r r n nnp n f1 K oj Absolutely Pure. o Lu I ITHls powder never vanes. A marvel or pu rity .strength and wnolesomeness. More econ omical tnan the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold in competition vrltn tne mtllutude of low test, snort weizat alum or phosphate powders. ineais. ROYAL fcAKlNG POWDER ca, iw waii su, n. y. oct23dtwlytcnrm 4tnpd 3rdj?w . COJIMEKCIAL NEWS. THURSDAY. JULY 19, 1888. HC CONGRESS TESTKUOAT. "V SENATE. Washington, July 18. The Sen ate proceeded to the consideration of Senate bill for the formation and admission into the Union of the State of Washington, to be compos ed of the present territory of Wash ington and apart of Idaho territory. When the reading of the bill was finished, Mr. Culloni offered a sub stitute for confirming the act of the new State to that of the present ter ritory of Washington. Without action on the bill the Senate proceeded to the considera tion of executive business. HOUSE OP REPRESENTATIVES. - After unsuccessful efforts had been made by Mr. Stahlnecker, of New York, and Mr. Burro ws,of Mich igan, to secure consideration of bills for the erection of public buildings at Yonkers, N. Y., and Kalamazoo, Mich., the House went into Com mittee of the Whole, (Mr. Springer In the hair), on the Tariff bill. -t -: ' --. LSUCklen a Arnica Salve r The Best Salve in the world for -Cuts, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever Sores, Tetter, Chap ped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guar anteed to give perfect satisfaction, or money refunded. Price 25 cents per box. For sale by Wm. H. Green. Shelby Neito Era: , Mr. Wm. Falls, of King's Mountain, has sold .to Prof. Furnian, agent for the tin mining . company, his plantation containing zip acres, vtue con sideration was $15,000. Kaielgn jxetog ana uoserver: x lie contract for building and erecting the ShotweH .monuraent has been awarded to Mr. C . A. (iooawin, or nnr citv. It will be a cranite monu ment on the cottage design. It will 111 . kn "nnlAU1 oftuv linrwl- anmpst desicrn. ! Fayette ville Journal: On W ed nesday night, at Carthage, N. C, Itev. W. F. Watson, a native of this place and a most promising young minister of the Baptist Church, hav ing wearied of the "single blessed .ness," took unto himself a help - meet, in the person of Miss Florence Shaw, a most excellent and popular young iauy oi uanuage. ''Xaurinburg Exchange: Mr. G. H. Graham reports tbe occurrence of a right warm shooting contest be tween Mr. Mangum and Mr. Odom at the former's store, near -the State line, one day last week. He says they took several cracKs a eacn nthpp and that he was unexDectedlv and unavoidably so located as to -make his hairstandstraight through fear for .his .own . safety. However n r An a not Tin r. V rlirl not hear the particulars as to the cause of the difficulty. : . , r J - lf T O n . . . . rf Hrmtiner Quarters. Carteret' county,-brought up yesterday two r. Mtflacnolroa nno in 11 TT i IJ , W .Avw.m., -w.-v - - fourfeetsix inches in length with . nine rattles, the other four feet nine ' inches with eleven rattles. Mr. i m -mm A I Baiter . nas nau mem ior over twelve months. ".During last winter they would freeze in cold weather so he could handle them as he would a stick or-rock. They are bright and beautiful, but will make the M nh!!l nm nvpr one when thev V.WV - assume a striking attitude and sing with their rattles. Mr. Salter says they had -become the pets of his little daughter, who fed and watered them regularly, and he became afraid she might go to sleep by the " cage and thrust ner hand or foot against the bars and be bitten. ' . ' i m " Another child killed by the use of opiatesgiven in the form of Sooth ing syrup. Why mothers give their children such deadly poison is sur prising when they can relieve the child of its peculiar troubles by us injr Acker's Baby Soother. It con tains no Opium or Morphine. Sold by Mnnds Bros.y druggists. If you want to feel comfortable and well all you needlsa good Hani moek. You will find the largest as 'eortment and cheapest at Heinsber WILMINGTON MARKET. ' ; - : July 18. 