rvrrr no consequence for onr present par- quired to meet for the purpose of appointed by. nnUV itOViUWi i e havp remarked it only electing countv executive commit purposes of effi rffeQ l i ff tne ivtcry ' attaching to tees, said meetings shall be deeiiietl,iesirable tha t'tnc hr name. Ti2r pearl thau iihe ' fain-r dwell .! wave her playmates were. the man in very phase of his sur-1 to have a quorum whfen a roiuulings. iui Minuowi With reiranl to hi birth legend .el in said m and myth-are. ns copious as is cdn Jwture with regard to his name. H.r urt two of them, for which -e of appointed hv its secretary. For cient organization it that all vAcanciret in t.h majority jUinerent committees be tilled at inlebtd to Mon- i of such townships shall be represet- once oy active end zealous nmsi: eetintr. I -At tin receut meeting of the State I COUNTY AND DISTRICT COSVKSmOXS. 53?! 'ue 'X llnt -t0 , mt . call special attention of the chair- 1. The several county conxen- mn nf nrt rw-.-Aoi tioiis shall be entitled to fj-ct to executive committee to the nertssl- -no to an tSl hr foriu r,n .k-luite to hleep. t tretuMierous irnuxi tnir senatorial. Judicial ami on- t.vf iiiini.i;a cna tn -.m Vv- -rioKiiel of the , v"uc""u"I,"",',,C7,v;:. ine election of tlelegates to the JSa . .mini mip n TPrnnra cv- arrv iiilv tional Convention from the different ff f H I- it.fore!ier fin lien, fr'.ITi wretched a pleaihug 1 fc2.t.,.th child. TiIm- Warrior Tide oJ, II her for hi. bride. jfM-1 -John It. T. ar iiuiiu'diately cure Conway: In the aioervphal . .t-.. . i ..... I...... ' tT I liiiUITIUI III Tl I. 1L IIHIIIIIII . . . . """'v : . .. i iJHiiiocrauc voies. nm one oeieiiic i t ,.i n : HUM r a.- A r n . . I '. , n it Miuit, srtriU4iiuuriu:ii lur iruciiuu mrrvw?u j " came to call eouventioDs to meet in oc.raiie votes casr at tpe last ceeding gubernatorial election in their respective counties, ami none but delegate or alternates so elect ed shall he entitled to seats in said conventions Provided. That every countv shall have at least one vote in each of said conventions. 2. The chairman, or in his ah scence any member of the county, OIir adversaries will make desperate senatorial judicial and congressional efforts this year to restore the State . I II II 4. nM rM f hall! i -n . . -J . cumimtiee, mhui can iu uiuri to naciical rule with all its attend resnective conventions, ami uuiu flflt aViL , r ., ...r. ri the chairmanship thereof until the democrats attend the conventions convention shall elect its chairman. of otlr partv rf.Solved to present for lilt rife iiitti i;Jiinmi- lAr-fil hnr. Iirmifrht to the c Jpsuh, strikes him, whereupon Jesus weppa, ami Satan r.miey out of the boy iu the fchapt of a furious dog. This hov'was .Jud.is. Acconling to another legend. Judas mother had a dream before his birth that her mhi would murder I i.r . ...1 II I.:.. I lA T r, .x. Kf ins miner ami inn mm. autiv this the child was Hiiuk in the sea, but was cast on shore. He was adopted bv a king and queen, who had a son. whom Judas sle-. He tied to Judea, became the page of Pilate, ami, after th predestined murder of his father, learned from - ! ; ...i ..nt rt tilrvht in Knu. ! , .it are loiiK-st there", his mother her dream. In terror hrrlt.i.iii'"hM hand over the and l ontriti.ui Juda hears of . th Hut a friend s.igget- prophet who forgives sins, when he Vr.Voil ami lie wns last throws hiiin-elf at his feet. Jesus, ce 1." ..tys-cond. Price e,;g..i2ing his predestined betrayer .