilaTn 5 'l,emiHootrH Srs ' A,k thbW who hve tried and thev uSt'ffJJW'TlieUtJltell you that the Hov ClippeV l medicl.d'ftM h-v th- Pu.PIow is th bet made.. Soldonlfat . . Jacohi's, who is the factory agent, f l ' .X 'J7 -VH "f- r 1 VOJ. XII It is impojsille to give expression f n f hu llitmiiiu t'llllUlthl' wllipll link been felt by the people of this conn- trv wirll tllf (tlrilltll (if tllf Kltllirf in Uieir recent Hflllef ion. The Etn- eror wh miicIi a grand figure in hi- tory himI wm endowe-l in private with so nmny ' beautiful traits of character that ilie ndiuiriation of the j worm lias ueen rreeiy accorueu mm. . 1ml Minn f T 1 1 Tait tltnf klilan. ' rm 14 1 a t i , viii ' did. !old specimen of physical j and kingly iiianhMHi. tin drawn to 1 Him. tn.n is recent amiciion me tiearry gotxl will ami .the rayers of good ..1-. .......-..-i . f..,. 1. 1 1 rovor folly, his health aiul thus re tain the reins of government in his own hand, i the fervent wi.h of millions ot people, the wide world over. LOCAL NEWS. IMHI TO New Advkktinemknts. LOCIS )J .MKAKKd- Hut M M Kat t.Msh ston I: W BrsT I.I very StHbl-- FC MlLLEK DlHIUOUd l t HKlsBKKurK -NMIoual J'eiil hikI opix.itu nltte. 4fr4 slnf for boy? ar I'rei.ch & Soiif. - - Hchool ?lnt for children. bet in theeitv. ut Uo. f. French V Sons. It rained fiercely n Sumlay lajit but yet the streets are already liistr- There is a good prospect ahead now for some warmer, pleasanter weather, wherein we all rejoice. Ladies will find a nice line of good reliable scissors at Jacohi's Hdw. I.)e lot. t There were moving sceneson the streets to dav when clouds of dirt t?ot np and dustetl. Five applications for membership were handed in at the meeting of the W. L. I. last night. A great deal of real estate has changed hands to-duy. Nearly every bolv caught it on the ttv and right in the eve. This has been one. of the most dusty, disagreeable days on record in this latitude. The March inds have cavorted around to a wonder ful extent. Indications. For North Carolina, westerly winds, becoming variable, warmer and fair weather. The South bound trains on the W. & W. R. K. were about two hours late in getting here last night. The detention was caused by the se vere weather arnl the blocking of the roadh Northof the Potomac. A patch here and a patch there and patched all over" may fitly de scribe the condition of some of the pavements in this city. An old col ored woman stumbled over a patch of this kind 011 Market street this morning and narrowly escaped a serious disaster. The services in uiemorv of the late Emperor William will take place on Thursday ut the Opera House, ('apt. Penuypacker having kindly tender; ed its use free of charge for that purpose. The interment will take place on Thursday. lCurk Cryvtnt Spectacle anil DyrcUmtr Advice to old ami young: In se lectin sjMctacles you should bo cau tious not to take more magnifying vowcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the night. You can get the best at Heiuberirers. IUU I-a-t Night. There was a Hall given last night at the Howard Kelier Fire Engine Go's. Hall by a number of young men, and it proved to be one of the events of the season. There was good music, good dancing aiid lots of pretty girls. The harpers fur nished music for the dancing which was kei up until nearly daylight this morning. The committee con sisted of Messrn tteo. Bishop. XV. h! Lane and W. F. Hewitt. The young gentlemen will giveanotherdance in a few weeks, and auoth evening? mnv IiolnriL-uii f4-........i t t-. C. jt 1 V " r f 1 jfIT II ' ':A W ILM 1NGTON, N. C, TUESDAY MARCH 13 The travel now. especially to the;lt 3femori rri,, , t j Vrrlt iu k:f mttf tr nnmanuil n nrl ll of the resources of the Coast Line nra tm! AoAtiitumlafti it. Dlir - ing the last fedavs.;hovveve", it ha; somewhat lihtend as, the tterei cold has caused - many who were ready to tart back home from ". Florida to linger a little Monger j nutong ine oraugH uowers. . . ' . " . I II I on if 01 A Vila Vv " union smrri nu v.k. USB ? wnicii ww Kinuiy Tenuereci ny are rquetil.to.. tt.. that. rCapt..peiiiiyiHicker. t ,ng for the Union services to X)"" lm,i,g orr LightnfaiUry ,vill . 