2:30 Pi Mi , SPIRITS TURPENTINE-Steady at 31 cents: No. sales renortexl. ROSIN Steady at 70 cents for strained and '75 cents , for good strained. . -TAR Firm at $1.50. CRUDE TURPENTINE Firm at $1.00 for hard, $1.70 for yellow dip and virgin. COTTON Steady. The following are the official Quotations: Ordinary, 7; good ordinary, 8 9-16;. low mid dling, 9 5-1C; middling 9; . ood mid dling 10 1-1 6. - ; Receipts to-day: Spirits, 562;rosm, 679; tar, 51; crude, 181; cotton, 2. BIAKTNE NEWS. ARRIVED. Steamer Cape Fear, Tomlinson, Fayetteville, T D Love. Schr James Ponder, Iyncli, Phil adelphia, Geo Harriss, Son & Co. CLEARED. Steamer Cape -Fear, Tomliuson. Fayetteville, T D Love. - . WEEKLY STATE3IENT. STOCKS- OX HAND JULY 7, 1888. Cotton ashore. 1,015; afloat, 50; total. 1.065. Spirits ashore,2. 480; afloat,2,20l; to tal, 4,681. - M Rosin ashore, -5,478; afloat, 123; total, 55,601. Tar ashore, 2,723; afloat, 150; total, 2.873. Crude ashore, 883. RECEIPTS FROM JULY 7 TO JULY 14. Cotton. 49; spirits, 1,985; rosin, 3,619; tar, 285; crude, 494. . EXPORTS FROM JULY 7 TO JULY 14. DOMESTIC. s Cotton, 98; spirits, 683; rosin, 53; tar, 582; crude, 478. FOREIGN. Rosin, 2.880: spirits, 250. - Beer for the Boys. J AM NOW IN FULL SUPPLY OP PORT NER'S BEER, ordered expressly to meet or ders during the E campmont. I can fill any order now, and at short notice whether for delivery In the city or at the Sea side Resorts. Prompt attention always guar anteed. - E. KUHBLANK, jy 17 3t . Agent. Encampment Week ! -o- J TAKE PLEASURE IN ANNOUNCING TO the citizens of Wilmington that I have made large and ample, preparations for a FULL SUPPLY of - Fine Meats during the Encampment. I have made con tracts for supplying the troops and am also prepared to supply 4all others. o I have on hand now nearly 200 Fine Fat Beeves, and nearly 300 SHEEP 1 in cood condition, and contracts for the de livery of others every day this week, and will have my Stalls well supplied every day dur ing the Encampment, orders for Bee Mutton Ycal left at my Stalls will always meet with prompt and careful attention. Goods delivered free in any part of the city, at the Sound and at the Hummocks. fyMy stock of Fresh Meat during the En campment will be the largest and finest ever offered by a dealer in North Carolina. Respectfully. JTF. GARRELL, Front St. Market, South Si? e. Jy 16 Iw w. E. Worth & Co's Old stand. 1888 Harper's Young Peo trie. AN ILLUSTRATED WEEKLY. :r's. Durgl&ri Yoac&a b a safe from ihpzi by usius tlie Burglar proof ZTIInd JEcvsks, sold at Jacobi's, . Harper's lotnta People Interests all young readers by its carefully selected variety of themes and their well-considered treatment. It contains the best serial and short stories, valuable articles on scientific subjects and travel, historical and biographical sketches. papers on atmetic sports ana games, surring poems, etc, contributed by the brightest and most famous writers. Its Illustrations are nu merous and excellent. Occasional Supple ments of especial Interest to Parents and Teachers will be ateature of the forthcoming volume, which will comprise fifty-three week ly numbers. Every line