YTOinT TTZO T7ELT. .7 r Eas? La:. I ry Clearly Espials uJ Hi It Caa C AfUt4 CJrl.j IWrlW. , jl ti sals to mj Hi tt not com worn in In tea CcisxlJ Urrs ai22l week la which she does tct either cry or feel lile crying. Tbe cares oi 11:3, dlii rrcl-tsecta, mud, core Uua all else, Wtl52C4 a&d pil&S tllk all wOZnfD DOre Of less rnlseraV.?. This Is ail wrcnj. Women were rzle for happiness, not for misery. When A yialJTTfixs requires ttxetjtn. iletbod. t r c!al axi all her facuices and functions ba pat la a healthy ccnd.L'on,or sbe can 't: ; t-jcare atretita. Nature Is alwajs ready to j a tils, but nil ore almost aivajs requires as r:zzr. ahd ths questloa therefore U, 44 How cuwt test assist nature r Tie finest physician la the medical prcf.'salon Tire srreed that nothiry ao surety and easily c-! ttJ as purs spirits tales In moderation, r .i.r before ratals or between roea la. Tfceef. feet ti to gently and healthily stimulate all the faculties to Ttjrorcus actrm, and to m nature ta au.e4 -aa4 aixath ts ir-ven. There are hun 4ira cf Uoaaol or lac..-s In America, to-day, who are rnnr:c? atrocyor, healthier and more attractive la apparanre by the Ju-r.doos u or p-srr Jcre Milt WbUiey. Jlany of these Itljra an U wirr of Ml3!.ter and Professon, an4 UiKlrecci t nm are israrrrao.-w women. Tiey re una thai Doffji Pure iialt Whiskey ls clicine, not a drier, and thatttfamlahea tha test and only posture help to weakened that has eTer been discovered. ;reat care ahousd t exercised, bowerr. to secure csiy tha fen sine, which is absolutely pure, for thara are rery many ao-calied whiskies lathe Kixtet that axe a positive injury to any ooe who tses thcxa. We ventureto aa.rt. however, that not caa woman la fire hushed who win raxafoSy rse this crest at to health in modera ttrm. wvu. contiaoe to surfer from weaknesses, hut, ca the contrary, will and a renewal not cnJy cf youthful eiyor but of color, brbrbtneas, asa 3 xhcme which indicate. the pre- seact of perfect health. Josn. T. Jamk5, Editor is PropV. WiLMiNaTby. X. C.; Just now locusts are darkening ' Superior Courts of North Carolina 18S8 I JUDGES. SATURDAY, JUNE 10, 1888. Ottered at the rostofflce at Wilmington, N.C., as second-class matter. DEMOCKATIC TICKET. VOR PRKSIDKXT: ftROVEU CLEVELAND, Of New York.. daylight 111 Algeria, ana reaucing a Dl5trict, James E. shepherd, of Beaufort Breat region to a bare, brown .lesert a4D. P3. Et. The little Wand of Cyprn,, which ttgJS'SBiiiiL-; has 8ntTered terribly from these District, liTBoykin, of Sampson: VeU, ban invented mean, of clVfSTgSL .n.nvolititto thpin which is wnrtfi i nth iii-f ricf. Jesse F. Graves, of Surry. . , " - . 'Vh Digtrlct.AlplionsoC. Avery, of Burke, the attention of other countries. JV n strict, wm. JL Shlpp, of Mecklenburg. Taklnir time bv the forelock, the tin wsma, o. jici.uuuu, ut uuiiumu. Government hunts for the breeding j places that turn out SOLICITORS. FOR VICK-PRESIDiOrr: ALLEN O. T1IUUMAN, Of Ohio. FOR OOVKRXOR: DANIEL G. FOWLE, Of Wake County. MISCELLANEOUS. 1 an. .................. tuiru C wwww 1VI r 1 -1 - a u a t -riB411Asiiinf w lupin rq h3bvi sojdi If !? fit or tt rr 141? (1 91 CI rl 01HXVd03LrJOH tf Jru.v 5 6 r -ntWttOJft "PT0 MSBO; SnA wj! 5 1 . "oo Mmi ' Bieuo x jhwai nipr w suptfqo 1 -wqm C E -r;- WO U 'J IBM At UUO A1"lllt'U'it nai arrrm a-in Me n t iGAaaHdLlinH mch e eod c w ly nrm r ' X J C0 eaerwvlaa U dUZocmt trvd f SIjJv4 v V 1 aruUldna i;mU f aU Uadiu! ot 1-D M.4a i TJtl 'JUOOit., Jtiopajremi- tVJl let r (mm w twuuiUJMi uautatin fcoot tffc.T.tU.r. aai hero ItlfU i:.ra fru bra atoca; Hi SI-JU uxiiuu Mat w 1 trsu-v it i f;lct; IT i yoa Md the noOIX f) K CJt GK )ilitD 1 vru pacr. 10 nil tnatiM. i. ntifnTcclrel 1n ImuoMt aaa brMuoI all ahau C Unl fr NaMtn and MM lb Ilia. tr. rl VHMM a aiai7. AU abot IVivU ITIomoI aj SIM Mkm. uim, ro. aiAiiad lot 1 IcaU. Th Xtuv Ivjuaa, -to A8IOC1ATCD FANCIEMS. 