THIS PATER -timoS. FOSTAOETAID:. six BO'" COO. Three 03e month, 3S cents. .yaTftrd by camera, free ...r,rl-aim,erL tor1' taclf pager fgyytyy . v ..,th.r nr Dlseiiei."be. c.VVr 1 t,o mrdiurn through lJE often otuck. the 7jwa .mnuou gae to ;BS,SdWel. it is causea. M iernTttl and effete matter i ! rW'l the blOOd -tf -"rT .., not irjjiivtw cf Appetite, Sick Headache, : Bad Breath, etc ft constipation doe not r- irfa i unloading- the bowel. - TA 41 well, and uotproduc 2HJ SGRi body wUhoutehai)! cJllinUlci the eritea . alnosi eFy- - - rfj cclil ta try - after each aeaL 1 JJjUlOokSapenor Court, KWUO. tVi o i WrFptf tk red ZBk Tr" -'!StirtCj. U. ZEILUi CO a if wpuwly cam Pr?i."crAyrs widow Is reported $m U worth fii,000.000. - Ao Item to the effect that Mr. neUnd will Attend the St. Louis JatioDil Contention i flying about. In Chicairo one firm have lrently IA drama this year, thegreat lemand leinj; catisetl by the ap .nufhin campaign. Alueomotive was recently sent as a nrent to the Saltan of Morocco by the Kin of the Belgians. There i.-i uof a yard of railway or tram line in hi dominion. An Emrlfcli jeer has discovered that the numerical value of the let rr in Boalanger's name wheu add hi op amounts to CCC, the number of the beast of the Apocalypse. This important clue enables him to pre dict that Gen. Boulanger will play aUadin part in the affairs of the world between this time and the tecond adrent of Christ, "which is to occur at 3o'clockin the afternoon ofMirrhS. lSfOG." The years clutch all alike and Un Victoria has falleu into the kbit of taking little "catnaps" in tcr chair, even wheu visitors are Present. At Mich times the royal kJj&oes through the same routine Mowed by the most humble of her objects Her head falls a little for" rd, swaying slightly from ido to Jc; then fche bit bolt upright, ltw her eyes very wide and as ac an appearance of great Intel feJnc? and alertness. At a recent examination of the farnbhed by dealers in Phita pbU it was thown that one-third t the supply was well watered and ollrfc adulterated before deliv-"7- Whca the National Society to r!T'atthe Adulteration of Food, Intu ? wiS PM! ge ts t rong L " intends to . enforce the ,rsapof laws which will punish ,;-eaden la thU Hue as heavily as If '.7,. enterd into a conspiracy I ! stinjated that among the fr-Uhon of the city of London 2.428 wives who have left ltoAi 2,371 haebonds who i'Wllb wives; 4,750 divorced 131.023 couples that live to- . t&te of incessant hos- 0,312 couples that are ab- lJ indifferent one to another; couple, that ai ellr COQP that are happy . ruin extent; and of couples roiy happy, 6. Strong, of the State Supreme Court, re-.f.iwWy-awor aire. He i U.lB.I..I . " 1 iwoKing man who doe . -tar to w . ... i to be iiinpA rrt lftenrf "uu w. Aim Wi,- fWif,nb,es Oladton '"not ho wrinlUI ra-: as active-an ver. J ear, :-Tl I-.- uwu'e IwMm, hut w ?.Za I i-k to botrl- SlhI ;4 QuetIiaM frt.. nooi. cessary is the daily cause of previa Tlci. KlTea P'osslonal t tare Qfa age to thclighL You can get J the best at Heinsberger's. . . 1 E VOL. XII Ad Indiana lawyer, who has been looking tip the matter a little, find8 that there are 800 dead laws on the statute books of that State, every one of which can be taken advan tage of by a tmiart lawyer. . The present indications are that O rover Cleveland will be nominated at St. -Louis by acclamation, and that Maj. Stedman'ts nomination for Governor is next door to a sure tiling. fcar Chancellorsville, Va.. on the 10th of this month, the ceremonies of unveiling a monument to mark the place where Gen. Thoa. J. Jackj son received his mortal wound wil take place. The ncremonfes prom i5e to be of nn interesting character, and large numbers' of the admirers of the great Confederate commander are expected to be present. . ' There is a big shortage in the Winter wheat crop and the esti mates now are that it will fall off 50,000,000 to 80,000,000 bushels in four leading States. California will lose 50 per cent, and Ohio, Michi gan, Indiana and Illinois show a de crease Cf about one-half of the usual crop. .... Stedmaa for Governor. The nomination of Maj. Stedman for Governor is reasonably certain and the Press is heartily glad of It. His promotion to the Governorship would be not only a simple act of justice to the man, who has deserv ed It