in the paper is sub jected to the most rigid editorial scrutiny in order that nothing harmful may enter its columns. An epitome of everything that Is attractive and desirable In juvenile literature. Boston Owwirr. A weekly feast of good things to the boys and girls In every family which it visits. Brooldvn Union. It Is wonderful In Its wealth of pictures. In formation and Interest Christian Adrocate X 1. Terms Postage Frepaid, 3 pryear. Vol. IX begins November 1, IS87. Sperinvm Copy tent gn stamp. . receipt of. tirv-ecnt Single Number, Five Cents each. Remittances should be made by Post-office Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of loss. XarsixiDers are not to copy this adtvrsiserncnt tcitiumt Vie express order of Harper & Brothers. Address novis HARPER & BROTHERS. New York JOB PRINTING : We want your orders for PRINTING. RULING and BINDING, and if doing your work well, with good material and stock amount to anything we know we are certainly entitled to at least a portion. Our money has not been put in old. time material and we are constanly adding new type , ; j ; , . . Try us on any books yen want made to order. -;- . ..,; ; . " - , ' Personal attention to all orders. ' " JACKSON & BELL. -MISCELLANEOUS. NoworiL & YZiiniinctos - Steamslilp (3o. FROM PIER 2d, EAST RIVER, NEW YORK Located between Chambers and Roosevelt sts. . ' At 3 o'clock P.M.- - FANITA GULF STREAM... BENEFACTOR.... FANITA .Wednesday, July 18 ...Saturday. July 21 .Wednesday. July 25 . . . . Saturday, July 28 FROM WILMINGTON ; BENEFACTOR.. FANITA......... GULF STREAM. . BENEFACTOR .. , . .... ... .Friday, July 20 ruesaay, July 24 ...Friday July 27 ....... Tuesday, July 31 Through Bills Lading and Lowest Thro Rates guaranteed to and from' points in North and South Carolina. For Freight or Passage apply to n G. SMALLBONES, Superintendent, . - Wilmington, N. . THEO. E. EGER, Traffic Manager. m . New York. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Genl Agents, ' Jy 14 35 Broadway New York. 1885. . ; Harper's W kiy . ILLUSTRATED. Harper's Weekly has a well-established place as the leading illustrated newspaper In America. The fairness of its editorial conn ments on current politics has earned for it the respect and confidence of all impartial read ers, and the variety and excellence of its lite rarjoontents, which include serial and short stories by the best and most popular writers, fit it for the perusal of people -of the widest range of tastes -and pursuits..-. Supplements are frequentlj' provided, and no expense la spared to bring the highest order of artistic ability to bear upon the illustration of the changeful phases of home and foreign history. In alius features Harper's Weekly Is admir ably adapted to be a welcome guest In every household. -HARPER'S PERIODICALS. pkii year: ' HARPER'S WEEKLY H 00 HARPER'S MAGAZINE. 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR. 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE... 00 Postage Fix e to all suoscriOers in the. United States, Canada, or Mexico. The Volumes of the Weekly begin with the first Number for J anuary of each year. When no time is mentioned, subscriptions will begin with the Number current at time of receipt of order. Bound Volumes of Harper's Weekly, for three years back, In neat cloth binding, will be sent- by mail, postage paid, or by express, free of expense (provided the freight does not ex ceed one dollar per volume), for $7 00 per voL Cloth Cases for each volume, suitable for binding, will be sent by mall, post-paid, on receipt of $1 00 each. Remittances should be made by Post-Offlce Money Order