rrra fatw - - . T. JAMES, Editor arid Prop. If' -v POSTAGE PAID: . ix months 18.00. Three J4.00- & ' . one month, 33 cents. Trillt delivered by carriers, tree I pi?er , nirt of the city, at the above r-e lnP LrateslowandllberaL ; . r ' win Please report, any ana " . 'hprs win !. their paper regularly. - .,,ireCC to ret1' j 0 ! Wisifra'.c?, bC9h?sa? it li" PHILADELPHIA. 7PriQH Dollar Jbi nnJoriry of the ilia of the hmnM ujjirto from a diseased Uver. Slxn urer Regulator haa been the means of rwtoring more people to health and tippinesi by giving mem , a neaway Uittih&n any other agency on earth. j - j jp jail 10U GET THJ3 QCTJCfEV noT35tclstpdiwiy chsat - PIANOS A SI) ORGANS KITE TO ME FOR PIUCEJIND TERMS Wore buying an Instrument, as I keep 'one or me largest stocks of . PIANOS AND OEGANS IN THE SOUTH. ' I cansf u you any of thej first-lass manu- f art MVS. 1 FUOI fl90 UPWARDS. FirOM $45 UPWAIIDS. SLD FOR CATALOGUE. RALEIGH, N. C. BEANOH HOUSE On Dock street, between Front and Second, WILMINGTON, N. C. jo 2i) tf ' ' . . The Stokley House, DAR'IIES IN WANT OF ACCOMMODA- r tions at Wriffhtsville wfll find the STOKLEY uoi'SE won supplied with all that is neces- Niry. . , . Board by the day, week or month at low rates. - , Pi? Fish suppers to order at any hour dur ing me evening. ,. . All of the delicacies of salt water,fish,crabs, Uims. shrimps, &c, furnished to guests. - sailing Boats, Fishing Boats,Fishing Tackle, ic. rurnished on short notice. ;-stokiey House fronts the water and is iinia lrnj yards of the Depot. W. n'. STOKLEY, Jeitf . . Proprietor. W. L. DOUGLAS S3 S H O E GOTLKSIFN. mrt raii' rtne calf 83 Seamless Shoe in the ."yna inadr actvi lSh on i ,i "Mnum hicks nr uiiiw. aij.- u and durable as those costing to or $6, and or hn5t:cksorhaUs to wear the stocking and , eJeet' makes them as comfortable theiv I flltlnsas a hand sewed shoe. Buy bottom :.ne genuine unless stamped on and oniv VAVMS shoe, ine onjtuiiu I.. lAWrT a . - i 1 to tii. CUstom-made shoes costing from $6 uVd?orw)UGLAS 82.50 SHOK IS unex tor heavy wear. . . Kovs 'nV?vSsl'xs 3 SHOE Is worn by aU J Jn113the hPSt Silrnl china in tio wnrlii Button La?ve g0Ol3 made In congress. er wrTtA - w' anQ not sow ty your aeai . write AV.L. DOUGLAS, Urockton.aiiiM. orsaleby , ' gTl.l 1 i - mi lSSmeodlp n. VONGLAHN. . WUmlngton. C 1 J VOL XII. LOCAL ITEWS. .. Index to Nbw adyertiskments. V Lost A Note - . , . , . . Uei.vsbekgeb -Muslin Flags v ( Ck R change of fckhMule I' c Miller cigars, Cigarettes Sylvak GKOTECarollua Beaeh" Louis II Meares Flannel Shirts . Excursion Bladen strett M E Church Mrs E li Wiggins Visitors to the City Fly Traps, best and cheapest, at J.u-obis lid w. I)pot. ' - - t ; The Sylvan Grove carried -down a lare 'party this morning to Carolina Bjaeh. Headquarters for BassBalls, Bats Slacks, Uloves, Belts &c, is at Heins bertrt's.. .. - ... t WireCIoth for your windows and and doors cau be had at Jacobi's Hdw. Depot. - " V T'i Indications. . For. North! (Jarolina, fail weather and stationary temperature. - cannot praise Hood's Sarsana- ' rilla half Huoujrli " says a mother whose son, almost blind with scrof la, cured by this medicine. Fishing Tackle. A full assortment of all kinds for both salt and fresh water.iishinir at Jacob'i's Hdw. De pot. : t r The Cornet Concert Club volun teered their services to play for the veterans this afternoon and the offer was cordially and thankfully accept ed. - Mr. G. M. Altaffer has gone to the Valley of Virginia,near Stanton, to visit relatives