2TSia tlskUhtrt,l'aUa4clraia,a. TT A VTKI LIVE ACJTNT Wlinte Geo. A. 4 4 Kanhon, (Secretary Buffalo Mutual Life, Accident, and blck Beneilt Association. Buffalo, N. Y. jelllw. U wn Onfi. IW-Mtd, liitlnc T?w1?ytloqt rS AS ICE 8 '3 CjNCClT TON10nior.t d-Uy. i h cwri ay W mtMcwi UUw b trcmoS r aa atfaeiiwtt of iKa taraM aixt lanir. ud Hism r3f (nw ipar Uooi uvd nlkMMJoai Tb frv-4 4 wmggiiwt gi C !. lt7 drtfUnl r. '! is riAnr rra rooorr their blu l-i ruuL Tic n - lira i m Uiui fee all r.Q ml daacrOc o MvtacA Uki uri ago. at jJnmtirf. EXHAUSTED -VITALITY r lift, TUX SCIENCE 01 Uf , the grea Medical Work of tb agt on Mashooders oua and Fhysioal De bC!ty, Prematare Dm rnr Tiivcri c cnBeErTociofYoQt5 AuUii I 11 IvLLllandthe nntold miser rs ccaeeht thereon, 300 paces 8 U4 pro mtiou for aJ 1. Uoth, foJ tflu only fLOO y mi,"!, vesaied. Illoatmlre aample free to ail too oi tod ra:ia.r-d men. Sand now. The Gold an rnretd Medal awarded to the author by the Nation tl M1ical AiMXlarion. Addre P.O. Box l0Boa S2VMaa,oe Br. W.iL V AKK CR, fraduata of Ear rard lakilaical Cot$ra S9 ytarV practice to UojOoq, rtto may b eooaatuwi etrnhdantlaUT. OSes, Na t Bach fic tfeciaU7, iHieann of Man. Cat this Ym aem ie It aela Sll w Valuable Unds for Sale. 0 5S TRACT Of LsHD. LYING OSI cxlla troct Llnoolnton, N. C, consisting of S3 acres, d acrea cleared: ls beat for cotton, tutsTrea rood crops for all rralna. llaa a brach runnlnc tbrourhUaad a fine sprint: a f;w acres of bottom land on tn bran-n aaj ?3 acres ta wool. oak aid hickory, wtl. uo tred. - 4 Another trart rjlcr 314 miles irom Llnrolir t-n. A mile from i. i K ic, lt atrea, ss c hearty 1, Cae rprlat of dDcloua water, about Lx acres of bottom laal near Iton tae iraeb. U o. 1 for too-cco. bat arowa other crop wril;3 aoes la yauonr pha and oaie. , . For rrtce and terraa apply to . - C&UHLTillORIilS, ce!)lStf. AnefrsJhHeal Catata nroSae Qp iiJTEnESmaEfe 3fi'r Virr. TrVDrt or Lo ct Vertmry lt '-ai-ct.U rtuvrj by tle na cf an entire j u- Thi Yerlwa Santa frcaa Spain. Fnan h Tn.ttt cerrr faiL Our illustrated, & ptje boo wl ttiTjntjla!a, fprrrt eeaJMV Errry xaanahouM -adit. VOI ti IXJk. KP TItOCllFai CXX, c- 3 I'auf U, liaee, Jiew York, aiC rjotico. TO UN WEUNEIL. THE BAKUEK, HAS J c r-r.M a Barber Shop oa the East side of .3 strtet. cert to tho Grocery htore of A. .:. 1 at w tich place patrons and the r r.fnlly an lrjTltl to call and pet itn:t:y r.rbC-cs wcik. tave IDC, IJair Cut (, :., a:x:poJC rzylltf for ijki:tkxat govkrxor: T. M. HOLT, Of Alamance County. FOR SECRETARY OF STATE: WILLIAM I- SAUNDEUS, Of Wnkeoulity. FOR 8TATK TRKASURKR: DONALD W. BAIN, Of Wake County. FOR STATK AUDITOR: UEO. W. SANDERLIN. Of Wavne County. FOR SUPKRIXTKNDKNT OF PUBLIC INSTRUCTION: SIDNEY M. FINGER, Of Catawba County. FOR ATTORXKY UKNKRAL: THEODORE W. DAVIDSON, Of Buncombe County. of insects. It has no trouble in liud ing many of them, and by "destrovr i nese 11111 110ns . District, Geo. 11. White, (col) of nauiax. 5r(l District, D. Worthingrton, of Martin. im IIIMJ ILL. at. aJA.AAibaV. Wl II lUVv .rri District. Isaac K. Strayhorn. of Durham. 