PLEASE NOTICE. , , We will toe glad to recelro commcatf c i jetrrjeftrSk.Sandaxa except pjaS8 MES, Editor and Prop. -KimON-S POSTAGE PAID: . wit months 12.00. Three from our friends on any and allsttjecta or general Interest, bus ; . ; . The name of tne writer must alTraj-3 be fux- nlsned to tne Editor. one month, 33 cents. Communications must be written only on w delivered by earners. Tree if0crBMP",'reefc SreslowandUberaL io revive tb. tr paper n-yularly. one aide of tne paper. Personalities must be avoided. v And It la especially an particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated VOL XI L WILMINGTON, N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1888. NO 76. In the editorial columns. THIS PAFKK If V '. f - - . ' r- . - . TITO 1 i iiAi--ic j iior.i or Aldermen. . a substitute for Alderman Pearsall's The KoftM of Aldermen met in motion that the report be adopted speeiai session yeieriiay auernoon and sent to the Board of Audit and for the purpose of receiving bids for pinance foP their action. OUR NEW PUBLIC BUILDING, furnishing supplies, etc., for the de partments of the city government for the eusuing year. The full Hoard was present. Mayor Fowler pre siding. PURELY VEGETABLE. IYER, Sidneys. - m. AN O J jV;.UU. At EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR . . .... Horl Complaint. Affection. Jaundice. w..l lx-nrIoii, Colic. 55 After further discussion Alderman Ricaud's'motion was adoptel. Aldermen Fishblate submitted a motion that theCoinmittee on Streets i 'and Wharves be. instructed to ereti jfiu tor keeping city teams were estimates for navimr Market street rec-ived from J. W. Taylor, J. H. from Front to Second with Belgian i t - i r - r ii i - I joue.s uuu is.. ,. rreu, iiuu uu iuu .ik n.1vno. f , iiou were r-ierreu to ine i.ommiiree oneWock eftCh vear. until the 'whole on .treers ana wiuirves, airer uis- street is paVel. Adopted. , cussion as to me payor iriversoi4 Alderman Price offered a resolu- city carts, Aldermen Rice and Samp- tion instructing the Mavor to invite son claiming i nat a positive promise proposals for building a wooden . . . 1 1 . A . . . At A. 1 '1L! was muue lasi enr urni wnen iius bridjre over the railroad cut on Fifth matter came aain before the Board street, but withdrew the resolution that the drivers should be allowed on a report on the same matter be- me same pay as srreet nanus, ti- in,r rr,a, f-M11 th frfB AS IT "WI3L.XJ TiiOOK: "WTEIElSr COM- iaHii . .. 11 t - TTTfll L Tl Is Hssseaoia baonia oe nucoai u, 1- !Tn"iiv an l. ur of nuffcrlm; nnd 12 ailoiUr in time m l t!.x-tori' bills. THERE IS BUT ONE SIMMONS LIVER REGULATOR - fr,mi mi Vntf. Prprd oly by l M 2EILIN &. CO..SUPrprUlor. iiclfpiiwij ch sat wharves t'ommittee, wnicn recom uiended that the matter of building jthe bridge be indefinitely postponed until tlie condition of the city finances would permit of the con- . struction of such a bridge as would prove alike ornamental and perma nent. - On motion of Alderman Price, the ! report, of the committee was laid on nally, on motion of Alderman Dud ley, the "committee, was instructed to secure bids for feeding the mules, the city to furnish the drivers. Mrs. Jane Sheehan was awarded the coutract for feeding prisoners, on motion of Alderman Dudley, she being the lowest bidder". Bids for lighting the streets of the city were received from the Electric LightCompaiiy--to furnish 51 lights, J the table until the next meeting of LOCAL NEWS. 1PIX TO NfW ADTIBTX3I MINTS. Lens II Mint- Hats Ut:viiEi-Tfce Latest r v MiUM-W-unond Dj es j io r r.4wux-Kiter Market N Y wiult uiiU-PrcsldenUal Year lVt hoe for boys at French & Son. school i-Ws tor children, best in the citv. at tiea R. French & Sons.t Tli cheapt phce to buy your M-hoo books and school stationery U At Heia'btTjri'r's. as at present, at $10.50 per lamp.and from the (ins Light Company, to furnish lamps for streets at $2 for each lamp alley lamps at $2.50, and lights for public buildings at $2 per thousand feet. The bids were