MISCELLANEOUS. HUMPIIBBYS' For Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogt, Poultry. 300 PAGED BOKaa Treat t meut mf AalaiaJsand Chart Stmt Frr. t,. Ca rrt lana. Infla mraa tloa. ..." A.A.-Maal 3Ieaiauia. " rVi , . ('.-)iria,fr. .Naaitl DlKfctnrt. I. I.-Ilt ar liraba. W trai. V- K.CgB. 'KmeVp"f",,,S" F. F.-lie Urla. Rr llyarae J. ?;.-! carriage. Ileaiarrfcae J. f- . rapt I to IMe 3Iaa . K.-Dlaaaaf DlicU. catla Cm, wtta prca. Kanaal. . Witch UalOU and MedJcator. 87.00 Price, Stasia Bottl(ow SO dnaewX - .CO Hald hf DracfUtai ar Heat Prepaid aa Receive af Price. HamphreyV Md. Co 109 Fulton St.. ft. T. taala. kf. iea. Dltrttri. 'ETJUPHBEYS' HOMEOPATHIC T f La. na 3D vara. Tha err rocea fral rtiMCT for ferrous Deiility, Vital Weakness, f I jw vtaX or ft vtala aad lar powdar. for fi. AoLD Dcoit. or aant ppilon rar:pto mtliaikivji'lWWMCHlVtikiiMU.,!. I. inch 25 rod At w lr arm SPECIFIC No. Tha efy rocea fal raaady for Tlo . -Daily Tloviovr. Josir. T. Jamks? Editor & Proper. "Vilminuton, N. C. THURSDAY. MARCH 23. 1883. If an. 4 tot Hoii i4'yi.;; y. ...i . . . . . -. .. ,wr-m f . r tat V L . LVMlkMIit lTJirittll loz Cn-ctliixrf I'rrrrl. XliJUx' f rjl (o;. AIo i'ata of D I w lcri-hiaa CiaoOa of a3 kind.! TVn artd fir iTKrtWl IX) LI iMrvt p atf uaMir aJ kl2 el i c .-.;- two of Uka IfmH; borr to cpobxi; ikxii tncUMk n, aol hrro li Lr i-Xa froaa b-t 4ork ti t 1 -MJ rer wiztioaT. beat It la Crata. i 11 wyrxi ed tba nOOlt OP CAOE trmikina. BaaaufaT relarerf alair. TTaXMt &i braoamr of Bui kxru Lac Lola. fear ' mmti rrL aad Cwur cora How f txiUi rvd tock la iiurf. A U aixxit jtUa. Frloaaof ail kimla btni, CAT". 'In. Alailud fi 15Crots. I baTu. boot. 4U tl. ASSOCIATED FANCIERS. Soata at k til itrrt, I'aUadcl J.1U. I'. CATARRH w mh. triatmunt rrDcrr te moil rooucn to I IILI coanoce. It. . Lacdkrbacii jc Co.. mch 19 4tr -773 llroad tt. XewarK. N. J. $65 3 Iirtirht A MONTH and HOAKD for Your.? or I-'Ullos In each count v. P. ZlLtiLkK A co., philaiioiphlA, Pa. Burnham's Improved Star dard TTJEB 1 1ST E New must rat l and iKrtpilve Cataiou sent Krw. mch 36 Addro YOICK. PA. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM (Immm At tba baJr. rrorooCca a lusuriant irrowth. Ntvr Fiils to Rattor Gray Hair fait Youthful Color. Carca acaJ p dlsracsml hair failing Sv at lt'i.'V'tt. HINDERCORN8. Tb aafVaf- aurrat and brat car forConm, Bunion. At ttofa ail rain. tnurr- comfort to th frrt. Nyvrfal' iscura. U eeU at LrucsljCa. Uuooxt LIEBIG COMPANY'S Extract of Meat, '," r Inraluable for Dyspepsia. Ai Iilefoi TojIc fir Innlils; YnsbalasNss Hcrf Ten Also for naaortas; 5ouj. Saucrs and Made nuin ocly with Uaron Llelicrv's sjna t are In Bluolnk acrmnthe labeL " iold by all Morckerpcrs, firrnvrs and Dnic glst. mch W 4 w nn uuu MAKES V 1 OESi Whollr nnllkr) artlflrll prtlruii. . Any baok larneU la one rrmllDC Classes of IfWT at Bttraon. ioo. at Dc( trdt. lsoo at Philadelphia, larxc classes o Columbia Law Miuk nts. at Yali Velleley o&ertin, rnlTrrslty of ybd.. Mirhlcan I'nl rerslty. Chantauquj. c.. Ate. Endor-d by lUchard IToctor. the Scientist: Uon?v W. V Astor, Jndah P. Henlaraln. Judp (;iIkmi Dr. ttrown, K. IL Cxk, ltinclp.il N. Y. tato Nor mal collet. Ac. The system I perfectly Is perfectly taught by correspondence. lroa- Fctns roeT rntm from KOK. LOIS ETTE. SIT Firt have. New York. ONWARD IS THE WORD I rjUIE PRCXi REVIVE PAHMER ENTE S Its THIRD VOLUME at the. following : I subscriber. 1 jeax L2? 5 subscribers, 1 year VA 10 subscribers.