6th District, o. 11. Allen, of Duplin. lucunonu. -v elL i X. mot- T)ma t t lo .Tr nf WvtlTtrhalJT. of the campaign. Tlie route, the . 10th District, w. 11. Bower, of caidweii. - I lltn, UIoLI IU1 riaiiAy vowiuu, vi int;vaituyui ltH lUSIrlCt, ejiuut's jn.- jiouujr ui Dimwiuurj. ing myriads of the young the battle District, Frank McNeiU, of is more than half won at the outset ! 5 ail&fjSfJ full-fledged insects will take from the nursery grounds may be traced with approximate accuracy, and across this route are stretched hundreds of miles of can .'ass overhanging thou sands of locust traps. The locusts hurl themselves against the canvas, fall back into the traps, and the car naire resulting is quite satisfactory. I In tins way Cyprus has Jiearly ex terminated locusts, andthough the cost is great, the prevention is less cure. timk or kple say that expensive than FOR SUPRKMK COURT JUDGKS: JOSEPH J. DAVIS, Of.Franklin County. JAMES a SHEPHERD, Of Beaufort County. A. C. AVERY, Of Burke County. FOR KLKCTORS AT LARGK: ALFRED M. WADDELL, FREDERICK N. STRUDWICK. Lieut. Brown's West Point's sta tUtics go back fifteen years. They show that since 1873 cadets have been admitted to the Academy to the number of 1,140, of whom C8C have graduated. Of the admitted a 1 men, :Arz were appointeu as tne re sult of coiu(etitive exaiulnations. Three hundred and -six of these, or 61 per cent., were graduated CO re signed and 125 were discharged. appointed directly numbered 638, of whom only 280, or 44 per cent:, were graduated. The. resig nations numbered 143 and -204 were Discharged. The first- five men of every class are considered the honor iuhii and are assigned to the engi neer corps. Since 1873 at least threo-fourths.of these . have been men appointed alter competition. Those who resign are men who, af ter coming here, find the life of a cadet too irksome for endurance. Their ambition gives out. They could graduate probably if they had the ner;e, but thev prefer to give it up. The statistics show that a greater percentage of the competi tive men go through to the end, thus demonstrating that they knew what they wanted when they came here, more than those appointed directly. Ia Consumption Iactirabl' ? Read tb following: Mr. C H Mor ri. Newark. Aik.-, say?: Was dwn with Abces ot Lun.f and friends and physicians pr(Duu(H'l me an Incura ble Cofsurupiive. Bean taking Dr. Kiojj'a New D'foovery fr Cnfiiimp' tinR. id now on my third ,btile, and able toovMisce (he work on my farm. Il ir th firiet medic-ne ever niacin." Jesse Middle a art Decatur. Ohio. mtj; ' Hud it not beon for Dr. Kmi 1 Now Discover lor Consumpiinn J vrould have died ol Lung Troubles VVns ffiven up by the d- ctors. Aui now in the best o! heihh . Trv it. Sample ha .1 t'm free at V. II .Green & Co'h Drue ttor . . . .a . - . JUNE JOKES. Confirmed Bachelor How time doR v Miss Seaside? Why, it was ten vears airo that vou refused me on tfiis spot. Miss Seaside (who wishe 1 she hndn't)--So long astliat ? I was vounsr and foolish then, Mr. Smith. Confirmed Bachelor But we are both old and wiser now. Jfarvctrd Lampoon. "Well, Johiuiv." said the Sunday school teacher to one of her little pupils, I understand there's a new hahv at vour house.' What do you call it ?" "Why," said Johnny, with childish Iran k ness, "mamma savs it is a little angel, but this morning papa called it a nuisance. . Aunt Dinah (reading the paper : "I sees, Rastus, bv de papah, la poul try am quoted as wery quiet Eleveu non-ooinmissioned officers have already passed their examina tions before department boards