or. Draft, to avoid chance of loss XexosiHivers are, not to comi this advertisement without the- express order of Harper & Brothers. Address HAKPifiU BltUTliiSKS, nov 15 New York .': 1888. ' IT aper' Magazine ILLUSTRATED. IIICOCLLAITIIODS Grand Clearing Sale ! AT i.I.Ea$z, 116. Market St. F Harper's Magazine Is an organ of progres sive thought and movement in fevery depart ment or me. Besides other attractions, it win contain, during the coming year. Important articles, superbly Illustrated, on the -Great West; articles on American and foreign indus try; beautifully illustrated papers on Scotland, Norway, Switzerland, Algiers, and the West indies: new novels by wm. -Black and w. d. Howells; novelettes, each complete In a single numoer, oy iienry James, .Lareadio uearn,ana Amelia Rives: short stories by Miss Woolson and other popular writers; and illustrated pa pers or special artistic and literary interest. The Editorial Departments are conducted by George William Curtis, William Dean Howells and unanes Dudley Warner. HARPERS' PERIODICALS PRR YEAR: HARPER'S MAGAZINE .........U 00 HARPER'S WEEKLY 4 00 HARPER'S BAZAR 4 00 HARPER'S YOUNG PEOPLE............. 2 00 Postage Free to all subscribers in tlve United ssates, Canada, or Mexico. , ; The volumes of the Magazine begin with the Numbers for June and December of each year. When no time is specified, subscriptions will uegm wim tne numoer currs as time oi re. celpt of order. 'Bound Volumes of Harper's Magazine, for three years back, in neat cloth bindinsr. will be sent by mail, post-paid, on receipt of $3 00 per volume, cloth Cases tor binding, 50 cents vu:u ujr wan post paid. Index to Harpers Magazlrie, Alphabetical Analytical and Classified, for. Volumes ltoTJ, Inclusive, from June, 1850, to June, 1885, oie vui., ou. uioin, uu. -Remittances should be made bv rost-Offi Money Order or Draft, to avoid chance of Xetcspapers at-e ot to copy tliis adverlisemen wUlumt the express oixter or Harper & Brothers Address " HARPER & BROTHERS, nov 15 New York HAmmooKS, JUNCH BASKET ' Paper. Baskets, Base Balls and Bats, , . Iron and Tin Toy Safes, D0II3, Rattles and . ' " - 1 " Rubber Balls for Children, Chromos, Steel Engravings, . Frames of Wood and Velvet syThelBest kind of Reading la rapers and Books for everybody. Pianos l O rgans, FOR SALE AT . - j H EINSB ERGEK'S OR THE BENEFIT OF OUR PATRONS and J:he many visitors, we will have a . . . JBargain Day every day this week. - f We will offer on MONDAY," JULY j6. DRESS GOODS 31-inch colored Batiste, worth 10c. for 7c. 31-lnch colored Armour, worth 12c for 8c. Figured Lace Striped India Lawn, worth 120 for 8c. " -.. Colored Crinkled Seersuckers 6c 31-lnch Yachting Cloth 7C " sevler Worsted, worth 20c. for llc. 36-lnqh Worsted, worth 25c.for 18c. Best Sateens, worth 25c for 12XC. : A small lof to close at 8c. ' A small lot Nun's Veiling at 3a ::iccjzlla:teou: 1;Uawa1Uat Uuau etcnd Front e (ITICK WHITE GOODS. Checked Nainsooks only 8c. " India lanens, worth 10c for 8c. India Linens, worth 12$c for.lOc India Linens, worth 15C for 12c. India Linens, worth 27c forl5c. French Organdie, worth 35c for 20, French Mulls, worth 30c for 25c " 45-lnch Swiss Flouncings for 50c, 60c, 75c, $1.00, U-25 and $1.50. Remnants of Embroideries at almost any surpasses that of any former: sea- -) son in variety, cheapness arid elegance. We nave . ooatnuiiy -. ... . - t monks Wllcro T oHIgo o., .771" Vl lue u;. and indialjinen with JlouDOinffsfttrtwfeintii ttiauiictve owmgs ior thecwidren andiv-' Bait and Tackle for those who mav Zt , jyi4tf , liOwcrEndofHamaiorki UNDEVELOPED PART Wt of