THIS rATXR .... - mr-rvrtt&d. i cul,' - Editor and Prop. IT v TOSTAOE PAID: r lit ijinx one months cents. uvtrtNl by carrtera. free J rplrtofitedtjr.UtHebOTe mrivMr Papr regulars r m Bill I" ,t i . . i iMurilui, -i'i - i tii- i - 3m;c ro ... ? j ! i-l:.i't Ivo ierumut fc. J I r. - llMf s...ii-l.vfcn-.-ti? ..""'i'; :hcrs iiave . ; i.ij r. .. ... may take. . i " ... !. 18-. r iiyi ' "'ST"" U -jn-H!y certain, no a:" . . .. r. iH.ih !; w;u It Mill rrct .ciniljr of the sioiiutch, 111 l foul ffAMS, !Ujr Irritation, Ut Digestion, f u:i!.al thoame time riM t it '""''' f O"bIe tcnit ! happier . . ..-. .5 .;uo. Some T '..-.'"-. Liver : ..I i'i end arc . r : r !vr i . r I fee I . " .a v.. m iU . 1 rt V Alley, C. VOL XII WILMINGTON, N. C MONDAY JUNE 11, 1888. N0.129. ,The XwYork Star estimates the expenses of the 370 Tammany dele rates to SL Louis at not less than 30,000. Jay Gould U Mt ill out West some where tfobbllug up n few more rail roads. In the meantime there are continued reportK in New York as to hij health, started, most likely, with the view of affecting the stock mar kets. i r i pi m in cbsat FUXOS AND ORGANS. yiITTO ME HR PRICES AND TERMS fc.?)ff buitia Ihmiiiont. as I keep, one PIANOS AND 0EOANS IX THE SOUTH. ItiatU jmi aar of tM Hrst -class manu-atar. ia rKOJf IIM I PWAItDR. Org a rcoH 45-vrTAnns. rorth Carolina is sureh' Demo cratic this year, just as surely so, in fact, as it was four years apo, , when Cleveland majority was not far from 20,000,. Still, this result was not accomplished without a lot o tfood, hard, honest work and the same is necessary this year for the same result. Along the Florida coast, it is re ported, the birds are fast disappear ing before the guns of the plume hunters. There is an especial scar city of the great American egret, the snowy heron, the Loufsianahen, the reddish egret. Ward's heron and the 'little blue heron. Birds that were common At Fort Ogden a year and a half ago are no more to be met with. The pasdry season has enabled the merciless plume hunter of the bonier to penetrate dry shod into tne former impenetrable re treat of the birds. Mexico continues to attract Amer lean capital in a way to indicate that previous ventures of the kind have not been misplaced. Senator Hearst, of California,, lias just been down there making some extensive investments, includingthe purchase of 2,000,000 acres of land in the State of Vera Cruz to be devoted to the falsing of coffee, sugar and tobacco. Along, with other California capi talists he has also obtained con cessions for building a railroad from the city of Mexico to some point on the Pacific coast. . The body is more susceptible to benefit from liowis aarsaparnia .11 i. .. ,.nn PIn.A now umiiuiuu uiiicrpmouu. aucjc fore, take it now. LOCAL NEWS. SOT TDK CATALOGUE. J .Hj. Stone, KALEKill, X. C. van 7 - I IXDBX TO Jfllf ADTKRT1SKMIKTS. Exhausted Vltallfj Wa.vtkd Lire Agent Are you Consumptive J J ilKDRicx Dry Goods Pxsspobt Dime Excursion R W Best Llrcrjr stables J P C Mills a Diamond Dyes . Tat lob's 13ARAAR At Last M M Katz Special Bargains Excursion To Wrlghtsvllle N JAcon-BulldlDg Material ' A A Brown & Co Dissolution J L Stone Pianos and organs M S Willabd-A Burnt Cnlld W E infringer Co Specials Stltax tJ bote Carolina Beach IlErvaBEKGER -Reading Glasses Smith Boatwriout Insuram-e Locis II M barks Bat hlug Suits. IIkinsbekuer llanoti and Organs Mrs E U Wiuuins Just Received . SEAsms Restaurant Open To-day ' Alderxah, Planner & Co Oil Stoves IloirxLL & Ccmminu Mattress Factory O o Vollers Dry lioods. Groceries, etc John L Boatwricht Something Attractive C B Soctherland & Co -Carriage Repository . - . For other localsee fourth page. Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at Jacobfs Hdw. Depot. t i'6 J- DOUGLAS as SHOE. ron GEXTLEUrX, 3faStlc:f3 SrmlM Sho In the UfcWalls to wear the stockln? i .... mpm a mmfnrt4h A Hand fuw1 Klirw Kur peauuie onles stamicd u . tL v. ffi J original ."anJr'w welt U shoe, which -i-jr suoes costing rrwu unex w. .T:Tr -ar. lMUtiS1!!ia SHOE Is worn by n v fcnoe la the world. - . ,-; not soia oy your aeai- IJa II. VONGLAUN. WlhuUigton. S'.C - 0. VOLLERS, rvt-... I,fcrnpj t7?" jlaawarr and Crock Tchro. tijntrs, etc. itHciiin.