-rV.! I meMts him as a disMple. and trusts r.atitrr mat of TlrkpockeU. Woniili in ew What time is it, York hus- hiiu with the nurse so that Judas avarice miirht 1 exeited and the p!a i or s.ilvation not mil. juuas 1 thus UvaiiH' heir apparent to the . infernal throne, and in mural picture i ii..n'ilmi-. MdriHr. . of Eastern chiire.hes he appears H"i - .nt vnir watcn Roin'? ; seated on the knees of a majestic Sl"II;;i Oo u.' Maiier (putting j Satan. Xew Orh ana State. Hi..!'1 .! fob), by gravy. U'tuhinjt'M Critic. V - It lul t in v... its I. fpTlonat Circle. i,v Will vou trust me. darling? I -fW.l,'l.ii'-'o, tlearest. t. How Htfii Die. I If we know all the methods of ap- j proaeh adopted by an enemy we are I lietterjeiiabled to wanl off the dan : ger and postptme the moment when surrender becomes inevitable. In f''''" .. . . i ... liuavund l inn invt'i inu Hin ililiu I'mit w t ruliiff 1 1 i t trust me? ; of tile oikJv suillrs f enanie it to ' i: . ...Lmtll- lit.luiiul . lulll' 11 .U'UV1 lt-lk-l 1 1 llllKII fill'. trrv lml ,r,,!t 1 must res to such an extent that there is little aitl to tin weakened Lungs . i will make all the difference between . thirjgo view. 'Hidden death and many years of v .4 " I I I ; r t . kl. j: ......... o Liha P.uue (reailllig; J. t useiiu uie. upon uie nrsi snii- t ,.t Ttnniinvi!le, . i;., io k aitomsoi a i;ougu, oinor any irouiue - - ... I - . f t..M I. some of the ilistricts for this pur pose, it is suggested that the end may be effected bv authorizing del-, egates to the State Convention from such districts to meet iu Kaleigli on or about the 30th of May in district conventions and elect delegates to represent the districts at St. Louis We have reasons to know that the iuilTrages of the people men of character, intecrritv and rcwxinized fitnex for the offices to-'which they are nominated, and only-snch, and the continued supremacy of the white race, which is synonymous in North Carolina with the supremacy of the Democratic party, wiPl be as sured for another, term "of years. For the committee. ; R. H. Battlk, Chin'n. B. C. Bkckwith, Sec'y Vn t, i his heart of the Throat or Lnns. cive that old ami well-known remedy Bosch ee's German Syrup, a careful trial. It will prove what Thousands say of it to be, the 'benefactor of any home. l'laii of OrnIiatiii or the Democratic I'artr of North Carolina. Chicago Datae-li.e 8 Ui.i.H.htlul he a. 'iiugbtf jl?" -Why vf;he waitetl until his Hrst , w If drL" - Omaha World. . - I rinpUoa Sgrrlj Cunnl. j T tmk tniToi; Please inform! rrrra.lthatllhavea iositive p (jK2tTIlAL Kx. cOM., n-mMvtur the above named disease. Hv it timflv ue thousamls of hope- J!abuah A. C, fcb. 23. 18S3. rx liave been permanently The following is the plan of organ cirnl. 1 shall W jfSad to send two ization . heretofore adopted, by the bvttWotiuy remedy KUKK to any ; State " Democratic Committee for i.t yutir reaiiVrs ho"have consum-. the guidance of the party. t;.iiif they illenJ uie their ex-j . township qhuamzatiox. rrM .ml u lofiec 1. The unit of ccM.nty i.rganization jwtfully T.A. MiX.LM, 1 . hm the township. In each J rarl?r., .er lorK. - township there shall bean executive I committee, to consist of live l , lrrlng the I bIiIm. S.iv waiter, what lo vu mean by jrivini: nh u -tltlly starched ; ii.ij.kiu!" in-licnuntly ileutau ed the; I.iiron of a ht. Iiii'is hotel. . ; ion re irum .ton. I believe,1 Mbl tin wallrr. "WVl!. hat if I am!" "That's the .rea.Mii I irave von Jllrli n ftiL .iit. i.n.L . T.. I - " ' ihiniu, I'll. ? hnvf strict cmlTs to preserve the unilie, m."- Jlokl Mail. A Little C1om. Mrs. A. "What sort of people are oar next Iuor neighbors?" Mr. K 'Tliey are alniut as ibn-y a jople get to be." Is it iHissible?" "They are so stingy thev starve (neuisrires. Well, III give "nit-Hica now tliey live. w.rrrme otner tlav, and I sawaj nwasj rImrI to a &keleton come: Mioi inetr pantry with tears In you emo- ! crats, who shall be elected by the . Democratic voters of the several townships in meetings culleu ty Tin county executive committee. And said committee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who shall preside at all committee meetings. 