r PLEASE NOTICE. ' T .We 'will bcg-lad to recrlTO communlcatlcns from' our tricnOs on any -and. nil subjects or general tat crest, tout-":"" - .;: v i 4 The name cf Ihc writer must always be nw alshed to the'KUltor. s Communlcaflons must be -written only on one side of the paper. ' '"" V ' Itrsonalltlesmustbe avoided.'. And it Is especially and partiouIari3- nndt-f-stood that the Editor does not always endorse the vtew-s of correspondents unless so stated in the editorial columns. r Sundays excepts, U. f jaMES, Editor ma Pro?--f ' POSTAGE FAID: . V ,'. . '. . ..... -1 . tvr t Lni? ti - ' rtea oue uiXS5 cents, ur.rvi t carrt, free lb: - . - VOL XII W I LMINGTON, N. C MON DX M ARC H 9 1 888 NO 67 'Ill I I A T I V .-. JLiLJUU l. 1. i'1' u na roediuni through '..fteo iuck the ytem I t . .ittinnu. Risw in J- -fwJl'" t'-.- i. ft la n.nuH w anil uuwius - - LflfAJpetite. . 5ick Headacne, :.Rnd Breath, etc IVtruuiaadlosthe bowels. rd!rtn elUand not produce U.bclt,rf,fcuven. Toecure f I T f . ts!- c-.l to Simmon " ' I o to- -t. I fir-t toot fc. I -"'."?:...',,.h rood thatl . since then I v "it t-tt ujr!'vr v.- rfCJ.lI. ZKILINCO .. WX -U lit Th-iil-l l;tlMrer of New Yrk :v itiiintHT about ii.rifm. - It now H.ertetl that rreitleiit irfi-M If ft ?tok ami bonds of the .Us- if fc9V. A lot in !Vnv-r that vran purt-lias- V ly an early ttl-r for and a vvolTeroM the ither day for f 10,- t in. - Tii tKiby Kitii: of is sanl to be nRiirtfil with ajtoplexy, an hereil lury ili-av of his mother's family If AfVtlllirr The Krviirh transatlantic steani- rup coiupiny has lurms-hetl us irpt Ctt with complete apparatus r "IrMppinoil on the waves'dur :s bal iatlir. A nw itniiral instrument, the Uvi harp, the invention of M Dlt't, of Brussels, has passed a sucl fal prirate trial. It has a key board like a piano, but the mechan- sta plucks the htrings like a harp iitead of .striking them. Any pian t ran play it. " "",,B' la Paris the substitution of glass i winj for boards continues to in this being especially the case a thoe huMiiess structures in which the cellars are used as offices'. In or of these the whole of the eround m front i. paveil with large squares f roahened class imbedded in a "ton? iron frame, and in the cellars na:h there is sufficient light with - OUl as fur busInSK ntimovpu Tlion-hthe first cost of glass is much Kwer it almost unlimited dura- ""JtV K l'TVaf lv .r, IK . ... " hat a terrible ili.tetar Ua lnch occnrrcl Aun(;A t- "olf Railway, in Georgia, on Satur V lat ! The latest reports are ere killed and Sft Iniiinwl. soiue of these seriously. The train 7nt 1 hrouS a trestle' near Black 'ramUbour ;5 mi,es South of -aunan, and all bnt the engine aiuolisheil. The trestle was 40 Vlt abve the ground. The acci- -.m y;ou OCIOCK. ine k caught fire but the names u put 0ut. E. P. Wilbur, of the oae Jl 1rivate car- IIe i Urr Uetl aUl1 two wOn1 thett- UUni,Ills wife were on ,tl?ti and escaped. tsrnS '"T11; evangelist, has 4it inth t'l uuiir i miii i v;i vv -vruu. ine Demo H ! th,l,ir,l,ir,vl nd the Democratic and be swept IIIAL-Atllulifr " ,M tt recent fnterviur- ti, jiou of the Republican partv Pvtr ti "e 1'rohibition Ribubl eriMlrt ,U K-to "r 'UU ran : ? ... V Republican rtv if it will onlv ! at tlle WilmlnStn hirt Factory, Mr. Primrose, of the Second Presby- l't injures to Vtoi, th i. r Xo 27 Market street. J. Elsbacii, I terian Church, Rev. Mr. Creasy, of Nil-t(f u The o 11 i ,a 1r'- t Grace M. E. Church, Re vl Mr. Tut in t .. ,, . 