-'I--,. j - - . . . - ' : : i .. ( : - - ' - ' . - . ! J) iriTTT Tnirir mil j mm . - PLEASE NOTICE. - We will be glad to recelyo ccmrnur! cation from our friends on r any acl all subjects of general Interest, but' . . The name of the writer must always be fur nlshe iotneEaUor. : : C "V 7; Oommunlcaaons must toe written .only on onesldeof the paper.- - . V Personalities must toe avoIdedU 'V : I And it la especially and 'particularly under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents unless so stated In the edlforlaf columns. " 45 ' - - ' - Spring and then be put bn ttii Cape Fear permanently. . Th is is berhans f 1 ..vd &inorandrrop. T .lt.- WTW .... mflr.tllS tlOO. Three J '.mwre-l tor carrier, free ,4tbf city. t the .bore -oir " . r rxn any and VOL. XII WILMINGTON, N. C. FRIDAY. MAY 11, 1888. NO 113. - r. i'TioV. n atu. -fc. the system anaefTcto matter .not ui bllo being :rtT 4wJl t'hV Mood to proauce Headache, -.Bad Breath, etc ftf rintlpat!on doea not rrtta uuUwidm the bowel ?t nut on ly a ct M apurta-' S?!? S U. an J not produce SVSvr ftlvcnc. Toiecur - tcffencS with Constlpa- tHt5T,rr,:tned lmwteery L,rr" jT try .t I t "j Irf uceJ th. dose 10 i b o much good I JJhIi" t-i b-!. Sn then I iSSliJj ri. d ftiuliy. 1 kp it la rJTwiCckS-recurt. 1Mb Co., u. faJtr ony IAe Gctitiln, IVi k te wrn the red 25 Trxi Sur u ZK1LLN A CO IW of "l. John'." TmTiLLF- 1'la., May 7, '8?. rtxDULY Kkvikw: Ar .vc-WiU you kindly give i: jour inHf for the follow" " . Ltjt Fall and Winter 1 receive I ;:viui:.ibr of Mt'-sfroui proin siA prions iu yuur city asking r-if 1 couM hot il u good largo vatul-xit to do tli iciirsioii busi s on the 1'ai Fear. I answered :4 Tsaid. U 1 eoaUl get wliat 1 KuUt woull do. and the owner Vuii'.J put the boat on the Cape Var a a i-eruiatieut Bxtare.I would m. Lat I auuJJ li.ne nothing to - . -1 & wu.ia irutun. hum is. a ooai xt waul! go for one season only. taii" ii iiK?i who believe that i'.E:fi-t!i hi ben sadly deficient i-ar:n boats for some time. 1 o if will '"tve the public the pcrtsaity they will travel. I oUriieriJl that the (nccn of St. iiA5the lMat for the river. I reome of my friends in Wil 1 went to the owner of Va. who is a personal friend fxz. and told him that if he x4pcthi.i boat at Wilmington Mpruanent fixture, while 1 did ' Iw would make any monev jrar. vei wnen me people at w m earnest thev would out there it- would be laid at her door. I have not come to this con clusion because, as you say, there ih no use for her and that she would be a failure. 1 do think you know how to run newspaper but I don't think you know much about run ning a steamboat. It sVems that only a trial would test whether the people wanted her. and as to her be mg a failure, I will say that if she wa, it would not cost vou or the city of Wilmington anything, as the owner is amply able to pav nil her expenses. As to ' "arper's Pier' I don t suppose that extends from Wilmington to t he bar. If we could not get one we could easily build one. now, let us see if mere is no ue for another steamer. Jackson vllle, with less population than Wil mington, lias six boats as large as the Iijtrt four as larirens the Sylvan Grove, ant I the Qactii of .St. John, whieh is twice as large as the lirore. ami vet none or tnein are failures. Sow. I have decided to send the Queen North this Summer, let her freeze all ijenus, if anv there b. out of her next Winter and the follow fug Spring take her to Wil mington ami keep her there as a per manent excursion boat, and after vou take a few trips with your fami- Iv on her, as you will do, 1 will guar antee that vou will agree with me that she is wanted and 'is not a fail ure. Very trnlv. It. 1. Paddison. - -m - Humors run riot in the blood at this season. Hood's Sarsaparilla expels everv impuritv and vitalizes ami enriches the blood. There t memorial services. SWenne. ve nratn beino' nn nrntif f fnfr I . " l'w V1 11 vlu or feaa, u wnere troa nice courage rose and to dosothe programme prepared nuh. "'vine genius 01 tne scnip- r, . . ' -r A 1, v, tior ueeu anting to guard it?f ivns i m ui iiir. 1 1 1.1 1 tiii vcvi ynv cvn v i liic ry will be carried out in the South! Answer hie. crif ted tlrtmrht LOCAL qyTBWS. Index to Nkw Advertisements. John Wkrxer Notice M M Katz Dress Ciood3 c Uacuk For the Season F C Miller Diamond Dyes Locia H MEARE- Tlie .Monarch.' Taylor's Vazaak uOO