2. The several township executive committees shall convene at the meetiugs of the several county con ventions, or at any time and place that a majority of them may elect, and shall elect a county executive .rmiiiiif tit til consist of not less than 11 vo members, one of whom shall be designated as chairman. who shall preside at all of said com mittee meetings. 3. In case there shall bti a laiiure township to elect The Greatest Cnro oi EarJi for Pain" Will relieve more quickly than any other known rera- Burns. ScAldn, Oat. Inmba- C, Ileurify, Sores, frost-bites, e. viinsy, sore xnroai. hn.xt.:ca, . Wouxuw, Headache, Thb llath Familiar Flavor. Nrene-Dinner partv at a rich s . - lnrfoi house. I1 rosperous bar J -r recounting his career) - When my first brief I wa excited ,7 lmw-N estciallv as my cli?nt troBsuum.ate scoundrela bail f ay.)"n takehiiu, but then lit, DOingiuy practice; he uas tt J fa,uil' th reputa Ut hou!cI have been fa mL i?1 ,,a'1 ,,e ! convict- tiS'ff l,,eca?e ftnd ot t,,e t-fsir w,,rr uuporiaui Vho ' 1 frieml of the host, (kVV-a,,fr: 1 "as his first client. -f -a Tunes. to him. patronlziugly) be introduced to met him long ago; gave him his Jin xr'Ut,r lo Molhr boci o 5 SLow's Sooth inq Srnup tZ:,r&y beusedwhenchildren Zrtetth- Itrelievesthelit-4r-r.at once Jt produces nat t tlV b..reliving the anu tne little etier -rt7r 'briKht as button." It i Peasant to taste. 1 1 soothes e,w the Ki-S allay tr rUeV!4 win.! rtilTtu th tfJ C5Da 'f the known reme- if tZ - Whet he Ui'.x7rZ or othei iNm. or nuioiguiiy t!?1? earliest nart of . sra.nt'.. . name. Judas Is i a a Tl. -i fl iSrV Rot "Incarlor I. 'fal.11 Iu"l. At fcr.l i. IUI f wozen interpretations of istTV..611 suggesteil bv Mt w uu no one of tha,.. r ..."ctory. .The lr.ord i.: "I".rnuiiiberUthat wo th,2,,e?1etl or forrupt r WothV0 t ebrew words. 1 1 L a, K f rt rv I. t i ,lian k.ther; Sr."0 being a villaire I. WetlI10 t,-tn. . WJoaiT '.wwoe, where HI 1 Wl. WK 111 J V . Th fatnilc I... I eaauie, however, t rtn tin imrt of Jinv tn I a a aw a " - - - 7 - 1 was I itspxecutivecointnitteeforthe period saw a, 0 thirty davs, the county executive committee shall appoint sain cdiii tnittee from the Democratic voters of said township. 4. The members of the township committees shall elect to any va cancy occurring in said committees. H. "The county executive commit tee shall call all necessary county conventions by giving at least ten days notice bv publht advertisement in three pubh'c places iu each town shr1!), at the court house door, and in any Democratic newspaper that may b published iu ahl county, requesting all democrats of the county to meet in convention in their respective to iiships on a com mon day ther iu state!, which siiiil day shall not be h ss than three days before the meeting of the cotiuty convention, for the purpose of elect ing their delegates to the county conventions. Thereumm the con ventions so held shall elect their delegates to represent the town ships in the county conventions from the voters of the respective townships, which delegates, or such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Democratic strength of their respentive townships on all questions that may come before the saiil county conventions. In cae noconvention shall be held in auv township in pursuance of said cali, or no election shall he made, the township executive committee shall appoint such delegates. C. Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every twenty-live Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of fifteen Democratic votes cast bv that' township at the last proceding gubernatorial election: Jrovided, That every township shall lie entitled to cast at least one vote, and each township may send as many delegates as it may see fit. 7. In cases where tow'nships con sist of more than one wanl or pre cinct, each of said wards or preciiicts shall be entitled to send 'delegates to county- conventions, and shall cast its proportionate part of its township s vote, based upon the last preceding vote for Governor in said township. 