-: - i feAtun. face and Hmh, .f.fl like hi v brother, "MVhNoronp another. '!23 rn- w ". a twin, V?.oal knw whim. .,.ike thf matter worse. V.a S ni. by Tate' d.-cre-. contrary to law, in-line, 187-Vwhich said the sntenci was not lawful be yond od year. Tweed's release was therefore "ordered, .'fe was. how ever, hold in bail to the amount of 1,000.000. ami in default of this he -as i Miitnitted to Ludlow street jail. On )ecMi!ter 4rh he .escaped from the custody of two keener such districts to meet in RnleiVh on ab- or about the SOth of May iof district in each of said conventions. 2. The chairman, or in his scence any senatorial committee respective conventions, and hold our adversaries will make desperate the chairmanship thereof until the efforts this year to restore the State convention Khali elect its chairman. j to Radical rule with all its attend- Q HPlia .iv.a..I.. .n,.!tau nf a lit evilfi :r.of fwia mm mwl'..il A. it live tUIUlliii1 v- . v . m , liuu, cin;i member of the county, wunaions ana ioct' delegates to judicialand congressional . rwijrrwni tne districts at t, Louis . shuH onM to order their; We rwve rons to kuaw that I ...jliieneudojed b ., m when at school. ! r,lwv ttin- flowed. N 1 ! ,m turned out a bol. I ltion fruitlessly "' jVi, I kiifVt-; . i Ur,T. .!.i v.n do. if you were that y...i . re you?'' , . rinhlance turned the .'Srhor. ,y intvnded bride JVJ.i-' Ul- ... v.;.r the MLine on. . I I I All 111 . f ... 1 " l5jturiHTotier John. . . .. nil nnri'nilu ' ilAriliM-- !ch arr,ei:. V- :.-.t.ii A ft., tilt- ViLllie CotMi. ! runiiot be over-- i I with whom he had been permitted the senatorial, congressional and j democrats ; attend the conventions to ride in the lark and visit his resi-! judicial districts, respectively, shall of our iwrty, resolved to present for deuce. He remained concealed for ; at the call of their respective chair- tue suffrages of. the people men of several mor.ths. and tlin succeeded ! men, meet at soma time and place I character, integrity '-and recngnized In rachinir Cula, hence he went! in their respective districts, design-fitnex for the offices to 'which -the v to Snain. Her h wan arrested hviatedin Kaid call. And it shall be j the iMiiiish government, and do-, their duty to appoint the time and livcrMl fit oHicers of the United j place for holding conventions in States. - Inte in'the autumn of 'ISTO their respective districts; and the he was brouh .back to Xe York, I chairman of said respective commit :and ajraiu Ciuitinl in Ludlow street! tees shall immediately notify the above I chairmen of the different county executive committees of said appoint ment, aiid the said county execu tive committers shall forthwith call conventions of . thair . respective counties in' conformity to said no tice, to send delegates to said respec tive district conventions. - ,hr. iiw . . . I r Jehu christened me, jaut where he died on the date ' it christened him.. : mentions!.--A'. ". I)ipntch'. llr Alru lIf. r;;.r after v,ar tl Vanl luta went la V If we know all the methods of ap- Iiroach atloited byun enemy we are etter enabled to ward off the dan ger and postpone the moment when surrender becomes inevitable.- In many instances the inherent strength nf the ImmIv httflices to enable it to oiipo the fendency toward death. ?iany, however, have lost these for ces to such an extent that tnere is little or no help. In other cases a little aid to the weakened Lungs will make all the difference between Kialden death and many years of useful life. Upon the lirst symp toms of a Cough, ('old or any trouble of the Throat r Lungs, give that old and well-known remedy Bosch ee's (ieriuan Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what thousands say of it to be, the "benefactor of any home.'' are