cver-Vort. IndUcreUo Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water fishing at. JacobPs Hdw. De pot. : f price. ' . Oriental and other Laces very low. Lace Bedsets, worth $5 for $1.93. -Tidies, worth 50c for 19c. Ladies' Gause Vests, worth 75c for 39c. Alen's Ganse Vests for 20c. Ladies' colored Jerseys, worth $1.25 for 85c. jjadies' ciotn Shades, worth $1.50 for $1.25. - Special Military Gloves, worth 25c ior 15c: and many articles on exhibition, with, dally aaoiuons, at tne cash iiuusjs or 110 Market Street, WILMINGTON, N. C. jyis' . .. , . ;. . . : VISlTOltS TO THE vlT Y JJURINQ THE STATE ENCAMPMENT are cordially invited to call at THE. LADIES' EMPORIUM, 115 Market Street, Where the Display of MiUinery, Fancy Goods, LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S TJOTDBRWEAB, Hosiery, Laces, Embroideries, Corsets, Bustles, , Parasols and Notions 1 - . - Is Unsurpassed by any in the City, as to Qail ity, Styles and Reasonable Prices. FOE THE SPRING AND Summer trade I am offering the most attractive stock of J 1 ; - . -. DRY GOODi I3ci:llaneou.s . MENT Op Grocers' Sundries, which are cordially recommenaea t0 an are fond of Fancy Goods. ' SARATOGA CHIPS la llbtan(1 OLIVES FARCIES. - . : Imported GINGER piiT7r.T,t;, " lb. and u lb. jars. rKJkSKHJ2 ia lRl Lar-e FRENCH PR.rNEs . EVAPORATED CALlFftiv,. ... HALIBUT STEAK. - SMOKED SALMON. HOUSEHOLD AMMONIA CONDENSED TOMATOES la .Imports and Domesti, SAUCB.., . DRANDIEl) FIGS, lAUs j linest quality. Also the vert mKSTn r to be found iu this city. Select ed expressly for city retail trade, by the most expenencea- buyer, who. with an eye : sip gle to the needs of his customers, who are proverbially the most tasteful la dies in the city, and'at the same time to meet the views : of the rutter received weesiy by p most economical in x prices, has i p - m the most i triumphant manner meU &a - - - Mt. on the Corner the Talk bf the Tnrr. " xvh rn flan " Virv S 'Fnn n rl d TONLY GENUIN .A, V JL y W y ;, - ; V .r- . w m . . m agnificent stock of Spring and Summer Dress Goods, in all the leading and most desirable siy les; among which are many excellent shades of Albatross, Nuns Veil-1 FgJftS French and Ameridi Ginghams, Lawns and India Linens. Our stock of :nuine-m acinar i - : ; IN WILMINGTON - l'L sorth front 13 K tONT. - Gentlemen:s.FurKishcr ! "WLreets. ll6uS?& wishing to build. Apply to t0 k JA MES wilsox OlliceofD.OfoMft jy I2siv 5 W On n J .would respectfully '"'AXXOli: to my friends and the public" ccnpniiv uptfueu it irsc uiasx Ten Pin Allev and AND B O 3ST 1ST E T S I This is the only Establishment in the city where a First Class I New York "Milliner Is employed to mi orders, and her Trimming is conceded by one and all to be equal to the Pattern Hats of French Artists. Do not fail tocall at our Elegant Establishment, and a glance will convince you that our goods are the best and most stylish in the city. ;v - -: Polite and attentive young lady clerks, and . . m ' , . - a pleasure to show our goods. - . ; : " Respectfully : : " . .- MRS.E.B. WIGGINS. Edgings and Yoking ""to . match. Embroidered Marseilles Robes in Patterns for Ladies ud (Chil dren, plain White Lawns, India Linens, Lirion . .alrlande , and Batistolairtr at : prices from Five Cents per vard totlie linest im ported, tlaid " "and -Striped Lawns Nainsook and MiillEcrn and White French .Pique One hundred haiulsonie Eml)voidered Robes in boxes", bought aijob and will be sold at half Value. t - . We have almost succeeded in painting Wilmington ."white with white dresses; we greatly . desire to whiten .the iest of the' Coun try. In the sale of White Goods we have no competitor. It