- ,.a 8 Sorth Water t. vah Bat TOuntry produce. Advance J myrstf Eirt ... At fling suit M 'XB STRAW IIATS, SI MMER OUTFITS. LOIIS H. MEAliES. tj's rftlshr and Hatter 12 2o. rrcr; WireCJoth for your wiudows and and floors, can be had at JacobPs Udw. Depot. What has become of the free ferry question? Is it dead or does . it merely sleep? The Passport brought up this morning a large colored excursion from Southiort. Yes my son, you can spell -it al most any way. Bandana is right and so is bandanna. Yesterdav was an-ideal Summer Sunday, warm in the sun but de lightful in the shade There was a good breeze all day long. Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at JacobPs lldw. Depot. It will pay you to use one. . . f On the European Plsiu j The Seaside Restaurant, f which :. Death on Potato Bagsi ' ' Commissioner John Robinson fur-1 DIED. iiall in this city, at 8 p. m. on June 10th, 3 we spoke last week, is now open at n,shes the folio No. 8 North Front gtreet,next North 8troyinr potato bjfrs- of the drug store on the corner. It t Take wood ashes anrl "fr th , . i L it! . ft3"6 ana sue tnem?at30 o'clock. Interment at oakdale. Friends uiu mccii ucu4iiwru up ouu-Buj iuiicvuiruuii a uour sieve. nlipl wifli ti oloofrin li.rht pn- Paris erreen with the n.slies tlemen can take their ladv "friends )PJhlJ '.cowWn'ed; in abbu ... , . . - . . l'rul'"ruoa oi one onnee or parisi thorw i7irli rayfanr nrnni-iiiru anil At. x . . A.!. w . e , nrfTcii i,u one ganon oi asnes. ivKe 1888. SALLIE LONDON HALL, wife of CoL E. v. iian. asrea 50 years and 6 4 Th funeral swrr1fvs will ta.t- nlaio t jf M ixj and acquaintances are respecthilly Invited to ut the anything to eat froin a light refresh- some of this mixture in sieve ind ment to a hearty iueal. Mr. R. J. id,st lfc "sWly on the'vinessoitlmt T.pwI thA wplI-Wnown Antorpr. is inl','"tfc 8,lu -v Puivierw.lLii w..w .. t i T.lltl II rv BTiifr ... j .,VM.. : K - i At charge. Wrhjhtavllle 11 Alive. Wrightsville Sound is agitated from centre to circumference - by the advent there of the Seacoastf Railwav. There is a bustle and - t life visible every where that was not known there before. All about the road it is a scene of almost feverish activity. Capt. Manning has put Up a large new open pavilion ant has modernized anil enlarged his house and cottages and the entire place presents a .new aspect. At Mr. StokleyValso the spirit of im provement has penetrated and soon the sound of the sa,w and the ham mer will be heard there also. i Keunlon of Veterans. There will be a reunion of the yet erans of the Wilmington RifleGuards, Co Fourth of July, either at yille or old Camp Wyatt, near Caro lina Beach, where the regiment first went into camp on August 8th, 1861. There are over a score of survivors resident in the city and a number of others at points adjacent and earn est efforts are being made to get them all together on the Fourth. . . I, 18th N. C. Regiment, on the wnguis Ilock Crystal Spectacle and Eyeglasses Advice to old and .young: In se lecting spectacles yoU should be cau tious not to take mre magnifying vower than has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of -prema ture old age to the sight You can get the best at Heinsberger's. We are Determined: To Kill The high prices which are ranging in this section, and we have nearly succeeded, as our increase of sales for the past month testifies. We guarantee a saving from 15 to 25 per cent, on all goods purchased; also, to be as well made, same material, as sold elsewhere, or money refund ed if not satisfactory.! I. SHRIER'S, The Old Reliable Clothier, No. 1 and 20 N. Front St. Sign of Golden Arm! tf City Court. Mayr Fowler disposed of the fol owing cases this morning: Obadiah Jenkins, disorderly con duct, transfered to Justice George W. Price. Johu Watson, disorderly conduct, $20 or 30 days. ' i W. W. Lychty, drunk aud down, $5 or 10 days. - Thos. Burnett, disorderly conduct, discharged. . - Armstrong Johnson,; charged with beating his wife, $10 or 20 days. James Bryant, fast driving, case continued. 