-1 year 10.CC One copy. 1 year, free to thN one sending club ot ten. K?nt pares, 40 columns, weekly, bendcas (cl.axp prepaid, to i. l. ix)LK, feb I! lUlelgh. N. C. Valuable Lands for Sale. 0 KK TRACT Or LNO. LYING ONK mle from Llacolnton, N. C conalsUaft of S3 acre. 53 acres cleared : 1 beat for cotton, but jtlTea good crop for aU gralna. Ilaa a brauch rnnnlor through It and a fix aprlng; a few acres of bottom land on the branch and 30 aerts la wood, oak ad klckorf. well Unv brml. . . . " . r AcoUcr traftlytnjc 2U xnllea from Lln"ohr toa. A mV from i O It- 100 asraa. S3 eJeared. Ca aprln of delUloua water, about six acre of bottom land near It on too brarch; 1 No. 1 for tob'cen, but gTow other crops well; "3 aercs In yellow pin and oak. For rek and term pP'y CKOSLV a UOIIU1S, -- Sii J4U Auci'rs IS Htxl I'.rnkcri Kntc-ml at the I)stomce at WllniliiSlon, N.C., as ixxi(l-class matter. POLITICAL POINTS. The Wufliinton correiondent of th A'ew York Jlcrald nays that Con gress will not likely adjourn until the: middle of August, though he Admits that with good businessman Mftiwnt mliotiniment misht be reached by the 1st of July. It i understood that SenatorSher man has arranged for ex-President Haves to ero as a delegate to Chica- 4 - - ?o mid nreetit his name, and thus r cur Ciovernor Fraker out of all prominence without snubbing him by leaving him off the Ohio delega tion. The public announcement of this arrangement at Columbus caus ed a great flutter in the Foraker camp, and will only intensify the light now gaping on in the selection of delegates. The JelTeionian Club, of Newark, J nt a recent meeting passed resolutions, endorsing President Cleveland and the Mills -bill. They also denounced Randall and bis at tempt to cut otT tarflT reform. In their resolutions they say: "That the regular tarilT reform bill recent ly introduced by Congressman Mills, chairman of the Ways and Means i Committor, is. in furtherance of the bold and aggressive stand of Presi dent Cleveland in his annual mes" I sage, and is a model of conservatism and moderation, wise, just, and ob. viously framed for the purpose of re lieving manufacturers and employes, merchants and farmers, laborers and consumers! alike throughout the length and breadth of this land, with as much regard as possible for the rights of each and all, and with out partiality to any class or indi vidual.' Simultaneously with the World' diagnosis of the .Democratic outlook in New York State for the Presi dential and Gubernatorial cam paign, the Trilnme gives the results of the canvass regarding President ial preferences of a large number of representative. Republicans in the live great States of New York.Penn svlvauia, Ohio, Indiana and Min nesota. More than 7,000 responses were received, and though we are told the canvass wa basetl on the assumption that Mr. Blaine is out of the race, nearly one-third "say they will have him anyway, declination or no declination."1 Chauncey M. Depew is the lirst choice always with the proviso that Blaine is out of the way of 1)02 out of 7,128. He stands third on the list, Sherman being llrst ami with "Blaine any how"' a close second. He leads in The Philadelphia Times U terrible Superior Court. ofKorth Carollna-188? he can't dive anv deeper or come up any dirtier than he has done in his ' ueaufort-tFeB. tah. May 28th, not, seth. 3 , i eurritiicfc March oth, Sept. 3d. Ji speecn. . --- The latest news from Africa is decidedly encouraging; the natives have ceased to frv their grand par ents, and have advanced so far that thev use habitually Dr. miirsuougu LSyrup, which is a sure cure for .all lungtrouoies. In itH denunciation of Ingalls. It lstDistrict, jamesK. shepherd, of feeaufort. says the Kansas Senator has fS; nounced his purpose to prepare for 4th District, Walter ciark,of Wake. the public an explanation of his re- g gggg; fsS cent idiotic speech, and