8. The ' chairmen ftP township committees shall preside at all town ship conventions. In their absence any other member of said committee may preside. "9. in cases where all the town ship executive committees are re- arising causes. per their is of the senatorial, congressional and judicial tlistricts. respectively, shall ar the call of their respective chair men, meet at some time and place in their respective districts, design ated in said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and nlace for holding, conventions in their respective districts; and the chairman of said respective commit tees shall immediately notify the chairmen of the different county executi ve committees of saM appoint ment, and the said county execu tive committees shall forthwith call conventions of thair respective counties in conformity to said no-! tice. to send delegates to said respec- ?ive district conventions. STATK CON VK3TT IOSS. 1. The State Convention shall be composed of delegates appointed by . a i A l! Tne several county conventions, Kach county shall beentitledtoelect one delegate and one alternate for everv one hundred and fifty Demo-, cratic votes, ami one delegate for fractions Jover seyenty-five Demo cratic votes cast therein at the last preceding gubernatorial election; and none hut delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seats in said convention: JVovided, That everv countv shall have at least one vote iu said convention. OKNKKAI RULES. 1. Such delegates (or alternates of absent delegates)-as mav be pres ent at any Democratic convention shall be allowed to cast the whole vote to which their township or countv iuav be entitled. 2. If no delegate or alternate shall attend n State convention from any The following: quotations represent whole omit v any person appointed bv the sale prices generally, in making up small or- President of the couniv convention, I Uers hlgner prices have to be charged. or on his failure by its Secretary, mav represent the county, 15. in all conventions provided for by this svstein, after a vote is cast there shall be no change in said vote until the final result of the ballot shall be announced by the chairman of said convention. 4. All Democratic executive com mittees shall have the power to fill anv vacancy occurring in their re spective bodies. rt. That the chairmen of the dif ferent county conventions shall cer tify the list of delegates and alter nates 'to the different district and state conventions, and a certified list of said delegates and alternates to the State convention shall be sent to the Secretary of the State Central Committee. For the committee: . R. II. Battle, Chin'n. B. C. Bkckwith, Sect'y. KAILiltOAI -- 331; T A. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TPAINS'GOJNa SOUTH. Dated Feb.6th, 1888. No. i - 23. No. 27. Leave Wilmington. 1-eare- Marlon. Arrive Florence P. M. I Leave Florence. Arrive Sumter. . Leave Sumter Arrive Columbia. 11 12 15 2-40 4 25 4 25 fi 15 M. sa 15. MIRCEIJiANEODS Carolina Central ?.?iIroad ; Company. - 1 1 11 w u CHANGE OF SCHEDULE. P. M. 10 10 12 41 1 25. A. M. I P. M. t 2 40 5 3L' - 0 20 P. .M. I No. 59. I P. M. t 6 40 S ff. NO. 52. NO 56. A. M. P. M. t 9 401 8 27 10 45? 9 55 No. 52 runs through from Charleston via Central K. it. ' ' - Leaving Lanes 8::i4 A. M.. Manning 9:08 A. M Sunflays No. 5 leaves Charleston 8SJ0 A. M.. Lanes 10:28 A. II., Jtannlng ll-JO A. M., Sumter A. M., anives Columbia 1:10 P. M. No. ra runs ' through fixm Charleston via central K. K., Leaving Lanes 7:13 P. M., Man ning 7:52 P.M. Tram on C. & D. R. R. connects, at Florence wun sso. as. WESTBOUND TRAINS. No. 1. i No. 3. Jan. 1, 12S8.