, , PLEASE NOTICE. ; , . ; We will bo glad to recelTQ comrnr.r.tcaicn from our friends ' on any and all sutjects of general Interest, but , .T.Vj The namt of the writer must always ts tur nlshed to the Editor. V v Conununlcatlons must be written cly c one side of the paper, V Personalities must be avoided. " And it is especially and particularly under stood that the Editor does not' always endorse the views of correspondents 'unless so stated in the editorial columns. ' . nndAT3 excepted- .rtfTu'"- r 1 n. T. JAM ES. W"or and 7 tS .... nwr ACR PAID: Three vat r- . - on month, 35 cent's. rvr't f tLe dt y at lb above J .a.rAU:WnJUDerL r Ir piper regularly. VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C. MONDAY. APRIL 9, 1888. NO 85. . . -- mm mm viSisJ Specific for LiTer Disease fcM"titei l'-rr r lad taste 1 1 SYMPTOMS! inoiith: "nne! 'rs'VL. u -lurnatdy tt , ,.n. ' ,,wtof ni. n.-.rT. Mii .rDla " - . . -i. 11 c: ". t .a.,..l . " Allowed I" -TVflSS LIVER REGULATOR r 1 u I,eal,by -c,lon- n Kidneys, and Bowels. ....rt Rowel ComiUlnt. IKE BEST FAMILY MEDICINE 1 CKi:drB. t r Adults. m! fc be AgeI. ON!-Y GENUINE UtZ Su? mnl fror.t of Wrapper." H. Zeilin I Co., Philadelphia, Pa., act c IvjmUMj cf ThelatV jrwTDrexel paid at the ntof U,0Ot).O perncrc for the M if Uml ou which stands the limrl lmiMin:, corner of Wall ami Br.a struts New York, and yet it .rovtt a remunerative investment. Thfirt State Democratic ('on-v-ution of has jast been held at lVmlUton. Oregon. President iteteland was unanlmonly endorj- U ami a delation solidly in fa vor ot liis renocjination will be sent r. sr. Ixuh. LOCAL JSTErS, lKDBX TO New adtkktikmknts. Locia II Mkabes- Hais J A SraixotR For Sale M M Katz New tioo-H IlEIKiBERiiCK -Tlie Latest . It.W BK3T-Uvcry stables FC Millkk Diamond Iycs .Tatir's Hazar Mlllliury OrzRA HorsE illinore's Band M S Willaki A nunitClilk! Mrs. E. A. Lcmsdkn Mlllluery Auctlon Notice A Sehlass A Co .smith Boatwrioiit Insurance JJn K B Wnsciss spivlal Notice , ALVKRXAN. KLANNKR C'O StOCS W K Spkinukk & Co IMroctlmriortatlon L Change of suillny' loj rs NY Wll 8 Line John I. Boatwriuht something Attractive C B sorniK kland A. Co Carriagf! Repository STATKMiycf Union .Muttia Mfe Insurance Company I Jutltf Clark ha written a letter to Dr. W. R. VW. ot Halifax, deelin- inj to entr into the coutent for the ruWrnatorial ltotninatioii. Thi iarro! the contest don to Lt. liov. ifterlmau and Juiljre Fowle. with the former gent Iemnn a lon ay ahead. Daring the pajt year f 03,000 has Wq realized from cabbages shipped from Wythe county, Va., in car-load alone. In addition it is estima te! that the railroads realized about from the freight on these ubbae. This is a handsome sum to one county for an "infant isJastry." Shelby Xcic Era: It is evident that the Lieutenant rtnrrnnr t rv- -Jthestrou-ei,t man in the Held with the hearty supixrt of the wtropoHs of the State and the yt, with a large share of popular ij ia the rest of the commonwealth, : freods have every reason to be Tthathe will tl, ton rent ion article on "Wliere to Spend r SsanaeCin Scribncr for April, "U Ureelv. Chif s?o-r,i nm 1,1 -"(Jl UlliVCi, r" Prophesy as to the hnttst f. 'athe year lSS. The Detroit taking the matter up, has prize of to the person iue luree day a will h pn freelrl-, ,. . " " ,V i ,areI telegraphed lib l61-' April, fcorsemeu of this CoaKres8 Up l0e Massachusetts delea- I. B.Pres'ntatI Leopold Mbree. u0a4ire retaU cloth. who tinted three different Bos 5 .v drives For othtr locuil see fourth page. Hest shot's for boy.s at French & Sous. t Seventv-fotir bales received here to-dav. of cotton See the "Artful,' the best rat trap known, at .Tacobi's Udw Depot. School shoes for children, best in the citv, at ieo. II. French Sons.t Ladies will 11ml a niye line of good reliable scissors at .lacobi's lid w. De pot. t Steamship JCquatoi Capt. Nelson arrived here yesterday afternoon