0 - TP D POSTAGE PAID months 12.00. Three ryetesandaJseXCepte(1? r5. JAMES, Editor and Prop. , ' SIX -M one montH.35centt. l,t delivered by carriers, free part of tuedty. at the above r'rateslowancIllberaL lipase report any and 4 5; vol, xir. WILMINGTON, N, C, TUESDAY. JULY 24, 1888. NO 154. i .4 . . Y7e TTIU toLIlD;.. from our irlcij cn-tr : general Interest, tut : The name cf tte wrltef nuc: l. nlshed to the ECtor. -'communications must be written t .. ..- c Lone side of the paper. - 'Personalities must be avoided. - , ; And It Is especially and particularly cri:r- 4 stood that the Editor docs not eliriya cr Iztzq the views "of correspondents czlczi e i tated In the editorial columns. ' ' . . ' XjOOAuIL, 3STBWS. RESTLESSTU-.S . y I " . IUI V. aiw -sy a" phil!adelphia MuSOH-E Dollar. IXDKX TO NEWi ADVERTISEMENTS. A David Wanted ' , . - v For Sale Farming Land. M M Katz Special Bargains Heixsisekuek -Muslin Flags liEUATTA-T-Carollna Yacht Club V C MiLLKtt cigaw. Cigarettes . Locia II ii kabes Flannel Shirts ExccKsiON-Unity Tent No 60, r O R Miw E D WreoiNS Visitors to the City Opeka House t'rescent Opera Company Magnificent Peaches. The Governor's Arrival. Thanks to Mrs. A. Liebman for His Excellency, Gov. Scales ar two monster peaches, products of a 'rived here last night on the 7:40 p. tree in her garden on Second street, j m train from the North. He was between Mulberry and Walnut. ; met at the .depot by Hon. George They are simply enormous, one Davis, Hon. R. R. BrTdgers, Col F. weighing 10 ounces and the other . W. Kerch ner, Mayor Fowler Dr 11 ounces. This tree of Mrs. Lieb-j Geo, G. Thomas and Messrs. Wm! man s is becoming famous. If we , itimer. ff n1 iir,onflUr, t a . una a pecK oi t ie peacnes we wouia j.Boriitz, F.'H. Stednian and Josh. T cheapest, at Fly Tntps; best and Jai-obi's Hdv-: Dpot. Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats : f Masks, Gloyes,'Belts &c, is atHeins 4 WiroCloth for vour windows and r. and doors can be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. . V The liver and , kidneys iiiust be kept in good : condition. Hood's Siirsaparilla is a great remedy for regulating-these organs.. - The-Governor will review the , - troops this afternoon from the bal- conv of the Orton House, which has aged for this purpose. u 0. Jte majority of the IUs of the human fcodytrb from a aiseoJi urer Regulator has been the means cfrertorlng more people to health and Upplnesa by giving them a healthy Urertlna any other agency on earth,Q V H31TI0U GET THf Q.TUI2p& jot 36 tc lstp di viy eh sat - PIASOS "and OKGANS RITE TO ME FOll PltlCES-AND TERMS as I keep one before buying an Instrument, of the largest stocks of PIANOS AND ORGANS IN THE SOUTH. I can soli you any of the. first-class manu- FK03I J190 UPWARIS. Org ans FJI03I $45 UPWAItpS. SEND FOR CATALOGUE. ' J.Lj. Stone, RALEIGH, N. C. BRiNOH HOUSE : otDock Street, between Front andJSecond, WILMINGTON, N. C.: etf The Stokley House, pAKTIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- wns at Wrlslitsville will find the . STOKLEY B01SB weu supplied with all that is neces sary. Board toy ntes. tlie day, week or month at low Plj; Fish suppers to order at any hour dur ffigthe evening. AU of the delicacies of salt water.tlsh.crabs, tiims, shrimps, sc. furnished to guests. . Sailing Boats. Fishing Boats.FIshlng Tackle, c,furnLshed on short notice. ETst,0kle''ll0U3e fronts the water and Is witnln l(X) yards of the Depot. W. H. STOKLEY, JelStf lroprietor. i ' ' - W- L. DOUGLAS S3 i. - There is good walking . from the ( business quarters all of the way to the Swicoast 11. R. station at Tenth and Priucess tretts. A good side walk of sawdust has recently been constructed from Ninth to Tenth street' A mass meeting of the officers and men of the State Guard was to have been held to-day to consider the matter of the annual State en campment and to give expression to some opinion in regard to a perma nent location for the camp, but it was postponed until to-morrow. ; v " To See the Parade. The steamer Passport brought 150 passengers from Southport this morning to witness the parade this afternoon. The steamer Louise also brought up a