I'.ablcs Wanted Mk.sE It WiGGtNS OfTer Extraordlnar Fly Traps, best and Jacobi's Htlv. Depot. cheapest, at prospect of fair weather to-tlay the ladies of mortal Association, in consultation with Marshal Cumiuinsr and his chief of staff, Mr. J. Hal Boatwright concluded this forenoon that the postponed Memorial services take place at the Opera House atSo'clock this afternoon, Capt. Pennypacker having very kindlv. tendered it for that purpose. As far as it is possi hie for ete Opera House and when, the Roll of Honor is called ladies will be at that moment placing decorations at the Cemeterv, rain or no rain The Rkvirw appears on the street ..... . while the services are in progress but having been favored in advance with copies of the Prayer and the Address, we are able to present them herewith: t j l'UAYKIl BY TIIK CHAP1,AI", RKV. UOBKRT STRAXGK. O, Ahuightj' God, with Whom do live in joy and felicity 'the spirits of those who depart hence in the .Lord, we give Thee hearty thanks for the gootl examples of all these, Thy ser vants, who, having fin-shed their course in faith, do now rest from their labors. And in particular we thank Thee, O Father; this day for the good examples of these, Thy ser vants: who, to the convictious of their lives were faithful unto death We come to recall afresh their gal lant death by mournful song and eloquent speech and floral gift. May we keep fresh the memory of their noble lives by filling the land they loved with true worths and brave deeds. Strengthen us, Olloly Spirit, with Thv might that we mav fol low them in a higher, holier warfare So guide our desires and aid our ef forts that peace and happiness, truth i r earning oratory guards not the ves-! revelled and triumphed over all the wiu.mc- wi ures iei ov oar daugiitqrs that ' ages, ye chieftains who have back with yoiir dead? ratles to ther fields of their and mounted thertee upon kk as snirits of e.oinniirioHno. 1ucf watch and ward Jthe nainesi bf our : and fire trod the iminnit! wi- nf iovea and sacred dead. AnsMerjue, i death and fell with tlie glorious1 gone i fender upon the craters naming com- j heights!- Think not, br4ve men of tame the JNorth, that the most distant arms' generation will ever brand snH wingstoeiipyreaii realif of thought, i deeds as these with the accursed II aye you not wreathed their, deeds stigma of rebellion. We honor your wiui ure ime inat'atout tne seamed : valiant dead; the turf that decks scarred brow of the mbimtaih cliff, their eternal home is bright with upon which the? hghtningsi play? Southern verdure and flavters: above them wave our stately ehiis aud ridli; magnolias; they with 6urs havd crossed the river, laid the? gray and blue aside forever, put on their robes of commingling snoHv and fireil and on harps of gold ha;ve thrilled ers of Virginia! Answer me thou ronze Lee, keepiwg watch oyer the historic treasurers of yonr Weat capital, and thou, Jackson, looking still with un quailing eyesupoii you beautiful Shenandoah hornej thou, sentinel, keeping guaw thank Grod, upon the most treasure of all, the bravery nameless courage. sacrifices of our and to, ess the the unspeakable unknown i Uead! Nothing has been omitted tor)rpet- uate their valor and devolibin by the women of. the South!. 9f heirs indeed has ben la labor ol love which angels smiled to see; .Un daunted by the grfat labor, uyimov- ed by the scoff of the cruel, jester, the land full of mourning andldeso- latiofi, they began the holy wbrk of gathering the dugt of Our fallen heroes from" the silvery sand of : the sea that drank .ther blood, aiijd the mountain peak, ciimson with the mighty ooiatton, lanci oore ncnem back and placed above them faithful sentinel, brothers 01 a mon cause and hejrs of a deU' glory. The proudl, banner i -l i - .i i .1 J ? 1. 1 .v.?1' . .1 tneir nanus nau maue wiciuits uou ding plume and glancing Hghf was furled forever. The paroled prisoner with lagging step had passed o his home across arlandj- which the be som of ruin had, swept. ! Thatnjnion of coequal andtaoyjjreign States no longer existed,above the palladium of liberty gleamed the bayonet, . i : ri m m . a through the legislative nails or the the heavenly world with strains of victory. j j "On fame's eternal camping ground Their silent tents are spread, And glory guards with solemn! round J this m iwhich and justice religion and pie.y, may free t7ie ciangor oltjie mailed sen Jialum;aud the (Juccn being a nw at ami the largest 4 Cvt t-legantly equipped be la Norfolk and New tlrl.irx ita the t!ape Fear be gootl for urii i went v vears. and I fn lv i -. i .