1 r- ''IP old ines . x .r u.. u )Q th l iliJ lf1 e,n to resurrect them defeat. The U ''lxly rt,i,t l" ',':., ttor-.... WIP nni Kve the tharr men e durance ftn nent to the people- The Cixr receives from his treas ury officer every year 9,r0rt,000 ru bles for liouscfioKl expenses and 2,000,000 fiibleK for his stable. A ruble is worth Ci cents. In addition to this, the Crowii Prinr. now a lny at liorue.recei vps 2.000,000 rubles a vp.ir until h i- of ae. . There is iMirrenf aiuon the peas ants of n.ivai ia a legend that the long life of Kaiser Wiihehu wasdne to a inysteriou-i pliilter of w.hich his Imperial !Ma;e-fy alone possessed the secret. How the Kaiperor ob tained the iiiagie lvragH i? not kno .. It was u!d to Ih a kind of spirit. What von i:t--d i it tiifMlicin which iOtn e;li-int. reliable. Such is IIimkI's rjursaparilla. It pseses peculiar curative powers. local isr-ws. Index to Xi w"dvkktikmksts. tlliMitTi'ini" LiM-n Hjijvi-iiij1 XI F.) f-S:lM' l.ir:c.-rs ilslr I; il mi txris II .Mkje- :J;:J m M k.tz r.i-:i st.. iv Mriunrv .Vi.:lr Si-ii-ss 1 V." Zxna.KK X r, HuriiluilH's Watrr "Aliifl 1 1 K I N S K I! Kl. K K -TIk LlIl M Il: f'r live Fa Y v r i; K Mh.i.ku Il.mio!iil les I. ii ns 11m 10 hi um V.'a ntt"t. Jackson A: Hki.i. Al. Then Waxtki A FIrst-liate Man. TaYI-CR'S I'.AZAK ' t (JOKls 1I:inhbek;kk Easter Cards Likbeki; i)os Extract of Meat. K R LACnEKB.cn CoTCatairh .Ino V C.ARREUWcstern N C Beef. For other local see fourth page. Best shoes, for boys at French & Sons.. t The revenue cutter Colax left to day for Southport. The receipts of cotton at this port to-dav foot up 2(1 bahs. See the "Art fill.'. the best rat trap known, at .Tacobi's Ildw Denot. The new session of Prof. Bellezza's dancing school will open to-night for gentlemen aud to-morrow after noon for ladies. The dedicatory services did no take place yesterday at St. Paul's P. K. Church, as was expected, be cause of the fact that t he windows are not yet all in position. Mr. Jno. F. tiarrell received on Saturday last ut carload of fine Western .North Carolina beef cattle, the first instalment of which ill be on saleat bis stallsto-morrow morn in;?. m Uev. J. G. Frv, for a number of years pastor of St. Stephen's A. AT E. Church in this city, but recently located at Durham, is here to-day on bis way to Baltimore, he having been transferred from the N. C Conference to that of Baltimore Lester and Allen's "Early Birds" Burlesque Company have billed the town. They will appear at the Opera House on next Saturday night. They come with good en dorsements aud we may expect a fine show. Citizens residing in the neighbor hood of Seventh and Campbell streets complain of the fact that they haye been left in the dark by the city authorities. Formerly there was an electric light at that point but this has been removed and now there is no light at nil. The defect should be remedied. l.ock CryntM.1 Spectacle jtiul Kyeglasftett Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying votrer than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that' you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to thr-Might. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. ..oO dozen nil wool flannel shirts, in all shades and colors, for men and Ik-. from ?" cents and upward-. a ? Attention is invitetl to the. new I and iittr; Ladi Km.w.ri J' . i.iV-iTlVV.."