.la. Sundays excepted, ruiASi: notice We will te claa to rccclva ccisunicatlca from our m: cn izj .tsA U cutsets o general latergst, tct, X.-s J. 'I ', T ' r . Tne nasaaof the writer must always tj fur nished to the Editor. - ' communlcauons must; tie written czly on onesldeof the paper. (lvU J.v;.;.;. i Personalities must te aroltled, I And it 13 especially and pamctuaxl uiiacr stood that the Editor does not always endcrse the vfews ot correspondents unless so stated L, r ..MSS.IHKoranarroi Vc n POSTAGE PAID isra. roa Three " six rt'tl ft r. nri one I - hv carriers, free at the above If fsDer'eet LowanclllberaL Hi lM ... rpnnrt any and VOIf. XII W ILMINGTON, C., THURSDAY; JULY 5, 1 888. KaISrt their paper regularly. NO 148. ns pa to. e4: PURELY VEGETABLE. " iver Kidneys, ND BOWELS. w EFFECTUAL SPECIFIC FOR - . . .. i:.(i . .V . li.lllS. f f " " . suit Sitk lleanacne, llilionimegH, Jaundice, Colic. Swboitl Should be Without It, U'lt. " V -an.l d.K-tor-bills. LOCAL OSTEWS. ' INDKX TO NEW ADYERTISKlrtNTS. Lost A Bunch of Keys ' : , Heinsberger Fireworks ' P C Miller Diamond Dye3 Heiksbkrcek Muslin Flags Wanted A Rare Chance Taylor's Bazaar Low Prices Louis H Meabes Flannel Shirts The.Sharpies At the Hammocks , Mrs E B WiGGiNS-ust Received Tiger Cigarettes will give satisfac tion.! 1w r.l iger Cigarettes a substitute for paper wrapped goods. ' lw Fly. Traps, best and cheapest, at .Tacobi's Hdw. Depot, t We would suggest to the manage ment of the Seacoast R. R. that the whistle be blown or the bell rung five minutes or ten minutes before each train leaves the Hummocks on the return to the city. This will cost nothing and be a great convenience to excursionists. A II.... . - r I T THERt it P-' ' ONE 0NS LIVER REGULATOR . I M M. ii n - - rStclstpdiwiy CO., Sole Proprietor, ch sac US08 AND ORGANS' ..n t-it onrppa A"Wn TKRMS (pEITEiV .im run i..v".. M . . .. rt . oo T l-oon nn( (OffWyln? lainai ruuicu. , a -J tifiarpst stocks of 'MOS AND ORGANS IS' THE SOUTH. I can sell you any or the first -class manu- Pian FROM U90 UPWARDS. Org- FROM $45 UPWARDS. SENS 'FOR CATALOGUE. JT. Lb. Stone, RALEIGH, X. C. BRANCH HOUSE : t Docf Street, between Front and 'Secon'i. WILMINGTON", N. C. Jf 30 tt Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats Masks, Gloves, Belts &c. is atHeins Derger's. t Burglars. You can be safe from them by using the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. A . . - - Kxvh riu oi tnat tireu reeiiiitr as quick as possible. Take Hood's Sar- saparilla, which gives strength, a gooa appetite ana Health. One of the boats for the Rowing Club has been completed aud wil be on the river this afternoon at 6 o'clock with her full crew. Col. F. A. Olds, of the Oroverner's Staff, is here for the purpose of making arrangements for pitching the tents for the encapment. Our friend Wade Harris, of the Charlotte Chronicle, who was here last week, has some very nice things to say in his paner about our de lightful seaside resorts. me mayor naa a oisr aocKet on hand this morning,. 13 cases in all. There was nothing of special mo ment, however, the interest being divided between cases for disorderly conduct and keeping unlicensed ca nines. Bathing Suits. Come down to Headquarters. 25 dozen Flannel Bathing Suits, in all sizes and colors, sold at the lowest manufacturing prices at the Wilmington Shirt Fac tory, 27 Market st., J. Elsbach, Prop. Look for the blue awning. t The Stokley House, pARTIES IN WANT OF ACC0MM0DA- onsatWrihtsville will find the STOKLEY OUbE well supplied with all that, !s nprs- 17. Board by the Aa. ptea. week or month at low X nsl1 suppers to order at any hour dur- is0f,hHemllcides. of water,rish,craDsf mm. shrimps, ic, furnished to guests. - if tnrZl Zz: ' tng oais,nsning Taciae, Ae,raniishei on short notice. WStoklev Rah qa tvr. ni.