remarks: : gj' M,Jg lfc i imnossible for Insralls to ex- mh in strict. Jesse F. Graves, of Surry. plain his speech, either to the offend- tffipliirs ed sense of decency that prevails j 12th District, J. 11. Mernmon, 01 uuncomoe. rfirnmrhniit flip countrv o)r to the ! SOLICITORS. I . ... ... istDlstrict, JehnU. mount, of Perquimans. gallant veterans of the army. After wstrtci, Geo. 11. White. coL) of iiaiifax. , all his possible explanations there 'gftr will oe sixty ouu luuuous 01 aecent Americans to whom any explana tion will be simply an aggravation of the original offence. The only possible excuse for allowing Senator Ingalls to plunge into his nasty par tisan mire again is in the fact tkat In -I. 7 I AND TAKE NO OTHER SEE SISNATiiRE CU EVERY BOX '1. . v aft iwri n . 1 11 1 1 it I 1A5KF0RDJAMOKO BRAKDPlC.MESTErSE?lGUSH XrR PA Rti r-S , . J5) rV A.V"N UCTTER BY r7u I 5 I , ! i fl JWlU I A At. nu vintn Jtt Aivuni w.. v tn i u v in LETTER BY R r Til B 77 . ' Q 1 1 CHICHESTER CHEMALC0lS0LEPR2P.MAD43M SQ-PHXA.PA?SEE SICMATURC om eiaJVi1-10 LUUUciuChXSraSISlJl BriAaa PENSYROrALPlLLS OTHSKbI? H Jan 18 eod ly d o 111 4. Jit t g a V fm ' K ' !"? 5th District, isaac k. traynora- ui uu.iu.tu.iu fiih District 0. 11. Allen, Qf DupUn. ft t iftVHwi 7th District; Frank McNeill, ofRichmond. gggfs SEHIHAL PASTSLiS.I 8th District, B. F. Long, of Iredell. , - kWicCtoTeTvoasDebmtyiJTccJiy oth TifctHot,. Thosi. Settle. Jr.. of KoCKlnjrham. wvVTiQfi-.rfPh-w;lalKocaTiiiTocEi?crjia- mth nistrict. W. IL Dower, of CaldwelL nth iiistricf. Frank Osborne, of Mecklenburg, 12th District, James M. Moody, of Buncombe. TIME OF HOLDING COURTS FIRST JUDICIAl. ISTKICT. Spuing Judge Montgomery. perfect and fall Manly Strensrih on Vinorooa i Health. .To thoae who snifer from tho ntnny ob3ctirodsea3 J s! atjwefcwr in .aaag j PACKAGE FKE32,wh Illcst'd 1 50C. 17. VaaliCtrcet RUPTURED persows can nsro rstai rial 01 oar ppliiinee. 2 tL4 SMnitlitalinnt K Tnivm'.iin- F.rVSmfB. OVBTtirai?l IVark, or too free Indulgence, v asS that yoa sand UJ roar name with statemen t of yonr troolo, ana secure ma!7y diw ly The nhilosophersavs: "Wise men hesitate.11 Perhaps that is why so few men are in haste to pay their bills. Bonton Post. The Wonderful Healing Properties of Darbyg Prophylactic Fluid. Wherever a preventing, healing, cleansing and deodorizing injection or wash is required use Darbys Prophylactic Fluid. Any inflamed surface, external or internal, treated with the Finn! will be quickly re lieved. It has effected cures that had resisted the best medical skill. New York, both as first and second choice, ami is strong as second choice both in Pennsylvania and Ohio. The (iresham boom is no where beside that of Gen. Harrison, either in their own State or else, where, except in Minnesota. Mlaw ley makes a small showing. The only State among the five in which Allison exhibits any strength is Min nesota. Mr. Hiscock has nearly as large a total as Allison, but Now York is included in the canvass, while Iowa is not. Conkfiug has a little less than half the streugth of Hiscock. Were all wise enough to heed thisadvice In season, a world of suffering would be avoided. Tho best months in which to take Flood's Sarsapaxilla, the great blood purifier, are March April May At no other season Is tho fcody so much in need of, or so susccptiMc to tho benefit to be derived from Hood's Sarsaparilla, as now. The impoverished condition of the blood, the weakening effects of the long, cold winter, the lost appetite, and that tired feeling, all make a good spring medicine absolutely necessary. Try Ilood's Sarsaparilla and you will be con vinced tlmt It is tho ideal spring medicine. Hood's