there. He will re turn soon, but his daughter will remain for some time. It is fickle weather. Last night was extremely warm ana uncom. fortable, but towards morning the wind got around to the Northwest and cooled the atmosphere some what. - The" State Guard is a good school for the volunteer st)ldier. The men are fitted there to command as wel1 as obey and should another disas trous war occur the commissioned officers of the forces would be large ly drawn from its ranks. The fishing at the Kocks now is- said to be splendid. On Monday morning, before breakfast, Mr., A. H. Hammond, of Charlotte, caught 5 sheephead, averaging 4 jjounds each, and a drum which pulled down the scales at 23 pounds. The Crescent Opera Company closed their engagement here last night, with the presentasion of the Mascotte. Thev went to Wrights- ville to-day and will appear in a concert there to-night, at Capt. Manning's pavilion. The Bladen Street M. E. Church will give an excursion to-morrow on the Sylvan Grove to Carolina Beach. The ladies will have refreshments for sale on the boat at city prices and it is expected that a large party will take advantage of the oppor tunity. . -Two old Wilmingtoniaus who were in our office yesterday, Messrs. Vir ginius Ballard and E. A. Whitaker, of . Durham, were enthusiastic in praise of our people and our city. Mr. Ballard remarking that in a few years our city and its seaside resorts would become the most famous and attractive watering place . on the Atlantic coast. Correct. Twenty-five to Thirty thousand. Is it extravagant to ay that the military and marine parades yester day, were witnessed by from 25,000 to 50,000 people? 'We. think not Probably two-thirds of our own peo ple saw them and there were thous ands of visitors here from other places. The line of march from Tenth street on Market to the depot on Nutt street was lined with thick masses of humanity and the crowds were absolutely dense on lower Market and Front streets - Decoration. Flag Bunting. Flag. Bunting. By the yard or piece. For sale by I. SttRIER, 16 N. Front street. liock Crystal Spectacles and Eyeglass es Advice to old and young: In se lecting spectacles you should be cau tious not to take more magnifying vo.wcr tfian has been lost to the eye as in the same proportion that you pass that point of increase; will cause you further injury to the eye. Using glasses of stronger power than is ne cessary is the daily cause of prema ture old age to the sight. You can get the best at Heinsberger's. . WILMINGTON, C. WEDNESDAY, JULY 125, Monument to Mrs. Greenbow. The LadiesMemprial Association have erected a monument at Oak dale to Mrs. Greenhow, whose un fortunate death while in the service ot trie Confederate government willor Col. W. L. DeRosset. Cos. . A, be remembered.- Capt.W. H. Bixby j Fayetteviile Independent Light has perpetually'endo wed the.lot for Infantry; Bt Lumber Bridge Light care-taking. Some of Mrs. Green ; how's relatives, who live in Charles ton, wrote here when they heard that a monument was to be erected to her and offered to pay for it but the ladies told them that it was not a matter of charity, but of love and duty, and so the monument was erected by them. Why They Were Not Mounted. There 4 general regret expressed over the fact "that the Scotland Neck Mounted' Riflemen could not appear in the saddle at the parade yesterday afternoon. The citizens of Wilmington responded very gen-j erously to the, demand upon them and Capt. Southerland had been notified of 70 