large crowd. In all, the Southport contingent is nearly 200 strong. It is to be greatly regretted that Capt. Anthony's splendid troop of cavalrymen will not be mounted this aftejrnoon. The announcement made this morning that the parade would not be made played the wild with their expectations. They will be in the line, dismounted. "An invitation has been extended to Gov. Scales and suite to visit Car olina Beach before leaving the city, and it is4ioped that he will be able to accept. He has expressed him self as being desirous of visiting this noted seaside resort, can he so ar range it during his brief visit here and it is hoped that he will be able to accept the invitation. The Crescent Opera Company, as sisted by somei of our local talent, will given concert at Manning's Pa vilion, Wrightsville Sound, to-mor row. l nere. is a good stace at the Pavilion, with dressing rooms at tached and room for seating several hundred persons. There will prob ably be a large attendance. . Devotional Meetlug. A devotional meeting of the Y. M. C. A. wih be held to-night at 8:20 o'clock, promptly, in the rooms of the Library Association, on Market street, between Front and Secopd. Visitors are cordially invited to be present, and especially is the invi tation urged upon the visiting, and resident, military. . The Troops will Parade. After aU it has been decided to bring the troops here for a parade this afternoon. This determination has been 'ur lived at this morning the previous order having been re voked after a full consultation be tween the Governor aud his subor dinates. At this writing the route has not been fully determined upon, but the troops will debark at Mar. ket street and parade through Mar ket and Front, to be reviewed by the Governor. Burglars. You can be safe from them by using v the Burglar Proof Blind Locks, sold at Jacobi's. . The German ia Cornet Band serenaded the Governor last night, rendering some of their best pieces. jThey were highly complimented by all who heard them. - The Steele - Creek Band, from uMuemmNm uoss auu a rvv- James . a ntni,ite aro,! f. Mertklenlinrp- 1nf. nfo-bt riVl n. viit. wood box aud express them Democratic Queen at the House. to The Mascot te. - ' J The Crescent Opera Company wilf make their last appearance here at the Opera House to-night in the Mascotte, This is a gloriously fun ny opera and in it this excellent troupe appears at its best. With a full orchestra we 3ould conscien tiously say that, their rendition o this opera is equal to that of any troupe which has ever yet presented it on the boards of the Opera House in this city. We trust that their farewell performance here will be greeted by a large house. Knights Templar. - ,. Wilmingtou Commandery No. 1, Knights Templar, had a pleasant meeting last night at their asylum in the Masonic building,, at which they entertained as their guests, Col. Carl A. Woodruff, Grand Com mander of the Grand Commandery of North .Carolina, and Mr. E. M. McRa'e, Grand Captain General of the Grand Commandery of this State; and others. Great interest has recently been aroused in this Commandery, and this meeting was the occasion of initiating five candi dates, which will doubtless infuse new life into the order. J . I'WTO VJI tfKltU.ll Ul llltJ CHI" White I Zens, and was by a portion of this committee escorted to the Sound, in Col; Bridgers' pri vate car. . which had been tendered for the purpose. The Governor's Guard, under coml mand of Capt. Harrell, came up j from the camp for escorfc duty, and Capt. Benehan Cameron, of the Governor's staff, met the Governor on his arrival here and accompanied him to Wrightsville. His Excel lency, who appears, we are pleased to note, in excellent health, was ac companied by Mrs. Scales, Mr. Don aid Sv. Bain, State Treasurer, and Mr. C. H. Arm field, the Governor's private secretary. Gen. W. P. Rob erts, State Auditor, who was also to have been of the party, was sick and unable to come. Arrived'at Wri ghtsville the Gov ernor was met by Lieut. Gov. Sted nian, whose guest he is, "Adjutant General Jones, Col. F. H. Cameron, Col. F. A. Olds, and others, and was driven to Lieut. Gov. Stedman's de lightful