vould be profitable to those wishing to purcnase gooas' m tnat line to entrust their orders with .us "or write for samples. Our other great specialty. - - ' Housekeeping Goods, is in full stock, and is a ft ever has been, tt puzzle and - wonderment to our neighbors. Where does he buy his goods? How can he sell -at the prices? How is it that all our cus tomers goto MERRICK'S to buyll of their Table Linens, .Towels and Napkins? Reader, listen; the secret is this. We buy this line of goods direct from the importer. We know what the people want and w$ know how to buy them, hence we are en abled to sell a pure Linen Damask at 50 cents per yard, as good as can. be had elsewhere for 7S .cents; a White pure .Linen Damask -at $1.00 as good as 'any man can show at $1.40, with all other- goods h in this line, such as Nankins. Dovlies. Tow- els etc., at proportionately low prices. We offer a full line of Do mestic Goods at prices to " suit all classes. .iv - ' . - Space becoming short much that we would like to tell m this must be deferred to a future advertisement. Suffice it to say .that we 'keep the largest stock of - . W.; II. NORWOOD , J.T.O0W At the Humiipck, E nAVE OPENED A RESTAUKANTA the end of the Pavlliion set aside for the a ored People at the lummock, where wear prepared to furnish meals at all hours. - : FRESH:,FISH Three times a day. , Oysters, Olams and Crab ' In any stjle desliyd, SSWe are also prepared to accommod..: White as well as Colored Customers, and guarantee satisfaction to all Norwood taou WICE COLD BEER always on hand je23lm Juo. F LGrand, S UCCEEDING PAIiTNETl OF THE W firm of A. A. Brown & Co., Comm.'-.-Alerchant, office In the Kerchaer Buiu:: No. Water street Will give prompt attest. to all business. . . .. Represents some of the best houses to : country. Invites Correspondence, je 13 ly d&w. : ; Home-Made. J WILL GUARANTEE TO THE PU that the Summer Beverages made by me r prove equally as good as tnose Imports warrant my ttingcr Ale to be better than any bottled Article v: here from elsewhere. I make also : Soda Water :of various flavors. SARSAPAEILUi td?0':i?? . SELTZER and lS;iMiIk Shakes, : manufactures are absolutely pig from the country as well i from gf 4 spectfully solicited andproniptea at S Jy9lw HATS' GIVES AW Handtercliiefs m all qualities to be fonnd in any retail store in the South." We keep a first class stock of Gent's Furnish ing Goods, Laundried afnd Unlaun- dned Shirts, Collars and Cuffs; Bah briggan and Xisle Underwear, Ties and fecarfs in all the new styles. naif-Hose in every-quality, to be sold at marvellously low-prices.- We invite attention to our stock of Imported and Domestic Woolen Suitings for Gents and Boys which we can have made to order by alirst class Tailor at the -most reasonable prices. Inasmuch as - we are here for the People's . good, the People will be welcomed at rdurr counters, where they will receive the iriost cordial and polite attention. Respectfully, . . John J. Hedrick.; Jell . MARKET, BETWEEN SECOND . AND Third Streets. . f.?IJ.NvlLD15R ATKINSON, President, . W. P. TOOMEK, Cashier. - Lends money on satisfactory security; ' , Pays interest on deposits. ' Is empowered to execute Trusts of all kinds. - men 2Q tf - -o - Another lot of those celebrated Oil Stoves just received at Jacobins fldw. Depot.; It will pay you to use one. " ; . Another Large Lot of E : Just Beceived and V ' be Opened - ' at Reduced Prices in New arid This Scr . ..." ., : Immense Beductic; Everv Depart-1 Wholesale & 11(1 '-...'' r- ? '' ' -. ' " .... Taylor'sB 118 Marlco jy is r? w 1

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