for promotion to be second lieutenants, and will duly be examined before the final, Or Fortress Monroe,board. A very unusual fact is the good for tune of the 7th cavalry, which fur nishes no fewer than three out of the eleven candidates, these - being the first sergeants of Troop B,Troop E, and Troop G. The 1st artillery Is also in luck, having two corporals in the list, one of Battery L and the other of Battery G, the latter hiding under the nout de guerre of Moses A. Gray the more distinctive. name of Zalinski, he being, in fact, a brother of the well known captain of the 5th artillery. The remaining candidates, are" three sergeants of the 12tb. 17th and 18th infantry, and three corporals of the 7th, 15th and ICth. The success of the non-com missioned officers iu securing pro motions last year, when the chances of vacancies looked desperate, will leare little ground of doubt about the present year, when the grad uating class of West Point is much smaller. Uncle Rastus : "Well, Pse glad ob dat, an' I reckon I'd better negotiate fo' some dis e he 11 in'. Dat chicken we had las' Sunday, ofe' ooman, made noise 'nough ter rouse de hull neighborhood." A voung lawyer who had long naid his court to a lady without much advancing his suit, accused her one dav of ''being insensible to the power of love." "It does not fol loy." she archly replied, "that am so. because 1 am not to he won by the power of attorney." "For crlve me." replied the suitor, "but vou should remember that nil the votaries of Cupid are solicitors. IlIliouftneftH. We have tested its virtues,person ally, and know that for Dyspepsia, Biliousness and Throbbing Head ache, it is the best medicine the world ever saw. We tried forty other remedies before Simmons Liver Regulator, but none-of them gave us more than temporary relief ; the Regulator not only relieved but cured us. H. II. Jonks, Edr Telegraph and Messenger Macon, Ga. VIror avnd Vitality Are qnickly given to every part of the body bv Hood's Sarsa par ilia. That tired feeling is entirely over come. The blood Is purified, enrich ed and vitalizedend carries heai'li Instead of disease to everv, orsran. The stomach Is toned and strength eued, the appetite restored. The kidneys and liver are roused and in vigorated. -Thebrain is refreshed, the mind made clear and readv for work. Try it. Do Sure to Cot Hood's SarsaparUla, my child. See that they do not giro you anything else. You remember It Is the medicine which did mama so much, good a year ago my favorite Spring Medicine Nearly everybody needs a good spring medi cine like Hood's SarsaparUla to expel impuri ties which accumulate in the blood during the winter, keep up strength as warm weather comes on, create an appetite and promote healthy digestion. . Try Hood's SarsaparUla and you wfll be convinced ot its peculiar merits. It Is the Ideal spring medicine re liable, beneficial, pleasant to take, and gives full value for the money. - Be sure to get Hood'o SarsaparUla 8o4byandnigstrts. fl; ilxforfi. Prepared only hy CL HOOD A CO., Apothecaries, Lowell, Mass. 100 Dooos Ono Dollar dec lOlyrdAwnrm mwsairn A New Pattern Oil Stove. I SAID TO BE THE BEST YET INVENTED Refrigerators, Coolers, Ice cream Freezers ie. Improved Pattern Door and Window screens and Frames." For sale by ALDERMAN, PLANNER ft CO Dealers la Hardware. Tinware, Jtc., ray 7 axw -Wilmington, n. cj 8th, HOLDING CO CK TS FIRST JCDICIJX DISTRICT. . . , ,..'.