horses which were at Capt. Anthony's disposal. When it was known that the parade had been abandoned the owners of these horses were notified that they would not be needed and hence they could not be had for the parade. It wasja 'great disappointment to all. Two Fine Displays. The last time we paw a thousand armed and uniformed men parade the streets of Wilmington was when the 18th N. C. Regiment was order" ed up from Fort Fisher to ero to Coosawhatchie, S. C. There were aoout as many men in tnat regi ment then as there were in the en tire brigade yesterdav afternoon, But there wasn'tinuch holiday sol diering about it. We believe the Yankee troops paraded here some times after they got possession of WilminsrtOn but we were not on hand to see them. - Our Own Boys. The people of Wilmington have always been proud of their gallant home company; proud of it in the past and 'proud. of It in the present They had cause for their admira tion yesterday. Their appearance inline was simply splendid. They looked like soldiers, every inch of every man, and their new uniforms, with the nodding horse-hair plumes, attracted and held the eyes of all Their marching was superb and no body nas ever seen a company marching by the front wheel better than they did as they turned from Market into Front street. The Military Parade. The most beautiful and pleasing site ever seen on the streets of Wil mington ( next to the throngs of pretty girls, arrayed Jn white, who parade our thoroughfares every af ternoon) was the display made yes terday by the State Guard. The martial music, tne brilliant uni forms, the nodding plumes and the glittering arms and accoutrements of our 1,200 citizen soldiers made up a sight which will not soon be for gotten by those who were so fortu nate as to behold it. The brigade, which debarked at Tenth and Market and Tenth and Princess streets, did not appear un til nearly 7 o'clock, and thousands had been waiting in the streets for hours for its appearance. It was not far from that hour when the headS of the column appeared in sight on the brow of the hill at the corner of Fourth and Market streets. On they came, marching by . the front, with the bands of the respec tive regiments in front, stepping in perfect order and perfect time. They were greeted - with cheers all along the line of march and in the business quarters of the city it was with difficulty that the enthusiastic crowds could be kept back to the space assigned them. Adjutant General Jones was in command and the line was accompanied by many of the Governor's staff, mounted, and in brilliant uniforms. The Guard marched in brigade order, the First Fourth, Third and Second Regi ments appearing in the order nam ed.. The Governor, with some of his aides, was on the balcony of the Orton House and reviewed the col umn as it passed him. The march was made to the freight depot, on Nutt street, where there was more room for the men than at Front Street depot, where the arms were stackea and a respite from duty was allowed before the time came for the return to camp. V The State Gnard. V. ; The principal item of fnterest at the Sound to-day was the shooting match, -frhich took place' at the Hummocks, under the supervision Infantry; C, Wilmington Light In- fantry, and E, Maxton Rifles, all . of the Second Regiment, furnished the teams.. There was a company prze and an individual prize. The score was as follows : Co. C Tomlinson, 4, 4, 3, 4, 4, 19; Vaun, 5, 4, 5, 2,' 420; Pember ton, 4, 4, 5, 4, 522; Barnes, 4, 4, 0, 5, 4 17; McDuffie, 3, 5, 3, 4, 419 Total 97. Co. B Marlay, 3, 4, 3. 