nominated, and only snch, and the continued supremacy , of p the white race, which is synonymous -in jNorth Carolina with the supremacy Of the Democratic party, will be as sured for another term of years; For the committee. , f R..H. Battlf:, Chiirri. B.C. Beck with, Seo1 v. v:i"b 1 STATK COXVKXTIONS. t. The State Convention shall be. composed of delegates appointed by A A the several county conventions. Each countv shall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate for everv one h mid red ami fifty Demo cratic votes, and one delegate for fractions ?over seventv-five Demo cratic. votes cast therein at the last preceding gubernatorial election; anil none but delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seats i in said convention": Pi-ovided That ! everv countv shall have at least one vote in said convention. GENKRAIt RULES. I'l.m of Onrml.-itlon of flu- DrniwnUIc Parly of North Cnn11n. TaA . i the hour of mid .1 ... !l I.. .lr.tK3rtli-il -r with Ivcr uith. ttrv in-. " . t I... . .11 I'- '. .... i:oi IS' tlf iwrm i-miii .mi. -$4,tlut uineor tu t hat struck? -L' .t rl . i. .... f..ti.u. ! ".riv: .iiir icrat -t;tiiiw' up until you go. and I m 1)KM. ('KXTKAL Kx. 'OM., The following is the plan of organ ization heretofore adopted by the for .he uinrmiir . s A b will Hilary. H State .Democrats? Coiuiuittee the goidaiK'-e f the party. TOWNSHIP OIKiAXIZATION. I. Tin shall be the township. In each I township there shall taii executive ., j committee, to consist of Jive Demo- rats, who shall be elected by the locratic voters of the several 1. Such delegates (or alternates of absent delegates) as may be pres ent at any Democratic convention shall be allowed to cast the whole vote to which their township or countv may be entitled. 2. if no delegate or alternate shall attend a State convention froiu any ounrv anv ie j 1 'resident of ii uri i vi ' ' ii 0 ilminffton Columbia , CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Fefceth, IS88. -Na 23. No. tC7. Leave Wilmington...! I-eaveMarton. I Arrive Florence....... '. M. i 8 031 ii as; 13 15 Na is. I Leave Florence. ArrlTe Sumter.. Leave Sumter. . . . Arrive Columbia. ..X 2 40 4 25 r. M. M0 101 ,12 411 " 1351 A. ii. P. M. t 2 40 5 33 0 2C P. Jl. JNo. 5a t P. M. t 6 40 I - 8 06 Na Tii NO. 58. 4 A. M. J R. M. 6 15 t 9 m 10 45! 8 27 9. 55 Col:?, Hoarfvness, Cronp. .4ptiima, 1112 Coil U. l'.H t'dii.-UJHrv trvU-a Sfif ots. Crti- It Tup is &oll fi if ;in fi If v.rL.isv'Irf t on. GeinUnA If,: Rati Si v'Tt-JP'flvi'S-:-3' v-rti.tjrr, Ix'ai-j our -WW Trr.:Ie-Mnrk to -m iti J&2i'i&Hil'v,'';l c" the m ii nrr-r- ' f- - r.n'i di A. O. M-ti-r l'rop'j, CaJtinioi-e, MJ., 5S. A. Chew Lante's Plua-The ervut Tofccro An td-e! l'nee l C) :ia. Sold Ly a;l Druczlst oct l eodd & wiy . . WHOLESALE PRICES. townships in meetings called by tiie liuut- 1 11 Huie i nai ne , com,tv execut ive committee. And lutti4 mjui". ! stud committee so elecaeil sliall elect -Hteatrliiifr varies a sec.omi i one of its members as chairman, ,1 It- U ii the habit of consulting , wno sjui 1rtside at all commiltee ttrrv frw uiinutcs lin lie tf ; ,ieetiii"s. Aitiu fur iu to retire. Uli. o ''he several township executive icr. Ifear. lUrvad, 1 treii.iJle -go.t,0,umittees j,.! ,.0,lVl.ne at the ilv-KerkaiR he will not hear. There wa.a5-miivUiketiiai oi lie: yentions, or at -any time and place ct, i I ftJk 4 ft 1 I M I ft ft W 1 1 . V.fcSIIIlA V m I ..t vf nn wt.t unt iiitii tliH lilirnt. I nua..v.. . ... C i uere smu tiic v. ...wt . ventions, or ut -any time arm piac Urawiic of irurk. the door softly !that a majority o! " thesii mav eleel 'ofneUamt cUl anJ Iiwrence ant sjm eect a 4.0iintv exeeiitiv ? . . . i !. 4. it I . a I thej.tarle.vs tenebriousDijrht. - A iiiorueut later there was a Hash. i f.iU.l ntrt a m'M veil, tin li til jiti Hitter oathe walk of flying, jfxiferej ami the tuaileirs terrible V oj-rtrire wa.