1 John Fisher, disorderly conduct case continued. . ' The First Excursion. The St. Paul's E.L. Sunday School of thiscity wiH be the first to give an excursion to Wrightsville Sound by the newly completed Wilmington and Sea Coast Railway, which, from all preparations that are being made will be an immense affair. The Sunday School will haye their annual picnic at Capt. Mannings place, who has kindly offered, them the use of his just completed grand Pavilion, and the beautiful lawn in ront of his house will be utilized by the children for playingtheii various games. ' Trains will run to the Ham. mock, thus giving a chance to en- oy themselves there.f Everybody s invited to go down and have a ood time. The Ger mania Band will go on the afternoon train and Rain is needed in the city but in the country they have not yet ex- di8COUrse Wntlfnl music 'The ui.y.jr. aiu3 ladies of the Sunday School will hansted xthe last splendid growing weather. soread a bountiful collation in the pavilion at Capt. Manning's. The committee having in charge Col.-Hedrlck keeps full abreast of the times. lie knows the. value of printers ink and he appreciates the arrangement of this excursion the columns of the Rkvikw as an deserve great credit for.. the thor- advertising medium. He therefore 'oughness of all their arrangements. inserts a full column ad. in this is sue. It is good reading matterand such we are sure the ladies will find it, for read i they will " ' The tickets will be honored on any train going down that day and may be had at places designated n ferVisernent in tli? issre. Early-in the morn ng ; is the best tiniA to annlv if This plan " is , decidedly brtter than, usjng the paris green mixed with water for the reason that the poison remains on the leaves and the bugs get the benefit of the'dose.asHOonas they move about, while, those on which it al Ik are done for "within a few hours. When applied .With, wa ter the most of the poison runs off the leaves at once aud has but little effect. ; - . - : C - Remember that paris green is a violent poison and. should be care fully handled. It need not be touch ed. with the hands at all and per sons with a sort or cut about the hands should not touch it or mix it. Sift the ashes on newspaper and put in the poison and stir through with a stick. Use an old sifter to apply it, or a home-made one of gauze or fine muslin. Carter lief ere the Mayor. There was a dense throng at the Mayor's Court this morning, the case of interest being that of Abra ham Carter, who was armigned as being instrumental in the death, by drowning, of Ben Cronly, colored, at Hilton, on Saturday afternoon and reported in the Review of that date. The charge was manslaugh ter There were six witnesses for the State, all colored boys, who were eye witnesses of the affair. The testimony of these was to the effect that at about'l o'clock on Sat urday a, number of boys were in bathing in the river at Hilton. Ben Cronly, the drowned boy, who was about 12 years old, had undressed and as he could not swim had been playiiig in .'the shallow water.r He was seated on a log near some other boys when Carter came' up and seized him aud taking him up bodi ly carried him, despite his struggles and protests, out into the river, into deep water, and then turned him loose. They both sank and when they came to the surface Cronly at" tempted to get hold of and cling to Carter, but the latter pushed him off and Cronly went down again and was seen no more. One of the. wit nesses, by-name Colonel Lamb, tes tified that when .Carter carried Cronly out and turned him loose he said to him: "Swim or drown." Carter, who is about grown, and! said to be 20 years old, was bound over to the Criminal Court in the sum oi sow. in ueiauit oi security for his appearance he was commit ted to jail. The Kins Clothier. Within the pant decade a most im portant change has been effected in the clothing business of Wilmington. In former days the only ready-made clothing kept for sale was a - cheap "slop-shop" class of goods from '.'buzzard shops," and the inconveni ence of misfits, the rips and tears were calculated to disgust a per son of taste. But now a-days when the ability to manufacture clothing equally as good as custom madejjtwl much cheaper, has led to steps which have finally reached the splendid establishment now under notice Mr.'S. H. Fishblate, whose in domitable energy, backed : by his Intimate knowledge of the business, has enabled him to. place himself in the forehiost rank in the , trade lie represents. -His store is situated at Nos. 