4, 519; McKinnon, 3, 4, 3, 4, 418; Bass, 3,r 4, 3, 4, 2-16; Little, 4, 3, 4, 4, 419; Graham, 2, 3, 2, 4, 213. Total 85. Co. C Toomer, 3, 4, 4, 5, 218- Farrow, 3, 4,-3, 5, 3 18; Holmes, 4, 3, 3, 3, 2 15; Taylor, 3, 5, 5, 3, 4 30; Boat wright, 4, 2, 3, 4, 3 16. To tal 87.. Co. E McKinnon, 2, 2, 4, 4, 416; Sellers, J, 2, 4, 4," 3 16; McBryde, 5, 3, 3, 3, 4 18; Carter, 4, 3, 4, 5, 319; Holland, 4, 3, 4, 4, 217. Total 86. The camp officers for to-day are as ioiiows: Field Officer Lt. Col. Bogart. FIRST REGIMENT. Officer of the Day Capt. C. F. Warren; Officer of the Guard, Lieut. W. J. Burnett. SECOND REGIMENT. Oficer of the Day Capt. Wm. Black; Officer of th Guard, Lieut. J. C. Morrison. THIRD REGIMENT. Officer of the Day Lieut. J. C. Bessent; Officer of the Guard, Lieut. Robt. S. Galloway. FOURTH REGIMENT. Officer of the Day Capt. W. F. Holland; Officer of the Guard, Lieut. T. B. Siegle. Maj. Samuel H. Smith, Quarter master of the Third Regiment, was in camp on the old Wright place. 24 years ago, with Capt. T. J. South erland's company, i - Mr. Jno. S. Harriss had a 85-pound watermelon in camp to-day. - Th First Regiment is the only one that had a ambulance corps in the parade yesterday. One of the officers of the First Regiment lost the chain from his hehnet during the parade yesterday. The finder will please leave it at this office, v Capt. Black, of Co. E, Maxton Guards, Second Regiment, is en titled to the credit of having initia ted the movement for the parade here. He was the first man to take the matter up and urge that action on the part of the companies which succeeded in having the paracfe or dered. A large sea turtle was in camp to day and was vie, wed with much cu" riosity bp those who had never be fore seen. one of the kind.. The health of the men in camp continues very gratifying and all ex press their delight at this fact. There are less complaints than there were in camp at Asheville. The Second was out in regimental drill this morning and they were highly complimented. The Second Regiment moved up to the train at Wrightsville yester day afternoon in single file and in two minutes the men were all on board and reported ready to move. The pavilion and the hotel at the Hummocks are now lighted by gas. As the time draws near to break camp the boys all express regrets that they are to go and many say that they would be willing to stay another ten days. ' - It is generally conceded that the next Encampment will be held at Wrightsville, if the wishes of the officers and men are consulted. It was intended to hold a meeting to day for ratifying the report of the committee appointed yesterday, but it was not considered necessary, as there seems to be a ; unanimous en dorsement of Camp Fender. The troops 'will" break camp on Friday, and leave us on that day. To morrow is the last of the regular encampment. There is to be a tub race at the Hummocks this afternoon between Messrs. C. E. Croom, George Barker and Archie Marines. 1 There were many handsome uni- forms in the parade yesterday after noon but the 'handsomest was ine , , - 1, : dear old gray. Superonty or tins color over the blue was apparent to eyerybody. 