-. . r tmi inai the dav was not far J-s iien the business would "Itiai to the to:it. nd .- .UUil7r tirunntsi iinrii ' 'it il weeks a-oCoh ( 'l.rivtr.tO.T. r-w.r. urremuuiKuiea trin with For pure Whitehead, Oils and Colors go to Jacobi's Hani ware De pot, t School Hooks and School Station ery you can buy cheapest at Ileitis bergers, w Burglars. You can be safe from them bv using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresli water fishing at Jacobi's Hdw. De pot. t Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. It will pay you to use ope. . T Owing to the late fire we have re moved our Shirt Factory, tempora rily, to No. 13 Market street, where we win oe pleased to meet our friends and customers. No. 13 Mar ket st. Respectfully, J. Elsbach, Prop. t ICock Crystal Spectacle and Eyeclasse Advice to out ami young: m se Iecting spectacles you should be can- be established among us, may reign overand bless us, for all generations. All this we beg through the merits and mediation of Him who this day ascended whither we pray to ascend, Jesus Christ, our .Lord and saviour, Amen. ADDKKSS BY TIIK ORATOR OF THE PAY, HKRBKRT MCCLAMMY, KSQ. Ladies of the Memorial Association, tends and f ellow VUizcns: We stand to-day upon hallowed ground, consecrated to the.chivalric spirits of a lost but glorious cause, their empire fallen into decay and their banner furled, the Hashing eye and martial form but heaps of pulse less dust, watered with our tears, covered with flowery Jncense and sweetness, guarded by beautiful woman, their burning courage com memorated in marble and bronze, their high heroic deeds wreathed trv sounded: amid the dirges d8 the brave for comned liberty, - no f sable banuer waving over them, .these angels of home received bac.s into the bosom of their IbeaateoasJ land the precious forms of their martyred heroes. 1; H . How unlike the return of the 'great armies that had j crushed tpern! Countless thousands of banners waved in the glanqing Tight, hoarse cannon thundered?., tneir welcome home to the victorious .warrior, beauty crowned Valor with! I love and approval, their' honored Idead were laid to rest among the splendid creations of wealth! the cold marble leapetUnto gracefullifeat the touch of art and burst into living bloom 40 wniri thntfrhPfia n.,r Ulrne ages for the beauty of its daughters a 1 a J UJ cav a, v :w w w w wm. vwvw i -i fi m - j i U,1 ,r Sr. l.r rl Jo1. tlvd tliic ?nrVitxr M" Ol US bUUS, U.11U LIICIF 1 1 in i vaiuir uitu. iuio ujs-uvt I jt . j if i. j ... . r , j i si.h.i 1 1 ihns iiHviiiiiiTi i.ri irn sacrifice ot vaior was ior naugnt; The bivouac of the dead.' The dying prayer of your great Captain was for peace; th:e re-union of Federal and Confederatb veterans' charmed pain from his wasted fea tures; his sword .leaped! from its scabbard to defend the j immortal Lee. Honored be" his njame and honored forever the names of our patriot dead, and honored forever, too, be the names of our jConfeder ate living, thrice honorefl forever the heroes true to the eternal prin ciples of liberty for wlijich theif comrades fell. Theempirefor which they fought, in the wisdom of Ged, was denied them. Their names are not upon the rolls of th4 nation's pension. An arm lost at Bethel and a leg buried at Fisher, that Gibral tar of America, they have strug gled long and are struggling yet with want and sorrow; their old mother is too poor to care! for these her noblest children, but ( they are enshrined forever in our hearts as peerl&ss kings, true to their duty, their country and God. And honored, too, forever be the daughters of our Southland, nbhose who have rescued from oblivion the sacred dust of the heroes iwho died to defend them; they who j watch at the cradle and weep at! Ithe Jbier; they who are the inspiration of our highest deeds and noblest virtues; matchless among the yeomen f earth; honored forever be the grace and beauty and fidelity of the women of the South And honored, too, forevermore be the Old South which it is said we are leaving; immortal the links that bind us to it. May the love which inspires this annual pilgrimage to beautity the graves of our