- "I'''1 '" ",,e"i,,S ,h" new stock. M wnA.i t , ... Mnw L Mrs. WI; : .vm iu reiurneuwun ggins froiu the North and tmuf in chargw of the inilll- iHrtmcnt. I will conti ncry depa TIIK TAIIKKNACLK. The OpenW Meetlnc-lmmen.e Antil- mce-iiood Muiif, i"f. ' The first of the series of meetings 1... 1 1... f .. nr. Tooi. son at the Tabernacle, at tue toot. or Waluut street, was new - aR::JHr..Marsden. iBellaiuv.- tComiiiis- ni-ht. The preliminary exercises, ioner, sold at auction to-ilay -at-the which were conducted by Rev. Pey- Court House door, ; a lot sitnatedon ton II. Hoge, of the First Presbyte- tlPt corner uf Fifth "and -Taylor rian Churchv were announced tale g'treefsr for "32 cash. . Mr. C. H. gin at half-past 7 o'clock, but long, Wessell was the purchas:er. Maj. before that time the spacious room jx . O'Connor. Commissioner; also was tilled by a throng anxious to soJ ei,ht pieees of real estate; in hear ami participate in the openiug -various direction in the city, as ad exercises. From 7 o'clock until vertsed in the Daily RKViKW bjt s me timearter the; hour for open- - the sale of these has not yet been ing the services, every avenue lead -.continued. - Mr. 8, Van "Aniringe ing to the Tabernacle was thronged , was Tju. auctioneer.' J with ladies and gentlemen, rich and ' , r , i i i ii ....:...,! cheapest place to buv your poor, oltl and voung, all wengmg' . 1 1 . J . . ' , . f v, Hchool books and , school stationer v their WHVto the place of worship. . " , . i mi- i is.at Heinsberger s. , The crowd ins de the Tabernacle fc , .. , became so ttense that the large choir on the platform commenced singing very effectively some tine selections from Gospel Hymns. The music was conducted by Maj. H. li. Foster, while Mrs. W. F. Williams presided ably at the orgfin. The choir num bered about fifty singers; the parts were fairlv balanced and both time and tune were perfect, filling that vast auditorium with a volume of rich harmony. While the music of Gospel Hymns is not of a high order of musical merit, it is such as to ap peal tp the sacred emotions of the heart, and as such it is peculiarly adapted to praise, prayer and re vival meetings. The selections last night were peculiarly appropriate to the occasion and they were high ly appreciated by.the vast concourse of people. V At precisely b o'clock uev.. air. Pearson entered from a rear door and in an instant was the cynosure of all eyes. He is of about au ave rage stature, spare built, with jet black hair, and. a sharp penetrating voice. After a short prayer he com menced his discourse, taking as bis text the following words from Gala- tians vi:7, "Be not deceived; God is not mocked; for whatsoever a man soweth that shall he also reap" Mr. Pearson spoke with a good deal of dramatic force and effect. His gestures were graceful, appro priate and i in pressive,2yet there was at times a serious defect in his enunciation that prevented the listeners from catching his words. He spoke rapidly and his immense congregation were eager and atten tive listeners, and had it not been for the slight defect in uttej-ance we have named4 they would have been delighted. It was perfectly evident that he is thoroughly in earnest in his words and is full' im bued with a spirit of devotion and consecration