1888. NO 155, The Fire This Mornings Fire broke out about 1:30 o'clock this morning: in- Mr. .1. A. Springer's wood yard on .Water street, between Princess and Chest nut. .When discovered it was near the stationary ensrine used in th yard, and soon .spread to piles of wood and shingles, making a great blaze. An alarm was given and the apparatus of the Fire Department was speedly on the ground and checked the progress' of the flames. Four horses and mules that were in a stable exposed l- to the : fire were saved with great difficulty. :he prompt arrival of the firemen un . boubtedly pre vented, an extensive conflagration. As it is ' M r. Spring er's loss will foot up "not less than $800. The engine shed and stables and 30,000 shingles ; were destroyed. The loss is covered bv insurance for $1,600 in the Lancaster, represented here by Messrs. Northrop, Hodges & Taylor, The Begatta To-Morrow. The following boats have entered for the regattaof the Carolina Yacht Club, over! the Club course at Wrightsville, to-morrow: - Hermit, sailed by R. H. Cowan. Sprite, sailed by A. J. Flanner. Little Alice, sailed byS. P. Cowan. Lillian Florence, sailed by H. M Bowden. Rosa, sailed by Wm. L. Srnitli. Phantom, sailed by R. L. Wil: liams. - , ; Ripple, sailed by J. H. Daniel. " Idler, sailed by Pembroke Jones. Mascotte, sailed by Geo. D. Pars ley. "' Peggoty, sailed by Norwood Giles The first gun will be fired at 11 o'clock and the start will be made at 11:30. The Old Vets. . The Ex-Confederates will go down to the Camp this evening and pay their respects to the Governor. Col. W. L. DeRosset will be in command and they will leave on the 5:10 train. Up to 12 o'clock nearly a hundred badges had been sold and it is hoped that therewill be about 200 veterans in the line. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS Lost or Mislaid. A NOTE FOR ONE HUNDRED AND SEV- ENTY-FTVE DOLLARS, signed b? Sol Bear, made payable to and endorsed by Sam Bear. Sr. The public are cautioned against trading for same as payment has been stopped. The finder will be rewarded by returning same to jy 25 It SAM BEAR, SR. Excursion. TJ LADEN STREET M. E. CHURCH WILL give an Excursion on the SYLVAN GEOVE to Carolina Beach, Thursday, July 28th. Re freshments on board and at the Beach, at city prices. y Jy 25 lt CAROLINA BEACH; Steamer Sylvan Grove r7 ILL LEAVE HER WHARF FOR CARO- ff -- - LINA BEACH to-morrow, T XT BSD AT 930 A. M. AND 2:30 P. M. Friday and Saturday " at 9-.30 a. m. and 3:00 p. m. SUNDAY Will leave wharf at 20 p. m. . Jy 25 ursion. TTNITY TENT NO. 60, INDEPENDENT OR IJ der of Rechabltes. will give an Excursion on the elegant Steamer Queen of - St. JOHN'S, on Thursday, July 26th. Music and Refresh ments on board. Fare for round trip Adults 50c; Children and Servants 25c. C. D. Jacobs, c L. Cowies, c. n. Keene, J. T. Sholar, Committee. - - Jy 24 2t Wanted. QQ MACHINE HANDS ' -'Toworkim factory, Apply at once. Jy24 2t A. DAVID. FDR SALE Building Lots In desirable and healthy localities, on Front, Third, Fourth, Fifth. Sixth, Seventh, Wilson, Eighth. Ninth Tentn, jaeventn, Twenm. jmneenm, uick 1: , Princess, cnestnut, JiuiDerry, wainuc ana Harnett streets. Houses and Lots for sale on tne instaUmentplaii. Money ; loaned to those Aljj2sris wnN, ' I Jyl22w - " once 05 D. O'Connor. frc-i 'cur incris en czj r.11 L-t;;c o viiv.r&I Intcrc t, t5 . The nais.5 ci tL j v;rlt:r Li't; Ll:'.': j3 l : nlshei to tt2 LZizr, 5 ' Conunuiiieattons nmst te Trrlttcn czlj 1 : one sidejof the paper. " Personaiitles must be avcucd. ' And it la especially and particularly rr -stood that the Editor does not always er : the views of cxarespondents tnilesa eo t:: la the editorial columns. j - - . - Carolina Geutral Pilrc:.: ' Company. CHANGE OF, SCHEDULE . VESTJJOUND TRAINS. - rfuly 25, 1888." daily ex. iaiivi I"'. Sunday. 