; 1 " 1 5 f i ' r J . . I r ' ! : -1 t 'f - -: , " . i ' 1 4. - ' 1 4 ' I. '., . 1 y:"hi - ' ' ' ' ; T2il!;;i ; 4- - bi ll l ;K ; 'I ;,j -rf--' vi u uhi .-Mi' , ; in1 I : -I ; r t . !- f -1 i ' 1 . ( t 1 $ i - -i - J ' t , I ' . . 1 ir 'if- ! ? t 1 , .... ..4 - f . - ... ?'' ' : -: ' ' ' ; i . If ; ! r. ; ' ' I VIHM,ylXI MM Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel ol pu rit tFpnrth and whoiesomeness. More econ- nminti thgn th nrdiTtsirv kinds, and cannot be gold m competition with the multitude of low tKif oVin-rt ivoi o-vit. ninm or rhnsnhate nowders. tetionlff in cans. ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO., iuo wan u, jh. x. oct 28 d&wly tcnnn 4thpd 3rj3pw THURSDAY, JULY 5, 1888. ' STATE KEWS. r Afiheville Sun: Ajt. General Jones yesterday received application ior a military company organized June fAf it. Marshall, with 55 men en- rolled. The officers elected are: J. A. Nichols, captain; P. M. Hndjcins " iaf.ifAntP.nfi.nt: W. C. Snrinkle. 2nd, lieutenant. The application will be submitted ' to the Governor. The company Is composed 1 of splendid . material. Raleigh Visitor: Alt. Morgan, a young colored man, wa,s drowned on Saturday afternoon laift in Hood's mill pond, in Mark's jCreek town ship, this county. He Was a good swimmer, but It is supposed that he was attacked with cramp, and the water being very deep, was unable to get out before drowning. His " body was recovered in about an hour after he was drowned. Fayetteville Journal: This morn ing k young negro boy by the name of Chas. Brown was accidentally shot by his brother, foe Brown. During the night Joe thought he . heard some one in the house, and v getting out of bed, procured a pistol and fired two shots in the direction whence the sounds came. This morning, after he arose,' he picked i up the pistol to examine it, when it exploded the ball entering Charles' body near the left nipple. His phy sicians pronounce his wound fatal, fili nton Caucasian: A uniaue mar riage in town, three people and only . inree, uuuer one uceusr. - were of the dusky persuasion and from Mingo township. We stat- ed two weeks ago that the huckle- berry crop of Sampson county this year, if properly saved and market ed, would bring into the county $100,000. Many thought this esti- " mate too large, but we are now con vinced that it is much too small. We are not sure thAt t he estimate might not with safety be doubled. It is clear that the huckleberry has "come to the front as one of our most - .valuable crops. We have no doubt that with a little care and cultiva - '" tion the present crop can be easily doubled. It will then bring into the county from $200,000 to $400,000 an nually. r Sanf ord Express: Thursday night , Cbas. A. McNeill, Esq., while in company with Mr. Charlie Graves and Mr. H. A. Foote, met a negro named Barrett upon the-streets of ; Carthage. For some cause or other a difficulty occurred between Mr. ' McNeill and the negro and Mr. Mc Neill dealt the negro a blow upon the head with a base ball bat, crack ing the cerebrum skull. The negro was not dead at last report, but the lick is regarded as fatal. Mr. Mc- . Neill was arrested and bound over in the sum of $1,000. The mother , of the negro child found in Aberdeen Creek, near Keyser, was arrested " Thursday and has confessed the crime. . She says she broke the child's skull with a piece of light wood knot. unction' Arnica Salvo The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all SkiD Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. . Price 25 cents per .box. , r . . For sale by Win. H. Green. . x - - Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at JacobPs H dw.