- . Idallyex. dally ex. sunaay. unuAj. Leave Wilmington Ar. Laurinburg. . . LvJ Laurinburg. . . Leave Hamlet. . . . . Arrive Chartotter. Leave Charlotte. Ix?ave Liircolnton. Leave Shelby...... Ar. Rutherfordton 6 40pm 12 23 am! Nd'Ri; Weekly. 12 St am 2 03 am ,7 00 am 7 00 am 5 05pn 1 No. 7. ft oo am 7 oo am 3 a pm . am; -11 (Warn! 13 54pmi 3 40 pmj ' . .. . i. M EASTBQUND TRAINS Jau. J. l&W NO. 2. dally ex Sunday. TRAINS GOING NORTH. (NO. 7fi.iNo. 57. 95ctis. a botU. Sold by aU drnariste. Cannon. The cren- : utni HiUralton- Otl bears oar OC reifUtered Trade-Mark, and onr fao-simile slcmatnre. A. C Merer & Co., Sole Froprietors, Baltimore, lid., U. S. A. ' Dr. Ball's Couch Syrup will cure vour Toach at once. Price only 25 CU. bottle. octleodd&wly WHOLESALE PRICES. The Committee to the Party, Kalkigii, N. C, Feb. 25th, '88. To the Democratic Party in North Carolina: At a uieetinr of the Democratic Shite Executive Committee held in this city, on the 231 of February, in stunt.' it was resolved that the Dem ocratic State Convention be held in the citv of Raleigh on Thursday, the COth dav of May, 1888. The said Convention will be held for the nomination of candidates for t he offices of Governor, Lieutenant- Governor, Secretary of State, Audi tor. Treasurer. Superintendent of PublicInstruetion.AttorheyGeneral, three Justices of the Supreme Court one for the vacancv now lined bv appointment of the Governor, and two to take their seats In case the number ofjusticesshall be increased bv the vote of the people and of two Electors for the State at large. and for the election of Delegates and alternate Delegates to the Dem ocratic National Convention to be held in ihe citv of St. Louis on the 5th dav of June next. Also, for the adoption of a platform of principles and the transaction of' such other business as may come before it. It ill be observed that the State Convention is to be held earlier this BAGGING Gunny Standard BACON North Carolina. Hams Shoulders lb sides. wib.... WESTERN SMOKED Hams, lb Steles, lb Shoulders, w lb . . DRY SALTED Sides, V lb Shoulders, w lb , .. BARRE1.S Spirits Turpentine. second liana, each New, New York, each . New. City, each ; . BEESWAX, lb BRICKS, Wilmington, At..;. northern..,; BUTTER, y fl v Kortn carouna... . Northern CANDLES, V tb sperm Adamantine CHEESE, lb- Northern Factory Dairy, Cream State.... COFFEE, y lb- Java -.. Laguyra Rio CORN MEAL, "$ bush, in sacks. vireinia Meal COTTON TIES, t bundle..... DOMESTICS Sneetlng, 4-4, V yard A Wi Wi V i.iim. . . ... .... . EGGS, d0Z FISH Mackerel. No. l, bbi 7 l&X 8 8X 14 15 8 & $ 10 (& 11 13 15X 10 103 M 1 1 40 1 50 0 00 1 75 1 65 ($ 1 70 20 22 fl 00 8 00 0 00 14 00 15 25 25 30 18 25 9 10 V 11 12 13 14 J 10 27 28 23 24- 20 22 00 67 00 63 1 25 1 30 6 6 00 80 18 & 20 00 00 12 50 Mackerel, No. 1, half bbL 7 50 8 00. 9 00 (11 w 4 75 6 00 7 80 9 00 6 00 7 00 3 00 4'00 5 10 Mackerel, No. 2, 3? bbl. . . . Mackerel, jno. z, nan ddi. Mackerel, No. 3, bbl MuUets, bbl N. C. Roe Herring, keg. Dry Cod, v n FLOUR, V bbl western; low graae " Extra ........ Family City Mills Super " Family glue, y lb.. GRAIN, V busheL Corn, rm store, oags, wnite Corn, cargo, in bulk, white, corn, cargo, in bags, white. Corn, mixed, from store. . ; ; Oats, from store . Oats, Rust Proof cow Peas.. HIDES,.? lb , Dry.;.... HAY, V 100 lbs Eastern Western. i North River HOOP IRON, y tt LARD, y lb J Northern North Carolina... LIME, y barrel 3 50 4 00 4 00 $ 4 50 4 50 5 00 4 10 5 00 00 50 8 00 00 66 00 42X 00 80 (3 10 i. 65 62 451 90 "!i8 1 05 85 90 (3 5 12 ft 9 1 10 95 1 00 2;,' 3 IK 8 -waa-- w I UllUlMf UOllU -- vear than usual. This was necessary LUMBER, city Sawed, ?JIft. 1 40 8X 10 0 00 in order that the delegates to the National Convention, to be held the week after, may be selected. The National Convention is called earlier than usual iu order that