by his devotion to his party, who would so brilliantly lead the partv to victory and who would fill the office with such .dignity and ability as would reflect credit upon the state, hut it would be likewise an act of justice due to the young Democracv of the State upon whom bay devolved the more onerous du ties of every campaign, who have borne the brunt of every battle and who have never flinched from any duty, and of whom Maj. Stedman is the bean ideal ami the recognizea leader. It is conceded that ttie nominee must be on Eastern man and it is but lust that the West give the peo nle of the East the man they want and that man, if the expression of preference by the conventions of nearly all the counties of the East is Jto be the guide, is undoubtedly Sted- iman. xaitsouiy I'rcss. Peculiar in medicinal merit and wonderful cures Hood's - Sarsapa rilla. Now is the time to take it. for now it will do the most good. Index to Nw adtkrtksxests. Louis U Mxaxxs Hats M t Katz Dress Goods F C-Miixxb Diamond Dyes J W IlAarca Carolina Beach. W E SniNOiR & Co Grain Cradles Taylok's Uazaak 500 Babies Wanted Alskkx an. Planner Co Oil stoves Anxcal Mestinu Carolina Yacht Club MbsE U Wiggins Offer Extraordinary Change of Sailing Days NYt Wll S S Line Uain was prayitl for yesterday in some of the city churches. School Books and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Heins berger's. t . There was a slight sprinkle of rain here yesterday forenoon, but not enough to wet the ground. The annnal meeting of the Caro Una Yacht Club will be held this evening, In the Mayor's office. There was a throng of sight-seers yesterday, all day long, visiting and inspecting the Sylvan Grove. Mocking Bird Cages. A large stock of assorted sizes which are to be had at very low prices at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. t The truckers are complaining very much of the need of rain. Vegeta Lies are already suffering from the want of it; Indication. For 2orth Carolina, local rains, slight changes in temperature and fresh to brisk Southerly winds. Mr. Willie' Ortmann, of Charles ton, Is here on a visit to his uncle, Mr. F. W. Ortmann. He has just returned from a course of. three years study at Llepzig, Germany, and on hls'way back to Charleston stopped here for a few days to visit his uncle. ' Rock Crxtal Spectacle and Eyeglae Advice to old and young: In m I lectlng spectacles you should Im cau tious not to take more magnifying ourr than lias been lost to the ve as iu the same proportion that von n.u tlmf rmint nf inf rn will paha WILMINGTON, N. C, Rev. Dr.Pritchard Will leave here on Wednesday morning for attend ance on the Southern Baptist Con vention, which meets at -Richmond on Friday next. ' "- Four new members were admitted into the First Baptist Church yes terday, seven were added to Grace Church and one joined the First Presbyterian. . '- " '" Ger. barque Bellona Lenck, clear ed to-day for London, with 619csks spirits turpentine," 50 barrels Kum thus, and 3,450 barrels rosin, valued at $14,432, shipped by Messrs. Pat- ersoa. Downing "& Co. . . :- Mr. and Mrs. Heinsberger were married twenty-two years ago to day. We extend to them our heart" iest congratulations and hope that we may live to record their silver and golden anniversaries There will be plenty of flowers for Memorial Day. There are millions of ross in bloom now and the mag nolia buds are just opening out into flowers. The atmosphere is. fairly heavy with fragrance. . Dr. Thos. F. Wood and Dr. W. J. H. Bellamy left last night and Dr. T. S.Burbank, of thiscity and Dr. Wat son, of Southport, will leave to-night for attendance on the State Medical Convention, which meets, in Fay: etteville to-morrow. Capt. June Gardner went out to the Southeastern suburbs this morn ing with a force of nine men to work ou the three miles of ditches which drain the city on the East. He hasn't got the 25 .the morning pa pers credited him with, but he ought to have them. Confirmations and Delegate. Sunday evening at St Mark's Church Bishop Watson confirmed a large class of 14 candidates, the ma jority of whom were men. Alfred Howe, Henry E. Greenland John G. Norwood have been elect ed as delegates to the annual Dioce san Council, winch. meets this year on the 23d Inst, in St. John's church, Favetteville. John