-. realized as she be her father enter the hall with imokintf market in his hands. -oh! father. die shriekeil in an Lnr of ilrra-l, "You have killed l a! You lure killed hini! "5m. Iluiveti't. It was only peas; iia"! hurt much. It wan only ih!h.it will his folks in Hoston "Ptou! Was he "ftagiu. if 1'da-known that. I f,.i cave loii. led with Vutricr. I if tn hie fniliiru w itn SJrtrn rr unit of county organization ....... M,-J,1f i1D1 A,. In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote is cast there shall be no change in said vote until the final result of the ballot shall be announced by the chairman of said convention. 4. All Democratic executive com mittees shall have the power to fill nnv vacancv occurring in their re spective bodies. " .. '("hat the chairmen of the dif ferent countv conventions shall cer tify the list of delegates and alter nates to the tiuierent district ana Mate conventions, and a. certified list of said delegates and alternates to the State convention shall be sent to the Secretary of the State iVntral Committee. For the committee: H. H. Battlk, Chm'n. li. C. Kkckwith, Sect'y. The. followlnjr nuoiations reoresent whole- erson appointed ly the f ders V,igner prices Have to be cnarged. e the couniy convention, ,l4,otv No 52 runs through from. Charleston via Central K. K. Leaving: Lanes &34 A. M., Manning 9:08 A. it Sundays Na 54 leaves Charleston 818 A. MJ Lanes 10:28 A. M:, Manning-11:10 A. j Sumter 11:46 A. M., arrives Columbia' 1:10 P. N.) No. 53 runs Ihrougrh from Charleston la Central R. R., Leaving1 Lanes 7:18 P.M., Man- ninif 7a3 P, M. . ; Train on C. & D. R. R. coBneets at Florence wim iso. 5a , , - tllSCEI-LANEOUS.! Carolina Central Ifcilrc: 1 Oompaiiv; CHANGE OF SCHltDULE. AVESTDOUND TRAINS. . . r Jan. 1, 1833. Leave Tllmlngton Ar. Iaurlnburg. . . ': ';i ' i'- Lv. Lanrinburg. Leave Damlet. ... Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Cliarlotte. . . Leave Llncolnton. Leavf; Shelby Ar. initherfordton No.1. I No. 1 dally ex.4 dally ex. Sunday. Suxday. 6 40 pail vz 'Si am 13133 am 2 m am 7 oo am r . NoTs'df Triweekly. 7 a ? I,o. .. . 8 43 am; 11 ( ami J13 Wrmt r 3 tx)pm V EA8TBOU31D) TRAINS Jan. 1. 1S8S. - No. 2. . No. -4. dally eXjdallyex. Sunday. Sunday TRAINS GOING NORTH. iNo. 7ffc No. 57. NO. 53) . 1 ' L. P. M. A. M. P. M. Leave Columbia 10 25 6 50 5 33 Arrive Sumter li 53 8 13 6 4fi No. 58. Leave Sumter l "53 t 8 22 Arrive Florence ...... l 30 9 40! r A. M. A. M. No. ffi. No. 14. A. M. P. M. Leave Florence : 4 35 t 10 30 8 20 Leave Marlon 5 221 11 11 8 55 Arrive Wilmington... 3 351 2 10, 11 50 A. M. ! P. L ! P. M. Dally. tDally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, C. 8 14 8 10 from Botn?M li.tntit.-e' CwiompUon Sarvly Currtl. T thk EniTOR-PIea.se inform rraJenthat I have a poitive sJj fur the above named disease.. 1 a timely ue thousands of hope- fa. hare been peniianently I -"hall W lad to send two "w my remedy frkk to any juur rva,Vrs wim nave consump- anther will mih1 m thiV V w I1IV AC A. s. Ret- -iHHtofflce adtlrei IV Crrr of -Bom Twetnl." SS?1 hs born in i"01-'..18 anJ tlied in , .TSfotamou school tdnca- auL i 7Jh tr:uI ot chair .Inlheas made an -n rPrtocon-r where -1 rSt!8aper.v,orof "ew York r"irtnan an,? , , 50m5ioner from reet commls- IMlhe ; fi10.1 From 18G7 Jhe7. aie senator. In YSrg01?' Public xvor s t4 to thf U vas he -r.- Ce that n sums of nubl c committee, to cunist of not less than live members, one of whom shall be designated as chairman, who shall preside at all of said com mittee meetings. .t. In case there shall be a failure on the part of any township to elect j ltsev-utivecommitteefortlie period of thirty days, the county executive cn.iiiiiit'iee shall appoint said com mittee from the Democratic voters of taid township. 