the party, may be better organized and a more thorough campaign niaue iu behalf of its nominess and its great principles. The same advan tage attends the earlier meeting m of our State Convention and nomation of its candidates. The State committee respectfully urge upon the county committees throughout the State to take early action for the call of their county conventions, in accordance ithjthe plan of organization which is publish ed ith this address, giving full no tice of meetings in the different townships, so that vrlmaric may. be fairly heldandully attended. Thus the fairness of all nominations and other business done inus be univer sal! v conceded. It is obviously im portant that every county shall be rpnrpKHiitfil in th Statt Convention by one or more of its own citizens,! but-if for any reason one cannot at-, tend, provision has been t made for the representation of the county by any person appointed by the cljaiK man of the county convention, or in case his failure to appoint, by one 20 00 16 0Q 18 00 Ship Stuff, resawed ..18 00 Rough Edge Plank .15 00 West India Careles. accord ing to Quality .13 00 Dressed Flooring, seasoned.18 00 22 00 Scantlim? and Board, com'n.14 00 15 00 MOLASSES, y gallon New Crop, in hhds. 25 26 " m bbis.... :. 28 30 Porto Rico, In hhds 28 (s 30 " " in bbls 30 a 35 Sugar nouse. In hhds 00 . 15 inbols. 16 1$ Syrup, In bbls...; 22 35 NAILS, V Keg, Cut. lOd basin.. 2 40 2 50 uiLo, gallon. 4vrOS6fl6 Lard..; Linseed Rosin .... Tar Deck and Spar.. . .. POULTRY Chickens, live rown... Spring.... Turkeys PEANUTS, y busheL 22 lb.. POTATOES, y bushel Sweet Irish, y bbl.......... .. PORK. & barrel City Mess....... 17 50 , Prime..; ....15 00 itnmp... ' w hHICK Carolina, lb. 4 : - Kougn. y Dush, (upland)... ...eo (Lowland). 80 BAGS", w lb country..... 00 City 1, ROPE, w lb...... ...4 14v SALT, y sarX. Alum .; CO t4 75, ' Liverpool..;.; . 65 a 70 " Lisbon............... : 00 - 00 American . ".- i.. .... 4 0 SOAP, y U) Northern .......... , 9 16 90 -15 00 00 20 10 95 60 35 2 25 Leave Columbia. . Arrive Sumter...; Leave Sumter. . , Arrive Florence , Leave Florence Leave Marlon Arrive Wilmington. . . P. M. f 10 25 11 52 1 52 1 20 M M. 6 50 8 12 No. 53, No. 58. t 8 22 9 40 P. M 5 33 6 46 A. M JNO. 66, A. M. 4 3.V t 10 30 5 22i 11 11 8 351 2 101 M. Hp; M. No. 14. P. M. ' 8. 20 8 55 11 50 P. M. Dally. t Dally except Sunda3r. No. 53 runs through to Charleston, S, c, via Central 11. R., arriving Manning 7:20 p. M Lanes 8:02 P. M., Charleston 9:45 P. M. No. 57 runs through to Charleston via Cen tral r. r., arriving Manning 8:48 A. M., Lanes 9iJ3 A. M., Charleston 11:30 A. M. No. 66 connects at Florence with C. and D. train fur Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with VV. W. R. R. for all points North - JOHN F. DIVINE, General Superintendent. J. R. KENLY, Supt. Transportation. , " T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Agent. feb 10 -- ' - ' TIUKTABLBNO 3 Palmetto Railroad Co. Ma!itiBa JSC r r 3J.J N AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. t6, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day: GOING SOUTH. No 1 Passenger and Freight. I Leave Hamlet, N. C . . 8.20 A. M. Arrive at Cheraw, S. C 9.30 A. M. Going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Cheraw. S. C. . . . , .4.25 P. M. 5.35 P. M. WM. MONCURE, Sup't. Lv.Butherf ordton Leave Shelby. Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte. . Leave Charlotte... Iave Hamlet. Arrive Laurinburg Leave Laurinburg. Arrive Wllmingt'n No. 4. dally ex. Sunday. 8 40 am 10 &2 am 13 45 pm 3 OOpml a uu pm 1 25 am 2 17 am - " 2 27 am 8 25 am i ii Nos86 Triweekly. 7 05 am 2 30 pm 4 00 pm . NO. 6. 