-' spring Judge Montgomery. Fall Judge Macltae. Maufort tFeb. t31h. May 28th, Nov. 26th. tmrrituct March &th, Sept. 3d. Camden March 12th, Sept. 10th. Pasquotank .March 19th. June 11th, hept. 17th, Dec loth. ' Perquimans March 26th, Sept. 24th Chowan April 2d- Oct. 1st. Gates April lh, Oct. 8th. : ' Hertfbrd April 15th, June 18th. Oct. 15th. Washington April 23d. Oct. 22d. -Tyrrell April yotlu Oct, 29th. . Dare May "th, Nov. 5th. " Hyde May 15th. Nov. 12th. Pamlico May 2lst, Nov. 19th. ' SECOND JUDICIAL DISTRICT. " ' . spring Judge Graves. . Fall Judge Montgomery. Halifax t Jan. 9th, tMarch 5th, May Hth, INov. 12th. Northampton iJan. 23d, April 2d, Oct. 1st. Ben le l eu. 6th, April 20th, Oct. 2Uth. craven tFeb. 13th, May 28th, Nov. 20th. Warren March 19th, Sept. 17th. Edgecombo April 16th, Oct. 15th. THIRD JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Avery. FalLt Judge Graves. Pltt-Van. 9th, March 19th, tJune 11th, Sept lTtn. - Franklin Jan. 23d. A pril 16th," Nov. 12th. ' Wilson tFeb. 6th, June 4th. Oct. 19th. ; Vance Feb. 20th, .May 21st, Aug. 20th, oct. 15th. , Martin March 5th, Sept. 3d, JDec- 3d. Greene April 2d, Oct. 1st. Nash April 30th, Nov, 19th. KOURTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shipp. FALi-Judge Avery, Wake Van. 9th. tFeb. 27th, March 26th, t April 23d, 'July 9th, Aug. 27th, Sept. 24th, tOct. 22d. Wayne Jan. 23d, March 12th, April 16th, Sept. 10th, Oct. 15. . Harnett Feb. 6th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 26th. Johnson Feb. 13th, Aug. 13th, Nov. 22d. FIFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT, Spring Judge Menlmon. Fall Judge Shlpp. ' Durham-Jan. 16th, March 26th. June 4th, Oct. 15th. GranvHleJan. 30th, April 23d, Sept. 10th, Nov. 26th. Chatham Feb. 13th, May 7th, Oct, 1st. -Guilford Feb. 20th, May 28th, Aug. 2Tth, Dec. loth. Alamance March 5th, May 21sf , Sept. 24th. Orange March 19th, Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. CasweU April 9th, Aug. 13t.h, Nov. 12th. Person April 16th, Aug. 26th, Nov. 19th. SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Shepherd. Fa Lii J udge Merrimon. Pender Jan. 19th, May 7th, Sept. 10th. . New Hanover t Jan. 23d, tApril 16th, tSept. 24th. 1 Lenoir Feb. 6th, Aug. 20th, Nov. 12th. Duplin Feb. 13th, Sept. 3rd, Nov. 26th. Sampson tFeb. 27th, April 30th, Oct. Dec. 10th. " Carteret March 19th, Oct. 22d. Jones March 26th, Oct, 29th. Onslow April 2d. Nov. 5th. - . SEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge. Phllims. Fall Judge Shepherd. - Columbus Jan. 16th, April 2d July 3d, tNov. 36th. . - Anson "Jan. 9th, tApril 30th, Sept. 3d tNov. 26th. "" Cumberland Jan. 23d, tMay 7th, July 23d tNov. 12th. - Bobeson Jan. 00th, May 21st. Aug. 20th, Oct. 1st. . . Kichmond Feb. 13th, June 4th, Sept 17th, Dec. 3rd. Bladen March 19th, Oct. 22d. Brunswick April 9th. Sept. 10th. Moore April 16th. Aug. 13th, Oct, 23d. EIGHTH' JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Connor. Fall Judge Phillips. Cabarrus Uan. 30th. April 30th. Oct. 29th. Iredell Feb. 6th. May 21st. Aug. 6th, Nov. 5th. ltowan Feb. 20th, May 7th, Aug. 20th, Nov 19th. . , Davidson March 5th, June 4th, Sept. 2d, Dec 3d. Kandolph March 19th, Sept. 17th. Montgomery April 2d, Ocl. 1st. -Stanly April 9th, Oct. 15th. NINTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. spring Judge Clark. Fall Judge Connor. Rockingham Jan. 23d, July 23d, Nov. 5th. Forsyth Feb. 6th, May 2lst, Oct. 22d. Yadkin Feb. 20th, Sept. 24th. Wilkes March 5th, April 30th, Sept. 10th. Alleghany March 19th, Sept. 3d. Davie April 2d, Oct. 8th. Stokes April 16th, Aug. 