to the will of his Mas ter. His arguments were logical, forceful and convincing. There is no half-way work in his theology. He believes in a heaven and a hell the former teeming with unutterable glories and the latter filled with in describable asronies. He scouts at the doctrines ofthe evolutionists and the Andover theology is to him diabolical. At the conclusion of the sermon the benedictio'n was pro nounced bv Rev. Dr. Pritchard and the congregation was dismissed. An invitation, however, had pre viously been given for .those who, felt an anxiety regarding their soul's welfare to adjourn to the room immediately in the rear of the Tabernacle, which .had been pre pared for the purpose, where they would be joined by the choir and by Rev. Mr. Pearson and ' the other clergymen present A large number accepted this invitation, and a short hue was spent in prayer and praise and iu conversation with those , who were present. Several were convert ed and after a few encouraging re marks from Mr. Pearson the au Ji- ence was dismissed. We noticed on the platform in the Tabernacle, besides the speakers- Rev. Dr. Pritchard, of the First Bap- ist "Church, Rev. Mr. Hoge, of the a " First Presbyterian . t;nurcn, i. tl of Tifth Street M. B.- Church, pv. Mr. Rieniid, of Uladen Street V-""": "IV,....":,. L, 'f'" conVregatio.. wa vrio.,tr.v' es-. .'...i. tliiiafed affrom 2,UXi lovw. uin cMiss Goodwin returned -with I, our own opinion the latter rium- !iIrs. Wiggins and will be pleased to her is not far from correct. . "receive nrdrs from theLtulics. r - yv !:r.otin dtiri!!-.:- the series m-h l:' tiiuafed at froui rc o, " vill be at 11 a. PPV Oicept Sirturdays. and Sunday mornings, at which tiuies in 1 ' T..V. 'm uc u r cmu;i - fiu rilatlr. s ty ... : m sale or Keal Ftate. '1. N KV A f VKRTIHKMKKT8. Want dJ A YOUNG GIRL TO LEARN THE MILLI- ncry business. tOtllP mch 19 yt, xpply, with recommendation?. LADIES' EMPORIUM, 113 Market Street. WANTKIi STICTLY FIRST-CLASS man for the sale of lubricating oils to the consuming-, trade In Wilmington and vicinity. lreTlous experience In this line not essential, but must be trustworthy man and good sales ma u. Permanent position and good salary to the right applicant, suitable applicants will lie granted opportunity for personal interview at Wilmington. Address, giving age, previous business experience and references. Vacuum OH Co., Kochester; N. Y.- - mch 19 4t Western .;A;;-'v.;'Bef !. RECEIVED ON SATURDAY LAST A CAR- load bl FINE- WESTERN NORTH CAROLINA BEEF; to supplement the SAMPSON STALL FED BEEVES received last week; This beef will be on saleat my Stalls - to-morrow morn ing and every day this week. I will be glad to have everybody call and see it. Orders tiled ahead will always receive my personal atten tion, and prompt delivery guaranteed In every Instance. , J. F. GARHELL, Front St. Market, South side. ' wch 10 St v W. E. Worth ;a's old stand, i THE LADIES' EMPORIUM ART 'AND FASHION ! i, - .. . 115 MARKET STREET. Mrs. Wiggins having just returned from the Northern Markets, where she made a close and personal in spection of all of the latest and most desirable styles in Millinery, Fancy Goods, &c, we would respectfully announce to the Ladies oiiWilming ton and vicinity that we j are now basily'engaged in . opening her pur chases, and we will be . pleased to have them call ; and inspect them. The stock consists in part of . MILLINERY, NOTIONS, FANCY GOOUSr DreGGTrimminfifo V- CO 1X8 GTS, 1 ; ' I" BUSTLES, AND LADIES" AND 8! A full line of Materials for Fancy and ; Art Vork constantly on hand. 1 Orders hi i for lniroiJery and Fancy Work. STAHrpINO DONE WHILE YOU WAIT. 