-t .v.n . n . . Pm 100 yards ot the Depot. W. II. STOKLEY, Proprietor. Capt. George Morrison was one of :the three conductors on the Sea- coas-t Railroad yesterday and it re minded us forcibly of old times What Capt. Morrison doesn't know - about running a railroad train is hardly yorth knowing at all. Attention Ynung Men's Democratic Club All members are hereby notified that I. Shrier has the contract to furnish uniforms, - where subscrip tions and naniBs for enrollment will hereafter be received. E. H. Fr'ekman, Chrm Finance Com. V L. DOUGLAS 53 SHOE. FOR GKNTLJSM1TN. TV a Jfnthfnall3 to wear the stocklne LSdeu?1 3 SatuleM Shoe In the I bw:"1. makes thpm mwoK tsl Noand sewed shoe. Buy L. do slaa$3 Snoe warranted.' SiS fanS1? Shoe, the orUjlnal omeit u shoe, which -wMe shoes costing from $6 kSVyAsa-o shoe-Is unex- a?S tSw fl s?OK 18 wrn by all . aa Uce w in congress, "Tito i ana if nnt BiMt n UCGLA8, Brockton, Mais. 4,13 3BI eodln H-VpXQLAHN, The tub race took place yesterday from the Banks shore to the Hum mocks. There were four contest ants, Messrs. Wm. Spooner, Dan Cameron, Archie Marines and C. E. Croom. Mr. Spooner was the only one who reached snore in his tub. The prize is said to be a sum of money. Rock Crystal Spectacles aud Eyeglasses Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vower than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily 'cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. But One Scrimmage. There was but one disturbance yesterday at the Hummocks, so (far as we can learn, and that - was caus ed by a difficulty between a young man, "whose name we did not' ascer tain, and a dispenser of milk shakes under the pavilion. For a minute or so glasses flew pretty live ly and one of the contestants got a bad cut over the eye. 'It is popu larly supposed that there were po lice officers on the ground but we haye not yet heard of any arrests. - A Pleasant Party. Capt. Johnson, of the sharpie Katie M. Daniels,, took . a party of ladies and gentlemen from the Hum mocks out sailing on the broad At lantic yesterday afternoon, going about two miles down the beach. The sea was running with a pretty good swell and the trip was highly enjoyed by all. It was the first time that some of the party had ever been on the ocean, -but the Katie rode the wayes so smoothly that none of them got sea siek. The Fire This Morning. The alarm of fire shortly after 10 o'clock "this forenoon wtts caused by the burning of a lot of fire woks in Mr. J. S. Hooper's candy store on North Front street. No one seems to know how the fire originated but it got there all the same. The fire department turned out promptly but they were not needed as the flames had been put out with a garden hose in use at the store be fore they arrived. The loss will probably amount to about $150, fully covered by nsurance in Messrs. Smith & Boat Wright's agency. A Marine Monster. Mr. John R. Watson showed us at the Hummocks on Tuesday what is hereabouts called a "monkey fish," but which is in reality the octopus, or as some call -it, the devil-fish. This was a small one and had been found by a boy "in a conch. It is truly a hideous-looking object yet its contortions are lausrhable and well earn for it the title of monkey- fish. They grow to a large size, large enough, it is said, to entangle and devour men and animals. Vic tor Hugo gives a thrilling descrip tion xf a contest with one of these marine monsters in his delightful novel, "The Toilers of the Sea." " The Fourth. Yesterday was trulry one of 1 A Glorious Recratbu; the The yacht race yesterday oyer the most delightful summer days wet course of the Carolina Yacht Club have; ever known' here. The sun ' at Wrightsvilie was won by Mr. rose clear and bright and continued . Geo. D. Parsley, in the Mascot te, of so througout the day but the heat 1 Mnsonboro, one of the first-class was tempered by a pleasant breeze f yachts. The .judges were Captain from the v. East. Generally the ) Henry Savage, Mr. Donald McRae Fourth is a scorching, swejterihg f and Mr. E. G. Barker. t There were day but yesterday was an exception I eleven entries, as follows: ' Marys Bishop Hald's Consecration. Bishop Leo Haid, of St. college, in Gaston county, was con secrated at the Cathedral in Balti more, on July 1st. Commissions were read.oue raising him to Bishop of Messenia in Greece, and the other appointing him Vicar Apostolic of the Diocese of North Carolina. The first commission makes him Titular Bishop or non-resident pre late. Both commissions were writ ten in Latin and signed by Pope Leo. Bv his appointment to the bishopric he does not cease to be Abbot of the