... t.u fast iwleep, - heart Is old bail or the day that's how the hours go wifily they Koorcrceir Id be but clear ro en my arnjispleep- 1 , ft-ft. wltn uiUJiies . A Warning. . The modes of death's approach chairmen of the different county executive corauiittees of said appoint- rock 1 WK i ... Mi' Jrin bt II I coin lam r ,v bAe ite bare f?lt f her rrown are w to- like a daSny in i-k cadi are various, nud statistics show con- Vd the 'saicT county execo ,. - . .itfM tive committees shall forthwith call diseases of the Throat . and -Langs ! f?nntIns thir . respective WHOLESALE PRICES. UAlXiilOAOs, ine rOlIOWlnS' nniVintlrtna mnmamf ltIf!t.- ' a M clusively that more, persons diefrom wmiumcra wwu onuHuuu voces generally, la making: up small or- i yiuuu u 11 I? .H!.;.ir falb over the chair. f.,'-i"' t nnfr.iiini' n- r ... ri if iuii v Vv,t III w . - i-nll III11V WiLlt. tn-k !i"K- , M - ' ,ipol,er filler tiPH : "'V LiMl are so tightly fl;-lhut I was Haying: 11 fCu.l, mhv. your minutes ici!a.ivonr.lays Ti-f! slam than any other. It is probable that everyone, without - exception, - re ceives vast numbers of Tubercle Germs Into the system and where thee perms fall upon suitable soil they start into life and develop, at lirst slowly aud is shown by a slight tickling sensation in the tiiroatand if allowed to continue their ravages they extend to the lungs producing Consumption and to the head, caus ing Catarrh. In'ow all this is danger ous and if allowed to proceed will In time. cause death. At the onset you must act 'with promptness; al lowing a cold to go without atten tion Is dangerous and may lose you yonr life. As soon as you feel that fcometntng is. wrong witn your Throat, Lungs or Nostrils, obtain a bottle of -'Bosehee'A German Syrup. It will give you immediate relief. Plan of OrjjanliaUon o tlie Democratic Party of North Carolina. - go all a-May- I ill-let me drink in; wtli her hair. :' life , looks 1 mavbe weeping. S. Ji. Mt'Mnmts. L I y.r. ioJ to inorrov- Don't l.M-r,, I1V1I - timfl in , mr C..n.u...p"on. C U2 ad csn ii-ake '-' r,.nt n' Li of h ike "me- ,)of l V Pi every, wh.c i i.. fir- relifi to aw I r.ro.v j (;v; ai-tin inn Is I if - - II Found a I.lttlr. : Singular! he said, as ltHl at the cashier s desk in the rKaanuitaml felt in his Kckets. "fWn robbed. I upoe! t-neer- Did I change ri thf cashier. "PrrhaiK. It's e- ay paatilouiisV! -l)b. of f our. -Ijnl did, and left all my noay intheother pnir." av. that's too old to go down htr, tutaer! I ant Mity cents!" r - ye, but you fee " "l a deadVioat who'll get a Kjd kicking if hedoent hand over therali:. "ifrrfjr.' bat you don't take me torwIeitlbeMt. i hope" 'ButTre left my money " "TlUy rents or. you" get the load."" "nirooat and torrow it." t)h,co: Hand it over or the ultr will take charge you." "It se. Did I change inv o(hej! Yes, I did. Hut " 5o but a!out it! I want CO "Bat 1 iun.t have slipied some iocy in my hind pocket. Ah! so I ii. and here it is."' Ar.dh Chetl up a great wad. 5"1 the cashier a bill, and waiting for his cliange shook uh two bankers 'and drew check for f5,000 to settle a real ve transaction. Tbe eajhier is still in bed. aud the . -.r says u is a very serious case, i --- j A I romantic Swain. Lf5jttins it across the country at r'M-otherwise eloping to get iSTl'Vtonithat ban long ded m Kentucky. Manv blue prk wouldn't care a cent -t marrying if they couldn't a away ami d it v i CLkii g Z KuAt Tlf Umt WrfJ...V?-. .fut thcre was one y;" . eei mat i. oioer. voun fr'tore tov IhW umarroar Kat way, as the r Browu and he was in said he e" sakl an Kentucky to CAJ1 Abetter.' mthe ; "r 1: k'Ood fellow," don't believe t and so I U ,"'Iace ad pretended to HIV.11 yur lather did i ani inp reuiem- can't have ' . i uii i rpinivoa III . th! L Q elopemeut. then." X itealT il" a SU,,I of lIeas iws the result in their :ff5 ta3 of dLcontent. Vl?r"Kentuck." 