from .ew iork. Death at Southport. . Appropriations for the Fiscal Year. We regret to learn of the death of j The aggregate amount of the ap Mr. William Grissom, a well-known . propriations for the different depart resideut of Southport and a pilot by I ments of the city government for profession. He lied oir Saturday the fiscal j-ear ending March 31stt and was buried on Sunday. He wasUSSO. is $92,405.50.; As agreed upon about 35 or 37 years of ago and j by the; Board of Audit and Finance j NEW AOVERTISKMKNTH. Statement i HO WING THE CONDITION OF THE leaves a family. He had been sick sometime with muscular rhejma tism and this was probably the primary cause of his death. The Hank Defaulters. f Cross and White, the defaulting bank officials, are 5uife iivllaleigh at last. They came 'down last night as far as Weldon on the fast mail train taking the express at weiaon ana arriving in Raleigh early this morn ing. A gentleman who saw them on the train between Richmond ant weitioti says that . uross was very sad ami silent while White, much the older ihan, was chatting almost incessantly. December 31st, 1887. A gentle rain, one of the "April showers" that "bring May flowers' is needed to lay the dust. . The mails now being carried over the Atlantic Coast Lfne are very heavy and are increasing continual- iy. t A Woman's Missionary Meeting was held in the Lecture Room of the First Presbyterian Chureli this afternoon. He Certainly Will. Minister Well, Bobby, do you think you will be a better little boy this year than you were last? Bobby (hopefully)--I think so, sir; 1 began taking flood's Sarsaparilla last week. ltd&w 9. WltlrTi , I 1 the dudes and small preuutive Henry Cabot the ioillir,ntM youns Lowell lawyer who U7 . .. . - lcPAtiou as a sneakpr I - i.7 fwaJk lthe resl f col aelo 'rrule in rtreet cam I e rraCes aud cou pes. which Koi t that w lilori tl cnt)ionirsto pure, ,, riuT t ,u.l'f H! by UmhV . ,0(U taerit. WiU cnvince ;iemb i ! Our iu Vi.ohSelHJ jProlUs..: I. SHI Wnuule. fiSIPi.MMtw.No. 1G North Front n- agent, t Sign of the (iolden Arm. Brunswick Superior Court, Judge Phillips presiding, convenes at Southport to-day. Quite a number of the members of the bar in this city went'down on the 'Louise this inorning'for attendance. The steamer Cape Fcat Capt. Tomlinson, brought down 41 passen gers from Fayetteville to attend the Pearson meetiugs. They will leave to-night on their return after the services at the Tabemable are over. Chas. E. Whitnev, a sailor who deserted from the brig George E. Dale, was arrested on Saturday night and lodtred in the guard house. To-dav he was turned over bv the Mayor to Deputy Marshal T. O Buutinir. who will hold him in de- tention subject to the orders of the master of the vessel. Church Slemhcrtihlp. Ill all there were 122 additious to church membership in this city vesterdav. Of these Grace M. E. Church received 31. First Presby terian 2o First Baptist 24, Brooklyn Baptist 10, Fifth Street M. E. 15. Bladen Street M. E. 7 ami Sec ond Presbyterian 3. ltock Cryiital 8iertaclcit ami Kyej;lases Advice to old ami young: In se lectiug spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying votver than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye.- Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heiusberger's. Heyoml Onr Expectations. The increase in our sales the past month was beyond our expectation, and proves conclusively that our ef forts to place first clttxi Clothing at New York prices within the reach of buyers from Wilmjngton and vicin itv is appreciated. We have just received anil placed on our counters the finest and best selected stock of Men's, Boy's, Youth's and Children's Qlothisig for Spring and Summer wear ever before brought to this market, which will be sold at prices that will surprise.. All we ask is a and you are sure to buv. Re- ber we will not 1m undersold. Our motto Quick Sales and Small ProlUs. . 