Sarsaparilla Sold by all druggist, gl; six for fi. Prepared only by C. L IIOOD & CO., Apothecaries.Lowell.Mass. IOO Doses One Dollar dec lOlyr dvnrm mws2dp ' 1888. Harper's B zar. ILLUSTRATED. Tin "Baltimore Manufacturers' Re cord makes a good showing for the South in an enumeration of its farm products. In ix recent issue it says: Comparing the crop yields of 1870 and lt87 it' shows that the cotton crop advanced from 3,011,990 bales to 6,800,000 bales: corn from 249,072, 000 bushels to 492,415,000 bushels; wheat from 33,841,000 bushels to 52, 284,000 bushels,and oats from 31,973, 000 bushels to 81,506,000 bushels, a total increase of 3,780,000 bales of cotton and 311,000,000 bushels of grain. The percentage of increase in grain productions in the South was greater than the percentage of gain in the rest of the country. .The number of farm animals in the South in 18C9 was 23,754,000 and in 1887 the number had risen to 44,830.- 000. Comparing the yields of 1879! anu lt4 there was an increase of 1,044,000 bales of cotton and 195,259, 000 bushels of grain; the total grain production in the South in 1887 hav ing been C22,305,000 bushels, against 431,000,000 bushels im 1879, an in crease of 45 per cent., while in all the rest of- the country the increase in grain production was only.lC,000, 000 bushels, or less than 1 per cent., though live stock in 1887 shows an iucrease of value over that of 1879 of $182,258,290, and of agricultural pro duction of $170,968,0OG. It li Curious Fact That the body is now more suscepti ble to benefit from medicine than at any other season. Hence the im portance of taking Hood's Sarsapar illa now,, when it -will do you the most good.1 It is really wonderful for purifying and enriching the blood, creating an appetite, and giv ing a healthy tone to the whole sys tem. Be sure to pet Hood"s Sarsa parilla, which is peculiar to itself. Haupbk's ii AZi k Is a home journal. It com bines choice literature and flue art Illustra tions with the latest Inrelllgencc regardlnp: the fashions. Each number has clever serial and short h tores, practical and timely essa3's, bright poems, humorous sketches, etc Its pattern-sheet and fashion-plate supplements will alone help ladies to pave many times th cost of the subscription, and papers on social etiquette, decorative art, house-Keeping In all Its branches, cookery, etc., make It useful in every household, and a true promoter of econ omy. Its editorials are marked by good sense, and not a line Is admitted to Its columns that could offend the most fastidious taste. HAMPER'S PERIODICALS! per year: HAKl'EK'S BAZAH U 00 IIAltPEU'S.MAtiAZINE 4 00 HAKPEK S WEEKLY 4 CO HA KPEU'S YOUNG PEOPLE.. , 2 00 Postage Fti to nil Kutjmtribtrs in Oie United Spates, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Bazar begin with the first Number for January of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. . - Bound Volumes of Harper's Bazar, for three rears back, in neat cloth binding, will be sent by mall, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not exceed one dollar per volume), for 7 00 ner volume. Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $100 each. v p ' Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. yeirtpairrs are n X to cojn this advertisement without she expivss order qf Harper & Brothers Address HARPER & BROTHERS, ov-1 New York CatarrH nr W-Mm DP'J.ft HAYFEVEftTMy f " MAT'S .ik 7rixe. Pain and Sores, Restores the i Senses ot Taste and SmelL TET .m .cdrlhay-fever A particle Is applied Into each nostril and Is agreeable. Price GO cents at druggists; by mall, registered. CO cents. ELY BROTHERS. G Oreenwich St., New York. apl 9 lyeod dw . jk;undeveloped part C I tnaliody enlarged and trenrthnea. Fall uartlcn ymnEBSnn-LEBTCUSnESSteWS uit cf ortr-Wcrk. laiisa.tioa. et. iiS&umhoii V aa 1 M 1 X'VO- ujSJL nomrlpn Atnmh 15f,h. Sent. 10th. UPasauotank March 19th. June 11th, Sept. 17th, Dec 10th. , Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24tb Cho wTan A prtl 3d. Oct. 1st. j OatPft Anrll 9th. Oct. 8th. Hertford April 15th, June 18th, Oct; 15th. irohIMTtnn A nr!l i t fj I fi. 11 Wii .1piarfju..vvwi Tyrrell April 30th. Oct. 29th. Dare May 7th, Nov. 5th. Hyde May 15th, Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 21st, Nov. 19th. SECOND JUDICIAL DISTKICT. Stakes April loth. Aug. 6th, Nov. 12th. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Gilmer.' Fall Judge Clark, nenderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5tk, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th. sent. 3d. Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. watauga April 9th, Jime 4th, Aug. 27th. i'uwuvu xxja ia lucij., otrpe. J.UUH. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th, Oct. 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boy kin. Fall tfudge Gilmer. fint.jiwria Ton lftth .Tulir ictVi Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.J Union 'Feb. 13th. tFeb. snth a, Oa4- nik ' I OCUU aVLJl M Sept. 17th, ecklenburff tFeb. 27th. tAusr. 2rtri. Gaston March 19th, Dct, 8th. t ; Lincoln April 2d, Oct. 1st. Cleveland Aprfl Oth, Aug. 6th,"OctJ 22d. jwLucriuru Apni SMI, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. TWT.FTtI TTTTT'T a T nTomnTran Spring Judge MacRae, I Fall Judge Boykln. t Madison Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNdv. 19th. Buncombe March 12th. Junp ist h Aim lit h TW. Or! . o-" 1 Transylvania Anrll 2d. sent, Haywood April 9th, Septioth. ; Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. Macon juay 7th, Oct. 1st. Clay May Hth, OcL 8th. Cherokee May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham June 4th, Oct. 29th. Swaln-June llth, Nov. 5th. t For criminal cases. r tFor civil cases alone. p For civu cases alone, except Jail cases. CRIMINAL CIRCUIT ICOURTS. NEW IIANOVER COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, Wilmington, Judge. Jrf"; ore. Wilmington, soUcltor. Court beglns-Jan. 2d, March 19Ul May 21st July 16th, sept. 17th. Nov. 19th. f ' MECKLENBURG COUNTY. Oliver P. Meares, WUmlngton. Judse Geo KWllson; Charlotte: Solicitorf Court begins Feb. 13th, AprU 9th June 4th ug. 13th, Oct. 8th, Dec iothK ' Me 4m' Hisses Burr & Jaiues, ILL; REOPEN THEIR SCHOOL FOR girts andfllttle boys, on TUESDAY, Oct. 4. The course ot instruction, as heretofore Wtn be thorough and systematic. - ore u Special attention given to Reading Writing Music and Physical culture wlul vnSf have charge of the Hours for Kindergarten'puDiis rrom qv tn it $4.50 Wt FOR H I a n fill??! we can give so much tor the money?. Thousands say thlrm their 1cfer n cause after plates are made it costs far less proportionately to priut Vjii'v. ' than 100,000. During its nearly fifty years' existence the . ,ua Spring Judge Graves. VATiTude Montgomery. Halifax tJan. 9th, JMarch 5th, May Hth, JNov. 12th. t Northampton iJan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st. Bertie r erxetn, Aprusuiu, wi..saiu. Craven t Feb. 13th, May 28th, Nov. 26th. Warren March 19th, sepu I7tn. Edgecombe April 16th, Oct. 15th. THIRD "JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Avery. Fall Judsre Graves. Pitt van. 9ih, March 19th, tJune llth, Sept 17tn. t; Franklin Jan. 23d, April 16th, Nov. 12th. Wilson t Feb. 6th. June 4th. Oct. 19th. Vance Feb. 20th, May 2lst, Aug. 20th, Oct. 15th. i Martin March 5th, Sept. 3d, JDec- 3d.. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. I! Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. FOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shlpp. Fall Judee Avery. Wake Jan. 9th. tFeb. 27th, March 2(itn, tAprll 23d, MUly 9th, tAug. 27th, 'Sept. 24th, toct. 22d. ; f Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April I6tn, sepr. 10th, oct. low ! narnett Feo. 6tn. Aug. etn, jnov. zuwi. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 22L FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Meirlmon. Fall Judsre shlpp. Durham Jan. 16th, March 26t4i, June 4th, Oct. 15th. Granville Jan. 30th, April 23d, sept, lutii, Nov. 26th. ft Chatham Feb. 13th. May 7th. Oct. 1st. Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 27th', Dec 10th. r Alamance March 5th, May 21sf. bept. 24Mi. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. Caswell April 9th, Aug. 13th, Nov. I2th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. . FaIl Judge Merrimon. - f; Pender-Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. New Hanover t Jan. 23d, tApill 16th, tSept. 24th. ; Lenoir Feb. 6th. Aug. 20th. Nov. 12th. Duplin Feb. 13th, Sept. 3rd, Nov. 26th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30th. Oct. 8th, uec lutn. Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th. Oct. 29th. Onslow April 2d. Nov., 5th. SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Phillips. Fall Jndge Shepherd. ColumbusJan. 16th. Anril 2d. July :d. tNov. 26th. ii Anson Man. 9th, tApril 30th. 'Sept. 3d. tNov. 26th. i Cumberland Jan. 23di tMay 7i. July 23d tNov. 12th. i Si Robeson .Jan. 30th, May 21st. Aur. 20th. Oct. 1st. ' t! Rlclmiond Feb. 13th, June 4th. Sept 17th. Uec. 3rd. - if Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. J Brunswick Aptll 9th, Sept. 10th. H , Moore April 16th. Aug. 13ta, Oct. 22d. EIGHTH JUDICIAL DISTKICT. j ScitiNG Judge Connor. 8 fTll .Judge Phillips. Cabarrus Wan. 30th, April :30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th. May 21st. Ausr. tkh. Nov. 5th. . 1 Rowan Feb. 20th. May TtJi. Auk. 20th. Nov. P.ttli. 6 Davidson March 5th. June 4th. Sept. 2d. Dec. 3d. i liandolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. i! Montgomerj April 2d, Oct. 1st.. i c Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. y NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, ji Spring Judge Clark. fi Fall Judge Conner. - Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5Kl Forsyth Feb. May 21st, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th. Sept. 24th. il Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghanj' March 19th, Sept. 3d. ij Davie April 2d. Oct. 8th. !i A irrR5nsr A irTMrfin&&nn has absorbed twenty-four . other aericultnral neriodlcals, and contJnrje kl recognized authority on agricultural matters the world oyer. With the oih editors who havp made it a sower in hath hemisnhrtR. rplnfftrii o.i.i. u'a Uff( ""Siefio.15. T vtt- I 1 rkA a-nA vninuriln nil 1 r r 1 www n v AmrA b a y I a hlm iu luvi c txt u aikw u-ui au iwa uau tici avou uumucr HOW Contain one nunarea original illustrations ana original articles on the Farm GanUn i?niT7 and Household, from over nf tv dilTepent writers. Price, ft 1.50 a tm.. .Ti"r?v.Heari pf ON CALVARTT -''ITSrcT' onrt nnlu Dnn..j i- " vmij utu, uuucilOD, Hi BEEORE PILATfl works of art are neither old time chromos nor ordlnarTM.r pictures executed tor us by Pbotoetching and Mezzom1 These Ynagnlflccnt lngs, but exquisite process, on neavy piaie paper, voces . mcaes. x-nce eacu. . Both Dictniw. ,1' lihed Dec. 20. forwarded In tubes. Dostaaid.. ttrei . ' OUR GREA'Ts OFFER. ! American Aarricultnrist Ong. or German),, with both nlctaraa. 