3 Vli1 motber i 'ik.ni IIefirst gave me TVt Toonpeh trou- TiCntv. 01 eeiunir mar- rtrA...: r t irHf t ow rouiauiic as U til ?t.ch.exvs P"K tobacco iic plr Kno1 DUt I ain't V ro ow .n.V.r ni?rif r. 1 aot the w... IIIC LFJ With tU . u,-uacK8 w it w.-., , -aeenini? pnIr I will a . . c M f 'ani. easier, i lt r2, ruT a ltle higher for ( Pi..." "av to stantl in thi i ii. " V" -v rir.lv..... . nPthl"T:,ll Dfcesary to - 1 1 n r II hav Li:,tb-l,;; w other girU will fTnrk. -imeniM nw,,. ,Jing to do itr Vnn oCjWand rig Dicji. Ckntiial ICx. Com., Itair.ioh. A'. 7. , 23. 1838. The following is the plan of organ izatiou heretofore adopted by the State Democratic Committee for the guidance of the party TOWSSHIP ORGANIZATION. t. The unit of county organization shall be the township. In each township there shall bean executive committee, to consist of 5vh Demo crats, who shall be. elected by the Democratic voters of' the several, townships In meetings called by the county executive committee. And Maid committee so elected shall elect one of its members as chairman, who shall, preside at all committee meetings. 2. The several township executive committees shall convene at the meetings of the several county con ventions, or at any time and place that a majority of them may elect,' and shall elect a county executive eommittee, to consist of not less than live members, one of whom shall be designated as chairman, who shall preside at all of said com mittee meetings. 3. In caa there shall be a failure on the part of any township to elect its executive committee forthe period of thirty days, the county executive committee shall appoint said com mittee from the Democratic voters of said township. 4. The members of the township committees shall elect to any va cancy occurring in said committees 5. .the count v executive commit tee shall call all necessary county conventions by giving at least ten days notice by public advertisement in three public places in each town- snip, at trie court uouse uoor, ami in any Democratic newspaper that may be published in said county. requesting all Democrats of U'e county to meet in convention in their respective townships on a com mon tlav therein stated, which sam day shall not be less than three days before the meeting of the county convention, for the purpose of elect ing their delegates to the county conventions. Thereupon the con ventions so held shall elect their delegates to represent the town ships in the county conventions from the voters of the respective townships, which delegates, or such of them as shall attend, shall vote the full Democratic strength of their respentlre townships on all questions that may come before the said county conventions, in case noconvention shall be held in any township in pursuance of said call, or no election shall be made, the township, executive committee shall appoint such delegates. s G. Each township shall be entitled to cast in the county convention one vote for every twenty-five Democratic votes, and one vote for fractions of fifteen Democratic votes cast bv that township at the last procedirij gubernatorial election: lrovidcL, That every township shall be entitled to cast at least one vote, aud each township may send as "many delegates as it may see fit. 7. "In cases wliere townships con sist of tuore than one ward or pre ciuct, each of said wards or precincts shall be entitled to send delegates to county conventions, and shall cast its proportionate part of its township s vote, bused upon the last preceding vote for Governor in said township. 