monastery. . Among the officers of the Mass were: Con- secrator and celebrant. Cardinal Gibbons; consecrators, Bishops Becker and Seideubusch: deacons of honor to the Cardinal, the Rev. Fathers John Slattery and Ce lestine. Certainly jwell Managed. To be exact, there were just 2,600 Deonle moved yesterday by the Seaside Railroad. .There were three conductors and 21 trains were run on the road during the day aud night. The movement of these trains with absolute safety was a nice matter and required skilful management and close attention. to the. rule. In all of our experience we have never yet kno wn the whole citygivenl over so thoroughly to .the enjoy m en tof a Holiday as was the case here yesterday. The whole 'town turned out, en masse, for a day" of pleasure. The white people left the town for the seaside resorts and the colored people found attractions which kept them in the city. It is probable that 6,000 peo ple left the city yesterday for the neighboring seaside resorts. At Car olina Beach there were over 1,000 and it was as much as the Sylvan Grove could do to bring . them all back to the city. It was a delight ful day there. The surf was elegant and hundreds of bathers at a time enjoyed its delights. Others went to the Rocks for a day of good fish ing, and still others steamed on to Southport, Fort Caswell and the Black fish Grounds. The movement towards the Sound was immense The first train, which pulled out at 6:30 a. m., carried down a large list. Others followed in rapid succession and till a late hour of the day they were all crowded. Through causes which were beyond the control of the management there were some vexatious delays, but these could not be avoided. General Manager Chadbourri had a big responsibility on his shoulders yesterday and his first care was, necessarily, for abso lute safety. He could not afford to discount any risks whatever. It is estimated that nearly 3,000 persons passed yesterday over this joad. They were delivered safe at the Hummocks and returned safe .to the city."' The last train left the beach about 1 o'clock this morning Heartily Welcomed. SECOND CLASS. Sprite, sailed by A. J. Flanner. . Mabel.sailed by A. M. Waddell,Jr. Hermit, sailed by Robt. H. Cowan. Loulie, sailed by. John W. Atkin son. ' ::' :, , - ... ' Little Alice, sailed by S. P. Cowan. Rosa, sailed by W. L. Smith. ' FIRST CLASS. Phantom, sailed by R. L. WiL liams. Ripple, sailed by J. H. Daniel. V Idler, sailed by Pembroke Jones. Mascotte, sailed by Geo. D. Pars ley. " .' ' -; :' , ;- Peggoty, sailed by Fred. Kidder. , The start was made at 4 o'clock, and in the following order: Sprite, at 4 o'clock; Mabel, 4:0:47; Hermit, 4:0:50; Loulie, 4:2 :7; Little Alice, 4:2:22; Rosa, 4:3:42; Phan torn, 4:4:37 Ripple, 4:5:12; Idler, 4:G:35; Mascotte, 4:6:42; Peggotyj 4:6:45. The style, wind. boats all started off in fine There was a good sailing At the start it was about S. E. by S. but later, and before the race had concluded, it was almost due South. The contest was a spir ited one and the regatta as a whole has been pronounced the most beau tiful ever sailed over the Wrights vilie course. The banks were lined with spectators, some of whom kept progress with the boats by walking down and up the beach. The result was as follows, the yachts coming in on the home tack as follows: Sprite, 5:51:5; Mabel, withdrew; Hermit, withdrew; Little Alice, .up set; Rosa, 5:44:40; Pharitom, with drew; Ripple, 5:47:49; Idler, 5:39:30; Mascotte, 5:37; Peggoty, 5:38:32. The Mascotte was in first and won the champion flag and a handsome pitcher of solid silver valued, it is said, at $200;time 1 hour, 30 minutes The Queen of St. John's arrived m and 17A seconds. The Peggoty was -. Accommodating. '." .- ' An instance of kindly accommo dation on ths part of railroad: offi cials here is mentioned to lis by Mr. x. onrier. ine natter n.nri pintbfo . - ..C-T ' . wvtfaUIVl - Mr. Shrier had engaged to.deliver a mrge uumoer or campaign hats to members of the Democratic Ciub in this city by the Fourth and although ordered in ample time they were de layed. In this emergency Mr Em erson, G. F. A. of the Atlantio Coast LJne, telegraphed and ordered the consignment hurried through. - The v got here yesterday and -although tbe freight offices were cloAd n that day they 'were delivered then and a large number were worn by the young men on that day. - - - r - 1. . , The Gauze Door Range. 