H. Davis, Al bert Saunders and Richard L. Hutch ins were elected as alternates. The parish is growing rapidly and is in a prosperous condition. State Medical Society. The thirty-flfth annual meeting of the State Medical" Society will be held'-in Fayette ville- this week, commencing Tuesday; the 8th inst., Dr. T. D. Haigh," of Fayetteville, president, and Dr. Julian M. Baker, of Tarboro, secretary. The presi dent's annual address will be de livered on Tuesday, at o o'ciock, in Wi hams' Hall, where all the ses sions of the society will convene. On Wednesday evening a banquet will be served in the magnificent dining rooms of the Aotel La -Fayette, to be followed by aball in com pliment to the association. An invitation will be extended to the Medical Society by the ladies of the Fayetteville Memorial Associa tion to participate In the impressive ceremonies of Thursday, May 10th, which will consist in the address by J. II. My rover, Esq., in Williams Hall, at 4.30 p. m., the procession to Cross Creek Cemetery immediately afterward,"and the decoration of sol diers1 graves. On Thursday night the annua oration will be delivered, and the society's sessions will continue daily until Friday, 11th inst. A large at tendance of members and visitors is exDected. whom' the people -of Fayetteville will meet with ail their wanted hospitality. . v x. Tacts. Ask your neighbors, you who have not yet traded with us, and they will tell you that I. Shrier's, at 16 North Front street, is without any exception the best place in Wilming ton for Reliable Clothing for Men, Boy's and Children, at prices that will induce the public to make their purchases early. Men's Spring Suits at. $5, worth $7.50; Men's all wool Spring Suits at $7, worth $10; Cork screw Suits at $8, worth $12; Import ed Corkscrew Suits at $15, worth $25; the finest imported Corkscrew Suits at $22.50, worth $35; Boys Suits at $3.50, worth $6; all wool $5? -worth $8; Men's Pants at $2, worth $3.50; Chlldren'ssult $5, worth $8.50; Remember that we will give, you real value for your hard earned dol lars at ' -1. SHRIE1VS, - The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 16 N. Front St Sign of Golden Arm. tf MONDAY. MAY 7, 1888. v Owing to the" late fire we have re- moved our Shirt Factory, tempora rily, to No. 13 Market street, where we .will be pleased to meet ; our friends and customers. No." 13 Mar ket st Respectf ollyr J. Elsbach, Prop- - - : p.: :r:f A 'piece of real estate, on Chest; nut street, between Eighth and Ninth, with a small frame dwelling thereoii, was sold'-' to-day at public auction, by Mr. J. rW. AVoolvin, Commissioner, for 750. Mr. T. B. Henderson . was the purchaser and Messrs S. Van Amringe '& Co. the The Rkvikw acknowledgesthe courtesy of .an invitation from the Ladies' Memorial Association, thro' Mr. Preston Cumming, Chief Mar shal, for its editorial staff and em ployes to participate in the services to be held on Memorial Day, May 10th: ' " -. . ."; - , .' "Now, what is a Cuvette?" we im agine jnany of our readers enquir ing. A corvette, : according to Mr. Worcester, of dictionary fame, is "a sloop-of-war having less than twenty guns," and. accoring to the same authority, a sloop-of-war is ia vessel of war, of any rig, mounting between eighteen and thirty-two guns." Now you have it City Court. Before the Mayor this morning Wm.nPhinney was charged with disorderly conduct - He was fined $20 or 30 days.. Mattie Johnson, ; throwing rocks. Judgment suspended. ' James Nash disorderly, $10 or 20 days. Mollie Patnall and Lucilla Mer rick, for an affray, J were - each fined $5. : , . ; . '-. . ; - - : Sobuiltted for What it is Worth. . The Seventy-first Regiment of New lork" are making up a pro gramme to visit Richmond early in July and. we cannot but think that if we could get them Jt!me their visit so as to come South about the time of our Encampment -and then come on here and hav us a: visit it would be the rbest card-we could play. If it can be done at all it can be done very easily. It is but i seven hours' ride from Richmond to this citv and the cost say two- thirds of a cent a mile, would be a mere bagatelle to .those New York fellows. We submit the suggestion for what it may be worth. Very Good Reasons. P The reasons why you can be ben efited by buying from the King Clothier, S. H. Fishblate: You are in a Reliable House. A large assort ment to choose frdiu. A saving of 20 per cent. All goods steam sponged. Exclusive styles sold by him only. Allgoodsgnarauteed sewed with sil&4 His stores are . well lighted by' "day and night and you can see what you are buying, plenty of light -being the most essential thing for buyers of Clothing. If you are not satisfied with any rf article purchased from Fishblate's return the same and he will cheerfully, refund you your money. With the above plainly be fore you how can you refuse to trade with a house of that kind. ;, tf . . : 1 The Carolina Yacht Clab. " "; But: few persons probably are aware of the fact that the Carolina Yacht Club, of this' city, is next to the" oldest yacht clrib in the United States. The senior is the Ne w York Club, ours ranking second, with but one year's difference in their ages. - ' ' . : At no time in its history, has the Carolina Yacht Club been in a more prosperous conaition anan no . There are 137 active paying members on the list, as it comes - over .from last season, and it is probable that there will be numerous additions thissummer. We should not be sur prised to see the list run-up to 200. A great deal of interest is always taken in the regattas of the Club arid'the coming season pVomlses to be of a more exciting interest than any of its predecessors, v The con struction of the rail road will ren der the transfer of the boats, an easy job and already several' races in the river, as well as on the Sound, spoken of." ' ' f. - i are The Clul. we understand, will make some notable improvements posite wrigntsvuie, umuug vn things, a broad covered veranda to"Yu " - extend entirely around the building. NO 109. The French Corvette la. It ere. : The French corvette Bisson arrived here yesterday morning and was the cynosure of many pairs of eyes through the day. She Js lying in the stream opposite the ; Ioerpart of the city but not much of her be- yohd the hull and ; the : masts and yards could be seen to-day, as it is wash day on board . and the ham mocks are spread out on the- rig ging to dry. She is a square rigger of 900 tons burthen and carries 124 men. rpnrtc H er armament consists of 6 Jler officers are Commaiid- ft"" ant Antoine, Lieutenant . Letiall, First-' Ensign-' A lendre, Second Ensign Perdriel, Third Ensign Curhae, Surgeon Landouar arid Paymaster Salles. ; : ' During the forenoon she was visit ed by Capt Moore, of the revenue streamer Colfax. Mayor Fowler, Collector Robinson, Mr.TL E. Heide, Vice Connsel of Norway, Sweden and Denmark, and others. By the courtesy of Capt. Moore, of the cutter, the cantain's yawl was used - to transport these officials. Subsequently Capt. Antoine 'came ashore and returned the'calls." - A . committee of the l Cape Pear Club I 'also visited tiieJSisson and with the proyerbial hospitality of theclub tendered the freedom of their rooms to the officers of the corvette. The Bisson will remain bera two days and we understand that Capt. Antoine has stated that his ship fs open to the visits of such ladies and gentlemen as would like to go aboard of her. The First Excnrsion. The. steamer Sylvan Grove made her first excursion trip on the Cape Fear this afternoon. - She left here at 4:30 o'clock with a large crowd aboard. The rn a will be down as far as Orton and return.! Half of the proceeds are to be turned" over to a - ...... the-Ladies' Benevolent Society! ; The Slyvan Grove, Capt Jno. W. Harper, will begin to-morrow . her regular trips to Carolina Beach. She will make two trips leaving here at 9.30 a. in. and 3 p. mi, returning at 1 o'clock and 7 o'clock. This is merely the schedule for the-day and not for the season.. j - ' Rev. Mr. Wilson, of A Wood ville. Miss., was here yesterday, and at St. James' Church. He was on his way to Clinton, to take I charge of St. Paul's Church in that town. The fire steamer Cape Fear is out this afternoon for regular monthly practice. - ' Rev, Dr. Patterson,- who was "ex pected here yesterday, did not ar rived . -. - '-; ' Seven exctysion . parties are -already booked by the Sylvan Grove. Capt W. A. Snell took charge of the Passport to day. r ; r Fluutrgmachines for less than factory pricfesai Jacobi's Hardware Depot. . ' 1. BHBflWaaHBHHHBHBBWfci DIED. SHARP In tnls dty, on : Sunday afternoon, at 2:45 o'clock, at the residence of "Mrl"W B. Willis, 516 Queen street,Mrs. HATTIE SHAH asred 34 years. 