8. Tlie chairmen of township committees shall preside atall town ship conventions. In their absence any other member of said committee may preside. 9. In case vhcre all the 'town ship executive committees are re quired to meet forthe purpose of electing county, executive commit tees, said meetiugs shall be deemed to have a quorum hen a majority of such townships shall be represet ed In said meet inr. COUNTY AND DISTRICT CONVKNTIONS. 1. The several county conven tions shall be entitled to elect to their Senatorial, Judicial and Con gressional Conventions, one delegate and one alternate for every fifty Democratic votes, and one delegate for fractious over twenty five Dem ocratic votes cast at the last pro ceeding gubernatorial election in their respective counties, and none but delegates or alternates so elect- Led shall be entitled to seats in said convention: Provided. That every county shall have at least one vote in each of said conventions. 2. The chairman, or in his ab scence any member of the county, senatorial judicial and congressional committee, shall call to order their respective conventions, and hold the chairmanship thereof -until the convention shall elect its chairman. 3. The executive committee of the senatorial, congressional and judicial districts, respectively, shall at the call of their respective chair YWH" V11 a some time and place In their respective districts., design ated in said call. And it shall be their duty to appoint the time and place for holding conventions In ii Pctive districts; and the chairman of said respective commit teea t hall Immediately .notify the counties. In conformity to said no tice, to send delegates to said respee ?ive district conventions. STATK CONVENTIONS. . -1. The State Convention shall be composed of delegates appointed by the several county . conventions. Each county shall be entitled to elect one delegate and one alternate for every one hundred and fifty Demo cratic votes, and one delegate for fractions Cover seventy-five Demo cratic votes cast therein at the last preceding gubernatorial election; and none but delegates or alternates so elected shall be entitled to seats in said convention: .Provided, That every county shall have at least one vote in said convention. OKNKRAI RULES. 1. Such delegates (or alternates of absent delegates) as may be pres ent at anv Democratic convention shall be alfowed to cast the whole vote to "which their township or county mav be entitled. . 2. If no delegate oralternate shall attend a State convention from any ountv any person appointed by the 2'resnieni oi me couniy convention, or on his failure by. its Secretary may represent the county. 3. In all conventions provided for by this system, after a vote is cast there shall be no change in said vote until the 'final result of -the ballot shall bo announced by the chairman of said convention. 4.' All Democratic executive com mittees shall have the power to fill any vacancy occurring in their re spective bodies. - 5! That the chairmen of tlie dif ferent county conventions shall cer tify the list of delegates and alter nates to the different district and state conventions, and a certified list of said delegates and alternates to the State convention shall be sent to the Secretary of the State Central Committee. For the committee: R. H. Battlk, Chm'n. B. C. Bkckwith,' SectV z ders algner prices aave to be cnargedi AND UKaNCHES. 