1 be run held in the First Presbyterian (Mm . I phi 1 uinmi liiahl'i: Af rhm week. The second bell will be omitted on i .Iok pmioe of account of the si the choir which begins at 7:80 p. m Iriai. Mr. . John I). Bellamy, Jr., is iu Raleigh in attendance on the Su preme Court. Col. K. t). Hall, Chief of Police, will attend the Fish and Oyster Farm at Newbern. We are sorry to hear that Mr. Harry Smith, Local Editor of the Sttir. h sick "and" confined to his home. Mr. A. RoscoweK of theGoldsboro Headlight was In the city yesterday and paid us a visit but we are sorry we were not in to greet him. Mr. William Latimer left the city last night for a visit of a few weeks to Florida. His Immediate destina tion is Sr. Augustine and the Ponce de Leon Hotel, where he expects to find the orange flowers in full bloom. A significant fact. Mayor Fowler has caused 495 trees to be set out th if year on Market, Third and Fifth street. The entire cost of the trees and putting 'them in the ground is not more than 27 cents each, which is a remarkably low average. A Bad Nam for m Dos. 'firive a dog a bad name," &c. You all know the rest. A gentleman of this city, who has relatives North, told us Inst night that he received a letter from some of those relatives who said that in passing here they would be gkid to stop over for a few days but that they had heard that the hotel accommodations were so poor they were afraid to venture. Twenty-four hours as Mr. Bryan's guests at the OrtonHouso would have been sufficient to convince the most skeptical that theOrton House is the best kept hotel between Bal timore and Jacksonville. We have in dividually tried Ford's Hotel in Richmond, the Charleston Hotel in Charleston, and the Screven House in Savannah, and the Orton House is better than either of these. City Court. J. B. Bagwell was arraigned before the Majror this morning -charged with disorderly -conduct and the case against him was dismissed. Charles 0ens was arraigned for disorderly conduct but the charge was afterwards changed to- assault and battery. It seems that Owens yesterday afternoon went to the house of Annie Wright, who lives in an alley between Nixon and Taylor streets, and forcibly entered it and appropriated her dinner, and when Annie came In he assaulted her with his fist and a chair. Hence her tears, The Mavor sentenced him to30 days In jail for the offense. The same de fendant was charged with resisting a police office but judgment was suspended iu this case. Patrick O'Brien, a tramp, was ordered escorted beyond the city limits. Wilmington and MTashingtou. It is cold enough for fires and overcoats down this wav sometimes but we really know nothing here of genuine cold weather. While the people of Wilmington were sitting around moderate tires on Sunday last and wondering whether it was cold enough, out of door? for an overcoat, as well as wet enough for a waterproor, up a 00 at jiaiumurc, Washington, Philadelphia and New York there was a tremendous biff freeze. o cold was it in New York that we are told that a woman froze to death in the street, in the busi iest part of Broadway aud that the horses were taken out of the harness and carried to the stables, while loaded trucks were abandoned in the streets. ' The "wires were all down and no nes could get fn until late at night. Trains were delay e every- where and tne- suow in in piaces from three inches to twelve inches deep on a level. " - J. T - - . - " w- J I Th vtfrearmntfejueutj for, th memorial - meetfTlir wJflt roirnn! fn rTirtf ti rvf Emperor William, met last night at tin residence of the Re.v. ;F- V : E- r Peschan. JjVr. ialornte programme , was arrange! for the oecaioitv and it was detertninetl to copdnet jthe ; (wercises ai me upertt noose, ine IIW dK!I wau Lrfttill rr ii1aiafl Hr ! " j ' v m m w j m j vvt ji ,,M. .XT . V ' 1 vocHi music win ue inrnisneo. Jirs. ID. H. Kahnweiler will present i ;and assist the clioir which lias been! i"d.;rW the PP"liHte j wi,a.i iiiiiPic. I The programme embraces the fol - 1 lowing: , Prayer by the Rev. F. W. E. Pes ehau. , -Announcement of the death of the Emperor by Mr. E. Peschau, the Gentian Consul at this port. Resolutions touching the death of the Emperor, by Mr. J.