dead, the love of our peerless women,' the love of those kingly leaders that glorified that mighty empire, glow bright forever and make this NewiSouth as famed through the earth j and the the best course, to take. -. And after all Capt. Paddison seems to' h ave endorsed our. views when tie savs: "I have decided to send HhV Queen , North this Summer, let her freeze . all germs, if any there bet out of her next Winterand the folio wingSpring take her to Wilmington and keep . her there as apermanent excursion boatV When tltat time conies th Qudcn and her gallant commander will meet with no more cordial wel come from any one than from the Review and its editor. ' " : 'r ; The Raleigh JVews and Observer . says that Messrs W. II. & R, ,S. ' Tucker & Co. have given to the As- - sembly enough of the beautiful North Carolina pine fibre carpet to . furnish the Assembly Hall and stair way at Morehead City. This is a very liberal gift and. is duly appre ciated by the teachers of the State " The new flag for the .Wilmington Light Infantry will not be presented to-day. It has been decided to post I)oneits formal presentation until the 20th, the anniversary of the company. i The clerks in this city will hold a meeting at the City Hall to night to prepare a petition to employers asking for half holidays during the Summer. About 60 have ! signed a promise to attend, f , " i Mr. John Werner ha,s removed his barber shop, temporarily, to No. 1 in. the Remsen building on: 8outh Second street, near JUarket. ' Gov. Scales having gone io Pe tersburg Lt. Gov. Stedman is the Governor pf the State untiL he re turns - . !.. : 4.- ; - : v that the cruel grave1 held faith! and in splendors eternal. At, the request and holy love of our citizen stainless devotion to truth erty. Ulr Te iZl of thJ xtrMX hope and all, saveN woman's divine of the ladies of the Memor al Asso- J h , j j andahe stainless glory c at on. the guardian angels of the and lib- ciation.uieguaru.au of our citizen s6ldiery. sacred memories of our honored Lt the leend'i o! ing task of this historic hour, with no associations iu those deadly per no associations u ;oil w infant colony which; flourished i s, upon whose glowing recital by Roman Emplr- the eloquent hps oryour gifted swayed the sceptre of the Wl .nonL-niv fAii lifv rited with en- v 1 , , siieiiKers vuu imvo icotcv nini chained and delighted attention, I come as the representative of a new era and of another generation to thank you for the proud honor of jtious not to take more magnify ing Vour regard and for the opportunity Trot a; re- barkl of fugitives from a - conquered mate who formed on roregn snoresitnat nounsnedi un- e it world, awasened no responsive chord. ijThe heroic deeds even of-our Saxon! an cestry thrilled us with no hope of recovery. it requires someuiing hiirher than ancient! example, somsr . m At J Cant. Paddison'g Letter. We willingly yield a column of our space to day to the publication of a letter from Capt. R. P. Paddison rela tive to the steamer Queen offtt.Jbhri's and the remarks which we have made in the Review thereto. In all that we have said we have spok en exclusively and entirely or what we deemed was the best interests cf ..f lh.ead: "Xow. vm itfe Pt0 Vihuingto . . a a . . . vower than lias been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heiusberger s. Nothing Fairer. I. Shrier, at No. 10 N. Front street guarantees, if any purchasers of '"Now, you are I CIothing.Hatsand FurnishingGoods Jrh 7 i t "iver neet -rii -1 r?u,U attend to. II, iw.VV,'.l,ml ttles t. 1 ! W'e lo't go ri:v woum ts: i utiiiiHci w . k a ra . hLvirt u,ul " would be hsAth 'i'1"1 my Muumer rf ar.ul -ive t,,p Wil- in t of i.liL'htmir the inviolable assurance - u.-fM,i 1, of my generation to that immortal fo u olemn responsibilities o one of men and women, alas! rapid- fnfll- Whn shallLsav that 1 v . -7 " a touched ton and d.ti. t " " was n r, .vrou no. He di.i iui a 1 1 rti as represented are not perfectly satisfietl, he will refund the money. He also guaran tees to save you from 15 to 23 per cent, on the identical goods you may purchase elsewhere. It will be ?otv lrifD(Is- 1 01 no expense to you to convince wr.M 1 ""tor. I vih to snv a I yourself of the fact and vou will be ?Ut toVr rV !" your issues of K;rfvu iiUil avm 30th 1 iiVou in rgartl to o:Labw,t yellow fever. . U 1 I ... .. .A 1 r. ... ....