7 montns and 14 days. ' Interment tnls afternoon at Bellerue Ceme tery... . - r--. . a N BW A D VJSKTIS EM ENT8. Annual TJeeting. rpHE ANNUAL MEETING OF; THE CAKO- Una Yacnt Club will be neld at City Hall, In tne Mayor's umce, tnis evenmsr - at 8 o'ciock. a run attenaance is especially aesirea. NOKWOOO GILES, my 7 It ' T Purser. Grain Cradled. GRAIN. GRASS AND BUSH- SCYTHES, Snaths, Feed Cutters. Cutting Knives. Grass and Rice Sickles, Fan Hills, 4a- Ve will guarantee to give you tne best erode of goods and at the lowest cash prices. - w. jc critic ujic a. tu, my 6 tL 14 Front St. Wilmington, N. C. A New Pattern'Oil Stove, O AID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTED. O Refrigerators. Coolers, Ice Cream Freezers; e. Improved pattern Door and ,wtndow Screens and Frames. - i . - For sale by ALDERMAN, FLANNER & CO.. " Dealers In, Hardware. Tinware, S mf 7diw -VVUaJiufton. N. C Something New.; i NEW DEVICE BY WHICH A "MAN CAN trire awar hi likeness. It is a rubber stamp: Mr, tv -irriPrl In t)w nnrVf t.' f nsl f hp KlZft Of a f ttlra.haH rlril lor. cAlf infrincr anrl VPrT TWlVt, and la true picture taken. W. IL WKOTEN, Agt. j Office at W. EL Davis' where-orders will be received. Messenger copy) my J 3D , TJotice. ix newsnDscrioers. tx . Ve Trill be glii to rccclvo c -!:: frcm cir frlcla ca any ci . : cf gcacr-Ititerest,but 5 . - The name of the writer taustalv : r3 ta f ur- nlshed to the Editor. - . , Communications must be wrlttea crJy ca one tslde of the paper. - - Personalities, must bo avoided. ' - And it is especially and particularly ur.':r stood that the Editor does not always endenic the views of correspondents onlesa so state, 1 In the editorial columns. ; NEW ADVE UTI D VT1 CAROLINA. BEA0:il 1 'THE HANDSOME AND COMMODIOUS - r steamer T.X: SYLVAN GC0VE HAS BEEN PLACED ON TTIH LINi: FOR THE SEASON BETWET:i " -! 2hCIS OIO?" - ' AND -.. OAEOLINA BEA'On. r Schedule for Tuesday Leave 9 JO A. iL T.n turni P.-M. Leave 3:00 P. AL Return TKX) P. :i. ; This Company also desire to thank the pub lic for their support lascseason, and to r :.rc the citizens of Wilmington that by good so r vice and every other means m tlfclrpowrr Tt ill endeavor to show their appreciation cf the kindly and generous spirit with which the pub lic regard the annexation of Carolina Beach. J.'WlHARPiR, General Manager. my 7 It 110 Marbet St., WILL OPEN THIS- WEEK 36-lnch Beiges, worth 25c for -18c. ; 'Crinkled Seersuckers, In. colors. 6c. . . : -80-inch -Basket C16th 8c -' ' ; 30-Inch Batiste Cloth Sc. ' ' 'fc-N -30-inch Momje Cloth ioc. : : Figured and plain union Cashmeres 1 2 l-2c. TMf IIII.H 1-71 iiU U H ! M . India Linens 8c, 10c, 12 t-2c, liic to tc. Nainsook Checks 8c, 10c, 13 l-c, i5c, 18c. Egyptian Flounclng. 45-inch, 50c up. Nainsook and ValLace Flounclngs, 4Wnch 75c. up. .. . ' -t . Good Silk Ruchlng 25 and 30c Gause Merino Vests, from 33c up, . Many more desirable goods. Parasols, Fans", Corsets, Mitts. .v; tv't t rr. irr . Thanks I Thanks I to my friends and customers for their ccnu; dehce and liberal patronage on our last Special Bargain Day." TWe hall continue the same fty displaying New Goods", arriving, weekly by . Steamer and RaU. : ' ' For This 7celi ! Being closed Memorial afternoon, wo trm , have our Extra Bargain Day; ' .. FRiDAlr,jiAY iityrSr Ete&Js&-bBf pleasure to - see all of you. ' o- 1 M. -I 116 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. my 7 - For Kent. pHE R0031S OVER BANK OF ITTW HAN over, recently occupied by the Cape Fear Club. Apply to J .": ' myl2t ' ' C. B. MALLETT. o. o.vollei: JJAVING CLOSED OUT MT LIQUOR LUS- lness. 1 win enlarge my store so as to Ir c jay vummisBion ana urocerr F.t?- r u 1- - wuu ui liquors 1 will put in a r -stock of Dry Goods. Notfe. tn 1 1 , ments solicited. Iilsrhestrrit i r aid t kind3 Of Country Profin a 11 r' . -.-? v - ly attended to. Advances made on ail ; ments. , , ...... - o.o.vcji.r.! r " a- my.l tt Ka 8 North Water it Card on 12 c r , w 0 ha vea .large STocii bi' gai:i: ::; Hose at pri(s varying frara cepta to 23 c ? nt : per foot.; Ifcfce Reels and Sprinkler: my 4 st EUER & EAILTY The cheapest place to buy year j -sell 00 books and school ttaticr. :rj i3 at Heinsberger's. f"