'O . WHITE GOODS,- . j . j : ' LACES, -j : . . v ' EMBROIDERIES, LadiesVand Children's Furnishing " " -.i i Goods of all descriptions. T -o- Ladies' and Children's Flan nel Underwear, -o- O S I IE IR AND. I HANDKERCHIEFS, A SPECIALTY. j-vi w 4 mi? IvmI ac t-jvl iAifn1 anil sQ . """ "ltTr ..v. zTk Agency for DKMKROSTiTTKRNS Agency for "Dkmkrost LOST" SKWING Machinks. Vgebcy for f Lkwando'sI IFrencii :, - v;- 1 ent free of Uxpre Charge. , : . . . , . C-TTMis G j a-r.ppy SAri TkkatseVd C C : . n I Mn n n We man enough to r ft LC. convince,, K. Laudeebach tea. . - 1 -mcuioiw T73BroaU3t, iewariN. J. JJ C C A MONTH and BOARD for 3 Ertght D Ucrounfr or Ladles Ineaeh couufy. v , P. W. ZIEGLKRa" Co.; rniiacJeipulr, Pa. BXJORa HAiVt-S NEW STANDARD TURBINE V ; PATENT APPLIED FOR V Catalogue' Free, . Address YORK,.PA. I HAIR BALGAI71 J3f CJteen33 and beautifies the tut!?. Vsi 1 Promotes a luxuriant jfrowth. . SftsrjJ Never Fails to Restore Gray lilKL Hair to its Youthful Color. 'iyK&;?"S" Cures scalp distues.iKi hair failing ' HINDERCORSNSS. The safest, surest and best cure for Corns, Bunions, &i (tops ail pain. Eusures convfort to the feet. Never faij .3 cure. 13 cunts at Iruggists. i His cox & Co., U. J LltBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat. Invaluable for Dyspepsia, J An Efficient feme ft Invalids, Instanteins IVf Tea. Also for flavoring Soups, Sauces and ilade Dishes. ' : . Genuine only with Baron Lieberg's Signa ture In Blue Ink across the label. Sold by all storekeepers, Grocers and Drug gists, mch 19 4 w JUL JUL -MAKES- Wholly unlike artificial systems. 4 Any book learned in one reading. Classes of 1087 at Baltimore, 1005 at De troit, inoo at I'hiladelphla, large classes of Columbia Law students, at Yale, Wellesley, Oberlln, University of I'enn., Michigan Uni versity, Chautauqua, &c, &c-. 'Endorsed, by Richard Proctor; the Scientist; Hons. W. W Astor, Judah P. Benjamin. Judge Gibson Dr. Brown. K. U. Cook, lMnclpal N. Y. State Nor mal College, &c The system is perfectly Is perfectly taught by correspondence. Pros pectus post krke from - - PROF. LOISETTE. SJ7 Fifth ave., New York. HO! FOR THE CArB IBARl lDRIN VAL LEY RAMOAD! ii fJIHE LOCATION OF THE LINE OF THIS Road between Fayettevllle and Wilmington Is Undetermined. If the people of Pender desire i their County to secure the benefits of this great through route by running the road on the East side of Black River, let them arouse and attend a Mass Meeting to, be held for that purpose at Point Caswell at 11 o'clock A. M. on ; ' , ' ' - Wedntsday, March 28, '88. Competent Speakers will address the meeting. I JOHN R. HA WES, S. s. SATCHWELL, . BRUCE WILLIAMS, J. f" SIMPSON f W. T. BANNERMAN, R. H. MURPHY, A. H. PADDISON, i-- : JAMES N. HENRY. tKarch 19th, 1888, td dw Mrs. S T. Brice, I DRESS MAKING ... ' I - "' ' : " X . ' T HAVE MOVED MT DRESS MAKING Rooms to my residence. No. 112 Mulberrr St., between Front and Second Streets Will be happy to have the ladies of Wilming ton to call and leave their orders with me. Prices for work are as follows: t Ladies' Dresses from 4 to $10, Misses' Dresses from $3 to w ' Children's Dresses, from 8 to 8 years, $1 to $5. Children's. Misses' and Ladles' Wraps at very reasonable rates.