1. HHRIER: er and ront street A Gool Inventment. A colored resident of this city by the name of Win. Johnson made a lucky investment in a pair of shad last Saturday.' He paid 25 cents for a pair of buck which he took home to his wife, ho set to work at once to clean them. In doiug so she came acros a silver five cent piece in the entrails and a little further .search revealed a silver half dollar. The latter was almost black. How the money got there nobody knows, of course. The Hie Fresh in Black Kiver. i lie iresiiet in lilac k luver is one of the largest if not the very larg est ever kno wn. A resident of the Caintuck section who ishere to-day savs that the banks of the river are all overflowed and that the water is out in the woods. A number of in stances are reported where it is up to the door steps of dwelling houses and in one instance a colored uian had to abandon his house and ilea to higher ground. At fast accounts however, the water was - subsiding. The Moon in April. The April moon fulls on the 26th at lh. 22m. a. m. The new moon of the 11th is in conjunction with Nep tune on the 14th at 4h. 40m. a. m., being 3. 5' south. On the 19th, the day of the first quarter, the moon is in close conjunction with Saturn at 7h. 29' a. m., being 1. 5' south. She is in conjunction with Uranus on the 24th at 9h. 5' p. m.. beintr 4 17' north. She is in conjunction on the sauie day, the 24th, with Mars at 4h 33' p. m.. beinir 3' 1G' north. She pays her respect to Jupiter, lat in the train, on the 27th, the day after the'full, at 8h. 16' p. m., being 3 26' north. The moon the day after the full, and Jupiter, near his brightest phase, will make a charming picture in the southeastern sky on the even ing of the 27th. City Court. A. A. Monsch was before the May- or this mormnir. chargea with re ceiving money under false pretences There was no evidence to justify the charge and Mr. Monsch was dis charged, first paying $5 license tax. Geo. H. Brown, charged with keeping his bar open on Sunday, was fined $35, which he paid. Frank Brown, charged with the same offense, was discharged. Frank Bolen, disorderly, $10 or 20 days. He paid the money. ' The same defendant was arraing- ed on a charge pf forcible trespasses, but judgment was suspended. The River and Harbor Bill. Capt. W. H. Bixby, U. S. Engineer in charge of the Government wdras here, tells us that a printed copy of the River and Harbor bill as report ed by the House, shows the follow ing, recommendations for North Carolina: Pamlico and Tar, $5,000; Coiitentnea Creek, $5,000; Trent River, $5,000; Neuse River, $15,000; Waterway between Beaufort and Harlowe Creek, $15,000; Harbor at Beaufort, $35,000; Waterway be tween Beaufort Harbor ami New River via JJogue Sound, $5,000; New River, $3,000; Cape Fear River, above Wilmington. Fear River, below fivvW'f tin va j iiiidiiuiil.1 . Surveys have been recommended for J ,i u pl. , .jufliuwwiuaij urjs isukaisujs cui- wu nic viinirmeu oi vuiuiuinees ui : It.llA Rnrrl rtf A f V.n i uv uiuci wen, iriic aiuvuun p jwy ror each department is as follows: Streets and Wharves.......$2l,077.00 Police Department 18,263.50 City Hospital 1,600.00 Salaries'....... 7,600 00 Public Bwldiflgs..v...... 908.iK)iU J?'ire, Department., 12,332.00 Keeping1" Prisoners r 800.00 Light Department .. 8,740.00 Markets 3,850.00 Pnnting,stationery and ad- 500.00 6,750.00 4,485.00 500.00 2,500.00 500.001 ASSETS: Value of real estate and ground rents owned toy the Company (less tne amount., or encumoran- ces thereon)... Loans on bond and mortgage (duly recoraea ana Doing nrst uens on the fee simple).... ......i....... Account of stocks and bonds of the United States, and of this and other 'States, also all other stocks and bond3 absolutely owned by the Company. ........ Stocks, bonds and all other secu- riues(except mortgage) hypothe cated to the Company as eollat- " ral security for cash actually loaned by the Company.. . Interest due and accrued o stocks and other securities.. Cash in Company's principal office and belonging to the Company, riirvrci tcri in Uonl The ap- J Cash in hands of Agents, and in transitu. .$ 1,3G1,2T3 21 vertisiug ., Water Works Sanitary Department Llection (next March) Miscellaneous Wilmington" Light Infantry The original estimates aggregated $111,798.50, but modifications and reductions were made and the amount -agreed upon aggregated $92,405.50, as stated above propriation for streets and wharves PrenUums or assessments unpaid was cut down from $41,395 to $21,- Premiums or. assessment loans Q77, by striking out an appropria- Another assets,' detailed in state- . r rss i i 1 . i menc. lion oi i,uuu ior grading aim uram- inrr nhsfnnf. Br.f frrtn Prnii-tli fr I Total ASSetS 1.069,665 37 2,534,917 35 219,337 05 58,089 45 104,516 73 10.273 10 109,468 63 546.452 02 3,818 SO 6,017,801 71 LIABILITIES. 984.875 25 Total Expenditures. . . 1,100,984 72 NORTH CAROLINA BUSINESS IN 1887. Risks Svrltten. Premiums receive. . Losses paid on risks taKen Losses incurred 45,389 84 1,272 00 2,000 00 2,000 00 President, JNO. E. DeWITT. Vice-Presldent.- Frbnt street, striking out an item for paving Nutt street ($9,35o), the estimate being that the present T0BmW .nM.nt.,,.' navement on that street will last in slsted $ 83,662 94 I Peeorro oe -roimlTvi Yv T our r. orio riin I M (,ruuu couiiuiou tor eignteeu iuoulij jaii otner Claims 8,335 86 J. ' 1 1 ' 3 J.1 I " " ' or two years, aim uy reuuciug xue Total Liabilities. 5,385,498 80 appropriation of $15,500 for paving stock - 1 A 1 X A1 AAA 11 " it n - u roui srreec to so,uuu tne amount rioiai income to be paid this year- the balauce to be hereafter appropriated. The chairman of the-. Committee on Streets and Wharves expressed him sell as well satisfied with securing the appropriation in its modified form. After tlje conference, the Board of Audit and Finance resumed its ses- siou and approved of the action of the Board of Aldermen in appoint ing two permanent health officers at salaries of $600 each per annum. Also, increasing the salary of the superintendent of streets from $700 to $800, The recommendation of the Chief of the Fire Department, to place in dicators in the engine and hook and ladder houses, was also approved. The matter of putting a concrete pavement in Front street market house, for wh ich an appropriation J that the above is a true extract from the sworn of $1,200 was made; was left to the statement or the UNION MUTUAL life IN- Market Committee to decide wheth-1 orT A Mtn . now on file In this department. W. L. SAUNDERS. ap 9 lt . Secretary of State. new AovHiiTiHT:rjirrrn . 8PECIALN0TICEl 'piIE LADIES' SPECIAL ATTENTION 13 called during the week to the Elegart Une ef 3SI A I N so o :ez c, : :JNDIA ErjJBROIBEQG ' FL0UN0INGC,:; 1 - AND'"'. ;:'. ? AU-Over Embroideric -o- Iiacps of all Dcriptlnnn In the above line I offer some special Inducements. , v Corsets. , Burlegi ; 1 ; Hoop Skirt MISSES' AND CHILDREN'S COR- SET WAISTS, ' V " Vf ' , ' In all the popular Brands. Cashmere & Ohuda Scirfs ! In all colors add Just the things for Light Weight Wraps. . Passe rti enter to Trimming3, Just received In all New Styles and Quality, ranging from 20c. to 8 per yard. , CALL AND EXAMINE. -o- Secretary, ARTHUR LI BATES, General Agent, J. D. SMITH, Wilmington. STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA. Office of Secretary of State, INSURANCE DEPARTMENT, 'Raleigh. N. C, March 1st, 1888. 