4. The members of the township committees shall elect to any va cancy occurring in said committees. 5. The county executive commit tee shall call all necessary county conventions by . jivin at least teii days notice by public advertisement in three public places in each town ship, at the court house door, and in anv Democratic newspaper that may 1 published in said county, requesting all Democrats of the county to meet in convention in their respective townships on a com mon day therein stated, which said dav shall not be less than three davs The Committee to the Party. 11 A lk I nil, N. C, Feb. 25th, '88. 7o the Democratic Party in North Carolina: At a meeting f the Democratic State Kxecutive Committee held in this city, on the 23d of February, in stant, it Was resolved that the Dem ocratic State Convention be held in the citv of Raleigh on Thursday, the SOth day of May, 1888. The said Convention will be held for the nomination of candidates for the offices of Governor, -Lieutenant-Governor, Secretary of State, Audi tor. Treasurer, Superintendent of PublicInstruction.AttorneyCfeneral, three Justices of the Supreme Court one for the vacancv now filled by appointment of the Governor, and i he bail KtS; Casein rUon of for these 'ThPriated to private 1 famishing InNeV York : a to u . U,en,one repres ... Ilt on this work ' :U pZ actually devoted T corrupt ir3ii j!? arrestetl in a r-l broutrht lv btlinir i.A "'d at 1 fimvi boon fiM ;ui'uy irn Ulml "U was ?,t. CI"5 Inld'V ""dm nottak III - - .u eilllwir luM l tion on was releasMtl TMr . UCIIllll on nam n.i 1 :5tto t :,am:iw ia, i,e W - Win rmm im-u .oveiiiWr nal which resultetl " oftli jur 1 -nt "Tryof tAOrHinmi I Hack- fine of was KS.Ooo.omi n...i TinTnter 7 lis nrbvthJ vitw before the meeting of the county convention, for the purpose of elect ing their delegates to the county conventions. Thereupon the con ventions so held shall elect their delegates to represent the town ships in the county conventions from the voters, of the respective townships, whh-h delegates,1 or such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Democratic strength of their respentive townships on all questions that may come before the said county conventions. In case noconvention shall be held in any township in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made, the township executive committee shall appoint Mich delegates. G. Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every twenty-live Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of fifteen Democratic, votes cast bv that township at the last preceding gubernatorial election: Jnyvidedt That every township shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, aud each township may send as many delegates as it may see lit. 7. Iti cases where townships con sist of more than one ward or pre cinct, each of said wards or precincts hall be entitled to semi delegates to county conventions, and shall cast its proportionate part of its townships vote, based upon the last preceding vote for Governor in said township. 8. The chairmen of township,' committees shall preside at all town ship conventions. In their absence any other member of said committee may preside. 9. (n ca.ves where all the town ship executive committees are re quired to meet for the purpose of electliig county executive commit tees, said meetings shall lx deemed to have a quorum hen a majority of such towiishipsshall be represet ed in said meetiiiir., COUSTY AND DISTRICT COXVKXTIOXS. 