5 45 am 4 25 pm Trains No. l and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. Take Train No. l for statesvllie and stations on W. N. C, R. R. and points West. Also, for Spartanburg, Greenville, Athens, Atlanta and all points Southwest. Also; for Ashevllie via Spartanburg. . " Local Freight Not 5 and 6 trl-weekly be tween Wlunlngton and Laurinburg. Local . Freight Nos. 7 and & dally between Laurinburg and Charlotte. . r jsos. 5, 6, 7, 8, i ax piisKengers. . L c , JONES, superintendent. F. W. CLARK, Gen'l I'asurtr iron t. Jan 5 - . -,. ... !. : . The Acme iwr a Ttf ttp a nTTfPTMVinn III M 1 K I 1 r M I II lul I K A ft I . MANUFACTURERS OF ' - ' ; ' .' " Vs- ': Fertilizers, Pine Fibre and i- Pino Fihrp Mattincr WILMINGTON. N.C. Arrive at Eamlet. N. C dec 16 tf Wilmington &Weldon R. R. AND BRANCHES CONDENSED SCHEDULE. TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated Jan. 8, 1888. No. 23, dally. No. 27, F'tMall dally. No. 15, daily ex Sunday. Leave Weldon. .... Ar. Rocky Mount. ArrlveTarboro. . . . Leave Tarboro Arrive Wilson... . Leave Wilson.'.... Arrive Selma Arrive Fayettevi'e 2 05 pm 3 17 pm 4 50 pm 5 43 pm 0 00 am 7 15 am Leave Goldsboro. . Leave Warsaw Leave Magnolia. . . Ar. Wilmington. 10 50 am 3 53 pm 7 00 pin l 7 4S am 4 10 pmi 5 19 pm 7 45PQ1 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 40 pot 8 io'pni 9 55 pm S 40 am 9 38 am 9 54 am 11 35 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. NO. 14, dally. No. 78. dally. NO. Otf, dally ex Sunday. rpiIE REPUTATION OF OUR FERTILIZERS the ACME and GEM. Is now estahllshed. and the results of three rears use in the hands ot tne Dest iarmers oi tnig and otner states luiiy attest their value as a high grade manure. - ,. - ' " - . ' s j.uu xnAx iiiMu, nuuie irom ine xeaves oj our nativfi nlnfi : Is nniivrimf tn h Ann-al in anv wool carpet lor comfort and durability and the denand for It Is dally increasing. . It Tiaar vlr tues not found in any other fabric. , f The FIBRE or WOOL ts extAnslverr tispni for ' Upholstering purposes, and as a .filling for Mattresses is almost equal to hair, being light, elastic and proof against insects. certificates from reliable parties using our goods can be seen at our qtfflce, or win be mall ei upon application. ; ; tanitf 4U BDRNT CHILD MABS TBK ilEr rjUNDREDS OF MEN IN WILMINGTON tuinJc they have their lives Insured. Some of them will die while under this impression and their lamllles will discover too late that it was an Illusion. ! . This has haDDened in Wilmington durlncr iiiioii luuum uj um luiiurc vi Lue JirKt as sessment company that commenced business here, Others will follow soon. Before It ts too late, make sure provisions for your family in a life Insurance company that has stood the The Mutual Life Insurance Company of New xorK, is ine oiavst, largest ana oest company in 1 the world. Its poUcies are Inconteetible, are rtAlrl ImmpfllfltPlp- rm tha nvwlnt nt nnvif rf death, and are liberal in their conditions. Assets now over f ii8,000,00aoa 1 ; Leave Wilmington Leave Magnoua. . Arrive Warsaw.. Arrive Goldsboro Leave Fayette vlllej Arrive Selma Arrive Wilson Leave Wilson. 12 05 am 1 21am 2 23 am, 9 00 am; 3 45 pm iu 35 am I 5 28 pm 10 50 ami 5 50 pm 11 50 am 6 52 pm feh27 M. S. WILLARD, Agent, - 214 North water St. i8 30 am 10 50 am ill 59 am 3 03am!l2 42 pm; Ar.Vocky Mount. ......... 1 18pm Arrive Tarboro....' 7 48 pm 8 24 pm Leave Tarboro. 4 50 pm 10 50 am 14 1 45 (4 1 00 C4 16 20 & 22, 25 0 3 100! 90 60 2 75 18 OO C416 00 felo 00 80 J 1 oo ! ltf Arrive Weldon 4 30amt 2 40pm 9 35 pm Dally except Sunday. Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. daily except Sunday. Tram leaves xarDoro, js. c, via AiDermarie & Raleigh k. r. daily except Sunday, 6.00 P. M., Sunday uo l. m., arrive wuiiamston, . c. 8.10 P. M., .40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll- liamston. N. C, daily except Sunday, 7.40 A. ML, Sunday 9.50 A. AL. Arrive Tarboro, N. C, 9.4 A. So... A. JU. Train on Midland N. C. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, dally except Sunday, 8.30 A- M, arrive Smithfleld, N. C, iaot A. M. Returning leaves smithfleld, N. C, 10.45 A. M., arrivw Goldsboro. N. c. 12.10 1. AL Train on .is ash viae Branch leave Rocky Mount for Na.-hvllle. 4.00 P. M-, arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. M., Spring Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring Hope 10.40 A. M Nashville 1L15 A. AL, Rocky Mount 1L55A, AL. dally except sunctay. Train on Clinton Branch leaves Warsaw for Clinton, dally. exceDt Sunday. . at 5.00 P. M. Returning leaves Clinton at 8.45 A. MJ connect- ini? at w arsaw witn os. 15 and uo. southbound Train on Wilson & Fayettevllle Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 50. 'Dally except Sunday. Train No. 27 south will stop only at Wilson, Goldsboro and Magnolia. Train No. 78 maaes close connection at Wel don for all points North dally; All rail via Richmond, and daily, except Sunday, via Bay Line. - - Trains make close connection for all points .Nonn via Richmond and Washington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and Washington, and have Pullman Palace Sleep ers aitacneu. - - : . . JOHN F. DIVINE, Genl Supt. J. R. KENLY. Sup't. Transportation. x. JH. Jan 8 TJITITJ Sea Wonders exist in thousands U Jliijlr ot 'orms, but are surpassed by the mmmmmm marvels of invention. Those who are in need of profitable work that can be done while living at home should at once send their address to Hailett & Co., Portland. Maine, and receive free. fuU information how, either sex. or all ages, can earn from $5 to $25 per day and upwards wnerever taey live, xou are started free. - Capital not required. Some have made over $50 In a single day at this work. All suc ceed, .... , . nor 22 emd lyw RICHLY EMERSONVGen'I Passenger Agent. Be warded are those who read this and then act; they will. And honorable employ-' ment that will not take them from their homes and families. The profits are large and sore for every lndustrlrus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a mohth. It 1 easy for any one to make 15 and upward per day, who Is willing to work. Either sex, young or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everything new. - No special ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one. Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free. Address Stlnson & Co.. Portland, Maine. nov22dfimwly INVENTION-' " half century. Not among the wonders of Inventive progress la . method and system of work that c r 1 be per. formed all over the country wlthou ; separa--tlmr the workers from their homes. Pa v lib eral; any one can do their work; either sex. young or old; no special ability required, cap ital not neededyou are started free. Cut this out and return to ns and we will send you free. something 01 great value and importance to. you, (hat will start you In business, which win bring you in more money right a way, than . anything else in the world. Grand outjujree Address Tkce & Co., Augusta, Maine. ; nov vz ima lyw - . . . -: . - Insurance. ' A CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, 'MARINE, RENT AN I) TORNADO INSURANCE. Apply to , SMITH & BOATWRIGHT, -- vl s No. 124 N. Water street mcb.i2.tr; ..y r Telephone No. 7J A A. UruiVii a (Jo.,' ENERAL INSURANCE AGENTS k TOR FIRE. LIFE. MARINE" AND ACCIDENT. : over $35,000 paid out for death losses for year 1357, la Wilmington,' n. c . omee corner A tirut Water and Mulberry sts., 1 up stairs. fab .-tX - ' ': Li Manly VigorJ Weakness orLoi f 7.TMi.nrrrrr TUincntly rertored hy tlic use of ao ci.'.irciv i;- snMHij. xne lerna Naitta Swui Spain. ,Sa h Trochees never fail. Our U JnstratcJ. u vz Ikk 1 testimonials, (gent pra'.-dv Iitv nantiho;. i -a a i t. . vo : t g t ia 1 : F t J : t ) c 1 1 7 ; a f

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