6th, Nov. BJth. Surry April 23d, Aug. 20th. Nov. 19th. TENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. Spring Judge Gilmer. - Fall Judge Clark. Henderson Feb. 13th, July 16th. Burke March 5th, Aug. 6th. Caldwell March 19th, sept. 3d. Ashe March 26th, May 28th, Aug. 20th. Watauga April 9th, June 4th, Aug. 27th. Mitchell April 16th, Sept. 10th. Yancey April 30th, Sept. 24th. McDowell May 14th. Oct, 8th. ELEVENTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT Spring Judge Boy kin. ' , Fall Judge Gilmer. . Catawba Jan. 16th, July 16th. Alexander Jan. 30th, July 30th.) Union 'Feb. 13th. tFeb. 20th. SeDt.!17th. tSept. 21th. - Jiecklenburg tFeb. 27th, tAug. 27th. Gaston March 19th, Oct. 8th. Lincoln April 2d. Oct. 1st. Cleveland April 9th, Aug. 6th, Oct. 23d. : Kutherford April 23d, Oct. 29th. Polk May 7th, Nov. 12th. TWELFTH JUDICIAL DISTRICT. r " Spring Judge MacKae. Fall Judge Boykin. Madison Feb. 27th, July 30th, tNov. 19th. Buncombe March 12th. Juneisth. Ausr.i3th. Dec 3d. Transylvania April 2d, Sept. 3d. Haywood April 9th, Sept 10th. Jackson April 23d, Sept. 24th. M aeon May 7th, Oct. 1st. - clay May Hth, Oct, 8th. Cherokoa-May 21st, Oct. 15th. Graham June 4th, Oct. 39th. Swain June 11th, Nov. 6th. ' v- For erinilnal cases. -r tFor cU1l cases alone. For ciUl cases alone, except Jail cases. CRIMlNAIa. CIRCUIT COURTS, NEW HANOVKR COUNTY. ellAcr 1. Meares, Wumlhgton, Judge. Benjamin IL Moore. Wilmington, Solicitor, court begins Jan. 2d. March lfttiT TWav ist. July 16th, sept. 17th, Nov. 19th. 7 MECKLENBURG COUNTY. " OUver P. Meares, WUmlngtozu Judge. Geo. E. Wilson, Charlotte, Solicitor. . Court begins Feb. 13th. April 9th, June 4th. 13th. Oct, 8th, Dec 10th. . uff a iinti:- . I I ASRFOS DIAMON J BRArJD .CHlCHLSTtiTS ENGIIS4 f I ninrivruftiTuraerr ct'uaiiB.Au .ilm. I f.uicHrsTra ckfuicai cn sair pp.i? ma nrcr.u oin da V-vL rr-TTT" by or inclose 4f7STTJif? " winm II " I FOR ?ARTlcYjLTt dm t.mVr l.Pfl Vsre cicuir,,1;. vH maii 1 1 ? ! anlseodlydQ V - 4 :"7--n.wui JJ n n 1 Ufnt sad were rstorsJ to health by vise cf .PROF., .8EHIIUUL PASTILLES. K runlical Cnre for Nervoaj De.biiity, Orr&nio NhJ9f? frod and broirsa dovra men to the mil e.Dio7Ent of prrfort and full Manly Strength and Viscroos Jsscc - :i. To those who culler froinxho riwy obsco tiisecen ronj5ht aboct by Inc'.scrotiaa, j-ZTvyrTrr,t.vcr-Krt.i iVoric,ortoofreo ladrlgrnce. voa'.5ttaa3yoa eend i roar n aire with atateeim t of vocr traaWe. cad fecta H"Tiixti& r'Efisurs.3 can rtava many d&w ly - pj En nfl nan 7m YOir-5 . r c-w, rr.Tanthr ; 2'' l- s-l r! of cur Alani't n iifsba IfAran r(n inmnrh fnr lliimnnii.l tii....j. ...h i. i. . .... e - - -.v; i luu.Muua Buy una 111 meir iftr. eaosft after nlatmi are .nxilftit ensta .fof ! . ' . r.1Lt rr, tban lOOXX). curing It, nearly Mt, years' exence Tthe J "mi has absorbed twenty-fonr other agr.cnltu.ral neriodlcals. and contlnm.; . ' recognized authority on agricultural matters the world over. TV ith i,,lil0 be lh editors who hareinadft It a power in both hemispheres, relaforced with it will .be more valuaW dnring 1S83 than ever. Each number nowcmH!E.w,Me one hundred original illustrations and original articles on the Farm r7.,n,.ntwit and Household, from over fifty different writers. Frice, $1 JO a year-alngN x ra ON CALVARY. p First and only ReproductioiuTI? BEFORE PIUTE MM These magnificent wtrrks of art are neither old time chromos nor oriiin . Ings. but exquisite pictures executed. , lor us by Photoetchlnir anil uitttJJf Srocees. on neayy piaie