-Depot. It will pay you to use one. : t FIREWORKS - - . ' FOR - '. - Tho 4th of July ! LAKQE ASSORTMENT FOR SALE CHEAP AT HEINSBERGER'S MACINAW J9 ' ONLY GENUINE "MACXNAVVr HATS SOLD IN W1LMINQTON. LOUIS H. ME ARES, ; '12 NORTH mONT, . . . ; Gentlemen's Furnlslier and Hatter Ja 21 . " : ' ' . . xilE X1AJXSJ " The malls close and arrive at the Citj Post office as follows: ; - - - - CLOSB. - -. -. Northern through malls, fst..... . .00 P. M. Northern through and way malls.. ,11-00 A. M. N. a and A. & N. c. Railroads and . -routes suoolled therefrom 8.00 A. au Raleigh & lrayetteve, 6.00 P. M. and 8.00 A. M. snnthprn wv malls 1 60 P. L. Southern through malls 9.15 P- M, DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY. Western malls (C. C Railway).... . 5.45 A. M Pflnfl Ifpar TVBB and DOlUtS SUD- Dlled therefrom 5.45 P. M. -RaipKrh Jt Hamlet R. R. and DOlntS suDDiled therefrom. . 2.00 P. M. Smlthvllle...... 2.00Y. M. Wrlotsvllle. 8.30 A. M Clinton, special.. 3.15 P. M TUESDAY AND FRIDAYS. Onslow a. H. and intermediate offi- ces 6.00 A. M. T.m.iA ivir. 8. c. and Intermediate offlcea. 2.00 P. M. Cape Fear River mall 1.00 P. M. OPEN FOR DELIVERY. Northern and way malls 8.30 P. M. Northern through mall, late 11.00 P. M. southern mails 6.30 A. M. Southernwav malls.... 9.30 A. M, Carolina Central R. R. 9.30 A.M. M alls collected from street boxes In business portion of city at 5 A. M., 11 A. m. and 4.45 r. M. and from other points of the city at 5 P. M. and 4 A. M. General delivery open from 6.30 A. M. to 7.00 P. M., and on Sundays from 9-00 to 10.30 A. M. Carrier's delivery open on Sunday from 9.30 to 10.30 A. M. Money Order and Register Department open from 8 A. M. to 5 r. M., continuous. Stamp Office open from 8.00 A. M. to 5 P. M. Stamps on sale at general delivery 6.30 A.M. to 10 A. M. and 1 to 7 P.M. .. COMMERCIAL. NEWS. WILMINGTON MARKET. July 5. 2:80 P. M. SPIRITS TURPENTINE Quiet at 324 cents. Sales of 200 casks at 32 cents. ROSIN Dull at 80 cents for strained and 82 cents for good strained. TAR Firm at $1.40. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm rait $1.00 for hard, $1.851.05 for yel low dip and virgin. COTTON Firm. The following are the official auotations: Ordinary, 6?; good ordinary, 8 5 16; low mid dling, 9 1-16; middling 9i; good mid dling 9 13-16. Receipts to-day: Spirits, 675;rosin, 1,339; tar, 83; crude, 73; cotton, 22. MARINE NEWS. ARRIVED. SteaiushipBenefactor,Tribou,New York, H GSmallbones. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson. Fayetteville, T D Love. fcschr J Lt Treat, McLean, Perth Amboy, E G Barker & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tolnlinson. Fayetteville, T D Love. WANTED A WOMAN OF SENSE, energy and respectability for our business In her locality; middle aged preferred. Salary 50 per month- Permanent position. References exchanged. J. Q. REYCRA FT, Manager, je 14 4w tn 33 Reade St., N. Y Jno. P. Grand, SUCCEEDING PARTNER OF THE LATE firm of A. A. Brown & Co.. Commission Merchant, office in the Kerchner Building, No. Water street, will give prompt attention to all business. Represents some of the best houses In the country. Invites Correspondence. Je 13 ly d&w. No. 3. Wilmington Seacoast R. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JUNE 20, 1888. From Wilmington, From Hummocks. Leave 6:30 a. m Leave 9:30 a. m Leave 2:30 p. m Leave 5:00 p. m Leave 7:20 p. m Leave . 7.45 a. m. Leave 10:30 a. m. Leave 3:30 p. m. Leave 6:15 p.m. Lave 10:00 p. m J. IL CnADB6uRN, Jr., General Manager. june 19 tf Atlantic View, WRIGHTSVII.UV N. C. rriHIS DELIGHTFUL SUMMER RESORT IS situated at the Wrightsvlile Terminus of the Wilmington Seacoast Railroad, and there Is no cnarge ior transportation oi self or Daggage to the HoteL Ba&d of Music Engaged for the Season. We beg to state, in reply to many Inquiries, that the rate of oani during the Encamp ment win be SS.OO PER DAY ONLY. Friday Night, July 13th, there will be A Grand Vocal and Instrumental Concert under the Pavilion. ED. WILSON MANNING, jy3 tf Proprietor. Specials QARDEN HOSE, DOG COLLARS, LAWN Mowers, Fishing Tackle. Come in and look at them. We have the goods and can make the prices tcTsult. W. E. SPRINGER & CO., my 14 tf 14 Front St., Wilmington, N. c Diamond Dyes JN ALL COLORS, A FULL AND COMPLETE stock can "be found at F. C. MILLER'S, German Drug Store. .Corner S. Fourth and Nun Sts., P. S. Prescriptions filled at all times, day and night. men 20 tf Valuable Lands for Sale. QNB TRACT OF LND, LYING ONE mile from Llncolnton, N. C . consisting f S3 acres, 53 acres cleared: Is best for cotton, but glvta good crops for all grains. Has a breach running through It and a fine spring k few acres of bottom land on the branch and Q acres In wood, oak and hickory, well tlm bered. Another tract lying 21 miles from Llnohr ton. 3i mile from C O. R. U., 100 acres. 25 cleared, fine spring of delicious water, about six acres of bottom land near Ron tne branch; to 'or tobcco, but grows other crops well; 75 acres In yellow pine and oak. For price and terms apply to CRONLY MORRIS, men 16 tf Anct'rs A fcce&l Estate Rmkerr UniversityofNorth Carolina, ChapeTmnrN. C- rpHE NEXT SESSION BE JIN S AUGUST 30. Tuition reduced to $30 a half year. Poor Stu dents may give notes. Faculty of Fifteen Taachers. xnree roil courses of studr lpariint? to dei uiw uiun cuuiacs ior ine train- lng of Dusiness men, teachers, physicians and pharmacists. Law Bcnuoi ruuy equipped. Write for Catalogue to HON. KEMP P. BATTLE: .President, -MISCELLANEOUS. GasH House, 116 Market St. AS USUAL WE OFFER TO OUR PATRONS JOBS OF DRESS GOODS in season to be a benefit to them, and wait not till the season is nearly over. Among a large variety;of DRESS GOODS we' will display this week, .JAVA CANVASS, all colors, with Figured canvass to match, worth 20 to 25c, for lOc. ' Colored BATISTE, 31-inch, worth lector 7 cent. YACHTING CLOTH, 31-Inch, worth c for 7c. CRINKLED SEERSUCKERS, all colors, 5c. MOMIE CLOTH, 31-inch, worth 12c for Sc. NUN'S VEILING, all colors, 3 l-2c. O Parasols and Sunshades. A Good Parasol for 50 cents. -o- WHITE GOODS! Every variety, as usual, very low, Jobs in Hosiery, Gloves, Mitts and Fans Jobs In Egyptian Laces, All-Overs, &c. Will receive by Steamer a new lot of NAIN SOOK EDGINGS. SCRIM, good qualjty, only 9 cents. Remember Thursday FOR EXTRA BARGAIN DAY. M. M. Katz, 11G Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. O. Jel8 Notice. TJAVING OTHER IMPORTANT BUSINESS engagements it will be Impossible to give at- tentlon to my Photograph Gallery, therefore I have secured the services of Messrs. ENGLE & ZOELLO. Firs$ Class Artists, who are so ta vorably known and are fully equipped with all modern Improved Instruments