re ferred to the Committee on Lights. Bid for furnishing lumber was re ceived from 8. & W. H. Northrop, and referred to the Committee on Streets and Wharves. The contract for city printing was awarded to S. (i. Hall. Coutract for advertising was awarded to W. II. Bernard, proprie tor of the Wilmington Star. Alderman Fishblate submitted an agreement made by the finance Committee with the Wilmington, Onslow & Kast Carolina Hail road Company. Alderman Pearsall said he was the Board. -Alderman t isnuiate said tnat in the estimates for next year he would like to have an appropriation made for a clerk to attend solelv to the Police Department, and offered a motion that the Mayor be empow- PI3a?3T3. ; The Pearson Meeting. The Tabernacle was again filled last night Jand it was noticed that many persons from paints outside of the city were , in attendance. The congregation is estimated. at about 3,000, of whom about Sf.OOO.remained to the inquiry meeting. .There was a large number of penitents and 59 conversions. Id all there have been about 200 conversions thus far as a result of these meetings. Swedish barque -- Magnus Iluss Hazeisea, cleared late yesterday af ternoon, for Antwerp with 1,017 bales of cotton and 2,221 ' barrels rosin. rained at $49,850, shipped by Messrs. Alex. Sprant & Son. , . The Wilmingtbn Cotillion Club will give their closing ball on Wed- nesday night, April 18th. , Easter Parltot. T WILL HAVE AN UNUSUALLY FINE DIS- play of Meats on my stalls for Saturday's Mar ket. Stall-Ped Beef from HamDson.Slue tir.iHs from the ilountalns and beautiful Pender orders booked ahead. Free Hood's Saraparilla is peculiar to IMfjuhl superior to all other pref not prepared to act . he Uesired that Iaratiynsin strength, economy, and , . rtl niarif I IUIIMUCI UIIUII Ur UTiri ITU 11 11 Lit LUC7 . . . next meeting. .Vfc thoe who have tried and tliey Alderman Rice objected to consid- wnlMl you that the Boy Clipper eration beinir deferred and it was Plow the bet male. Sold only at nnail v ucreed that it should be con- Jicobi's, who is the factory agent, t gidered. and the agreement was 30 dozen all wool flannel shirts, in read by the clerk. It provides that all shades and colors, for men and tlie bonds of $100,000, payable on Kv, from 73 cents and upwards, t,ie firtit of January, 1918, and bear- atthe Wilmington Shirt Factorv. M"K interest at the rate of six per cent, shall be deposited with Messrs. iUCaUO 4. hi I Fine Llaeu Bosom Shirts for 39 Cents The Mayor asked that his vote J Worth 85 Cents. should be recorded in the negative i. Shrier, at No. 16 . North Front and announcedthat the vote being J street, will sell , on Saturday only, ered to employ a clerk at a salary of a tie, Alderman Rice's motion was! March 31, Fine Linen Bosom Shirts WOOner annuiiL rejected. , f I for 39 cents, worth 85 cents, also ' . . . . - . i Alderman Dudlev asked what had Alderman Rice protested against I Fine Silk Scarfs at 19 cents, worth become of the police clerk. The the Mayor's vote Dei ng recorded. Mavor had heen authorized to an- Alderman Ricaud moved that the point a clerk, but the appointment Mayor appoint Gilbert H. Green po had not been made. hce court clerK at a salary oi $iw. I The motion was seconded by Al- JL 11V JJUkCfc T JX CU1U tl J C V tllV JLV- V V m. I , Audit and Finance had refused to Merman Fishblate, and the appoint rnnflrin th nnnninfniPtit lueut ueiuK mmie n.c j.jvji o I r i i Al T 3 Alderman Dudley said that the connrmea oyiue nouru. office then had been abolished with county Mutton, delivery. J. F. GARRELL, Front St. Market, South side. ! i W. E. Worth & ija's old stancu "Another car load of Mountain Reefer. peoted next week. Due notice of Its arrival win oe given here. mch 29 it 1888 1888" Presdential Year. , 50 cents; Boys' Suits, ages from 13 to 19 years, at 3.80, worth $5.50; Children's Suits at $2.50, worth New York Weekly Herald, containing an impartial epitome each week , - cir Tir ii r j t 4. I vi me movements or au political parties, will $5.25; Walking Canes at 10- cents, be mailed to any addressln thlJnlSd states oi tne movements of all political parties, will worth 50 zents; Stiff Hats, light and SS,JB&-- the darK coiors, at $, wonn $.ou. I. SHRIER, men 29 Address, JAMES GORDON BENNETT, Alderman Dudley asked if the The Old Hatter, No. Reliable Clothier and 16 North Front street New York City. out authority of law. He (Dudley) resolution authorizing the Mayor to (purcell House.) Sign of the Golden Arm. change of scenery in theatres which is so simple that it seems curious principle of the. thing throughout. y to confirm such appointments No J7 Market Prop. street, J. Elsbach, t AUbpatch for Bermuda says: Schr FtHJktiA f l',tf,. tii r.... - .ruicio, AUil, IIU1U II II 'iti?toD, X. C, for Philadelphia, aich put in here 18th, is leaking "SMI? in top sides. She isrepair- k. and will Ket away as soon as Mils are completed. , Geo. Chadbourn, Isaac Bates and W. A. French, trustees, upon these terms: First, the bonds shall be well aud safely kept by the trustees and delivered as required by the agreement; second, the railroad com pany shall be entitled to receive $2,- 500 per mile for each completed mile of the road beginning at Wilming ton and running to some point on New River in Onslo.v county; third when an installment is claimed, the shall exhibit a Ek Cr7Ul Spectacle anl Kyeghus e A'hicetoold and young: In se Wtins sIectacles you khould be cau- mU. not to tak innr ommiiV.Miinl rr than irZr:"! rallroaa company tiiu MWY- x it at am 1. lift 'va-ai . . m i a ,;ntK . I certlucate oi a reputauie engineer I. that u s I -to the effect that the mile of road ! ; i "4 liitrriwn. is in iwi,uf I . " I i u a ; n e had no obiection to creatinir the of- aPP,ni pouccmeu wus hnu iu loree. " "I TT 3 XI J. -II HQ - X 1 fice, but did have decided objection "e moveu mat au omcers. iu ue to any one man making the appoint- elected nereaiter snan oe votea ror merit. Members of the Board had "v A,UC11UCU- been snowed under in this matter tinuing his remarks he asserted that long enough, and he would not sub- appointments had been madefromj iirlf i n. it nnv lnnwr Ha was rfr I WUIB tU Hiue wjuiuui nuuwiug 1,11c 1 fectlv willintr to vote for the Mavor's Board a voice in the matter rand nominee, but lie was opposed to the without g-.nK the Board opportun- hag been discovered be fore. By an easy contrivance the scenes in any spectacular represen tation can be changed as suddenly as a light could be turned off er on and in full view of the audience The Utica Globe says that the inven tion is capable of being adapted, to any piece or any tneatre at one tenth the cost of any other transfor w t a j 1 m mation apparatus, or . to parts oi scenes as well as the whole. There is no doubt that it will be largely adopted. For Tabernacle.': WAGONETTE WILL LEAVE EVERY Evening at 6:45, corner Fomrth and Nun, down Nun to Front, up Front te Tabernacle. one will leave Ninth and Market at same Mr. Kllliam as an Inventor. Mr. John T. Kilham, formerly of this citv. but now located at Low- ville. N. Y.,near Utica, has patented tIme' down Market to Front. UP Tab- ATI in VAnirvn fnr instnnf nnniis I ernacle. Ji farther injury tothe eye. Using J"ttS keu completed; fourth, all the f of itronper power than is ne- coupons which may become due at MiSlj'?rvf Prema:Uhe time of thli J? Mi3ht, loucanget L., ..n ' wr fieinsbergers. y in Fpch4Sons. re can you buy the best and boot and shrv fnr-tl ninn Ibe citv? Win-. At flo T? ey keep the larg- t LTnc?Hcl Lutheran Chnrch week being Passion "Week, unices wfilbe held in the , naual, at 4 p. m., oh Mon-.Tuesday.We-lnesday amJThurs- ftloiood Friday the Holy Com Bn will be administered at 11 a.' tl. at $ p' ,M- in th English ser fODSrn,ation will take place. terSuuday morning the Holy munjon adlulll.steretl in iNh. Twer Thieve. "v thieving carried on at Oak- ftafcm'tery- ET year fiowers arf 7 D-Utl OI"times the plants w2l! ibat this year U 1U8 to JaiLtKT everlfore. Mr.Don -rr TfrrriutenUent' complains ' a J1:: very justly of this vHy 0UP; beoplenndoubt- ho S 'n! VUt w are others i Vethem. Mr. Don eo.S,M.hat reafter he. will 1,. M a fair U,t th,s niAY le "preement was a e Let the Mayor nominate his candi date for the position, and he (Dud ley) would vote for him, but he would vote against giving the power to the Mayor. Alderman Ricaud agreed with Al derman Dudley in the abstract, but he would not deny to the Mayor the right of appointing his own clerk. He seconded Alderman Fishblate's motion. Alderman Price offered an amend ment, that the Mayor be authorized to appoint, subject to the approval of the Board. A prolonged discussion then arose on the right of the Police Commit tee to make appointments on the I force. Alderman Rice moved that the power given to the committee to ap point be annulled. The Mayor ruled that the appoint ments having been made the tion was out of order. Alderman Price argued that the power of appointing was delegated to the Police Committee for one vear. and as the yar expires -next j - - i. April, this resolution; if adopted, would be inoperative next month. Alderman Pearsall was of the same opinion. i Alderman Ricaud said that he re garded the whole proceeding as out of order. There was a limitation fixed to the term of office by the charter law, and it could not be set aside. If on investigation he found the limitation was fixed at twelve months he would be willing to go Sailed Yesterday. A schooner was to have, sailed yes- terdav from Philadelphia lad en with into an election at the next meeting J rails, the first cargo, for the track of of the Board. V I the Seacoast Railway. The second A motion to adjourn was made at I and last cargo will be sent little this point in the discussion, and be later. All of the bolts, spikes, &c, ing carried, the session ended. I necessary to lay these rails will be T,no ci r-ii. I received at the same time and in the J.arf I a VCVa. -BaBaaa - mmmm ww va Notwithstanding the very nay deliverv shall be cut off & i " . rW I I . . - 1111 II . MM fl I., I , ew" I ami nniioul Ml ivIimii tilt lirtrwl nra l "v .. I . ... ,. 1 ao niA WAV l O (flrlflfl ( nto ara v deMvere,. an.l returned proper 2?" Z'UZL Pd. The raiU to be .aid are 45 omcer.ot.hec.ty; .'", whe,,ev.r-" ?Jjr" '" i". the water eoursehich prevent- st,elran8.T,a? laying may an ipsiaiuuent oi uonus snail ue: iLA .n f.n, iJr, nr0a0nf th expecteu w ue ueguu auom me delivere.1 certificates of stock to an I A "T?? . "I " , E, latter part of next week or the first eciual amount shall be delivered i mw me omcers 8hou,u -- ""7' r 7.r;; part of the week after. A construe r; sixth, the city shall haVe I nuaUy. lie submitted meet g ne,u , J tion camp it At an v time while the bonds a. resolution tliat tney stiouid r rr: old Martin therefo the rigl are in the custod v of the trustees take up the bonds by depositing with the trustees an amount of cash equal to the face of the bonds; seventh, any expense of placing and . keeping the bonds shall be borne ' anil paid by the city. Alderman Pearsall askel if the ; agreement complied with the acts of the Legislature in regard to the subscription and with the terms and conditions submitted by the com pany. All these conditions should is now being built at the place, miles from the city by the turnpike, and it will be occupied early next week. mm . -- a? tT 11 . S elected jy the Board. prevail on tne uape i?ear & xaoKin Alderman Fishblate moved that Valley R. K. to take tne last side or the resolution be laid on the table- wiacK river in us route oetweenxnis Alderman Pearsall moved to defer I city and Fayetteville. p action until next meeting. Mr Jotin a.