22 and 24 North Front" Street, and is the largest and best lighted establishment in thejeity.' VHe has n stock a magnificent -assortment of ready -- made garments of the most "fashionable and stylish cut, and of superfine material. His custom trade is a specialty with him, and he supplies a large number of "customers. He has also every requisite- of a gentle men's furnishing, and in the great est variety. Some prominent fea- tea m e r Pass b o rt ILL GIVE ANOTHER TEN CENT Ex cursion To-Morrow Evening, June 12. Leave the" wharf 6:15 P.M. JO 11 S:J:h ' J. T. HARPER. oaWCinXIbeaohT ' II USIC EVERY EVENLNG: The ylvam if J, GROVE leaves for Carolina Beach on TtieicJay, Wednesday and Thursday at 9:30 and at 3. Band on board e very e venl ng . - J. W. HARPER, Je 11 3t - v ' General Manager. Seaside ttestauranr, NO.5 NORTH FRONT STREET, next door to Hooper's Candy Factory. . . OPENING. TO-DAY. Meals furnished at all hours on European plan at from 25 cents to $1.00 each. Lunches 5 cents, 10 cents, etc. First-class caterer. . jel' .-- - ' .v.: First Excursion T ton & 'O WRIGHTSVILLE SOUND BY WILMING- Seacoast R'y, under auspices of St. Paul's Evan. Lutheran Sunday School, . Friday, June 15, 1888. Train leaves W & W Depot at a, m. and 2 p. m . , and leave Tenth and Market streets 8:40 a. m. and 2il0 p. m. Fare round trip, ; adults 50c. Children under 12 years. 30c. Tickets for sale at Yates' an toy the Committee: W. H. Strauss, H. L. Vollers, at Adrian & Vollers'; P. M. KnoLlock andF. A. Blssenger, at Katz's. . The Germanla Band will furnish music; for the occasion. . l - - - Jell 2tmth Dissolution ofCopartnership fjniE BUSINESS HERETOFORE CONBUCT ed under the firm name of A. A. r Brown & Co. s hereby dissolved by mutual consent. Mr. J. F. LeGrand assumes all liabilities and will continue the Commission Business. " , . A. A. BROWN.. - J. P. LEGRAND. .We will ;to glad to receive ccraaacx:::.:: fror i our fh,-.".3 cz rny rxi CAr.iy j . o gcr.-r:U interest, lut .r - . Tie name of the writer a :zz 13-3 to ,.:r nlhed to tlie Editor. : Communications must be vriitca czlj c i one de of the paper. : " - -' rersonaliUes must be avoided. . r And it is especially and particularly ur. ; r stood that the Editor does not always cr.d:; : c the views. of correspondents unless : la the editoriaf columns " i Corner Marlic t and Frc::t FOR -THE SPRING A1TD Summer 4rado I am offer in g t:c most attractive stock of DRY GOQB Kl LIT vvniixij Mr. A. A. Brown will continue the Fire and Life Insurance Business, and solicits a share of the public patronage, - , Jelllw T ANTED LIVE AGENT Wrinte Geo. A. ft Sanborn, Secretary Buffalo Mutual Life, Accident and Sick Benefit Association, Buffalo, N.Y. jemw faveyon Oongh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Indigestion! Us ARKER'S CINGER TONIC without delay. I oafcui-eu many of the worst oases and is the best rein edj 6r all adeotions of the throat and Jungs, and disease riin?frora impure blood and exhaustion. The feeb) nd oick, Btruggrlinsr against disease, and slowly driftini tthe graTe, will ia many cases recover their health b 3 timelT use of Parker's Gineer Tonic, but delay is dan irons. Take it in time. It & inraluable for all pain ad disorders of stomach and bowels. Oc at iruesist; : Jell4w w K;v ; EXHAUSTED VITALITY fSWicA!rrtj X LIFE, r the grea -rfawtifw Medical Work of tin' OF IFF age on Manhood,Neri P: 00s and Physical De bility, Premature De Iff Ifll TUVCri C caei Errorsof Yonth (VllUlf I III OLLl land the untold miser es consequent thereon,-. 300 pages 8 vc, 125 pro icriptions for ail diseases. Cloth, fall gilt, only $1.00 y mail, scaled. Illustrative sample free to all young uad middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold anc fewelled Medal awarded to the author by the Nation U Medical Association. Address P.O. Box lS95,Bogh ;on, Mass., or Dr. W. IL PARKER, graduate of liar rard Medical College, 25 years' practice in Boston, irho may be consulted confidentially. Office, Na iBalflncnSt. Specialty, Diseases of Man. . Cut this out. Yon may never see It asiVr je.ll 4w ; :-rv'r-. ;' y. : . To House keepers . AV&YOU HAD YOUR HAIR MATTRES -Renovated yet? Our new, Hair Picking: Machine Is Just In and we are prepared to do woric nice and quickly. Call and see our TTpholstered Spring Beds, Lieht in weight, sealed bottom, comfortable, durable, healthful, clean. Upholstered witn line Fibre or iiair. HOWELL & CUMMING. Je 6 tf - - Opposite City Hafl. Reading Glasse 5 GOLD PENS AND PENCILS, Frames of all Kinds. Bass and Kettle Drums, ures about this successful business Flutes, Fifes, violins. and the .Guitars, Banjos, Harmonicas, fa the "one price system 'guarantee of satisfaction or money Gut s refunded." . . ! 