7 14 8 10 1 40 0 00 1 65 30 6 00 0 00 The Committee to tlie Party. IlAr.Kian, N. C., Feb. 2oth, '88. To the Democratic Parti in North Carolina: At a meeting of the Democratic State Executive Committee held in this citv, on the 23d of Februarv, in stant, it was resolved that the Dem ocratic State Convention be held in the city of Raleigh on Thursday, the 30th day of May, The said Convention will be "heh for the nomination of candidates for the offices oPGovernor, - Lieutenant Governor, Secretary of State, Audi tor. Treasurer, Superintendent o Publielnstruction.AttornevGeneral, three Justices of the Supreme Court one for the vacancy now filled by appointment of the Governor, ant two to take their seats In case the number ofJusticesshalfbe increase bv the vote of the people and of two Electors forthe State at large, aud for the election of Delegates and alternate Delegates to the Dem ocratic National Convention to be held in the city of St. Louis on the 5th day of June next. Also, for the adoption of a platform of principles and the transaction of such other business as may come before it. It will be observed that the State Convention is to be held earlier this year than usual. This wasnecessary in order that the delegates to the National Convention, to be held the week after, may be selected The National Convention is called earlier than usual in order that the party may be better organized and a more thorough campaign' made in behalf of its nomiuess and its great principles. The same advan tage attends tile earlier meeting ot our State Convention and nomation of its candidates. Tlie State committee respectfully nrcre unon the county committees throughout the State to take early action for the call of their county conventions, in accordance with the plan of organization which is publish ed with this address, giving full no tice of meetings in tlie different townships, so that primaries may be fairlv ueldand fully attended, inus the fairness of all nominations and other business done inus be univer sallv conceded. It is obviously im nortant that every county shall be represented in the State Convention ov one or more oi us own cuueus, but if for anv reason one cannot ; at tend, nrovisfon has been made " for tlie representation of the "county by any person appointed by the chair man of the county convention, or m case his failure to appoint,' by one appointed by its secretary. For purposes of efficient organization it IS uesiraoie uiui an vawvuuiQB in mr different committees be filled at once bv active end zealous men. At the receut meeting of the State committee it was made my ' duty to call special attention of the cnair men of county and Congressional executive committees to the necessi ty of immediate steps to provide for the election of delegates to the Na tional Convention from the different districts. If it shall seem impracti- ... . . . A cable to call conventions to meet in some of the districts for this pur Iose, it is suggested that the end may be effected by authorizing del egates to the State Convention from such districts to meet in Raleigh on or about the 30th of May in district conventions and elect delegates to represent the districts at St. Louis. We have reasons to know that our adversaries will make desperate efforts this year to restore the State to Radical rule with all its attend ant evils. Let true men and good democrats attend the conventions of our party, resolved to present for the suffrages of the people men of character, integrity and recognized fitness forthe offices to which they are nominated, and only snch, and the continued supremacy of the white race, which is synonymous in North Carolina with the supremacy of the Democratic party, will be as sured for another term of years. ' For the committee. IL H. Battle, ClinVn. B. C. Beckwith, SeY - bagging i r Gunny Standard... ..". " BACON-North- CaroiinaV Hams - Shoulders V ft ". '..'