1. The several county conven tions shall be entitled to elect to their Senatorial, Judicial ami Con gressional Conventions, onedelegate and one alternate for everv fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for fractious over t went v Ave 'Dem ocratic votes east at tlfe last pre ceHhng gubernatorial election in their respective counties, and none uut delegate or alternates so elect M fchall be entitled to seats in said convention: Provided. That every couuty shall have at lea.-1 one vote two to take their seats In case the number of Justicesshall be increased by the vote of the people and of two Electors for the State at large, and for the election of Delegates and alternate Delegatesto the Dem ocratic National Convention to be held in the city of S. Louis on the 'th day of June next. Also, for the adoption of a platform of principles and the transaction of such other business as mav come before it. I It ill be observed that the.State convention is to oe nem earner mis year than usual. This was necessary in order' that the delegates to the .National Convention, to be held the week after, may be selected. The National Convention is called earlier than usual in order that the arty may be better organized and a more thorough campaign made in behalf of. its nominess and its great principles. TJie same advan tage attends the earlier meeting of our State Convention and nomation of its candidates. The State committee respectfully urge upon the county committees throughout the State to take early action for the call of their county conventions, in accordance with the plan of organization which is publish ed ith tin's address, giving full no tice of meetings in the different townships, so that vrirnar ie iua.y be fairlv heldand fully attended. Thus the fairness of all nominations and other business done uius be univer sally conceded. It is obviously im portant that every county shall be represented in the jtate Convention by one or more of its own citizens, hilt if for any reason one cannot at tend, provision has been made for the representation' of the county by any person appointed by the chair man of the county convention, or in case his failure to appoint, by one appointed by. its secretary. For purposes of efficient organization it is desirable that all vacancies in the different committees be filled at once by active end zealous men. At the recent lueeting of the State committee it was made my duty to call special attention of the chair men of county and Congressional executive committees to the necessi ty of immediate steps to provide for the election of delegates to the - Na- BAGGING Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina. Hams. . Shoulders y lb SJdes. flb.... WESTEKN -SMOKED Hams, y n ' Sides, lb... Shoulders, J lb..... DRY SALTED sides, lb.. Shoulders, H. ....... ...... BAKKE1.S Spirits Turpentine. Second Uand, each. New, New York, each....:. New, City, each , BEESWAX, y lb BRICKS, Wilmington, y M. . . . Northern BUTTER, w lb- North Carolina Northern. CANDLES, y lb. Sperm Adamantine CHEESE, J lb Northern Factory........ .. Dairy. Cream State COFFEE, tb y Java Lajjuyra Rio CORN MEAL, y bush, In sack3. Virginia Meal COTTON TIES, ? bundle..;.'.-, DOMESTICS Sheeting, 4-J, $yard Yarns.- bunch EGGS, doz v FISU Mackerel. No. 1; bbl.... L00 00 Mackerel. No. 1. y half bbl. 7 50 Mackerel, No. s, V bbl i Mackerel, Na 2, half bbl.. . Mackerel, Na 3, y bbl Mullets, y bbl N. C. Roe Herring, y keg... Dry Cod, y lb FLOUR, y bbl Western, low grade .Extra t " Family City Mills Super " . Family GLUE, y lb... grain, y busheL Cora, fm store, bags, white Corn, cargo. In bulk, white. corn, cargo. In bags, white. Corn, mixed, from 8 tore. . . ; Oats, from store . , oats, Rust Proof cow Peas HIDES, y lb Green Dry i. hay, y loo lbs 13 10 1 40 0 00, 1 65 20 6 00 0 00 -SB 15 -' 8tf 11 ; 9 iifl . 