7 r Leave Wilmington.......;.. 8tXJan 7 ""i Leave M axton ; n 23am li : 1 Leave Laurtnburg 11 53 a..i z ; ; 1 1 Leave Hamlet 13 50 rm 2 ( a. 1 Arrive Charlotte 3 S3 p ra 1) t, 1 Leave Charlotte 3 42 : Leave Lincolnton... ,v. 5 i;s 1 ... Leave Shelby...-. ... ...... 6 2$ 1 ::i Arrive Itutherfordton. ...... 7 so am y EASTBQUND TRAINS, : - v " - v No. 2. 1,3777 J i July 25, 1888. dolly ex lyc. ;p'''.':--::.' 8unday. Sunday. Leave Ruthcrf ordton ....... 7 40 am ' Leave Shelhy.. 0(am - Leave Lincolnton...:...... 10 C5am Arrive Charlotte. n 39 am Leave Charlotte... . . . . . u 49 am 8 r ra I-eave Hamlet....,.;. 3 00pm H'uzi Leave Laurtnburg...., ..... 3 41 pm 2 4i t:.i Leave Maxton. ; . . 4 03 pm a 1 1 r.:.i Arrive Wilmington. . . y : . 7 30 pm 7 lj c:n - ttiiia xu. i, js, a ana m&Ke Close cor t - ; ; at ilamlet with Trains to and from 1 x uruugu oieeping tjars Detween i 1 ; c 1 1 and Charlotte and Charlotte and Ealci"!u " Take Trait Nw 1 for sttxiirtiio nri v on W. N. c. R. R. and points West. Taa lo.:, rui ovttiuiuouisi ureeuvme, Linens, Aua- : and all points Southwest. Also, for Asnevllie via Spartanburg. ,v V . Local Freight ' Ncs. 5 and A trl-weekly be tween Wilmington and Laurinburg, lcar:r. - iucauijra, xuuiTMiays ana Daiuroays. Local FreightNos. 7 and 8tri-weekly between Laurtnburg and Charlotte. : . iamhu. x reigm ana 10 tn-wocKiy be tween Charlotte and Rutherf ordton. - - - is os. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 do not take passengers. L. C. JONES, Superlntenacr.t. F. ,W. CLARK, Genl Passenger Agcnu Sharpie Katie M. Danicl:; QAPT. I. W. JOHNSON, WILL TAKE TAl:- ties Sailing, TrolUng or". Fishing, parties t.; ken to the Fishing Grounds r outside or up ar. x down the ChanneL Charter parties acca -modated. For terms apply on Board or at ti -HoteV , s ,..- " Jy S3 tr f Steamer Pas3por?c gCHEDULE FOR THIS , WEEK. : EVE11Y day, except Sunday, leaves foot Market Etreet daily, except Tuesday, at 9 o'clock a. m. t. r Southport, the Forts and to Sea, Returnln?, leaves Southport at 3 p. m. A Ten cent Excursion every evenln .g at ft o'clock, except Tuesday. On Tuesday leaves at 6:30 p. m. . - - Jy23it j. n. harfsi;; No. 5. :.4.-7v -: Wilmington Seacoast ff. R. SCHEDULE IN EFFECT JULY S0,'3, AT C A. From Wilmington, From Hi Leave , Leave... Leave . . Leave. . Leave.. ...... 6:00 a. m ....... a. m ...'...10:10 a. m .v....ii"5a.m 2:15 p. m 3:10 p. m ...... 4:10 p. m ...... 5:10 p. m ...... 6:40 p. m ...... 7:55 p,m ....1. 86 P. m ...... 935 p,m 110 p. m Leave;...... 7."ia. i Leave.....'. .10: a. 1 Leave..;,...lli-a. 1 Leave.......l3 45p. : Leave...;... 3:C.p. r Leave....... 4:(ip. r Leave....... 5:( p.: Leave.. ..... f.:.p. 1 Leave....... 7:;,) p. : Leave....,.-. 8:45p. 1 Leave. . . . l y. ) p. j Leave. . : l j-.: ) p. 1 Leave.....t2:L;ja. 1 Leave., Leave.. Leave.. Leave.. lave. . Leave.. .,J. H. CHADBOURN, JR., July fO tf - ..General 2ian2cr. $25.00 Bewcrci. OSTAIAMOND FROM A ETftQ v, C .' ; ing 2jtf. Carats. The above reward will fcy r : for the recovery of the same. Lost tct.. the Postofflce and Market and sixth struts. S. H. FISUliLATL", Jy 20 tf - . North Front t:r;:t. piiolin Piece. p ECEIVED3Y EXPRESS .. 1,000Muslin Flags on Stic' . ALSO, BY. STEAMER 1,000 Chinese and Japnc Lanterns.. Please send in your orders, one and all, supply yourselves in nme com HEINSBEKGER'S. Visitors and Stranger: ARE RESPECTFULLY INVITED TO CM. -AT HEINSBERGERT -' Live Book and Music Store. J7 20 - . , howell & cm::::: - V -