.'. '. '.'"" Sjdes, vn WESTERN SMOKED Hams,a,.; . sides, ft;.... Shoulders, y .... ; DRY SALTED Sides, y rb... Shoulders, n. ...... i BARKEI.S spirits Turpentine" Second Hand, each 1 Nevr, New York, each New, city, each. ........... beeswax, $ n,. ... BRICKS, Wilmington, M.... Northern BUTTER, lb North Carolina... Northern.... . . CANDLES, lb Sperm............ Adamantine CHEESE, tt . : Northern Factory... .. ' Dairy, cream ;. State.. coffee, & a .";"". Java... V Laguyra. v. Rio .7. CORN MEAL, y bush, insacks - Virginia Meall......... .... COTTON TIES, bundle.... DOMESTICS I Sheeting, 4-4, yard..'..... " Yarns, & bunch .... . ; EGGSi doz : .7. . . ; .... . . - Mackerel. No. l, bbl X) 00 -Mackerel, No. l, half bbL 7 50 - Mackerel, No. 2, "& bbl ...... 9 00 Mackerel, No. 2, halt bbl.. : 4 75 Mackerel, No. 3, bbl 7 80 (3 .1 '. 13W 10 13 - i 8X 8 15 8tf 11 15 9 CONDENSED SCHEDULE. & (4 8 00 U 00 50 75 70 TRAINS GOING SOUTn. Dated May 13, 183i No. 23, Ft'Mall daily ex -- daUy. daily. Sunday; Leave Weldon j 2 05 pm 5 43 pm 6 00 am At. Rocky Mount. 3 IT pm 7 10 am Arrive Tarbora... 4 50 pm .........1 ,.t Leave Tarboro... 10 50am ......... ..y mCCLLLAITEOUS. Carolina Central railroad --':.:"."',;.- v.:7: ,;.-.-', . .... - CompanyV M Jill ' ,1-0 CHANGE OF, SCHEDULE. WESTBOUND -TRAINS. 15 25 13 9 11 13 9 (4 il. h 27 23 20 . 00 00 C4 1-25 1 30 7: -l - 80 20 30 10 13 14 10, 28 .24 22 ; 675tf 67X Leave Wilson .i'4 10 pm; arrive seuya 5 13 pm Arrive Fayettevi'e 1 45 pm Leave. Golds bo ro . . j Leave Warsaw.. I Leave Magnolia...! Ar. Wilmington...! 4 45 pm 5 50 pm 6 05 pm 7 40 pm 7 40 pm 1 8 &" am 8 40 pm 9 55 pm 9 49 am 11 30 am TRAINS GOING NORTH. Leave Wilmington Leave Magnolia. . . Arrive Warsaw... Arrive Goldsboro. No. 14, daily 12 05 am 1 24 am 2 25 am No. 78. dally. 9 00 am 10 35 am 10 50 am 11 50 am I No. 66J daily ex j Sunday. 6 00 18 13 50 8 00 11 00 6 00 9 00 7 00 4 00 10 4 00 4 50 5 00 4 10 5 00 10 Leave Fayetteville Arrive Selma.... . . Arrive Wilson..... Leave Wilson. . Ar. Rocky Mount Arrive Tarboro . . Lea.ve Tarboro... 4 00 pm 5 aopm 5 50 pm 6 52 pm ' . ----- NO. L' Jan. 1,1888. daily ex. : - .. .- ' Sunday. Leave Wilmington 6 40 pm At. Laurlnburg. . 12 23 am Lv. Laurinburg... 13 33 am Leave Hamlet 2 03 am Arrive Charlotte.. 7 00am Leave Charlotte. Leave Lincolntonr. Leave Shelby. . Ar. Ruthertordton Na 3. dally ex. Sunday. 8 45 am 11 0am 12 51pm 311 pm NoTTST Trl-Wwkly. 7 00 am 5 05 pm No. 7. 5 ooam 7 00 am 3 00 pm EASTBOUND TRAINS, Jan. 1, 1888. No. 2. dally ex Sunday. 8 30 am 10 50 am 11 59 am 3 03 am 112 42 pm 1 is pm 7 52 pm 8 29 pm 4 50 pm 10 50 am Arrive Weldon ,... 4 30 ami 3 40pml 9 40 pm 42tf 00 80 65 63 . 7 . 65 45 90 12r 10 a5 00 3 V 8 1 0 00 Mullets, bbl 6 00 N. C. Roe Herring, keg... 3 00 Dry cod, y lb 5 FLOUR, ? bbl Western, low grade 3 50 Extra 4 00 . " Family.,. 4 50 City Mills Super 4 00 Family... . 4 50 GLUE. ft...... ............... 8 GRAIN, busheL . cxi n, fm store, bags, .white - 00 Cora, cargo, in bulk, white. 00 Corn, cargo, in bagsT white. 66 Corn, mixed, from store 00 Oats, from store. Oats, Rust Proof. cowFeas....- HIDES, W lb Green. 5 Dry 10 HAY, 100 lbs- Eastern 1 05 Western 85 North River. ... 90 HOOP IRON, lb 3J LARD, lb Northern North Carolina. LIME, W barrel . ....... 1 40 LUMBER, City Sawed. M ft. Ship stuff, resawed ...18 00 Rough Edge Plank. 15 00 West India Cargles, accord ing to quality .13 00 Dressed flooring, seasoned.18 00 Scantling and Board, com'n.14 00 MULASSjas, gauon - New Crop, in hhds.. 25 (ft, " In bbi3..... 28 Porto Rico, in hhds... 28 " " in bbls...l....7. 30 sugar nouse, m hhds....... " lnbols....... syrup, in bbls NAILS. f Keg, Cut, lOd basin.. OILS. 3 gallon. ... Kerosene -. .. .......... Lard Linseed ." Rosin ......... Tar Deck and Spar. - POULTRY Chickens, live rown. ...... - Springy........... PEANUTS, & bushel,22lb! ." .' ?. POTATOES, bushel-Sweet... Irish, bbl... PORK, w barrel- City Mess..... ' .17 50 18 00 Prime 15 00 16 00 Rump 00 15 00 RICE caiouna, 9 lb Rough. W bush, (Upland).. . (Lowland) RAGS, ft country.......... City ROPE, fo SALT, y sack. Alum Liverpool Lisbon , American SOAP, w lb Northern ..... SUGAR, P ft Standard grain. standard A., i White Ex C Extra C, Golden C Yellow SHINGLES. 71n.M 500 Common . .. 3 uo Cypress Sap3 4 50 CvDress Hearts.... .... 0 00 STAVES, M W. O. Barrel... 8 00 K. o. iiogsneaa u w TALLOW, ft -5 TIMBER, 3? M feet Shipping-12 t Fine Mill , u 25 Mill Prime 7 50 Mill Fair. 5 00 Common Mill................ 5 00 Inferior to Ordinary. . 2 50 WHISKEY, . gal Northern... 1 00 North Carolina . r:..v-.v,i 00 WOOL, V lb Washed. 7s 28 Unwasnep. . Burry....... 28 28 30 00 16 22 40 9 16 90 15 00 00 20 10 95 60 3b 2 25 g20 00 16 00 4is 00 22 00 15 00 26 30 30' 35 15 18 So : 50 14 45 00 16 20 23 25 0 00 90 60 75 Daily except Sunday. . Train on Scotland Neck Branch Road leaves Halifax for Scotland Neck at 3.00 P. M. Re turning leaves Scotland Neck at 9.30 A. M. dally except sunaay. . Train leaves Tarboro. N. C. via Albermarie & Raleigh R. R. daily except Sunday, 6.00 P. M. Sunday 5-00 P. M., arrive WllUamston, N. C. aiO P. M., 0.40 P. M. Returning leaves Wll llamston. N. C, ially except -Sunday:, 7.40 AJ M., Sunday 9.50 A. M. Arrive TarborO. N. C. 9.45 A. M., 11.30 A. JL . Train on Midland N. c. Branch leaves Golds boro, N. C, tiaily except Sunday 6.00 A. M.J ! arrive Smithfleld, N. C, 7.30 A. Mi Returning leaves SmirhfleldrN. c, 8.00 A. M., arrive Goldsboro, N. C, 9.30 A. Mi - Train on Nashville Branch leaves Rocky Mount for Nashville, 4.00 P. IL, arrives at Nashville 4.40 P. JSL. Spring -Hope 5.15 P. M. Returning leaves Spring . Hope 10.40 A. M., NashvlUe 11.15 A. M., Rocky Mount 11.55 A ; M., daily except- Sunday. Train on Clinton Branch leaves WTarsaw for Clinton, daily, except Sunday, at 6.00 P. MJ and 1L10 A. M. Returning leaves Clinton at i 8.25 A.M. and 4.30 P. M., connecting at War saw with Nos. 15 66 and 78. Southbound Train on Wilson & Fayetteville Branch is No. 5L Northbound is No. 50v-Dail3l except sunaay. . Train-o. 27 south will stop only at WilsonJ Goldsboro and Magnolia. . 1 Train No. 78 makes close connection at Weln don for all point3 North daily. All rail via; Richmond, and daily, except Sunday. Ma Bay 1 Line. Trains make close connection for all points orcn via luenmona ana wasnington. All trains run solid between Wilmington and vv asnington, ana nave mum an jfaiace meen ers attached. ! JOHN F. DIVINE, Gen'l Supt. J. R. KENLY, Sup't. Transportation. - T. M. EMERSON, Gen'l Passenger Agent my 12 i 1 1 1 & -Si (4 Tf MB TABLE NO. 3. Palmetto Railroad Co. O AND AFTER FRIDAY, DEC. ti, 1887, Trains will run as follows, dally except Sun day: GOING SOUTH. No I Passenger and Freight, 4 60 80 00 1 3 (4 14 70 a 65 . 00 00 5 6i 0 0 (3 5? 80 00 1 1)4 22 00 70 5X 6 6 5 5k" & 7 00 & 2 50 5 00 & 7 50 14 00 ' 10 00 ' 6' (414 00 K13 00 & 50 000 !0o: : 4 00 ;2iocv ! 3.50 V. m 30 : 15 25 ; Leave Hamlet, N. C Arrive at Cheraw, S. C... 8.20 A. M. 9.30 A. M. going North. No. 2 Passenger and Freight: Leav Cheraw, S. C. . ................ .4.25 P. M. Arrive at Hamlet, N. C .5.35 P. M. dec 16 tf WM. MONCURE, Sup't Wilmington, Coinm b fa & Augusta R R. Co. CONDENSED SCHEDULE. - TRAINS GOING SOUTH. Dated April 29, 1888. POMONA HILL NURSERIES! POMONA, N: C, Two and a Half Miles West of Greensboro. N. C. Leave Wilmington. Leave Marion. Arrive Florence.