- ' ' Special rates for Bridal Trosseaux. shrouds, from to $3, and made at the shortest noflce. : . . Country orders solicited. Ladles having two or more dresses made, will find a reduction In the price of their work. Work guaranteed. mch 2 2taw lm f m . i TEMPORARY REMOVAL ! YATES BOOK STORE. While the work of. I MPKO VING and EN LARGING my present store is in progress, I t have removed to . ' : " i t " . v 1 - ? one door East of .W.T.- agsetin Patnt.Store, wbore iwiu be pleases tos-ell my frlen 1 Jach lTS U C. W." YATES. YN FIFTH STREET BETWEEN MIX v , . - berry 'and" Walnut, , are not- fully, equipped, Horsv and vehicle: tor hire and horses lxhim- JiZVyormon,h- " - ftl -rt-' n. v.'. i::: r.ni- - NEW v AD VERTiaTJRT KNTb. V7ET COODG I THIS MONDAY S SALE J . Having bad some of our goods slightly damaged on the steamer this last trip from the Norf h, - we wilMlsposed of them this week at JL SAOBIFICE lv before putting them on our shelves. A LOT OF JEilSEYK, . :l a l6t OF liOSI ERV " v' . : i, A 'LOT. OP "HANDKERCHIEFS, A, LOT OF HATS. . ; V IN NEW SHAPES, V " A LOT OF PARASOLS. Come and see; Thev will be dis played. MONDAY on our counters, and sold as above mentioned, at a sacrifice.- Call early and avoid the rush at 'y. .; : ; ors 118 Marker Stropt, j WILMINGTON, N C. mch 17 -v:- The Rough and Tumble Suit for boys which arc now acknowledged to be the best suit on -the market. The fabric of these is guaranteed strictly wool, free from shoddy or cotton and will not fade. The seams being double sewed will not rip; the pockets are made from the best duck canvas and will not tear," and the buttons fastened on by the new patent process and will not come off. These sui ts only can bo had at a very low price of I. SIIRIER, the old reliable clothier, No. 16 North Front street, Purcell House, sign of the Golden Arm. mch 6 j ' - . Diamond Dyeo JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at . ' ' ..-'"...'-' ' F. C. MILLER'S, . German Drugstore, . . Corner S. Fourth and Nun Sts., P 8. Prescriptions filled at all times, day and night. , mch!2tf See Here , Tqu Man I D UNLAP, KNOX AND MILLER t All the. Popular Shapes lust in bv veetpr uays ireigm. Any oi me e above Shapes from $1.75 to $4.50. nATS I HATS! HATS! LOTJIS H MEARES, mch 13 - 12 NO. FRONT STREE. The Latest. V Second Kegiment Waltz, FOR PIANO. . .. Dedicated to the North Carolina State Guard 1. H. G It K Kfif J5W A L L. For Sale at i: ; HEINSBERGER'S . , BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. '. mch 15 Easter Cards. TT7ILL OPEN TO-DAY A LARGE AND f beautiful assortment of ! EASTBK CJi.'&JDS, Plain. Fringed and very fine ones ln-boxe?. Please call and makeour selections. , Cash orders frtm thf 'couhtry yr$ K' prompt ly attended! o at ' . HeinsbergQv'G Live Book and Music Store. mch 13 ' "yTE HAVE OPENED THIS DAY A HAN 0 some lot of PiaiD'ANI) STBIPED VLAN- ? NELS, suitable for Children's Cloaks or Ladf Wrappers. ALso. a) pim-s.of yard wide Sat eenK elegant, styles anf, suer quality' at 12 'cents per. yard. A ful liw ol ladia Linens from cents per yard to tlt? tiuoi ipwuty. a few handsome styles of vuui Uati-ic n'ci ir, cu T 5r ri ,ili;r. , v .. - ' '" "" " 1 1 - ' f "' ' Tayl Bazai EyGripllVIBLe BOYS SUITS