for. making Cheap and First-Class Pictures from Smallest to Life Size, also Groupes and View Sceneries, all at reasonable prices. I confidently recom mend these gentlemen to my patrons and all who may visit this beautiful seaside watering place at Carolina Beach, je 29 tf JOSEPH L. WINNER. Keep Cool. IF.YOU WANT SOMETHING NICE, DRINK A. F. LUCAS' Soda Water, Ginerer Ale, &c Best in the city. Guaranteed pure and made of the Best Materials. BEST MILK SHAKES IN THE CITY A. F. L.UCAS, Dock. bet. Front and Second Sts. taAll orders from the Country promptly "iieu. my 29 ti Lime. Lime. LIME in exchange for PROVISIONS. LIME LIME LIME LIME LIME groceries. dry goods; hardware, LUMBER. CASH. FRENCH BKOS.. Rocky Poinr. sept W. n. NORWOOD . J. T.HOWE At the Hummock. E HAVE OPENED A RESTAURANT AT the end of the Pavlilion set aside for the, Col ored People at the Hummock, where we are prepared to furnish meals at all hours. Three times a day. Oysters, Clams and Grabs In any style desired. ,,5?7We are also prepared to accommodate White as well as Colored Customprs and w guarantee satisfaction to all L' ' ' NORWOOD & HOWE. ta-ICtf COLD BEER always on handT Je231m Wall Paper and Shades Hung! Carpets and Mattine Laid ! , (Nice work guaranteed) by J". IB. DBMPSETT. WITH j HOWELL & GUMMING, Opposite the City HalL ! MATTRESSES, PILLOWS, BOLSTERS SPRINGS, MOSQUITO BARS 1 P. S. These MOSQUITO BAlift ov. thing new. ie tf Fishing Tackle. A fall assortment of all kinds for)Oth salt and fresh water fishing at Jacobi'g Hdw. De pot. t - atz UICCELIiANEOUS THE LADIES-' EM P0RI UjVI, : r . 115 Market St. , JUST RECEIVED BY TO-DAY'S EXPRESS, An Elegant Assortment of HATS and BON NETS, in all the Latest Shapes and Colors in Milan, Fancy Straws, Rough and Ready, and other Fancy Braids at all prices from 23 cts. upwards. In air Styles and Widths. Moire, Ormbre, Gross Grain, Satin Edge, Striped and Plain, at reasonable prices. An endless variety of Feathers, Flowers, Aierettes, Hat Ornaments, Hair Ornaments. Sun Umbrellas, Parasols, Embroideries, Laces, Hosiery, Handkerchiefs, 'Fast Black Hosiery, Guaranteed-Not to Fade -o Special Sale tnis week of PARASOLS, FANS, INFANTS' CAPS, FANCY WORK MATERIALS: : o AGENCY FOR X DEMOREST RELIABLE PATTERNS AND DEMOREST'S SEWING MACHINE, $19.50 only. Equal to any $45 machine, and warranted for five years. Try one and save money. They are sell ing rapidly. AGENCY FOB LEWANDO'S FRENCH DYE nOUSB.. All work Intrusted to this House guaranteed satisfactory, or no charge made for same, and all goods sent free of express charges. Send in your orders. "WE LEAD, BUT NEVER FOLLOW. y Country orders solicited and satisfaction guaranteed Respectfully, N MRS.RB. WIGGINS. Je 28 Of Interest to the Public. Ladies will Please Read this Letter: -o- New York, June9th, '88. MR. JOHN TAYLOR, Dear Sir: You have been buying hats of our house for the last twenty years, while doing business in New York and Wilmington, and always have been a large buyer. We send yoii. by Clyde Line 153 dozen Ladies', Misses' and Children's Hats, in all Colors and best Shapes. We have stopped making Summer Hats for this season, and we close out the lot at your own prices, so as to give your customers in Wilmington some Bar gains. Hoping they will do you some good, we are, Very truly yours, C, F. G. & CO., Manufacturers. Prince St., N. Y. The above Hats are placed on our counters and Bargains will be given to every purchaser at wholesale and retail; also