1 In compliance with Section 3067. of - Seal. Is v 'I Thft CortP. nf TJnrfh rnmllnn T pptlfv A Full Line of Millinery Alway on hand. New additions being added -f Fancy Work BankHii I ' ... Knitting Baskets and Ornamental Haskets Of all descriptions, and many other s new and pretty things in - f the Fancy Line.. v er the paving should be of concrete or other material. We publish in this issue the an tiual statement of that staunch and popular insurance company, the Union Mutual Life, of which Mr, J. D. Smith, of this city, is the general ent. t a Again this morning it wasi cold enough for fires and overcoats. OPERA HOUSE. Wilmnstoj, Thursday April 12th, 1888. A GKEAT EVENT! GILM0RE IS COMING ! NET? ADVERTISEMENTS. A. G- McGIrt, Auctioneer, , . BY S. A. SCHLOSS & CO. 1 fflUESDAY, ATKIL, 10TH, AT 10 O'CLOCK, 1 in our saieg awms, we win sen tne Rigging, SallsCloth, Tackle, &c, of the wrecked schr. E, Frances. .The Sails and Ropes are compar atively ney. ap it. N e w Tort 6 WilminsrToD Steamship Co. Hosiery and Gloves For Ladles and Children. My Hosiery are all warranted FAST BLACK. . . ftv Calf and see me. ' , , v' MRS.E.J3. WIGGINS. N. 8. To arrive by Tuesday's Steamer, new Parasols and Silk Umbrellas and Fans nf evarr description. ' . . - , Country orders solicited and promptly filled. . Horses and Mules, T?OR SALECHEAP ap!6 Call on : i - 1 J. A. SPRINGEIL at Coal Yard. fROM PIER 29, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. At 3 o'clock. P.M. 31 EQUATOR...... KEN EF ACTOR.. E QUATOR.. GULF STREAM , FROM WILMINGTON ..Saturday. April 14 . . .Saturday, April 21 Wednesday, April 25 ..Saturday, April 28 For a Mighty Musical Jubilee with his WONDERFUL BAND, And the following distinguished array of soloists and grand ensemble: MADAME ANNIE LOUISE TANNER Prima Donna Assoluta. SIGNORLNA CARLOTTA MACONDA, Prima Donna Soprano. M'LLE HELENS MELLINI, Contralto, CnAS. TURNER, Primo Tenore. 81GNOR TAGLIAPIETRA, Basso Cantante: and FRAULEIN MINA BUHLMEYER, Pianist. TOGETHER WITH, " ' ' . 13 MATCH :h '.-;UMIHTS CONTAINED IN THE Greatest Band on Earth', A.LBEttATl, 1 000- Caie GULF STREAM. flv,UW, , i EQUATOR Wilmimrton, benefactor. I- . .1! EiAUIUIimilUIlS UUU ......Friday, April 13 ...i..Kriday, Apru "ZJ Friday, April 27 . . . . rruesday, m ay i EQUATOR. tr Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro' Trent Hiver above Trenton; Fishing Rates guaranteed to and from points in North Creek (tributary of Tar Kiver;: Swift and south Carolina. - u Creek (tributary of Neuse Kiver); White Oak Uiver and North East . Cape Fear Uiver. , " i For Freight or Passage apply 10 l ! HENRY CLEWS & Co,, BANKERS, 13 & 15 BROAD ST., N. T. . ; -' , 34EXBEES OF THE ' i ' j NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE. . I NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE, ' NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE. ' ! NEW YORK COFFEE EXCHANGE. 1 1 . ' CHICAGO BOARD OF TRADE. . J ; Transactions made at any of the above Ex changes and carried on margin for customers when desired. . . Interest allowed on deposit accounts. 1 apl 7 lm . - .- The Aiatect. Second Begiment Waltr, i , ' FOR PIANO. -Dedicated to the North Carolina State Guard : , - By ,v::f 1. H. GRBENEWALD. ; r', .". -. For Sale at r-.-r.i- - H EINSBE RGER'S BOOK AND MUSIC STORE. 4 ? 1.. mch26 For Rent. gTORE AND DWELLING COR ner Eighth and Wooster Streets. ' Apply to - I't apliiw " J.G. DARDEN, No. 905 N. Fourth St. I Eaoter Ca rdc TILL OPEN TO-DAY A LARGE AND beautiful assortment of . ' ; . ; ! BASTERCAKDS. Plain, Fringed and very fine ones in boxes. ' Ilease call and make your selections. - Cash orders from the country win be prompt; " ly attended to at . ; - ; , It G. SMALLBONES, superintendent. : Wilmington, N. C The cheapest place to' buy your schoo books and school stationery Is at Helnsberger,s. j - TnEO. E. JEGKR. Traffic Manasrer. ,. New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO.. nenl Atrenta, ap9. 25 LroadTray, lisw Yorli AND THE GILMOlfE UNPARALLELED MUSICAL AGGREGATION Prices Reserved, fci.oa Admission fLiO. Gallery f Lui. 8ale ciX'nsSlenaay. mornlr? at . tloincbo?ri w w ' Liv uooii and i.iusicCtcn . men 13 . . , . Finest shoes for ladiesvrer.r in city at ricr.cli C: C;;: