Sundays cwi-t vrain. S1' .. FUtor and Prop. n,TAC5E PAW: . tf T. .TF1 !' .t ,11 iu- Three montn.:r. cents. ..i bv carriers, free ,i 1 . ...... at ih aJtove 9 1.,p.irt""1" -uy. rA 7; -1 - El 7 uf"r' u ,.aivr regularly. fjN fa i VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C TUESDAY. JUNE 5, 1888. !NO 124: PLEASE NOTICE. We will be gla4 to receive coamunlcatlca from our friends, on any and aUsutjccts'o general Interest, but . ... " The name of the writer must always bo Tar nished to the Editor. , ; communications must be written cr.!..- cn one side of the paper. ; t Personalities must he avoided. ', ';" . And it is espedalland particularly - under stood that the Editor does not always endorse the views of correspondents anless so stated la the editorial columns. . LOCAL NEWS, ISDKX TO MW ADVERTISEMENTS.' PosTroxKD The Sorcerer FC Millkr Diamond Dyes Tatlors Hakaar At Last M M Katz special. Bargains Notice Gennanla" Lodge K of P HeIxbkkiier -Has Hall supplies Mrs K 11 WiGCixj-Just Received Attestiojs Howard Relief F E Co stlvax Gkove Family Excuisloij M ekTi so Wllmlugton Homestead Ass'n r, q cc yu WtOHEWttr Twpiity-bix bales ceiveil here to-day. of cotton re- notice. r..JTlr i. ill of tlie human . . . .. ... J m r I J i.;.,. r .' ' rU sat School Books and School Station ery you can bny cheapest at Heins lierirer's. - t The cheapest place to buy your Kchool hooks and school stationery Ik tit IIeinslMrirers. HurKlrtrs. You can be safe from them by using the Uurlar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at JacobPs lldw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. t Do; collars, lwirjcest and finest assortment ever before brought to this city, to be had at Jacobi's lldw. Depot. What vou need is a medicine which H mi re! efllcient, reliable. Such is - - . m a T a . I llooil s Sarsapariua. it posewf peculiar curative powers. For sale, cheap, Counters ai.d siliHm' Annlv at Jo. it JNortn k . i . . a t- a. i h-v m-m - f-m mm m '4 w a . aaiiA av m a a. - ntiAi -v. iiv. .K.n..v. a k n i 'i no r:iharTinT ni Minrniinrr. : - - - " - tsouru oi Aiierra-n. uoii nuiiuii u iiw cuuiinptictr i The Hoard met in regular session deMu proper to abate the nuisance. I The citizens of Sourhport , voted k a . . 1 a 1 . . Z i -i . .faMi.. nrfan.n of j. nV fink. AUontea. . . : ! vesteraav on me iochi pinion . "-"V - . . . V...v 1 1: fnr.e flMlE ANNUAL ' MKKTISO OF THE STOCK All the members were present; merman i-earsau uumuuicu - uuu .uruiuC. ... ( holdersof the wllmIngton Homestead & t resolution that the Sanitarv Com- license. The wets ' have it y SU Loan Association will he held to-niprht, J una .unjuri.,.ci jiirKiums. . . ,. ... " , . "... .V -h, at the city Court lioam, ; ar $15 oyiock nvo i.iinntM nf th lnt iiieetintr ie empoweretl ro employ a majority. averyiiuus-: iici Election of Board of Directors and other im wre read and annroved and the competent sanitary engineer vflrimis cmntidtteeft called uoon for maKe surveys ana estimates 1 or a poueu. U - Wr??"? i t n I . - 1 Jc leports ;cyiiij)ieie sysieiu 01 sevvene iui iuc tw-the Board of Audit and FL mittee on the Streets and Wharves, nance concurring. ron.n.Piwlpd that the netition fori The resolution the improvement of Queen street be there be I lis no other business the "ranted. The report was adopted. Board adjourned. ' . f i..,iffaii rt u (till f rr tnwfti'C i J It I IIC 111(41 l-l V w w All Stock- are requested to be C. n. KOHINSON, s PrcsMcot. City Court. was adopted, and In ii nun 1.1 it. .t r. Dave Howard, comhiittinff a nuir lasm MIL - WrBMIl LOQgC, rt. 4, n. sance, ifo or iu aays. f -DitETHREN: Vou are hereby order Ti,,A Whitfiplil larcehv. bound U ed to appear at our castle 11 ail on a - m- - -- - - a of the PIAXOS AND 01lwAll. Front street, opposite Holmes & UTt 1 1 VE YOU I'Ull'LS ANHTKUMS from Cant. Edar Williams tug Marie, amounting to f.W, lderman Pearsall from the same committee, reported that the city was not legally liable, out recom mended that 3 be allowed. Alderman Dudley moved that the full amount of the bill be allowed, and afterso ne discussion the motion was adopted. The Sanitary Committee, through Alderman Pearsall, in the matter of placing a sewer in the ally in rear f MV Knl .Rear's store on Market street, asked for further time, and ou' .motion were granted further time with power to act in the matter. The special committee to whom was referred the matter of paving Market street, fromFront to Second, recommended that j the work be done, the Board of Audit and bi nance concurring, and estimated hat it would cost $G,000. The re- ort was adopted. -.t.n.immio. I Keep one f :v tr;t of PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE MM'TII. a 1. iii . adv of iiw lirst-olaas raanu- II.iiW H9i I PWARDS. Nor. barque Mttvfu Jensen, clear ed to-day for Loudon with 750 casks spirits turpentine and 2,CJ3 barrels rosin,' valued at flS,; shipped iy Messrs. Williams k Murchison. A concert complimentary to Mr. Willie Ortmann, nephew of Mr. F. W. Ortmanh, of this city, as given in Charleston Friday night. In its notice of the concert the Acw and ttwrrer savs: "Mr. Ortmann s per formances on the violin were simply rb." r 9:1 pel Or ruoM t4. i'pvai:i'. us J.Ti. KAI.E1U II, X. C ) ' fS.' iV. L. DOUGLAS i RUnc 1 hi: w I J Im j (JIINTLKJII N. I afr UWi Urk or null. As 8tjl l.r... itLx-ittins . or IU. and ''r,,l' o wear the sto kln Mr. M. S. Willard has presented with a conv of the "weeKiv Statement," a small publication is sued by the Mutual Life Insurance rvminanv of New York, in which we notice that policy No. 207,8, held bv the late Jacob Loeb. of this city, Mr Willard is the I Kill 1 11 - - - " agent here. a rpi.o Pni.iilv Kvcursiou under the auspices of the committee of Thomas' Catholic Church on the Sflran drove to-morrow promises to Ixj a enjoyable affair. There will be music and refreshments on boan nmi who may avail themselves r rMrtunitv to ('arolina yi. iiic I ' I Heach may rest nssured of a time. IVj-tMllil. ' ..itit.. friend. Mr. Albert J Vi'f " ' ' 4i...a..i,,r, iMfr last nitrht for At lanta, Ha. We wih him a pleasan trin. Vh inadvertently omitted the name f Mr. II. A. Bagg, the eflij eient chaimiaii or the Board of Couuty :oiiimissioiieri. in our re port of the proceedings of the Board of Magistrates yoterda-y. Fmerrtn Ilno. im ..... -f J!t immi of these eel- ebratel p'anos now 111 use in th United States and other countries goo( County Commissioners The newlv elected Board of Coun ty Commissioners met ii regular monthly session yesterday after- $20 or 80 days noon, with all the memberk present and Chairman H. A. Bjagg pre siUiutr. The County Treasurer siubmitted his renort. showing deposits in the First National Bank to the credit of the general fund, amounting to $15, 802.12, arid to the credit of cational fund, $12,448.73. The Register of Deeds fees received from marriage licenses amounting to $6.50 Amplications to retail spirituous 1 linuors were granted to r lace, on Wrightsville Souiid at the Manning place; J. C. Munds, on tne steamer tiulvan Grove arfd J. li. Litsen. on Water, between Market and Dock streets. j rvu frilrwin were drawn as iurors for the July term of the Crim inal Court, which meets on.the third Mnmlfiv in July, viz: T. P. Sykes, W"rtnfsi1av - a n' n m.: tft.nnT over to the next term s of Criminal Jthe last tribute of respect to our de-V Court in the sum of $100. Doscher. By order of the C. c. J"(l TTAW .Tn charged. . , - ; I r . ,-' .: c fp nrd r William T-.nril. disorderly conduct. ..... - 1 - - - .. . -: . . ., Kivi.nren or sioiieKau mum. j. nuu visiting Brother Knights are. respectfully in-. HpnrV Reatv. disorderly conduct, vited to take part in the ceremonies. " J - V , 1 -r .r Tnioin i n - JXO. 1IAAR, JR., ja 5 it . K. of K. and S. discharged. i Kit Muggins, larceny, bound over to tlie next term of Criminal Court in the sum of $100. j Hoard of Audit and Finance. the edu- reported cr The Board of Audit and Finance at their regular-meeting . last night, audited and approved bills for Bel gian blocks for paving Front street, $574.51; current expenses, $5,321.58. A nti mm nidation was received from the Board of Aldermen, givin notification of the passage of a reso lution for the employment of a san- ifrv eniriiieer to make estimates and plans for a sewerage systeno. On motion of Mr. Cakler, the Board declined to concur and the com munication was ordered to be re turned with the suggestion that the Sanitary Committee ascertain the post, of making---the nlans and esti mates called for. !. rhe Board concurred ;in the adop tion of the ordinance relating to the tax on dogs. rrK Ttrtoi-rl nlirmrnWI Sllbiect to THE LADIES'. EMPORIUM, 1 15 MarketSt. - 'W LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW." Millinery Notions, Fancy Goods ! The-special committee appointed w H Scarborough, E. H. Davis, J .nnwulor the nrooosed lease of a Thomncnn K P Craiir. - J. M. otof ground to the AVihmngton Cason w . J .Penny, E. M". Green, Light Infantry for an armory, re- gam Beari jr. w. A. Walker, K. D ported, asking further time, which Jewet Jas. w. Jackson, H.P. West, was granted. i E. D. Wessell, M. Griffin, B. F. Hall, he caU of the chairman. on. utinl committee to consiuer ,. T, w.., i.n.ct w A. Pat-1 it iv... 1 .1 r . xaiff. 11 m uuiBii 1 .... 1 I,- ,nH0r of nhRncHm? the location T' " V. ....,l. T W Hornish. J. IeatU or Ilr. wiiiiama tlie " - rz - IIOH. V-I CT. A7U1 in. ii j . -11 ' j. r f f l.u tu nniitK . leDOried inrOUK" I ArontfoHI. .lOIini iiUULiir unu vi kjl v,. "l v..v t 1.1 w xautci, . T' - a r- a n ti ; that thev naa noi a t mii w n Kate. ij. man cinzeus ims nasi ana. illHCllimii i.iv.... - I iUCllVOV, VJ ., " " 1 I . 1 liaon ilhlo to find a suitable ' loca- xt.Aa -p t Fnwlpr. AJ Zoeller, Wm. E. Doescher died at his resi . .. .. u. lltmi., 1 I ... . ,- . il- rt 111- sinnn O Feniiell. Jr., D. Jti. clence last nigut aooui,:.5u o ciuoiv, nriifia- t r? r;.ithHp S .1 Deinp- in the orime ofjife. He was only U nun, u , . , - I "T Our Trices are the LOWEST. . ; : Our Styles the LATEST. ; ' Our Trimming: the MOST STYLTSfl In the City. ... ' .' -. ' All Goods bought at thl3 est ablishment are Guaranteed to be of. Best Quality and are in the Latest Style. - ; ' : n"-. o New Goods Received by Everv Steamer. s?y,-Geo. . Til ley. tion, and asked for further time. A letter was read from- the com- m . 1 T matider of the French irigaie mw to the Mayor, making acknowledg ment of courtesies received from the citv authorities, and also from f. t the ferry acrossNoi the French Council General at New Rnown Hilton Ferry, .will be dis- York, extending his thanks tor tne Continued as a public ferr on and after the 10th day of June, 5I888. The Board adjourned suibject to the call of the Chairman, j Crystal Wedding Celebration. Last night the Lutheran j parson- was the scene of a joyous occa- W. E. age same. j Permits for the erection of new buildings were granted to Mrs. H.B. Kilers and Jos. W. Taylor. , The reports of the Chief of Police and Chief of the Fire Department mill on1frf'd OI) file. ri.-f otfontifin nf sion. The pastor, Ke Hie Wliyurcrtiicu - - iniH-A Koan the Boimlto the necessity of amend. Pesehau, ana 11 . ,. "- inj; some of the ordinances so as to married Jane 3d, 18.3, in. the e.u- inTpose specific Ones as a pmltX Ibk Lutheran 9hr at Jjo.k for' their 'violation, and on motion Springs, Pa., had .pen .fear, of Im.irriPil Hie. iuvi " 5 i iu .nl.iiiaiti of HiAi church amendments were made. many o. " t the Alderman Dudley offered a reso- .net m a hoc ly and p o ,eed ed tp m lution that policemen shall not be parsonage last n , as h uuiforms when not came ou ouic.j, , . sion of the house. , TiiAv snread a bouutiiuirepasi, required to wear on active duty , Alderman uicaiwinom. u :;- . - - manv, congratula bv requiring members of the iorce aim T ,- . . ; :nnIlber of - i 4.... riri ill" i i l u aura - - ' v "rt - of " glass presents, kinds f-Ta tfhuitw untrss Mainped on That fact alone is hufncient to -jroyo the superiority of these mstruments. J. Ij. Stone, of Ua leigh, . C, U Cieneral Agent for this State. t his prices before buying a piano, u L ljUj;ixi ft Min. warraulev1' si siiok, tbe'orl'zlml f-T; . al writ SI shoe, which U Imii . . . .. 1 CtiT' bor1 sli0e ah rorld. "iraitiies'1,re made in congress, r-rir i -a:'J ir Lt sfcia hy your dal I l"lHtOLAH,irockton,Ma.. Ml 11 H. VOXGLAHN. Wllmlngron, N. .0. V0LLEH8. 'iyrMv?Ut ANT AND DEALEU U?t'vU?Mi: SoUons. at. cap, shoes p.rt. uiawware and Crock- aii'Mtj prolucf. Advance ridal Presents "i': UEMicvr.iE to Ycii'.vn u ip'Y,p-'IUiai,"'nany pKvnot silver Itork Crytal Mctaclr4 and fcytie Ailvite to old ami young: 1" lecting hpectncleH you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying xjtrcr than has been lost to the eve as in the same proiortlon that you pass that point of increase, willcause vou further Injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture oUl age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. NolltltiC Fairer. I. Shrier, at o.lGN. Front street, ..nrnntees. if any purchasers of, A. . ..... V,n,1,,i I HOUS, . . i inv A 1- I vii rirms A (lerman rnce moveu j "- s ,i,00(iWw&pmnt Herman .Dud.ey's resolution on the Un , bvf,e Slol-ter ,ale, and this motion was adopted ' " --, lt a httppL occa- n.e Jlayor mami " , ;. Heeirted success. The no- n..i.!..i,: rMiirmnr i fsirou sion " ' i l uoiiauii'n j , ,!....i,a,lhpnnffh , a the oro- -- . v Mt-'iiacr '.. " .,.i,ionor llf ff t.llf to dispose oi - ---- nrenared for use, alohg with City Hall, and ofTerec it to ti e cuy d well did tUey sup dy the forthesumof r2.X5a He said there them, ft" . lifflfi over ?A years old. He died Tf ra rflPrPfl bv the Board thac of consumption. He leaves a wife the travelling public take notice and one chikirwho together wiwi Northeast river, all the relatives, enjoy uie esteem of our community and have the sympathy of all who know them. The deceased, was a quiet, honest, upright, excellent man. j ' He amass ed -quite a fortune. He was a mem ber of the Howard Relief Fire Engine Company, the Produce Ex change and the Knights of Pythias and also one of the ' charter mem bers of the Germauia Cornet Band. He will be buried t o-morrow,( Wed nesday) at 10 a. m., from St. Paul'8 Evangelical Lutheran ! Church, of which he had been a member for many years. We understand the ionizations of which he was a mem ber will turn out in uniform, ana that the Germania Band will heau fh rrrfpssfon. and on the way to V"" I ' i s - the cemetery render a funeral dirge- Mr TVipscher was onoe an xlder- i ..'!'". . .... man in our city and his ueatn, as is the death oi every good citizen, is a loss to the community. Suits. Come. iown to JLV K. a i Wpnfirmflrtprs. 25 dozen Flannel Attention is called to muperlo r line of . Fast B lack Hosiery, Every Pair Guaranteed Not to Dye or Fade. ' ' o '. -J. ;.' . Also a full line Infants', Children's and Ladles Iudia Gauze And LisleThreadUndervests, inuttor I raliie. Rv. Mr. i-esciiau "lT" tlie oelobratea iiani muuiitai..-, x i i., I Vnrtneni vjei mauj , street uuuus , .,,..- .w v,J ..r lean home is ureuuS, w. T I . .' xl .1 ili(ai rt 1 v. I UncIIIUIl IK I.MH (lUlllltV. I m .... Tt,iisv1 VRllia . . iiti i v iu ci a. wl - - mltte on tree s anu na - hter of Col. - j. fJ. WdT Alderman rnce em.c . wealthiest men in to the obstruction; ot r..-; ; - . stlluied at being no objection would be referred to the Committee. 1 A petition from the was read, asking for an increase - j. .. i flip pa v. li' was rcicuDu w the" obstruction of Ameri- Mrs A on. md ' ..: iwl I AilniiK rmititv. Mreet, between M.uoerry FemaIc seminary-i W lliams- urosi. . i . ... ii i.o Streets I port, Pa. Aiuennaii ierni, . - : - . ;..r- t. said thai The annual meeung vi y and Wharves Committee, thfs matter had been considered, mington Homestead and LonA and a report made to the Board, re ociation wm be held at . trie - TnPndimr that the Chief oi ro- Court room lo-nigu a.-.-- -; n; be instructed to remove the ob- tA f aU attendance of the oHutu struct ion but no action had been t1ven. Alderman Ricaud submitted ttn or- adopted, mak Clothi.igJiaVand Furidslungftocxls ; unlawfui to sell or expose for nrrpctlv satisfied, he wil tinnUiiir Inflated or refund the money. He also guaran , ' yea or other meats in the tees to Hive you from 15 to t.l -Lder penalty-of nt mi the identical goaus may purtdiase elsewhere. VOU wil ! . It will lie line or uiipriwliiMr.. 411 . .. " i - "ut uriupiay, apt It . L?S Bot and MusiclStoro.i of no expense to you i . . . .wlrtfr ir "r f,.Wt and vou will be in iorce w ,vt, - , vnurrii i - - ers is desired and those who pnnot attend are requested to see vthat they are represented by proxy- t various or- Bathing Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elspacny irop. Look for the blue awning. t I3IKP - -. g TuiurnpuTn this citv yestcrdav. after- E. W. DOSCiiEH, in the 35 year oflild age. lie vrm a native of Wremen, Ger- vnnPi- ,i fit st. Paul's E. L. Church to-mor row morninj,' at 9:30 o clock, thence to oakdaie cemetery. Friends and acquaintances are respectfully invited to attend, i NBW AOVEIlTl8EMBxNT8. Howard Relief Fire Enine (V, Ikf, . mrvvTiiv MEfHF.l!S:-T6u are' hereby A omered to appear at yourKnglne llouse borrow raornirli at 9-J30 o'clock sharp, in aftptiri the funeral oi ourue- ..!! j hil'oViinmari . e. W. Doscher. Hon- wnmttWW o- attend. JaSlt 1 1 .nbr nt i hA Knrpman. VJ - 7," g l ESC HEN, i Secretary. 0 Postponed. - N ACCOUNT OF THE SICKNESS OF ONE ol the leading characters in THE SOUCEIiElf, It i to be regretted that thf opera u ti,flMr fnnnot be repeated at the Opera House to-night, as a jthe opera announced to oe given wu. Kood many of our citizens-oteni: j Gpera House ts lQdennitely postponed, plate witnessing another enjoyable, - ,: ". 'r: j monev ahead by calling at 1. !lirji - The Old. UeHable Clothier, No. 10 aul 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm. ' u Jnnt ,,e ricknM of - H TS?ffiSS sriil De on Heach. AWmmn Flshblate calle.l aften- ,ea,iing characters. r ' : &&Z&ZJfg& tion to the condition of the Puree . ; fa fr. youf wto..g SSW House alley, ami and doors -can be hau at; Jiw"0' Tickets!. Children Kjea . ' Sanitary Committee be empowered anu ; t: , lasit l . . - H. tnva . k.. v i . " - moveti iii.n- to lay a sewer in uus u, INFANTS' CAPS A New Lot Just received SPECIAL BARGAINS This week In: Ladles.. and Children's colored Parasols.- These good will oe sold at greatly Reduced Prices. -o- Laces, Einbroiderico, India Linen, o Dress Tri m m i ngs , Buttons, GLOVES, HANDKERCHIEFS. agjsxctpob DEMOREST RELIABLE PATTERNS i DEttOREST'S SEWINO MACHINE, $19.50 only. Warranted for five years, supe rior nnlsn. superior wont vny rererencei given as to wortn ana quauty oi uis ; Machine, of which I am selling man'. . AGKXCY FOR LEWANDO'S FRENCH DTEJIOUSE.. pr-country orders filled promptly. . . . ; ' . Respectfully, ; ... '' M RS. E. B. WIGGINS. jo 5 , . . . . . ...... ... Carolina Beach Schedule fSteamerSylvan Grave will leave.) forCarolihaBeach Train leaves Bch Monday. Tuesd'y .Wed'sd'y Th'sd'y Friday . Saturdy A.M. PM. I A.M.PM P. M. PM. - M.P.M 1:00 ;j::U) 13 -fi.ixj bn Sunday Steamer leaves at 2 p. MV Train leaves at6 . . je"4 tf V. General Manager. S' It? .vv j t v ' oV- c3 -2 - " " K a S - & S o Q3 TP w .. t3 -Oil - A New Pattern Oil Stove, t All TO BE THE -BEST YET INVENTED, o'uefrigeratora. Coolera, lee Cream proezors. tei Improved Pattern Door and Window Screens and Frames. . , - ; - -! For Rale by " 'ALDKUMAN, FLANNKU & tO.. - I ; 1 k?alera in Hardware. 1 1 nware. A , my7dw WiUUiitoa. Ii. C.. t?