1- The announcement made in tho Daily Review on Monday thrttMr. N. Jacobi would on Tuesday after noon exhibit a new ' cooking stove at hisstoreXon South : Front" street, and. would illustrate the process, by broiling steaks in an oven arid boil eggs without water dre w together quite a number of our citizens at Mr. Jacobi's store dmring the after noon. The exhibition was' a m cessful one and delighted" all who saw it. The purpose was to intro duce here the "Gauze Door Range," ; which covers a process which bids fair to revolutionize some of the best methods of cooking food.' ; ' It was said that .the Hummocks was to have been rechristened yes terday arid the new hotel given r a name as well as a local habitation, but nothing seeros to have been done . - . . i . . . . .- -. jciv iti mis uirecnuu, oouie names have been suggested but none have . yet been submitted to the Directors of the road. r . . , r The country calls for. three cheers and a million "Tigers'Vfor the can didates. . : -" "" '. iw NEW ADVEBTI8EMEXITO. The when )emg From Freund's Music and Drama New York. The Emerson Pianos are remarka ble for their full, free tone, which is both beautiful in quality and very powerful; its evenness and sympa thetic touch commend it to afl mu sicians. The new scale, which has been put in the news styles, has greatly added to and increased the musical qualities of the instru ments. . tf. 10,000 Tiger Cigarettes have been sold here to one organization, for private use. lw. 930 train was so crowded it left Front Street there six coaches packed with eop!e, that- it ran by Market street. At this - point there were several hundred people waiting. They had to content themselves as best they could until the next. The .crowd continued to swell and when th next train re turned from the Sound it was stop ped there and the crowd in a few minutes filled all of the coaches. This train was then run back to the Sound and did not go to Front street at all. The telegraph wires are not yet up and therefore this great aid in handling trains was not ayalable. There were, of course, some disagreeable and vexatious delays but everybody knew that they were simply unavoidable and they were accepted as a general thing with a good grace. The result was that there was not an accident of any kind on the line of the road. The General Manager and every body under him are to be congratu lated. ' ' Tiger Cigarette smoke can be in haled without danger, - v lw, below last night. Capt. Paddison went down to meet her and brought her ud at the city this forenoon. She tied ud at her dock, near the foot of Dock street,and in a few mo ments her decks, and saloons were crowded with people. She realJy received a popular ovation on her arrival here as there were probably two thousand persons who visited her within an hour after her arrival She is a handsome boat and a whale. She is simply enormous, and can accommodate a large nam ber. Standing on her hurricane deck one can see over the top of some of the neighboring buildings. The floor of her wheel house is nearly 30 wards purchased feet above the level' of the water. The Queen was built at Cincinnati in 1884 and rebuilt at Jacksonville in 1885. She is .193 feet in length and 59 feet wide, over all, with 8 feet depth of hold, and draws 4 feet, light. She is within a fraction of 414 tons, nt, has 56 state rooms and 131-berths and can accommodate regularly 300 passengers, 150 of jeach class. She is specially licensed,how ever, to carry 1,500 excursionists. She has two engines, high pressure, with 20-inch diameter of cylinder, 7 feet 3 inches stroke of piston arid is allowed a pressure of 191 pounds to the square inch. She has three decks, one long cabin, handsomely upholstered, which extends almost the. entire length of the upper deck, with state rooms opening into it on either hand. She is bv all odds the largest fiver steamer that has ever tied up to a wharf in Wilmington, and standing at one end of the long cabin one is forcibly reminded of those magnificent steamers