-A; Bonite, of the committee oil resolutions. An address, in German by the Rev. Dr. Mendelsohn. Memorial oration by the Hon. Al fred M. Waddell. A short address by the Rev. F. W E. Peschau. . The. public generally is invited to attend on the occasion. The exercises will be held Thurs day evening at 8 o'clock, as the fu ueral of the Emperor will take place that dav. JDeatU of Mrs. Mearea. Mrs. Jane M. Meares, relict of the late Col. Thos. D. Meares and mother of Messrs. Thos. D., Iredell and Frank L. Meares, died at her resi dence in this city this morning, in the 62d year of her age. She was the daughter of Hon. James, Iredell, one of the most distinguished 'of North Carolina's many noble sons, he having been a Judge of the Su perior Court in this State, Speaker of the House of Commons, Governor of the State and U. S. Senator. Mrs. Meares had been ill for a long time and her death was not unexpected. She was a noble Christian woman and there are many who will mourn her loss. Her epitaph is written in the hearts of her children who truly rise up and call her blessed than which no greater tribute can be paid to the memory of a loved par ent when the sordid cares of earth are exchanged for the. Paradise of God. A few weeks since a valuable car riage horse, the property of Mr. M. Crftnly, snagged one of his hind feet and lockjaw supervened. They tried hard to save him but . could not do it and to-day he was shot and killed. Br. SchrFerlaiidyMc Winnie; clear ed to-day for Humacao, Porto Rico, with 101,225 feet lumber, valued" at $1,518.37, shipped by Mr. E. Kidder's Son. 50 dozen all wool flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for men and boys, from - 75 cents and upwards, at the Wilmington Shirt Factory, No 27 Market street, J. Elsbach, Prop. f The receipts of cotton at this port to-day foot up 13 bales. School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Heins berger's. :' ' x DIED. XfKA 1 f Tr thia fltxr thli mnrnlnrr In tha (Cnd year of ner age,MRS. JANE M. mIsak ES. widow of tne late Thos. D. Meares. The friends and acquaintances of the family are Invited to attend the funeral at St. James' Church to-morrow . (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock. 1 . 'IIer children rise up and call her blessed.'' NEW ADVEKTISBMPNTS. Diamond Dyes JX ALL COLORS," A Fl,'Lt AND COMPLETE stock can be found at. F. C. MILLER S. ... German Drug St ore,; Corner 2. Fourth and Xun Sts.. P. Sw Prescriptions filled at all times, day and night. mch 13 tf j - t e tt -rr a- 1 i CSee iiere lOU Uaan I JUJiLAP. KNOX AND f ILL bit ! ; 1 J All the Popular Shapes' Just in by yester- day freight. Any of t he above- sihapes from fLTStofLSO. ; - - - . , :j , ' HATS! '. HATS - .HATS! T TT f P O ?T f? A'D I7C LUUlO 11. 11 VjIL it CiO, znchu 13 NO. FRONT STRHE. '- . . . .. T- . - ) - v . ....... - . 1.; 18SS i i - J NO 62 N K W 4 KH ITHKAI TK . II' J ouse, 116 TJarket St. i;. X WILMINGTON, N. C. BAIittINS TQ BE HAD TIIIS WEEK. 'QSpgC GOODS. f . - 1 satines 93 cents per yard. i-BLBCTKIO SPAING COMBINATIONS, regu- lai-price 30c, now 16c per yard. -o- Faille Francaise AT JSC. , SOLD ELSE WT1EP E.JFOK 9C OREAT BLAUGHTKR IN White GOODS. before the season opexis. -o- ioe de Lisiere only I8cper3ard, regular price 40t?per yard. o ' Poiard Whit' Open Checks acd Strips for only 15c, regular price 25-. o - - White Checks, 8c per yard, worth 10c per yard. 10c per yard, worth 15c per yard, iscyer yard, worth les per yard. 15c per yard, worth 35c per yard. 18c yer yard; worth 25c per yard. -o 4 r f f Yards tACE to bj sold at lUyUUUll-Scperprrt. Remnants of Embroideries Some Barsralns In Embroiderios. -o l" Call and examine the many bargains at M. M. Katz', CASH HOUSE,! 