paper, Tuxm mcnes. jrnca Sl.ou each, rfioth VT7.t.":ur ihed Dec. 20, 1887) forwarded in tubes, post-paid. ou Pictorei iJj ; -OUR; GREAT OFFER. American Agriculturist fEng. or' German), with bath 1. our new volume, published Dec. 20, 1887, entitled . l" pictBre M OUR HOIflES; HOW TO BEAUTIFY THEU ' IW handanillR inntraM(.ti hnnnrt In rlnth recup. u. 9ituui : mo mub tea ceau uciog lor paCEUg ana gold, erica n nn.Ti .... and postaga Send to urn for Specimen nnmber, English or Cer-r man, fall description of New Books presented to old! and lie jv subscribers, and full description of the Pie-i jtnres, and -Portrait of Munlcacsy, tbo painter f these! great works, now attracting world-wide attention L CANVASSERS IVJtNTED EVERYWHERE, ' .SUBSCRIPTIONS CAJff BEGIN ANY TIME, .-Address, 0 JIJgg JPtiMisliers, 7Si Broadway, If, y 0 Jq tm " r r -aui IMAHkl An Important Announcement About six weeks ago, while at business. I was suddenly attacked with excruciating pains In my feet, knees and hands. So severe the attack tbat I took my bed Immediately, and in two or ' three days my joints were swollen to almost double their natural size, and sleep was driven from me. After suffer- " lng the most excruciatintr pain for a week, using liniments and various other remedies, a friend who sympathized with my helpless condition, said to me: - - "Why don't you get Swift's Specific and use it. I will guarantee a cure, and If it does not the medicine shall cost you nothing." -I at once secured the S. S. 8.; and after using It the first day, had a quiet night and refreshing sleep. Lu a week I felt greatly benefitted. In three weeks I could sit up and walk about the room, and after using six bottles I was out -and able .to go to business. Since them I have been regularly at my post of duty, and stand on my feet from nine to ten hours a day, and am entirely free from pain. These are the plain and simple facts in my case, and I will cheerfully answer all Inquiries relative thereto, either in person or by mail. Thomas Makkillie. - 11 W. 18th street, New York City. Nashville, Teh. I have warded of? a se vere attack of rheumatism by a timely reaorC to Swift's Specific In all cases where a per manent relief is sought this medicine com mends itself for -a constitutional treatment that thoroughly eradicates the seeds of dis ease from the system. , tier. W. P. Hajzhisoit, D. D. New York, 51 7th Ave. After spending $200 to be relieved of Blood Poison without b.ny benefit, a few bottles of Swift's Speciflo worked a perfect cure. C. Pokteb. Viensa, Ga. Sly little jdrl, aged Six, and -boy, aged four years, had scrofula in the worst aggravated shape. They were puny and sickly. To-day they are healthy and ro- -bust, all the result of talcing S. S. S. - job T. Collier. Lady Lake, Sumter. Co., Fla. Your S. S. S. has proved a wonderful success in my case. The cancer on my face, no doubt, : would have soon hurried me to my grave. I do think It is wonderful, and has no equal. . B. H. Bthd, Postmaster. Waco, Texas, May 9, 1S88. 8. S. Co., Atlanta, Oa. t . - Gentlemen Knowing that , you appreciate voluntary testimonials, we tako pleasure in stating that one of our lady customers has regained her health by the use of four large bottles of your great remedy, after having been an invalid for several years. Her trouble . was extreme debility, caused by a disease pe- culiar to her sex. Willis & Co., Druggists. ' . Three books mailed free on application. All druggists sell & S. 8. . The Swift Specific Co., Drawer S, Atlanta Oa. New York,75C Broadway - v nov 26 law lyao ch sat 'if I ' aJB tk 1 IJ BBP 11 I pnnflet Ui velons as an a; terative in it; stimuLiht efM onatorjiidJivi. Asorereisnnir. for EYSPEPSU dicestioB. 