Summer, residence on the Sound. Here he was considerately allowed to rest after the fatigue of the journey, everything like a pub lic reception being postponed untij to-day. While at supper His Ex cellency was serenaded by the Dur ham Cornet Band and afterwards there was a display of fireworksv The Fireman's Visit. Chief Oldenbuttle, Assistant Chief Newman, and the heads of the var. rious white fire companies in this city, accompanied by the Germania Cornet Band, paid their promised yisit to the Encampment yesterday afternoon. They were most cor dially received by Col. W. C. Jones, of the Second Regiment, ana were by them escorted to Gen. Jones' headquarters and introduced to that officer and his staff. The band play ed for the Second Regiment at dress parade yesterday afternoon and the music they rendered" received many warm commendations. They" will also play for the Second in the pa rade this afternoon. FOR GENTLEMFN. rPH madTi.?11 83 Seamless Shoe In the rlduhiAl"0"ttack or nails. As styl ?Do tS those costing $5 or 16, and thilS;?orna,Us t( wear the stocking ?l-fittinJ- them comforta,ble ytst. vSS3 a &and sewed shoe. Buy fttoo..ti t k genuine unless stamped on r. i n;r SlasW Shoe, warranted." 2 Hy nanrts 84 shoe, the original SS1 Tomd,nel "elt saoe, which 10 &l ow-made shoes costing from $6 torieaVAs 2-50 SHOE Is unex- andS ffiV ? I S"OK Is worn by all .AU th . scnooi snoe in t niiJare made In t M nte vT,;,,..l" n(t sold by your deal- Fc sale h "UULAS Brockton, Mass calf S3 i the world. congress, 'sale by 13 3ia eodip H. VONGLAHN, Wunungton, N. C Flag Decoration. Bunting. Flag Bunting. By the yard or piece. For. sale by V -I. SHRIER, 16 N. Front street. Kock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglass es Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying voicer than has been lost to the eve as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase, will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You. con get the best at Heinsberger's.. Sketch of Charlotte. We received some days ago, with compliments of the Charlotte Chron icle a copy of a handsome pam phlet entitled, "Sketches of Char lotte, the Queen City of the Old North State, and Mecklenburg, the Banner County." It is neatly got ten up, profusely illustrated, and displays an enterprise which must eventuate in great advantage to our sister city. Our friend .Wade Harris IkuI much to do with its compilation it is a koou thing for the live, go- ahead people of our sister city and we are glad to know that there is a great demand for it from every sec tion of the country. The Marine Display. The army and the navy both have a showing this afternoon. The navy has had theirs and the army will march through the streets long after our paper has been put to press. The whole town has capitu lated aud surrendered at discretion and that without the firing of a gun The marine parade was a very handsome affair and was witnessed by an immense throng, which lined the wharves and the porticos and even the tops of the buildings on the river front. It was a very creditable affair, well planned and well ex ecuted. The fleet did not start until nearly 4 o'clock, as the arrival pf the Governor was awaited. His Excellency got here just after the last boat had passed Market street dock and was taken immediately on board the revenue cutter Colfax, where he could review the boats on their return up the river. Sale of Ileal Estate. Messrs. Cronly & Morris sold at auction to day ten unimproved lots on Chestnut, between Eleventh and Twelfth streets, each 33x165, for $165 each. Also, the residence oi th lat Col. W. S.'Devane. on Sec ond, between Ann and Nun streets. for $1,650. Also, store No. 12 Market street, for $2,900. These are all considered cood sales. Thev were made subject to confirmation. Confeds in Conncil. A meeting of Confederate veterans was held last night at the City Court room, to receiVe the report of a committee appointed last Friday to arrange for a visit to the State Guard encamped at Wrightsville Maj. T. D. Loye presided, with Capt A. L. DeRosset secretary. There were about fiftv ex-Confederate veterans present. The committee