-v . . t 1 and God of.?,:- "uuw ever be the f. fTaoiLLr.uu..inep s not fee ift 1 ,ne u- Treasury i a th.V: ,TlliZ a boat to Wif- r2Vd -4;un 1 11 slightest de- , .;". Jeuow fever. And Z x that Toll w,,Ae I lionest- -ne f:rKvillei8asfree money ahead by calling iit I. SHRIER'S, The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 16. and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. tf E as 'uccn aadtk er t(day ir ti V,e (larantin iiallv th: r tv fairly Wil-was ne The University Catalogue For 1837-8 is before us. It is a hand some document. It shows 203 stud ents. There are abundant proofs of improvement in all departments. Not only regular courses are given, but full opportunity Is offered for special training. Besides the month ly lectures byable men of the Uni versity and elsewhere, the Mitchell lv passing from the earth, that we will cherish in our hearts forever the great sacrifice and eternal debt which we owe the Confederate dead The sentiment which seeks to per petuate the fame of a nation's he roes is born of a kindred passion that has lived through ages gone The ancients niled udoii: the graves of their heroic dead the rude memo rial stones. Homer embalmed in immortal verse the high exploits of Trojan and Grecian hero. The min strel, thrilled bv martial memories, swept in melting mood the strings of his tuneml harp. .The artist, fanned by the wings of his divine in spiration, carved in marble and bronze the commanding form of the breathing hero; while history pour ed upon her eternal page, in letters of living light and fire, "the few, the immortal names that were not born to die." Hector and Achilles will live forever. The old Guard and the Light Brigade can ! never die; the courage of the Greek, the valor of the Roman and the devotion of their beautiful daughters to their native land is the fairest gem that flashes in the coronar of ancient glory! Standing to-day as mourn ers at the graves of our! loved and lost, our souls surging with memo ries of their toil, their courage.their sublime and glorious worth, our es the people of this city and section thing holier than success, to turn us and" we have said nothing that we propose4o, take back, qualify or amend. We woiiM-be glad jto wel come here the Queen, oi"'iy other boat of her class, provided sheQmes without taint or reproach Of infeai tion of any kind. As plainly intimat ed in a former article we have no fears of the former, as that can safe- hiL'her courage with' which we inspired was not born of the ious courage with which these riors died? that the constancy these devoted women to the federate dead, holy .and tendeqand true, has not builded from the rishes last the the are war- of Only a few strawberries in market this morning and they were soon all sold. r . J NEW ADVERTI8BMBXTB. !, RIotice. JOHN WERNER, . THE BARBER, HAS opened a Barber Shop on the East side of Second street, next to the Grocery Store of A." H. Holmes, at which place patrons and - the public generally are Invited to call and get -strictly first-class work. Shave 10c., nalr Cut 20c, Shampoo 30c. r r my 11 tf THE "MONARCH," LOUIS H. ME ARES', Gentlemen's Furnisher and Hatter : ' I my 11 13 No. Front Administrator's Notice. RAVING QUALIFIED AS ADAfJNIfiTBA tor of the estate ot the late J. IL Vollers, i hereby notify all persons indebted to Bald estate to make payment tome and all having claims against the said decedent to present them to me for payment on or before the 4th day of May, 1889, or this notice wllfbe plead In bar of their recovery. O. O. VOLLERS, mytiawewL Administrator. CAROLINA BEACH. SCHEDULE OF STEAMER SYIiVAN GKOVX.. flirt hoi. nntli luaUCltll 1 1 vit 1111 tuvi ' 'jiir at :a0A.M. each lie warded a &Tiu& Vtr x-,- nee "t be allows 011 have e whole ve read Ham- rMI' th'e ir .. I hav- CMl lhVreaK acf ever should break new i 'That shallresistthe empire ofJJBcay Till time is o'er and -worlds are pas sed away; Cold in the dust the silent heart mav lie, 1: But that which warmed us No rude scoffer noiv invades jlthis sacred spot. No skeptic in woman ly faith or manly courage now ipro fanes it. No haughty conqueror forbids the daughters of the Sduth to beautify with flowfers the honored shrine of the illustrious dead. 11 he bitter memories of ! the war have passed away; the brave soldier and the pure patriot nolonger cherish them. The Great Captains have met