'mt our new volume, published Dec. 20, 1887, enUUed ,. '" OUR HOMES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY THEE 150 handsome illustrations, bound in cloth and gld, price SlAO-all im m receipt of $1.60, the extra ten cents being for packing and postage. pa Send to us for Specimen number, English, or Cer man, full description of New Books presented to old and new subscribers,' and fall description of the Pie h lures, and Portrait of Blunkacsy, the painter of these i&j great works, now attracting; world-wide attention, CANVASSERS WANTED . EVERYWHERE SUBSCRIPTIONS CAN BEGIN ANY TIME, Addren, i :. JUI2 ;0., ' Publishers. 751 Broadway, If, How a Dying I7as Sauori 1 Ciceho, Hamiltom Cm Sept, 19, 1837. The following Is a true account of what ypur S. S. S. has done for our little daughter, Hazel, -now four years old. When 12 months Id a lump appeared on her heel, which slowly grew larger. The family physlclaa thought It was caused by a piece of broken glass or needle,' ,, but failed to bring anything to light. The . , child became feebler all the time, "seeming to lose the use of her leg, and finally quit walk-' ing entirely. The middle finger and thumb 1 of either hand became enlarged, the flesh be coming hard. The hip joints became Involv ed, so that when seventeen months old she could not stand, haying lost the use of leg and arm. Partial curvature of the spme also , followed. The nervous system was wrecked, muscles contracted, and there was- general wasting of flesh and muscle. At eighteen, months of age she was placed under tho treatment of a prominent physician ot Bos- -ton, Mass., but at the end of tan months Sla had declined to such a degree that she was in a dying condition. This was in April, 1886 We took the child away not knowing what . . to do. Jn this dreadful dilemma we were over-persuaded by friends to try " one bpt- -tie" of Swift's Specific, which we did, and before 1. had all been taken we saw a change . . for the better in her symptoms." We kept It ' mp, and have done so to this day, and will -keep it up, if tho Lord wills, for many days to come, for it has brought our 'dying Hazel ' to life, to vigor, to strength and health again,' -The ashen hue of her cheeks has changed to -a rosy tint. She Is able to walk anywhere, , her languor and melancholy have p'assed V away, and she Is now a blithe, cheerful,' hap- , py romping child. Should you wish to In- . crease your testimonials of proof of the virtue of S. S. S., our names and what we -have said Is but a portion of what .wo Owa -' you, should you wish to use them. " l ' Kindly yours, Bek. f. Swot. Gebtrtjdb e. Swift. P.O. Box 66. Treatise on Blood and Skin Diseases m&Il r ? free Thk Swift Specific Co., Drawer 8, Atlanta, ' ' nov 26 law lyao . chsat The National Life : AND , Maturity AssociatioBa OF WASHINGTON, D. G. i its & trr. $ afffir ., it results, f celled as purifier, i: teratire a , .. , r onitori'ili; pnn?: pression a-ratfl,i"w.'.: Radicle n w it sal: i Pimples ! Boil! 4-T speedily when thiaremedvistilWL lu oo more effectual relief for the nn loathing of food due to iXTEWEK. than this article. Putupialarge7jtt: ties. Sample packages in powtjes Ir. by mail to any a4dress on receipt ol in stamps. The resrularlinuiilf"' sent by mail. MEXICAN MEDICO -400 North 3d St., Philadelphia. o assets- ..f3H,072.1'J Uabilities None: r f Paid to members .1 . , . . .$120,002.31' ;: O HORATIO' BROWNING, " President. : .. ; . ,: GEGRGE D. ELDEIDGE, - Secretarj. Manager and Actuary." y o- E5: V ;.v-- , Life Insurance at Absolute Cost. - ; A Guaranteed Policy. " An Incontestlble Policy. ' . 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