50 - via M.. (9 8 00 14 00 70 90 15 25 18 9 11 13 9 27 23 20 00 00 1 25 6 00 18 (si (a 25 30 . t 25 10 13 14 10 k 28 24 22 67X, 30 80 20 9 00 4 75 7 80 6 00 3 00 5 3 50 4 00 4 50 4 00 4 50 8 00 00 00 (12 50 8 00 U00" 6 00 9 00 , 7 00 4 00 10 4 od 4 50 5 00 W 4 10 500 10 (4 42tf 00 80 5 10 05 85 90 .. 1 40 Eastern Western North River HOOP IRON, y LARD, y lb Northern North Carolina.. LIME, vt barrel.. lumber. City Sawed. M ft Ship Stuff, resawed 18 00 Rough Edge Plank 15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 scanUlngand Board, com'n.14 00 MOLASSES, y gallon New Crop, In hhds. 25 in bbls 28 Porto Rico, in hhds 28 . in bbls 30 Sugar House, In hhds 00 " Inbols. - 18 syrup, Tn bbls 22 NAILS, y Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. 2 40 OILS, vgauon. jv6ro3cUC Lard ( Linseed. v Rosin.. Tar Deck and Spar POULTRY Chickens, live rown. . " Spring.... r.. Turkeys....; PEANUTS, y bushel, 22 lb. POTATOES, y bushel sweet.... j. Irish, y bbl PORK, y barrel City Mess Prime Riunp.i RICE Carolina, y lb . Rough, y bush, (Upland)... " (Lowland). RAGS, y lb Country....... City ............... ROPE, y lb SALT, y sack. Alum Liverpool.... Lisbon American SUGAR, P lb standard grain.. Standard A White Ex C Extra C, Golden C Yellow .'. I SOAP, y lb Northern SHINGLES, 7 in. y m .. . common............ Cypress Saps.., , cypress Hearts STAVES, y M w. a Barrel R.O. Hogshead........ . TALLOW. tb.. TIMBER, y M feet Shipping 2 65 63 67 . 65 45 52tf 90 5H 12 10 95 00 central li. R., arriving Manning 7:20 P. Lanes R;02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral R. R., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 9:33 A. M., Charleston 11 :30 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train fur Cheraw and Wadesbora Nos. 78 and I4"make close connection at Wil mington with W. & W. 14. R. for all points North ' JOHN F, DIVINE. General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt- Transportation. T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent, feb 10 . Pi 1 ill tto linilroiuf To. fX AND AFTER FRIDAY, , DEC. t, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day: '1 going South. j No l Passenger and Freight. ieave Hamlet, N. C... 850 A. 5L Arrive at Cheraw, s. C... 9.30 A. M. going north. . No. 2 Passenger and Freight; Leav Cheraw, S-. C .4.25 P. M. Arnve at Hamlet. N. c .5.35 P. M. dec 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't. Lv. RutLerf ordton! Leave Shelby Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte.. Leave Charlotte.. . Leave Hamlet... Arrive Ljurinbmrg Leave Laurlnburg. Arrive WTlmingt'n 8 OOpnvi i 2f am 2 17 am 2 27 am 8 25amj I 8 40 am 10 52 am 13 4t pm 3 oo pm. Nos 8 a 6 Trt-WeeUy. 7 05 am 2 30 pin 4 oo pm Na 6. 5 45 am 4 25 pin Trains No. l and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Care between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. -. Take-Train Nql I for StateavlllA and Ktatlnfts on W. N. C. Ii. R. .nd points West. Also, for Spartanburg. Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also, for Ashevliievla Spartanburg. - Local Freight Ncs. 5 and 6 trlweekly be tween Wilmington and Laurlnburg. " Ix)cal Freight Nos. 7 and 8 dalLv between Laurinbui-g and charlotie. r c Jones, superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Ageut. ; JO.il a The Acme MANUFACTURING CO. .. '. ...... . Ht. JIAXNUrAtJlLIUJiKS OJT Fer ilizers, P.ne Fibre and Pine Fibre Matting, Wilmington dtWeldonR. R AND BltANCflCS. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. No. 27 No. 15 Dated Jan. 8, 188a No. 23, Ft Mall dally ek dally. dally. Sunday. LeaveVeldon 3 05 pm 5 43 pm 6 00 am Ar. Rocky Mount. 3 17 pm 7 15 am Arrive Tarboro... Leave JTarboro. Arrive Wilson.... Leave Wilson..... Arrive Selma.: Arrive Fayettevl'e ?4 50pm... . 10 50am.. 3 53pmj 7 00pm 7 48 am 4 10 pmi 5 19 pm 7 45 prja 8 (s 10 & o no . h 20 00 16 00- 18 00 22 U 15 00 ... J v 261 30 3 30 :J5 15? 