116 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. mehlS ATTENTION, LADIES! -O- Bonnets and Hats at 10c, 15c, 20c, and 25c, Worth-Double. I will leave for the Northern mar kets this week where I will purchase a beautiful ' and varied assortment of goods in my line, in the LATEST; STYLES. Miss Goodwin is now in New. York emnloved by a large French Import insr Mfllinerv House, where she will be engaged during the next four 1 . 11": j. . 1 Li weeKS, copying iimporieo pattern bonnets aud uats. ana win return with lue to till my Spring and Sum mer orders. i Room Mult Be Made For my Spring goods, so I offer at less than cost ray stock or Hats, Bonnets, Feathers F3n6y Good, N -tions, Embroideries, etc.; etc. Agency for Dmorest's Patterns. morest's Sewing Machine Only $19.50. LKWAW FKEKfl Wi MUl, -1 "... 1 No express char-e on goods sent . . to be dved." . . Respectfully, , I - MRS. E-. B WIGGINS, Proprietress of Ladies Emporium, 115 MAHKET STREET. f inch 12 ' - N ,50p rLiLvy.OTrcr; Wc win be sladtorXehe cosriKiucMtioiii, from ojir ffleaiis on., dnj . and all sutyeyt 3 genera! Interest, but - . " ..TJie naniq of tnc Writer must ajwaja be- f-r- : oisfceatotucjttitpr.v ; - - one side ottiippspHfi. - V : i " ;.t Jersonaltrfes lfttiMt tie avoidei: f r" Ana it is :-prcjflii.r and p rtiruia'rtr f (h-r-' stood t Uat t ho; KMlor docs -; t.' ulw ai s errors the vews rrrenonrinxsafcits.a M:rK te tl editiiriai colanwsT -. " :'vv "--r Al)r- - ,v . :- . . ., . fiu riog M eft hixits: ?e ek We will close out the entire .'stock of " and :, Iii black and every shnde and size, an opportnnitv verr seldom of fered to get yourself an Umbrella. . Our Ladies and Children's I Para sols awuv- down at half price. ; Call and see, as our Spring stock of Millinery and Fancy .Goods aro crowding in and we are bbufid to make room at ' - '"'"'' ' . - ." , .1- ' . ' Taylor's Bazar 118 Market Street, WILMINGTON,; N. C. . mch 10 ' -" - w ' EVER RIP, 5! The Kough and Tumble Huit for boys which arR now acknowledged V le t lMijjt-;wl on strictly wool, free from Kborldy or cotton and will not fade. The seams b3lng double swed will not rip; the pockets are made from the best duck canvas and will not tear, -and the' buttons fastened on by the new patent process and will not come off. These suits only can be -had at a very low price of I. SHKIEK, the old reliable clothier. No. 16 North Front street, Pureell House, sign of the Golden Arm. hich 6 "yyE HAVE OPENED THIS DAY A HAN O some lot of PLAID AND STRIPED ' FLAN NELS, suitable for Children's Cloaks or Ladles Wrappers. Also, 5d pieces of yard wjde Sat eens, elegant styles and super quality, at 12 cents per yard. A full line of India Linens, , from 8 cents per yard to the finest quality. A few handsome styles of Plaid Batiste and In dia Linen, fine fabric and low price. , feb3 , J. J. HEDKICK. Wew Arrivals. C f BOXES HENRI CO. FIG TOBACt 0, 1 KA BOXES PLUG AND TWIST, JOli ALL STYLES T BOXES PLl ALL STYLES TOBACCOS, )t nf ASSORTED CIGARS. OLJ,UULf Above to be sold at greatly re duced prices to close consignment.- r ' SAM'L BEAR, Sr., feb!3 10 Market Street '0M0NA HILL NURSERIES. Cheap Nursery StockS For Winter and Spring Sales 187-8 I have a large stock. of , APPLE TREES, Two and three years old, good var eties, that I will v- C lose O u t Cheap . 1: . - ALSOJ ' Plum, Cherry, Grapei &c. If you want anything .in the Nur orv line CHE AP, especially APPLE, send for mv Illustrated Descriptive Catalogue and Special Price List of surplus stock for Winter and Spring ales of 1887-8 only. .- ' Address. ' ? . J. VAN.flLINDLKV, fb 8 tf ' Pomona.- N. il. Hisses Burr & Jfmi, W ILL REOi-i.X TflKfll SCIKKiL t'OIC girls and little boys, on TUESDAY. Oct. 4. The course of .instnicfloii. an hf-reiofoiff, will be thorough and systematic, special attnOon givcit rr itfndinsr, u f ; ivc 3Insic an:! Plo'sloal eulnire. . Mrs. M. S. Ciwhinsr will, have charge of (U. Musical Departiiietit. ; ' ' ' Honrs for Kindrrgarten pupils from 9j to n For further particulars see iTlnclpai i. sept U '- . umbreHas UTS,

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