made the following report: Your committee beg to report that they have met Gen. Jones and - a i t ' j m ji xi starea ine oojeci oi xne meeung oi Confederate veterans heia here on Friday last. Gen. Jones expressed his pleasure at the object of our visit li l! ; !ll " J.1 ana on consultation win receive me veterans on Wednesday evening next at 6 o'clock at the camp. The committee beg further to re port that they arranged with the railroad company to have separate cars set aside for the ex-Confederates and that araangements have been made for a handsome Daage ana a round trip ticket, the whole to cost not over forty-five cents. The committee moreover recom mend that the veterans meet at, the Orton House at 4:30 Wednesday af ternoon to take the 5 p. hi. train for Camn Pender, and that the senior ex-Confederate officer take command and name the next , two seniors as astants. On motion of Capt. A. L. DeRosset the report was received and the re commendations adopted. Upon motion of Col. F. W.-Kerch-ner a committee, consisting of . Col. William L. DeRosset. Lt. Col. Jno: D. Taylor and Capt. T. C. Lewis, was appointed to settle-the question of the seniority of rank among the old officers, so that it can be determined as to who is to be the commander of the Veterans. Remarks were made by Col.W. L. DeRosset, who urged a large tu rn out of all veterans of the Confeder ate Army, regardless of the residence or appointment from any State. It was moved by Col. Taylor that a committee be appointed to pre pare suitable badges, and to request that all ex-Confederates report to either of the committee by 8 o'clock to-night. Capt. J. H. Cuarie and Lieutenant B. F. White were ap pointed such committee. Unity Tent . No.. 60, I. O R., will give an excursion on Tnursaay on the steamer Queen of St. John's to points of interest near the mouth of the river. Messrs. C D. Jacobs, C. L. Cowles, C. H. Keen and J, T. Shoiar form the committee of arrangements. The second regatta .of the season of the Carolina Yacht Club will he sailed over the Club Course at Wrightsville on Thursday. .The j yachts will reportat 11:30 a. m. that day. v to Summer Rest and serenaded rthe people there. They discoursed some beautiful music and were hospitably entertained by the residents? . r - A change of schedule goes into effect to-morrow on the C. C. R. R. The day train will leave here at 8 a. m, and arrrive at 7:30 p. m., and the night train will leave at 7:30 and ar rive at 7:45. The train between Wilmington and Charlotte has been reduced 1 . hour and 20 minutes. The corrected schedule . will ap pear to-morrow. ; Personal. Mr. Lawrence Fremont, of Rockl Mount, is in the city to-day. i Dr. W. T. Ennett and Mr. A. H. 1'addison, of Burgaw, were in the city to-day. Lt. Col. W. Foster French, late of the C. S. A., came down from Luoi berton this morning on a brief visit We neglected yesterday to ac knowledge the courtesy of a visit from our brother quill-driver and esteemed friend,Mr. James I. McRee, of the Raleigh News and Observer. Hon. E. T.. Boy kin, of. Sampson county, Judge of the Superior Court who was here a fewdays since on a visit to our seacoast resorts, has gone to New York on .a business visit. , "- " : - - . Why the Order Wag Revoked. We understand that the Governor was induced to revoke his order in regard to the parade in the city this afternoon in consequence of peti. tions signed by the troops in camp. As soon as ; they heard last night that he had decided against the parade they began to circulate peti tions begging him to revoke hi order and to allow the parade to take place. These were presented this morning and on the strength o f these the former order was revoked and a fresh order for the parade was issued. v Mr. J. W. Barnes offers for " sale a 40-acre tract of splendid truck-farm ing land, one mile east of the city. See ad, in this issue. Indications. For North Carolina, fair weather; and continued high temperature. Sharpie Katn MrDanlalr, APT I. W. JOHNSON, WILL TAKE PAR- ties Sailing. Trolling or Fishing. Tart ' 3 ta ken to the Fishing Grounds outside or t and down the Channel. Charter parties c.com modated. For terms apply onljoardor at the UotcL -..., 3y tt , Steamer Pacsport'c RCHHDTJLE FOU THIS 'WEEK. 