1 " . Mr. Fishblate is a gentleman of: pluck, energy and enterprise, all I of ; Bianu Boots, raper ana envelopes iur whose operations are based upon a cheap at - - policy of honorable as well as liberal j ui7rJC'bl?l)P17P,Q dealing, and few similar houses in ' JL1 EilC OpJEi jHVTJCjIV O ; the South can afford, itsr patrons so JZ Rub.stApt;al advantages a,- this rep. Burglars. Yoii can be safe from restative establishment. WH- them by osing the Burglar Proof trkintori Trade Meviczv, I - t Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. . to be found inthi? city. Select ed expressly for city retail trad By. the most experienced buyer, who, with an eye single to . tlio needs of his customers who aro proverbially the most tasteful la dies in the city, and at tho'snro time to meet the views of tlio most economical in prices, has jn the most triumphant manner succeeded in making thq Btoro on the Corner the "Talk "of tlio Town," where can be found a magnificent stock ;of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, in all tho leading and most desirable styles, among which aro many desirablo bargains in ' the various now shades of Albatross, , Nun's Veil ing, Printed . Challis Beiges, French; ; and. American Satines, Ginghams, Lawns and: Printed India Linens. Our "stock of - surpasses that of any former sea son in variety, cheapness and elegance. We have beatifull' embroidered Skirts on Batisto and IndiaLinen with Flouncings, Edgings and Yoking to match. Embroidered- Marseilles Bobes in Patterns for Ladies and Chil dren, plain White Lawns, India Linens, Linon d'Irlando and Batistclaire at prices from Pi vo Cents per yard to the finest irn- orted. Plaid and Striped iawns, Nainsook and Mull, Ecru and White French Pique. One hundred handsome Embroidered Bobes in boxes, bought a job and will be sold at half value. We have almost succeeded in painting Wilmington white with white dresses; we greatly desiro to wnicen tne rest oi tno uoun try In. the sale of White Goods we have no competitor. It would be profitable to those wishing to purchase goods in that lino to entrust their orders with us or write for samples. Our other groat specialty,. . Goods, is in full stock, and is as it ever has been puzzle and; wonderment to our neighbors. Where does he buy his goods? -How can he sell at the prices? : How is it that all , our c us tomers goto HEDRIQK'S to buy all of their TableLJjinens, Towels and Napkins? .Header,' listen; the secret is this. -We buy this line of croods direct from the importer. We lie or. what the people want, and we Knov, how to buy them, hence we are en abled to sell a pure Linen I)a:r ill: at 50 cents per yard, as good as can be had elsewhere for 75 cents; i. White pure Linen Damask at fl.t . as good aa any man can shov.r nt $1.40, with all other goods in thi line, such as .Napkins, Doylies, Tov. -els, etc.; at proportionately low prices. -We offer a full line of . Do mestic Goods at prices to suit all classes. . . - ' Space becoming short, much th-t we would like to tell in this must h" deferred to a future advertisenient. Suffice it to say that we keep tho largest stock of HajjEercliieS in all qualities to be found in retail store in the South. Vd h ; a first class stock of Gent's Fu rn : ing Goods, Iiaundried and Ui:' ;:: dried Shirts, Collars and Cu:; . : y ' briggan and Lisle Underwear, Vi and Scarfs in all .the new tt y . . . Half-Hoe in every quality, "to I sold at marvellously low price . Wo invite attention to our of Imported and Domestic " Suitings for Gents and Ioys we can have made to order by a classTTailor at the most ron'oi: ' prices. " Inasmuch as we ru e ; for the .People's good, tin; p, Will be welcomed at our com.: ,where their will receive th? i cordial and polite attention. Respectfully, Jolm J, Hedriclr, jrt Housekeeping i? 11 0 8 if