18 351 9 .. 16 .. 90 .. 15 .. 00 .. 00 20 10 .. 95 .. 60 .. 35 .. 3 25 ..17 50 .15 00 .. 00 . 4 . CO 80 00 1 . ; . 00 . 4 50 0 00 . S 00 : ooo . 5 .13 00 3 14 70 65 00 (4 00 CX 0 ( 0 Q oo a & 2 50 14 3 1 45 1 00 (4 165 m , 22 & . 25 ' 0 & 100 90 & 60 & 2 75 18 00 J (a iff oo C415 00 Leave Goldsboro. Leave Warsaw. . . Leave Magnolia.. Ar. Wilmington.. 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 40 pm 8 40 pin 9 55 pm 8 40 am 9 38 am 9 54 am U 35 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 14, dally. NO. 78. .dally. No. 66. dally ex Sunday. Leave Wilmington ,Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. 12 05 am( 9 00 am; 3 45 pm 1 21 am 1035 ami 5 28 pm lo soam 5 50 pm 2 23 am 11 50 am 6 52 pm Leave Fayette vllle j i 8 30 am Arrive Selma J... 110 50 am ....... Arrive Wilson 1 Ill 59 am. ...... Leave Wilson. i 3 02amjl2 42pmi 7 48 pm Ar. itocKy Mount. j ...j i lapmf 8 24 pm Arrive Tarboro. . . j 4 50 pmi Leave Tarboro.... f.. . .... . 10 50amj....... 5 80? 001 IXC 75 701 00 70 'L Arrive Weldon....t 4 80am) 2 40pm 9 35 pm Dally except Sunday. -" Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland . Neck" at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except Sunday. . Train leaves Tarooro, js. u.. via Aioermarie & Raleigh R. li. dally except Sunday, 6.00 P. M., Sunday 5-00 P. m., arrive vviiuamston, j. t;., 8.10 P. M.. 6.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll- llamston. N. C, dally except Sunday, 7.40 A. M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrlvo Tarboro, N. C, 9.45 A. M.. 11.30 A. M. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro. 'N. C. dally except Sunday, 8.30 A. M. arrive Smithfleld, N. C, laoo A. M. Returning leaves Smlthheiu, N. c, ia45 A. m., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 12.10 P. M. Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.0U P. M., arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves. Spring Hope 10.40 A. M.. Nashville 11.15" A. M., Rocky Mount LL55A, M.. dally except Sunday. . - - Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for hhuuwu; ou J" voum? or Aid? no swrfal ahllltv rpniilMHl . KeLurning leaves uinwra at 8.ioa. al( connci- it-nt nfirtPrt- n Tm ,rtt t t7,V 1r. nn1 uir I ' . , w. .v. - mv ..XJ W. i rwit A-nn otm t-rk no ani utawIII w-. -o WT I T TV IT f XT rl T Vt ' ' fjpiIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS , the ACME and GEM, is now established, and the resulteof three years' use In tW hands of the best farmers of this and other States fully - attest their value as a high grade manure. , J i i ne m A'rnjNo, made rrom the leaves or our , native pine, Is conceded to be equal to any ' nwuj uarpet lur comiorx ana aurauiuty and tne demand for It Is dally Increasing. ; It has vlr ' ium jjjju iuuuu in aujr uiuer uunc . r , ; , " . . The FIBRE or wool is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for , Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elasttc and proof against Insects. , , ' certincates from reliable parties using pur . goods can be seen at our office, or will be mail ed upon application. 1 ian 4 tf n mm child mads thk iiwr FJUNDREDS OF MEN IN WILMINGTON think they have their lives Insured. Kom nf them will die while under this impression and their families will discover too late that It was an Illusion. This has hanoesed in Wilmington rtnrino- the past month by the failure of the jtrst zS sessment company that commenced business here. Othersi will fnllnw uvm nafAM too late, make sure trovlslons for vnur famfiv . in .a life insurance company that has stood the test during generations. , . The Mutual Life Insurance company of New York; is the oldest, largest ana best company in the world. Its policies are