upon the distantshore and Wear no longer the Blue and Gray, f but oimpntd thr. jita sno.lpss whitff in the land of infinite peace! And their followers are meeting upon one great fields of battle no longer; f?ne mies. but earnest friends, citizens of a common country, sharers of a qom- cutcheon blazoned with names that mon destiny, they wine amaj-an-shine like the silvery stars in the thine wreathes and scatter the bright deep and cloudless arch of night, I flowers or the spring upon tneir ask, what have we omitted to per- coiuru.ucB kvcb. t hril-1 floats the banner of the Great Kep- not Scientific Society, ami the Shaks- laut courage the world has eyer ublic founded by Washington; ab;pve I to Vre Club, we noticed new societies seen, the most devoted sacrifice that them the sword of liberty flamesjfor- ever. . History posts upon nir toers of that glorious past an eter nal sentinel, poesy wreathes those burningileeds in mellow j haze ami golden halo Burning as the stars that flash from the folds, of the flag of the free is the fame wrought by the valor of the Confederate dead. Manassas aad Shiloh t and J? reder of that last empire dne greater jjand , y be , f fc t th Quarantine Board. n . v 11 1" a ' and it is only from the.latter that any yu, oue for the study or orth uar- olina history, and the Seminary of Literature and Philology. All the departments have 'post-graduate courseji. - We are glatl to see pro vision made for the poor, who are allowed to give notes for tuition, which is f CO per annum. " men have ever made, the holiest pa triotism that ever burned in human Ikosoms? Is it in song that we have failed to chronicle them? Let the Ryan, Homeric poet,- priest, and everv gifted one. whose brilliant gems of beauty float up"bn the spark ling, tide of song, Answer-for me. Has eloquence been wanting? An- dangercould possibly be apprehend We have no fears whatever in re- gard to fever here this Sfumfuer, notwithstanding the fact that Capt. Paddison is not surprised" at our "fears." We do not believe that it could pass up the river, so stringent arethe regulations and so carefully are theyenforced, and if it did get here we do not think it would be come epidemic. The city is well policed and cleanliness is a sure foe to yellow fever. In the visitation of 18G2, referred to by Capt.' Paddison, the horrors of which we both passed through and both escaped, the fever got here through the neglect of quarantine regulations and found a foothold only because the filthy condition of the .city at that time furnished a stimulus for its growth, and spread. It is a noticeable fact that the dis ease did not spread beyond the lim its of the city, not even to the Sound, distant only eight miles, and i to which many had fled from the city. : y':-'-;L :;-!'--,! il ";?;;., ,, ' But this is a digression. The Queen will not come t Wilmington this season. .. The present pro gramme is for her to go North this icksburg and Chancellbrsville, where I Summer, stay there until next reaainisana when will find hon6able WEL? ment that wLLrke thcjn,fjEgii ai er. crrain CradleG5 GRAIN, GRASS AND BUSH SCYTHES, Snaths, Feed Cutters, Cutting Knives, Grass and Rice. Sickles, Fan 3fllls, Ac. We will guarantee to give you the best erade of goods and at the lowest cash prices. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., . my 6 tf U Front St., Wilmington, N. C. 0. O. VOLLEUS, RAVING CLOSED OUT MT LIQUOR BUS- iness, I will enlarge my store so as to Increase my Commission and iGrocery Business. In stead of Liquors I will put In a complete' stock ot Dry Good3, Notions, tc. " Consign ments solicited. Highest prices paid for aU"C kinds of Couutry Produce. All orders prompt ly attended to. Advances made on all consign ments, o. O. VOLLERS. my l tf , No. 8 North Watier St.. Insurance. 1 CCIDENT, FIRE, LIFE, MARINE, KENT AND TORNADO INSURANCE. mchl2tf Apply to " " ' SMITH A BOATWRIGHT, No. 124 N. Water street I Telephone No.7 . , Field Croquet. 'HE BEST LINE OF, CROQUET FOR QUAL it jr and Price ever offered. Good, Cheap - . -y Durablei Also Lawn Tennis, at , HEINSB ERGER'S ap 18 ' . .. - : . . j Diamond Dyeo JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can be found at - " - : v . F. C. MILLER S, j ',:- German Dreg store. - -i , ' - Corner S. Fourth and Nun Sta.i I P. S. Prescriptians filled at all omw. o.w and night, cacasatf ' j f