- uurne, oi mis city, Alderman Dudley insisted upon was present, and made a spiriteai yesterday of the lth annivers consideration of his motion. talk, giving all ot tne information Wilmington Steaiti Fire Engm Anniversary Practice, j There was no formal celebration sary of ne uo. Tlie Mayor said that if it did not necessary. A great deal oi interest jj0 i DUt the members assembled in include bonded officers fclerks of was manifested, ana strong resoiu-i fai uniform at the engine house in the markets) it would be in order. ""3.1 nSrToTthft the afternoon and the steamer was Alderman Dudley called for the nroceodinrs is not vet at hand but brought out for practice there. bond of the clerk of the Fourth we expect to publish them on Sat- Steam was raised 15 pounds in 2 I !-' minutes, 35 pounds in 5 minutes, and the engine was was not prepared to act until he was satisfied that they were com plied with. He moved that the agreement be referred to the City Attornev. i j - street market, which he claimed uruay. ;ti. k n iix was for onlv one vear. Tlie oonu jjng. aoog uuiruru,, owrer, v,Cft,cu m.fcihi0, ud t.wiuwiicu nun, uuvt lit" l I t"liriilll J I ..-. . -. l . r, . ,. , was nroduced for the term two lo-uay ior wenaua buu uoi uomub uijcucu. "wus nc. u years and the Mayor decided that with 825,000 shingles and 65,000 feet fifty feet of hose, siamesed, with 1 Alderman Dndlev'a resolution was lumber, valued at $5,110, shipped by inch nozzle, 100 pounds steam press- out of order. . Mr. E. Kidder's Son. j Alderman Rice then offered a reso- The services at St.Tliomas'Church i ! Aldermau Fishblate said the paper lution to hold an election for mem for Good Friday and Easter Eve will just read had been submitted to the bers of the police force; captains I De at q.qq each morning and! on City Attorney and had been ap- sergeants and health officers aQJ Good Friday night at 7:30. f " proved by him, as being in confor- superintendent of streets on -April mity with the law and the terms sub- 1st. mlttiv.1 1.x- i.nli.nx.1 ......... A division was A lit uPltlii T IMrn iwl HAtifmiul tlia dered on this, which resulted as fol-. Monday. ....... .t... .v V WWW. 1UV Wo - i . . am;.. I?:.,. lows: ' ? n rroauce exenange wiit ue Fare for round trip 25 cents. mch273t T. J. SOUTH EB LAND. Wifmineton'&Weldonnall Road Col OFFICE OF SECY AND TKEAS. WILMINGTON, N. C, March 35, W IHKEE AND A HALF PER CENT. INTER est on the Certificates of Indebtness of the Wilmington & Weldon Eallroad Company has been declared by the Directors, payable on and after April 2nd, 1888, to all owners of Cer i tlficates of record on the Books of the Com pany of this date. The Transfer Books will stand closed from March 26th to April 2nd, 1888. Inclusive. I . - JAo. Jr. POST, Ja., I , Secretary and Treasurer, mch26 3t W. & W. It. u. do. The Latest. Second Eegiment Waltz, FOR PIANO. Dedicated to the North Carolina State Guard By "V " 1. H. GltKENEWALD. . For Sale at HEINSBERGER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE, inch 26 r For Salo. QNE FINE HORSE, ONE FINE MULE. . mch26tf J. JL SPRINGER. DoBrufz Cutlar. Jr., ATTORNE Y-AT-L A Wr , 114 PRINCESS STREET, men 26 lw Wilmingiox, N. C. WilnuDffteir Sarfisra k Trast Cin!:r!Y. ure a,Hl240poancis water pressure, between SECOND and a distance of 250 feet from the noz- s 1Y1 Third streets. . - , 1o JOHN WILDER ATKINSON, president, z,e I W. P. TOOMER. Cashier. ' . w Lends money on satisfactory security. Pays Interest on deposits - , Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kluci i. mch26tf Nor barque' Verena Jfeilsen, from n;i i this nort. arrived at Hamburg on mmm i i ir i ii wm m - i ft Statement made bv sntiwfip.i that thP Yeas Dudley, irice, sampson, ciu iurrun. safe and fair com- Walker, Rice 5. T- Only 3 bales of cotton received plianctj with the law. He moved as! Nays Pearsall, Kinz, Fishblate, here to-day. We publish on this .page the. ''counterfeit presentment' of our new public building as it will appear when it is completed if it ever is. We are indebted to Hon. C. W. Mc Clammy for the use of the cut. - ' , . -" .'- . ...... i j' J ' .. - To-morrKw being Good Friday no naner win te issued irom tnis oiuce j on that da CUkS. r. BKOWVE. O. R. H0LUKG3W0ETH. -y holesale grocers anj commis. slon Merchants.' 110 N. M'ter street, - w; - Wilmington, N. c. Ccnslsunents solicited.' cihllw