incontestibie. are paid immediately on the receipt of proof of death, and are liberal in their conditions. ' Assets now over f 118,000,000.00. t e JM M. S. WILLARD, Agent, , feb ,27 214 North Water St. liu UD h0a wonders exist in thousanda aUjhLiir ot forms, but are surpassed by the -- marvels of invention. Those who ro In nmiil nf nrnfltdhla nrru-lr thnf nan while llvlnsr at home should at once Rent rhpir address to Tlallett & Co., Portland. Maine, and Tfrp4vt fret full InfnrmAf lnn hnw otthar wr ot all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wherever they live. You are started free. Capital not required. Some have made ' , over $50 in a single day at this work. All suc ceed,, nov22 6mdlyw 5 TPTTT TT vewaruea- are inose wno llLMIj.Y read this and then act; they "w"'- m will nnd honorable emniov- mAfit tat. will Tint taV-o fhom frnm thnU v,.., r. and families. The profits are large and sure , for every lndustiirus person, many have made and nn nnw malrln? wvpnu himrlrorl iiMion a month. It is easy for any one to make fs nnrf nnurgrrl norriav wnn la iir111nv ..-i- - Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: " we. start you. Everything new- .Na special ability required; 3 0a, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stinscn & oo.. Portland. Maine. , nor 25 tiamwiy INVENTION' has revolutionized - world dunne the . half century. Not - among the wonders of inventive progress is method and system of work that ci l be per formed all over the country withou ; -separating the workers from their homes. Pay lit eral; any one can do their work: either sex. Fine Mill. i..,..ll 25 13 oori Mill Prime......... 7 50 (4 8 50 i im Fair. 5.00 1 o oo 1 1 Common Mill.......v...:...'5 00 (4 0 00 ; .V inferior to orainary z m w ou . V3 5 OO 4: 30 : lng at Warsaw with Nos. south oound iTain on Wilson s Fayette vine Branch Is Na 51. Northbound is Na 5a 'Dallr ' except Sunday. g-Tj lYain Na 27 South will stop only at Wilson, 5t 4 Goldsboro and Magnolia, cij Train No. 7 makes close connection at Wel SiJ don lor all point a North daily. All rail via 7 Oo'T i Richmond, and dally; except Sunday, via Bay 'l'ralns make elese connection for all points ! North via Iflchraond and Washington, i I Ail trains run solid between Wilmington and ! Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ' era attached. - . k i i JOHN T. DIVINE, Genl Supt. j. k. ivikZSLx, sup u xraosportauon. 250 S (4 5 00 (4 7 50 .; 14 00 i 4R)00 I (4 &! H 00 1 13 Olf X. M. EMEItsON. Gen'l Passenger Agent. : - . . a m xl 1!J. iionai i;onveiiuon iroui wieuiiiereiiv whiskey, y gal Northern..., 1 oo districts. If itfhall neem iuipntcti-j North Carolina.... .......... l w cable to call conventions to meet in opu V -Washed.-23 l)ur-j Burry . 10 15 end ; trrr : :-.mr ... , , . . . A A. iv.n A Co AGENTS 5.. FOR i out and return to us and we will send you free. something of great value and importance to you, that will start you in business, which will bring you In more money right away .than any thlnsr else in the world. Grand outnt rn- Address Tkub & Co., Augusta, Maine, . , nor s; tana iyw ,; . - InsurancG, jCCIDENT, FIKE. LIFE, MARINE, RENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. I , - Apply to . -' ' ': 't t ' r SMJTu & BOAT WRIG H T, v : nu. iz . watersireot f - Telephone Na 73 'mchmr ''j. i. . for this that the may he ofTected bv authorizing del- crate, to thci5t".t-3 Ccnver.rion frcr.i some of the districts pose, it is supresiHii r.ov the "Artful, lid A. . A. A. - )t'i rat. trap rv-t. t S ENERAI INSURANCE Fi UK. LIFE. MARINE AND ACCIDENT. Over $-;0uo paid out for death losses tor year ; ISo7. iu Wil'iun -Tion, N. C. i 1. ?Tany Vlor, "Weaknofs T.o-3 nf ?.! 5aintly retU'roJ Vy thn Te of ca ,-, nor - Iy. Tlie I'er? fa Tr x - j r-vr-rf- art -i fr