'z EVLIIY day, except Sunday, leaves foot Market street dally, except Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. ;m. for bouthport, the Forts and to Sea, Retumirir. leaves southport at 3 p. m. f A Ten Cent Excursion every evening at 6 o'clock, except Tuesday. On Tuesday leave 3 at 6:30 p. m. - - 21 2! It - . "J. H. UAHPR; MACINAW." ONLY GENUINE 'MACINAW HATS SOLD t ' : Uf WILMINGTON. LOUIS fl. ME ARES. 12 NORTH FRONT, - Gentlemen's Furnisher And Hatter TO SOUTH P DT" ' t THE MAGNIFICENT STEAMER Queen ; of : 8ty Jolm'c y lLL MAKE LEGULAB TRIPS TO South port and return, ('undays excepted) leaving Wilmington, foot of Dock street, at 10 o'cock a. m., and returning leave Southport at 4 p. m. Fare for round trib 50 cent for adults nfi 25 cents for children. ... R. P. PA DDI SON, .Master. W. n. CHRLSTOPHER, Purser. ' Jy 9 No. 5. ' Wilmington Seacoast H. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY20,'88, AT 6 A.M From Wilmington, Leave . . . ... . 6:00 a. m Leave. . . . .... 90 a, m Leave...,. . , . . ,10:10 a. m Leave. . . . . . ..11:55, a. m Leave. . . ... ..2:15 p. m Leave.. . . .... 3:10 p. m Leave........ 4:10 p. m Leave. ....... 5:10 p. m Leave 6:40 p. m Leave........ 7:55 p,m Leave;.....,.; 8:55 p. m Leave ..... . 9:35 p, m Leave. : .:. . ; .llJOp. m Fromnurninc.::s. Leave......; 7.4 " a. m. Leave. . . . ,10:( a. m. Leave.. . . . 11 ( " a. m. Leave 13 45 p. m. Leave.;.. U 3:05 p. m. Leave....... 4KTp. Leave ....... 5:t " p. ni. Leave. , 6ui p. m Leave...... 7;50p. m. Leave...... 8:45p.m. Leave....: ;.lrt. ) p. m. Leave. ......1: )p.in. Leave. .l.v.LlJ a. in. , ' J. H. C.HADBOURN,. JR., July r0 tf ; General Manager, CAROLINA BEACE NEW AOVEBTI8EH1E2CTS For Sale. T70RTY ACRE TRACT OF BEST TRUCK r FARMING LAND, all under fence. Eight acres cleared, one mile from city limits on Market street road, next east of the Currie 1 place. Apply to J.W. BARNES, jy Z4 'C or uoi. o. w. .ahmmovs.- Excursion. UNITY TENT No. 0, INDEPENDENT OR der of Rechabites, will give an Excursion on the elegant steamer Queen of St. JOHN'S, on Thursday. July 26th.- Music and Refresh ments on hoard. Fare for round tripAdults 50c; Children and Servants 25c. -u.D. ciacoos. u. li. uowies. ji. jtveene. i. T. Shoiar, committee. jy 24 2t Wanted. MACHINE HANDS . . - . . To work in factory, Apply at once. Jy24 2t , A. DAVID Steamer Sylvan Ghrovo yjr ILL LEAVE FOR- CAROLINA REACH . fi w-" ? '-.a. v - ;. . Monday, Tuesdav, Vcdnc3 day & Th urcday v i AT 9:30 A. M. . AND 3:30 , P. M. Friday and Satnrday v- , .t. at 9:30 a. m. and 2-J3Q p. m. ' She will aiso make a SUNDAY TRIP, leav- ing at 2:30p.m. - Jy 21 lw I OST A DIAMOND FROM A RING weigfl- I j Ing 2H Carats. for the recovery of the The above reward will be paid same. Lost between the Postofflce and Market and Sixth streets. S. H. FISUBLATH, Jy 20 tf ' North Front fetreet. 50 Carolina Yacht Olnb. rsiHE SECOND REGATTA OF 1888 WILL BE 1 sailed over the Club course, Tnuraaay, July 26th. vacnta win renort ai 1 ivaj a. m. No Yacht will be allowed to enter later than 12 mi, Wednesday 25th. TJuGlin -Flac RECEIVED BY EXPRESS IjOOOMuslin Flags on Sticlis - ALSO, BY STEAMER 1,000 Chi nese an d Jap in c : 3 Lanterns. PloaoA or1 in rmir nrrlara nriA an1 all flrrl n supply yourselves in i lme from HEINSBERGER'S. GEO. D. Jy241t PARSLEY, Measurer. OPERA HOUSE. IJAST NIGHT Of the "Crescent Opera Co ? Visitors arid Stran ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CALL JHEINSBERGER'S . - Live Book and Music Store. HOWELL & cunniuc machine hands to do factory work. J jyi22w TjA. MASCOTTE, The Famon "Gobble Song." A GLORIOUS FUNNY OPERA. Jy24 lt - . Toit SALE Building Lots m desirable and X? healthy localities, on Front, Third. Fourth, j Finn, sixtn, seventn. wuson. ugrmn-inia Tenth. Eleventh. Twelfth. Thirteenth. Dick inson. Woods, Charlotte, Gwynn. Rankin, I nn ! castle. Church, Ann, Nun, Orange, Dock, ; Princess. Chestnut, Mulberry, Walnut and i Harnett streets. Houses and Lots for sale on ! the installment plan. Money loaned to those I OnCO SyU aoiaiu w uuuu VJ w JAMES WILSON. Offlce of D. O'Connor.