-.. LeavtHZlorence. Arrive Sumter., Leave Sumter. Arrive Columbia.. No. 23. P. M. 8 05 11 16 12 10 NO. 50 A. M. 2 40 4 25 A. M. Lv. Ruthertordton Leave Shelby. . Leave Llncolnton. Arrive Charlotte,. Leave Charlotte... Leave H amlet . .... Arrive Laurinburg! Leave Laurinburg. Arrive Wllmlngt'n No. 4. daily ex. Sunday. 8 00 pm 1 25 am 2 17 am 3 27 am 8 85 am 8 40 am 10 52 am 12 45 pm 3 00 pm N03 8&C Triweekly. 7C5am 2 iio pm 4 DOpm 'No. u. 6 45 am 4 25 pm Trains No. 1 and 2 make close connection at Hamlet with Trains to and from Raleigh. - Through Sleeping Cars between Wilmington and Charlotte and Charlotte and Raleigh. - Take Train No. l for Statesvliie and stations on W. N. C. R, R.and points West. 'Also, lor Spartanburg, Greenville. Athens, Atlanta and all points southwest. Also, for Asheville via Spartanburg. . . -. . Local Freight Ncs. 5 and' tri-weekly be tween Wilmington and Laurinburg. Local Freight Nos. 7 and 8 dally between Laurinburg and Charlotte,' Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, take passengers. - L; c. JONES, supejlntenaent, F. W. CLARK, Gen'l Passenger Agent. -" jan 5 , ' Acmo -. MANFA0TUKING 00. MANUFACTURERS OF Fexti lizers, Pine Fibfe and Pino Fibre Matting.; . WILMINGTON, N.C; T THE REPUTATION OF OUlfc FERTILISERS the ACME and GE3I, is now established, rand the results of three years' use In the "hands of the best farmers of this and other States ir attest their value as a high grade manure. ? The MATTING, made from the leaves of on . native pine,' Is conceded to be equal to any wool carpet for comfort and durability and the demand for it Is dally increasing. It has vir . tues not found in any other fabric. llie FIBRE or WOOL is extensively used for upholstering purposes, and as a filling for Mattresses is almost equal to half, being light elastic and proof against Insects.- : ' certificates from reliable parties using our goods Can t)e seen at our office, or win be mall- ed upon application. ian4 tf No. 37. N0. 15. P. M. P. M. 10 10 t 2 40 12 371 5 S3 120 A. M. I P. . 1 tl 52. Not -T-VlV 1VTI. 149 22 1551 ILL 55 INVENTION-rS r - f 'w1 half century. Not among the wonders of inventive nroirressis method and system of work that ct be per ronnea au over ine country witnou ; separa ting the workers from their homes. Pay lit erai; any one can do their work: either sex.. young or old; no special ability required. -Capital not needed: you are started free. cut this out and return to us and wo will send you free, something of great value and importance to you, that will start you In . business, which will bring you in more money right away.than anything else in the world. Grand outfit fire Address Thub & Co., Acgusta, Maine. . nov eina lyw . . ? .,..- :.y Na A. M. 4-35 - t 9 42 6 15PSC iEAK, UNDEVELOPED P A HTf t the Body enlarged and strengthened. Fall Dartlcu' 6 1GJJT8 Ent sealed free. KKIK MED. CO., Kottalo, N. Y lndlscfetten, tcw addrest kt Rewarded " afc tlinse' vha read this and Then act: they will And honorable employ- through frpm Charleston via -o- ! nhe main line of the R. & D. R. 1. passes through the grounds and within 100 feet of the oilice. Slem trains makestops regular- twice daily eacn way. -rnose interesiea in vmit and Fruit Growing are cordially invited to inspect this, the Largest Nursery In the sr ate. ana one 01 uie ia.nrcsi 111 iue..wmu. Stock consists 01 Appies, r i-eacn, 2 rear, Cherry, Plum, Japanese persimmons,? Apn- cots. Nectarines, Muioernes. yuince, urapes, Figs, Raspberries, Gooseberries, Currants, Pie riant. Ensrllsh