FLOWERS, LEATHERS, SILK MITTS, RIBBONS, LACES, &c, &c. -o- Fashionable Goods and Low Prices are the two inducements offered to all purchasers at 'sBazar, 118 Market St., WILMINGTON, N. C. je 27 Melons and Fruit. I WILL RECEIVE TO-MORROW, FROM Georgia, a fine lot of WATERMELONS CANTELOUPES and PEACHES to which the attention of the public is respectfully invited. Always on hand Fine Home-Made Candies Fruit, Nuts &c ' ,. . ANTONY FANTOPULA, jel3 tf llfi Bonth Front Taylor MISCELLANEOUS. Corner Market and Front edrick's " - - FOR THE SPRING; AND Summer trade I am offering the most attractive stock of : r ; to be found in this city. Select ed expressly for city retail trade, by the most experienced buyer, who, with an eye single to ; the needs of his customers, who are proverbially the most' tasteful ia dies in the city, and at the same time to meet the views of the most economical in prices, has in the most triumphant manner succeeded in making the tore on the Corner the "Talk of the JDown," where can be found a magnificent stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, in all the leading and most desirable styles, among which are many excellent bargains in the various ;new shades of Albatross, Nun's Veil ing, Printed Challis, Beiges, French and American Satines, Ginghams, Lawns and Printed India Linens. Our stock of mi? surpasses that of any former sea son in variety, cheapness,! and elegance. We have beatifuliy embroidered Skirts on Batiste and IndiaLinen with Flouncings, Edgings and Yoking to match. Embroidered Marseilles Robes in Patterns for Ladies and Chil dren, plain White Lawns, India Linens, Linon d'Irlande and Batistclaire at prices from Five Cents per yard to the finest im ported. Plaid and Striped Lawns. Nainsook and MullEcrn and White French Pique. - One hundred handsome Embroidered Bobesiu boxes, bought a.-job and will be sold at half value, t I We have almost succeeded in painting Wilmington white with white dresses; we greatly desire to whiten the" rest of the Coun try. In the sale of White Goods we have no competitor. It would be profitable to those wishingto purchase goods in that" line to entrust their orders with us or write for samples. Our other great specialty, ' Housekeeping Goods, is in full stock, and is as it ever has been, a puzzle -and-" wonderment to our neighbors. Where' does he buy his goods? How can he sell - at the prices? . How is it that all our cus tomers goto HEDRIGK'S to buy all of their Table Linens. " Towels and Napkins? Reader, listen; ; the secret 1 is mis. we uuy xnis line or goods direct Irom the importer. We know what the people want, and we know how to buy them, hence we are en abled to sell a pure Linen Damask at 50 cents per yard, as good as can be had elsewhere for 75 cents; a AY hue pure Linen Damask at $1,00, as good as any man can show at $1.40, with all other eroods in this line, such as Napkins, Doylies, Tow-' els, etc., at proportionately low prices, we oner a full line 01 Do mestic Goods -at prices to suit all classes. . ' ' . r. Space becoming short, much that we jwould like to tell in this must be deferred to a future advertisement. Suffice it to say that we. keep the largest stock of - Handkerchiefs in all qualities to be found in anv retail store in the South. We keen a first class stock of Gent's Furnish ing Goods, Laundried and Unlann dried Shirts, Collars and Guffs, Bal briggan and Lisle Underwear. Ties and Scarfs in all the new