0i pre8sion nu wantofaDWiitr 1 Headache it.1 , NevousBfS' ' vanish as if b- mads after a I tiiijrafewclos' Pimples 1:- Boils dlsnrr SDeecTily when this Temedv is taken. There ao laore effoctual relief for the nans t loathing of food due to INTEMFEIUX' l than this article. Pntupinlarge75centt ties; Sample packages iu FOWDEB form by mail to anv address on receipt of 10 m i n stamps. T'he rcCTlarliquid form rannot ' sont by mail. MEXICAN JJEDICLNK t -iOO North 3d St., Philadelphia, Pa. Tbo great secret of the canary bud bre?' of tl.s llartz Mountains in Germanv. I fnni.a. will restore the sou20f casebinn,' prevent their ailments and restore uc-m ijood condition. If given to a bird dur tb e season of sheuding feathers,it wUl)ii it n narrv the little musician throoRlit. cri tical period without loss of son tcn, Mai 1 on receipt of. 15 cts. in stampi , l OOD CO., 400 N. 3rdBt. Phtladelpbu, r '.ease mention this paper. . . , septio tu th sal t " " " Bm .. . i After Tofljr cxprienea I t.reparatioolB -i than OS Va Thousand tke United fc'a"Vt& 2 il for patentrsveaUtr1 tj BWai risbt9,eMU,ior ."" "VlnA ln to obtain patoDts in oanaa,-". rhjliinyg Germany, and otner conu-.- The .National --Life -j 1 .-,-1. i ence is unequaiea anu - . . - J ... . -a- . I in the Patent OHiceon fSnwtt rcasonabio. Ko charge io"f,C, . j or drawing Advice by m l Cn ; fntha Kfl IiTIWIUJl?lt'i"". -AND the largest circulation 1 and I tm ,v . newspaper cl its k.ndjnW"- The.advanta2C3 of a tindarstanus. Maturity Association.' OF WASHINGTON,' D. C. This liircra and frpTenoiaiT '".,. . etf. 1 Is published WEKKLJ f admitted to be the best VJSSSs orU. mechanics, nvcniio"js.-"ri.i profrr ' ' '-.unit oiuer ufpuruiicuia v. -f-,-., all patentees and title of t Assets.-. 314.0:2.13 Liabilities : : :.7... . None. raid to members .$120,032.31 - am nh tvooV ITV lb IViu c av aa w - - if . L'l J U.. il nAitfudAa mriL If von have an JncnvYic.ntic Munn & Co.,' Publwn ."T l liroadway. lSew York, frt HOftATlO BRONVNING, Presiaent; AWERTISEK Hisses Bnrr & Jaiuefi, ... - - . . ILL KEOPjiN THEIR SCHOOL FOR girls and little boys, on .TUESDAY. Oct. 4. The course of instruction, as heretofore win be thorough and systematic. V Special attention given to Reading, Writing Music and Physical culture. 8 Mrs. M. S. Cushlng will have charee of thP Musical Department. - . s 01 lM Hours for Kindergarten pupils from 9kf to 11 For further particulars see mndnajj? tept ttj , . GEORGE D. ELDRIDGE, . Secretary. Manager and Actuary. ; Life Insurance at Absolute Cost-B Auaranteed Policy. An Incontestible Policy; ' Maturity Value In asn at Fixed Age Annual Cost Absolutely Limited. ; Only Four Payments jper Year. Non Forfeitable After Three Years . P. S. RIDDELLE, M; D. ; . . Medical Director W, H. GIBSON, Special Agent , Home Office, 1215 F Street, N. VV. JOKN HAAE, Jr., Local Agent, 7 23 Wllmliigtcn, N. C. Can learn the exawv of.any propo-'4 advertising in Aorr ' '.a.'' jJfljC. Geo. P. Howell - - - ak. . a. 1 Tit I Newspaper Adve- JO Spruce fat-t pmii RttnA IO cts. lor ur- iSHIONACLB HAJa .,--.rt0B .' ,. A - P 3 Market St.. Shop ful'y equina .Tl ..rnvft'.aM.ta. t,-r:ars S" ' Courteous an P0i,ir , it - ' eerve cnatomcis:. - fBicr",.". t : J, w. V bw gj- ftertf t I Werner, wouU be ; rona r

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