Walnut. Pecans. Chestnut, Strawberries, Roses, Evergreens, Shade Trees, c All the new and rare varieties as well as the old ones, which my new Catalogue for 1888 will show. . r Give your orders to my authorized agent or order direct from the Nursery. ; - Correspondence solicited. Destnpuve cata logue free to applicants. . - Aaaress J. VAN LINDLEY, POMONA, Guilford Co., N. C. i No. 52 runs Central R. R.. Leaving Lanes 8uM A. Itf., Manning 9:08 A. M Sundays No. 54 leaves Charleston 8:30 A. M. Lanes 10:28 A. XI., Manning 11:10 A. M., Sumter 11:46 A. M., anlves Columbia 1:10 P. M No. 56 ' runs through from Charleston via Central R. R., Leaving Lanes 7:13 1. M.. Man ning 7-52 P, ML - . Train on c. & D. R. IL connects at Florence with No. 58. ! TRAINS GOING NORTH. "Reliable Salesman wanted In every County. A good paying commission win oe given. ; ap ju v iNo. 51. NO. 57. No. 53. - p. M. A. M. prM Leave Columbia "11 25 "650 533 Arrive Sumter........ 12 52 8 12 '6 46 No. '59. Leave Sumter. . ..... . 12 52 t8 22 ........ Arrive Florence...... 2 20 9 40 ....... . A. M. A. M. NO. 78 Na 66. NO. 14. A. M, A. M. P. M. Leave Florence . 4 35 t 10 30 8 20 Leave Marlon.; ..... 5 22 11 11 8 55 Arrive Wilmington... 8 35 S 10 11 50 . . A. M. I P. JL P. M. Daily. tDally except Sunday. No. 53 runs through to Charleston. S, c via a joist child mm in ;rt? sp&sasif iC-nr 2yJ. oi runs uirvuu vj vuoikswu H CNDREDS OF -MEN IN WILMINGTON ..lie thpvhavft their lives Insured, some 01 thom win ciifl whiiA tinder this impression and thotr f9TniiiP will n?wvpr too late that it This has happened in Wilmington during the past month oy the failure of the .Mrst as sessment company that commenced business othprs win follow soon. Before It is tnn hntf maXra cum nrovislons for TOUr family in a life insurance company that has stood the test during generations. ' The Mutual life Insurance Company of New York, is the oldest, largest ana best company In the world. Its policies are lncontestible, are nald immediately on the receipt of proof of death, and are liberal In their conditions. ..... Assets now over flis,000,oui.oa - - - ' - M. S. WILLAR1. Agent, febST - 2ii North Water St. tral R. R.. arriving Manning 8:48 A- 31., Lanes 933 A, 3L, Charleston 1L30A. M. No. 66 connects at Rorence with C. and D. train for Cheraw and Wadesboro. Nos. 78 and 14 make close connection at Wil mington with W. & :W. R. R. for all points North . " ' ' JOHN F. DIVINE, - General Superlntndent- J. K. KENLY. Supt Transportation. -T. M. EMERSON, General Passenger Ageit. - apl28 - " ; ' HLY ment that wtil not take them from their homes and families. 1 The profits are large and sure lor every lndustrirus person, many have made and are now making several hundred dollars a month It Is easy for any ono to make 15 and upward per day, who is willing to work Either sexyoung or old; capital not needed: we start you. Everytning new. No Fpecial ability required; you, reader, can do t as well as any one.- Write to us at once for full par ticulars, which we mall free, r Address Stlnson & Co., Portland, Maine. " nov 22 dflmwly E eg oca 8ic: ap 18 lwd&w- ( A. A. lirow is & Co ENERJLL INSURANCE AGENTS 9- . FOR over UJ3.000 paid out tor death losses for year ' (charges prepaid) to 13S7. in . wumisgton, .n. v. : ' . , 1 i r-mmer nrth WafPf BTS1 SrufriPrrV Sf.S ; - , - r - . jeD n ONWARD IS THE WORD fpHE PROGRESSIVE . FARMER ENTIJ S ts.THlRD volume at the roEowwj 1 subscriber, I year..... ......... .fL2 5 subscribers, lyear..t. :.. 5.i . 10 subscribers, lyear.......,.r....iaf'G f One copy. I year, free to the one ; sraitj club of ten. ' . . : ' , " - !i Eight pages, 40 columxs, k!y. Snd exs L. L. VOLK. llth, I-1 ct