styles. Half-Hose in every quality, "to be sold at marvellously low prices. We invite attention to our stock of Imported and Domestic Woolen Suitings for Gents and Boys- which we can have made to order by-aflrst class Tailor at the most reasonable prices. Inasmuch -as we are here for the People's good,: the People will be welcomed at our counters, where they will receive the most cordial and polite attention. Respectfully, John J. Hedrick. jell , , '--;:-M:,i: JOB PRIIMTIIVG! We want your orders for PRINTING, HtHLING and BINDING, and If doing your work well, with good material and stock amount to anything we know we are certainly entitled to at least a Dbrtlon. j-Our money has not been put in old time material and we are cons tan ly adding new type. . Try us on any books ycu want made to order. - - . Personal attention to all orders. : JACKSON & BELL. DRY GOODS TaTTTT Goods VV XL11U SometliirTT : uracil inAVEONlIANlAvEHY , Groce Sundry are fond of Fancy Goods. : 15 SARATOGA CHIPS lQ1. .OLIVES FARCIES. Large FItENcn pRUNEs; ' EVAPORATED CAUFOKXu VnALiBuT steak! ! y SMOKED SALMOX " ; HOUSEHOLD AMilbxiA' ' CONDENSED TOMATOES ta Cto g imported and Domesu,v SACCEs BRANDIED FIGS, PEAKS aM finest quality. Also the VEjYFrsr BUlTERreeelvedweeklyty berry and Walnut are . Horseaand vehicles ffhSSl ed and tended by the dayW0 far Large stocliyard. ' wee0noQ&- mn 12 ly filotico. rOHN WEUNEIt. TUP i. opened a Barber Shoo on t Second street, next to S?eP U. Holmes, at which p , 5?SS?fctn public generally are FaviLPlro,a a strictly flrst-class wort ,(n 0c., Shampoo 20c . "-lOcfi- c- vh York & Wiiimt- FROM PIER 39, EAST RIVER, Mff j Lated between Chambers and Eoosera:; At 3 o'clock, p! M. EQUATOR...... BENEFACTOR.. FANITA EQUATOR....... .Wednesday, j ... Saturday, Jm ..... Thursday its ....Saturday, itt FROM. WILMINGTON- BENEFACTOR. FANITA........ ....Tueday, Jc Friday, te ....Tuesday.fc Friday, EQUATOR...... BENEFACTOR.. B" Through Bills Lading and Lowest: Kates guaranteed to and Irom points Is 5 and South Carolina. : , For Freight or Passage apply to ' -H G. SMALLBONES, Supertntendent Wllmlngtoa,! TIIEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. I ' . .. - - . . . Ketl WM. P. CLTDE & CO., Genl AgenB. I Je 23 35 Broadway, Set Ii Society Work. 1 TOE SEWING SOCIETY OF ST. JCI Parish solicit orders for all kinds of ifc fancy sewing, crocheting and emDroirr. Ladies' and Children's aprons ispecW . nrriprsi loft. at. the Rectorr. or a Third street, will meet with prompts nov25U - - - - Life Insuraiic -o- Safe, Reliable, Sun LL" THE POLICY7n0LTKBS 12 cSlly got left will do eiuofl?. BROWN & CO., comer of W Mulbeny streets, and take PJS safety Funa sysremiu --- Annuity insurance wiuy- ,mWx ble company has paid ouiw 1887 over $35,000 in oeatnio. - Amount of Insurance ttrejj" Death losses paid under wiew t : Fund System.....-- Lftl. imnnnt rt SflfPtT FUhd " ' feb 1 Messenger copy - The Acmo MANUFAQTUBlNfff " MANUFACTU0'. .. - , ' ' Fertilizersr Pine Fibred . Pine Fibre Matfe fTHE REPUTATION O?0 X ' " . ' r Tuur est"35" the ACME ana u, the results of three years use the best farmers of this and attest their value as a tag . . The MATTING.made from t wol carpet ior qouuw demand for itis oaujr tues not found many oti - upholstering purposes, Mattresses is almost equal w elastic and proof against 1DSj ceruflcatesfrom gooas can be seen at our r eduponappucation. , WILMINGTON, J 1

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