on Long Island Sound, -the Pilgrim and the Bristol. Well, the Queen is here at last and in a few days, probably by Monday next, will be read v to commence a regular schedule. She will be un der the commandof Capt. R. P. Pad dison, a careful, courteous and ex perienced steamboatman. Indications. For North Carolina, slightly cool er, followed by stationary tempera ture and local rains, followed by fair weather. second coming in in 1 hour, 31 minutes and 47 seconds. The Idler was third. Her time was 1 hour, 32 minutes and 55 seconds 1 The prizes were presented by Col. Johii W.Atkinson, felicitiously, and was responded to by Capt. O. A. Wiggins in behalf of Mr. Parsley, Capt. Wiggins remarks were well to the point. The Mascotte, the wi nning boat, nails from Mason do ro. sue is a home boat, having been built some years ago by Messrs. Cassidev & Ross, of this city, for the late Capt. 1. B. Granger, by whom she was called the Foam. She was after- by Mr. Parsley. CMie wiio ill guuu iiauus jcijiciuajf with a "commander who is a good sailor and who was backed by a fine crew. Laying the Corner-Stone. Those of the colored people who remained in the city yesterday had a very enjoyable day. The princi pal interest centered in tne laying of the corner-stone of the new brick building now being erected on the corner of Nun and Seventh streets by the colored Odd Fellows here. There were a large number of col ored visitors here. The procession Was formed of Free Love Lodge No. 1,469 and Golden Lyre Lodge No. 1,608, accompanied by membera of visiting lodges from Charleston, Raleigh, Fayetteville and South- port. They marched to liuth Hall, as the new building has been desig nated, preceded. by the Enterprise Cornet Band. The ceremonies took place at 4 o'clock. Rev. E. A. Alex ander, of this city, was the chap lain, and Jas. S. Leary, of Fayette- ville. was the orator. John W. Neal was master of ceremonies. Z ; Loot. ; :;';- -; JNJ BUHCH SMALL KEYS. FINDER - will rewarded hy leaving samo at Jy8t ; REVIEW OFFICE. TheSharpiocv AT THE HAMMOCKS WILL TAKE 8AIL- in&r tiartles out at an v hnnr onlnw VmtHia -. remalnlnsr In the sound, ah iPRirri - Tt,Q bnarpies are penectly safe and are provided with comfortable seats, Pishinor naitfos tni-on . to the Fishing Bands outside. Troiiinc par ties accommodated. Apply on Board or at the Wanted. 9 BARE CHANCE TO.GO INTO BUSINESS. Will sell at .a low flenre a navinc httstnpsia Reason for selling, going Into some other bus iness. A rare chance for"an active man, with limited capltaL Address -v . LOCK BOX 571. JJ" Wilmington, N. C. Steamer Passport JT ILL RUN A DIME EXCURSION FOR the Colored People Thursday afternoon, leav ing wharf at 6:30 On Friday afternoon there will be a Dime Excursion for the Whites, and on Saturday anernoon tne boat will make a trip to Caro lina Beacht leaving wharf at 6 p. m., train leaving Beach at 10 o'clock. jy 3 1 Office; f ih Secretary .mi Trcss-irer OF WILMINGTON WELDON R. E. CO.. WILMINGTON,' N. C, July 2, 1853. 1 -j - - " i A DIVIDEND OF FOUR PER CENT. pN the Capital Srock Of the Wilmington & Weldon Railroad Company will be paid on and after July 15th, 1888, to all stockholders of record on the books of the Company, on June 80th, 1888. The Transfer Books will stand ctosed from J uhe 30th, 188?, to July 15th, im, inclusive. JAS. F. POST, Jb., jy 33t Secretary and Treasurer. rJUSLITJ FLAGG, ALL SIZES, Paper Cap PotoIfl, The exercises were very interest- JapaHOSB fllld 0hin0f,'l ' - .. j : ; a xi .i l . - - r- i. ing ana impressive uuu were uueuu- ed by a vast concourse of iieople. At the conclusion of the ceremonies the procession reforhied and march ed to the City Hall, where it was dis missed. At night a gra'nd festival was held in Ruth Hall for the benefit of thej building fund antit Was largely at-1 tended. i night were veryie. There were WirfiCloth for vour windows and and doors can. be had at JacobPs ao some very fine displays injhe Hdw. Depot. t I city. - Lanterns FOR SALE CHEAP AT HEINSBBRGER'S CAROLINA BEACH. OTEAMER SYLVAK GKOVE WILL leave for Carolina Beach on Tuesday. Wedr.r iiv and Thursday at 30 a. m. and 3 p. m. Hur l? on afternoon trips. . . v , - j. w. iiAiirr::, 37 2 V ' ; " : : . . . General Zzzzzxi i